Apostolic Lighthouse
Saved By Grace - Pastor Sampson
this morning what I was going to title this message I thought I had a title about finding favor and man I walked in and Brother Zach was singing save by grace and man I thought that'll make a good title for this message this morning so I got my notes and just kind of revamped that title to that saved by grace man hallelujah thankful for the grace hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah got went and had my ears all worked over Wednesday and I've got just a little grace period in there brother matherly before it all happens again and I got to go back excuse me and redo it I'm hoping that it'll keep me through our meeting and I was discussing as I came in this morning and I've been begin to adjust thank God for technology in some areas I know it's it's a damnable thing sometimes if it's used wrong but a lot of times it's good and for me it's good without technology modern technology today I for me to discuss with you you would almost have to yell in my ears for me to hear you if I listen to a story at night after I take my hearing aids out I have to take the iPad I have to put it on high-volume and then I sleep with it right there if I want to hear the story whether it's viral reading what and I just barely audible for me so that's about the condition of my hearing so I'm thankful for technology and discussing with the sister in the church this morning she said man I got me some hearing aids I said how do you like them she said I love them and we were talking about being able to converse you've seen elderly men and women setting in a restaurant and they get a phone call and you think you look at them but you see them pick it out and you see them answered here you know you're fixing to be taken into that conversation and they set there the whole time they're eating they got their phone held up with it on speaker just as loud as it can go and and the whole restaurant is hearing this conversation and man you're hoping that it stays in a proper direction you know so you're not taking in to all of this but technologies are good if it's used right and man I can answer my phone and it blew through a lot of times people think I'm talking to myself my phone will be in my pocket and I'm just having the time of my life talking to a friend and sometimes once I was at the hospital and there's a man about from here to that wall and you know you don't really hear how loud you're talking and all of a sudden he starts talking I see here his mouth moving and stuff and everything I say he's shaking his head and he starts he's talking back to me he doesn't realize that I'm on the phone so sometimes technology can kind of get things confusing but this morning it's good for me the speakers the sound and being able to hear and man it's just it's great holly luya and it's depressing when you can't hear and even in restaurants it's still really difficult yesterday coming home about third of the what third half of the way home we stopped met some friends at a restaurant and talking and my son and BJ talking across the table and I was very little of that conversation that I hear and I'm just kind of in the in the I don't know the no zone yes can't hear you see lips moving and so but man we're here today and I'm hearing good and I'm gonna preach loud hard and long today holly luya saved by grace how many could say that today saved by grace going to Genesis the sixth chapter and the first verse I'm gonna do a lot of reading this morning but I appreciate you standing for this initial text this morning six and one and it came to pass when men begin to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that God saw that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that were were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose and already God sent something it's kind of like technology he he done a good thing but all of a sudden it's it's already in its earliest stages it's starting to be abused and he's in the Lord and just in this couple of scriptures here he said in my spirit will not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet above all of this beyond this in spite of this his days are going to be a hundred and twenty years and then it goes from that and it goes and there were giants in the earth man we're just in the sixth chapter of the beginnings and there's already giants there's already big things there's always already big opposition and it's a giants in the earth preached a message one time about there's always been giants and they'll always be a battle and it starts in the book of the beginnings of the giants and the battles and there was yet another battle and another battle and it'll and this is the way it's worded and then there was yet another battle and so it was just war after war fight after fight one one big giant after another and and and this is what was already going on in the earth and in the gods saying my spirits not always gonna gonna strive with man but they bear children to them and the same became mighty men which were of old men and renowned and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thought of his heart every thought was evil and it repented God that he had the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him in his heart and the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth man there was no there was no favor in everything that God was looking at he said I'm going to destroy man whom I've created from the face of the earth both man beast the creeping thing the fouls of the air for it repented to me that I've made them I'm sick that I'm just sick at heart that I've created this gigantuous mess here that's that's going on I've created people to and you can be seated this morning and in verse 8 it said but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord and let me back up and just just commentate here a little bit on what we've read about the situation that's going on sin has progressed so rapidly and that's every thought if you ever would just worked around somebody that was carnal-minded I used to be carnal-minded there was it was negativity it was nothing pie it was just it was just if it if it would make somebody laugh just just say it but I've worked around people also that regardless of what was said they had some sexual innuendo that they added to it or or you know and we've all worked around those kind of guys and you know they're so funny they kept you in stitches but they're mine I just I just I've go home sometimes wondering how can their mind constantly feed on this there's always a comment there's always a something filthy to add to it and not just part of the time I'm talking about all the time they didn't care if they were talking to preachers they didn't care you know who was around that this is just their conversation and it would weary you sometimes I worked around steel workers and they seem like they have a an iron or a steel mentality to theirself and man they use vulgarity they use profanity and this one particular metal stud framing crew that we would work with and man he was a great person but their their their speech every other word was vulgarity and cuts and just they cussed just to make people laugh and they it's just unreal I'd go home so many times where the plapper in these vulgar cuts were just going through my mind because I'd heard them all day and I just I mean I can't explain how how much they use profanity until it just overran your thinking and I'd say man I'll be glad when I get away from this job I'll be so glad when I don't have to listen to this this is God looking down on his creation and this is all it is evilness sex and vulgarity and cheating and conniving and just every thought every thought was evil what would it be I thank God for a congregation that I can come into and we can sing songs this morning washed in the blood saved by his grace and it's such a refuge from what you had to deal with all week long on the workforce oh god I mean you got to be a saint today you got to be in love with God to survive this today that God said I'm done I'm just going to destroy them and I make reference to it about every time I get even close to this area about long-suffering impatience I want to be Christ-like that's what a Christian is as Christ-like and Christ is love God is love I talked about that last week the love of God God is love but God is also long-suffering I told somebody I preached the marriage council a marriage seminar one time and I begin with the fruits of the spirit I you know I know they thought I would start off on on a lot of other things maybe about the woman being entered subjection to the man and he rules over her and all that kind of stuff but I went to the fruits of the spirit and ending that I said when you tell your spouse I love you what does it say love is what is charity is love and charity it don't put itself first it don't it mona not itself it don't get puffed up when it doesn't get its way it's long-suffering so when you tell Brother Dakota here in a few months ago man I love you what you're really saying is I'm long I'm going to be long-suffering I'm going to be understanding I'm going to endure hardship with you and this is what we're fixing to read about God I'm sick of it and I'm going to wipe them off the earth I'm done but God in his love God in his grace begins to look over what he's fixing to destroy have you ever seen a minister right while he's preaching all of a sudden just walk back and point his finger at someone and begin to tell them what God I mean I mean and and and and it's crazy and you can sometimes you can feel all of a sudden you know exactly maybe that one person that that message is going to their face just seems like it gets bigger and bigger pretty soon when you look out of their their hand looks this big around people everybody else's is like this and and so maybe this you know this is what this this same thing happened to God as he's looking over what he is fixing to destroy now I'm talking about the value of finding favor today and he looks and maybe Noah just all of a sudden man there's something different in this area you ever been on the workforce and say there's something different about you what's different about you you ever had somebody ask you that they see the grace of God the love of God in action they see the end results of the grace of God that's working in your life in the favor of God that's in your life you may be having the worst day you've ever had but you're not cursing you're not stomping you're not kicking you're not you know everything is under control and they look at you what's different about you talk to a young man one day and he was in a group of believers there was just one doctrinal issue in the difference between this one young man and all this other all these choirs that were there this one young man was a one god apostolic tongue-talking young man but he didn't look any different from the other denominations that were around him they were all holiness to a degree but there was a lady walked up and she asked this young man i just want to know something out of everybody that's here what's different about you what's different about you and he looked at her and he looked around and finally he told her the difference but i thought wasn't that something what's different about you that stood out so God's looking over evaluating what he's fixing to do maybe how he's going to do it at this point we're not even totally exactly how he's going to do it he said i'm just i'm just repented that made it i'm i'm going to destroy him it's over but while he's looking he sees Noah and he sees something different in that little area that Noah's living in and his family has separated themselves wait a minute maybe this is not as bad as i thought it maybe this is not a total loss and he begins to watch and the bible said in the eighth verse of chapter six that Noah found grace i started out with favor and it said to regard or to treat with favor to do kindness for to treat gently or carefully to show partiality toward find in favor have you ever going to pick somebody to be a part in a contest or something and i need somebody maybe you know the age of such as and man everybody gets excited and their hands are up get me i'll do it i'll do it you know maybe there's candy involved or some money involved but hey i got it i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it the story came uh this event in my life happened when i was probably ten years old and we were at Avi Wells school in Seneca uh the public school there i was attending and they brought a man in brother darryl jones uh and he had some monkeys and you know 60 years ago that was a that was a big big event you know but he brought these monkeys in and uh i was kind of with them monkeys like kids are from LA that had never seen a live pig in their life you know and they just every time you look up they're at the pig fan watching them things because it's so amusing and that's the way i was and them monkeys were on the on the uh gym uh the stage and the gymnasium and uh pretty soon and they're doing all these tricks and he said how how many would like to be a part of this show man that was probably that gymnasium was packed probably three hundred four hundred kids at least then i don't i don't know and almost all of them i'll do it i'll do it pick me pick me well you know i'm excited about it too i don't know maybe i favored the monkey i don't know one girl after it was over said you look just like the monkeys i wasn't real long suffering i'm not the one man said i don't condone women beating but he said i understand it well that's i i i just wanted a slapper i was just a kid i didn't know much better but it kind of hurt my feelings because she was cute and uh i i i didn't find favor in her sight so it was kind of disheartening you know but god was saving me for something better but anyways she kind of she kind of put me down but i was pick me i do it i want to do it and you know out of three or four hundred kids i don't know why but he let man look down and he said this young man right here come up here man i went up there i was so excited and uh the monkeys was doing tricks he was riding bicycles and tricycles around on the stage and uh they got a whip he gave one of them a whip and uh he was popping stuff off that little monkey was popping things off and he brought me up there and he had me hold i can't remember i think i remember what it was but it was just a little small object and uh he had me hold that thing out there like a little piece of paper or something and uh he asked me if you know if i thought i was brave enough to do that and all of that and so i held it and that monkey took the whip and uh popped that paper right out out of my hand and man i was so excited about that till it was over and they told me i looked like the monkey and and all of that so anyway but i i could read why i thought of that often out of all those kids he chose me you go to the stampede you know and they'll pick kids and man what would that what would it be like to find the favor of god whether matherly and i didn't take the time to get an estimation of how many people were in the earth but there were several they were multiplying they were marrying given and married there was a lot of people you and i today this whole sermon in a nutshell will come to this that we could find favor in the eyes of god and he would save us by his grace because he finds sister seer that partiality i like you i like you i don't know what it is about you i like i had a man tell me he said i not because i like you but just because i want to he said he was giving something away he said hey not because i like you but just because i want to man i just wanted something about me that when god looks at me i want to bless him i want to multiply him i want to give him favor oh god defined favor in the eyes of god to afford advantage advantages for success or to give support and confirmation to in one's favor you ever heard this statement in one's a good graces you ever looked at your child you're not in my good graces right now i've got one nerve left but buddy and you're on it you're not in good graces you are on the verge of an alum switch in my day now they just give them an iPad and push them in the corner and that's their punishment that's why we have what we have today holly luiam but noah found grace something about noah in his being different we're not doing that we're not going that way we're not going to be a part of that we're not going to get involved with this well you stick out like a sore thumb well thank god you stick out like a sore thumb that's what happened to Noah he stuck out in a world of chaos and trouble and he stuck out like a sore thumb and that's what god god's attention and god bless you oh god help me to stand out find the favor of god that's why young men keep themselves that's why young women keep themselves they want to find a favor what do we read about Ruth one of the main things that boa as he said i've watched you you've kept yourself from young men that gained his i'll deal with that in a minute if i have time his favor man we can find so many times the word favor is like 70 times just the word favor not favorite or favorites or favoritism or or think that you know but just 70 times it talks about favor i didn't even look at grace it would be so you know so multiple you know multiple times in there but grace unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or their sanctification that's what grace is that's what saves you that divine intervention in a world of chaos you've regenerated yourself you've kept yourself and god says man i like that i'm going to give you a little divine assistance how many have you ever talked to people that they've gained favor i remember when that we uh men some of the other boys went to work at big smith here in the o-show they were a work clothing company overalls leave eyes all that kind of stuff and uh i'd been in drywall business it got slow brother and he said hey i can get you on at big smith and so we went to work at big smith and uh we were bundle engineers that sounds important doesn't it me and brother randy dervin was sitting there we was about 16 17 18 i don't know we were and brother triplet was having kind of an entrepreneur meeting maybe but he was beginning now what do you do for 11 and uh there was a lot of business men in the church and man they was asking uh like brother mcclaine and frankie mcclaine brother johnnie and differ want uh we're roofing contractors and this one was drywall contractor and uh brother triplet was getting closer to me and brother randy dervin sitting on the front and we were just bundle boys that was our title bundle boys we got this bundle of leave eyes after they put the pockets on took it over next one put the zippers and then the next one took there was a grouchyest old women it worked in there and there i was a drywaller and i'm in there carrying bundles from one sewing machine to another and randy looks at me and he said kelly what we gonna do kind of i said i don't know that's what i've been thinking and how he came up with it i don't know he said we're bundle engineers so when brother triplet got to us we stuck to our council some of you'd be good to stick to your council some time he said and what he kelly randy what he all do he said we're on we're bundle engineers for big smith he looked at us a minute all right bundle engineers for big smith how do you become an engineer at 17 by faith saved by grace it worked it got us out of a jam but as i went to work there i was carrying those bundles and out of all those bundle engineers that was walking around in there the maintenance man one day he come to me and he said you know i've been watching you he said i'd like to start training you in maintenance and uh i would assure rather been aware working on them and she's doing something intelligent instead of just grabbing this bundle sitting here and over there getting griped at if you didn't get got it too far away from her or whatever i thought man i'll get i'm gonna get into something here but out of everybody in there brother jones he he said i want to start training you and he took me back he started training me even on the lighting and the ballast and everything in that whole plant if that went down when i get i get he said when you get caught up i need you to fix that light he took me back to the mechanic uh uh room and he showed me how to test ballast and uh bulbs and all this kind of stuff and i'd get up there just a young a young man but i was changing them lights and wiring and ballast and checking and uh but out of all of those he said i've been watching you in some way i got his his favor that lead uh maintenance uh man and i got favor with him and uh so i began to step up and finally i just stepped plumb out of there and just went back to doing what i knew to do but i got favor and uh you know i felt just a little bit uh you know more important about myself hallelujah and that's the way we ought to be here today we may not be everything we ought to be what we want to be what we're going to be but we need to know one thing when we come to the house of god pick me pick me god pick me i want to be a part of the service i want to be a part of the worship i want to be a part of the resurrection god save me by your grace oh god hallelujah hallelujah but but nonetheless in spite of but no uh wiping things i'm done all you kids get here i'm gonna beat the back off all of you little rock hill comes in well you said over there baby you know he said he's gonna get the punishment you know but that's spoiled that ain't grace or favor that's just spoiled hallelujah but to find favor with god had Noah found that out of everybody he looked down in some reason he stood out and god just extended his grace in favor and there was a divinely instituted favoritism that was extended to Noah and god just set back no he was so favorite so partial to Noah for the answer that he just set back for 120 years and watched and waited with his mind already made up on another note have you ever been somewhere and your dad's ease up to you and he says boy when i get you home i'm gonna beat the back off of you know you get over there in that corner and you sit down until i tell you to get up and if you move in so many words i'm gonna kill you right here in front of god and everybody now sit down and shut up you're beating you when you get home i'm just paraphrasing a little bit i had a very very loving mom and dad but they were disciplinarians trust me i didn't get all it deserved but you've set there and it may be hours before you get home but it's the most miserable trip you ever took in your life because you know when you get home that you're gonna get the back beat off of you for what you've done and you know you're not in the good graces and you can just see them frown and all the way home you can see them looking at you in the rear view mirror they haven't forgotten they remember and that's the way god is he's sitting there 120 years he's remembering he's looking in the mirror he's seeing everything that's going on he's remembering what they're doing but he's long suffering with Noah because he found grace and he gives him 120 years to save himself to save himself and he patiently waits because of the grace of god that's all Noah's life 120 years and Noah just keeps working i think maybe brother Caleb or somebody maybe brother Wilson or somebody anyway who covered that the other night man and just waiting waiting got favoritism come on getting about getting get in there shut the door all you just get in and i'll shut the door because of grace and favoritism that he found and god extended mercy to him grace is a virtue coming from god a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine assistance approval favor save me god save me why can't we in this world of chaos take three times a week and eagerly run to the church to get away from the vulgarity the profanity the the social media all the pressures of life on us that's why we come early to pray to get that stink bloat off of us so we can come before the almighty god in some way through 30 minutes a pre-service prayer we shed off hours and hours and hours of junk that we deal with and depression in the air in the world and we come into the church okay god i've come through pre-service prayer i'm feeling pretty good about myself i need some divine assistance dear lord help us today to have that mentality i've just got an hour and a half to two hours to get the favor of god we're living in a world of turmoil we gripe and we grumble because we give god five six hours a week and those are those that's those that come faithfully and pray faithfully how do you expect to slop around and not do what this book tells us to do and walk in here and get the same blessing that joe from kokomo across the church gets you don't come home and bless the kid and give him five dollars or give him a allowance at the end of the week when he's not mowed the grass one time he's not we needed your house stinks because nobody will take out the trash there's junk all over the yard there's trash strung all over the dogs and the cats got into nobody's cleaned it up dad's not going to come home and give everybody 20 bucks a piece he's going to come home get out of the car shut the door and then you're going to be praying for divine assistance you're going to be praying for a divine intervention you're going to be like peter oh lord save me because dad's fixing to execute judgment on me because you've not done anything he's asked why don't we just do a little extra sister wood for god sometime just just because of your saving grace just because of your divine intervention in this chaotic world that i live in god i just want to show you i appreciate you i'm going to fast today i'm going to go on a week fast or whatever i'm in the olden days they used to fast and they worked like animals when they fasted man brother and was talking call he said what about that post driver thing i said yeah it's such and such he went and got it he said man if i was in the fence and business i'd never be without one of them man we had to pound them and even on beyond that they were wooden posts you drill holes by with a shovel and a pick and a bar and then this country it's work and i seen my dad on a three-day fast he set the baby bin little arm clock that he carried in his lunch pill and he set that little baby bin clock up on the stump he was on a three-day fast and he was doing it without food or water either one it was hot he had them post oak cuts lay him there i don't know six i think maybe they were six eight foot long probably eight he drove him in the ground to build fence and they didn't have the post like we got today but he split 59 69 post in 59 minutes on a fast never gripe never grumble the only thing he said after it was done and we looked at it and i'm looking at his pile of posts there 69 of them in 59 minutes he said not bad for an old boy that ain't eight three any three days i'm looking i can't hardly believe it and he's been three hours since i'd eight and i was ready to eat again but it was work but they fasted they wanted favor you know why i mean you have it like we got it today i'm telling you 60 years ago when i moved to this country where we came from where we came from that fertile ground in new mexico and the Rio Grande Valley and where the hatch the chili capital of the world is and man it's just fertile fertile soil down through there and you could dig a hole you could put this pulpit in an hour and i'm not lying that's it you can do that what was i at 60 years ago we moved here that's what you call a senior moment there was no running water in the house when when a lot of people that had bathrooms in the house or toilets in the house i had a bathroom in the house but in that bathroom was a number two watched and you carried your water from the spring you put it in the in the tub you got in there and took a bath and when you took a bath you always tried to be first because you wasn't going to now this is going to blow some of you little princesses out of the water right here but you didn't throw that water out because if you did you was going to make about 10 more 15 more trips to the spring or the well a hundred yards from the house then the Durbin boys we've climbed in the same tub of many a time to when we were little two or three at a time just had the best time washing sister Nellie you still got she called it "skurve" i need to look that up what's "skurve" i mean you still got "skurve" on your elbows and behind your ears and she'd just "skurve" and it seemed like she is the roughest person in the world but she'd clean us up but it was hardship hardship to get things done but because of everything then back to them on track now i've got it back because of all that you and i today and i remember brother triple talking about the brush arbors and them burning them down and have to build them back and they'd throw rocks through the rough there was men that didn't go to church but still believed in doing right which set out on a stump with a long john shotgun and said i'm going to blow the arm off the first man that strikes a match i'd set it on fire right during the service they'd throw rotten eggs and and and and and rotten tomatoes at the preacher and the people satin and then they'd run off out in the dark and and people had to set out there and set a defense for the gospel Uncle Ed Durbin put a six-gut shooter on hollywood made a movie and got rich over it about the fastest gun in the pulpit thought they'd had a big deal i'm gonna say had that back in the 50s and 60s right here in missouri but there was so much opposition to christians and especially the one god apostolic movement brother walter's grandfather peep mcgar one of the first ones to preach the revelation of the godhead but uncle ed durbin went and got licensed and put a gun on his hip and wore it on his hip and made the statement i'm going to preach the gospel in this country if i got a shoot everman to do it other words you may oppose me but we're going to get the job done you know at the wedding how they do anyone got anything to say why they shouldn't get married you know i think it was a sister run and brother philip and they all had six guns on and they all pulled their coat back when that time come guess what nobody said a word they're still married today must have been the will of god i'm going to preach if i got a kill evermen in this country they went through opposition for you and i to have the comfort that we have today i've made this statement before man i'm chasing rabbits here but we got ready in the heat we rode to church in the heat we got out and went in the church with no air conditioning we worshiped we shouted after we had worked all day and some of them on seven day fast brother uh brother Amos girly was the first man i know that fasted 40 days a 40 day fast is as gone as a lizard but you know what he had the favor of god favorite and they done whatever it took and you and i are sitting today in a however many million dollar building it's acclimated it's comfortable padded pews with backs in them man we've got the favor we we we've got we've got we're favored highly favored blessed that's why we have it like we have it today somebody paid the price someday when judgment day comes we're going to wish we'd have found favor Abraham let's move on down to Abraham can we will stay in the book of genesis let's go to genesis chapter let's go to genesis chapter let me find here where i want to go let's go with chapter three i want to just start at the first verse no that's not it be patient with me here a minute thank god for assistance amen genesis chapter 13 let's just start at the first verse when Abraham went up out of egyptin his wife ollie no i don't think that's it i want where Abraham was sitting in the door of the tent and the three men came on their way to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah genesis how in the world did i leave 18 that's it thank god for more assistance the bible said he'd give you a wife for a helpmate will he do you she helped me this morning she've been helping me for 47 years he's been helping me for 23 years pastor this church i thank god for assistance 18 verse one we're going to read very quickly for the sake of time and the lord appeared into him and the planes of mammary and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day no doubt sitting there dozing little afternoon nap and he lift up his eyes and he looked you ever just woke up and look around after you doze off maybe just maybe in church to look around see if anyone seen you dozing off that's what Abraham done oh man and three men stood by him and when he saw them he ran to meet them from the tent door and he bowed himself toward the ground and he said my lord if i have now if now i have found a favor in thy sight that's the first thing that gets the attention god's looking god's looking he said now if i found favor in your sight passed not away i pray thee from thy servant let a little water i pray you be fetched wash your feet rest yourselves under the tree and i will fetch a morsel of bread and comfort you your hearts after that you shall pass on for therefore are you come to your servant and they said do so so do as thou has said oh god if you'll notice here he's going to make bread now we're going to you can read about it i'm for the sake of time i'm already 12 minutes after 11 for the sake of time i i done a little research on on on the bread deal and you read here Abraham he tells his wife specifically how to make this bread you read it here a little bit you get this this this put in that let's make this bread in a little while these same men they go to lot they go they go to lot and lot makes them unleavened bread unleavened bread was a fast baked meal that you could prepare very quickly and it was very common for visitors that dropped in unexpectedly we'll just throw this together and man we'll make a little little bread here uh but not with Abraham Abraham he's he's about i think around 90 years old right now and sister Sarah she's about 80 years old and these servants said you do do what you just said we'll take the water and uh we'll take the little bit of refreshing when we're going on and he hastened the tent and he told Sarah make ready quickly three majors a fine meal need it make cakes upon the hearth and Abraham ran into the herd he fetched a calf tender good gave it to a young man we know all that story all of these things that Abraham's doing it's taking time he's not doing anything hastily why because he's in the presence of something special and he is looking for the divine favor from these visitors and he's not in any rush he's not making the statement i'm just not into long church anymore when we used to go to eleven o'clock at night with no with no cool coolant uh none whatsoever three and four hours and when still stood around and talked like we hadn't seen each other if you want to know how it was back then go to read springs missouri brother danny call he will give you a perfect example of what it used to be and when it's over they don't rush out the door they shake hands they talk they communicate they fellowship why because that's where the strength is that's what keeps you from being separated you want divine favor you fellowship with god's people you interact with god's people you work to get the favor of god if you'll read right here Abraham wasn't even hungry that's probably why he was sitting in the door of the tent staking take a little snooze the starches had hit his system and uh uh he was sitting there dozing off because when he goes through all of this all this delay of time and while they're doing all this sir you fix this young man you prepare this and you bring it he's standing there and he's communicating with these men and he took butter and milk and the calf which he addressed he said it before them and he stood by them under the tree and they he just stood there while they ate but he done all of this lot of us it ain't worth my time i'm not putting forth the effort Abraham is interested in getting the favor of god and it pays off they said in him we're sir the wife and she said behold in the tent and he said i will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life and lo sir the wife shall have a son now he's not talking to no spring chicken like me and sister samsung pause for laughs you know when you're seeing someone captioning in there for the death you know they'll put in their audience laughing but i was told i was comparing ages with some brother muses mom and dad and they said man i'm 66 i said man you're the same age his brother brother hit he said yeah i'm a little ahead of him but but yeah for a while we're the same age 66 we talked a while and i said man i'll be 70 this coming march oh brother samsung you don't look near 70 years old i thought oh boy but then you try to move and you realize you are 70 years old oh they do it yet but sarah and abraham they're setting there and they're hearing this what kind of a joke is this but abraham is not fully grasped sarah has not grasped that they just got the favor of god they put forth some effort and got the favor of god and man all of a sudden abraham's going to be blessed like he was when he was in his 30s sarah's looking at it and she turns and she goes back in the tent she doesn't even laugh out loud god knows what you're thinking setting right here in this building today some of you's got the image you know i can see it coming but up there inside there's a big mac large fry that him he's McNuggets up here in the corner and that's what's consuming your your intellect right now abraham and sarah were old and well stricken they were stricken in age and it ceased to be with sarah after the manner of women therefore sarah laughed within herself saying after i'm waxed old not only can i not have the child the pleasure in getting the child is way beyond me it's beyond me some of you are sitting here today and you got situations in your life and it feels like it is beyond you i can't comprehend it's beyond my thinking it's beyond my even my apprehension i i can't get it i can't grasp it and you're thinking this and all this negativity is swirling around in your brain while god is sitting here waiting for you to get enough favor that he can give you a divine intervention into your situation and bring you forth bless the children out there oh my goodness i'm having so much fun therefore sarah laughed within herself saying waxed old how should i have pleasure my lord being so in other words i'm too old to cut the mustard is anything too hard for the lord ask yourself in this situation god if i can sit in this surface today and if i can pray if i can worship if i can weep if i can sing until i get the favor of god i'm going to stay here all day i'm going to make preparation till i feel the barrier is broken and sarah denied i said i'd never left for she was afraid and he said nay but you did laugh but in despite of all your unbelief it's going to happen it don't matter what the situation yeah sister nita y'all ain't near 90 years old there's still room in there for it to happen and i realize it's taking a divine intervention but i can go on and on and talk about this these divine interventions that's what we call about the power of an intercessor the necessity of intercessory prayer sometimes you got a breakdown you got a pray you got a cry you got a weep you got a fasta until you get the favor of god and god says what is it that you need the woman in the unjust judge sister becky she was so persistent that he said finally he said please don't call me one more time i'm in the middle of church thank you hallelujah praise the lord that's technology the disadvantage of it hallelujah you can shut it plumb off and it still rings in here hallelujah this individual knows i'm in church praise god having the time of my life i'm making trying to make some divine intervention for somebody in this place today trying to build your faith to where you can make the statement it's worth the effort brother samsung i'll tell you what it's been a long road it's been a long struggle from the gates of hell to where i'm at today but it's been worth the effort god intervened in my situation tear this box open and begin to read all of the requests that's been divinely intervened answered got the attention of god couldn't get it done by yourself you put it in there in a hundred people they begin to pray with you there's power in unity there's strength in unity and i got to go i'm so full of this and i just had a few things wrote down and the man rose up thence and looked towards sodom some way abraham is still not feeling i didn't get have you ever seen somebody just stay and weep and sob when the alter service was over everybody else's laughing and talking they haven't acquired what they feel like they need and when the music stops and everybody's shouting and carrying on when the music stop and the beat's gone and the people's on their way to the scene you still look over here you see some brother sister they're lost in the spirit they're still entertaining the presence of god they're not ready to get out from under the spell where the glory comes out and music means nothing the beat means nothing they just keep praising and worshiping don't leave me yet god i need your favor what's that song we sing i need your mercy i need your grace I need your hand leading the way and the lords and the man rose up thence and looked towards sodom and looked towards sodom and abraham went with them you're not leaving me yet you're not getting away from them yet i've enjoyed this visit I'm not ready for it to end and because of his persistence his perseverance god said i can't keep this thing that i'm about to do from abraham that's the value of an intercessor it's when you don't feel like you can make it you can't go on another mile when you've give up praying for yourself 35 years brother dj you just keep praying remember my dad remember my dad dad wouldn't even pray in for himself dad had enough troubles of his own i'm sure there was a lot of time he had liked to have been here but he just keep praying for my dad sister jenny all them kids keep praying for mom and dad pray for mom and dad pray for for mom and dad mom and dad wasn't praying for theirself but somebody was making an intercession and they was getting a little help let's make some intercession 35 years later brother darryl jones it's a tami jones setting in the congregation of the righteous because somebody was making an intercession and they never gave up even though the effort was hard let's go eat dinner y'all go ahead i'm not going today i've been told that i've had to do it a few times in my life i'm trying to get the mind of god and you know i i've got some situations i'm fastened about i want god to move in and god honors that's sacrifice and the lord says shall i hide from abraham that thing which i'm a i'm going to do seeing that abraham so surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed of him he's 90 years old don't even have a child because of him entertaining the very presence of god he became a friend of god for i know that he will command his children and his household what do you say and brother samsung i've held counsel in so many times in the office and all because a man just refused to man up and be a man get up of a morning put you on some of the roughest feeling to leave ice you can pull on you pull you on a pair of red wing lineman work boots lace them things up and go out with an attitude i'm going to be a man i'm going to be what god wants me to be just man up rule your house be you you know be the ruler over your own heritage abraham i know he's going to do that and that's what i'm looking at to do justice and judgment that the lord may bring up on abraham that which he had spoken of and the lord said because the cry of sodom and tomorrow is great and because their sin is grievous i'm going to go down and i'm going to wipe them off every one of them due to this little long prolonged fellowship meeting with the presence of god and abraham making the intercession he's about to go and we're about to see the value of an intercessor right here they went towards sodom but abraham stood yet stood yet before the lord you know what that means that wasn't the first time he was there for the win she was there again here i am again lord here i am again lord here i am again lord i'm not eating today god i need to draw closer to you here i am god pick me pick me i want to be a part i just wanted to say god when god sees your sincerity about obtaining favor in the kingdom then he starts adding on to your soul of prosper or to your uh the things that you're asking for said be in health and prosper as your soul prospers so get on board fast pray seek the face of god god it's not happened yet but i know it's coming i need you god i need you here i am jesus son of david have mercy on me be quiet oh no i got to get the attention of god i'm blind i don't even know how to get to the next place where he might show up this is my one and only chance we need to treat ever apostolic lighthouse service like it's our last opportunity uh brother dj to get the presence of god in our life which you also destroy the righteous with the wicked god's done looking at them there ain't none none righteous there's enough overbearing to make his decision i'm done with it i'm going to destroy him but the intercessor comes in he's got to find the grace of god i got to find the favor of god then it starts out with 50 and then it goes to 40 and 30 20 and all the way down to 10 and sometimes we come before god daddy could i have a nickel and your father's a millionaire multi-millionary and you're asking for a nickel and it humiliates me my god son what's the matter whether you come up ask for ferrari or a Corvette or something you're out coming up asking for a nickel look at all that i've got to give you and we approach god with that mentality mainly because we know we do not have the favor of god what's it mean to have the favor of god you're seeing right here he's not going to destroy the whole city but things at Abraham has got time invested in god gives him his grant and it's not even 10 but god because of his intercessory mentality god saves lot and it's three daughters gives his wife a chance but she refuses you know what some people's trouble is god's moving them along he's bringing them toward sister darman toward the plan of salvation and they're constantly looking back making this statement oh lord how i miss that how i miss the the bible said if you take hold of the plow don't look back to see how much you've accomplished just keep on plowing until the plowing is done just keep on working keep on praying keep on fasting till Jesus comes what's the old song i think teddy huffy i'm going to keep on working till he comes till he comes i'm not looking back to see the progress i just know i've not retched the mark and i'm going to keep pushing until i arrive oh brother samsung i i don't believe it makes that much difference you read the story of joe but i wanted to read about 20 verses of this but i i'm gonna bypass it in joe 15 joe knew he knew there was nothing in his life he's confused he's he's he's living in uncertainty why is all this trouble god i know i maintain my integrity i'm still right now there was these were a wise bunch of men that had gathered together here around joe these men weren't idiots they were the intellect of the age and joe's richer than all of them i don't know maybe out of some jealousy or something they're so quick but alive as he says joe there's no way there's no way a lot of times we have the mentality how could anything go wrong i've arrived i am so prosperous i've got it going on and people look at it you and you think everything is so rosy in your life because you have so much materialism things they long for that some people that will never have the opportunity to ever own some of you walk up don't touch that car they don't even want you touching what they got i mean that's how far out there some are but we get to this mentality that we think it's 11 35 i'm i'm trying my best to quit but just just let me go just just let me go to joe 15 i'm going to skip them down to 20 his best friend feeling like he's out of the favor of god and in his wisdom through the natural eye he's looking joe you're lying you're not telling you're hiding something and this is what you need friends when you're eight up with boils and you're so much misery and pain this is exactly the kind of friends you don't want to come and visit you you're guilty joe you're lying there's something going on in your life there's no possible way to have the trouble that you have and be in the favor of god the wicked man travail with pain all of his days joe and the number his year of his years is hidden to the oppressor there's no limit to how much the oppressor is going to push on you he has no time limit he's going to consistently be in your face and oppress you because you're out of the favor of god joe a dreadful sound is in his ears you hear me joe you hear the ringing in the ears joe you've sinned joe there's something wrong there's condemnation in its ringing in his ears and his best friend is bringing this accusation against him a dreadful sound is in his ears if you think you're to the place god can't get your attention you listen to the friend of joe in prosperity the destroyer will come upon him i've got it made i've got this i've got that and i've got this and you can lose it in one night oh i thought it's all paid off brother santa well the rich man said the same thing and god came and required his soul of him that night nep estate was turned over to the ears maybe had probably hadn't worked a day in their life and had no idea about business management and it's turned over to them and no doubt flopped off in just a few days i don't have need of anything you don't have the favor of god this is what a love of life life has is telling joe but man god i know i've got your favorite i've worshipped i've prayed i've kept myself from areas that i shouldn't have got involved with god i've i've kept myself from that and we we see we see boas looking at Ruth i've watched you because of the way you take care of your mother in law because of the way you've handled yourself and you've you've not flipped and chased around for the young men and you've kept yourself man she's finding favor of god and just this with him looking and then she comes up and he said where did you work today well i worked with your maidens and we worked uh here i rocked there which means labored with and worked and he and just watching her what would some of your worth ethics be are you working you guys you're working for want to run you off the job or has your worth ethics gained you favor in the labor world you get this man you take it over there you get that over there it'll be fixed right you take it over it'll be in there and out of there you have them put this roof on and you won't be chasing leaks for 20 years your roof will last for 20 years this is who you want to get why because you found favor this is what Ruth did she found favor with boas i've watched how you've handled yourself worked out watch how you conducted yourself and when i left handfuls a purpose for you you didn't hog it up for yourself you took it home to you to your widowed mother-in-law and you took care of her and that made an impression on me and i want to tell you something you know who wound up married to the richest man in the country Ruth i'm telling you something she made an impression and she got the favor of boas oh god as you stand do your feet this morning god here i stand i need to stand in your presence i'm not in a hurry to get away from your presence i want to feel your presence i need to feel your anointing i'm going to pray till i pray through i'm going to shake this lethargy off i'm going to push i'm going to jump i'm going to wave and pray and every time you look down at apostolic lighthouse i'm going to be in a prayer line i'm going to be in a prayer room i'm going to be in pre-service worship i'm going to be in the worship service i'm going to stay and doozed while the preacher is preaching and god looks down and he said man what a saint i was ready to get come out of here but if it wasn't for this one old prayer lawyer i want to be blessed i've told you how to do it today these altars are open i know it's late but very quickly let's just come around ♪ Like you have been faithful ♪