Raising vibrations with DeeVenom1!


To wrap it all up in nutshell. ”I CAN’T STAND THIS CERTAIN SOMETHING!” But in order to find out what I’m speaking of. You’ll have to download and listen! Thanks in advance for your support and namaste!

Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

[RECORDED YESTERDAY] In this episode. I spoke to you all about something that I absolutely can't stand! It's mean, heartless, an attacker, rude, and it's brutal. And it's even taken out some of the very people that I love. Then I speak about me and these cravings for meth. Which has really been getting to me these past few days. Though difficult, I'm learning to channel that energy into something else. And that's what counts at the end of the day. Anyway, please download and listen. Take care always and namaste.
[music] What is going on all of my people at the planet? I hope all is well with you and yours. I am deep in own and please allow me to raise your vibrations. [music] I will explain this at music here momentarily. But in the meanwhile, I hope that all of my people at the universe are staying on that straight and narrow and not doing anything to jeopardize and/or lower of one's vibrations. And with that being said, let's get into tonight's episodes starting now. [music] All right, my people at the planet, I do apologize for the Molicali music. But as I said, I will explain that here momentarily. In the meanwhile, as I always state, I hope that everyone is staying on the straight and narrow and not doing anything to lower and/or jeopardize one's vibrations. Okay, I have a lot on my mind, so if I pause briefly here and there, it's because I'm in thinking mode. But aside from not liking too many people, there's one thing that I absolutely hate and that is cancer. I hate it, it gets on my nerves, I wish it never existed, and unfortunately it's taking a lot of good people out and it needs to stop. And I'm sure it can't stop. But when you don't have the money to invest in the proper medications to, you know, make things in, then you're on the shitty end of things, if you know what I mean. Take for instance, Magic Johnson, no disrespect towards him, but he has HIV/AIDS and he has had it for a long time now. And most people in his situation whom find out that they have HIV/AIDS usually pass away within months, days, weeks, years after finding out. And he's been pretty healthy and around for quite some time. And it makes you wonder, what the fuck is he taking that's keeping him so healthy and keeping him around for so long when so many other people have passed away. And, you know, pretty much deteriorated due to HIV, but he's still healthy. It just makes you wonder, but anyway, I'm not sure what cancer she had. I just know that she was a smoker of cigarettes and it's been speculated that cigarettes is the cause of her cancer. I received or my phone received a text from my mother, a little after 5 a.m. because from my understanding this person passed away at 5 a.m. mid-western time. I then received a phone call a couple hours later from my mother and I was just waking up and she asked me if I received the text message that she sent to me earlier. And I explained to her, no, I was extremely tired last night and I ended up just dosing up to sleep. And I didn't receive any text message, so she went on further to tell me that, you know, my godmother had passed away due to her fight with cancer. My mom and my godmother were good, good, good friends during their years. They were high school friends. I do believe they were friends before that. My grandmother and my godmother's mother were good friends. So it was a gang of them that were good friends at that particular time that all grew up with each other. And unfortunately, life tested my mother and my godmother's friendship and they fell out for a while. And it was before she thought that she had cancer. They got back on in regards to their friendship. And shortly thereafter, she learned that she has been living with cancer and it was like stage three or four at that particular time. But she was deep in it and unfortunately, I thought she would be around to listen to. I got a chance to make it home to see her. But the biggest thing is I was able to talk to her on the phone while she still, you know, had her right mind and was still talking and stuff like that. And I got a chance to connect with her that way. Anyway, I did learn that before she passed away, she reunited with her mother who already passed away. And she was conversing with her. And I like hearing stories like that when people that are pretty much under death that are reunited with the ancestors and the people that passed away before them. And it just makes me think a lot differently when it comes to death. I know towards the end of it, my godmother was very disgusted with a lot of people in her life. And I don't blame her because a lot of these people grew up with her, you know, and party with her, not in that type of way. But, you know, my grandmother, you saw always have parties and stuff. And they were always there. Took pictures with her. Some of them probably even wanted her in regard to the man because she wasn't a bad looking woman. Just a lot, you know what I mean? And I'm pretty sure she built misanthropic ways due to the fact that some people knew that she was on her deathbed. But instead of them taking the time out to come and see her, to at least say hi, or, you know, hope August well or start to hear that you have cancer, they were too busy wrapped up in their own world. And to be quite frank with you guys, the only thing of importance that they were doing was drugs and drinking alcohol and shit like that. That was more important than taking the time out to go and see an alleged friend. Someone that I grew up with and kicked it with and took pictures with and we drank alongside with each other and their boyfriend was my good friend and blah, blah, blah. You know, people really do show their true colors during adversity. And that bothers me. It makes me look at human beings, I already can't stand them all the fuckers as it is. But to do someone like that while they're on their deathbed and especially when you know them, you grew up with them. You've done things alongside with them and to ignore their cause because what you're doing is so much more important, drugs and drinking and all of that stuff, the Matrix is much more important. It discusses me and I'm pretty sure this is the reason why my god mother said she didn't want a funeral. She didn't want people coming to her weight or her great side or whatever the case may be to mourn her when they could have done that when she was alive. And I understand it exactly where she's coming from because when I was alive, you know, you were asking about me, you were in my face, you were there to a degree. But now that I'm going through this, I can't even get one person to get up out there, has to come and see me and wish me well during my fight with cancer. But a lot of these people would ask my mom, you know, how such is such doing, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And that would piss my mom off and she had every right to get pissed off because a lot of them individuals had my godmother's phone number. And a lot of those individuals knew where she stayed at. A lot of those individuals knew that she was in the hospital, you know, but let me rephrase, a lot of those people knew that she was in between the hospital and her home fighting cancer, but they never bothered to take the asses over there because they were so busy and wrapped up in their own lives that what she was going through was just of unimportant. And I can see why she said that, you know, she don't want anyone mourning over her that could have mourned over her while she was alive, so don't do it while she's dead. So she opted in to be cremated versus having a funeral and all of that type of stuff. Like I said, I wish I could have seen her beforehand. I did get a chance to speak with her. My god's sister, I spoke with shortly thereafter speaking with my mom this morning and she told me that they're going to have a celebration of life for my godmother instead of having a funeral, which I would rather go to in a ten versus a funeral. Because, you know, funerals are sad, funerals are dragged out, and I'm boring. They're just too much, and they can trigger a lot of things in regard to drug addiction and a lot of other stuff. And the celebration of life is basically more appropriate in my opinion than a funeral, and I'm not sure when she's going to have that, but I am hoping that I am settled within my job, and I generate some money to buy me a ticket and go home. I'm pretty sure my mom will help me if I don't have a ticket or whatever by that time or job, but I don't want anyone's help, but I want to be able to do this on my own and go from there. But it kind of makes me just wonder about my own situation and this whole death thing. I don't foresee myself being in a relationship with anyone, even though I'm quite sure that I can attract someone to be in a relationship with. There are just some people in this world that just don't want to partner up with anyone. Their spirituality and things like that is just more important, and they're doing everything possible to achieve that, and they don't want any distractions, and it would be nice to have a partner, it would be nice to have all that someone to cuddle up with, confide and be there for the love. Just all of that stuff that comes with being in a relationship is what anyone would want. You would think, but there are people in this world such as myself that don't give a damn about it. I don't want someone lying up behind me at night, but they hard-ass, they're popping all up on me because they want some ass. I don't want someone asking me to cook them breakfast in the morning, bitch, I only got one egg, one slice of motherfucking bread, a little bit of milk, no orange juice, no, we can't share breakfast in the morning. I don't want someone holding my hand and doing all of that lovey-dovey bullshit. I just don't want that, and I say that, but I'll be the main one that's looking for it. God created a lot of individuals strong enough to not be bothered with all of that, because if I really wanted a relationship and all of that stuff, I'll be on Facebook dating or all of these other dating stuff. I'll just be out there soliciting myself, looking for love, and I don't really give a fuck about it. The main person I want to love is my own damn self, and until I can do that, I really don't want to put that time and energy and investment into loving and getting to know someone else, excuse me. Unless you're foreign, I will admit that I have a thing for foreign men, and if there are foreign my last boyfriend, and I fucked that situation up because I didn't know myself and I was drinking and cheating on someone that came all the way from Lil L-I-L-L-E France to be with my ass in Vegas, and I just totally messed that relationship up because I was cheating on them with a big dick Armenian. Damn, you can jump rope with that dick, but I was cheating on him with the Armenian, and yeah, it was just messed up that I had them come all the way from Lil France to be with me, and I didn't know myself enough to be comfortable in that relationship. But it's just messed up, you guys, I'm sorry, my mind is just all over the place right now, and I'm just thinking, but I don't know, I mean, I don't have children, I don't plan on having any children, who's to say maybe a relationship would come my way later down the line once I have all of my stuff together, and maybe I will have a small family, and who's to say with a man, not with no woman, and I'm just saying maybe I will have a gay relationship with a family and stuff like that, and then again, who's to say maybe I will not have any of that, and maybe I will just have the spiritual realm and my spirituality and all of that stuff, my career and my family, and I don't know, I mean, my eldest sibling, they have two children, but the way my family is and the way that their relationship is between father and children, this is messed up, Satan definitely divides and conquers, and with my eldest sibling and their girls, they say divided them big time with the lies and whatever else the case may be, so there's a relationship there but it's not, so I don't foresee my nieces taking care of me, you know, because their responsibility is to take care of their father, so it's the scary thing that knowing, starting back after this situated here, it's the scary thing that knowing who's going to be in your corner when you are pretty much at your death bed 844, that's the time it is, and it's about to be 1717 here on the recording time, how many of you guys fear death and the fact that you may or may not have anyone in your corner during that time, like I said, I don't necessarily fear it, but there are some things that overwhelm me when I think about it, especially the breathing aspect of it all, you know, when the breathing becomes harder and harder and, you know, you're fighting for that last breath, I think that is what will get me the most during my transitional phase, not being able to breathe and, you know, regardless if I'm on medication or not, I'm still fighting for that last breath and to get that last breath and then the inevitable inevitable takes effect, it's the scary thing, you know, but there's a beautiful thing on the opposite side of all of that and that's the case to heaven and most of us are going to get there and most of us aren't and I definitely want to be reunited with my grandmother, the ancestors, the spiritual team that has helped me along the way and let that be the reason, I definitely want to be reunited with my grandmother again, that's a sure thing, but aside from my godmother's death, I was going to reach out to you guys yesterday because I was going through some really, really, really bad cravings in regard to my methodical and it's just the littlest things that will trigger me and I was watching a interview, it was the foreign interview, French and I'm not sure if it was a UFC interview or not, but as I told you guys, I was molested years ago and that molestation brought out a lot of perversions including the fact that I am a sucker for a nice boat, I love looking between the legs of men and this interview, this person had a very nice boat that I just could not stop looking at and before I knew it, my mind went into raunchy mode and what I used to be on that, that fed them in and watching those videos and how horny I would get and how stimulated I would get and it just started triggering me and I had to start watching the interview and I was going to grab my microphone and to my phone and come and chill with you guys and basically break the ice with you all just to get it off my mind because that was craving so bad, I felt like I was going to get sick and it's not like the type of cravings where you're craving for fentanyl or you're craving for blooms, which is still fentanyl or you're craving for heroin, it's not that type of craving but it can get bad with methamphetamine and I've only been clean now for I would say a couple of good weeks and a few days so that's nothing, you know, compared to someone who has years of sobriety that don't have cravings like a person that's beginning this writing would have and I'm probably going to have these cravings for some time to come until methamphetamine is completely out of my system, I don't think that it is, well it is by now, but the effects of it psychologically, you know, will always be there and some of the other effects of methamphetamine will come and go on an intermittent basis so it's just a matter of me giving out all of this shit in regard to methamphetamine, anything that comes with it, the cravings, the bondage, the sex, the porn, all of that stuff, you know, it has, yeah, it just can't exist like that in my world or the world that I'm trying to create for myself, which is a better and a new, yeah, anyway you guys, I haven't relapsed from steam or retention, I'm still on the bandwagon in regards to that, but I channeled the energy in a different way yesterday when I was craving for methamphetamine, I would have given in and I almost did, but I said I come too far and I have all these job interviews and the job is going to be in my favor here soon, they're going to drug test me and what am I going to do, you know what I mean, it's just like diatomacy of theirs can work, don't get me wrong, but if I have a drug test like right then and there, you know, a couple of days after their interview and all the best of, I'm not going to be clean, so I had to think rheological in regard to my situation and I had to think smarter, you know, instead of being less than smart and I fought against it and I made it through and thank God, another test that I had in regard to my addiction, I was at a Circle K getting some things and I ran across the person that I had drug and do sex with and I stood, you know, I was sitting in the car, I sat in my vehicle for a while after seeing them and I rode my window down because they were in the store and I waited for them to come out and at this point I rode my window back up because I was contemplating whether or not I wanted to speak to them and I kept doing this until, I just said, you know what, this is not worth it, you come this far, that's the whole point, you come this far, why would you fuck it up for one night or two nights or however many nights of sex and drugs, why? and I ended up just leaving, even though it was hard for me to do, I left and I felt good about leaving and I felt empowered about leaving and I felt like if I can leave as hard as it was in this particular situation, I can stand up and say no when I'm facing with the situation where someone is right, you want to party, I can be like no and the minute I can say no is the minute I know that I conquered this whole thing with nothing but me, but it's not until I can say no is when I know that I won but I haven't been faced with that particular challenge as of yet, so yes you guys, I was definitely, definitely craving yesterday and I definitely wanted to reach out to you but I channeled it like I told you all in a whole different manner and I just put that energy towards light cleaning, I was cleaning yesterday and trying to get organized and straightened up, anyone that's ADHD knows that we live by pile systems, pile systems are basically piles of papers or clothing or maybe food, anything that is in a pile that's just scattered throughout your apartment is a pile system and I have piles of papers and bills and stuff and piles of dishes, not bad but they're just thinking they need to be clean, you know, laundry's starting to pile up so before I start work, I really do want to organize my life so that I'm not overwhelmed with work related stuff, life stuff, this, that, that, this, I'm already over, already overwhelmed as it is in regard to my life, it's not definitely no need to be overwhelmed in regard to work in a lot of other, a lot of other different things, so just a matter of getting it together, home-wise and that's what I'm going to do, I thought I could do with this episode, just finish cleaning the kitchen and finish cleaning the living room and stuff and get it organized so that I can feel much better at being in the, at the end of the day, excuse me, all right you guys, I really didn't want too much of anything, I just wanted to shout out my guy, I'm gonna just tell her, I love her and she put in a good fight in regard to her battle with cancer and did I, did I mention that my stepdad before he passed away, he found out that he had prostate cancer and my stepdad's really good man, did anything for my family and especially my mom and you know, he never would turn myself, my eldest sibling or my family down in general and he unfortunately died of prostate cancer and my cousin just recently died of cancer so cancer has been hitting hardcore these past couple of weeks and/or months and/or years and I just don't like it, I hate, excuse me, you guys, that was my thumb popping, I just don't like it and it's a sinister disease, I call it what a Satan's disease, diseases because that's what it is, you know, it eats you up and it wipes you out and it just does a lot to people's bodies and I don't like it and God definitely can't be behind anything like cancer, you know, the only thing or agency that I can think of that will put something out there as horrible as cancer is Satan, you know, I mean, yeah, he puts everything else out there that's harmful to us humans, so why wouldn't he use cancer as a way to rid human beings from this world? But, yeah, anyway, you guys, I'm going to get ready to end this particular episode, for those people out there that are dealing with cancer, just know that everything will be okay, regardless if you survive it or you're at the inevitable stages, all will be okay because God is not going to, he's not going to put much on us that we can't handle and like what my god, mom, you know what I mean, he put it on her because he knew that she could handle it, even though it was a tough situation for her to deal with, she still handled it with grace and ease, and what I can't say was ease, but she handled it with grace and with that being said, I think less enough for her to get to those golden gates and be reunited with her loved ones and I'm going to find out her and your numbers to the time of her birth and the year of her birth and the year and time of her death and I'll go there and see how many sequence numbers are within those numbers which will, which in my opinion, will reveal her angelic numbers. All right you guys, all this floor is starting to get a little uncomfortable, but I'm going to end this episode, you guys be good, stay on that straight and narrow and don't do anything to jeopardize your vibrations, people of cancer will see a prayer, will all be okay regardless of anything that happens, you will be perfectly fine because the floor says so, all right, I am deep in them and thank you for hopefully allowing me to raise your right ways, until my next episode, you guys have to get one and number stay out. [Music]