Encouraging Words Devotional

When You're Overwhelmed with Busyness

Even in the midst of overwhelming busyness, Jesus prioritized time with His Father—reminding us that prayer is the key to finding strength and peace in our busiest days.

Broadcast on:
30 Sep 2024
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Even in the midst of overwhelming busyness, Jesus prioritized time with His Father—reminding us that prayer is the key to finding strength and peace in our busiest days.

(upbeat music) Do you feel sometimes overwhelmed with busyness? Sometimes doesn't seem as if you have so much you have to do that you have no time for the things you want to do. Well, if we think we're busy, just think how Jesus must have felt. People came to him for so many reasons. Day after day, hundreds of people came to him for healing. Take a look at this story from Luke chapter five. One day a man came to Jesus, bowing his face to the ground, begging to be healed from his advanced case of leprosy. Jesus reached out and touched him and said, be healed and instantly the leprosy disappeared. So what did Jesus do at the end of this very busy day? Send the crowd away telling him, "That's all for tonight, folks." As he headed for the nearest hotel for a good night's sleep. No, the Bible says that after he healed the man with leprosy, the report of his power spread even faster and vast crowds came to hear him preach and to be healed of their diseases. But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. At the end of a busy day, we're so quick to say that we're too tired to pray. But I have a feeling that Jesus withdrew to pray because he was tired and wanted time with his father. Sometimes I wonder if we really realize what a privilege we have in prayer. Do we recognize who we're talking to? God, the creator of everything seen and unseen, the God of the impossible, the one who loves us with an everlasting love. The next time you have one of those impossibly busy days, follow Jesus' example and spend some time with your Heavenly Father. You've been listening to encouraging words with Darlene Salah. Visit for more. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) You