Sunday Night

Sunday Night - September 29 2024

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30 Sep 2024
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Well, good evening to you here in the chapel. This is our Sunday night service here at the First Baptist Church of Algiers and we're located at 9559, Florida Boulevard here in Walker, Louisiana. I invite you to come and worship with us if you can. Let's open our service tonight in the Red Book number 495, meet me there, verses one, two, and three. I am going home to stay, meet me there, meet me there. Meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, where the treaty of life which will be, meet me there, when the storms of life come on, all the happy, golden shore, where the pain of life come on, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, meet me there, out the gospel. And I thank you, all of you, for your prayers on our journey, our trip. And may the Lord meet with us even here tonight and go with us through this week. Let's don't forget to assemble together. We have a few here tonight. The Lord is brought us. I'm glad he's brought me. I look at myself and marvel at the work that the Lord has done in me, but I praise the Lord for it. So let's continue to pray that the Lord will use the gospel, send it out, and save our people, our children, our loved ones. So let's open our service again. Open our writ, our selected hymns. Number 75 on the Jericho Road and then Brother Howard will come up and bring the message. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I do thank the Lord for Greece to be with you again. I thank him for his health and strength and mercy, his forgiveness and cleansing. I thank him that he is sovereign. The thought for tonight, Christ is sovereign. The definition of sovereign, supreme ruler, or ultimate power. There is no other sovereign but Christ in him alone. There's no one else who is the supreme ruler with ultimate power. He has all power, and because he has all power, he can and has called you to come to Christ. Because he is sovereign, he's called you to come to him for this purpose to save you, to provide you with all that you need. Because he is sovereign, we have access. We're going to go to a couple of scriptures that begin to talk about that. Because he is sovereign, we have access to God and are saved by grace through faith, and that not of ourselves. Just one line out of this song, God is calling yet. God calling yet, shall I not hear, earth, pleasure, shall I still hold dear, shall life's swift passing years all fly, and still my soul in slumber lies. If you leave this world without the blood of Christ supplied to you, and he's called you to come. So you cannot blame him. The fixed place after death is hell, and we have no choice but to tell you that. And the song continues to say God is calling yet, and it says it again. God is calling yet, it says sinner, heed his pleading voice. My goodness, he's calling you, and he's pleading with you because he loves you, and he knows, and he's given those of us who just have just some idea of what it is to leave this world without the blood of Christ covering you. There's a hell waiting for you. We believe God's word. That rich man was in torment. We know that his word is true. So we try to persuade you in Romans 3rd, the 4th chapter, Romans 4th chapter, and that 21st verse, Romans 421. Abraham was persuaded, and this scripture says, and being fully persuaded what he had promised, he was able also to perform. You don't believe God Almighty can save you. The Lord knows that throughout eternity there was a search, and the search looked for some way for man to be saved. The fallen Adam. How can the fallen Adam be saved? How can salvation be provided? Where is it? God Almighty found no other way other than to send his only begotten son. Therefore I have to ask you, my sinner friend, how is it that you think you can come up with something that the sovereign Almighty ultimate power God could not come up with other than his son? So the virgin born son of God gave his life on the cross, rose from the grave, is seated at the right hand of power, and the blood of Christ is on the altar for your soul. You're either going to believe his word, or you're going to wake up just what that rich man is, in a devil's hell, and being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform, and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. God Almighty has fixed it so that he could give you his righteousness, and you're telling him no. Wherever you are, whoever you are, if you are not believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, if you won't trust him, if you don't believe his word, if you won't seek him, you're telling him you know something he doesn't know, and I have to tell you that's not the case, and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. Abraham was justified not by works, but by the imputed righteousness of God. He was given God's righteousness. God Almighty stands ready to give you his righteousness, but you can't come to him telling him you have some of your own. Now it was not written at 23rd verse. Now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him, but for us also, and I thank the Lord for that us including me, to whom it shall be imputed if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead. You don't believe he came, he was virgin born, he gave his life, and his father raised him from the day who was delivered for our offenses. Somehow another you still think you have some way to take care of what it is that you do that's wrong and was raised again for our justification. Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ because he is sovereign. We have access to God and are saved by grace through faith and that not of ourselves. Therefore being justified by faith, faith coming by hearing and hearing by the word of God. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access. You're not going to be able to tell him you couldn't come. Because in his sovereignty he has provided you with access by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope and hope that fifth verse says and hope make it not a shame because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. The Lord hadn't asked you to come and bring and do anything other than believe him and he knows when you won't. Whoever you are, wherever you are, that eighth verse is but God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. He died for me much more than being now justified by his blood. We shall be saved from wrath through him. You either believe what the sovereign, all-powerful God has given you in his word and he's given you his son or you will awaken a devil's hell. Hebrews, let's see where we are over in Hebrews. I believe that seventh chapter and yeah Hebrews seven and let's look at that twenty second verse. The Lord has granted grace for me to know just a little something. Now Lord it's frightening to say you know anything at all but just a little something about surety and guarantees because in the work that the Lord allowed me to do in this life and I say it in this way the Lord allowed me to do this. My son or friend if you think you're doing anything because you're doing it you're mistaken. He allows. He permits. He forgives. He calls. God is calling yet. Don't draw that last breath and leave this world without Christ. Without trusting him because you'll be without excuse. This seventh chapter of Hebrews that twenty second verse by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament. Assurety. I was going back to what the Lord allowed me to do in this world. I used to make loans. I made very few of them that I didn't have some kind of guarantee or surety. Some kind of collateral. God almighty has provided you with his son as your surety. By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament and they truly were many priests. These other priests that came fleshly man because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death. But this man. This man. This Christ who is sovereign. But this man because he continued with ever has an unchangeable priesthood. We're pointing you to the only one who can save you. There was nothing else and no one else could do anything else or provide anything else or find any other way to save man. Fallen man. But this man because he continued with ever had an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost. Brother Willie used to love this section. Save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him. See if he ever lived to make intercession for them. For such an high priest became us who is holy, homeless, undefiled, separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens. Who needeth not daily as those high priests to offer up sacrifice first for his own sins. And then for the peoples. For this he did once when he offered up himself. For the law makers men high priests which have infirmity. And we all we we are just so weak and pitiful. We are pitiful. Infirmity. For the law make it men high priests which have infirmity. But the word of the oath which was since the law make it the son who is consecrated. He's holy forevermore. The holy son of God the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the one who has provided everything for you including your surety so that you can know there's no way your salvation can be taken from you. And there is nobody who can stop you from coming to him. Because he Christ is sovereign. He provides our surety. He guarantees the completion of all things required for our invitation to come. And no one can tell you not to come. My son a friend. He not only provides all of this but if you look with me at Revelation that 22 chapter. Revelation 22 and we'll just start at 13. He says I am Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. The first and the last. I think the Lord that tells me I don't have to deal with anybody else. Please my son a friend do not draw that last breath and wind up in a devil's hell where the rich man is where all of those who are in torment because you will not trust the one the only one who you can trust. He says he's the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end. He says he's the first and the last. I thank him for grace to believe that he is. Drop down to that sixties verse. He says I Jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and morning star and the spirit and the bride say come. God is calling yet. The pastor wanted that song earlier today. I'm glad he did. God is calling yet and the spirit and the bride say come and let him that hereth say come and let him that is a first Lord that the Lord would give that thirst to our loved ones and let him that is a first come and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely because Christ is sovereign. You are called to come and take the water of life freely. I don't know how you don't come or why you don't come except that you still think somehow another you have something that you can do. You have something that you can provide. You can do something yourself and I have news for you. You cannot. You have no ability. There's nothing you can do but call upon him and cry unto him and plead his precious blood. I'd like to look maybe just for a few moments at Matthew the ninth chapter in that 11th verse Matthew 9 11 because Christ is sovereign. He has the right and the power to say who he will and will not save. He has the right and the power to say who he even will not call that 11th verse in that ninth chapter and when the Pharisees saw it they said unto his disciples why eateth your master with publicans and sinners. I thank the Lord for how many times he went to the publican the sinner the one who was somewhere with nothing the beggar. So that says to you you are without excuse if you will not come because he has gone to those who have not and when the Pharisees saw it they said unto his disciples why eateth your master with publicans and sinners but when Jesus heard that he said unto them they that behold need not a physician but they that are sick. Stop lying to yourself my sinner friend whoever you are wherever you are that you are not sick you're sin sick you're dead and trespasses and sins and Lord help you if you are like me lost and don't want to be lost. Lord I can't be lost I was baptized so and so such and such a place. Lord I I can't be lost I made a decision at such and such a place and I was a grown man well studied when I made that decision I my sinner friend you're still somehow another thinking you have something whoever you are wherever you are you have nothing you're sick you still think you don't need the great physician but you do he said but go ye and learn what that meaneth I will have mercy and not sacrifice he provides mercy you don't want to come is that beggar taking from his hand he says for I am not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ he came for lost sinners and he is calling the lost sinner to repentance repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ and he provides everything that's necessary for you when he calls you and he calls you to come look with me if you would in let's go to Romans that eighth chapter because Christ is sovereign he can call you for his purpose it's not your purpose it is that 28th verse in that in that eighth chapter you know just a quick thought about that first verse in this eighth chapter there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit no condemnation when you come to it as was said today I believe the woman who was called in a in adultery he didn't come to condemn her he saw me when I was baptized and thought that meant something he saw me when I made a decision and thought that meant something and then he's being as gracious and kind and tender as he can be when he when he just tapped me on the shoulder and said you know can you go back and put a peg down where you were lost because that's who I came for I came for lost held deserving guilty sinners don't come telling me you had some strength of your own some ability of your own to make some decision of your own because it won't hold water as the rich man he thought he had something Lord have mercy on you if you're still thinking you're standing on your own as the Lord to grant you grace to give up and admit the truth that you have no ability you're lost and you can't find your way out I don't know if any of you wherever you are whoever you are if you've ever been really lost in some deep woods and you really can't find your way out to be lost knowing that your soul has no place to rest itself he said come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I'll rest you why won't you go to him for rest he says in Romans 828 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose I say it again this song is so real because you're still here on this side breathing God's air God is calling yet for whom he did for know he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the first born among and I'm so glad he put this word in there before brothering among many brother Lord have mercy I thank the Lord I thank the Lord for being one of those many that's his calling moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified stop trying to justify yourself give up and and and as that public can fall down at his feet and ask for mercy Lord grant you grace to know how to beg and plead for mercy moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified whom he justified them he also glorified what shall we then say to these things if God be for us who can be against us I thank the Lord for being one of those many brethren and therefore who can be against me we are saying to you come to Christ he's the protector he's the one that keeps you he's the one that provides for you he that's bad not that 30 second verse he that's bad not his own son but to limit him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect it is God that justified this is the sovereign Christ he's God Almighty and he's called you God is calling yet he's called you to come that's going to leave you without excuse my center friend nay in all these things that 37th verse in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us he's sovereign everything that we do is through him if you will not come to him there's nothing you can do all things are in Christ for I'm persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come no height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus I thank the Lord for grace to believe his word knowing there is nothing and no one who can separate me from him and this is all because he's he has all power I don't know where you're going if you if you don't know Christ where you're going it's to a devil's hell and you have no one to protect you but because Christ is sovereign you can be saved by believing on his very name that's who he is that's that's why he came to seeking to save those which were lost and provides you with his name no less his word he is the virgin born son of God and whoever you are wherever you are if you do not believe that hell awaits you lord have mercy on you in the gospel of john in that first chapter this is the sovereign one who has all power he was in that tenth verse he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not he came unto his own and his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of god those many brethren back in that other scripture even to them that believe on his name which were born not a blood nor the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of god this is the sovereign one who provided everything that we have and all that we are or ever will be you you you have to either believe his word or you have to meet him in your uncovered week naked state don't leave this world not trusting the lord and you can trust him because he called you to come to him and trust him i like the way he talks about it in Ezekiel that 16 chapter because christ is sovereign he has the power to save the dead um Ezekiel 16 the fourth verse and as for thy nativity in the day thou was born thy neighbor was not cut neither was thou washed in water to supple thee thou was not salted at all nor swaddled at all none i pitted thee that's the state you're in whoever you are wherever you are and you've got you've got a millisecond that's about how long this life is you've got about a millisecond by god's grace to heed that call god is calling yet none i pitted thee to do any of these unto thee to have compassion upon the his call is one of compassion but thou was cast out in the open field to the loathing of thy person in the day that thou was born and when i pass by thee this is my sovereign master and lover of my soul and when i pass by thee and saw thee polluted in thy own blood i said unto thee when thou was in thy blood live yay i said unto thee when thou was in thy blood live my son a friend that's a call that's a call to live you're dead and trespasses and sins he's giving you that in his word and the song is true when it says god is calling yet and and his call is a sovereign one because as the sovereign god he has the power to call and say do you live in that eighth verse now when i passed by thee and looked upon thee behold thy time was the time of love do you know your time of love is available to you as long as you're drawing breath on this side you leave this side without coming to this one who loves you so he has a jealous love for you yes he does that's amazing now when i passed by thee and looked upon thee behold thy time was the time of love and i spread my skirt over thee and covered thy nakedness yay i swear unto thee and entered into a covenant with thee say of the lord god and thou became his mind that's just tender and loving and sweet and kind do you my son a friend those of those of you who know the lord you remember that time when he made you his and who can say anything against god's child none he made you his it's a almost 12 after 7 but we're just gonna go one or two more places because christ is sovereign he has chosen to fix death as the point at which you cannot come look look with me if you would and it's a I think the lord for all these familiar scriptures but this is god's word and when heaven and earth pass away you see i thank you for grace to believe this his word shall not pass away and whoever you are wherever you are because he's sovereign you won't have to answer to it you better do it on this side of death's door Luke 16 i think it is let's see and i think it's that uh 19th verse i think the lord for how merciful and kind and long suffering and tender he is Luke 16 19 there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fat sumptuously every day i thank the lord at the last praise and prayer last week the lord made it so real for me that he described this man with detail rich clothing purple and fine linen and fat sumptuously this is no no fictitious dream this is real this rich man is in hell today and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's stable moreover the dogs came in lictus sores and it came to pass because Christ is sovereign he has chosen to fix death as the point at which you cannot come to him death he conquered it for you if you come to him and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried my son a friend you're gonna die you didn't come here to stay Satan may have you so beguiled and and provided such strong delusion that you think you're gonna just always be here you're not and in hell that's dead rich man and in hell he lifted up his eyes being in torments and see if Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger and water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame but Abraham said son remember the thou in thy lifetime receiveest thy good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and now are tormented and beside all this between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from thence to read the rest of that this one was asking for somebody to go tell his people don't come here my son a friend because Christ is sovereign he has called you to come as long as you are breathing you can come he has chosen in his sovereignty to fix that death at death's door if you will not trust Christ if you will not call upon him if you will not beg him and seek him he has chosen to fix death as the point at which you cannot come to him and lord have mercy on you you'll be without excuse he christ in his sovereignty has a permissive will he can let you go to a devil's hell he can even let you go on this side of death's door if he so chooses he gave him up to a reprobate mind you ought to be afraid that the lord would give you up for whatever reason unbelief has some reprobate in it the hellishness of unbelief you won't believe god almighty who has all power who who provided you with his blood to save you he christ in his sovereignty as a permissive will he can let you go to a devil's hell god is still on the throne the lord provides a peace that passes all understanding for wretched leopress hell deserving sinners why won't you come in the sovereignty of god is his loving kindness and tender mercies you have no excuse it's going on 719 how shall you escape if you neglect so great salvation whoever you are wherever you are and lord knows you know the the pastor was saying this morning to that lady who is 83 she wasn't old and lord knows my goodness it ain't gonna be but a second or two you're gonna be gone from here don't leave here without knowing him whom to know his life eternal it's just that short time is passing just that fast believe the lord's word when he says in second peter three nine the lord is not slack concerning his promises some in count slackness but his long suffering to us would not willing that it is should perish but that all should come to repentance will you believe what the sovereign god of eternity has said over in Ezekiel 33 11 he says say unto them as I live say the lord god I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live turn ye turn ye from your evil ways for why will you die I must say this in gold unbelief is evil unbelief is evil and you refuse to come to Christ whoever you are wherever you are fall down dead and beg him and plead with him lord save me or I perish it worked for the likes of me I'm a bad fella but I'm no worse than you nothing makes us to differ but his grace father we do thank you for one more time to try to so lift up Christ as the sovereign one having all power who has called sinners to come and is calling yet we ask that you would please give that thirst to our loved ones we ask that you would forgive us for wherever we just don't try to do everything we can for the gospel to go out to them call them with your precious and holy calling we know you have all power you do all things well we thank you for the passage you've given us bless him greatly continue to strengthen him we thank you for brother Glenn and brother Freddie and all the brethren please bless brother Mel bless my brother Kenneth bless all the brethren thank you for how you do all things well you take such good care of us and then you're coming for those who are looking for you lord I say even so come ask that you get all the honor glory and praise and all that's done come praying in your name and for your name sick amen and amen Lord bless and keep you. 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