Raising vibrations with DeeVenom1!


I share a strange encounter that occurred while preparing for the episode! Though I failed some of this life test. I’m glad that I went through with it because through someone else. Once again, I can definitely see myself in the reflecting mirrors!

Broadcast on:
20 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

I need to clarify something real quick. I made the mistake of saying that I was heading home when I saw this vehicle leaving an apartment complex. I should've said that, I was heading back to the park! Anyway, something very gōsh happened to me while at the park! I was (DEFINITELY) approached, and how did I go about it? "DOWNLOAD AND FIND OUT! I also share a huge blessing with you all that I'll be fulfilling later on this morning. Which means I better get some sleep! Y'all, please download, listen, and namaste!
(upbeat music) What is going on all of my people of the planet? I am Dean Venom and please allow me to raise those vibrations. I hope all is well with all of my people of the planet and I hope that you guys are staying on the straight and narrow and not doing anything too lower and/or jeopardize one's vibration. (upbeat music) With that being said, we have a bit of a mouthful to talk about tonight, so let's dive right into it. All right you guys, something really crazy just happened to me not that long ago. Now, aside from me breaking my headphones, which I was very upset about while I was at the park, getting ready to do an episode for you guys, I ended up going to Walmart to get another pair and on my way back home, I noticed this car getting ready to pull out of the driveway of an apartment complex. Anyway, I am minding my own business. I pulled into the park. I find the spot so that I can record my episode. All of a sudden this car pulls up next to me and they're talking to me, and my windows are up so I can't really hear what they're saying. So I brought my windows down and I'm like, yeah. And it's not a bad looking guy that was talking to me. He was from a different country and basically, I mean, I thought I was a Scorpio and I thought that when I get sexual, I'm bold and whatever the case may be, this motherfucker was audacious and was just like, basically, do I wanna have sex? And I'm like, okay, let me play with this for a little bit in regard to just the whole scenario. So I'm like, yeah, and I'm like, yeah. So anyway, the person gets out of their vehicle and they say they have to use the bathroom. So I get out of my vehicle and I close the door and everything, have my windows up, like the car doors. And after they got done with the bathroom, they came over, stood next to me. We're talking, we exchanged phone numbers and just loudly gagging back and forth. So I tested him even more and I'm just like, so you have any, basically any drugs. Now that I'm looking because I have a blessing that I have to partake in tomorrow and I will tell you guys about that here shortly. But anyway, I'm like, you have any methamphetamine and he was like, no, blah, blah, blah. Do you basically do I? No, I sure don't. And I'm like, what else do you like? And he was like, Coke and a whole bunch of other different things. And I'm like, okay. And so I didn't think that he was on any drugs, but it was just the way that he was acting. It just made me think, okay, this motherfucker is on something. So I just kept playing the role. And anyway, we eventually got in my car for a second and he buttoned his pants and everything. Took off his shirt, got comfortable. And what he told me was 12 inches ended up being like maybe five and a half six at the most. And I'm playing with it. And don't get me wrong, I did what I did. And it was just weird. There was a car that I didn't realize that pulled up because I was messing around with him. And when I realized the car was there, I'm just like, wait a minute, hold up. And so I discontinued the activities. And they were like, well, let me go see what's going on, blah, blah, blah. And I thought that was kind of weird. It's just like, well, why would you want to get out the car to walk over there to, I guess, be nosy. And anyway, they got out of my vehicle, walked over to the car and the car ended up like leaving. And I'm like, okay. So they came back to my car, but not right away. They walked around for a minute, then they came back to my car. And so I'm like, what was that all about? And they were like, basically the car was waiting for, allegedly the car was waiting for someone to come, which I knew that wasn't the case. And anyway, I decided let's go back to my apartment and thank God we didn't. And anyway, I said that I had a roommate and my roommate was gone so we can probably go there for a little while, but I'm still watching their behavior and something is telling me, you know, don't even bother to do that because you're gonna find out the truth here real soon. So anyway, long story short, we ended up leaving the park because I felt uncomfortable being here and we ended up going across the street to this gas station/business type of ordeal. So we're over there and, you know, I get out of my vehicle and I get in the back seat of their vehicle. We both have tinted windows, whatever. So we get in the back seat of their vehicle. They leave the car on with their, with the yellow lights, and I forgot what you call those at the moment, but they, with the yellow lights. And I'm like, are you gonna turn those off because that's gonna cause, you know, some attraction and whatever, I mean, some attention or whatever else the case may be. I know it was hot, but damn. So anyway, they turned that off and, you know, we continued to fun for a little bit. And so they kept sniffling and shit. And I'm just like, why the fuck are they doing this constantly? And so I'm like, did you do any drugs? And they were like, you know, yeah, they did some coke. And I'm like, how much coke did you do? And I forgot what they said because of their accent. And I'm just like, this motherfucker thing, I'm gonna be doing whatever all motherfucking night while they high on coke and whatever else the case may be. And before we went to across the street or whatever, there was another car that pulled up and be wearing my car at this time. So then they get out of my car and go walking over to the car that had pulled up. And I'm like, why are they constantly doing this? And so that car ended up speeding off. I mean, it was like, they were scared. And I'm just like, okay, something's not right about this. And so that's when we went across the street. Now, I could have ended it at any point, but I still wanted to test the waters, you know, because I just knew something wasn't right. And, you know, I just wanted to know what was up. Anyway, we continued to fund across the street while it wasn't fun, but we continued the activities across the street. And that's when I asked them, you know, what drugs did they do? They told me it was coke. And I'm just like, okay, we're not going to be doing this all night type scenario because I already know what this is all about now. This is a drug-induced sexual type of scenario. And you are, it was a mirror. And I'm glad that I kept going as far as I did because the universe source will test you. And this was the testimony, one, to see if I would do methamphetamine or not. Two, to see if, I mean, it was just a fucking test. That's just the bottom line. And I failed it, but I didn't. The fact that I could have just ended it right then and there, when I, I only knew the motherfucker was on something, but I just kept diving into it. And I should have just ended it a long time ago when I, when he first asked me if I wanted to basically have sex. But, you know, I did it anyway. But I'm glad I did because this whole situation, once again, was the universe and source using a human being as a mirror, a reflection of me, when I was out there fucked up and high on drugs and looking for sex and shit. And I can just imagine me pulling up to motherfuckers, working them, no different than what this dude did to me. He worked me. And it was just disgusting to me. And I felt a particular way about it. And though I should have ended it a long time ago, the person after, you know, messing around for a little bit. And I'm just like, you know, it's hot, whatever else. And I got shit to do. And they was receiving multiple phone calls from whom ever. I don't know, didn't give a damn. And then they got out of the vehicle. Well, for one, before we got in his vehicle, he was out there pissing pretty much in broad daylight, not broad daylight, but just in the open. And I'm like, you wanna get caught up for a decent exposure because this is America and, you know, you, you, pen and you don't give a fuck what cars is going by and who's going in and out of this business type scenario. Well, I didn't give a fuck either because I took my ass over there to go fuck with him. I'm accountable, I'm holding myself accountable, you guys. And so anyway, they get out of the car, no shirt on. They went walking around the corner of this building. And I'm like, you know what, I don't wanna deal with this. And I got in my vehicle and I got ready to take off. So that's when they came back around and was like, basically, where am I going? I'm not gonna sit here and I'm not gonna deal with you. And I'm not gonna deal with this situation. You're drugged up and you are looking for someone to please you and do this for whoever knows how long. And it just reminded me of me. And yeah, for one, thank you, Jesus, that I'm practicing semen retention, though that could have went far left, had I gone any further with this particular individual. I'm thankful that I'm just thankful that all of this happened, regardless of what I did, my partaking it, none of that. I'm just glad it happened because it opened my eyes up to a lot of shit, including the fact that this is not what the fuck I want. In regard to having sex with random individuals and drug and do sex and all of that type of shit, it's just not what the fuck I want in my life. So I'm glad this person noticed me. Hey, thank you for noticing me. I mean, shit, damn. And the fact that they pulled up to me and worked me or whatever. I mean, I'm at a particular age and I can still get it, you know, I done told you all some stories. So I can still get it in regard to dick, but it's just like, damn, the way that they seen me and real didn't know me and worked me. It should have scared me. That's what a shit it did because I should have been like, what the fuck you trying to give me type scenario. And, you know, but I didn't. I just went along with it and come to find out if the person was drug-induced on coke. I'm pretty sure coke was not the only thing that they were drug-induced on. I'm pretty sure that they were drug-induced on a lot of other shit. But all in all, I ended it. And here I am with you guys. So the person ended up coming back to the park because I've seen that they had text me and I replied to it, which I shouldn't have, but I replied to it. And before I knew it, they ended up coming back to the park and they parked next to me. And at this point, I had started creating an episode for you guys. And I'm like, I'm busy, you know, I'm working, whatever else the case may be, I don't have time. So they were like, okay, blah, blah, blah. You know, I'll basically get up with me some other time. But prior to that, when they first met me, we were talking and I asked them, what were they doing at that apartment complex? And they said they were dropping off a friend or whatever the case may be. And I guess something went south with them and that left them back on the prowl. Oh my goodness, I'm so glad I am not doing meth and fedamine. August 24, 2024 was the last, and I'm speculating this. It could have been earlier than August 24, 2024, or it could have been a little later. But it was somewhere around that time, I stopped doing meth and fedamine. I just said August 24, I mean, yeah, August. I just said August 24, because that was, like I said, around the time that I did stop using meth and fedamine. So that's my date right there, August 24. I'm just glad that I haven't touched it and don't want to, especially after seeing this tonight. It's just like, oh my God. Now if I was on meth and fedamine, I would have been sliving me in the eyeball night, probably would have brought them back to my place since summer, every motherfucking thing else. And I'm just glad it did not go there. I just, man, I don't know why I shared that with y'all, but I just felt the need to do that because it's not about what I did, it's not about what that person did, it's about what the universe and what source did in order for me to see my own self in this particular situation. And trust me, I see myself. So this is why I am sharing it with the world. I'm not embarrassed about this at all. Things happened for its own various reasons. This was a test. And it was a good-ass test. I passed some of it and I didn't. But aside from these particular tests, I did pass and got my food handlers card because I have to report to work tomorrow. Yes, you guys, I have a job and I want to foreshadow some things with you all while I have you here. Anyway, get out of paper and pencil because I want y'all to write down some shit. Now, what I want y'all to write down is the name of this meditation song. Now, recall on the episode where I said we park away from holes. When I was talking about my car misting an eye parking away from other vehicles, I told y'all that I drive around listening to a meditation song or ambient noise or ambient song. And it centers around serpents or the hisses of snakes. Anyway, I found it and I want y'all to check it out. It is called serpent's temple. Adventure ambience. One hour, the number sign, D-N-D. And it's uploaded by Michael Heffley G-H-E-L-F-I Studios. Michael Heffley Studios. Anyway, I checked out the rest of his particular website and his music isn't bad at all, you guys. So I suggest checking out the rest of his music and you may end up liking it. But I absolutely love this serpent meditation song. And I love the fact that all of the hisses are different pitches, different lengths, and they come in at different times. They overlap. I love it. So if you guys want your vehicle to be stuck up and missing Tropic is mine, then right around with this particular meditation song, extra loud, and let other cars know that this car is dangerous and she will attack if y'all get a little bit too motherfucking close. Okay, now back to the job situation. My people of addiction, I am not sharing this particular link with you guys. So y'all can abuse the simple fact that they don't drug test. But, just because this company does not drug test, does not mean the company that you're working for to possibly get hired in, won't. Now, I'm in between two jobs or I'm in between choosing, how can I say it? I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Now, the job shadow that I went to last Sunday, everything went fine. I called to follow up on that and the head supervisor of the kitchen told me that they didn't get any complaints about my performance and they got good reviews. And this job pays 18, 47 an hour if I'm not mistaken. Pretty good money pays every two weeks. They have other candidates that they have to choose from. So I'm still waiting for them to make a decision. My ex-co-worker that I used to work with at the hotel, foreshadow a link with me and told me that they went through this particular company and ended up getting a job pretty much right away doing something that they love, obviously because they put in their two weeks at the hotel so they can get the fuck up out of there. And I hit them up in regard to my situation and they were prompt about getting back to me, which was the following day, excuse me. Now, the company is based out of, "Oh, I can't remember right now." They're not in Arizona, they're somewhere else, but they have ties to Arizona and probably different other states and towns or whatever as well. Anyway, I foreshadowed what I was looking for in regard to a job and they also had some job listings on their website. None of your business at this point where I will be working at. Just know that it involves districts and I will be in the kitchen area of this particular organization and I'll be getting paid 16 bucks an hour compared to the 18 something an hour, but I will be getting paid every week, which is a blessing because most jobs don't pay every week, they're by weekly. So anyway, I start this particular job tomorrow. I could have started yesterday, but I wanted some time to get myself before I started, which I need to hurry up with this episode so that I can get home, make some type of lunch for tomorrow and get some rest because I have to be up extra early tomorrow considering I start at seven o'clock AM and get off at roughly two o'clock. Anyway, the people are very friendly, very nice, and as I'm going through the paperwork and everything, I did see a drug screening on there a few times, but there were some things that were lacking in regard to where I'm supposed to go, who I'm supposed to meet with. Is there a time she blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, because the hiring process and all of that stuff is done via over the phone and the internet. And so a lot of things are electronically signed when it comes to this company. And that's fine. I got through all of that. I had a lot of documents to sign, including the W9 or whatever that shit is, W4 or whatever, direct deposit. I mean, I have some shit to fill in, but I got it done considering the fact that one needs employment right away. And yeah, I decided I'm gonna go with it and just take this job for now. If the other job does call me, I'm probably gonna have to turn it down because considering the fact that by the time I do another interview with them and go through the hiring process, fill out their paperwork, et cetera, et cetera, and start work, which could be this week or next week. I'm looking for a paycheck to come a little after October sometime. And I'm needing a check sometime soon. You know what I mean? So by this particular place, paying every week. It's just more beneficial considering my circumstances. Anyway, I asked a couple of questions, including the fact that I didn't see anything about a drug screening. So when he told me, oh, we don't drug test, I'm like, damn, I could've been doing all type of motherfucking methamphetamine and shit, but I'm glad that I have not. I'm glad that I have not. And those with methamphetamine. Try you guys. I was eating broccoli and shit. Oh, I had a salad before I left. So I have bits and pieces of that salad still left in my... Well, bits and pieces of the broccoli and cauliflower still stuck in my mouth, but got it. But anyway, sorry, I was just throwing that piece of broccoli that I had in my mouth out the window. But anyway, I was shocked that they don't drug test, but that doesn't mean the corporation that I am working for to possibly get hired in, 'cause this is temporary. This is a temp plate. So it's temp to hire in. So I have 750 hours that I have to complete in order for them to consider hiring me into this particular corporation. And I'm going to complete those 750 motherfucking hours, 'cause I want to be hired in to this place so that I can receive their benefits and whatever else the case may be. Anyway, the link to the place. And again, I am not giving you guys this information so that y'all can continue doing drugs and possibly get a job through this company because y'all know that they don't drug test. 'Cause like I said, just because they don't do it now doesn't mean that they won't implement that in the long run. Anyway, it is H-T-T-P-S. The two dots that look like eyeballs. Not the winking eyeballs, but just the regular eyeballs. Us. Damn, I forgot what you call these things. The slash slash forward slash. Okay, so H-T-T-P-S. The two dots that look like eyeballs, forward slash, forward slash forward slash. These people can help you get a job. And like I said, they don't drug test, but doesn't mean the place that you're working to get hired. You're working to get hired and won't. But I suggest giving these people a chance if you are a struggling addict and you're trying to get your shit together and you really do need some employment. Better yet, if you are just a regular individual out there that needs some employment to make ends meet, give these people a try. They had connections here in Arizona and I left a message with that connect and they called me back the next day and they got me a job right, I mean right then and there and I appreciate this. And I said I was going to have a job before the end of this month and I landed one. Now will I be here for a while? I'm hoping so because I don't want to transition and do all of that shit. I want longevity when it comes to a job. So hopefully I will be here for some time to come. But we'll see $16 an hour you guys every week. So let me see here, I'm going through my notes. I told you all about the 750 hours that I had to complete. Okay, I'm pretty much done here. But yeah, I mean the $18.40 compared to the $16 in no sense. It's a significant increase in regard to hourly wage. But the bigger question is just because they pay more, does that mean I am going to be happy at that particular place of employment versus where I will be starting tomorrow? All in all, I will let you guys know how work went, and go from there. I am so happy, I'm super happy. Thank you universe, thank you source. Also, thank you for that crazy test that happened earlier with that dude. And yeah, so I'm going to be happy with that dude. And yeah, so I'm going to end this episode you guys. And I want you all to have a blessed morning, evening, and/or night wherever you all may reside. I am going to go home, cook a little something and get ready for bed so that I can get up and be prompt for tomorrow morning. All right. And with that being said, I am the venom. And I am out. Namaste. Y'all better not think of lessening 'cause I told y'all that damn story. 10-10, it is 10-10, you guys. As I was saying, y'all better not think lessening 'cause I told y'all that damn story. But I told y'all plenty of stories, and dude, trust me, my stories get more rashes than what I told y'all as of tonight. Anyway, out. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)