KTOD Radio - The Competitive Star Wars Unlimited Podcast

KTOD Radio Episode XVIII - PQ Meta Deep Dive

Broadcast on:
29 Sep 2024
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Hey, what's up, it's your boy Bobby Sapphire, and I am here with the rest of the KTOD 4 episode 18 of the KTOD radio podcast, Justin, you look tired, looks like you just woke up at 645 on a dang Sunday, what's up? I was just sleeping, I was dreaming of the podcast, and now I'm doing it again. I love that. You dream to come true, you have to be nice to you. I don't know if you used to do this, Maddie, but I used to still dream that I was collecting tools, so I would get home from collecting tools all night and then still collect tools in my dreams. Oh yeah, dude, when you do like a repetitive thing like that, oh, you know, you just, it just gets ingrained. All right, and Stevie gets doing his Professor Numpty impression yesterday at the, at the 1K. Oh, you really haven't been so happy about an O2 drop in my life. I just did not want to be there. Well, I appreciate you showing up. So we had a one. Yeah. I still have nightmares about the restaurant on like a weekly basis. Yeah, I did all the ticket machine. I used to hear the ticket machine from my chef days. Oh my goodness. I can still not go away. Yeah. Rough to a great start. Talk about just the dream cast. So we're going to talk about how we had 18. Jesus 18. We've been doing this for 36 weeks. I was not easy work grind is grind of content creation is not for the week. Yeah, shout out to my job. I'm taking a mental health day, Tuesday just to do podcast stuff. I've never had to do that before for a side business. So that's the real side hustle is here. So we're going to talk about PQ season starts this weekend. This is it. I got a PQ on Saturday, a weekend, so many 1Ks events. We've like so many events to cover. There's still some going on right now. There's a stream of the UK. Second day of their double 1K weekend. Like it's crazy, man. The tournaments are on the weekend. It's a huge weekend, lots of 1Ks, lots of. Oh, yeah. Wait till you see all the results. I mean, you've seen them because you've seen our result channel in Discord. But man, it's crazy how many events there were. And then also like we were just talking about it last night, but like. There's there's like three more 1K scheduled for Matt for New England. So and then another, you know, we've got word about the date, like the potential date of PQ, a couple of PQs in New England. So like it's it's happening. Like this is everything people have been complaining about. It's just because they were impatient and not unduly. So like you can be impatient, but this is happening. It's like it's here. Yeah, we're going to roll right from these 1Ks into like set two PQs into like pre-release, you know, some 1Ks scattered in. And the next thing you're going to blink and it's going to be set three PQs. And then we're off to the races. So yeah, and you can bang us here at the KTOD YouTube. You know, for the next 36 episodes, check us out. Episode 72, um, we're covering the regional, uh, the, sorry, the galactic championship. But yeah, we'll be covering all the PQs. Um, you know, we are discord is so big that we have people basically going to every PQ and we'll be able to get data and results and lists, hopefully, and really sort of ramp up what we do to cover, um, the results of those events. So follow us on there and follow us on the YouTube. Yeah. And like a lot of people, like, if you're watching, you got to sub, like we need to know that you're liking what's going on. Like you, you got to, you got to get in there. You got to click those buttons for us. Show us what you like. Show us what you got. No, it's show us. It's all worthwhile. All the five, 15 wakeups. Yeah. Being in the dog house, taking days, taking sick days. Yeah. Sick days. Really, I'll give you my checklist of stuff. Which is the actual side hustle now, dude. Right. A lot of people. Yeah. Well, people are like, dude, could you actually quit your job? But like, no, teaching, teaching is the side hustle. It can't quit. Uh, all right. So I want to shout out our boy, Eric Oakley, who is in town from Pensacola. Uh, he is a professional disc golf player. I was here for the Pro Tour event at Maple Hill in Leicester. And he heard his back. So we had to WD, um, the event and he ended up coming down to the 1K and taking the whole thing down, which was pretty insane. He's playing Han ECL. Uh, he and I played some Han ECL games. We grinded some play testing at Mezcal, uh, on, uh, earlier in the week, maybe Tuesday, I think we hung out and like had some margaritas and got some games and, uh, yeah, it was pretty sick. Did you get a spicy margarita? I did not get a boy. Kelly, I did, uh, margarita. I did not. I got, uh, uh, heradora repizato margarita, Steve. I hope that's okay with you. Hope that passes the test. Uh, I got him a delo. Yep. Was a lot. Yeah, Maddie was drinking, they were drinking medellos. Um, any, any, any lives in the bathroom sinks? Oh, of course. I go there. Not that I saw. That was impressive. He, uh, so it didn't even happen. I don't know. We were really dry. It's the most drunk I've ever been. It's the, it's the night that made me stop drinking, like to get drunk. So anyway, not that anyone really wants to hear about that. They're here to hear about the 1K. I took you guys. What's the air about that? Uh, I, so I was going to take Sabine to the 1K, but there ended up being so many Sabines that I was like, I don't really want to fight a sea of, like, I want to play Sabine when it's going to be a control weekend. I think like the last 1K, um, that I said, like, you know, the Justin did really well at with the Sabine. I was like, Oh yeah, I wish I knew Sabine. So the last few weeks I've been training on Sabine. Um, and then, but I did swear back to blue, um, let the night before, just because I didn't want to battle Sabine with Sabine. I want to battle Sabines with blue rice. So, right. Um, you know your enemy thing too. You know what I mean? Like it's never bad to like take a week to learn another deck just to fight it better. So it's like, yeah, that's a great point for sure. And being agile is important. Like, you know, to jump back to Ray, understand that Sabine wasn't what you wanted to do. Um, another thing with Sabine, that's sort of not hit it down a notch. We can talk about all people that did well with Sabine, but the boss blew that control matchup isn't as easy as. Yeah. There's, there's an event that we can specifically talk about that. Um, when we get there, you'll, you'll see very clearly. Um, so I went for one, uh, came in top eight. I guess I came in fifth. Um, I really think about that. My loss in Swiss sahan yellow. And then, um, I told my wife I was going to drop the top eight because everyone split cash. I got outvoted seven to one. I felt really bad about the only person to vote no split. Uh, so I acquiesced and gave, and gave, and did the split. Um, but then I was like, okay, I'm coming home. And then I just played top eight for no real reason. I was so taxed and tired. Uh, and I ended up like playing a really good game too and punting game three. And I'm just like, why am I here? I said I was going home. I'm somehow playing. I, I just like completely through like what a waste of time, but it wasn't a waste of time. I learned actually a lot about the Han yellow matchup. Both my losses were to Han yellow. Um, so I'm happy to get the two reps there. Um, and be able to think about that going into PQ weekend next weekend. But sorry, Justin, what were you gonna say? No, it sounds like you projected the, the, um, the aura of someone who just is addicted to playing high stakes matches. Cause you, you know, sir, the split and then the split still happened and you're like, I need it more. Let me play one more round. Right. And I told her I was leaving. So I couldn't have played all the way to the top eight. I just played that extra round. For no reason is real. Yeah. I was, I need, I need the feels, I need it Nicholas Cage and leaving Las Vegas, except it's Star Wars and Liberty. Yeah. So not my finest moment as a husband or a card player, but I'm really happy for Arkelal and Eric for taking it down. And the event had a, like he does custom stitched Matt. So he did the, the Sabine art there. Um, you know, full screen with the champion of the 1k. I hope, I like that's really. Yeah, two. So three disc quarters. Oh, yeah. Actually. So the, um, the Kira 30 is from the discord. Uh, yep. And then you're somebody else was Teddy. No, no, Teddy played Kira wasn't Teddy. Um, the Alex Blandon was one of the high and yellow. So I think it was like five out of the eight were, um, were from the discord. Take over. Uh, yeah. Yame just didn't have people's, um, game, my names there. Uh, and then one other thing is like, we'll see this in another slide, but Fennec red making the finals and making the top four in a Florida 1k. Uh, I reached out to, uh, Yame to get the Fennec deck. I don't know if like, you know, we were talking about like, what the hell? Fennec deck, Justin and I were trying to throw it together. We're like, principal that lie. I wonder if that's in there and then I was able to get the list. So shout out to, um, I think it's Ben and maybe, um, two. I told you him to get them in the discord. So yeah, hopefully we can get them chatting about it. But I actually like played a practice game with this deck this morning. And it does some cool things. I think the ability to ambush later in the game, like kind of like how time leaves a problem. Like, yeah, you can't do the record thing, but like principal to outlaw, like eating somebody and tapping someone down. Like there's a lot of like two for ones that you can kind of like accomplish. Yeah, it just, it's not going to ECL for value late in the game, right? Like these things aren't going to kill the units that come out. They're late, but like, um, they finished stuff off. And yeah, but if you, if you kill a guy and then tap their Han or what, like, you tap their big unit. So I know he beat, um, game in top eight, uh, who was on Sabine Green. And I can see, like, I've, I've been losing with Sabine Green to, um, yellow Sabine and I can see how like, you know, this, this is a similar thing. Like if they go Millennium Falcon, cartel turncoat, you might not be able to catch back up and think about like for the Sabine mirror match, where you're talking about like the space lane with like when a wing, you know, whoever plays an A wing first or maybe someone even wastes an ECL to kill an A wing. And this has A wing red three and Millennium Falcons. You pretty much shut down space completely. Yeah, they can. Yeah. I guess in town to counter an ECL play. And then you, yeah. Space lane, exactly. And then you just keep shooting stuff on the ground. Um, my first reaction with, uh, from the Sabine side is like, play more Sundari's probably be okay against this. Like Sabine is so nimble at reacting to things. Yeah, um, I spent a lot of time this weekend working on ways for Sabine to be, to be a little tighter against Bosque. So, um, I think this, but it's, it's cool. I mean, it is also, you got like here, like ambushing something and looking at their hand at the same time. It's kind of neat. Yeah. That's a nice one. And he has two Hans and a crate dragon in the board, which people will not see coming. Yeah. Yeah. Crates a little while. Yeah. All right. Cool. Maybe that should be a spark. Um, and then shout out to late night gaming and Rebel trader, who we talked about in the last podcast, uh, they co, they teamed up to stream the Misty Mountain 1K, uh, shadows number two and then shout out to Spags, one of our Patreon subscribers, who shouted out Justin Corona and Yakko for all the hard work they do in the Sabine green threads. We want to shout him out. He spags a Worcester boy or just, I think it's pro, I doubt it. Dude, we got to get him a sticker. We got to get this guy Spags. Oh, we should get him a Spags t-shirt. He probably has no idea what Spags is. I'm sure all those people don't. Um, what's their thing? Yeah. Uh, so we see Sabine green here. Uh, the finals split the money. We played it out and he, so this is Sabine green that beat a Bosque blue. Um, and I think he gives a recap in the discord. Um, not 100 percent. Yeah, he was like, I was cool to see it. I, I was away during like dinner time, or later evening when I got on super late and saw all these posts about people being really appreciative of the Sabine green, uh, stuff. I guess he was like really specific in his praise. Like, oh, the Boba green matchup. I had navigated it through like Justin and Corona, giving some tips there. So that was cool and humbling to see that people are, um, you know, really, really utilizing that channel. You can see things here like the one R2 and the fighters, the extra three drops, kind of like leaning in there. So if you look at the, um, the, the conversation we actually had in Sabine green this week was like, you can play more units, a few more units, especially at three. Um, timely or a couple more big units. And he opted for the two, and I said, you do two of those things. And that was a big conversation we had in the Sabine green channel. He opted for the two timelies and the more ground units and doesn't have the bright hope of Delphi there. Yeah. And actually he, um, and he cut a metal ceremony to create an extra spot to create an extra spot. Yeah. Right. That's great. You guys kind of identified that you have five spots to figure out what you want to do with. You want to do extra threes. You want to do a Delphi's. You want to do bright hopes. You want to do timelies. And, um, yeah. He has four additional units and then the two timelies is six cards. So you need one slot and got rid of a metal, which I don't think is that crazy. Yeah, not that crazy. It's like that crazy. Um, it definitely, you know, some of those double metal games get out of hand, but some of the single metal games go out of hand. Right. So, um, yeah. So shout out to Spaggs and you could see Matt here. His name is Scott. Paggola Roni. So that's where he gets back from. Yeah. I just, you know, had to shout out. The OG Walmart. So, so many events here, but we're going to, um, I tried to organize them as best I could to like have similar talking points, but we'll see like in Tulsa, there were two Boba Blues and two Homblows in the top four. One of our subs or Marco took it down. But you see the two Boba Blue controls. And then in, um, in Oregon, there were a Boss ECL and a Boba Green that were both taken out, oh, the boss, punted lethal. Both beat Sabine's. Yeah, but the Sabine's win there. And then yeah. Oh, I'm looking at the other one. Yeah. And then so the one on the right in San Diego, San Diego, uh, is the opposite. Boss Blue Boba Yellow beat the two Sabine. So we had one. I mean, like it says, the boss punted lethal in Oregon, but like we do see like that. This is kind of the meta. I predicted like a lot of control and a lot of Sabine. And you see like a couple Boba's and Bossks who like fed off the Sabine's. Pushing their way through, um, really healthy meta. But, uh, it seemed like the week of lots of Sabine's and best thing to do would be to counter Sabine's. And now, now what? You know, is it? Yeah, where does it go? Yeah. And this is. Yeah. Yeah. This is. Yeah. Yeah. This is. Yeah. Boss. ECL is like a good counter to Sabine. And then Boss Blue, I was saying is like, maybe not quite as easy as people initially thought, for Sabine and Bossk can actually take a lot of those games. So I think probably you're seeing a lot of like sort of, uh, individual mental counterplay of people tightening up like, Oh, I'm boss. I want to tighten up my Sabine match a little bit. Or I just think it's actually good. And I just noticed sequencing. I lost a couple of times this week where like the opponent never flipped their Bossk until like, when that actually mattered, like not. When they, when they just, yeah, yeah. Yeah. It wasn't like I was holding it back with like an ECL co-record type thing. It was just like, you know, it waited till I was able to claim and then just did four more damage. And then it played like a make an opening on the union and just like it had so many cards. The Bossk's can feel really well. Like they can have so many cards and then they've got a leader that's just ready to rock. Yep. At any, at a moment's notice, like not like a Vader. Like Blue Red Raiders, probably like the biggest, um, comparison to that deck from like, yeah, one would, would be in those guys, but they had to wait for their, their leader. And like they got, you just got the four six, just kind of waiting in the way. Whenever you want it. Also like, there's a thing about, um, and I know like Mike Joe was really good at like the late action stuff in Destiny, but like because of the paying action, like sometimes you can kind of blow out a player with, with the, with the late action and just solitary after they're kind of done. Um, if they're curving out, you can, you can wait with a ping or a little attack or something small. And then when they've kind of done what they've needed to do, like, yeah, you lose initiative, but if you have enough actions after, you can just mop everything up and the board state looks completely different from when they claimed, you know what I mean? It's like almost a new game. And they're like, Oh, snap. Justin and I were talking about this last night because, um, when I was playing, uh, Blandon in the, uh, in Swiss yesterday, um, he kind of just aggroed me with rogue operatives, game one, but game two, he was slow and he was like, his DJ plays were not for great value, I didn't feel, but he had Bodie before he played tech every game. He hit all three texts in game two. Um, and I would take like three, four actions and then I would have to claim and he would take like seven actions because he had a 15 card hand and he would just, um, you know, the game took really long and I would never want to play that deck in that fashion because it was so taxing and there's just so much room. I mean, I guess there's not that much room for her because you can just do whatever value plays you can afford. But like, man, it was to more decisions. The more, yeah, more decisions, you have to refuel and stuff. But that's exactly what I thought of it was like a really interesting Dirdle deck because he was taking so many more actions to me. I was so far ahead. I didn't think there was any way I could lose that game. Um, but then when we got into the really late part of the game and he had like 12, 13 resources, he was just like playing five cards a turn and then he was attacking with like eight things at the end. So it just got completely out of hand. I think like, sorry, no, no, no, no, you can say, I think the biggest thing I've learned over playing yesterday and even a little this week is I want to be playing a more proactive deck than I currently am. It feels like while the ray is good and even some of those boss blues are great, like I want to be actively, I want to be the aggressor or initiating something because the games are so long sometimes and it's such a grind. And I think I just stay in that lane where you're being the one doing more things. And like, I mean, I joke about it, but how many times have I've seen Justin walking around for like having that mental freshness too is definitely a thing. Yeah, and playing like a clean, a clean, you have to pinpoint like just doing things even and it doesn't mean you can't play control, but you can still play these control decks and play like, you know, great mites, broids and stuff like that. My second game versus mono green ever, like, we were halfway through the game and it was only like 10 minutes left and I just like picked up my card. So it's like, there's no way we're gonna finish in time. Yeah, it's just in its taxing, you know. Yeah, yeah, I think that's why those like mid rangey control decks that can flip the switch fast or more are like the better way to go. Like, just because you get just to just turn it on and get more a little proactive, right? Or the second you kind of get a foothold in the game. Two things I wanted to bring up really quick for the next slide. One, with like all this talk about how the meta changes and you have to make all these like kind of week to week decisions, that's why we started that that Thursday podcast for the podcast. Yeah, like that's an exact like, that's the exact need that we found within this game of like, yeah, we do this to every two weeks and we do the YouTube and obviously we're chatting in Discord, but like bringing up these little nuances. The only way you can do that is through the, you know, the discussion and the pod. So like, that's why we did it. And I think it's people are loving it and it's really serving a good purpose. So yeah, it's growing every day, which I would yeah, check out. I think it's like some of the best stuff we do. People are crushing on it. Like, shout out. Yeah, I mean, I don't have the names right here, but a lot of people who participated were all we're seeing in like the, hey, me, I top-baited because I think they're really excited to share out to that they're doing well. I mean, we got one burner on the board or, or Makaru is part of the, the, that's true. The higher tier. So he listens to the pod and he's part of the competitive team. Yeah, we have a couple more of those too. Yeah. Yeah. I want to give one on to you. And then I wanted to shout out Rodney Stubbs Chris Schutz for Schutz. I think it's how it's pronounced for he wrote a red ray deck guide for us that we posted on our Patreon. If you're not a subscriber, you could buy it. And if you're a subscriber, you get it included. So you can kind of check out those options. They, he split in top four. I love how like the message got cut off though. He's like, I would have played out top four, but my wife was mega-pissed that I was playing. I had to go home. They're no exactly. Yep. We've all been there brother. Yeah. So he, he and Kraw, one of our other subs split in the top four. And then, you know, pretty, pretty standard top eight, but a Luke Green did sneak into the top four there. That's cool. Yeah. I looked at the list. It was pretty standard, but like, I mean, standard, but like it had everything. I had like typical blue-green stuff, but I think it had three Luke sabers, which was pretty crazy. Was Kitter ECL or 30? I would imagine it would be 30 because he wrote like 17 ECL earlier. Right. Right. So, right. But yeah, Chris's guide is sick. He's been an awesome member of our community and he's been crushing with that deck. So it's definitely an underrated deck in the meta and in a pretty good spot, I think. Yeah. And yeah, you can see some like crooked numbers there too. So like, it's always great to see guides on things that have like, you know, two Cassians and two of the, yep, the restore one ship. I forget the name, but yeah, tons of two ups. Really nice. Yeah. When I see two, I was in a deck, I'm like, let me find out more. Yeah. Yeah. But I like it. It's like, all right. And like, I do this a lot too, where it's like third copies on the board and like, yeah, I want it, but not every map, not a lot of matchups, but it's important. And you know, I go up to the full amount when I, when I have to, when you had, when you needed four events in Australia so far, this weekend. Oh, so. Blimey. Blimey. It's like, I think Blimey's not Australia, but whatever. I like it all. Crikey. Crikey. Wait, does this break in like Austin powers? I don't, I don't think so. I think they said I also like it. It's like Crikey. I lost my mojo. Isn't that what it isn't Craig? I don't know. I bet it's Blimey. Guys, look, this is the content you want, baby. So we've got early morning pods. Yeah. Don't dream me. We're gonna wait until we're getting high on green winning one. It doesn't look like, or maybe the 24 person showed on him, Brisbane, Boba Yellow, like they didn't do a top cut. Got a Sabine Green 5-0, but Basque, ECL beating Sabine in the final, which is pretty typical. And then another one, no top cut, Basque Blue at the top. So like pretty, like everything's just pretty healthy. Like we're not seeing it. On green, making a little bit of a comeback. Yeah. Just sort of on one green, seeing that a little more. The one kid you played in Mike and Yep. Yeah, quite a bit there. Yeah. Feels like it's been popping up. He's been liking it. Yeah. Always ahead of it. Yeah. I am right now playing it yesterday, Bob. That is what it is. Yeah. Yeah, given your match up, I mean for Ray, Pelb Green's just the absolute worst match up. Like you're almost better off. You might honestly be better off scooping and having lunch or something. Yeah. I mean, that's that's tournament life. Like sometimes. Yeah. Well, for sure. I've been more though that if I knew I was going to, oh, too, I would have played something. Some more inch. Yeah. More fun. I got you. Yeah. Well, shout out to all the their shanty towns and stuff like that. Yeah. Sharing this out. Yeah. The CAD T town, a lot of Boba yellow like three Boba yellows here in a Boba T town that that's pretty interesting. I'd say like get about and then blue slaps you like Boba yellow. If you forget it exists, you can get your real thinking a little bit about mono blue villain. I might have to like get that out of my system one day this week. Yeah, do it. Let's test it. Just like get those veggies for four, but get it on the era get it on the felt. Yeah. Yeah. I had a Kira mono blue deck that I was working on like around Gen Kontime. I can shoot it to you and we can kind of update it with one of those lists that like I build and then I go like, why am I even doing this? But I do have some spicy tech that we'll see. We'll see that maybe if it will crack it open. Yeah. And up to Kira Jean, he's been good in that that our CAD ban aggression thread was kind of, you know, it's got ebbs and flows to it, but he's been a good contributor. Nice. Yeah. I love when I like re-sub to a deck thread. I'm like, oh, let me see what's going on in this one. And then like weeks have passed and there's so many comments to catch up on. The deck threads is really I have this like welcome message. I send the people in the discord and it's like, you got to check out the deck threads. It's all about the deck threads. What deck do you like? It's in the end of it and just talking about he's playing. Yeah. So many of you have champions too, just like people who are really into their deck and like can answer questions and onboard people. It's like probably my favorite thing about the discord. I mean, it's people's favorite thing. Like I do a lot of like just kind of polling of like random subs just to see how they're enjoying things and we can make things better. And like everyone says like the deck threads are the best thing. And that's awesome. And so that led us to the guides and and more fun stuff coming. Yeah. And it's it's a little cat red. Got a very exciting spoiler this week too. We'll talk about that. Yeah, we'll talk about it a little bit in Good Bedbrook and so a couple of European top source store showdown top eights. And like we know from talking on this podcast and the meta and stuff that like the European meta's tend to be a little control heavy. It doesn't really get super reflected in all these top eights. But I am interested in the fact that Green Palp won both of these, which is pretty well. And we see like Blue Ray made the finals versus Palp Green went 0 2 not shocked. Games lasted so long. He managed to play a copy of Endless Legion's game to tell the game. So it's pretty holler. And yeah, he beat Han to Blue in the other in the other event. But yeah, if you're going to go late there ain't probably not a better car. Unless you're playing against like Super laser flash or something. Yeah. But yeah, good to see the K3 with the Blue Ray take it all the way to the finals. Almost take it down. We got a couple more. We got one in top eight for a 1k in Florida. Actually they split it top. I think it cut to top four is what I kind of deciphered from reflexes message. And then crispy who is reflexes boy. We hung out with him in Florida and a Gen Con was running the Fennec T town also. But yeah, a bunch of guys from our discord, we have a good Florida contingent. So a lot of those. Yeah, I wanted to shout out crispy sent me like a really freaking nice message after about like some of the content I've been doing on the side channel. And dude, like he's such a good guy. And like the fact that like just to get those messages of like appreciation and like, dude, it's all you man, you did the work like we just try to help. But like, yeah, that was a lot of people were asking about you yesterday. We're wondering where you were and saying that how much they like the side channel. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, man, bachelor party. I wanted to come, but you know, I had obligations as running the slot machine, baby. So a lot of Boba yellow though here. We got, you know, two Boba yellow in the top four in Florida. And then Boba Jetta beats Vader green in the finals, which is like really wild, like, oh, super wild. I like, yeah, I, I wonder why like I wonder what the reasoning that would be there to go Jetta over the 30 point like I can't really think of one. Because you're like, it doesn't necessarily help you win the race. You're not generally trading with Boba yellow unless it's just like a completely different kind of deck. Yeah, I was going to say maybe he's first action in jetting and then, and then, yeah, and then ambushing in. So he's got more ambush stuff. So it's like, yeah, it's two actions to kill a guy. But like, then my guys are healthier. And then he saves it for like the Boba flip turn to like that's what the Kylo Jetta did to me at a Gen Con. There was a guy who he met, he won a mat and he replayed it like in click five one or something like our five, four one. And he just turned to Jetta and then like he dumped like two things on turn one. So he was able to kill one for free. So like a stormtrooper basically lived. Yeah, because I wasn't ECLing or I hadn't ECL, you know, I could, I suppose. I think I did actually, but basically he was able to, he was able to use it to like kill a unit on the, almost like Tarkin town, because you get like, you don't do the base damage, but your turn one kills their turn one for free. If you're in the same lane, so I think that's probably what. Yeah, and we've seen that be good in a lot of different ways. What's up, Steve? It's the interesting thing too, is like your extra action by using the base is kind of minimized because it's not like they can attack with that unit. So like, yeah, not really giving up that much value by having to take an extra action too, because it has minus four attack. It's not like they can dome the base or trade into something. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah. Yeah, it's probably cool with that. What's the unit? What's your new play lines, right? What's the three one? Cloud writer. That's cool with cloud writer. Yeah, like cloud writer, forlomb, stuff like that, where you can just like keep your ambush guy very healthy. Yeah, right. It's really good before lumb, I'm sure, to keep to keep forlomb on the board. And then Zuckus can get in there. Right. That's a really, it's really interesting. Yeah, well, you could do with Boba, you could, if you did like a bunch of twos, you could go like turn one, you know, whatever, like just ran into drop, but turn to like cloud writer and a two drop. Yeah. And and have the trade happen, like not like not trade, like a kill it. And you'll have three units to their one. You get really far ahead on board. Like it's like, yeah, it's like a different play style, like, right? Then like creating another beat the beat the race. Also, like one of the ways to kill Boba is like keep a four power guy that can like surprise strike in some of these matchups. So like, right, you can actually like counter there, like taking out your Boba play. That's really cool. And then you can suit up. Yeah, dude. See, that's the fun of this. Like, we're in these early stages. Like there's a lot of innovation that can happen. So I'm a global chatter main now. Hey, all right. It's time for good, bad, broken. What's that card, Steve? Now there are two of them. We've seen this, we've seen this before in The Phantom Manus, one of our favorite Star Wars CCG. Yeah, like truly one of my favorite cards, seven destiny, like just anytime you play mall, you just throw one, two, three, five, seven of these in your deck and in your happy. But I got really random, like Easter egg thing, and this is my memory working in a weird way that it always has. But spoiler season for the feed palace expansion set, which is where this came out. Of course, on expansion set, excuse me, to cipher wrote an article about this card and said like the very powerful Phantom Manus, like how will players use the very powerful Phantom Manus in their like article that came out in like July of 2000? Tipping their cap a little bit. What? So pretty cool that they like mentioned this card. Now we've got a spoiler season. I think both of these cards are broken. Yeah, both of these guys. I think this card is absolutely broken. If you control exactly one unit, play a non-vehicle unit from your hand that shares a trait with the unit with the unit you control costs five less, like, yeah, it's going to be so good with a leader flip. It's going to be so good in so many ways. It's just going to be so many ways to make this insane. It's going to be cool like right now, like the big one is like underworld, right? Yeah, that's why I think there's so many good underworld options. But then like next set, it's like, you know, separate is and stuff like that. Like it's just always going to get into trick, which is really cool and like, trick. Yeah. Java does it. Java. It works with CAD. You know, this is an interesting way to get, like forlam and zuck us out in the same turn in Boba Fett. It's, they just gave this thing all the stuff. It's just the fact that it's a trick is like totally crazy to me. But yeah, yeah, I think this card's broken. I think, you know, it'll be interesting and CAD. The one thing that I think really, really interesting in is Boba Green being able to play mall on the Boba flip turn. That to me just seems absolutely nutty because you can go, Java gets this and then play mall on the Boba flip turn for, you know, for super cheap and like get extra resources and then just dump and it makes like one thing with Boba is like when you way lay early, like you're sort of in like a weird spot sometimes where you like don't have that many units, but now you've got this if you only control exactly one unit. So like that's pretty great with Java too, who's like one of the hardest people to move, which is a nice, you know, line there too. So like, it's pretty cool, pretty cool card. That's a good point of like you sometimes if you take the early way lane line, you're like, shit, I have all these cards in my hand. I can't get them out efficiently. And then you're like, okay, way late into Java into mall off this. And then you do the turn and you get all the resource like, yeah, because this is going to cost two now, right with Java. Yeah, that's a trick. So you get it then it costs two and then you get those you're going to get those two back over the over the activations like that's yeah, that's disgusting. And yeah, we're going to have so many I'm getting so many like force and so many neutral Jedi and stuff. So like, yep, Jedi, that's going to be interesting. Because we all would cost four if Java's out with this. Yeah, right two and two. That's that's disgusting. Another card that this works really well with is obviously Java trick stuff, but my clunky to actually get like go down to one unit. If you sort of accidentally have three minutes, you end up mclunking something playing this, then playing like say the mclunky, like a Silesius crumb or something like that. You replay the Siles from like, that's this card is isn't it? You can stick all the mall damage on Java, too. Yeah, yeah, because you got the big ass. Yep. Yeah. Oh, we're building a deck live voice. Like what is the point of a force to because like yellow, blue hero right now until like set three drops is like the most like force, you know, like users you can kind of accomplish. And like one of the problems with those call that color scheme right now is like, you don't have as many like ambush or like ways to kind of like get in there and affect the board, but like now with force, you know, you can play an early Luke and and kind of like get the get the ball. That's pretty crazy. Yeah, and we've seen a villain card as well. Yeah, we've seen neutral force and Jedi and all the colors except yellow, but that doesn't mean that there's not one on the way. If there was ever a villain card that should have been a villain card, it's this card. I'm glad they I'm glad they kept it though, because like this is gonna know it opens up. The building is going to get sick, but yeah, it's funny. It's just like, yeah. Yeah, early Luke is cool. I think yellow is getting some really, really cool cards that are like not not so like, um, I don't know how to say this like a lot of like the yellow like villain cards have been created up to this point. I mean, they've been good in general. Like this are good in Han. Like the R2 is really good. They've got this and it's like this doesn't say like bounce. You know what I mean? It's a different type. It doesn't say bounce or tap. It's a different type of yellow card, but it's really, really powerful. I think one of the better cards you've seen so far. I also love the player. Yeah, it's a legendary and like, I think we often get excited about cutting because all the cutting cards seem so good because of the trait cunning. It's like meant to be something tricky or smart. So like, I think they just always appear elevated even when they don't always see playing them out. But I'm excited about this one. Yeah, I could keep going about the combos you can do. Yeah, I would imagine that like so crazy. Lots of people, including myself, are excited to like do a solo video on it. All right, Gino says patrol fighter. It's one of my favorite ships from Star Wars X wing. It got me my Archduke status at the last world championship when I ran two of these things. But this is a five cost three to vehicle fighter. Yeah, it is space. Okay. I was like, is that ground? I hate when like the space ships are in a ground picture kind of like breaks my brain. But it's got exploit to which means it can come out first cheaply as one. And when played return a non-leader unit that costs three or less to its own hands. So it's a it's a potentially one cost of bounce three to ship. Yep. I think it's pretty good. Yeah, I think it's good. I like it a lot. I think it's good. I think it's like really great for his cost. And you know, if you have anything that gets a when defeated effect or something you don't need anymore and the bounce the bounce is so valuable. But what I really like about these exploit cards that do something when they get played is that no, you know, no amount of mana is safe, right? Like if you have one mana up, right, they're playing yellow and they have a couple of things out like, could they just do this? Yeah, it's fine. Like without the exploit text, like it's probably very playable without the exploit text. Yeah. I just add the five drop, like it's a bad drop. Yeah, like a space. It's another. Yeah, exactly. It's another. It's another container bounce. Right. Yeah. I think it's all definitely. I think the added value too with the come to play triggers on these within the exploit theme is there's that themselves might not be that great. So you get the bonus of the come into play and then you can just sack it. Yeah, you might want to explain it again later. Yeah. Yeah, that's interesting. Exploit stuff getting exploited later on. Yeah, swing for three, then sack it to something better or whatever. Yeah. All right. Here's one that's been around for a while, but Justin mentioned that we forgot to talk about it. So I wanted to flip this out there. R2, when played discard the card, discard a card from you here. And if you do search the top three of your deck and draw card. Two, four, two drop, Republic Droid. What do you guys think about this? I think it's flipping. Yeah, I think probably insanely broken. I think like top three card ever printed. Yeah, it's the same up to this point. I think this card is completely absurd. It changes the way that decks should be built like playing this on turn one. Like the hardest decision in the game is like what to resource on the first turn. And then it actually becomes very easy afterwards because you're drawing two cards and like you have all the choices from your opening hand which you maybe thought about like one of them being your second resource and you get two additional things there. Like he makes that more complicated because you're going to have to ditch one of those more that you kept. But then you get to just see like three more cards and then it's just going to line up like you're going to curve out with this guy so far. He's a two, four for one which is like for the first turn which is so good in terms of stats that he doesn't necessarily die. It's hard to like tempo out. You can think about him in like so many different decks. Like you can think about him in a blue deck and jamming a lightsaber having a five, seven on him. You can think about him being like in Sabine and just curving out perfectly with like exactly what you want to do. He works actually really well with that new plow coon. It's like always have the ambush six, six on five, like sort of a another angle there. He's he's insane. He he works with like graveyard synergies because the card goes to your graveyard. He's nutty. Yeah and like he he's a republic so like if you want to go green yellow you have the pump guy like like already like the one fours were good and like just that extra you know that extra attack is going to be really relevant when when upgrading him or pumping him in some way to to fight for the board and it's like card advantage and information and yeah yeah if you're playing yellow hero he's going in your deck in three and that's to me broken. All right we get general gravis who's been pretty polarizing as a which is shocking to me for a freakin three cost four four uh villain blue um you know I think that it's a legendary but the text is basically blank if you ignore the aspect penalty on each lightsaber upgrade you play on this unit and like there might be more lightsabers but so far like I don't know upgrades are pretty precarious to play and then on attack if he has four or more light saber upgrades attached to him defeat four enemy units like that's magical christmas land but I don't know like let's see where the game goes before we it could be like an insane twin sun strategy like dude he's broken he's broken like he is a separatist official in a land of dukeu so you can play him for one resource you can pull him off fader if there's ever a good like say you want to be a gar boy like he gets to wear the upgrade like taking aspect penalty there's so many deck building options like yeah he doesn't come into play and do anything but like we're looking in the context of this game and in the context of the game he has insane traits we just released dukeu he's a good stat stick like if a deck is going in every blue villain deck in threes that's like the first sign that something is yeah on the cusp and before Steve reminded me about good bad broken I had this in our two on the same slide because the thing that I wanted to kind of highlight here is like really really broken cards are like the good the best cheap cards like because they can go in every deck every deck needs the best low cost cards in their colors and we just yep and our tournament and grievous being like just absolute they're going to just be absolute staples in their colors because they are far and away the best of what we have and it's not really close it's a really great card it's cool that it's like a card that's recognizable like it's you know general grievous like a main character from the clone wars and that's a little bit in the movies too and like they got the cool flavor text like okay this game's pretty widely played it might not happen at like the championship of a pq but like at some point someone's going to put four lights in the sky it's gonna be a really cool moment for that you know playing community and they're gonna have like a ball and they're gonna little kids gonna do it or some people are gonna have like some adult beverages and do it like at this equivalent on the F&M type of thing right and they're gonna be like high five each other and take a picture if anybody does that in our discord makes you tag us yeah real and get witness this and stuff like that but then at the same time like four four is an interesting stat line too because everyone's been doing like the three five sort of evolution happened last set and four four is interesting because like it actually lines up well against a three five because you get to attack for four they get to attack for three and neither player gets to trade so like like three three is not good obviously against a three five in a land of three five worlds and like two four is not good against three fives and then they don't trade but you're just down so like four four actually is like above all of these three fives because you're pushing like imagine they go three five you go four four well what happens next turn like yeah they're there you're gonna put more damage in he's also worked really well with childston about just putting like an aggressive card underneath childston and then it's attacking so we've seen it like um tada has been playing like the cad blue and there's been like the hondos another day there is a good one where you're like putting a childston out but you're actually like you want like a really aggressive stat line early with like your um uh like you just want to attack right you're not playing like three avengers and three superlays or blasts you're playing like a more aggressive variation that he's perfect there yeah i can see him be really really good with krenick too like ecl like kill something off the board really early and then it's a five four yeah obviously with some damage it's just like it's great i mean give me like i said this thing could literally just be blank and i'd still be like oh crap what a legendary like they made a blank legendary this is hot i think i will say i think he changes garsacks in quite a bit i think garsacks have needed like this card and like you can basically put there's so many upgrades cheap on him so being able to go up to five attack and probably more based upon like the upgrade but like jetpack on this guy's a seven four the turn with a shield and and he's a still a seven four that stays out like that seems nuts too so gar gar yellow i think it's going to be really good with him yeah the only tweak i would have made is like he should still get the um the ability of like the light sabers that say if this is a force unit like he should still be able to use the fallen lights yeah yeah everybody or something or get the yeah before we have like something with a light saber that was a little easier to do like if there's not enough time he has like the nor the aspect penalty i would have loved for him to actually like steal a light saber from like opponents greekers well they did make that they did make that card it says zero cost event right right right right yeah yeah that was cool they split it up all right captain rex he's a five cost uh pay two of a friendly unit attack this face created clone trooper token and then when he flips he creates a clone trooper token each other friendly unit uh of trooper unit gets plus zero plus one that means when he flips he is uh he's creating for attack and nine hp of units because he's a two six and he makes a two three um that cost is obviously expensive but um you know it i think the even more than the cost the thing that you have to have a unit attack is the thing that bothers me because you can't use it as a catch up mechanic in any way uh which is really what you want your leader to be i don't know it's gonna be offensive around this one but i'm just gonna say bad and the reason i'm gonna say bad is in like the well two reasons one in the hierarchy of like leaders right this is like the highest cost and has like um like you said it caught like you have to attack so it has a condition too so like yeah like great as the game goes later like yeah this is gonna be more of a thing but we don't have like you're unless you're playing double green like green leaders are at a tough spot because they can't like play two colors and play ecl so like you know what i mean it's it's like you can't play the best base in my opinion and especially for like this type of leader that comes out in five and wants to like kind of fight for the board and then like you have such a baked in condition around him like i i just like i just think he's gonna fall behind on like the value town of of life yeah the only thing i i'll say is like you know i imagine this is supposed to be like a super go-wide clone strategy um and then you know if you do have if you are able to put out a ton of clones which i don't think we've seen anything that let's just do that but like let's say there is a world where these decks can very easily make tons of clones um you'll always have enough clones to make sure you can attack with one and replenish whatever one you lost so like there is that aspect to it so i think this guy's very very good i'm gonna be the counter guy here nice i think the the what's the name of the leader before they come out is there a naming convention there or just like delete it's to the leader and then the flip side is the leader unit so basically here's where i think with this i think ignore that text yes i agree with you that it's bad here's what i think i think that he comes out on five if he comes out at a really pretty early spot i mean he's not Sabine but he comes out on five he makes a guy like he always does that thing he always makes it two three which always turns on coordinate um it would like i'm thinking like plo-kun because you have the two guys so your extra card is like always gonna happen so like imagine flipping him you get you have a unit out you have you know r2 i'm really kind of high on this guy with like the r2 build that we were talking about i think this is the leader to do that in you're able to play plo-kun and then you've got him behind it you've got r2 behind it you've got your three drop if he lived like the the yolar and i think it was the the hero yolar and then you're able to play you also have another two drop um and then you've got like this sort of weird anthem so it is sort of like a go wide thing you got the other captain rex unit that makes now two more two threes and he's up he would then be a four or five you are able to basically do the thing where you have like a ton of actions and you have a ton of units i think people are sleeping a little bit just on the two two body a bit um especially if you have cards like you could play found spells um think about the card we just play we just saw like the exploit hip thing um you can play that for like for one and then play like you know a hero unit or something like that and it's like really kind of get um go pretty wide in that way so i don't think i agree i think that the front side is really hard to pull off i mean you're attacking with something um but to that point like you theoretically in conjunction with r2 and this is maybe speaking more to like the brokenness of r2 you could play r2 like really try to dig for plocoon and then attack with r2 and turn two and then it's like get a clone like get a random clone trooper out and then like attack you probably got to get another one so you're just always going to have coordinate um like plocoon is really insane if you have it like if you know you're gonna have it right yeah like just having a 6 6 ambush always is like your turn it's like it's like always having like the poiseel thing too like we have the same concept there so i think it's pretty good um now again we're living in a world of like very dominant decks with like spines and a boss and keros and rays and boba's so like is it going to be good enough to like get into that world not necessarily but i think it's the first leader that like makes a unit which is cool yeah i'm excited about the full art hyper and then it's gonna be so so okay so this one is really savage all right uh real quick because we're getting pretty long here but malevolence you guys think this is good bag of a broken nine cost seven seven separate is vehicle capital ship but it's explore for restore to and then the part that's really interesting is given the enemy unit minus four minus over the phase it can't attack for the phase attack um which is like a really interesting way to break a leader which you know is increasingly difficult to do so this would come out what it looks like the cheap it will it would come out for one if you did all four yep except yeah that's cool yeah i think it's i think it's pretty i think all the exploit cards are going to be either bad or broken depending on how yeah right it is and we really can't figure that out until we get on the felt and stop playing some games but the when plays are cool be because you get to like all right how badly do i need this effect you know what i mean if you put a light sabron yoda like i'm going to sack two things or whatever to make sure i can bounce it with the genosis fighter and like i guess if if it's if we're in a race and i just need i just need to stop your attack that you're just like cunning to your boba fat or something like being able to brick that for one even if it's the cost of the whole board like that's crazy yeah i think it's awkwardly redundant text there like the fact that it can't detect you know unless you're you can do it to like an avenger or something too like you know yeah i'm like why but then like just tap the it can't attack like the well you could like send guys into something i guess you could like send guys into it i guess maybe it's like a theme thing like maybe that's with them and yeah i don't know yeah it's doing the um it's yeah it yeah i don't know what it's called but yeah do that hyper is more than ionization or whatever yeah that makes yeah i mean the color scheme like blue and then also like you mentioned the genosis ships are no what's the two one for green it kind of all spread out which is really interesting because it would be curious to see which color ways are actually the best to play exploit because it feels like they're spread out across that's a good point multiple multiple different i like blue green right now just because there's multiple guys that like die and then replace themselves like the the wartime official and the two one ship so like and then yeah you can just start straight um villain you have that three three um so like right there you have a bunch of guys that like replace himself or add a guy and replace himself what's that original og one one that draws a card that's like i could exploit that would play more yeah yeah and i like black four right it's like perfect for this um like always stacking your yeah inferno four sorry inferno like always stacking your inferno four to get this for seven and i think it's a deck this is a card that like kira will really like also restore and build it here in duku yeah well that's good it could be yeah let's go i like it all right so um i had posting how many subscribers we have but someone sent us this or someone found it this week i did yeah maddy found it 148 i am someone well i i wasn't wrong um 148 in games uh for us for patreon but we're in the top two thousand patreon uh no creators in this game yeah on patreon total which is insane um and that i thought would be a more fun way to track the patreon version also more fun to track if we ever collect uh no i don't i have no idea we were like 146 in games someone some game people been popping off past us i am sure that where we are it's probably fluctuating all the oh yeah every second uh we're almost definitely cool um youtube subscribers too so yeah oh no hit that button tell your friends uh cool ten months 250 000 creators or nine months wow 250 000 so there's so there's eight there's like yeah there's 250 000 um patreon said at least somebody makes a dollar on there's like you know eight millions that just exist but yeah 250 that like someone at least makes a pet like make something yeah because you need an account just to subscribe so like it i don't know if it's like we need to get the top one thousand so you guys all need to start signing up all right we should all subscribe to ourselves all right we could have we could have a cool goal but we can talk about that all right easy easy fan building what do we all do for a living mike's a teacher so i know that helps uh Ian who asked the question security engineer but yeah i teach high school english and make content for card games you put those things um yeah i i was a math teacher for 19 years i recently got out i work at a educational nonprofit i don't know if it's definitely necessarily ties in i do think there's a work ethic component that all four of us had that none of us wants like a free buck thrown our way right like we all want to work for what we got we want to like put our nose to the grindstone and when it comes to games and it's a good conversation too of just you know not looking for handouts and just like put our hard hats on so like that's kind of where i'm at with with it i'm the way approach i took with with teaching and also coaching basketball i've coached basketball for the 19 years you want two state championships in massachusetts it's um the team that i've been a part of with hey coach uh that's one of my best friends and it's always like outwork the competition like there's not like a secret sauce like and like there's content creation for basketball now it's all these trainers doing like youtube videos of like this dribble combination is going to put you at the top and it's like no what's going to put you at the top is waking up early getting like different shots in yep and you're not going to be able to like warp speed with like some signing up for a trainer and like they give you something that you just like didn't actually earn so like the the concept of like just putting your nose to the grindstone and like you know chipping away steves had that with like running a restaurant matty you've like had a bunch of different careers but like you were a line cook at one point i'm sure like that was like work ethic there so like to me that's the that's like there is a tie-in so it's a great question from yeah buy a buy a bag bag of potatoes practice all your knife cuts and then make a soup with the potatoes that was like the the way to get better through just like hard work yeah i'm currently selling wine for a living um i've kind of done a whole shmorgas board of things over the years but that's where i'm at right now and i do currently hate my job so if there's anybody else wait you're supposed to sell them wine dude drop me a D.F i can't tell why you need wine hit up steve not you need that they gotta have a store yeah yeah either one yeah i'm gonna tell you i own a restaurant for five years that i started built this old um and that was kind of like the passion of mine for a while but um covid was tough so yeah i'm so much but yeah yeah echo everything people said already i'm gonna turn you it's fine uh all right so this is a really long question but i want to cut to the third paragraph how did y'all find your play style and deck preference did you bail on a deck you loved because it was easier to get better results from a different deck is to be an ecl more difficult deck to pile it in the current meta basically it's like how do you find a play style is how i boil this down and like i think we've talked about it previously but like for me this game is all about like can i outvalue my opponents and that's that's how i feel that that's when i feel best i think um but sometimes you know it's really about for me how to attack a meta and so sometimes that's attacking with yellow units and cunning and sometimes it's how valuing and for me i've tried to not marry a play style and i've just tried to be really flexible and be able to pile it as many things well as i can i feel the same way hmm go ahead many no say i'll do a quick i feel the same way like yeah i'm like a big kira boy but like earlier in the set i thought han blue was insane i still think it's good but like it was a right time to like play good units at a discount and then like hit people's hand with discard then i saw the meta getting grindy so i moved over to to hondo a bit um which like i i like that i have these things at my disposal and that i employ the one that i want for a given tournament so for me um with this game it's really just keeping options open and like yeah like i'm not the sebean boy because i actually think it's really hard to play and i'm sure just don't talk about that but like i found within things that i like to do like play for value find exploits in the meta like either attacking your hand or playing a ton of smuggle and like that's kind of the route that i go um to to kind of find my wins and am i allowed to swear on here or are we not yeah the only thing you were allowed to do is mention the online gaming platforms and you already did that so you might as well just go free maddy pointed out um this is actually a really great question for me yeah to be because my entire like card game career i've always played aggressive decks like i mean even in i was a versatile star was people joke around like baroni smash or whatever and like since i started this game what the fuck am i doing my star what are you doing i'm playing janky mid-range well not janky but mid-range control decks and grinding out games to time like i think i need to reevaluate my life right now let's get you a makeover yeah you need the sebean school like go to justin sebean school i think that's the deck yeah i had a dream last night that i was a teacher and like i had to co-teach and the guy was teaching his math for me and i was like why i made him here it's weird i don't know we maybe can edit that out too i just like went entered another realm i mean i think a great question i think um for matt to answer the bottom thing definitely hop in the discord and jump into the green sebean uh deck thread i think it's one of the best places for our community has and there's a lot of conversation there i think i've i i like the aggressive side i like putting people in stress positions i do think that value obviously is like really important in card games like drawing cards and magic or whatever in this game um you're able to play cards like overwhelming barrage which are like three for wanting people or you know cards like vader that come in another unit so the the value is important but i do think there's something that often gets overlooked when like people discuss aggro is the fact that you actually just get to play more cards than the opponent potentially before the game's over um so like if i'm an aggro deck and i play i have one card in my hand and the the control player has like five cards in their hand it's like okay man like that control player look at look how skilled they are they got all these cards but the aggro player actually maneuvered a situation with like the cards that they have that all got played so and presumably those cards are doing good things for you so um being empty handed i think is actually something i sort of like to do in this game for sure it's hard to say in other games yeah i always think it's really funny when people are like oh you can't skill get people with that deck and i'm like no you can't skill get people with that deck like you just not thinking about it the right way and like yeah i i struggle to skill get people with this question how do you not get disqualified at pq for judge calls i'm seeing and hearing a lot of you don't want to get a loss but i'm curious in detailed notes how detailed notes do i have to take for scoring because one case something i see pq bringing out the worst in competition that's not bringing out the worst in competition this game is too casual for for like what we're about to see or at least like people are taking it too casually you need to learn the rules like there were so many people who were not replacing their smuggles they were mixing up their hands and their resources yesterday like i saw some really messy play and i don't have any problem with that like in a local 1k like that's not going to bother me but like if you go to a pq and you are not replacing your smuggles and you're with han and all of a sudden you have like nine resources in no hand like you're gonna you're gonna get a game loss like there's no doubt about it and like the only thing you can do and no one does this i know they don't read the rules learn the rules that's the best thing you can do because like i said if i'm playing against you and you screw up 18 times in in a local like i'm gonna help you i'm like i made sure this this guy put his boba in his discard pile against me yesterday i was like you got to put that out you just missed a boba trigger go back do this like that's not going to happen with everyone and and as pq's come out that's going to happen less and that's not the worst in people that's just people wanting to play by the rules and i really hate to the the the other side of that is like don't be paranoid that you're going to mess up like these things aren't super like yes people need to tighten up but you're not going to like accidentally mess up and all of a sudden just get disqualified from the tournament yeah you know this would have people who get disqualified from tournaments are doing like long standing stuff or they're cheating which they should be disqualified at that point but like you i don't think i can ever think about a time where like i just felt like i had completely like almost i played so many different games that that really high levels were like oh man like i just made a mistake and i got disqualified you know what i mean like there was there was a time i got a game loss in in magic when i i shuffled something when i the card said to put three cards in the bottom and i shuffled and i called the judge i called the judge i said hey i met i did this wrong and then you know i did that with another card in a very similar fashion i got a game loss and i only to blame myself i don't think you wouldn't in this game by the way you i don't think you would and this was i think that was that competitive level it wasn't yeah you know unless you're on like professional art areal and magic where like they really is you know they need you to know the rules and if you if you manipulate them in any way you're getting a game loss and probably injected from the tournament you don't have to worry about this stuff accidentally happening but to mike's point you should tighten up it is it is kind of like a courtesy thing too like if you're messing up and you're kind of like bumbling all over the place it's not a fun experience for the opponent to have to always navigate stressful so like um i think sort of the messaging here it feels like hey don't be paranoid to play like you should get out there and play talk to the judge and be like hey you know i'm you know if there's any come comes up like bring the judges over that there's been that that every so often you've heard like oh don't tell the judge this no always talk to the judges yeah um always make sure they're in the mix um don't be afraid to play if anything weird starts happening raise a hand and say hey i don't know which one is my hand and which one's my resource row like i don't know and i need to call a judge and they can help fix it and unwind some things um and then just you know start shuffling in real life and play more and you'll probably get better at it too yeah so this this question is like um really good for like uh the video i just put out on my personal channel of the tournament guide like one thing that i did at jencon and i do in every competitive match is i have like a check-in with my opponent i say like you know i after introducing myself i say like this is the token that i'm going to use for on top of my hand can you like do you have one can you can you pick one right now so like i'm almost like kind of like setting the stage for either one if they disagree with me to get it out in the beginning and get a judge involved and get make sure everyone's playing kind of tighter and then two just kind of remind them like oh yeah hey um i didn't pick one like i'll use this token that's a good idea like i'd people be like that's a good idea even though in the player meeting it was like you have to do this so like doing that little pride i would not to pimp my own video but like go check my tournament guide out it's me doing the crane um it is jonnie lorizo um but like i think checking in with your opponent to start is like just the best way to do it like i daniel lorisa yeah i know i said john daniel lorisa the only thing i'll add is double check your deckless that's probably the easiest way to get a game loss of dq by just to straight up mistake and my better yet if you have a friend have them double check check your great well yes d where were you at the 1k i got dq'd from i needed you buddy seriously uh you're helpful and cut your opponent's deck always no matter how nice they are and say where you're from always shuffle and cut yeah yeah all right i was gonna do one more but i really get to go um yeah i gotta go to so we uh yeah another great pod uh we'll push the other questions to next time but uh yeah we'll be back in two weeks talking about the first two weeks of pq's um you know fall you know if you if you really want to be involved in everything that's going on you should really check out the discord it's only five bucks you try it for one month this is the month to do it like pq's you're gonna see all the results people are gonna be posting lists uh we're gonna be all prepping together it's gonna be a wild time uh op it's here i'm excited Let's get it. - All right. 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