
MAFS UK 2024 Ep5-8

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29 Sep 2024
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I'm Hugh. I'm Linda. Together, we're Hindut. And this is Hindocask. Some things about this show are actually improving. Like the format has changed. The commitment ceremony is now on a touristy. So much better. Makes much more sense. All for that. And you know the other thing that's changed, the experts are actually getting involved. Yes. And they're actually giving advice. I was actually quite impressed. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it. No you did. You did. You did. But I can't believe it either. Because like, you know me and Paul, I was actually giving Paul credit and praise. Linda nearly fainted. I did. But he did step up. And Mel was very good. And even Charlene had something to offer. Yeah. Yeah. So look, it's voting well, voting well. But what a week it was. They are listening to the podcast. There's no doubt in my mind that they're listening to the podcast. Look, they need, they need it for their expert hats on and do their jobs. They're going to sort this lot out. Yeah. We got two more weddings to finish things off. Rachelle and Orson on an unusual couple. Catician is what he is. He's from St. Kitts and Nevis. She's Ghanaian. And this bodes well initially, doesn't it? Well, they appear to both have gotten exactly what they ordered. Yeah. Rachelle, she's a really high flying, powerful, career woman. She has a daughter who seems to be old enough now to move out. Looks fantastic for Rachel. She's 48 or something. She looks amazing for her. She's a head of alternative investments in a big investment company. Yeah. Well, look at she's talking talk. And she has quite a privileged background as well. And her dad is a diplomat. Do I remember something? Yeah. Political. She has a degree in politics as well. He's a hire flyer too. He does a bit of modeling. He's into his sport, all that kind of thing. And cricketer. Absolutely. Two cricketers by the sound of things, the way we both said it. And he is an engineer. Very impressive. There were his fine-looking glasses and hard hat and all that sort of thing. So it's looking great. What could go wrong? Yeah. And she wanted that Caribbean. She wanted a black man from the Caribbean. Caribbean vibes, the whole business. Somebody who's an alpha male and he certainly seems to fit the bill. He does. But he's not really an alpha male. Until. Yeah. You know, well, you know, that's okay. So that's where we're going to differ because I think he's even more of an alpha male because he's in touch with his feelings. And he's not afraid to say how he feels. Yeah. But in her opinion, that's not an alpha male. And she doesn't like it one little bit. She loved all of it until he admitted that he was catching fields. Yeah. That's the great debate. What put her off him? Was it the catch in the fields? Or was it this business about the five-year-old relationship that he still affects him? Because she said she's saying get over it. Yeah. No. In fairness, I think looking when there was a whole catch in fields thing. Rachelle. Right. Let's break this down. So Rachelle, as I say, is a strong, independent, powerful woman. She certainly seems to be very clever and assertive. Okay. She reckons that she wants an alpha male. And that's what she's always had and how did that go for you? Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. It's when he certainly seemed to be all down the service. But once he started showing not even a softer side, but he was, you know, a more kind of vulnerable side and frankly wasn't afraid to show how he feels. That really scared her because all of a sudden she didn't know how to deal with that situation. So she ran for us. Does it make you more vulnerable if you're dealing with somebody else being more vulnerable? That's what I don't fully understand about your argument because your argument is just make yourself vulnerable. I do think it makes you more vulnerable if you're dealing with somebody else because the easiest thing to do is to run away from it. I go, no, I don't know this. No, enemy comfort zone out of here. But if you actually sit down and listen and take on board what they're saying, yes, I think that makes you more vulnerable. Okay. I do. You're showing care inside your personality then. I would have thought it was slightly the other way around that somebody who wants to be a top dog in a relationship, when they'd see that somebody can be quite vulnerable, they could exploit it. Maybe that's the cynic in me. But she doesn't want to be a top dog in a relationship. She wants him to be top. Okay. I get you. I get you. She wants half a male. Anyway, we shall be voting now on all the different couples. We are going to vote on Rochelle and Orson. We are going to say whether we think they will be here this time next week. Well, I think they will, considering they weren't, were barely there this time last week. You know, it's, they had a massive bust up on money. Yeah. I couldn't believe she didn't come back to the apartment. I couldn't believe that she didn't go to the dinner party. You know, he really held out hope and I was thinking, got Orson's fair plate. He like me, never the optimist there. She treated him a total disrespect. I mean, the way she turned up for a drink. That's all the producers could get them to interact with really on the holiday. At the end, the last night, she turned up in jeans, you know, like she didn't look in any way dressed up. She looked great. Let's hand it to her. Oh, look. She looks good for rates. There's no two ways. Well, she looked like she's gone in for carting him up. Exactly. My phrase indeed. Yes. So, you know, and then she stayed for all of what? Three minutes and was gone again. Okay. So you're saying yes. They'll be here. Yeah. I think, I think it did kind of build well that she did come back and, and a male, again, put it up to her. This is, you're not half in. You're not half out. You're either in or you're out. Look, I'm going to agree as well. I think they'll be in. I think we got very little from them ordered under wedding at this stage. Absolutely. I think they'll give them a little go. So I think that we still here next week as well. Okay. Absolutely. We're agreeing. Holly and Alex with the other wedding. Oh, yeah. That's right. Yeah. Now, these are an interesting couple, aren't they? Again, you would assume that they both got exactly what they ordered. Did they? Did Alex? I don't think Alex got what he ordered. He would have ordered somebody without kids. Yeah. That's very true. Yep. I stand corrected. And I thought it was interesting that they did actually put him with somebody with kids, but then again, the experts tend to do that sometimes. They do. They do. Look, he took it fairly well. He said, look, it wouldn't have been my forced choice, but we are where we are. I'm going to make this work. I understand you come as a package. Yeah. He gave a reassurance. Yeah. I think he feels challenged by her. He feels challenged by her that she is kind of feisty and that she's not going to toe the party line with him. He feels challenged by her until she challenges him. I know you say the party line because you could use the part word party in another way. It seems like she was pretty much out there going out with her friends and off a lot. And possibly mama dad, possibly now. We don't know, but it seemed like mama dad maybe did a bit of the child minding and child rearing along the way. Her dad seems a lovely man. Is there a bit of a problem with that, do you think? I think she, yeah, honestly, well, all I can say is what we've learned about her so far and kind of on the introduction to her life before she got married. You could see that she was out partying. She was life and soul of the party. And that's what she was to live in the rest of life doing that. All of a sudden, she is in a relationship and he doesn't seem to be as much of a party animal. Yes, he, if he has to have friends, but he's very career orientated and he's very family orientated. We saw that under honeymoon. That was the biggest blow up, the fact that he wants to go to bed and think when they got in. Oh, look, I, you know what? I mean, is it just me? I completely got where he was coming from. I mean, I really did. If I was ever getting off a flight from the UK to the Maldives and we've done it to you. Yeah. Even when we've done shorter flight, six-hour flight. Well, we're 20 years older. It doesn't matter. Seriously, I just, you know, you're skipping time zones and things like that. And I know they're already there for three, four, five days, whatever the case may be. But I am good for nothing. Just let me go home. Let me get a few hours sleep and start a fresh next day. And you can sleep on a plane. I can't sleep on a plane at all. Yeah, that's it. I mean, he was sleeping on the plane. He obviously just is that one of those people who needs more sleep and she doesn't. She goes on a adrenaline or a nerves or whatever the hell she feels like. And so I can get where he's coming from. I'm like, yes, I do want to get started. I do want to enjoy this, but let me get my head down and then you get the best of me. A couple of hours. Yeah, and eventually they seem to walk it out though, didn't they? They did. Right then and there. They did. That seemed good. Yeah. And you could see their fight style was their world very confrontational. Yeah. You know, so that was... I didn't only got worse when it came to the dinner party. It did. Well, it exposed parties. They didn't find it. They were all, they were getting on really well. I think they're more sexually attracted to each other than anything else. You know, and that's always kind of, that's always a warning sign for me when they're just physically attractive to each other. Yeah, it's not at all. But there doesn't appear to be substance behind us. It can burn out very quickly. Well, that's it. It appears to be burning out very quickly. Oh no, it appears to be burning all over the place because she just flipped when she heard about what he said at the stag party. She just wasn't accepting at all. The fact that he didn't know her at the time didn't call it with her. Yeah. How do you feel about that, Hugh? I mixed feelings about it. I can see his point in that he says, well, I was saying if I didn't like my bride and I do like my bride, I think very highly of you, but she's thinking, well, hold on. You're coming into a process. The process is that you stick with it. The experts are likely to give you what they feel that you need rather than what you want. It's going to be somewhat difficult along the way. He's right from the get-go in her opinion. Before he even meets his bride, he's saying, well, I might jump out and that is alarm bells for her. I'm probably with her overall. Not even, I might just jump out, but he's saying, I will. I will. If I don't like my wife, I'll be going after somebody else's wife. If there's a better connection there, you know, look out. And in some ways, that's a threat. That's basically saying, you do what I want because if you don't do what I want, I won't like you anymore and I'm going to jump. Yes, if you told her, but she was oblivious to it. Yeah. So, you know, that's two completely different issues there. So she was oblivious to her. Once she found out about it, yeah, I did get where she was coming from because, yes, it's a fast process and they're going to show things that you're supposed to challenge you. So there are going to be times. Am I wasting my time as far as she was concerned? She's got, am I wasting my time here? Why am I even engaging in this? And they're pretty confrontational. She has a melt on him. He has a melt on him. You'd be ghosted if this was in the real world, basically. Yes, but the things he says, I'm kind of going to really grow up, but grow up. I know. I know. I know. Paul came in pretty strong. Paul came in pretty strong though, didn't he? He didn't. Yeah. Yeah. He's stepping up, yeah, he actually, I'm beginning to think that he does know what he's talking about. Beginning to. Whereas for the other series, I was kind of saying, who is he? What does he do? Why is he there? He's listening to the podcast, Linda. He's learning from us. Come here. What do you think? Stay around. I think that she needs to get her nails done because she was missing a few nails after academic writing. Nails and shoes. Things Linda knows. No, it actually did bug me. Sorry guys, but. All right. Fine. Call it. I think that they'll stay. Okay. I initially thought that as well and then I scribbled it out and then I put in. No, I think they'll go. I just think there's too much aggression there, particularly on his side. No, I just think they'll just piss each other off quite frankly. She's very needy. Yeah. I think he will really have to abuse her before she goes away. I mean, oh, if I have to fight for this, well, then I'll fight for it kind of at the end. What is about, you know, a lot of the women on this year's show are very, oh, you know, crying. Oh, I've always been put there. Nobody ever wants me and you know. Needy, needy, needy. Needy, needy, needy. Yeah. It's like, yeah, it's a bit disconcerting, isn't it? Yeah. Just in case people are wondering, we don't just decide whether they'll, we think they'll stay or go right now on the podcast. We get out our little slips and fill it out, don't we? We do. We do. Now, moving swiftly on, let's move to different territory, happier territory. Christina. Christina. I'm curious. I knew you were going to say that when you said happier territory because like, are happier. Something like that. Yeah, whatever. Okay. Because they are the happiest couple I've ever seen. Like, they are beyond happy. They are like, disgustingly happy. They're abnormally, unnaturally happy. The only way is down. Unfortunately. And we've seen that. Yeah. Absolutely. They're going to have one hell of a bus stop somewhere along the way. It's not now though. So there's very little to say about them, really. Yeah. They're lovely. They bounce off each other. Yeah. They just, they really appreciate the quirks of the other person. Yeah. They do. They embrace it all. They are proof that every sauceman has a lid. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. You know, I do, I'd like to see these two working out in real life. I really would. I just have kind of a soft spot for them. Yeah. I'm very strong and certainly Cameron's no fool. You said though yourself, you wouldn't spend a day or two with Cameron. Oh, no. Oh my God. No, he'd be done for murder. He would literally be too much. And it's like, we had this conversation before we started the podcast about, about height. And the fact that he was done on about his height so much. And that all of the women had specifically asked for tall men. I'm glad he was tall. Did it, did it, did it. Yeah. And you kind of said to me, well, what would you do? Well, I mean, I've vertically challenged myself, like I'm probably about five, four. You know what I mean? I'm not tall at all. In the world. But you know, although height wouldn't be an issue for me and I'm more about kind of personality and what you bring to the table and all of that kind of stuff. And you could be, you know, five foot and you could have the personality of a seven foot man. Right. I'm all for that. And Christina gets that as well. At the same time, if somebody was going on a bed, that would be very off-putting for me. Yeah. Yeah, you just want somebody a little bit more confident in themselves. Well, a lot more confident in themselves. Yeah. Yeah. I need to be happy in their own skin. I think, particularly at the age we're at, if you meet somebody, you want them happy in their own skin. Yeah. 100%. But I do. It's, it was, it was, you know, for these. Ah, come on. I said you absolutely did a bit there this time next week. Yeah. It was a little brainer. That's absolutely a no brainer. And maybe not so clear-cut with Emma and Casper. It's my life you're fucking with. It's the most speed of quote of the commitment ceremony. He was not one bit happy. I don't think he's, well, emotionally, psychologically. Yeah. I don't. I don't think he's, I don't think he's fair for the process. There's something niggling at the back of my mind about him. And it's like, I don't know. I can't put my finger on it, but he was, he was miserable during the- Dinner. It was disconnected as the word I would use. It was awfully disconnected. Yeah. Like a fish out of water. He wasn't only disconnected from Emma. It seemed to not have anything in common with anybody. I'd say he's a bit of a loner. Yeah. That could be it too. Yeah. It's just not good at all in that not alone. Does he find her shape not attractive? And the fact that she sees it, she's groovy and allowed your girl. It's just, oh, it's almost everything about her. There's almost nothing he finds attractive about her. Yeah. Because he doesn't like your personality either. No. It reminds me of a sister. Yeah. I really don't know what she's going to do here. Now, I did say I'm going to stay. I did say I'm going to stay. It was 50/50. Are you regretting your decision now? No, it was 50/50. I still think it's still too soon. And I think they're both intelligent enough to understand that they have to give it everything. I think there will be improvements this week. Right. Emma, how will it be the improvements? It might look beyond her look. But her looks when he finds unattractive about her. And I think for her, I don't think that's actually her real personality either. Okay. There's a front there. I think there's a front. There's a more vulnerable side. Yeah. I do think there's a more vulnerable side. Okay. And I don't think she's actually as confident as she portrays. I agree. By the way, and I think she kind of said that herself, didn't she? If they can, if they can get into that, I think they'll have a lot more in common. Yeah. I'm with you. I did say that they would stay. Because, and they will still be there because I think she will try and try. She is a trier. And I think there's certainly another week in her. I'm not all that sure about it though. I'm a bit like you. It's a bit of a 50/50 one. And I just said, okay, I'll stick with the yes. There we go. There we go. Lacey and Nathan. Nathan is improving. I think Nathan has shown a more mature side. They are getting closer. Yeah. It seems good. They've written Nathan off. He has a body, but he's nothing between his ears. And although I did say last week, look, he appears to have a good job and he seems to be intelligent. It's very high functioning with his ADHD. There were glimpses during the dinner party and the way he held himself that kind of, he was considered in his replies things. Better again, Lacey is doing him good. Lacey is doing him good. Lacey is understanding and she's open about the nature of his ADHD. She's embracing it. She's understanding him better. She's understanding her own sister even better. That's given him confidence. They're actually greater than the sum of their parts, which is the ideal for any couple. They are at this point in time. Yeah. I think that Lacey's outgoing personality is bringing him out and making him more socially aware and socially acceptable as well in a lot of ways. Okay. But I wonder, will there be a situation whereby he discovers that Lacey doesn't challenge him intellectually? Okay. Yeah. There's also the issue in that for the moment they're in a bubble. Yes. They've been on the horny moon. They've got back to the sweets and whatever at the moment. But they're going to have to interact with the other participants. And maybe then Nathan's social fumbling will come to the floor again. I just wonder if they have as much in common as they think they do. Okay. When you get, when you strip back the layers, do they have as much in common as they think they do? For the moment though, I said, yeah, be there next week. No problem. Yeah, I think just in the couple of weeks and I'm deaf. Sure. Sure. Even Charlie. God, where do we even stand? I don't know. He was amazingly popular, it seems, with the other participants. So... The two Eaves. There's one Eaves. Well, I don't know. Are there two Eaves? I mean, she's schizophrenic or something. God, all he knows. Because at times she's very overbearing. She kind of leans in over people, puts her head down. She has, there's no word for a scale on her face as her natural sort of resting face. But I think, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I'm sorry to be so... I'm so much panicked about some piece of variance. Her looking after when she smiles, isn't she? Yeah. I mean, she is a very attractive woman. And honestly, I honestly believe that when she smiles, she's a completely different dark person when she doesn't smile. She looks utterly different. I think a lot of that is you put your finger on the pulse of it last week when he said it's a toxic masculinity. Yeah. You know, she can't cross as very supportive and almost jack the lads. But then when she's challenged from a relationship and feelings and emotional perspective, it's a bit like, "Yo, no, no, no. Hang on a second. No, no." She runs the door. Yeah. And it's very, very frustrating for Charlie. Oh, of course. And Charlie is being incredibly patient. I think that Charlie is much more... she's very needy. Charlie is very needy. For me, that would be a turn-off. Yeah. But if she's much more emotionally intelligent and in touch with her feelings, then Eve is. Is it going to be one of those ones where they both improve each other but ultimately they can't stay together? I think, unless there's huge improvements this week, I'll be voting no next week. Put it that way. Yeah. That's very much the way I thought. I think I did. I voted that. They'll stay in for a week. I voted. They'll stay in. Yeah. I can. I don't know if I see another week. Yeah. I don't know. Something we'll have to give because even at this point in time, I don't think that Charlie or Eve even finds Charlie physically attractive anymore. It's a bit like Rachelle and Orson. You know, they missed big chunks of the honeymoon together. So they did so little beforehand, they have to do the first week. That's kind of what made you say. Yeah. But they're still not the same apartment. Yeah. I think Rachelle and Orson are probably going to move into the same apartment but Charlie and Eve are not in the same apartment. Will they be in the same apartment? I don't think any of them can improve until they're in the same apartment. But on the couch, you know, when they weren't actually talking, when they were just kind of looking at everybody else, they, you know, they were, Charlie or Eve are sitting on our arm around Charlie and they did seem to be getting quite close. I totally went home and had a while Saxon, and I didn't speak to each other again the next day. That's because Eve is mercurial, she is black or she is white. It's either all or nothing for minute to minute. I, I, I, I'd be, it would frustrate me so much having to live with that. Well, why would you still get so upset? Why do you think she was breaking down and things like that? Well, we need to get into it, wasn't it? Yeah. And but also, um, in fairness, it does seem though that Charlie can be very, very fiery and it seems to be when the cameras are off, Charlie is fiery and so I don't know. It was something about the restaurant and she screamed at her and she threw their, it's, it's, it's a given that she threw their, the rain away and the ocean and all that. Yeah. I was, I was thinking, it's not the rain. I was thinking, ah, couldn't be. No, I'm not even. Yeah. You know, that's very immature. That's very charged. Um, and I'm threatening. So, and if you don't know where you stand with somebody if there's just such a, if there's no completely different people, one minute they're needy and they're nice and they stand near the next mother completely explosive. That must be very difficult to deal with as one. It's the definition of walking on eggshells, isn't it? Literally walking on eggshells. Yeah. Yeah. So let's see what the experts can do with these two, but I'm not very confident they're going to make it a little generating loads of headlines everywhere, certainly online. Um, Polly and Adam, um, where do we begin on that one? Oh, hang on for a second, generating loads. What happened to we say it as we see it and we don't read stories about like, I honestly haven't read one single story or looked at one single article to avoid it. You just on your wall on Facebook and whatever, you know, not on Facebook. That's probably why. Yeah. No, you don't put it where you are. But you don't browse Facebook. No, don't bother. That seems to be in my life. Ah, does I suppose there's, there's two halves to their relationship in that he. Okay. Well, before you start, because you're biased now, okay, let me give my own biased opinion of these two. Okay. Okay. I think that Adam is a bit of a dick. Yeah. I don't like him. Um, I don't think he has any respect for Polly. I think he's a bit immature in that he will only settle for perfection, his view of perfection. So it's basically somebody with Polly's personality in maybe a Lacey's body. Yeah. Um, like wake up and smell the coffee, Adam, you know, like again, that hasn't worked for you. That's the reason that you're on the program. Sure. You know, your type or what you think it is obviously hasn't worked for you. I think he's, um, he's quite rude about when he talks about Polly. Um, Polly, on the other hand, she needs to have some self respect. She was literally all over and wonder other participants under self and, and the camera was panning back to them. She was all over them and he was like none of us could pawn and it's like, come on, like, I mean, you know, give him a little bit of string and then, you know, that whole kitten and string vibe and then pull it back when it comes for more, but save some, save something for later. You saw how far I got you in his staff tool on the first night. Yeah. You know, it's just, I'm just finding that whole thing embarrassing. Um, and Polly seems to be a little bit of an agitator with, with the other contestants. It's like, I'm not happy in my relationship and I don't want anybody else to be happy in the relationship. There's certainly an element of that. She just can't bear it. And we've seen that in so many different series that they bring in the fact that they're unhappy and it's like, how dare you be happy? I'm not happy. I don't think you should be happy because, and she kind of stores it up. Yeah. No one award. And she is doing it. But I don't think she's doing it intentionally. I think it's just, I don't know, I don't know the something about a personality or something that she just doesn't want anybody else to be happy. I'm not happy. Nobody else. Largely you're saying, and you've said all the things that I would say as well. As I was just saying in the papers, well, there's loads of different views on this. There's a strong view out there. That a person isn't titled to the type that they like and the type of person that they want to the type of person that they're attracted to. And if he's not attracted to her, fair enough, he's not attracted to her and that should be respected. And you shouldn't just be told to suck it up. In fairness to him, he does acknowledge quite openly that he likes her personality and who she is. And as friends, they're absolutely fine. But just for him, it's not good enough. No. Are you what you're saying? You should have a right to be attracted to your tracks and not denying that for an instant. What I am saying to you is that it hasn't worked for him and that's why he's on the program because he needs help, because his type quite obviously isn't his type. Yeah. That's why he's on the program. To be challenged. Oh, I hear that. I hear all that. I'm just saying what's been said online. No, I'm just saying online, that's the argument that's being made, order them what you've just said. Okay. That's it. You didn't like a dress. Oh, no. No, I didn't like a dress at all. No, I didn't. No, I didn't think it suited her body type at all. I thought she was trying too hard. No, I didn't. Look, the dress that she wore, the white one that she wore to the commitment ceremony was lovely on her. Yeah. It was classy. She looked, when she looks like a classy girl, like she does, she has a kind of elegant look about her. But no, no, I don't, you know, and she sat there so I can dress my body type and I'm kind of thinking to myself, clearly you can't because you didn't know that occasion. It was one occasion. Yeah. But other times, it's like when she wasn't making an effort. I love the glasses on her. I kind of loved when she was casual and she's a lovely dress since. When her hair is down too, very busy. Why like it when her hair is up? I think she's a pretty face. There you go. So, yeah, but when her hair is down, her hair is a beautiful color. Yeah. And I adore the color of her hair. She's looking at coloring. Yeah. I don't fail. So she's a very pretty girl. I'm just wondering if she has a pretty personality. Okay. Okay. But I do think that they're going to be there next week. Yes. Same here. Same here. But he does have some kind of personality. Yeah. Although the one redeeming feature and only I will say about Adam is he went out her when she was upset. And he did go straight out her and say, "Wasn't me upset?" You're like, "Why are you crying?" Oh, the four out of ten business. Yeah. And it wasn't four out of ten as in Mark and Hurry. It was four out of ten on a scale of, you know, right from Kant's standard to Matt Lee and Loverar. Yeah. Yeah. And he was disappointed when he said that four. And when he gave that four, he kind of goes, "Well, it's four at the moment." Like he'd like it to improve. Yeah. He's not dismissing it. Yeah. I think he would. That's that is one redeeming feature. Right. And done with those two, isn't it? Right. Our last couple to consider. Sasha and Ross, amazingly they are getting on so, so well. And Sasha now understands, well, she's being told the difference between being celibate and being abstanced. Yeah. Again. Bravo, Paul. Absolutely. It was rather nicely I thought. He did. Yeah. Well, yeah. And it wasn't that patronizing. Mm. Yeah. Maybe so. But no, they're a lovely couple. I mean, I think Ross is just, I think he's just got, I think he's very well brought up or something. Yeah. You know, you can see that there were kind of values instilled in him. He's a nice guy so far, you know, like, but we've had this before, you know, and we see in the real Ross, you know, somehow I think we are, I think he's kind of as a naivety and an innocence about him. Yeah. He's not the sharpest tool. He's not. But neither is she. No. Like neither is she. Seriously. So they probably just suit each other. Yeah. She, she kind of whys it better. Yeah. Well, does she? Um, she, I, I, I think she's your, your typical didsy blonde and I'm not saying that she's beautiful looking girl. Yes. She's bubbly. She's a lovely person now. She does seem to see the good in everybody. She's just, she's glass half whole kind of a person and that's lovely. I can see those two. Where can you? Yeah. Probably more than any other couple because I just feel with Christina and Karen, there's, there's just something there that's going to kick off. So overall though, it's all down to Holly and Alex. Well, between us for days. Yeah. Yeah. So you think that they'll go and I think they'll stay. One of us will be one point ahead next week. Okay. Well, look at, watch the space guys. Absolutely. Have a lovely week. And enjoy the next few episodes. Keep watching whilst. Later. Bye for now. Before you go, just a quick request, please like and subscribe to our podcast. And if you can, pop on a notification. 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