Sheep Get Sheared

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Politics: The Cost of Inaction

Broadcast on:
29 Sep 2024
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the sheep get shared podcast. I'm your host, Austin Creed. I'm on the road, my friends, figured out the forgive of the sounds a little off, but we need to talk about politics yet again, because it's that time of year. It's that time of the next four years, every four years we go through this garbage, two years arguably, if you're really political, but everybody seems to care more about the presidential then about Congress or a local or I get it, hardly get it, because of the dog and pony show we call a political system, which is more like a political circus. And you might ask, well, why would I say that? Well, because it is the whole thing's a circus, but but I want to make something clear. I want to be clear. I don't say that to discourage you from being active. I don't say that to get you to be like, all the things you sham, all the things don't waste the time. I'm not voting. You see, because that's a problem that's on the other side of the aisle. I think we should take a pause for a second, and we should take a step back and ask ourselves, okay, what is it you want? Yes, you, you listening to the show. What is it you want for your life? What is this vision you have for your life? But if the answer is you don't want to have one, well, then we need to start there. But if you have one, I want you to stop and I want you to think, okay, I have a vision for my life, whether it's I have a family, I'm single, I'm divorced, I'm married, none of that's important was important is the vision you have for your life and the lives of the people who are immediately close to you or that depend on you. And then we look at all those factors and you look at the political system and the fact that everything is political, whether it's you want to turn on TV for your kids or you want to watch the football game or whatever it is, you are being just saturated with political ads, with campaigning, with celebrities telling you this, that and the other thing that they're being paid to save, but they won't tell you that. You can't go on social media without seeing some idiot moron drug addict talking about how they endorse Kamala because they are, they support abortion even though they never have kids, they know what to have kids and their old bats were 50 years old. I mean, the whole thing is a sham, the whole thing is crazy and I understand why people use to turn you in a party or they use it like the, the two party systems is just a record Monty, I understand why people believe that. In fact, I at one point believed it as well to the point where I thought it was a whole entire waste of time and I didn't want to partake at all, but I have since changed that viewpoint and I'll tell you why. The reason why is because that doesn't actually accomplish any, that's like being a heckler in the stands, but not pulling the game. It's like being a guy who drinks beer and watches football criticizing these athletes. Meanwhile, you can't do what they do. Meanwhile, you're not out there trying to actually improve the game. You're not trying to do anything to fix the problem like laughing at a problem and then not wanting to do something to fix it while simultaneously complaining about it. And I'm not going to lie and sit here and tell you that Trump's perfect or that Kamala is perfect because nobody's perfect. Okay, first of all, if we were perfect, we wouldn't have a candidate on the Democrat side of the political circus that nobody fucking voted for. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm getting a little excited. Nobody voted for this fraud. If you go back to 2020, she had the least amount of, she was the least popular candidate on the Democratic side of the aisle before they announced that Joe Biden would run. She was the least popular. She only got where she is because she slept with Willie Broward allegedly. And that I grew up in San Francisco Bay Area. That's where I grew up. Well, I was a kid, okay. So I know the backyard that she pretends like the rag about me while there are people who you can look up who were they were killed by illegal aliens, they were cops. And they want a death penalty for the guy that shot the illegal alien scumbag who killed the cop. And then could they ask him off a death penalty? And she was like, no, no, I'm not going to do it. Now you might say also, that's not important. Why the hell should I care about? Some people I don't know in a place that probably didn't grow up. Why should I care about? Well, because you're missing the point. A point is my friend that you can't sit back and be uninformed because there's so many liars everywhere I turn. I see some absolutely bald face lie and then I go on, I watch the debate and that the scumbag lying court jesters of our time in the media have the nerve to fact check Trump over and over again on the little list of things. And then Kamala literally lies every which way to Sunday. And they don't say anything, nothing zero. It's not like, okay, we held him accountable and we held him accountable, nothing. You go out to DNC and the fact that he'd lie, lying, lying after lie after lying CNN doesn't fact check ABC doesn't fact check these fact checkers are fraudsters fact checking his code for whatever the government wants. Whatever the government wants you to think, there it is, boom. Unless proven otherwise, you should always believe that. That's what I think. And you might say, well, Austin, why should I care what you think? It doesn't matter whether you care what I think or not. What matters is what you think. You ask yourself hard questions because we live in a hard time. We got here through weakness. We got here through compromise, we got here because people passed the buck. They didn't want to take up their arms, they didn't want to pick up their crosses. They didn't want to pick up and make hard choices and said they want to have a good time. They want to have fun. They want to make sure people were happy. I don't care if people are happy. I care if people can afford housing. I care about whether I got for my goddamn grocery bill. I care about whether I could pay my taxes and not lose like 50% of my income. That's what I care about. What do you care about? Do you care about abortion? These won't want to talk about abortion day and night like it's the most important thing on earth. Meanwhile, hey, gentlemen, I know the last time somebody asked you about you are reproductive rights. You have reproductive organs, don't you? Yeah, you know, the thing that, you know, is between your legs. Yeah, you have reproductive organs last time I checked. Why is there no talk about your reproductive right? Huh. Well, that's interesting, isn't it? There's no talk about your reproductive rights as a guy. But they seem to have a focus on the women's aspect. Even though it last time I checked, women can't get pregnant without men. Last time I checked, it required both people to make that happen, but apparently only one party gets a say in it, and then when a lecture meeting you about sexism and misogyny, meanwhile they're exiting men out of the family, exiting men out of society, telling us if we don't have a vagina, we can't have an opinion, and I was supposed to say here, and support this garbage. I was supposed to vote for this garbage. I was supposed to get you to vote for this garbage. I'm not going to do it. I'm not doing it. The whole thing is disgusting. You want to talk about equality? Where's the equality of my reproductive rights at? Where's that conversation? Nowhere, because nobody cares about it. Why? Because in the history of the mankind, nobody has given a single iota about men. Now if you're a guy who was a kid, or a dude could count a night or something, then maybe somebody cared about you. But the average guy, doing his own thing, throwing about his life, trying to do the right thing, trying to be a good guy, he is the guy nobody cares about him and his problem. Nobody does. I'm not sitting here to tell you that to be like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, my life is so hard. No one in the political system is talking for me, so I'm going to say you're a cry." No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying you need to be aware of your problems. What matters to you? It could be what I'm talking about, it could be something totally different that's totally unrelated. But the point is, you're allowed to decide what you want to do. Because in my opinion, being neutral and saying, "Oh, I'm just not going to vote or I'm going to vote, there already is a waste of time." You are just throwing away your opportunity, and I get it. I mean, you hear stories about guys like Hamis and Shoemaker. You guys have a real story about Hamis and Shoemaker? If you haven't, I'll tell you the story. You can look it up online if you think I'm making it up. Hamis and Shoemaker is a story about how one vote can make a difference. It's kind of a kid's story. My name is and Shoemaker was a farmer, and he barely made it in time to vote, and he is one who voted for Marsh. One vote you voted for Marsh, who won by one vote. Marsh voted for, oh, what was his name? Harrison? I think it was Harrison? It was Harrigan, sorry, who won by one vote, and then that man voted for Texas Statehood, which passed by, you guessed it, one vote. It's a story about how the vote matters. Now, that was back in a time where we didn't have illegal aliens voting in my estimation. We didn't have dead people voting, we didn't have a company that counts votes that's based out of Spain. No, no, no, we didn't have all that, that's also owned by Nancy Pelosi's husband, or at least invested in by Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, allegedly, and all that stuff didn't exist then. People had counted it by hand in plain sight, not boarding up the windows. That's talking about a burst pipe maul, a puppet in votes, suddenly three o'clock in the morning. Trump's winning, all of a sudden he's not winning, in fact, he's losing by a lot. Sound familiar? Yeah, it should. Oh, I'm not saying it wasn't the most fair election of all time. Oh, no, no, I don't want the FBI to come and arrest me for being a domestic terrorist or something, because I dare have a brain and ask questions and ask provocative ones of that. Oh, I'm sorry that I'm not a brainwashed adult, you know, like the people in China that Tim Walls went to 30 times, oh, yeah, oh, you know that? Yeah, he literally vacationed out there, went on his honeymooner that got married on the anniversary. It's he had him in square. Oh, yeah, because he said, quote, I wanted to make sure it was a day that I would always remember. I'm not making this up. Guys, if you think at any point in time during any show you ever listened to with me in it, please go. I don't care with Google. I don't care if it's DuckDuckGo. I don't care what the hell you search engine you use. You go on there, research what I'm talking about, boom, it's going to be right there. If you want to admonish me, if I make a mistake, feel free to do so, because it doesn't happen very often. I know what I'm talking about. I don't just shoot my mouth off. I know what I'm talking about. If I was just shooting my mouth off, I go on the view. If I want to shoot my mouth off, I'd become a homosexual or a transgender and go and do something. I wanted to shoot my mouth off, and people pretend like I was some profound intellectual. Meanwhile, I'm just another communist scumbag, pushing an agenda. You might sense a little bit of extra animosity in my voice today, and you're right, because I just got done at the gym. I just went really hard at the gym, and I got really hyped up on pre-workout beforehand. I'm a little more hyper than normal, so you're going to have to forgive me if I'm jumping all over the place, or if you think that I'm a little too aggressive today, I'm not trying to be. I'm just trying to keep it real. If you want to attack, you've got to get the orange juice when you were a kid with no pulp. If they have the one with pulp, with a little bit of pulp, with no pulp, what I'm talking about, right? I'm the orange juice that has all the pulp in there. All the nutrients, all the vitamins, all the fiber, that's what you're getting on the show. You're not getting the pasteurized 100% sugar garbage that tastes good but has no redeeming value, no healthful benefits, nothing. That's not what you're getting on the show. When it comes to elections, such as the presidential or congressional or local or state, it's important that you stay involved. You don't want people tell you that your vote doesn't matter, that you should just, "Oh, it's all the same things and who the hell cares." I don't believe that. Now, you can call me naive if you want, and I understand where you're coming from, truly. I do, but I don't believe it. Reason being because if Trump was just like everybody else, why the hell are they trying to get rid of him so bad? You might say, Austin, what do you mean today? Do I really need to answer that question? Considering that the last guy I tried to take him out was brainwashed allegedly in Ukraine, "Oh, yeah. Oh, you know the country that Trump said he wouldn't keep giving billions of dollars to? You see how things are adding up a little bit? Yeah. Yeah. They were talking about it being a Russian operative, meanwhile Russia staged the biggest land invasion since World War II into Ukraine during the Biden administration. Am I making too much sense? Stop me if this is too much during the show off if you don't like it. My friends, this is the kind of stuff that we should probably talk more about as we get closer to the election, not because my voice or your voice is going to change world history or American history, but because we as guys who are just humble men trying to live our lives, trying to do what we want to do, trying to do what we think is right, we have to discuss these things because they're going to directly affect our lives come November when this circus shit show hits the fan and then everybody's left wondering what happened, how it happened, is it a little legit, is it illegitimate, they want to know all these things. The countdown is getting closer and closer and we need to talk more about it. My friends, I got to go to the grocery store before I head on back to the crib, but I really wanted to discuss this because I think this is on more people's minds than they're willing to admit, even if they are apolitical or even if they think the whole thing is a sham and they don't want to be interested, it's being shoved in their face more and more and so they're being forced to think about it. So I think I can sense these things and so I believe it's important for us to discuss more and we will, my friends, you take care of yourselves, please leave your comments below, you want to add anything, you want to admonish me for anything you think I did was wrong and you would show receipts, take care of yourselves, I'm out of here, God bless, peace.