The Barber's Chair Network

Ruthless Aggression: Mr. McMahon

Broadcast on:
30 Sep 2024
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[Music] Welcome back and to the progression I'm here in September 26th we're going to have a little about 10 days, no not 10 days, it's not Sunday morning, a little less than 9 days away until bad blood. So we'll talk into that next week when we get closer to the paper here and the car is probably crushed out. So much to talk about so we're just going to jump into the vintage man documentary Mr. McMahon is out, it is on Netflix, all six parts, they range about an hour a piece, so there's a lot, it's one of those documentaries that like it flows so well and quickly and obviously for us we know the story, you've heard the story, you know whether it's through W.M.E. offering which is very sweet or through secondary mode. But it allows the story to move so quickly, like you get to the sixth part, I've watched all six, Robin said you've watched the first two, the final, the actual meat of the stuff that we were coming for which is the allegations and even the bullshit and the early portion of the sixth episode or last episode, you really start to feel how fair and balanced it actually is which is refreshing, so refreshing for W.M.E. based documentary that is not dark side of the way, you know. So that's my full takeaway on it, it was that if you worry about this documentary and you're worried if it's going to be fair on both sides, it is, you give them credit for being able to just delicately bounce back because it's hard knowing that your last contact for W.M.E. was before he had resigned to step down the first time back in 2014 to me. So very little of the interviews were done after the most recent allegation in 2014, but I think that a good job of kind of layering everything and being fair to you. Yeah, I, you know, again, just through this first two, like, you know, I have seen some reviews where people are like, you know, they don't go hard enough on events, which I think they do more than I was expecting them to, like obviously, you know, the, the, you know, retirement, everything that came with that, you know, I figured that would be addressed because it's such a big part of the story. I know they do the interviews before that, but like, you know, just even in the second episode, you know, they brought up the steroid scandal and the Ring Boy stuff and I know, um, I know the Benoit stuff's coming. I know the Owen stuff is coming. So like, I know they didn't get, you know, super into the current ongoing legal stuff. And, you know, I think that was just a timing thing. But like, I think it's been, um, it's been more of a, you know, kind of like you said, where it's kind of been more like a dark side of Ring sort of thing than a, you know, WWE produced documentary because that's not what it is. And I mean, Bill Simmons kind of said the whole time he didn't want it to be that. And, you know, I think people think they're pulling too many of their punches, but through the first two episodes, I don't really see that. I'm not going to say, you know, I'm sitting here and learning a bunch of stuff I didn't know, but also these sorts of documentaries aren't necessarily for people like us. They're for people who don't have the knowledge to the extent. Precisely. And I mean, most of these stories, like you're with them. You don't hear too much in depth of them. You didn't know that maybe you didn't know that folks on Washington was pushing after them or whatever. But you didn't understand, like, you know, what went on with, you know, the interviews, the thing with David Schultz and all that other stuff, they talked about holding stooching out venturals that was something that was, you know, there that they did there. They cover the first two, they covered a lot of ground and certainly ground that a lot of people in the past have not. I think that if there's anything that is like sort of clear based on the first two parts, also is that it's like, it's supposed to be this way, I guess, considering that things are so attached to the company, but it reads like a history of the company as well, which is like, you know, it kind of is what it is. But like us, you know, the stuff, it's a little dry in that. Yeah. And I mean, again, like, we know the importance of manual one. We know the importance of manual. We know the manual, too, was an antique disaster. They will never do again. Yeah. No. And I think, you know, what the thing is, too, like the first episode was kind of dry, but you know, the second episode, they get into stuff and I mean, I think, I think, you know, this is obviously for us, you know, for what we need to watch, whatever, but we get into the actual stuff. And that the stuff do job and whatnot. That's where, you know, most of it will also take off an intention, sure. Yeah. Yeah. No, that makes a lot more sense. And again, I'm going to try and finish it before the weekend. You know, it's it's intriguing. You know, it's it's been a lot to kind of follow and watch. And I think so far, again, it's been a good job. And, you know, I don't really know what people were expecting. Yeah, I guess from that standpoint, but also for people to sit here and say, like, okay, I understand any gripe over not spending more, they probably spend more than like 30 seconds on Jimmy Stoker, right? Yeah, the one that they probably could have strengthened out. But also, like, the briefcase stuff is all like, hearsay. I don't know if there's anything like substantial that you could have put within that, like, like, hey, Vince, did you have anything to do with Stoker getting off of the case? But it's all like, up some unconstitutional shit. Yeah. Beyond that, I think they did a good job of the major moments within McMahon and wrestling, like you mentioned the ring boy trial, you know, focusing on the guys behind the scenes and also Pat Patterson and why he will let back so fucking quickly as Vince's right hand man, you know, going into even like, this is a couple episodes down the line, so you haven't gotten it to yet. Sable. Yeah, you know, there's there's some stuff that they did rightful justice to Ashley. I don't even know if I can't remember if they mentioned Ashley's suicide. They probably had to. But like acknowledging cases like that as well, like it's it's hard to structure it all and this is coming from producer. It's hard to structure everything in the manner that you think especially for a documentary that you think is most important, obviously most important at this time period or the allegations against Vince. But it's not doing the viewer any justice if you're just diving right into that and you're not getting to know Vince McMahon, the person, the promoter, things that led up to the things that happened to him this past and may have triggered something like it. And that's the other things is like he's very to me watching this documentary is because you're getting like clips of like, okay, I see that was a personality traits or just, you know, tendencies that may have led to him being man that he is today. You know, like getting that proper insight into Vince McMahon and who he is and the shit that he's been through in his life that may have led to a lot of the incidents that he has had. Those are very important and I did enjoy the way that they let those out and structured those. You see in episode three, it begins with the New York screw job. You got Wendy Richter on there talking about it and how she kind of, you know, got blindsided and didn't understand it but or didn't didn't see it coming but she understood it was business and ending on the screw job. So kudos to the director, producers, everybody involved for, you know, putting it together and then also taking the time within and understanding after the allegation started to pour out, hey, we got to make a hard pivot, you know, and tell the story the proper way. So yeah, yeah, no, I'm excited to watch a rest of it. And, yeah, and I thought it's been pretty good for sure. It has been real quick just circling around all of the new additions that have been happening in pro wrestling. So by the time we talk to you guys next week, CW will be having NXT. We have seen Julia in the last couple of weeks and this past Tuesday we got our first glimpse of Stephanie Vacher in NXT. You know, the Motor City machine guns are coming. They're not going the NXT from what we hear where we know the Lucha brothers are coming. There's talks about possible dating with Garcia being a big target of WWE in the very near future, his contracts coming up. We're even hearing about contract talks or lack of contract talks with dudes in WWE. AJ Styles is 47 years old and in the last year of his contract and not working a lot. Shinsuke Nakamura has only worked a handful of matches this year. He has last worked on the house show scene in Europe last month. So it's a lot of movement. It's a lot of stagnantation. It's a lot of WWE pushing out older talent. You say that quote unquote because me you look at the fucking Motor City machine guns, right? But it's interesting the cards that are being doubted and shuffling around the board here. Yeah, I mean, you know, it's almost like it seems like Lashley and Sheldon and MVP are going to AEW. So it's like, it's kind of switched. We're like, you kind of the old guys are starting to go there. And if you get a Garcia or a Lucha bros or whatever in return, they've been talked about too. Like, you know, WWE was going the other way for so long where, you know, all the young guys are going to AEW and now it's turned back around. I mean, it's just kind of a natural order of things. And I think that that has also a lot to do really with the systems in place and how they are and how they work. The reason it looks so attractive in the first place and I see that is because of the fact that you have equaled who were, you know, you have a promise of stardom problems, the shield set problems alone. Yeah. And then, you know, that developed and progressed into Sammy and progressed into Paige and progressed into all the women and it regressed into all that. Everyone can say whatever they want to do about the stakeholders and all that stuff that happened between 2016 and 21. It wasn't a, it was a situation where you live to be on the indie playground. That's what they became. They became a super indie. And for a while, like you said, really the movie because it was the same thing offered on a bigger platform with more money. Now you have this situation where with NXT, those people aren't paid what they are on the main roster. They never were in the first place. But with how they've been trotting on and moving along now back to where they should have been in the first place, you now have a situation where that was a lot more attractive than just floating around and hoping things go right in the other place, while you might be behind the page. But whereas someone might lastly and likes to jump up and like MVP, they are going over there. And is that issue? It's being argued perhaps it is because, you know, they're taking a page out of you don't want to say it but it's sort of teenage out turning off of them right now. Ew, that is. And it's like, you can argue they shouldn't have liked talent like bottom lastly go by the wayside. Fine. You obviously need a name brand. I get that. But to be fair, didn't because some of us out there doesn't mean that you don't have to sign or don't have to sign. Yeah, because there's plenty of wrestling talent out there. It's not just the big established household. No, you could. If you wanted to, you could invest in some other places and you could and you could do that. They don't appear to want you. No, because they're obviously in a situation where they exist and they need names. Whereas they can take their time because they already know that their enemies people face the disadvantage anyway. Yeah, because they are not exposed and then they don't have to reach the main roster TV desk. Yeah, no, it's going to be interesting kind of watch how the, you know, wrestling war if you want to call it that or whatever continues to evolve, you know, now that WWE is still doing well, you know, Ew is going to have the new TV deal. They're both going to kind of be stable for because you're obviously WWE was unstable for a few years with all the Ben stuff and their stable, you know, Ew will be stable at least financially and I'm a spot on TV. It's it'll be interesting to see how that whole thing kind of plays out. Yeah, to your point, I think I think watch maybe this isn't going to be something you see within the next three months. Probably six, probably a year, probably even 18. It's clear to me that WWE is a very narrative driven company right now. Their TV has become incredibly narrative driven. They don't have traditional championship matches that happen every couple weeks with all their changes. They don't always wrestle. Yeah. Who is going to buy into that? Who isn't going to buy into that? Yeah, because you can you can say whatever you want to be people. It's the same reason why. And you're asked even with a buffer with adapt. Those wrestlers couldn't succeed there because of what the fuck we're wanting and what they were used to. Is that going to affect anyone at W.A. Lee? Is anyone going to push beyond their limits that they don't know? And are they going to see that? And are they going to go? This isn't working for me. I need to go somewhere else. Yeah. No, everyone wants everyone to talk about everyone going from A, W, W, G. This is the key thing to do right now because he doesn't just down. That's correct. But as more people go over, are you think those spots are going to come from? They can't keep everything. They want to keep everybody. It seems like they are making an effort to keep everybody after the last person in talent relations clearly wasn't doing their job well enough. But that doesn't mean that they can. That doesn't mean that the wrestlers will. So I think all of this and all of those changes in one at service level and beneath the service are going to be fascinating to watch now that there's a lot of change going back and forth between two. Rob, you said this for years. It's fun when it's like this. Yeah. No, that's the thing. It just is. Yeah. It absolutely is. I think the only other thing of mention would be that congrats to all wrestling fans. Your dream has come true. Smacknow is going to move for three hours once. Oh, yes, that was over the Netflix. Yeah. It was the most logical thing to do. It is. It is. It is the most logical thing to do. Because you as first of all, USA was not dropping five hours of television only like, "Oh, we're landing it too." And we'll only get those once every three or four hours. They should have made more of an effort to keep the other two. I mean, you don't know what they did or did. I mean, they kept, they got SmackDown. SmackDown was the show that was getting the more exposure and had the bigger stars. They had Roman Reigns on the damn show for God. No, I am. They got a big deal to space his way for Netflix. Yeah. It's been a two-hour show for 25 years. So what? That doesn't mean anything. If you don't want to watch it, just watch it on the weekend. To me, for what I see, it's, hey, we had three hours of Raw on USA. They were probably going to buy into three hours of SmackDown. And what ended up happening was, "Oh, Raw needed a home." Well, you already got three hours on Fridays. Yeah. And okay, we'll just buy into an extra hour. And then for the time being, it'll be two hours, Raw, two hours SmackDown for the show moves. And it was the best thing that they could do for the time being. So from a network standpoint, nothing changes besides your show moving from Monday nights to Friday nights. They get three hours of content for USA. So it totally understandable that USA would not want to give up the extra hour that they lose out. And that WWE wouldn't want to lose out the extra hour of TV advertising. I don't know about social media or social media, but streaming and how the shit works over there, but very valuable to have those three hours of advertising or any event that one's a streamless hour, two hours, it's very valuable they weren't going to lose that shit. So yeah, I weep for all the rest of the fans like, oh, I got to spend three hours watching wrestling on a Friday. Sorry. You don't have to. You don't have to. You can fucking D art. Yeah, exactly. You can watch the condensed version wherever that goes. Done with Hulu, I believe. Yeah, they're gonna be done with Hulu. I think SmackDown is gonna be next day on Peacock. Yeah, pretty much Netflix. Yeah, probably on demand right away, if I can imagine. But the thing that I will say about SmackDown, the reason that I like it so much, twofold, one, they've made a thing out of their shows before their Saturday shows, the one night's. Now that there are multiple two nights, we have some of them like that, they're one night's. They always have to be a night one. Now, you can really do that with a three hour show. You can put on a big production, have some really big matches and get a big audience if you really wanted to. You could go all in with that and have, and everyone is like, oh, well, why aren't they on the big team? Now, if they're on a three hour SmackDown, they hype up and go all in with which they clearly know how to do that with their advertising nowadays, then they can make that seem a little sweeter. For the wrestler, I hope that they get paid a little more, but that's just neat for that conversation. For a second, listen, I get it, but at the same time, they have too much talent. And also, to another point, this is going to sound like a lot of self-preservation on my behalf as a fan. Charlotte's coming back. She's going to SmackDown because then Drod is there. She's going to more than likely be involved in a title program on SmackDown. Once she comes back, be serious about it. It's Charlotte Flair. The extra hour is surely going to save at least one or two women on the road to WrestleMania. And if that doesn't happen, I'll be stuck. Someone is going to get a nice little lifeboat because of the fact that SmackDown is adding an hour. Is it going to be Bailey? Is it going to be Tess Stratton? Will it be Naya? Will it be Jade? Will it be Bianca? Will it be all the above? I don't know, but someone is going to get a life raft out of this situation. And they'll be helped by it. Could be Apollo Crews? It could be, yeah. It could be the attack. It could be the profits. It's been itching to get through. Maybe the extra hour will allow them to get some development. Yeah, fair enough. It's going to help somebody. It's just a matter of food. Also, thank God, I know it was hot. I know it was far the show. I know it's a big deal. It's a three-hour show. I don't want to get too... I don't want to tell my chicks before they have, but I don't think the bloodlines then take up at least half the shows. It's fine and fine. Yeah, probably not. Yeah, fair enough. Alright, let's go back. I think we got SummerSlam to get through. SummerSlam and Unforgiven. Yeah, we're doubling up because they're only like two weeks apart for some reason, so we're just doubling up. And next week, we'll get through the rest of September, and we'll be about back on track. So, it'll be good stuff. Also, we finally have the SummerSlam 1-1-2-1-5 issue. We do. They're MetLife, another two-night deal. I'm not going. No, fuck that. I'm sorry. We've all been to MetLife. We don't need to go back. Yeah, I turned to a partner and I was just like, all the fucking logistical errors that could come from this. On top of having the commute from Philly. Yeah, I don't think so. Exactly. It was '99 on August 1st this year in East London. How'd out there, man? Good luck. Yeah. It's hot and fucking muggy. Yes, muggy, you should get. Yeah. Alright, so we're at the week of August the 11th of 2008, and our top five songs, "Viva La Vida", "Stave at Five", "Take a Bow" is down to four. Disturbia is up to three, so again, two Rihanna songs here. "Forever" is up to two, and "I Kissed a Girl" is still at number one. And so, the record, the Olympics, began last Friday. They did? Some sermons. Famed opening ceremonies of the 2008 Olympics. From Beijing and the birds nest. What a time. Yes. I know we have some sports to get into later. Yeah. I mean, if you want a week later, don't look at some of the stuff that happened here on the weekend. Patty Arrington won the PGA Championship in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. No, there you go. Well, we're Ben Curtis and Sergio Garcia. Kyle Bush won the Centurion votes at the Glen and Watkins Glen. See, there were some basketball stuff going on. The Olympics, obviously, doesn't look like the US has played yet. Yeah, we can trick. Oh, yes, actually. No, I'm sorry. No, that's actually the women. The women game on Saturday, they won like 40 over the check club. There we go. Men have not, oh, yes, men have to play on Sunday. They won 101 to 70 over time. The Redeem Team. Yes, the Redeem Team helps to make good for the chamocquery in half. Yeah. Top five movies down to five is Mamma Mia, up to four is Sister of the Traveling Pants, two, down to three is the Mummy, up to two is Pineapple Express, and staying at number one yet again is the Dark Knight. You mentioned real quick before we go into the shows, you mentioned the Olympics and the Olympic basketball. This is the Olympics before 2012. And all I could kept, could think about today, as Derek Rose announced his retirement was so fucking close to getting a gold medal. Yep. Yeah. Because I wanted him to be on the Olympic team so bad knowing the significance coming off of the Redeem Team, you know, besides Chris Paul really not having that stellar point guard and, you know, Rose was going to be that, Rose and Westbrook were going to be that and yeah, it got ripped away from its socks, but he got his two girls, man, got through that out though. Yeah. And, um, all right. So on August 10th, Randy Orton was rounding his motorcycle and apparently flew off it and broke his collarbone. There's not like a ton of information out there, which make of that what you will. But yeah, I think he was set to come back soon, especially since he shows up in a couple of weeks. And yeah, he's going to probably be out of action for the rest of the year yet again. So, um, yeah, real bummer. Uh, injuries are kind of the theme of this month as they've kind of been the theme of most of this year. Yeah, it does not get any better. Uh, raw from Richmond, Virginia. John Cena's here is a match with Batista, now they're tag champions. They won the belts last week. Uh, doesn't know why it was the first time ever match with Batista coming up at SummerSlam because he never had an issue with Batista, but business business. I know why he weren't. John Cena is the king of random fucking tag team runs. Yes, because again, they did it last year with Sean and then, um, he has one with one of the Nexus guys. Oh, did I have a tag? Yeah. Did he talk about it with the warden? Me? I'm blanking. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, they did. That also happened. So he never really had like an actual tag title run because, you know, by the time, but yeah, they just kind of used as a plot device. Um, tonight, uh, him, Batista have a rematch against Cody and Ted and Batista comes out. You know, they're friends tonight, but someday their enemies seems to be answering a ton of questions, but never which one of them is better. They're doing a good job. They're doing a good job building the match. But again, I don't know why you couldn't just do it at WrestleMania considering both guys don't really do anything super memorable. No, I mean, no, you know, I've seen a, I lied on that, by the way, it was he was taxing chance with the Miz. Oh, yeah, that's right. Um, yeah, I mean, I don't know. Uh, Batista says he want to, he understands what he want to see him beat, seen a senseless, which he plans to do, but it's not personal. Every opponent he's ever wrestled, he's looked to beat senseless and Cina wants to see who's better, Batista said it's going to be him, Cina offers him a handshake and after thinking it over, Batista agrees and shakes his hand. And then, uh, to open our action, Beth Phoenix defeats Kelly Kelly. Yep. And Cina will be able to make the games. Sure did. Uh, Mike Adamley has an idea. Kane against Chris Jericho, but Kane needs to give up his burlap sack. Kids are going back to school soon and will be scared of Kane. Thanks, Mike. Uh, Kane says he's not going to do that. And that's how that segment goes. I can't do Mike Adamley, guys. I can't do it. Yeah. Again, I don't want to be too hard on him. I know he's in a bad way, but you know, Cody and Ted say they're a team, seen him at Easter, not a team. And that's why they're going to win the tag titles back tonight. So get tag teams, crown time defeat the highlanders who still work there. Thank you for now. That might change by the end of this month. Actually, I don't remember. JBL's here. So CM Punk, they're going to have a face-to-face. JBL starts talking about Punk and Punk cuts him off immediately. He's tired of everyone disrespecting him just because people think he doesn't fit the champion persona does not mean it's true. He's watched every single summer slam and now he's going to defend the title at summer slams. So that means something to him. You know, with all respect to Batista and John Cena, Punk is a man right now. JBL doesn't care about that though. The people came to see him and they don't care about CM Punk. He broke in on some no-name independent and then went to ECW and got to raw on a fluke and won the title on a fluke. JBL says the punk has talent, but he's got six days left champion. JBL could beat him at anything he chooses. He challenges him to a drinking contest and Punk doesn't go with it because, you know, straight edge and all that. JBL says that if Punk doesn't drink he won't beat him on Sunday and Punk thinks it over and then throws the drink at him and hits him with a shining wizard. It was effective. Good thing. Yeah. It was effective. It was what it had to do. Jericho beat came. My God, we came out and had a long talking segment back at rimster's mask in it. He can't tell. He seems to have eluded to that. Uh, what was he supposed to see in Jamie's house? Yeah. And they got from me to that. Being Johnny and Batista and Detective Yasi and Cody Rhodes. Yes. And they can't code this this time. They're arguing and then Ted pushes John into Batista and rolls up Cena to get the tag titles back. Yeah. I guess you could argue you didn't need to flip him in the first place. No, you're just going to do that, but especially since you did it last year as well. Exactly. Um, and for the match, he's didn't seem to get any sort of spaces, but then they decide to beat down Cody and Ted instead of each other and seem to leave. And Batista tells him to come back but security gets in between them. So see him on Sunday at SummerSlam. Yes. All right. ECW from the Norfolk scope where DX once drove a tank to any WCW taping. Yes. Tommy Dreamer defeats Colin Delaney in extreme rules match. Evan Borne defeats Ben Neely. Teddy Long and graduates Armando Estrada on his new contract, which he also has a new legends contract. So shout out to Armando Estrada. Yes. Good for him. He's over managing Zilla Fatu at some sort of indie that's coming up, assuming Zilla makes the town. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, he was doing, or doing pause. He's working with Jacob Fatu on the indies for a minute too. So see him standing in the family. So yeah, Armando's facing Finley tonight, Finley beats him. And we're co-existing again as Matt Hardy and Mark Henry are in action against Miz and Morrison. Matt Hardy and Mark Henry win because it seems like Miz was going to come in and break up the pinfall when Matt Hardy was pinning Morrison and then the ref called it like a shoot and Miz didn't do it and the ref is going to get fired later this week. More on that shortly. More on that now, actually. August 15th, Stevie Richards, Colin Delaney, the Highlanders, Cherry, and referee Wes Adams were all released. I mean, not many surprises here. Colin Delaney's stuff has been dragging for months. And yeah, I mean, Stephen Richards got six years out of this. So good for him. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Smackdown also at the Norfolk scope, obviously. We open with Jeff Hardy and Shelton Benjamin. Really good match. I mean, you can expect between those two at this point. MVP comes out late in the match, tries to kick Jeff, but he gets Shelton instead for disqualification, Jeff recovers and it's Swanton and MVP. They will wrestle at SummerSlam. Natalyan Maurice are in action and they defeat Maria and Michelle. And you know, Maurice is starting to get better. Yes. Definitely starting to get better. Good worker. Brian Kendrick, who is famously insane, defeats Scotty Goldman, who is um, co-cabana. Um, so he's there now. Great colleague is going to end Triple H's career at SummerSlam. Triple H responds to this by beating Kenny. There. Big show, squash the jobber. We get another R-Truth vignette. Covelove defeats Festus, which is fun, actually. You know, Festus is a nice little worker. Um, Ed just kidnapped Vicki Guerrero and they're heading to the ring, so they do that. And you know, Ed just making a similar vow to Undertaker that he made to Vicki when they got married and Hell in a Cell won't end until one of them die. Fair enough. All right. Just summer for him. I'm the consecutive fieldhouse in Indianapolis in the end. It is. And you know what, I like the stage. I like the presentation. I don't understand why they're doing all of that for any Indianapolis, and they could do like race cars or something. Yeah. Generally seen as everyone in LA following year that they were going to do this for LA, but it was actually something happened and they couldn't do it this year where they can do it next. Yeah, but I mean, we'll be sick. Yeah, maybe change the set at some point, you know, yeah. There's not blockbusters about Indiana or Hoosiers. But yeah, we lead off with MVP and Jeff Hardy. Jared notes that this is just first summer slam since 2001, which is kind of crazy, but you know, he was gone and such. MVP gets to win the drive by after Jeff Mrs. Fontan really get back and forth, nice opener, and it seems like they're setting up maybe Shelton and MVP. Yes. Also tonight, there's going to be an intergender winner take all Intercontinental and women's championship match as Beth and Santino will take on Mickey and Kofi. Maria, interview Santino and Beth and Santino does a good job playing up that him and Maria used to be a thing. So that was good. He was funny. Yes, he was. Moving forward in that match, Beth and Mickey for the win was more unique in theory than lambda being at least that is Santino or a punk combination. Yeah. Then after that, some Michaels and his wife were there for a segment. He recently saw another doctor for his tie, plus another few other injuries, and the doctor told him retire. They said it's his decision, and he decided the first time in his career, it's time to listen to doctors and retire. So he's had a great career in regards to nothing he says, and he's ready to go home. But then for Jericho, thumbs up. The crowd gives a bit of a missed response. He gets some cheers now that he's putting in the eyes of the fans. It's always was a time-honored tradition. I think people always like Jericho, but obviously when you gain the approval of that, that crowd, it always happened in in waves. Jericho said that he's not going to let Sean do this. He's not going on in his own terms because he's retiring because of Chris Jericho and wants Sean to admit it. He told Jericho to leave. It was just a concern him, but he said he's not leaving. Say, he'll admit it. He told his wife and kids that he can't wrestle anymore because of the actions of a bio worthless human being. Sean wanted Chris to go home and tell his kids that he'll never live, that he'll never be Sean Michaels. Sean went to leave with his wife, and Jericho went to punch him, but Sean moved, and he punched his wife instead. Oh no. Not great. Very alarming. Very well done. One of the only things from a company that is working at the moment is Michaels and Jericho stuff. Yeah. Man, Hardy, Mark Henry is up next, and they get thrown out pretty much immediately. Man, it's a twist of fate and almost gets a pin fall, and Tony Atlas pulls them out of the ring for disqualification. Jeff comes out and helps Matt, and they celebrate. That's nice, I guess, for the crowd, even though they both lost their matches. CM Punk picks up a win against JBL after getting his ass kicked for eight and a half of the matches 10 minutes to tell you how his title reigns going. Triple H defeats the Greek Kali. We've seen enough Kali matches to know how that goes. And now it's time for drama scene in Batista. Yes. A show that needs to be saved here. So, pressure's on. Batista does a figure four early in the match, which was kind of cool. Yes. You know, if you use him over the top rope, scene goes for top rope leg drop, and then Batista catches him, and power bombs him, and then Cina kicks out of that power bomb, and then Batista just pulls him up and hits another one and wins, and also Cina's hurt. From that mistake, he got hurt on that attempted leg drop. Yeah, which is probably why that wasn't the finish, I guess, because it probably should have just been the finish, because he grabbed him mid-air and power bombs. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Some more on that shortly. Let me get edge versus the end of the day, great side, hell and self. And using the cells of weapon right away, underhaker brought stairs in the rain, edge through them, they were minting them, up the upper hand, that table, also used shared lines and chairs, all mine. Edge didn't always drop through the table off the ladder, but it picked out two. He also spear taker through the cell. Later on, taker chokeslank edge, all the top rope through two tables, these two guys are just killing each other. They brought him back into the rain, set up a concerto, and then edge got up and two stoned him, and I'm sorry, I read that long. Underhaker's not done, pull the edge off the top of the ladder, center off the chokes end to the rain, the fiery setting straight down. Yep. Yeah, I mean, you know, for the feud that they've had, it was a fitting ending, and this is just good stuff as well. It was. Not the best summer slim, but you know, it was fine, I guess. And then we will keep moving here. Top five songs, up to five, it's paper planes, but MIA, staying forth, take about. Down to three is I kissed a girl, staying a tooth forever, and up to number one is Disturbia. Top five movies debuting at number five is Mears, down to four is Pineapple Express, debuting at three is Star Wars and Clone Wars. Dark Knight is finally down to number two, as Tropic Thunder has moved up from number seven to number one. And, you know, we talked about Iron Man a few months ago, but Tropic Thunder did just as much to save Robert Downey's career. Which is very funny in hindsight. It is. Yeah, like, people always conflated to the Blackface, and it gets lost on it that that's the bit, the bit is making fun of actors who dive so deeply into their roles that they've just come off looking foolish as shit. And he was incredible. The movie as a whole, even if there's parts that you look back on, you're like, ah, that's not like, you know, for the times, simple Jack's not for the times. Yeah, but it's a really good, really good character for the movie and for what they're spoofing. And so, Tropic Thunder is a classic seven to one is so interesting because you never see like, oh, the second week buzz being so massive, it takes you from seven to one, unless it was just like a super limited release. And then this was the wide. No, it doesn't look like it. No, okay. Yeah, number of theaters. So yeah, just got talked about, I guess word of mouth, just fucking, you know, shot it up. I remember I watched it maybe like half a year later in questioning why, what about the promotion was like, ah, I will see it. It's fucking great. I can only imagine what a theater watching this would have been. Oh, yeah, it's so funny. Absolutely. All right, we're going to raw from the Rosebun horizon. Chris Jack was here. He's not going to apologize because it's Sean's fault that something happened to his wife. He didn't put Sean's wife in harm's way. Sean did that. The fans are very upset with Jericho, including Harley race, who is there, but hasn't been introduced yet. So you just see him on the screen. Sean knew what he was doing and he was done for good, but he did things the hard way. All Sean had to do was admit that Jericho retired him and the fall would have been avoided. But look at Sean now. His career is over. Last moment with him cradling his injured wife and he's responsible for injury, but that's what Sean deserves. Batista opens the action by defeating Paul Bertchel. Mike Adam Lee is a new raw superstar, Primo Cologne. He was going to talk to him, but then he immediately left because he had to go talk to John Cena instead. Then Cena crossed his path with Batista backstage. Said last night, Batista was a better man and shakes his hand. Making James and Kelly Kelly pick up a win over Katie Lee and Julian Hall. John Cena is in action tonight and a handicap match against Cody Rhodes and Ted DBSC junior. They then show Ryan Demster in the crowd with someone else in the Cubs who I was not able to identify, but 2008 Cubs were hot. It was a big deal at this point. Repeated references on this program though, the Cubs and White Sox are both doing very well and they're both maybe going to make the playoffs and let me tell you, it does not go great. You can find the story right there. They not go well. They win there. They win one game. JBL's here picks up a squash over Jamie Noble. Shane and Stephanie said they have a big announcement coming. I can only imagine what that is. Mike and Adam Lee also have a few announcements. Punk will rustle Jericho tonight and I forget that they will do a championship scramble. Punk versus Kane versus JBL versus Batista versus John Cena. Well, for now. Yeah. And that was also... Yeah, that was their announcement. They weren't there. They didn't announce it. They made Mike Adam Lee do it. John Cena is in action against Cody Rhodes and Ted DBSC, but crime time come out before the match and steal the tag belts, which makes Cody and Ted very upset. They're doing a lot for Ted in this match. He's clearly the guy that they've chosen to go with here. And you know what? Luckily, you'll get to fix that. Yes. Cody taps to the STFU and that's the match. Do you think that Cody is going to wrestle Cena next year? You kind of have to, right? Hi. Like you never, you never got to do Cena Hogan. You never got to do, you know, whole things. Yeah, you should. Like it won't be good. No, but... You need a perspective on that. Yeah. I agree. I hope it's on Saudi. Yeah, it's unfortunate. Yeah, Punk's here. Says Chris Jericho's a bully in the ship, how did they not take any of bullies and Punk versus San Jericho? A message tonight. Yes. And Santino came in and defeated Dilo Brown. He's also from Chicago. Yes. Can you shock us all last week by showing you seemingly killed Rey Mysterio and let's us know that he doesn't like Rey and doesn't like people who do. That Rey is like a fungus that grows in the marshes of your psyche. So six weeks ago, in a parking lot, he took him out. We don't know if he's a lot of dead. Cease came out. He started his cane shed and Rey is his pal. Oh, I think I know it's going to be funny. Cease's bag and he catches up to him and can't catch him with a chokesun. Yes. Now would you Punk Jericho? Rey Pelosi, Punk and you... I mean, the title reigns bad, but he got the main event around Chicago. Like, you know, obviously he'll get to do that again and, you know, it'll have bigger stakes down the line, but, you know, it's cool. Also, yeah, it's just a really good match. You know, you kind of expected from these two, but yeah, Punk can hit the GTS to fight repeated drives and he falls to a code breaker after a distraction by Lance Cade. So again, the title reign is not going well, but, you know. Yeah, it's not going to be good. Are we really surprised? Well, yeah, that's the thing. So the Quad Cities, Moline for ECW, Chalo, Miz, and Morrison come out and they beat Tommy Dreamer and born and super crazy. Reviewer G is defeated to be doing Sean Spears. That's hilarious. So that works out. Oh, yeah. Finley and Mark might not argue that we're all going to be pulled apart by agents. Matt Hardy wanted a rematch. Got one and lost again to Martin. He did. Lined in back. Smackdown also in Moline. Vicki Greer was here. The Vicki we've seen is not the real Vicki. She's a good person and Ed was driving her to do bad things and correct. She wants to make things right. Anyway, she's probably full of shit and that will be revealed sooner or later. But Smackdown is also doing a big championship scramble, just like Raw and the only qualifying match is tonight. Maria defeats Natalia by disqualification when Maria interferes and Michelle comes out and gets saved, kind of pick up from the tag match last week. Big Show wants to know who he's facing in the championship scramble call fires and he's not in it because of an oversight Vicki tells him. So that's interesting. They do a battle royal for one of the spots and Big Show tries to get in that way, but he goes out and eliminates everyone, but Brian Kendrick's feet never touch the floor and Big Show goes over the rope and, you know, to leave and Brian Kendrick is a winner. So he's from the championship scramble. So you already know that they're not taking it seriously. Exactly. What do you mean Triple H just going to fucking win it anyway? So does it matter? Like, you know, Smackdown is brought to you by AutoZone and Mercenaries 2, which is not a good game. It's not. Which is a shame because the first one is incredible. I don't even remember Mercenaries. It was a PS2 exclusive, the first one, and basically what you did, like, you went into, I mean, it was like, obviously, fictional, it was like inspired by like North Korea and you kind of like, it's kind of like, like the Iraq 52 most wanted playing cards. They kind of did that but with like North Korean adjacent stuff and you could like order airstrikes and stuff. It was actually really cool. And then they made the second one and it was bad. Because arts, that's interesting. Yeah. Our truth is still coming. So he will be there with soon. Yeah, good for him. MVP defeats Festus by Countout to qualify for the championship scramble. Another fun match Festus is cooking. Shelton defeats Finley to qualify for the championship scramble. Also, great stuff. Yes. And Jeff Hardy defeats Howley to qualify, which was a little surprising. It was. Triple H comes out, kind of goes down the four challengers that he's going to have to face. And eventually Kenny comes out trying to send a message and Triple H pedigrees them again. I wonder why they're trying to bury Kenny right now. Well, he works there now. So good for him. Time heals all wounds. Yeah, I mean, so, love familiar in the ring. Vicki is going to apologize to the undertaker like she said. She was like him to please accept it. Undertaker got the microphone from her and said that he didn't come out here to accept a apology. He came for his soul. La Familia surrounded the undertaker and he could not fight back against them. And by the time he finally did, Vicki was, you know, high-tailing it to the back. She could have to answer to the undertaker sooner or later. She will. All right. Top five songs for the next week up to number five, Viva LaVita by Coldplay. Song that was everywhere. Down to four, I kissed a girl down to three forever, debuting at number two, crushed by David Archuleta from American Idol. And singing number one is Disturbia. Like this program and that'll sort of. Yeah. Yeah. Top five movies, finally, I will express down to four dark, or down to five dark night down to four, Death Race debuting at number three, The House Bunny debuting at number two, and Tropic Thunder sang at number one. Yeah. I'm onto Smackett. I'm the raw rapper. I'm sorry from Wilkes-Barr, Pennsylvania. Sam Pong, competing JBL to open the show kicked out of clothesline from hell and hit JBL GTS. Mike Adamley this year was Bad News. John Cena has a herniated disc and needs surgery. His championship scramble replacement will be announced later. So is there a Bad News? What else, Snoop? Yeah. Adamley was he talking to Primo again. He said that he has everything set up for him, just like he would for Carlito. People said he's done like Carlito. Shawn Michaels is here. I'm looking for asked about his wife. She's hurt, but she's tough and he's going to be fine. Well, so he said that it was an accident, but then Jerico came in and blamed Shawn in the fan's anyway, and Shawn is on the right to come out here and tell everyone he supported him goodbye. But he didn't realize it would be so hard. So he brought his wife with him and where did I get? You know, I'm not going anywhere. Jerico showed up on the screen and said Shawn's lucky. He's not in the arena. Last time Jerico faced Shawn, he destroyed it. Jerico knows what this is all about. He's trying to go down into a match so he can sue him and bring him down and bring his company down. Shawn said if he wants the match for this, if he does, what he wants to do to Jerico, they'll put him in jail, but in the ring he can do whatever he wants. He ends up wanting to want anyone held responsible for what he's going to do. And during the final steps that Shawn told him, do you remember an eye for an eye? Yep. Then we finally get our Cody Rhodes and Ted DeBaucy, where he's Jerry Lawler and Hackford, Jim Duggan, match that they promised us a few weeks ago and Cody and Ted get the victory. Crime time, we're still holding the belt hostage and challenge Cody and Ted to match it unforgiven, which they accept. But he used to tell us talk to him that his summertime match was on the toughest of the career. He has nothing but respect for John Cena, but tonight he's facing Kane because he has to stick up for his friend Rey Mysterio. He does. Santino defeats Kofi after Beth trips Kofi. Santino thinks Beth's going to beat him up again, but instead she kisses him, so that's nice. Um, Josh Matthews and Candice Michelle went to the DMC. Yeah. Um, and uh, Cannon Batiste to go to this qualification when Kane hits him in the knee with a chair and beats him down. Um, ECW from Pittsburgh. Teddy Long announces that ECW also have a championship scramble and unforgiven, a shame. I guess they like their new match type. I guess so. Uh, man, Hardy defeats John Morrison to qualify and misdefeats Evan Borne, travel defeats Tommy Dreamer, friendly defeats Mike Knox. There's your ECW championship scramble. Exactly. All right, moving forward. Smackdown also from Pittsburgh, Taker told this girl that he's coming for herself. Yep. I mean, our truth debuting and meeting Kenny Dijkstra. Why? Reese told Michelle the cool that she's coming from the Davis Championship. Mm hmm. And Nadia Maurice defeated Michelle Maria. Reese and Michelle world after. Interesting. Jen Hardy beat MVP, a summer slam rematch. Got time. She'll hit both the pater action. He's obviously getting involved. Ryder and Hawkins and Jesse Fences were scheduled for match. Big Show beat them all up and got tossed out. Said he will never be overlooked again, so we are back to pushing Big Show. Beat the healing rebound beat Victoria. So that is something that happened on this particular episode of Smackdown. Yep. And John C's surgery was a success. Yes, and then the main event, uh, Triple H and Shelton Benjamin had a really nice match. Triple H obviously picks up the victory, but yeah, I knew they got, you know, 16 or 17 minutes, especially really enjoyable to watch and, uh, kind of felt like their match that they had in 2004 a little bit. So definitely enjoyed that one. Yeah. All right. On to September, first week of September, the week of unforgiven, because again, another interview coming up in a hurry. But yeah, if you want to real quick, obviously you want to shed light on the fact that the OA Olympics featured the insane superstardom of the same boat. Yes. Michael Phelps. Yes. Nathan Lee Zach. Yep. The swimming relay, the regime team, all that fun stuff. The OA Olympics, honestly, are one of my favorite Olympics ever. I watched it from beginning to end at the nad's house. I will definitely remember those ones for a very long time. Secondly, we unfortunately said goodbye to Gene Upshaw. Oh, yeah. Who had passed away from pancreatic cancer three days after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer? Yep. He was a Hall of Fame guard for the Raiders and then was the longtime executive director of the National Football League Players Association. And then a few days after that, uh, a whole mess. Actually, before that, a whole mess happens. You may or may not remember from 2008 involving Brett Favre, raised from Ring Bay to New York. Now, Brett Favre has obviously disgraced himself in years, in the years since. And of the Vikings quarterbacks who recently, that recently realized that they have health issues on a cramber is probably much more deserving of your sympathy right now than Brett Favre, who is a unrepentant piece of trash. True. So we can move on to September. Yes. Your top five songs going into September up to five is dangerous. Staying at four as I kissed a girl, staying at three forever down to two is disturbing. All the way up from number 71 to number one, whatever you like by TI. He's rushed. He was big, man. No, I know. Big. No, I know. I mean, that kind of makes sense just because, like, I feel like paper help came out, like, right around. Yeah. And that's when it starts to get a lot more points. Whatever you like was so huge. Yeah. And it's one of those songs that if I'd never hear again, it'd be too soon. Yeah. It was, it was, it was everywhere played. That's, that's good. There's better songs on the album. Yeah, I hate that, like, that's like become the definitive TI song because, like, what you want is exponentially better. He's got much better songs than, than what I should like, whatever you like. But yeah, that is what it is. All right. Top five movies up to number five from 18 is "Trader." I don't know what that is. Yeah. I don't know what "Trader" is. Down to four is the house bunny. Down to three is the dark knight. Up to three is the dark knight. So people are still seeing the dark knight. Um, debuting at number two, "Babble on A.D." and staying at number one is "Tropic Thunder." "Trader" is a spy thriller featuring Don Shill. Okay. And "Guys" here. No, okay. Not bad. Not a bad, not a bad one too. Not a bad one too, there. All right. Raw. Raw. "Sorry" is by Steve Mark. That's Steve. No, sure. That's not nice. Anyone else that? Um, I had to look at it myself because I was a little curious. What it is that Steve Mark came up with. All right. So we start Raw from St. Louis, first by hearing a killer Kowalski have died. Unfortunate. Trained Triple H and yes, other folks. I would say that he paints several others too. And then we are in the Skytrader Center here for Raw. Randy Wharton's here. Hey, I know him. Yeah, he's from here. He's still hurt because, you know, broke his shoulder again. I had to stop by, see how things are going, and they're not going well. No, they are not. He said, "Cody and Ted should be called worthless." Does not, does not like Beth Phoenix mixing up with the men. I mean, I mean, and things said, "See him, punk is a bad champion." "Punk comes out, says that Randy's jealous of him. It's Randy does not think that that's accurate, but punk wishes he can pay for Randy tonight, but Randy's hurt and punk is a battle royal to prepare for. Randy says they'll pick it up at another time, and JBL comes out and glares at Randy if they pass each other on the ramp. JBL's with punk is an 80% chance of losing the title someday. Kane comes out, and so the Rey Mysterio is dead. He keeps the comes out and spears everyone. They appear to have multiple battle royals on the show tonight that don't have any stakes or don't impact how you enter the championship scramble, but they have all the championship scramble people in them. Sure, sure. COVID defeats Charlie Haas, who's dressed as John Cena, comes out to John Cena's music. Ted and Cody confront Randy for what he said about them, Randy slapped Cody and said to have talent, but they lost a handicap match against John Cena. They need to take a stand and make a name for themselves and also go get their belts back, which I mean, fair, bad. Mark Henry wins the CW battle royal, Kane once again lets us know that Rey Mysterio is dead. Chris Jericho has a lawyer with them to look over the contract with Matt for Shawn Michaels. Jamie Noble defeats William Regal by roll up to get his win back. Mickey James, Kelly Kelly, and the returning Candace Michelle get the win over Beth Phoenix, Kaylee, and Jillian home. Is that nice? It is. Santino defeats Dilo Brown once again and says that he's going to pass onky talk man's Intercontinental title record on on meter. Let's go. Hell yeah. All right, that Cody Ted video crime time and they got their belt bags was radio and praise them. So continue on. Kane won the brought about a run with Rey Mysterio's back and not getting into the 619 around the wrinkles and hurricane wanted Kane into the crowd. That was great. There was he will be in the match on Sunday. So Michael didn't for sure about sign their contract. Jericho said he's going to end Shawn once and for all. Michael's finally gets a chance to speak and says Jericho forgotten Shawn was. He ended Rick Flair's career and he has no problem doing the same Jericho this weekend. I'm forgiven as a great name. It's a never-for-give for Jericho. Lance K tried to attack Shawn while Jericho bailed but he tried to get him but he wiped out on the floor. He only got hurt. He tore his triceps. Jesus. It's not great. But if I may interject he's got football to talk about. We do. How football that is. Because you may have wondered why you brought up this show and have a bunch of battle lists. Well, Tennessee played UCLA on Labor Day. The game actually came down to overtime. It was a it was a it was a it was a back and forth game with a minute and fifty-four Ontario hard to speak but up Tennessee put Tennessee up twenty one seventeen with twenty seven second flux so about a minute and a half later almost. Ryan Moya caught a pass and kept a craft bring give UCLA a twenty four twenty one lead. The time expiring. Tennessee's Daniel Lincoln kicked a forty seven-yard field goal and then Kai forbath may have heard of him before. Kicks the game winner for UCLA to give them the victory thirty twenty seven to twenty four over 18th rent Tennessee at the Rose Bowl. Fun stuff. Also that began a sign of things to come. Twenty-fourth ranked Alabama based off with ninth ranked Clemson at the Chippewa Pickoff in Atlanta. No ship. And Bama beat their ass. Yeah. Well. Thirty-four to ten. That you know that count Clemson team had C.J. Spiller. He had a kick return for a T.D. that night. But that was that was the beginning of Bama just that came off their sixth and fifth year. They got that first they got that big kickoff game and they just they roll. Yep. I mean they parking room seventeen carries ninety six yards. Glen coffee seventeen carries from nine yards. That got Roy up church signing. You're right. Julio Jones freshman Julio Jones caught his first career touchdown and caught four receptions for twenty eight yards. Leading receiver for Bama was Nick Walker with seven catches six to seven yards and a receiving touchdown. The top ranked team in the nation that year you may remember in the preseason was Georgia. Georgia began their season with a forty five twenty one wing over Georgia summer. That's ranked Florida still with Tim Tebow one fifty six to ten over Hawaii. By text they lost twenty seven to twenty two against E.C.U. on a great way for them to go out. So since thank you team didn't even have Chris Johnson was a rookie in the end of fellowship. Yep. We'll be talking about him soon enough. Bowling Green beat pit. Twenty fifth ranked pit. Found that to be kind of interesting kind of hilarious. On let's see there were nothing that eventful happened on the first Thursday Miami beat 12th and 7th fifty two to seven. Mine was still somewhat competent back then. Usually we're about to head towards South Mizzou. Six ranked Mizzou. Oh yeah. The Illinois twenty ranked Illinois fifty two to forty two. What the hell happened in this season? God. Yeah that's wild. That was that was that happened in Mackinacres right? Yeah. Mackinacres. Let's see are there any other big games that happened in week one? Not particularly we can roll forward. Okay. E.C.W. super crazy defeat Sean Spears, Ricky Ortiz also picked for win against a jobber and then in the main event. Finley Hardy, Dreamer and Evan Borne defeat Bark Henry, John Morrison, Mizzin, Chavo Guerrero. So we moved to Smackdown. Triple H hypes up the championship scramble and is interrupted by a run off the match. And then they all get into a brawl as you'd expect. Our truth moves to two and O with a win over Bam Neely. The undertaker once again reiterates that he's coming for Ricky's solo and forgiven. He's going to send her to hell to be with Edge. Shelton picked for win over MDP. So I guess that was the direction they were taking. It just ended up being a random Smackdown piece. Exactly. Marie gets a win over Maria. She will challenge for the title on Sunday. Brian Kendrick gets a win over Jeff Hardy with help from Ezekiel Jackson. Super crazy beats the jobber and then Calfoff beats him down. Big show comes out and he wants to challenge Calfoff and they're ready to fight and Vicki Guerrero comes out and sending them both to the bag tells the undertaker that he's still her boss and on Sunday he needs to apologize to her. Brie Bella defeats Victoria again this time via twin magic. Interesting. Very interesting. Very interesting. Triple H beat Colley in a lumberjack match or the lumberjack for the four other guys in championship scramble. So I mean not really much in terms of lumberjacks. And before we do unforgiving we have week one of the NFL. The NFL is back. New York Giants open the season with a win on Thursday night over Washington. I remember that game vividly and the bit the thing that I remember and the thing that you remember when I say this out loud is Brandon Jacobs truck sticking the wrong way. Yep. Send that view into the dimension. Let's see. Bill's got a win. Jess beat the Dalton. Sam's got a win. Ah yes. Kansas City Chiefs against the New England Patriots. For our power. Yes. Big moment. Well you know the Patriots almost went undefeated last year. They're clearly going to try and pick up on that this year. But Tom Brady suffered a commanding injury in the first quarter, second quarter. He was not in there very long. Not in there very long now. I think it was the first quarter. Yeah. I want to say it was the first quarter. Yeah towards ACL. And you know suddenly the NFL is wide open. Everyone kind of just thought New England was going to roll again and things are open. They are open. On this day let's see the Falcons. If you remember also how about this is an historic season for the Lions in the worst way Boston. Yeah. But if you remember the Lions went eight and eight two thousand sets. They did. And they had actual optimism around the team going into the year they were playing the Falcons who were the last in stock to believe because Michael Vick got caught in a dogfighting right. The other one for it on the pre-season. They did go for it on the pre-season chip and what happened? Yep. Um. The first of many losses for the Detroit Lions that was 34-21. Matt Ryan through his first touchdown pass and his first pass to Michael Jenkins. Michael Turner their big free agent signing also had a huge day sign of things to come for the eventual MVP one-on-one or somewhere close to that. Hey what's it like? What's it like signing a free agent running back who doesn't just get tackled two yards running the line every play? Well the game is a little different. That's true. The game is a little different back then. Also Michael Turner ran for 220 yards on 26-22. Matt's pretty good. My god. And various no wood had almost 100 yards himself on 14-22. Looks like 170 yards for Calvin in his debut there as well. Yep. One of those no's is for seven. Oh yeah. Yeah. Saw four season three. The Eagles picked up a 38-3 win over the Rams. Don't remember Matt had 361 passing yards. Joe Flacco won his debut. I remember the the Cowboys Browns game. I think Teal had a touchdown. Yeah. Cardinals beat the Niners and then Sunday night football out of theirs. So Barry's open Lucas Oil stadium with a victory. Yeah Matt Forte big debut. That was a big game. I remember that one. See that coming. No. Not at all. Seemed like a cold shooter. That lead up for that match being a fuck how Oregon's quarterback. Yeah. Exactly. He led a rather fun season. Like obviously it's not fun when you don't win the last game of the year but like oh wait from from just up here watching as a fan standpoint was a very fun fun season. Yeah. It was cool. Yeah. I like Forte. Yeah. Oh it was good. And then the. Can I briefly talk about college? Yes. All right. In talking about college we have a new number one team there I/O this week. Even though Georgia won rather handily over Georgia's southern the new number one team in the nation is southern cat. So the cat who started the year number three who improved up to number one on an idol week two displayed winning 52 to they won 52 seven or Virginia week one. So they are they are idle this week but they are on the by elsewhere. Let's see. Bama won 26 over Tulane. Like I said they are continuing on the right path. Auburn won 27 to 13 their ranked ninth. Elliott Ironball is not going to go well for Auburn. They won six and they won six in a row against Bama at this point in time for the record. So things are about to turn in a bad way for them. Let's see. Going on here unranked Michigan beat Miami, Ohio 16 to six. There you go. At least we we should have something to do. So we should be happy about it. There's a bad vibe there. I'm pretty sure this is the take 48 years. Third ranked Ohio state beat Ohio 26 to 14 during Ohio state here. Do you love what happens to them when they go to L.A. in the week three? Oklahoma beat Cincinnati because it's 2.26. 18 ranked Oregon won 66 to 24 over Utah state. This is a pretty this is a bridge here for Oregon because all nine is when they start their best run ever. Anything else? Not really. We can move forward. Okay. Meth Unforgiven 2008 from Cleveland, Ohio the final unforgiven. Yes the final unforgiven with the t-stone the poster like rainfall. Yes. We open with the ECW championship scramble. So we're going to have Matt Hardy against Mark Henry against the Miz against Chavo Guerrero against Finley first of three of these tonight. So hopefully the concept is good. Yeah. The theme is a rock out overhead. Yes. Yes. Correct. 20 minute time limit every five minutes. The new superstar comes out. If you score a pinfall or submission on anyone in the match you are the champion for the time being the champion at the end of the 20 minutes is the new champion. We start with Chavo or with Matt Hardy and Mark Henry actually and nothing due in the first five minutes. And then Chavo comes out hits frog splash on Matt Hardy and he's the champion for the moment. Matt hits side effect on Chavo and pins him back. So Matt is the champion again for the moment. Then Mark Henry pins Matt. So Mark Henry's champion. And then eventually once everyone's in the ring they take Mark Henry out and Finley pins Matt Hardy to get the championship back. But Hardy pins him back and then survives and gets the win. So Mark, Matt Hardy is a champion but it's kind of confusing. Yeah. Sorry. Matt runs into Jeff backstage, tells him to go do the same thing. Have you ever seen, I don't know if you've seen it from how many times you've seen that show in full. The hardcore battle royale from WrestleMania 2000. Yeah. This is what this this is what these matches are. But just with much or at least perceived to be much higher states than just the hardcore teams. Yeah. But the execution is literally not there. No. And I mean they clearly probably brought it back because the king of the mountain match. Yeah. Which like that's not a good idea either. Those are fun because you know they're bad. Cody and Ted retain against crime time. Find match. Not more that JTG had Cody rolled up but Ted kind of rolled them over. So Cody was getting the pin instead and then they brawl after the match. And a big Samoan fellow comes out and helps Cody and Ted and turns out his name is Manu. And he's office son. So he was around today. He'd probably be part of the bug line. Yeah. Don't really remember much about Manu. Again was not weltering here. Looks like he's gone by February. So he does not he does not last long. They the family obviously runs deep. That does not mean that everyone is successful. Yeah. I'll do a second to move by something I can do better. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, they mentioned that Sean, Michael, silver, torn tricep but he is still facing Jericho tonight. So that is up next. Sean comes out in street clothes, Chris and his gear, well Mark. Come on Jericho. Sean gets in and tackles them and starts punching and away we go. Well, he's okay. Okay. Okay. I get it from the perspective Jericho thinks he's done nothing wrong. So he's going into this thing. He's done nothing wrong. The situation is completely different. Yeah. But it's not just where he's close. Exactly. God. Um Jerry, we get the chair and gets the upper hands a little bit and then Sean gets the advantage back and he's gonna go for sweet chin music but instead gets back on Jericho and keeps punching him and punching him punching him but eventually Jericho gets one to Sean by and obviously that's a weak spot for him. So Jericho gets the advantage, gets him in the wall to Jericho for a little bit and gets to the ropes but that does not matter in an unsanctioned match. Sean's able to grab a fire extinguisher from kind of under the apron from when they were outside and he shoots Jericho with it to break up the wall to Jericho. Lance Cade comes out and tries to help but Michaels takes him down and goes back to Jericho but the slight distraction was enough for Jericho to capitalize and then him and Cade uh start beating up Michaels for a little bit but eventually I have to say, do we have to do so much with one of Cade? Well, no, I mean he's another guy. I really need to be that guy. I really need to be that guy. I understand that it happens anyway about a year later if you were gonna go after a former recruit from Sean Michaels's wrestling school, what the hell did you go after Brian Danielson? I mean, yeah. I mean, considering you ended up putting him with Jericho on NXT anyway, the guy in the head start on that and made Jericho appear even smarter than he apparently was. Yeah. So Sean is able to kind of get some of the advantage back, puts Jericho at the right table on the outside and then gets Cade on the announce table and picks Jericho up and puts him on top of Cade and does the elbow drop from the ring through the table as wild horse. Sean brings Jericho back in the ring and takes his belt off and starts whooping him with it. Red's the belt around his hand and he keeps punching Jericho in the face and the rest calls her a bell. The fans boo because they're not very smart and they think that it was a disqualification but it wasn't. It was a rest stoppage and Sean is the winner. After the match, Sean keeps punching Jericho and then punches the rest and he seems concerned with how violent he was. But you know what? The situation called for it. Hey, they called for it. Triple H wins with Smackdown scramble. I mean, come on. You know, Brian Kendrick was champion for a little bit. Jeff Hardy was champion with 10 seconds left, but Triple H pedigree at MVP and Gus wins. Yeah, that was smart. All right, being a scramble, CM Punk is ready for the scramble tonight. He lets Eve know, but Randy Oregon comes up to him since that he's ready to continue their conversation from rock. Punk says that, you know, it's not really the time to do that because he has a match and Randy does not because he's injured. Punk is talking and Cody and Ted and Manu come up and kick his ass and Kobe tries to help, which I thought was interesting, but yeah. Yeah, so Punk is in dire straits at the moment. Yes, Michelle McCool retains the deepest title against Maurice. Not a very good match, but you know, it's all right. Exactly. Mike Adley tells us that Punk won't be in the scramble anymore. So that's a real fucking stupid way to do that. It is. Probably just beat him if you don't want the title on him that badly. The big show's here and it was kind of at this point that I realized they maybe didn't even need to bring him back because they didn't have anything for him to do. Oh, and that will be the case for the rest of his rum there, which will be 10 more years after this. So he could be the replacement for Punk in the scramble because Vicki left him out of the other one and Big Show is sick of her. You know, it's an election year, so he wants no crowd to vote for Big Show to be in the scramble. They cheered and he leaves and looks like Mike Adley has a decision to make, but instead Vicki Guerrero is here. She comes and really runs down the big show. And eventually the Undertaker comes out to which Big Show finds very funny because he's going to, you know, go after Vicki and then his problem is going to be over, but it turns out it was all a ruse and Big Show helps Vicki take out the Undertaker and now we've got a Big Show Undertaker feud. Yeah, that's a shame. I do have a big cane. Yeah. And it's time for the main event, Batista vs JBL vs Rey Mysterio vs Kane vs Unknown for the World Everywhere Championship. Nothing doing the first five minutes from Batista and JBL. Kane shows up next and pins JBL after Chokeslam, so he's your champion for now. Rey comes out and attacks Kane a little bit and then eventually it's time for the last guy and it's Chris Jericho. You may remember lost a match earlier and got the shit beat out of him, but he's okay. I mean, he's very beat up, but he's here and he's okay. Batista gets the belt from Kane with 15 seconds to go, but Rey jumps off the rope and tries to get a quick pin on him. Batista looks like he's going for the Batista bomb, but while he's setting that whole thing up, Jericho pins Kane behind his back, gets the win, and Chris Jericho is the champion now. I mean, it's an interesting way to do it, I guess, and I know what it sets up, so like, whatever, but I don't know. It's another one of those these classic situations where Ben sees the big program and he has to push all of his chips in and he can't and has to undermine everything else. Yeah, but take one of the other guys out. I agree. I'm just saying that, like, this is just, this was the logic of, huh, it's not a big deal. Jericho is Jericho, but it's a big thing. We have to keep, we have to push with that. They've done this so many times, so many times. That's true. It's one of the first places, like, they're about cases of them being like, okay, we're just going to put the title on our main program because it's our biggest thing. Yeah. It's weird. It's weird how common sense why did I win out in the end? Yeah. We didn't have to take the scramble to do it. I guess it was I wasn't in clean because you just, you know, punked and you lose the fucking title. This is some peak fence shit. Yeah. At least it's the right decision. Yeah, that's true. I need to put it on cane or... Right. You could put it on somebody that just didn't, absolutely didn't make sense. Yeah. And so at least it got transferred over to the hottest feud of the year. Like, I don't like playing so much when that happens. That's true. Um, I think that's it. That is it. Yeah. We'll be back next week. Cool, preview, bad blood. We'll keep going then. I'm at Cameron Santo, Rob's a Rob Neil 31, Chris is at Chris M Novak at barbersharenet on Twitter and Instagram, There's no check out the merch shop, check out site Night the Howles heading into the Rams game. They will be in London for the showdown with the Jags in two weeks. So be on top of all of the coverage coming out of the barbershare from London. All right. For Rob and Chris, I am Pierce. We'll see you guys later. [Music]