Raising vibrations with DeeVenom1!


In this (MYSTERIOUS) episode. I foreshadow my grandmother's mermaid story for you all, in preparation for when I do decide to tell the entire event! I also speak about being clean for another day amongst other topics of conversation. So stick around, grab a snack, download and listen! Thanks in advance for your downloads and namaste!

Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

In this (MYSTERIOUS) episode. I foreshadow my grandmother's mermaid story for you all, in preparation for when I do decide to tell the entire event! I also speak about being clean for another day amongst other topics of conversation. So stick around, grab a snack, download and listen! Thanks in advance for your downloads and namaste!
[music] What is going on, my people of the planet? I am Dee Venom and please allow me to raise your vibrations. [music] I hope all of my people of the planet are staying on that straight and narrow and not doing anything to lower hand or jeopardize one's vibrations. [music] We have a lot to talk about you guys, so let's get right into it, starting right now. [music] Alright, my people of the planet, as I mentioned, I hope all is staying on the straight and narrow and not doing anything to lower and or jeopardize one's vibrations. I'm a so personally, I'm on the bandwagon, you guys, and that bandwagon is a good one. I have not relapsed since August 24th of this year, and I think that marks two weeks and a couple of days if I'm not mistaken. I just know that August 24th of this particular year was the last day that I put a meth pipe to my mouth and I feel absolutely wonderful. I can't express it enough. It feels good to not rely on Satan and his drug. So again, my people of addiction out there, if I can do this as hard as this walk has been for me, then you guys can do it as well. It feels good to be sober off of methamphetamine for as long as I have. I'm going to try to make this a full month, I am going to make this a full month. Anyway, I did relapse off of something, but I won't say that, I won't say what that something is as of right now. Did I ever tell you guys that I broke my microphone? I carry my backpack everywhere I go, and I'm not sure if this is a homeless thing that I was going through, because I know when you're homeless, your backpack is everything, your backpack is your house. It carries pretty much everything, your paperwork, your clothes, your food, it's your life. Even though I'm not homeless till this day, I still carry a backpack with me. It's like mandatory, I have to have my backpack with me. Sometimes I leave it at home, but a great majority of the time I have my backpack with me. Anyway, my car seat on the passenger side is pretty much all the way to the back, including the part where you rest your back, that's pretty much not all the way to the back, but it's back. In case I put something back there, the seat that leans back can cover that particular item. If y'all know what I mean, if you catch my drift, anyway, that part that leans back and the back seat itself must have been a little bit too close to each other, because when I went to put the backpack in that particular spot, I guess that's when it broke my microphone, and when I pulled the microphone out to utilize it on this particular day, I seen that it was broke, so the microphone itself is broken from the tripod. I was very upset about that, but there was nothing I can do, and the fact that I didn't have any money to buy another one, I had to make a do what to do, as we would say back in the day. So I rigged it up some type of way to the tripod, to where it works, and if that becomes too difficult, then I just put it in between these slots that are open in regard to Misty's steering wheel, Misty being in my vehicle. She has three open slots where, let me rephrase, she has three open slots on the steering wheel that I can grip and drive. Well, I can place the microphone in pretty much all three of those slots, like in a corner section to where it's pretty much jammed in there, and it won't move. So this is where I have my microphone at right now, and it's pretty much facing me, and it's doing what it's supposed to be doing, and that is recording my voice for you guys, and whomever else, or my other platforms. Anyway, I went live a couple of days ago, and none of you motherfuckers engaged. I'm a little upset about that, but I'm not. I received angelic number, either 544 or 644, basically stating that I need to have some patience, I need to remain still, I need to get adequate rest, and just be earthbound pretty much. And I've been doing that, I've been getting adequate rest, I have been basically following with the angelic numbers and the angelic rim and the signs of the angelic rim are telling me what to do. I mean, if they can fight my battle against methamphetamine and conquer that, why can't they conquer anything else that I'm striving for? I mean, for instance, on my YouTube platform, I've been putting in the work in regard to changing up some things or whatever, and I'm gaining more followers. I'm up to 84 now, and I remember when I was only down to 2 or 3. To be all the way up to 84 says a lot, and I'm hoping to get up to 100 sometimes soon. I'm almost there, I'm almost there, and it's no different than my podbean podcast. There was a minute when my numbers declined, and then they picked up, and that makes me so happy that people out there are engaging in my content, and the retention is 100%. So obviously, when I'm putting out there, people are relating to, and I absolutely love that. So thank you guys once again out there in the world for downloading my episodes and inviting me into your homes, your cars, wherever you are inviting me into, I really do appreciate that. Again, thank you guys very much. This won't be a long episode because I'm in my vehicle, and yeah, gas money don't come new. Well, money for one don't grow on trees, and speaking of money, I had a phone interview today, and I may possibly have a in-person interview at doing housekeeping or whatever the case may be for a hospital, and I also have an interview coming up soon in regard to a cook's position, and a position to utilize my peer support specialist certificate. I'll tell you guys more about that soon, but I have an interview with this particular company. I think tomorrow, if I'm not mistaken, anyway, I have a choice between two jobs at this particular company, and that's to be a direct staff-something, direct staff-something, and that's where I get a chance to utilize my peer support specialist certificate, and I can be a cook at this particular place of establishment. Now the cook position pays a lot more than what the direct support staff-that's what it is, direct support staff-they pay more, direct support staff starts at $15 an hour, and if you meet all the qualifications, it bumps up to $16 an hour. Now, money isn't everything, especially when you are doing what you are meant to do in regard to your God-given occupation, so to speak, but considering my current situation in regard to finances and whatnot, I feel that the cook's position is what I need to be starting out with, and then if I want to transition and take a job decrease and do what I truly am meant to do, which is help others and use my life as a vessel, like I said, I would tell you guys more about the direct staff-direct care of staff-I just sat in a few minutes ago, but I would tell you guys more about that position as it goes along, I just have a choice to make, and my choice is to cook, even though I don't want to get dirty and all that type of shit cooking people's meals, I'm still doing something to help individuals out and that's feeding them, so I will do that for a while, and it pays $18.40 to send an hour, so you can't beat that compared to the $15, $16 an hour, which is fine, as I just said, you know, good money isn't always, I mean, good money isn't always, how does it go, money, a lot of money isn't always good money, you know, however the fucking goes, any damn way, I have choices and I am happy about this, so I want to switch gears in regards to what we talk about, because mainly it's been about drug addiction and things of that particular nature, which isn't a bad topic of conversation, but I also want to talk about the fact that I believe in dragons, I believe in unicorns, I believe in elves, I believe in fairies, I believe in all of that mermaids, I believe in all of that, and remember, I told you guys, I was going to share a story that my grandmother shared with me in regard to seeing a real live mermaid, now she told me this story on more than one occasion, I do believe it was two or three occasions, she told me this story, and nothing changed about this story, I should have wrote down a year that she told me this, I'm thinking it was 2013, because on the back of the paper that I wrote the nose down, I have something written, including a date, which was back in 2013, so I'm not sure if this story was told back then or not, but I'm trying to, well when did my grandmother pass away, there was 2015, if I'm not mistaken, but anyway, I am going to share some of the notes with you guys and briefly run across some of those notes with you all in preparation to the story, which I will not tell today, but a lot of you probably like this bitch as crazy as fuck, which I don't give a fuck for believing in dragons and unicorns and stuff like that, my thing is why it wouldn't exist, if tear dactyls and shit like that existed back in the dinosaur days, and these big ass birds or whatever the fuck they were, I mean if they flew the air back then, why wouldn't dragons exist, because they breathe fire, I mean if horses exist, and these are some very majestic creatures, why wouldn't unicorns exist, because they have wings in a fucking horn, why wouldn't the Pegasus exist, because it has wings, I mean I honestly believe these things are out there, they're just not manifested into this particular realm, but I mean when I used to be, I can't say when I used to be spiritual, I was more spiritual than what I am now, I had to get back into my meditative sessions in order to elevate, I'm not elevated, but in order to stimulate my chakras, my third eye, the pineal gland, if I'm, I think that's how you pronounce it, the pineal gland and all of that type of stuff, but when I used to meditate back in those days, when I was more spiritual, more spiritual than what I am now, my chakras would, you know, do certain things and my body would do certain things, it was almost like, if I'm cold and I'm shivering, my body would do that, that cold shivering type of motion, when I, it's kind of hard to explain, but it's not, but my body would do certain things when I meditate to let me know that I'm on the right track, if I am saying that, if you guys follow along, our bodies do certain things to let us know, like with our intuition, you know, it does certain things to let us know that we're on the right track or we're on the wrong track, and anyway, during these meditative sessions, that's what I would feel in regard to certain things, and no different than what I'm just, what I'm just explaining to you guys about my body would do certain things, but anyway, enough of that, because I'm losing track being ADHD, because I, you know, normally do, I do apologize about this, you guys, but, like with mermaids, you know, why wouldn't they exist, you know, I mean, I believe these things are out there, as I just said, they're just not manifested into this realm, anyway, I'm going to go through some of the notes in regard to my grandfather's mermaid, mermaid story, and save it for another day, I'm just going to leave you guys in suspense. There we go. My grandmother's mermaid story, and the reason why I believe my grandmother is because my grandmother had no reason to lie about anything. My grandmother is, and was, the truth, and I would, I would tell you guys a story, um, it was some years ago, it was at a party, I was adolescent, and my mom had a boyfriend, and anyway, um, my mother, I mean, my grandmother was good friends with my mother's boyfriend's mom, and she was good friends with the other woman too, somehow the other woman and my grandmother's good friend, which was my mom's boyfriend's mom, got into it, and the bitch word was called, my grandmother's good friend, called her best friend, my mom's boyfriend's mother, the B word, and it got back to her son, which is, or which was my mom's ex-boyfriend, and so he was confronting the woman that called his mother a bitch, and she was lying saying that she didn't call her that, because she knew what time it was, my mother's ex-boyfriend did not play the game, and especially when it came to his mother, and calling her a bitch was definitely, definitely, was not going to fly, so it was, uh, the question was brought to my grandmother by the other friend who called the woman the bitch, did I, uh, cause my grandmother's name was Bertha, they were, uh, they were like, Bertha, I didn't call her a bitch, now did I, did I, and my grandmother was like, yes you did, you sure did, and I couldn't believe it, because I thought my grandmother was going to lie on behalf of that particular friend to keep the peace down, she and my grandmother held, she stood in her power as small as she was, and said it like it was, you did call her a bitch, and I'm not going to lie for you, and before anybody at the party knew it, that lady's son, which was my mother's ex-boyfriend, drew his arm back and slapped the taste, literally, out of the woman's mouth, whom called his mother a bitch, and that's why she probably, probably was lying about her to begin with, because she knew that she was going to get confronted in a verbal way, and in a physical way, and I'm not saying that men should hit women or anything like that, but women, y'all, hey, you know, y'all come from men in a lot of different ways, and not in a sexual way, y'all come from men, and y'all expect, like if you kick a man in the balls, that's grounds to get your ass beat, now calling a man, I mean calling a man's mother a bitch, and you being a woman, is also grounds to get your ass whooped, so don't put yourself in compromising positions where you may get your ass beat by a man, even though it's right, you know, or wrong, you know, it's never right, you know, so I need to rephrase that, it's never right, but women's, y'all stop, stop, stop bossing up like y'all are men sometimes, and somebody thinks probably won't occur, but anyway, going in on my grandmother's mermaid story, now, I remember, I don't know if it was the first or second occasion when she was telling me the story of the mermaid, that I felt her energy, we were watching a program, and it was a nature program, if I'm not mistaken, and they were talking about mermaids, this is not the time, this is the different time, she was sitting on the couch area, I was sitting in a different chair, we were watching the TV, they were talking about mermaids, and then that's what she spoke up and said, I know, I knew a real light mermaid, and we got into the conversation, and I didn't, you know, I didn't put it past her, I honestly believed her, and that was that, then there was another time where the mermaid topic came up, and she looked me square in the eyes, my grandmother had very dark eyes, and it was scary because her eyes, the light they turned even darker, and she looked me square in my eyes, and I believe my grandmother told me this because of the fact that she knew I am a believer, she, obviously she knew this because she raised me, and she seemed that I love Godzilla, she's seen how much I love dragons, she's seen how much I love unicorns and stuff like that, so my grandmother knew that I am a believer of that particular rim, so it was safe enough to tell me this, you know, this story about the mermaid without me being judgmental, my mom also knows the story about the mermaid, but she don't like to open up those doors and talk about those type of things, my mother is more spiritual than what she gives herself credit, but she just don't like to talk about those things, I don't know if they frightened her or what, but yeah, anyway, about the mermaid, the mermaid and her mother lived on a house that was located on a hill, the door to the mermaid's room was always closed, they never opened the door, I see why because people from what my grandmother told me would treat her as if she was a, not necessarily a circus exhibit, but they would be an all because from what my grandmother told me, this mermaid was very beautiful, you couldn't get near her, her mother would not allow that nor would the mermaid allow that, they had her in a very long tub, I guess the mermaid was, you know, what she got full of grown was at a particular length, so I'm not sure if the tub was specially made for her or if she, you know, grew to a certain stature to where she could fit in a regular tub, she could talk, the mermaid could talk, my grandmother as I just told you guys said that she was absolutely beautiful, she had long hair and brown skin, she had a pretty name but my grandmother Kent couldn't recall it, maybe my mom can't if I asked her the story about this particular mermaid, the mermaid could speak, but she kept it, but she kept it brief, so you could talk to her, but don't talk to her for a long time, she was probably misanthroping to be honest with you, so you could speak to her, but don't talk to her for a long time, because she just wasn't having it, let me see, baby Dao, who was a very close family friend, also knew the mother and the mermaid, and probably the father of the mermaid as well, people knew that the mother had a daughter that was a mermaid, so that drew speculation across the town and whatever else it made people want to see, the mother even more, the daughter of this mother even more, I have but never seen her, so people knew she had a daughter, but never, okay, people knew that the lady had a daughter, but they never seen her, this drew speculation around the city town or wherever my grandmother was living at this particular time, and made people want to see this mermaid even more, only certain people such as my grandmother, Miss Baby Dao, and a couple of other people were able to see this lie mermaid, okay, daughter stayed with her mother, so the daughter, instead of staying with the father, wait, I don't want to jump, I don't want to jump ahead, because there's something that's going to shock you guys here in a little bit, but the mermaid lived with her mother, they had to keep her in water for the whole visit, so when my grandmother and Miss Baby Dao and whoever else that this mother allowed to see her daughter, they would keep her in that tub of water the whole time, I'm not sure if she lived in that tub of water, but from my understanding she had to be in that tub of water practically the whole time or else she would pretty much dry out, her mother, the mermaid, her mother had very long beautiful hair as well, I guess the mother and the mermaid weren't used to being around people, that's why you couldn't get close to her, people would stare at the mermaid as if she was a freak, these are all, this is, this is, I'm writing all of this stuff as my grandmother is talking, so I'm quickly writing this stuff down, so people would look at the mermaid as if she was a freak, so this probably is why she had misanthropic tendencies and didn't want to talk to people for a very long time, because of the way they looked at her and she did her, Florine, the daughter of Baby Dao, Miss Baby Dao, Florine may know her name, unfortunately Miss Florine passed away, so there was no way for me to ask her about the mermaid's name, so mother and daughter unfortunately passed away, now this is the shocker part that shock me, the mermaid's mother killed her husband, I'm not sure why she killed her husband, I'm not sure why I'm tearing up right now, but the mermaid's mother killed the husband, oh, he was married to another woman before he got with the mermaid's mother, ah, that's what I have wrote, right underneath the mother killed her husband, he was married to another girl before he got with her, he was low and brown skin, so low, I take it, he was short, if I'm not mistaken, so I was writing these notes very quickly, so he was low and brown skinned, and the mermaid's mother had real long hair and she was lighter skinned, Florine, the daughter who passed away, Miss Baby Dao, may know his name as well, the mother of the mermaid, because I haven't wrote down right here, killed the father of the mermaid because of cheating, my grandmother knew the woman that the mermaid's husband was cheating with, and that's it you guys, those are all of the notes that I have in regard to my grandmother's mermaid's story, so I'm going to patch it up the best way that I can when I tell you guys the story and go from there, and on the back of this paper I have something wrote down, August 1st 2013, I have $64 and then it has $64.06, there are some names, Lady, Courtney, Hank, Patricia, and Maya that are associated with this date and this money amount, but doesn't that sound like a fascinating story, and when my grandmother looked me in the eye, I think the second or third time she told me that she knew a real life mermaid, like I said her eyes was dark, anyway, but they seemed like they got even darker, and she didn't blink, she looked me square in the eyes, and she said I know a real, I knew a real life mermaid, and I don't know what prompted me to grab paper and pencil, but I did, and I grabbed it quickly, and I just started jotting down notes, because my grandmother was up in age, and she had her right mind, because as I told you guys, she told me this story on several occasions, and nothing changed about her telling me this story, nothing changed about the story, every time she told me, it's what I meant to say, anyway, I just know that I saved these notes all the way until this day, for a reason, for one, as I just told you guys, I am a true believer in unicorns, dragons, I mean come on now, we had huge Tyrannosaurus wrecks roaming the world back in the days, that's about the size of Godzilla, why wouldn't dragons exist, if dinosaurs existed, why wouldn't dragons exist, for the simple fact they breathed fire, big ass motherfucking dinosaurs existed, before our existence, birds that were bigger than airplanes existed back in them days, and they flew the air, the only thing that makes them different from dragons and things of that particular nature is the fact that they breathe fire, and horses have wings that makes them unicorns and shit like that, but someone else asked me the same question, but I used to work at Goodwill, I can't think of his name, but I can picture him, dreadlocks and all that shit, we were talking about unicorns and dragons and stuff, and they were like, do you believe in that, and I said, I was going to say no, and I stood in my power, and I said, yeah, I sure do, and they were like, so do I, and they were like, just because the eye can't see it doesn't mean that it's not there, and that stuck with me, obviously, because I just repeated it, and I'm just like, this motherfucker is absolutely right, just because our eyes cannot visualize it, does not mean it is not there, these dragons, these unicorns, these elves, these fairies, these angels, got the devil, demons, all of this exists, all of it, I met one of my spiritual dragons via a meditation session, I was craving to see my spiritual dragon, if I didn't tell the story, but my dragon helped me when I left Las Vegas for the last, last time, my dragon was there for me, because of my detached retina, I had to drive through the mountains, and with one eye pretty much, it was difficult, and my dragons, or my dragon guided me through the motherfucker mountains, and used its wings to keep me afloat, and make sure that I didn't go off the curb, because some of the motherfucking curves didn't even have no damn boundaries to them, got borders to them, so you have to be real careful going around the mountains, but my dragons were there, and my unicorns were there, and they got me home safely, I know they exist, so this is why I am going to get back into my meditative sessions so that I can increase my spirituality and reach back out to them, I've seen Source, I didn't see him physically, but I've seen his spirit, I've seen his energy, and I've felt his energy, every time I see Source, his arms are moving in a clapping type of motion, and then his arms expand, and they wave all around, as if he's trying to get my attention or something, he has a very strong energy, and his presence is like a deity, he will definitely let you know that it's him, and it's his energy, he will definitely let you know this, I've seen quite a few things through meditation, oh my god, there's a story that I want to tell you guys about our brother and sister, but I'm not going to do that today, but the spiritual realm, and I'm going to say this, killed that brother and sister, and I want to start crying right now, on my behalf, I'm not going to get into the story, not right now, but methamphetamine had a lot to do with it, I have the brother on my SD card, we were getting high and he was taking care of himself, he was masturbating, and I was recording him, I think his name is Steve, or was Steve, but the story tripped me out, and through meditation, I asked my grandmother, hold on you guys, and I'm going to start crying here, I asked my grandmother through meditation, did you kill or take out that brother and sister on my behalf, and the energy that I got in return was confirmation that she and the spiritual realm had a lot to do with that situation, and I instantly just started bawling, like I'm about to start doing right now, just let you know that I have no reason to lie about anything, because I'm very emotional about this story, or that story, and I know verbatim pretty much what happened, and I'm not going to get into 1044, that's the time it is right now, but I'll write it down so that I can tell you guys this particular story as well, but I was real shocked, but I found out what happened to Steve, I think that's his name, I was real shocked, out for shadow, he was pushed out of a car, a moving car, I don't know how fast this car was going, but obviously it was going really fast for him to have died, that's how his death occurred, his sister's death, she just instantly dropped dead, I think in the kitchen or her bedroom, and that's it, that's all I'm telling you guys, until I get ready to tell that story, but I've seen a lot, I've seen a lot, and I've seen a lot in regard to death as well, but I'm going to end it here, because I'm hungry, and I want to get home and take care of some things, and get some rest and all of that type of stuff, but I will be going in a little further in regard to the mermaid story and all of that good stuff, I have some guests that I want you guys to meet, sometime soon, we're working on trying to do a episode via Zoom or Google Meet, either or, it's my therapist and it is a young woman by the name of Sequoia Moon, who's on YouTube that does tarot reading, I'm going to interview those two at different times and different dates of course, but we may all collab and do something together and you just never know, and I'm going to go live with those two eventually, but after I go one-on-one with him sometime soon, oh boy, you guys wore me out tonight, anyway you guys, I'm going to end this so that I can get home and do what I said I was going to do and prep up for hopefully an interview tomorrow. Alright you guys, with that being said, I have so much love for each and every one of my down loaders out there, I really do appreciate you guys and I am Dee Venom and thank you for allowing me to raise your vibrations. We got to do such a business music sometimes soon because I think I really appreciate the feed music down loads, but yeah, alright you guys, I'm out.