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Around 14 years ago, armed with a background in design, advertising and a man crush on Stephen Fry, Jesse began a journey to educate the public on critical thinking, reason and understanding for the greater good. It started with a poster and a deck of cards and has grown into a SaaS platform and a framework for businesses to harness the benefits of higher order thinking. Jesse does a brilliant job in unpacking how we think and how we make decisions for better outcomes for everyone. Jesse, thank you so much for joining us on the checkout. It was an absolute pleasure to have our extended chat with you earlier where we talked all things around critical thinking, logical fallacies, biases, both from how we think as individuals but also how that applies into a business context and hearing some of the tools that you've got at Kitted and School of Thought to help us overcome that was just fascinating but we're here to learn a little bit more about you. I've got 5 quick questions for you. Cool. Number one, what is the weirdest thing that you've ever bought online? It was last week and it was a poop knife. Have you heard of this? I have not but I want to. I started on Reddit and I was like it's become a thing where if you do massive turds, apparently some people have been like at other people's houses and they've been like why is there a knife next to the toilet and they said that's the poop knife, like you don't have a poop knife and apparently it's just culturally this divide where it's like folders and scrunches but some people have poop knives because that is a way to deal. You don't have to like get in there with a plunger or anything, you cut that up so that it goes down and so we bought one recently for a friend of mine who were a manor named for his dignity as a Christmas present that we're going to give him because he is guilty of some atrocious injustices that have been visited upon toilets in our house and so we're going to get that for him. That is fantastic, a poop knife, I had no idea where you were going with that. That's great. All right, number two, which retailer has most inspired you recently? Probably I would not that recently but one that I think does it really well as masterclass? And being that they hit like four of the six principles of influence, being scarcity, authority, liking and social proof, it's just a genius model to take the celebrity and authority of thought leaders and put it into a digestible video based engaging way of doing things. I found that quite inspiring in terms of what we've done in school of thought and for kidded to try and make those principles of influence in a way that just makes it instantly engaging and accessible and the value proposition is obvious. Have you signed up to any of the masterclass courses or? Funnily enough, no, but I've used somebody else's subscription and checked it out because I was just interested from a nerdy perspective and I love it. All right, number three, name a piece of tech that you or your e-commerce business couldn't live without. I'm going to say mid-journey just because I am using it for so much visually now that it would have taken the sheer amount of hours that it saves me and the visual co-pilot collaborative partnership of using that has been instrumental for kidded in particular, but I'm using it on everything now and AI tools more generally, so I feel bad because I've been friends with people who have voice over artists and I've been using them within the art industry for the years, but it's just absurd now I can't like not like I used to have to go to a recording session. I'd book a, you know, a sound engineer, book a recording artist would go in there, I'd spend half a day with them going through a script. I kind of want the inflection of that word like this and that and that's not quite right. Now I can just record on my mic at home, half decent mic with like, you know, the sounds are like good, I put that into 11labs.io and it all of a sudden becomes this beautiful, deep British voice over that is as good as anything I could pay for and it costs me like five bucks. It's crazy. Incredible. And we talked about this in a bit more depth in our main episode and what I love about you embracing these tools is that your background is in creative and art direction, but it hasn't stopped you from exploring different and new ways of doing things. But at the same time, what you shared about the future of AI and how it will impact our thinking was a bit concerning, but we'll leave it at that number four. Can you recommend a book or a podcast that our listeners should immediately get into? Now that's a standard question, but I will just frame this that in our main episode you give, I reckon there's at least 15 book tips and a few podcasts in there. So I'm not sure how you're going to narrow this down to, what would you recommend? So search engine can recommend and reply all, PJ Vo and Alex Goulburn, just if anyone's interested in the internet, generally in internet culture, they're both fantastic. And search engine in particular goes in these beautiful little mystery rabbit holes. And I widely is widely regarded by a lot of people and I agree with this consensus that the reply all episode, the case of the missing hit is the best podcast episode that has ever been created. It's just pitch perfect. Do check it out if you haven't already seen it. The missing hip is in hip, like the case of the missing hit, the song, like a hit song. Oh, I gotcha. Gotcha, gotcha. That's a very different episode. Yeah. This may be a slightly engaging one, but you know, the case of the missing hit is definitely worth checking out. And it's like, does the JJ Abrams Ted talk on mystery boxes and that's a perfect manifestation of that. So I can recommend that one. Director at the School of Thoughts, podcast, you are not so smart. I highly recommend that. He talks to some of the world's leading intellectuals and luminaries and makes it very accessible and curious and interesting and fascinating to listen to and get insights about persuasion and psychology and politics and sociology and all of the things that any curious mind might be curious about. And it's also clear of thinking with Spencer Greenberg as another podcast to check out. He does a very similar format to David McRaney's You're Not So Smart, interviewing leading intellectuals about issues of the day and different ways of thinking about thinking and lots of other curious stuff. Whoo. Our bookshelves and our podcast lineup is going to be full. Thank you, mate. Last question I have for you. What is your biggest challenge today? Time management. So I'll talk to you soon. Blah, that's so good, thank you, mate. To hear more from Jesse, jump back into episode 427, where Jesse shares the most common logical fallacies and how they work in our minds. He unpacks multi-modular thinking and what it can do for e-commerce teams and he talks about why we should all be trying to unleash our inner four-year-old, how dangerous is that? [MUSIC]
Around 14 years ago, armed with a background in design and advertising and a man-crush on Stephen Fry, Jesse began a journey to popularise critical thinking, reason and understanding for the greater good. It started with a Creative Commons poster and deck of cards, grew into a crowd funded offering and is now a SaaS platform and a framework for businesses to harness the benefits of higher order thinking - backed by some of the internet’s biggest thinkers such as the founder of Duck Duck Go and Harvard psychology professors.
Links from the episode:
Check out our full-length interview with Jessie:
Jesse Richardson from Kitted Thinking Tools: The Power of Critical Thinking | #427
About your co-host: Jesse Richardson from Kitted Thinking Tools
Started as a junior designer, some things happened, now the founder of the non-profit schoolofthought.org that has provided free critical thinking resources to over 30 million people, and technology and ecommerce startup Kitted Thinking Tools. You can contact Jesse at LinkedIn
About your host: Nathan Bush from Add To Cart
Nathan Bush is a director, strategist and advisor. He has led eCommerce for businesses with revenue $100m+ and has been recognised as one of Australia’s Top 50 People in eCommerce four years in a row. You can contact Nathan on LinkedIn, Twitter or via email.
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