Raising vibrations with DeeVenom1!


This episode is all about paying it forward!!!!

Broadcast on:
23 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

[RECORDED YESTERDAY NIGHT] In this episode. That I recorded yesterday night at the park but was too tired to upload once I made it home. It's about how blessed I truly am. Even with no money in my bank account or on hand! I'm still blessed, and I was even able to bless someone else who was in need! That's what it's all about! "PAYING IT FORWARD!" Please listen and allow this episode to RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONS! Thanks in advance and namaste.
[music] Hey, you guys. I am Dean Benham, and please allow me to raise your vibrations. [music] Happy end of the weekend, you guys. I hope your weekend went accordingly as planned. I also hope that you all stayed on the straight and narrow and did not do anything to lower and/or jeopardize one's vibrations. With that being said, it's going to be a quick episode tonight, because I have things to do including go to work tomorrow. So, let's dive right into it, you guys. [music] Alright, as I said, happy end of the weekend. It is Sunday, and most of us have to get our asses up and go to work tomorrow. And that includes me. You know, I'm happy to be back in the work field, and I'm happy to be doing something with myself, aside from drugs and things of that particular nature. So, it feels good. This is not...excuse me. This is not going to be a long episode. It's going to be quick. And I just want to shoot content just saying to the world that I am truly blessed. And I don't even have a lot of money at this particular point. I am completely flat-ass broke. I have about maybe $7 or $8 worth of change. And I have maybe $5.66 in my bank accounts. And that's it. I'm tapped. I went to the dispensary, but before I called them, I wanted to know how many points I had accumulated with him. And did I need to purchase anything in order for me to utilize those points? Come to find out I didn't have to purchase anything. Thank God. All I had to do was just go in there and see how many points I had towards something. And I got me a nice half-gram cart, 90-something THC. And I've had this lemon pound cake. I've had this...I've had it before in lemon pound cake and no joke. So by being a half-gram, I have to smoke it like I have some damn sense in order for it to survive and last. But aside from that, I didn't have to come off any money. But there was a young man that was in the dispensary and I felt so bad for him because... I mean, shit like this unfortunately happens. Especially when it comes to the bank liking and freezing up your cars for no apparent reason and whatever else. And he went to take out cash from the ATM and to use one machine and it denied him. So he went and tried another machine and it denied him. And he asked someone in the dispensary, you know, "Hey, can I give you...can I see you a hundred dollars or something to that particular nature?" Either way it goes, he was going to send them a hundred dollars and they dispense it back to him. So he can get his product from the dispensary. But that person was like, "No, they didn't want to get involved." And eventually they asked a couple, I think maybe...did they ask another person? I'm not sure. But I do know that I stepped in, you know, because I felt bad for him. And I'm just like, "You know, what do you want done? How did this work?" So they were explaining to me how they would send me the money, cash shopping or whatever else the case may be. But if they were the cash shopping, you know, they would have to go through my bank and it would just would be a lot to go through. And a lot of people just didn't want to get involved for that simple fact. It would be a little bit to go through. And some people probably thought it was shady, you know, because it's just like, "Well, if your card is locked from the bank..." Because this is what the young man said his card was locked and I believe him, you know, because my card was locked, you know, and I didn't realize it. And, you know, they were like, "Their card is locked." And what they would do was send me the money via cash app. And then I would have to send it to my bank, you know, all this type of shit. I'm not saying that it sounded shady because it didn't sound shady, but it's just the fact that, you know, I mean, time-wise, I really...I did have the time, but I didn't. If it was something simplified, I probably would have helped him out. You know, like I told him, if I had the money, I would definitely help you out because, you know, he had came that far is... Excuse me, he came that far in regard to going to the dispensary and picking out products, you know, well, shit before picking out products, sending in that damn line and, you know, waiting. And then from there, picking out products, and, you know, you come to find out you can't get it. And that sucks, so that's why my heart, you know, I just felt bad. So anyway, there was nothing I could really do, and I could tell that, under look on his face, he was just so discouraged. And we both left, and I came up to a stoplight, and there was a man with his dog. And the dog barked at me and stuff like that, not in a bad way, but, you know, it was just me at the stoplight. And it was almost like the dog was saying hi. I didn't read the guy's... I don't want to say note or letter or whatever, you know how homeless people usually have a board or whatever that states why they're pretty much collecting money or soliciting. And I didn't read it or anything like that. I don't know if the dog was in either food or what, but I instantly went in all that change that I had because... I forgot to tell you guys that. I forgot to tip the young lady at the dispensary. Anyway, I forgot to tip her because I had left the change in my car because I was still in a brush to get into the dispensary. But anyway, after tipping her and trying to help the young man, I left. That's when I was seeing a guy with his dog at the stoplight. And, you know, he smiled at me and everything. And the dog barked and yeah, I just thought that, you know, it was just nice. And I instantly reached in my little change thing, knowing that this is all the money that I pretty much happened to. I accumulate a paycheck from my new job. I just grabbed... I don't even... excuse me. My throat is dry. I'm sorry, you guys. And I don't have anything to drink. I don't even know how much money I grabbed to give this man. I just know that I grabbed a fist full of money and I have huge hands. So I probably gave him about five dollars or maybe three. I don't know. Somewhere it was five dollars or less of my change. And this is all I have just to survive on until otherwise. But I didn't think anything about it. And he said all he needed was four dollars for something. And I can't think of what he said, but he was just like, thank you so much. And, you know, he just thanked me. He was very grateful. And my heart was elevated. I felt good. I was happy. And I took a little ride. And I was listening to where is it? Because I have to share this with you guys. I'm always sharing something with y'all. And I have to share this ASMR video with you guys because this girl was fucking up that damn chicken. I don't know what it is with Asian chicken versus American chicken. Y'all chicken be so crispy. I know y'all use pain cover. What the fuck else do y'all be using? Because that, I mean, and then aside from that, she had good ass speakers. I mean, I speakers, but a good ass microphone. So it really picked up on those crunches and oh my God. I haven't eaten chicken like that. You know, in a while. I mean, I dip here and there in regard to chicken, but I heard so much about it that I kind of lean back from it. But the way that she was eating this chicken and the way that it looks and the way that it sounds, I'm just like, damn, I need some crispy ass chicken in my life. But anyway, hopefully you guys have paper and pencil. And the name of the video, courtesy of YouTube, is called ASMR Crispy Fried Chicken, Pona P-O-N-A PAM. Again, ASMR Crispy Fried Chicken, Pona PAM. Let me tell y'all something. I was riding around with my windows down and listening to that extra loud. Okay. All the way max. And I would purposely get my ass in the middle lane just so people can hear what I was listening to and take it. You know, some people wrote that they windows. Some people let they windows down. Some people, you know, kept alongside with me so they can listen to it. I allege. But I was cracking up on some of those crunches and then she, you know how you get a piece of chicken and you hold it in your mouth and you just, letting it just melt in your mouth and you suck it off the bone type of scenario. The chicken is so motherfucking crispy. When she did that, it sounded like static. You know what I'm saying? Because it's funny to me. I don't know about anybody else, but it's funny to me. So that's why I shared it with you guys because I know there's the ASMR community out there that absolutely loves all versions of ASMR. Regardless if it's chewing gum, eating food, eating something crispy. I love a crispy ASMR video where there is raw vegetables, pore skins, chips. If it's crispy, I'm in forage. What is that? Sline. I mean, there's just all sorts of ASMR out there that people can enjoy. And yeah, yeah. So if you guys happen to ride around with that. If you guys happen to ride around listening to that particular ASMR video that I just shared with you guys, let me know and comment. And yeah, it's funny to me. But those were my blessings for today, you guys. I tried to help the young man at the dispensary. And though I could have, you know, I just kind of leaned back from it, you know. And I helped the guy, I helped him out with his dog. And I feel so, so good. I'm so elevated and I'm ready to go home, make some food so that I can have. And get prepared for bed. I have to get up early in the morning. Tomorrow is court recall. I got pulled over January 18th of 2000 this year for driving under the influence of methamphetamine. Did I ever tell you guys that story? Oh my God. Yeah, I was working at the casino and blah, blah, blah. If I did, I wish I was sure I did tell you guys that story. Yeah, I have to, I'm still going to court for that. And I'm almost done. I have one foot in the door and one foot out in regard to achieving my driver's license back. I have one more class to attend. And I think this is the judge that is calling me because they called me a couple of days ago and left the message because I missed the phone call. And it sounds just like the judge. And she was saying, like, you know, you have one more class to attend, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You got to get to get to. And if I need help getting that accomplished, then, you know, let them know. Yes, I need help getting that accomplished. I am broke and I have no motherfucking money. And yeah, so I want to see what the courts are going. I'm not going to let them know that I have a job. I'm just going to let them know that I'm broke. And I heard on that message that if it's something that the courts can do in regard to me taking this course and whatever else, then let that be the reason. And if y'all are willing to pay for that, which I'm not sure if the courts are willing to do that or not, then hey, I'm willing to go through the classes and get it over and done with. And just give me my license back. That's all I want. And I think I will have accomplished a lot. But yeah, I am so blessed you guys. And I don't really have a lot. Don't get me wrong. I have my vehicle. I have my life. I have source. I have you guys. I have my family. I have one or two or three good friends. And I have me. I'm no longer doing methamphetamine. My life has kicked up in tremendous ways. I'm about to obtain my license back. I have a roof over my head. I have food. I have more than enough food in my stomach. What more could I possibly want? You know, I have to be grateful for the things that I have right now. And when I tell you that I am truly grateful for the things that I have in my life at this moment right now, I truly, truly, truly am. And I want the universe, source, the ancestors and anyone else that's on my side right now helping D Venom out in any particular way. Whether that is spiritually or, or the non, I appreciate you entities. I really, really, really do. And so anyway, you guys, I have to get things together. It's already 703 here in Arizona. And once again, my Arizonans, thank you guys very, very much for downloading my episodes. There was something I was going to share with you guys in regard to a Mark Davis. I'm not sure if any of you guys are familiar with this particular person, but they own a company called Chief Building Services. Do not work for this particular individual. I hate to put him on blast, but he cheated me out of money. And he cheated a lot of people out of money according to the labor departments. And I tried to go through court and everything like that to obtain my money. And I did everything the week away and the legal way can only do so much, which is fucked up. You got people out here working for this motherfucker and they are putting labor and whatever else into the situation. And he's not paying anybody, you know, and he knows that he can get away with this. That's why he's, I'm not sure if he's continuing to do this, but, you know, he has been, and I'm pretty sure he still is. And I don't like shit like that. And I am asking the universe right now, if you already haven't put karma on him, put it on him because this is not right. I could use that money that I worked for in order to get my license back or put on a bill or whatever. It's my money. And the fact that I got a bill collectors hitting me up and shit, it's just like damn, you know, I mean, everybody got their hand out for motherfucker money. My hand's been out for my motherfucker money and I haven't received my shit yet. So, I mean, I hate to put them on hold, but y'all motherfuckers are going to have to wait just like, you know, I've been waiting and obviously nothing's going to happen. I'm not going to get any funds and that's jacked up. And even a worker that I was working alongside with told me that they have money issues with this company. Sometimes people get paid late and all of that type of shit, but they felt obligated to work there because they have a child or children. And to me, that's a bunch of bull because this is Arizona. Arizona has plenty of motherfucking jobs and especially cleaning and janitorial jobs. I'll probably tell you guys the story in regard to when I was working for Mark, I believe, is M Davis. And yeah, if that's not the correct name, which I know that it is Mark M Davis, I do believe, that owns Chief Building Services here in Arizona. Beware of this particular individual and do not work for them. Anyway, unless they got this shit together, which I highly, highly doubt. But like I said, I hate to put them on blast, but I've been waiting a long time for my money and I have not received anything. And then they sent me a check and I deposited the motherfucker and come to find out it bounced. So I don't know if I had to owe the bank back money, which I don't think so, but something occurred and I'm just like, this is really messed up. You know, I thought that I had 230 something dollars that I earned and this is a bounce fucking check. Yeah, I don't like people like that. So universe, again, if you have not given this person their karma, please do. I was working for a fuck, I might go, shit, I'm probably we're going to the story real quick, but I was working for a Chinese restaurant. But what is it? Not egg rolls, spring roll. Oh my god. Anyway, it's meant for me not to go into the story tonight because I can't even remember sushi. I believe it was sushi. Yeah, it was centered around sushi. Something sushi something. Anyway, she's building services is like a maintenance service that hires people to clean up for various different organizations, restaurants and stuff like that. And I was entitled to clean for something sushi something. I can't think of it, but I heard that it was difficult to work for Asians and I hate to say that, but this is what I heard. And now that I have worked for some of them and quit on the ask, I see that at least these set of Asians. It was a little difficult. Now, I understand there's a language barrier, but one day, one day, one day, the owner and someone else, it was a male and a female, they had some entitlement to the restaurant because they came while I was cleaning after hours. And obviously the female was watching me clean and I guess I wasn't on my knees enough. So when she came at me, she was like on your knees. And I'm looking at her like, all my needs to do what each of us here do. I mean, you're not telling me nothing. And even if that was the case, I'm not going to do that because I don't like Gucci like that. But, you know, I mean, I just understand what she was coming from. So basically, she went in a little further and said, all my needs to get crumbs underneath different stations that they had set up in that damn kitchen. Baby, that was it for me. I'm just like, no, because I mean, not that I had a problem getting the crumbs underneath the tables and all that, but it was just the way that she came at me language barrier or not. And the way they have a lot of stuff under there. So it's just like, are you talking about under the stove? Are you talking about under this? I mean, it's just like there's a lot of crumbs to pick up. I mean, they use pankos for every motherfucking thing pretty much. So it's a lot of that damn shit to pick up. And I wasn't doing it. But yeah, so anyway, he and I had some words about some things. And I was just telling him, you know, you need to be trying to get on these people for talking to your employers like trash, telling me to get on my knees. And, you know, I don't like stuff like that, but I don't like him. So whatever. But as I said, I believe his name is Mark M. Davis. He's a melanin. And do not work for him. Please don't. You know, unless he's gotten his stuff together or been arrested or whatever, he need to be arrested because the Labor Department wouldn't tell me how many people that he stooped out of their money. But it was from the sounds of it quite a bit of people. So yeah, I have to put the warning out there. Anyway, you guys, I am going to end this content. Oh, 2233 was the time of the recording when I looked down at my phone. But I'm going to end this. And no, that was my phone giving me a message alert. Or no, I think it was the temperature. Either way ago, that was my phone chiming in. All right, you guys, I'm going to end this content and get home, but I just wanted to share how blessed I am with the world because I am. And as I said, I don't have much, but I have much and what little bit of money that I do have, which isn't definitely not much. I was still able to help someone out. And I believe that was God in one of his beautiful, beautiful animals testing me. And I passed that test and I feel good. So with that being said, you guys, y'all have a beautiful, beautiful and blessed evening, day or night, day evening and/or night. And I will see you guys on my next upload. All right, namaste and I'm out. And before I go, not just I am blessed. We are all blessed. Now I'm truly out. (upbeat music) (electronic music)