The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

396 | Torah Portions 51: Is 'Heaven & Earth' the 70AD Temple? Full Armor God; Wormwood; Renewed Covenant

Hebrew Match Dating: Help Support TUC Ministry and Widow Fund September 2024: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

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30 Sep 2024
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Hebrew Match Dating: Help Support TUC Ministry and Widow Fund September 2024: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

Shabbat Shalom everybody and actually a double Shabbat Shalom to you for those of you who are keeping atonement today. Hopefully I'm coming in nice and loud and crisp for everybody. Please do let me know if I'm not. I, of course, did not do a sound check before I went live. So I'm like, ah, can't believe I didn't do that. Anyways, let me tell you about my day. Now I did celebrate atonement today. We, and what an atonement it was. For those of you who don't know about the day of atonement or maybe you're new to the Torah and this kind of came up to you, we are in the middle of the fall feast right now. For some people started, some people did atonement two weeks ago, other people maybe another couple of weeks from now, depending on what calendar they're on. So the good news is, is if the, if the fall feast caught up to you and you know, you're like, you're new to this and you're like, oh man, I totally botch this. Well, the good news is, is a lot of people are celebrating a 13th month this year. You can jump on their calendar and just start keeping Yum Taruah. I should be coming up within a week or two or, I think, early, first week, I'll go October or something like that for those that are in the 13th month. I'm almost into to coat myself, but let me tell you about my day. All you need to do is go to like the front page or the drudge report or whatever to see the millions of people that have been out of power today. And what was so strange is last night, I'm giving my talk, I'm finishing up my book on the Giants, the newspaper articles and the Giants. It felt a little anti-climatic, maybe in the video itself, you know, it was the end of it. They weren't as interesting towards the end. But I'm probably 10, 15 minutes into the video. I don't even know if you can hear it on YouTube and the tornado sirens are going off. And I'm sitting here, you know, totally distracted now thinking about the tornadoes that are coming my way. Actually, before that, yesterday, you know, it was kind of really muggy in the morning. It was really windy. Two days ago, I'm working here, I'm looking at my window going like, wow, it's really windy out here. So apparently this big tropical storm was coming and nobody was talking about it. It wasn't a big deal. Nobody thought anything would really come of it. It was just a storm coming up from the south. And so then I commented to my wife last night. I said, it was like dinner time. And I said, it's really cooling down. It's kind of cooling down. And then all of a sudden, when I went live, right before I went live, I walked outside and started heating up. I'm like, oh, boy, like, I know what that means in the weather department. I'm like, you got to cold in a hot front coming together. We got tornado activity, a lot of wind, that kind of stuff. So the tornado siren is going off. And I'm thinking, well, maybe you guys might get on YouTube like a live tornado event. You know, you might see me get taken out in it and you guys can be entertained by that. I thought, well, my family can kind of take care of themselves. They can go hunker down. But I am telling you guys, in about three or four weeks, I am going down for my 10th annual winterization in Florida. We went to our house. Our house is rented out. So we have to go. And we'll be camping on the beach. And last year, in the prior years, I got so sick and tired of the tornado warnings because it gets really scary in the beach when the tornadoes are coming up there, along the Gulf Coast in the wintertime. And we were having to run to these concrete bathrooms and hunker down. And I told my wife, last year, I said, when the tornado warnings comes, I went in one night and I said, you all have 10 minutes. I'm in the car. I'm leaving in 10 minutes. You need to be in there with me. I think my family did it in like eight minutes or something like that. They did really well. We went to stay in a hotel for the night. I'm so glad we did because we pull up the next morning and this guy comes out of his trailer on the beach next to us. And he just like, he was like in hell. He's like, that was like the worst night of his life. And I'm like, I know, because we did that last year. And the trailer park next was got taken out by 20. It was awful. So all that to say is if the tornado sirens go off while I'm in Florida and I'm live on YouTube, you just, you guys are just gonna have to know, I'm just be like, okay, guys, I'll give you some sort of code word, be like tornado comment. I'm out of here. Good night. And I'll be gone. Hopefully that won't happen. So today, you know, I was out of power with the other millions of people in this country sweating up here in this room. No power trying to get ready for tonight. I'm glad I have it now. Hopefully everything's good. Hopefully I'm coming in nice crisp and allow for you guys. And you know, I kind of started rambling right into this, but I'm just grateful to be here. I'm grateful for our father in heaven this day of atonement that you know, we have to it's so different than the what we call the pagan feast, you know, these these holy days where we are to come before YAH and confessor sins and and recognize our transgressions. And this is of course, atonement is the holiest day of the year. That can be debated, I suppose. I know rabbinical Judaism calls it the holiest day of the year. And this is the day when the our high priest goes into goes up to the mercy sin and he sprinkles the blood on it. This is the day of the of the you release the azazel goats and you kill the YAHwahah goats, you kill the YAH goats. Of course, that's the blood you sprinkle on the mercy seat. And it is the day and I have pointed out earlier in my studies when we're going through Leviticus that apparently in the Torah, and it's not just me saying this, this has been in rabbinical commentary for centuries now where they're like, they're like, well, apparently, conscious sins aren't forgiven. If you consciously sin, there is no sacrifice you can bring to the altar for that. If you purposely if you know something is wrong and you go do it, there's no people were freaking out when I was saying that, but this is what's so important about the day of atonement is what everyone can agree upon that on the day of atonement, all the sins of Israel are forgiven. Of course, you have to be repentant of it, right, but all the sins. And this is why it's so important to have a high priest and I have stated many times that much has changed with Messiah, but nothing has changed because it's still on the same legal system of the Torah. The Torah, if the Torah has been done away with, we're all in trouble because we have no legal backing. We're in trouble. There has to be consequence for sin. There has to be a justice system. It's in place. And back in with Israel, you would point to your high priest and say, I have put my faith on my high priest that he went in and he performed the atoning sacrifice for my transgressions. And it's the same way with today. I have faith in my high priest, YAHushah Hamashiach, Yeshua, if you prefer, Yaisus Christus. I have faith that he can go before the Father, he can approach the mercy seat. He either is the atoning sacrifice or he is performing it. I don't really know. Maybe he is. So to this day, I kill and go, I don't know. Maybe he is. That's an unthinkable thought for some, but I'm not in heaven. I don't know. I bet I have faith that he's my high priest and he's performing his duty. And that's what counts. And so this is why it's a holy day. So anyway, Shabbat Shalom, everybody, let's get right into this tonight. Hope you're enjoying yourself. We've only got a couple left after this. One more reminder. I bring this up every single week. Passover retreats. I'd love to see you guys there. Please contact me. I am happy to work with people who are financial, who want to be there, but financially are having a hardship. Don't let pride again in the way. Come talk to me. Let's see if we can work something out. I have beds available. Now, it may not be, we have, I think, one private room left. We have a lot of beds in a grander room. Come talk to me. I'd like to work this out. It's in Arkansas, March 26th through 30th. And yeah, it'll be good. It'll be Passover. Of course,, signing up for free, takes a few minutes. And we really want to see this site grow within the Torah community. This is intended not just for finding your soulmate, your help meet, your rib partner, but this can also be used for just finding other Torah families. And you can put in where you live, your house. You can find community that way as well. One thing I didn't go over last week that I wanted to, and this is actually still very applicable for what we're going through this week, is cannibalism in the siege of Jerusalem. And it was in our last Torah portion. And if you recall, it said this, and this is in the blessing of the curse. And YAH is like, if you do not obey my commands and you go into this land, like you can see on the side of the river if you want, but if you're going to cross over, and you're going to behave in a search and way, you're going to choose the curse. And he says, and you will eat the fruits of your body, the flesh of your sons and your daughters, which YAHwah, your Aloha is given to you in the siege. So there was a couple of sieges in Jerusalem. And now this could also refer, I would assume, to the siege of many cities. And keep in mind that by the time you get to Hezekiah, all of the the cities had been taken out by this point. I mean, they're just they've been mowed over. So there were many, many sieges. So who knows how bad it was in all the sieges? We don't have documentation of all of us. We do have amazing documentation through Josephus of what happened in Jerusalem. So let me read this to you as a this is a fulfillment of this passage. Though, like I said, I think there were probably dozens of not hundreds of fulfillments through the centuries. There was a search and woman that dwelt beyond Jordan. Her name was Maryam. Her father was Iliyzer of the village Bethizab, which signifies the house of Hisa. She was imminent for her family and her wealth and had fled away to Yerushalim with the rest of the multitude and was with them besieged therein at this time. The other effects of this woman had been already seized upon such, I mean, as she had brought with her out of pariah and removed to the city. What she had treasured up the size as also what food she had contrived to save had also been carried off by the rapacious guards who came every day running into her house for that purpose. This put the poor woman into a great, very great passion. And by the frequent reproaches and she cast at these villains, she had provoked them to anger against her. But none of them either out of the indignation she had raised against herself or out of the commiseration of her case would take away her life. And if she found any food, she perceived her labor as word for others and not for herself. And it was now become impossible for her any way to find any more food while the famine pierced through her very bowels and marrow. When oh, so her passion was fired to a degree beyond the famine itself, nor did she consult with anything but with her passion and the necessity she was in, she then attempted the most unnatural thing and snatching up her son, which was a child sucking at her breast. She said, Oh, thou miserable infants, for whom shall I preserve thee in this war, this famine, in this sedition. As to the war with the Romans, if they perse, preserve, I was gonna say persevere, but if they preserve our lives, we must be slaves. This famine also will destroy us even before that slavery comes upon us yet are these seditious rogues more terrible than both the other? Come on, be thou my food and be thou a fury to these sedition, violets and a byword to the world, which is really interesting. They're a byword. That's another thing I didn't get to talk about last week, which is what the Jews became. Maybe I did talk about it. The Jews became a byword, you know, a Judaizer. And these individuals have made it harder for us to come to the father's commands and everyone's like, Oh, you're a Judaizer, right? They're a parable, a byword, which is all that is now wanting to complete the calamities of us Jews. As soon as she had said this, she slew her son and then roasted him and eat the one half of him and kept the other half by her concealed. Upon this, the seditious came in presently and smelling the horrid scent of this food. They threatened her that they would cut her throat immediately. If she did not show them what food she had gotten ready. She replied that she had saved the very fine portion of it for them and will uncovered what was left of her son and they were seized with horror. It was a terrible scene. I'm sorry, even to read this to you. I'm just showing you that this is literally what YAH said would happen if they were to enter this covenant with him and be disobedient. And then skipping ahead here, we see that the Romans hear about this. It goes all the way to Rome and some of them couldn't believe it. And others pitied to distress, which the Jews were under. But there were many of them who were hereby induced to a more bitter hatred than ordinary against our nation. But for Caesar, he excused himself before God or in the Hebrew, paleo, allahayam. As to this matter, and said that he had proposed peace and liberty to the Jews, as well as an oblivion of all their former insolence practices. But that they instead of Concord had chosen sedition instead of peace, war, and so on and so forth, instead of abundance, famine. It's really kind of a sad story. But I wanted to share that because it tied in with what we were talking about last week. So let's get into it this week. Do draw me 29 through 31, 30, or the end of chapter 31. And you have guarded the instructions of this Bara Yath or covenant. I put in the covenant there. Hopefully, Pamela won't be upset by that. And you have fashioned them for the purpose and intent that you may act prosperously in all which you will fashion. You are the one standing in place this day to the face of Yahuwahah, your Alahiah, your heads, your tribes, your bearded ones, your scribal magistrates, and all the men of Yashirel, your little ones, your women, and the stranger, which is in the midst of your encampment, from the cutter of your wood into the drawer of your water, which is really interesting there that he mentions these specific two people. I will be commenting on this. For you're passing over in the Bara Yath or the covenant of Yahuwahah, your Alahiah, and into his oath, which Yahuwahah, your Alahiah shall cut with you this day for the purpose and intent to raise up you unto himself for a people. And he will exist unto you of Alahiah, like the word which he set in order toward you, and just as he solemnly sworn into your fathers, unto Abraham, unto Yitzhak, unto yeah, cold, but not with you alone do I cut this covenant, this Ha Bara Yath, and this oath, but with whoever, present, ready, exist here, standing firm, enduring, and communion with us this day. Now, I'll show you what the kind of more modern translations say here. It's more simplified than what Pamma put here. I love what she put. I love that she put for those basically any time in history, any time in the future from that point, anyone who is in communion with us this day, it's really very well written. I like that. That means us as well. It's not just intended for that generation, but this still applies. For you, you have known how we settle down to dwell in Arat's matrim and how we came through in the midst of the nations through which you passed, and you have observed their abominations and their idols of wood and stone and silver and gold, which were among them, but where lest there be present among you a man, or perhaps a woman, or perhaps a family, or perhaps a tribe, whose heart turns away this day from being in communion with Yahuwah, Yohamar, Alahiah, to walk, to serve the Alahiah of these nations. Beware lest there be present among you a root that bears forth the head of the poisonous plant warm wood, and it shall exist in his hearing the instructions of this oath, and he will Barak himself in his heart, and say, "Shalom shall exist unto me," or "Shalom or peace shall exist unto me, for I will walk in the stubbornness of my heart for the purpose and intent to increase the satiety of the thirst." What just happened? We have an incident where he's saying that, look, I want to, Yahuwah is saying, look, I want to Barak you. I want to bless you. You got to follow these commands. I will bless you. A lot of you are not going to follow my commands, and you're going to bless yourself, and you're going to walk not in the way, but in the stubbornness of your heart, and you're going to do it for your own purposes. You're going to convince yourself that you're doing it for me. You're going to do it for your own purposes, and then this is connected with the poisonous plant, Wormwood, which we can book in that revelation. I will comment on this tonight. Let's keep reading. Yahuwah, the ever-living, will not consent to pardon him, the man who blesses himself instead of walking in the way, the blessing of YAH, but at that time, which is, you know, oh man, now I'm thinking, I wish I put this in here because I don't mention this later, where YAHushah Hamashiach, Masai, he says in the book of the Nazarene, he's like, many people are going to think that I'm going to part of them. They're going to point at me and think that I will. And in that day, I won't. And it's just like, how, because this is just the talking point, like one of the main bullet points of Western evangelical Christianity, where they're just like, this is how I was raised. I was raised that when you get to the courtroom in heaven, you just zip your lip, you don't say anything, and you just point at Jesus. Just point at him, it's all you do, and he'll take care of everything. And he, and he says, it's like, yeah, that's actually, a lot of people are going to be surprised to find that it doesn't work that way, actually, that they are going to be guilty of transgressing the Torah, and they did not live a righteous life. And they believed, unfortunately, the wrong thing. And he says right here, he says that he will not consent to part in the person who has blessed himself, who has in his stubbornness of his heart, he did not have a circumcised heart, he walked away from the way, he did his own thing. But at that time, the anger of Yahwehah and his art and zeal will smoke against that man, and he will make to recline upon him all these curses written in this Zaphar. And Yahwehah, the ever-living will wipe away his name from beneath heaven, Hashem Ayam, which is basically what happens in Revelation. It's kind of interesting, right? We're all written. My understanding, I could be wrong about this, my understanding is that we are all written in the book of life. Every single one of us, everyone at one point in history were written in the book of life. And the only thing that can happen to you is that you have your name erased. He takes out the magic eraser, the marker or whatever, the eraser and he just is gone, gone forever. Your cease to exist. It's a horrible thing. So he says that your name will be wiped out from under heaven. And Yahwehah, the ever-living shall separate into calamity from all of the tribes of Yashirel, from all the curses of the Barayat written in the book of this Torah. Now, the later circuit of the generation of your sons, what shall arise after you and the foreigners which shall come from a distant land shall declare when they observe the smiting of that land and the diseases which Yahwehah, the ever-living shall afflict upon her, sulfur and salt. The whole land is burning place, not seated and not sprouting forth and grass not going up upon her like the overthrowing of Sodom and Gomorrah, or pronounced here, Ammarah, and Adamaha and Zebayyam, which Yahwehah the ever-living did overthrow in his anger and in the burning heat of his wrath. And all the nations shall declare of him over what reason has Yahwehah the ever-living fashioned so and so unto this land. What is the reason for the burning heat of this anger? And they shall declare over the reason that they have loosened the bands deserting the covenant, the Barat Yah of Yahweh the Alahiah of their fathers, which he cut with them in his causing them to go forth from Erat's metereim and they did walk and they did serve the lesser gods, the Alahayam Akareyam, and bowing down did homage unto them. Alahayam whom they knew nots and ones he had not apportioned to them, which is kind of itching right because the ones the earth was apportioned with 70 shepherds, 70 Elohim, but these are not apportioned and people go for them anyways. In nostrils flaring, breathing hard in his wrath, Yahwehah the ever-living's anger was kindled against this land to bring upon her all the implications which are written in this book. And Yahwehah the ever-living let them off from over the red earth in the burning anger and in the breaking forth in great indignation and he cast them out toward another land as this day the hidden things of Yahwehah, Yahwehah our Alahiah and the revelation belonging to us and to our sons and so time of long duration for fashioning all the instructions of this Torah, the promise of restoration. It shall exist all these speeches come upon you, the Barakaha and the curses, the blessing and the curse which I have set in place unto your face and you turn back with your heart among all the nations which Yahwehah your Alahiah has banished you there and have turned back into Yahwehah your Alahiah and you have heard understood and been obedient to his voice like all that which I have commanded you this day you and your sons with all your heart with all your nafash then has Yahwehah your Alahiah turn back your captivity and will have tender affection toward you and will turn back and will grasp by the hand collecting you from all the peoples where Yahwehah your Alahiah has dispersed you there. Conditionally even if your expulsion should exist upon the extremity of Ha Shammayam of the heavens from there Yahweh your Alahiah will grasp you by the hand collecting you and there he will take you for himself and Yahwehah your Alahiah will bring you toward the land which your fathers possessed and he will take possession of her and will be well pleased with you and will make you more numerous than your fathers and Yahwehah your Alahiah will circumcise your heart and the heart of your seed to love Yahwehah your Alahiah with all your heart and with all your nafash for the purpose and intent that you may exist and Yahweh your Alahiah will make you excel beyond measure in all the fashioning of your hand in the fruits of your body and in the fruit of your beast and the fruit of the red earth for excellence for beauty for what is pleasing for Yahwehah your Alahiah for gladness will rejoice over you for excellence for beauty for what is well pleasing just as he rejoices over your fathers for you have heard understood and been obedient into the voice of Yahwehah your Alahiah to guard his commandments and his statutes which are written in the book of this Torah or this fuhrah if you will turn back toward Yahwehah your Alahiah with all your heart and with all your nafash for these commands which I command you this day are not difficult or arduous for you are for you nor are they distant i'll be commenting on that he is not in shamayam for you to declare who will ascend for us into the place ha shamayam and and will bring him unto us that we may hear understand and obey you in so fashion and it is not in the region beyond the sea for you to declare who will pass over for us toward the region beyond the sea and take it for us that we may hear understand and obey you in so fashion where the instruction is established exceedingly near toward you in your mouth and in your heart for his fashioning again i will be coming on this but i do want to quickly talk about this now the way pamma writes this out she says for these commands plural now i'm not translating this so i don't know it seems like a lot of rabbinical commentators are looking at this and they they talk about a single command here and the big question is what is the single command now if you're looking at commands you're looking at the whole tour right now i either way i think this the same example applies but let's just say that there is just one command here and yah is like look there is a command that i give you and it's not difficult it's not arduous it's not distance you don't have to climb up to heaven to figure it out you know who will send to heaven to find this command and so the question is what is this command now if you look at the context of all of this the command is what would lead to a circumcised heart the command is repentance the tour itself is a is a trans it is intended to be i say this time again it's intended to be a transformative document that you look at this and you read it you listen you hear you obey and it changes your life and you start acting differently and today's the perfect example this passage happens to fall on for me the day of atonement the day of repentance where we realize that we have transgressed that we are completely incapable of attaining salvation meaning that i cannot bring it at sacrifice there's nothing that i can do for my transgressions and i have to look at my high priest and say you did it you did it for me on my behalf it's a day of repentance and that's the thing about the belief in the high priest right whether it's in the Old Testament we're looking at you know some random mortal priest the high priest going in there or my immortal high then i need to live my life accordingly and go i don't want to keep transgressing anymore i don't want you to have to keep doing this and this is one of the things about you know you you start looking in the new testament and there are several quotes in there from Paul from different people who are like look you know you were you were once ignorant and so you have you have sins that you were ignorant in those sins you didn't know you were sinning and doing those things but now you're getting into the Torah you're reading what transgression is you the course sin is a trans transgressing the the law and now you can't you can't you got to take the seriously you can't choose to do those things more now you're no longer ignorant and if you continue to live these sins it's going to be worse for you you are going to end up in the curse and the curse is not pretty right you are cursing yourself this is by you're doing you are under the curse of the law as paul would say um the law is you know it's it can be a blessing or a curse i kind of see it as neutral but you know we have fallen under the curse by our decisions and our lives lifestyles and the sins of our fathers you see what i'm saying and we can choose to be the blessing so that is it's not far off from us you can do that right now right just think about well this is one of the the prayers that i have prayed my entire life and it is i i recommend everybody do it is you it's a scary prayer and you pray and say um that you want to have a circumcised heart you want to be repented and to have y'all reveal to you the things the transgressions that you are making or have made that you do not realize it can be something for 20 years ago something you did to somebody that you need to repent of and he will he will he will honor that he'll be like really you want to know your your deeper sins that that into the recesses of your heart you want to know because i know you want to know i'll i'll show you and then once he shows it to you you have to be willing to drop that pride this is what i'm saying it's not far away. Observe i have said in place to your face the lives and the good and the death and the evil which i command you this day to love yahulah your alahaya to walk in his ways and to guard his commandments and his statutes that you may exist and you may become numerous and yahulah your alahaya shall block you that would be blessed you in the land which you go there to possess her but conditionally if you will turn your heart away and you do not hear or be obedient and you have been drawn away and you have bowed down doing homage into the lesser gods the alahaya makaram and have served them then i conspicuously in the sight of all profess openly until you this day that perishing you will wander lost wretched ready to perish and you will not prolong your days upon the red earth where you pass over the yard and to go there to take her as a possession i once again calls a witness against you the heaven in the earth be ha shamayam and the ha arats the living and the dead that i have said in place to your face the barakaha and the cursing and you have chosen upon life for the purpose and intent that you will live both you and your seed to love yahulah your alahaya to hear understand and be obedient into his voice and for cleaving into him for his is your life and your length of days upon the red earth which yahulah the ever-living solemnly sworn to abraham and to yitshak and into yataco to give into them so he places before us what heaven in the earth now i've said this many times before that if you can right now everyone just go out there look out your window if you can look up you see heaven you look down you can see the earth they still stand the torus eternal there here's a testimony now but then my field of research and within the kind of the millennial kingdom field of research there's not a love of not a lot a lot of love for the torah you guys know that at least among those that are the main researcher presenters out there and i have found that you know people so dislike the torah that they will they will basically throw all the the poo they can at the at the fan and see what sticks to the wall and argument after argument after argument you know they just keep falling away they just keep coming up with whatever they can and they keep it proven wrong but they're so determined in their mind that it's it the torah you know that it does not abide that this is like the big one that they church i've noticed this now they're like aha we finally have an argument we finally have one to show that the torah was done away with and it's heaven in earth because apparently heaven in earth was the temple and the temple is no more you see so the torah is done away with and we'll be talking about that a little bit chapter 31 hopefully there's so much to get to you so you know how this works i always i i feel bad because a lot of weeks you know i like i i tell you guys oh we'll be talking about this time we never do is it just you know the two hours go by and michalha walked and he set these words in order toward al yasherel kind of mentioning uh verbiage there and and moses walked and he declared into them i am this day a son of 120 years i will not be able to continue to go forth and to come in and yahwah the ever-living has declared toward me you will not pass over this yard and river yahwah your alahiah he is passing over to your face he he will lay waste unto these nations from before your face and she'll cause you to possess them and uh this would be uh joshua or yahushua and yahu shah a will pass over before your face just as yahwah the ever-living has instructed and yahwah the ever-living shall fashion for them like that which was fashioned for seyakan and for ag the malakaya for the messenger of the uh emiraya and for their land when he destroyed them and yahwah the ever-living so give them up before your face and you have fashion for them like all the commandments which i have commanded you be strong and alert you will not reverently fear and you will not tremble with dread from their face for yahwah your alahiah will walk with you he will not desert or fail you what an exciting thought is that right that you know that yahwah walks with us and we see all the same um uh kind of picturesque of you know like the the the footprints on the sand right and it's it's jesus right and of course you guys know that i i believe that yoshama shiak is yahwah so it's the same thing right it's not that it's not like yahwah doesn't walk with us anymore he still does he can walk with us right he is he is our our yeshua where was i i get so excited and then i lose my place he will not desert or fail you and he will not leave you and the shahah called out unto jahwah or yahwuh shah a and he declared toward him in the eyes of all yeshua by the way i think there's two things going on here i mean i like jahwah is purposely placed in in this passage right here because we're going to see that it's you know yahwah is basically saying i am yeshua i am yeshua not this guy right here named that he is a model who i am and he said he declared toward him in the eyes of all yeshua be strong and be alert for you you must go with this people toward the land which yahwah the ever living has solemnly sworn unto their fathers to give unto them and you you will cause them to inherit her and yahwah the ever living he will walk before your face he will exist with you he will not fail or desert you and he will not leave you do not fear and do not be confounded or put to shame and the ark of the covenant of yah the ever living and toward all the bearded ones of yeshua and mashah commanded them to declare from the end to seven years in the appointed season the year of the shmita or the shamata in the feast of the of sekotes which is coming either some of you are already in sekote right now for me it's coming up in the next week and the coming in the entering in of all yeshua to the to appear before the face of yahwah your alahiah in the place of habitation which he shall choose you will call out this Torah conspicuously the side of all professing opening unto all yeshua in their ears gather the people the men and the women and the little children and your stranger which is within your gates for the purpose and intent that they may hear understand and obey that they will learn and they will reverently fear yahwah your alahiah to fashion all these instructions of this Torah and their sons who have not acquired knowledge may hear understand and obey and that he may learn to reverently fear yahwah your alahiah all the days you exist upon the red earth where you pass over the yard into possessor the twelfth speech of the shaha the prophecy of yash rills falling away and yahwah the ever living declared toward al-mashaha behold your days of your death are approaching call out unto uh joshua again or yahu shah shay and you will settle him down to dwell in the tense of meeting when i will command him in masha hai and yahushua i was calling me hushua walked and he settled him down to dwell in the tense of meeting and yahwah the ever living was observed in the tense of meeting in the cloud mass and the pillar the cloud mass took a stand over the entrance of the tent and yahwah the ever living declared toward al-mashaha behold you will lie down with your fathers and the people will rise up and commit fornication following after the alahiah of the foreigners of the land where they go there among them will forsake me and breaking the pieces my covenants which i kept with them ouch for those of you who've been kind of interested in this idea of of time travel specifically that yahwah is outside of time and that he you know it i mean the way i look at it is imagine if you are you're making a movie you're a director or whatever and you know now it's digital it still applies but back in the old days you know you have the the strips of a film and you could go and look at the beginning of the movie the end of the movie or you know you can go work on special effects at any point in the movie at the end it's still the same movie but you're maybe not working in you know a chronological order and it's the same way it's me as a writer i'm writing a book right now i'm writing a novel i'm not writing it in order i have all the pieces how i want to do it but you can you can totally see a scenario here where yuhu shahama shiok is in the future and he's talking back to moshay in this time he's like oh by the way i'm just telling you the way this all turns out and it's all going in really bad for this people that you're leaning and my anger shall be kindled against them in that day and i will desert them and i will hide my face from them and they will exist arriving like great many calamities and distresses and they should declare in that day is this not over the lack of alahaya among us on that account we have encountered these misfortunes and i hiding i will conceal my face in that day for all the wicked wickedness which was fashioned for they have turned toward alahayim aqirayim i mean when i read that right there i could totally see messiah like in his ministry like just saying that i could totally see that and at this time he will write for you this song and she'll teach her unto the sons of yashirel and she'll place her in their mouths for the purpose and intent that this song may exist for me as a witness against the sons of yashirel where i have brought them toward the red earth which i solemnly swore into their fathers which flows with fatness and honey and they have eaten and become satisfied and become fat and have turned away toward alahayim aqirayim and have served them and have broken into pieces my very uh my covenant and it shall exist if a great many calamities and distresses happen to them then this song shall testify into their faces for a witness where she will not be forgotten from the mouth of his seed for i know their thoughts which they fashioned this day even before i have brought them toward the land which i solemnly swore to give michaha wrote this song that same day and he taught her into the sons of yashirel and unfortunately i think we're not gonna be uh it like ends right before the song that's gonna be the next torah portion and he commanded yahushua's son of none and he declared be strong and be alert for you you will bring the sons of yashirel toward the land which i solemnly sworn to them does that not excite you his very name means salvation and you salvation you will bring these people into the land and i i will exist with you and have existed when michaha made an end of writing the instructions of this torah upon a sephar until completed in michaha commanded the Levites that lift up the ark of the bara bara yath of the covenant of yahuhuahad the ever-living to declare take this sephar of this torah and place him from the side of the ark of the covenant of yahuhuahad the ever-living and it shall exist there for a witness against you for i have known your bitter rebellion and your obstinate neck behold upon my continuing living with you this day you have existed as bitter rebels against yahuhuahad the ever-living and indeed for how much more after my death gathered towards me all the bearded ones of your tribes and your scribal magistrates that i may set the words in order into their ears these the daba rayam and i solemnly call heaven and earth or hah shamayam and hah arats has witnessed against them for i know following my death that acting wickedly you will corrupt yourselves and will turn yourselves out of the way which i have commanded you then the calamity which will happen to you in later days where you will fashion wickedness in the eyes of yahuhuahad the ever-living to provoke him to anger with the fashioning of your hands and masha has said a word in order in the years of all the gather assembly of ashrael the words of this song until they were finished and there's a song we end there today you know when i was reading uh yah i didn't have this in my notes that yah really put this on my heart so let me see if i could tell you guys what i was feeling as i was uh reading this and this has been part of an ongoing conversation that a lot of people at the same time have been emailing me and it's been on their hearts there's a lot of you out there who are struggling with family members with spouses with children with parents and so much so that i know that many of you like listen to this with your earphones on because it's too much uh if your family hears it's not even the controversial stuff like the flat earth or you know talking about uh conspiracy or whatever different biblical you know theories it's the Torah right it's the instructions and righteous living it's so divisive and it causes all these problems to the point that relationships are being broken up and my uh what i have said repeatedly and i want to convey to you and i want to encourage everyone is that how do i convey this this comes down to making the Torah attractive meaning live a life that is attractive it's not about arguing with them about all the different doctrines in the bible and i've i've encouraged many of you guys and because the thing is is that when people they have been raised to disregard basically the entire bible is this Jewish thing this anthropological thing and it's scary for people i remember when i first came into it and i i was overjoyed i was so happy to go what this is for me too because i was always sad i'm like oh man the Jews get to keep this and i can't like just because i i'm genetically different like that's messed up like i always you know felt like i was uh missing out and so i was so excited to come into this and go this is my story the bible i am israel this is these are this is my family this whole book is written about my family my spiritual family so exciting but it was scary because it's anthropological and you're looking at all these feasts like what do i do right i don't know how to do this and i i think a lot of people are you know there's only two prime emotions love and fear at any given time someone is feeling they're either on the side of love or on the side of fear on a one to ten scale i guess and so a lot of people respond uh out of fear and it might be anger uh it might you know whatever but it's it's a fear of something and so instead of arguing all the points my uh what i would recommend to everyone out there is to show the goodness of the ten commandments the ten commandments just say are we on board the ten commands like just instead of talking about all the other stuff out there right it are the ten commandments good obey your father and mother don't steal don't covet don't commit adultery you're right just very simple stuff what about the fourth one keep the Sabbath day you know people quickly go back oh jesus my sabbath rest or whatever that it's like come on like just look at this here every seventh day rest you know so on so forth and just fall into that because if you guys can get people onto the sabbath day that that's that's half the battle i'm not going to say that everything else else is going to fall into place because it might not but when people cross over and they see that the sabbath day is good and that they have literally been lied to and they start seeing all these controllers it's the same thing with the flat earth you start recognizing all these spiritual controllers around you and you're like oh and then pretty soon for me it was immediate you know eating clean that kind of stuff that eating cleans the next big one they fall into that one more thing that y'all put on my heart and they'll continue with these sore portions because there was a lot going on my head while i was reading all that um is i was talking to my group beforehand for those of you please come by our discord group we i premiere this 9 p.m. on youtube facebook i'm on i think i'm on twitter tonight live but we meet with the discord the unexpected cosmology group just an audio discussion great discussion and one of the things i was conveying with them is that there are basically any time you meet another person and they agree with you that they believe the bible is true in some capacity right they identify as a christian or some denomination or something right orthodox catholic whatever and maybe they're like a truther and they don't go to church and they're you know like really into cutting edge stuff and and you start anytime you go to any verse in the bible they're going to have a doctrine that arises and you're judging you're thinking you're evaluating this in your head and go okay they're close to the mark they hit the mark they completely miss the mark they're doing the same thing with you and some people get so heated over all these different differences of opinion or belief and when i look at this stuff i have two categories all right i have this is knowledge based and this is fruits based and there are a lot of things that we just can't know that we can all sit around and argue about names and calendars things like that of that nature you know that the godhead all these things and we might just be completely blinded to it and at the end of the day it's it's okay it's what is the fruit what is the fruit of this so um those are the two classifications now sometimes there is uh it's almost like the vesica piscus you know that sliver in the two circles there is a crossover between knowledge and uh fruit so sometimes there is a fruit issue that people have rotten fruit and they're just showing rotten fruit and it doesn't matter what their their knowledge is at this point it doesn't matter what their ideas are it's like okay you just you just have rotten fruit dude like clearly you're not speaking for wisdom you're not speaking you're not an advocate of wisdom or the spirit right now and there's a lot of those people who are just puffed up with their knowledge right but then you have other people who have amazing fruits and they have horrid knowledge it's kind of eventually how that works and they're not puffed up but there is an overlap and you do see passages in scripture where it says uh lack of knowledge leads to destruction and one of them is the Sabbath day guys that's in Hebrews the lack of knowledge leads to destruction and so there is there is the overlap and we want to you know kind of watch that but that just might encourage them whenever you come across other people go wow you you're a Trinitarian and this and that wow that's okay that's cool let's talk about it right like we can agree to disagree and just kind of learn from each other and if they have good fruit that's what it's all about right and that's that's the thing because i i really think that what y'all want from us is to be in the same room and get along he wants us to get along because he's like look you guys gonna be in eternity with me i want to build a uh tolerate you guys remember what he wanted to do with if you're on the wilderness he's like i want to destroy these people they're just bickering just narcissistic just egotistical whatever there's just just whiny little brats i just want to just i don't want to spend eternity with these people so think about this does y'all want to spend eternity with us he wants to see if we can get along if we on a different calendar you know oh there's a lunar Sabbath there's a seventh day oh you you start your day at sunset oh but you know i start my day at sunrise you know can we get along so hey i think we can all get along all right those are those are some things that like at the end of the day like i don't know i don't know whether i'm supposed to start my day at sunset or sunrise i don't know i have to i'm a man and every man has to have a conviction and you finally have to go with it let me finally have to make a decision but i don't know and so that's that's one of those things that i just put in the knowledge category it's okay it's okay we disagree on some of this stuff now we can all learn from each other all right let's start here with where he says you are standing now uh he says right here in deuterami 2910 you are the one standing in this place this day so the idea is is that there is a firmness and stability of fortitude and courage that comes from a toran knowledge eternalized this is the generation their parents are all dead now they're the winers in the desert and you know did they make it into eternity i don't know i mean he wiped them out in the desert it didn't seem like you want to spend why would he do that if you want to spend eternity with them right so these are the ones that they have grown up learning the Torah they've been under the instruction of boshay the elders uh yuhushua and they are firm they are they have a good head knowledge uh it is both a head knowledge and the fruit coming together in my opinion now i think i'm just you know starting with Paul tonight how fun is that i think i'm going to start with a picture of Paul with a headache every single time because that's i think he had a you know ongoing migraine the way he wrote Elizabeth he said children obey now this is really interesting because he's going to be talking here about the full armor of god in the context of parents your father and your mother in heaven children obey your parents and yahua for this is right honor thy father and mother which is the first commandment with promise that ever may be will with thee that thou may live long on the earth we just read that in dude or on a meet and ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and um admonition of yahua now remember now uh the people in the waters did not honor their father and their mother they didn't honor the the rua kakadesh they don't honor yahua they certainly didn't honor moses who was there they're kind of their father figure their leader they didn't live a long life servants be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh with fear and trembling and singless of your heart as unto mashiach not with eye service or men pleasures that's in just the wording on that doesn't sound right but men men pleasers but as the servants of christ doing the will of alahiam from the heart with good will doing service as to yahua and not to men so he doesn't want us to be grumblers he wants us you will hear me say this over and over and over again why are we here on this earth okay it's to live a life uh a pleasure serving alahiam serving yahua and if we do not find pleasure in it now what makes us think we're going to make an eternity i can't state this enough uh we don't do we don't serve yahua grumbling we serve it because we like you wake up in the morning and the first thing you think about in the morning generally is where your heart is now maybe you're a parent and you're like you wake up and go ah got a feed my children or something like that right but you know but generally like where where does your heart lead you or i'm sorry what is your thoughts lead you that's where your heart is knowing that whatsoever good thing any man do it the same shall he receive of yahua whether he be bond or free and he masters do the same things into them for bearing threatening knowing that your master also is in heaven neither is there respect of persons with him that's straight on dudorami finally my brother be strong and yahua and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of alahiam that ye may be able to stand against the wilds of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places christians love to quote this passage and i don't always know it i actually don't always know what they mean by it therefore take unto you the whole armor of alahiam that ye may be able to there it is withstand withstand is the same verbage that yahua says that you are standing before me this day as soldiers about to cross that river jordan and take everybody out in that country over there i'm going to walk with you i'm going to walk before you i'm going with you you are standing with me in a head knowledge and with circumcised hearts that you may be able to withstand in the evil day so think are you going into king and in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth and having on the breast plate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all take the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation the word the ruach which is the word of alahiam praying always with all prayer and supplication of the ruach and watching thereun too with all perseverance and supplications for all things Ephesians 6 all right the final generation covenant with all generations now you know i think one of the things that motivates many within the Torah movements many just in in the the true the movement period in the evangelical sense is that we're like the final generation i'm not convinced of that i don't know what the final generation is i generally think that the final generation was uh the end generation was uh Messiah's generation but it says right here neither would uh in deuterami 2915 neither with you only do i make this covenant in this oath but with him the stand up here with us this day before yahwa our alahiam and also with him that is not here with us to stay now this is not pamless translation i wanted to put this in there though so that you could um yeah i didn't put her next to it i did comment on it um she you know she had like uh you know for those of you that are in covenants with you know the people that are in covenant with you that are far away that kind of stuff well i want to show you that um again this is this is an ongoing thing this is an eternal thing we read in Psalm 105 and this again look what it says make a joyful noise and say yahaha all ye lands you know don't be bitter don't be whiny don't be you know did like enjoy your work for him your servitude serve yahaha with gladness come before his presence with singing no ye that yahaha he is alahiam it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the sheep of his pasture enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise be thankful and to him and bless his name i feel like this is like a marin office song like from the from the the the the the 70s like you know jesus freak move it for yahaha is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth and dearth to all generations so his truth does not change does not come to an end it is not outdated it is not uh you know void uh his testimony his word doesn't come to an end it's for all generations and of course reading from psalm 119 which is the great you know uh magnum opus of torah poetry my soul is continually in my hand yet do i not forget thy torah the wicked have laid snare for me yet i erred not from my precepts so essentially here the wicked are trying to get you to air in the precepts did god really say thy testimonies have i taken as a heritage forever for their rejoicing of my heart i've inclined my heart to perform thy statutes always i should have put that in green there too even until the end the end of what i hate vain thoughts but thy torah do i love and again is this outdated is this no more should we rip this out of our bible is this just for some lost tribal genetic group from two thousand years ago out in the desert writing just vain poetry it's for us today this comes from let's see what does this come from Luke chapter one so for lack of time we'll just you know this is with elishiva or elisabeth uh maryam comes the baby dances in her womb or leaps in her womb she says this maryam said my soul death magnify yahuwaha and my spirit or my ruach hath rejoice in allahayam my yeshua my savior for he hath regarded the lowest state of his handmaiden for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed for he that is mighty have done to me great things in holies his name and mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation now she's not saying here like she's just quoting from like the only bible she has right she's quoting from the torah maybe a little bit from the tannock she's not there's nowhere in here where she's like oh you know thank god my child in my womb is going to do away with my whole religion and my whole worldview and you know this land and everything like she's not that's not even in her thinking so when she's quoting here from generation to generation right um there you have it what does it say here in oh second into chapter four this is fun beautiful scene i don't quote from this often enough this is the the great one where it it complements revelation very well and it's on mount zion the true mount zion whatever that is i don't believe that this i don't think that this is talking about in the modern day israel or any wherever israel is uh this is talking about wherever the true mount zion is probably in the head wellness though it could be in one of the layers of heaven therefore i say to you all nations that here and understand will wait your shepherd he will give you everlasting rest because he will who will come at the end of the ages go say hand so there you go so we're talking about the end multiple generations and this rest the shepherd is coming at the end of the age now again i know that a lot of people are going to read this you know from kind of eschatological you know kind of line up with design is kind of thinking that this is still like this is the second coming and no i think that this is talking about the first coming this is talking about messiah is coming and when when he comes this is going to happen be ready for the rewards of the kingdom because the eternal light will shine upon you forevermore flee from the shadow of this age receive the joy of your glory there it is again right that instead of the wormwood i will be counting that instead of the wormwood of this earth receive the joy of your glory i publicly call on my yeshua to witness receive what yahua has entrusted to you and be joyful giving thanks to him who has called you to heavenly kingdoms rise and stand and see at the feast of yahua the number of those who have been sealed those who have departed from the shadow of this age have received glorious garments from yahua take again your full number of zion and conclude the list of your people who are clothed in white who have fulfilled the Torah of yahua so there's that word fulfilled there right like it's not saying that they brought an end to the Torah it actually means that they they ran the race to the end they they they followed through these commands these instructions and righteous living and in doing so they fulfilled and this is where repentance comes in so let's keep moving let's keep talking about this i'll just finish this this is a beautiful passage the number of your children in whom you desired is full this beseech yahua has power that your people who have been called from the beginning may be made holy i esra saw amount zai the great multitude which i could not number and they all were praising yahua have with songs and their midst was a young man of great statute taller than any of the others and on the head of each of them he placed a crown but he was more exalted than name and i was held spillbound and then i asked the angel who are these my adenai and he answered and said to me these are they who have put off moral clothing and have put on the immoral and they have confessed the name of allahayam now they are being crowned and receive palms by the way this this could very well be a future scene in the kind of outside-of-time spectrum okay just so put that out there and then i said to the angel who is that young man who places crowns on them and puts palms in their hands and he answered and said to me he is the son of allahayam whom they confessed in the world so i began to praise those who had stood valiantly for the name of yahua then the angel said to me go tell my people how great and many are the wonders of yahua allahayam which you have seen so notice the two classifications of salvation right here i should have highlighted the second part it says that they confessed the son of allahayam in the world and also they have fulfilled the Torah of yahua which is what we see here in my theme verse for this ministry of the unexpected cosmology revelation 1412 here is the patience of the kodashin the saints here are they that a keep the commandments of allahayam they're the ones who have fulfilled the Torah and the faith the testimony of his son yahua hamishiyaka we see that in second as your chapter four so let's look at the the cutter of wood and the drawer of water i thought this was kind of interesting i started kind of thinking about this and looking into it and it says that you know he says that uh that basically everyone standing here in his role present tense future tense uh he says the little ones the women the strangers in your midst right and basically they're not genetic they're actually they're coming into your camp they're strangers but they're being grafted in and then he adds from the cutter of your wood into the drawer of your water so as i was thinking about this it hit me and i and you know the electricity is out today and there's a hurricane and all this kind of stuff i'm thinking about this and i thought there's actually two amazing positive and negative examples of both of these so cudders of wood we see in in uh genesis right here bearish sheath so abraham got up early in the morning saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him and his son yachach and he split the wood for the burnt offering and this is the ultimate act of faith right here uh abraham is considered the first Hebrew and so he is the cutter of wood but then we also see this incident here in numbers chapter 15 of a negative example of cutting wood and while the sons of yeshua were dwelling in the wilderness the decree of the sabbath was known to them but the punishment for the for profaning the sabbath was not known and there arose a man of the house of yosuf and said with himself i will go and pull up wood on the sabbath day and basically he's basically taking an axe out he's not picking up sticks like people's hey he's taking an axe hour or whatever he's using some tool to pull up a root of a tree i mean this is heavy heavy labor he's doing it despite everyone to snub yah he doesn't want anything to do with it he wants to go out make money he's working and not only that when people come up to confront him he starts beating people up he started now physically getting into a confrontation he doesn't have a spirit of shalom with him so kind of interesting right so we have a positive example the first Hebrew and the worst Hebrew the cutter is the pullers of wood then we have the drawers of water so with abraham we have the first Hebrew with Elijah or Eliyahu we have the last Hebrew and i'll show you what i mean in a second here but uh this is the case where he's on mount karmul and uh you know the the prophets of bale they're they're doing their thing and if you read legends of the jews he actually got a guide buried in the uh in the whatever the altar that they built to try to light it and it doesn't even work for them but anyway he says it in verse 33 and he put the wood in order and cut the bullocks in pieces so maybe he's a woodcutter here too i don't know but and laid him on the wood and said fill four barrels with water import on the burnt sacrifice and on the wood and then jumping down he said hear me oh adenai hear me but this people may know that thou art yahwaha allahayam that has turned their hearts back again so he's working in the confines of dune oronomy here and Elijah's prayer is that their hearts would be circumcised and that they would return to him just as he said that they or at least a generation would but then let's look at the negative example did i actually show why maybe i didn't show but let me just say in case i don't have a scripture verse in front of me like i said it was a tropical storm day um they're just one of those days that Elijah is the last Hebrew in the sense that he was the generation that he came in and you know i think in the five hundreds but we can even go with the john the baptist you know uh you hosha said if you believe it then he is Elijah right that's those were his words maybe he was Elijah but the Elijah came to turn the people's hearts back to yah right so uh Abraham wanted to do the same thing with Sodom and Gomorrah but let's look at the negative example of water we covered this just last week and all the congregation of the children of Yashiro journey from the wilderness of sin after their journeys according to the commandment of Yahuwah and pitched in rafidim and there was no water for the people to drink and they bickered and moaned and give us water that we may drink and and they chided with him and and Moshe says we're we're for to ye tempt Yahuwah well from this incident we get Amalak he shows up and he goes and fights fights with them and this is where Yahushua or Joshua he he kills Amalak with the edge of the sword we went through this last week it was really interesting the whole that the spirits of Amalak and how he comes up whenever there's bitterness and doubt and he's he's he's this appears to be this real spirit that continues on and it says uh right there in verse 16 that Yahuwah has sworn that he will have war with Amalak from generation to generation ongoing that this spirit of Amalak is going to keep rising up against Israel trying to keep them out of the land how does he keep you out of the land by getting you to to be bitter to be in contempt of court to disobey the commands to cast you out that's his whole strategy and I showed you last week this idea that uh that passage in exes 17 matches revelation in 1915 this gives me shivers when I just think about it that it says out of his mouth Yahuwahushah's mouth go with a sharp sword that with it he might smite the nations and rule them with rot of iron he is actually taking out Amalak the spirit of Amalak and bringing shalom the Sabbath rest on the world and this is speaking of the millennial kingdom well Yahuwah is also the drawer of water now we see the wedding ekina of Galilee and I have pointed out in the past five multiple times now that I'm of the opinion I stress the opinion that this was actually his wedding like literally his patrol now I'm fine to be I wasn't there I don't know I'm fine to be wrong about that maybe it wasn't sometimes I look at it and go well maybe it really wasn't I don't know but I I think that you know when you look at the the over arch of the gospel of john it's all about the bridegroom it's all about the bride and it you know it it it starts with the best man he's killed off I don't need to go through all this again it ends with the famous nard the alabaster jar incident and the patrol though so on so forth but he says he says this and his mother said to the servants whatsoever he's safe until you do it and there were set there six water pots of stone after the manner of the purifying of Yahuwah name and he hushas said into them fill the water part water pots with water and they filled them up to the brim and when it says when the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine and knew not when it was which I think is a play on words there because he it's saying that he doesn't know who the groom was and but then he turns to Yahuwah and he says this is an amazing wine so it might be a play there where it's actually saying that he was the groom kind of something to think about because why would why would John say that you know he puts that little that little note in there he didn't know who he was and then he turned to Yahuwah all right let's see where are we at now okay this is I'm sorry just lost my turn I thought there okay Isaiah 25 so talking about the the wine it it might have also been either a fulfillment or a pointing to a fulfillment of what it says in Isaiah and it says right here and in this mountain shall Yahuwah of hosts make into all people a feast of bad things a feast of wines and it says and he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people and the veil that is spread over all the nations what is he destroying here I think what he's doing here the veil is he's actually revealing Yahuwah mashiach right he was hidden from them and when he revealed himself his own people rejected him even though Mosheh wrote about him and I believe of course he is Yahuwah but now that is the veil removed we know who Yahuwah is we know that he has Yahuwah mashiach and he's king of kings and lord of lords and it says he will swallow up death and victory which is what of course he did and then it says and Yahuwah allahayim will wipe away tears from of all faces and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off of all the earth for Yahuwahah hath spoken it and shall be said in that day low this is our allahayim we have waited for him and he will save us this is Yahuwah we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation his Yeshua which again is a play a play of words there so they're saying that look here is Yahuwah he is Yeshua he is Yahuwah Isaiah 25 Malachi 4 okay so this is where I'm going with Elijah here the the water poor remember ye the Torah of moshay my servant which I commanded unto him and for of for all Yashirel with the statutes and judgments and this is the awkward part right if the Torah has been done away with the hold I will send you Eliyahu the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of Yahuwah and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers thus I come and smite the earth with a curse straight up dude on me right there so you better remember the Torah of moshay because the whole land is about to be smitten with the curse and Elijah is coming to turn your hearts back to the Torah Malachi 4 isn't it beautiful and amazing when the veil is actually lifted and we see the truth of scripture isn't it amazing let's talk about wormwood wormwood equals bitterness plus self blessing and I also think this wormwood is being in contempt of court which is ultimately I have shown that the breadcrumb trail is is what I believe is the blasphemy of the spirit blasphemy your father and your mother in heaven being in contempt so wormwood I'm going to make the case is actually blessing yourself instead of letting yah bless you we read this here we read this tonight dude ronomy 29 less there should be among you a root the bareth gall and wormwood and it come to pass when he hear the words of this curse this is like so reminiscent of this is eerie this is modern-day christianity okay a modern-day christian is done away with the Torah he hears the words of this curse and he says the Torah is a curse he doesn't want to do it that he bless himself in his heart saying I shall have peace though I walk in the imagination of my heart now he may not consciously say that this might be more of a subconscious thing to add drunkenness to thirst judronomy 29 well we read we read about wormwood and revelation eight this is when the third angel sounds and a fall and there fell a great star from heaven burning as it were a lamp and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters and let me just state here that I do believe you know I I see no reason say this is not a literal star that did fall of course there's a obviously a connection but to the heavenly realm of the stars and their divine being so maybe this is like a literally a kind of an evil entity that came down he fell from heaven he came down and the name of stars called wormwood and the third part of the waters became wormwood and many men died of waters because they were made bitter so there's that bitterness again that comes with it I don't I don't my understanding of revelation has turned over the last several years obviously I think that this is talking about Judea and we literally see you know a third part of their waters becoming bitter and so and so forth and the men dying but this is of course telling you because we saw in Deuteronomy it says that the curse of wormwood right so this is literally we see Deuteronomy coming to fruition in revelation it's not talking about the Gentiles it's talking about the people in the land and so again I feel like a proper understanding of revelation is understanding the Torah and Deuteronomy so let's look at peace rather than bitterness and self-blessing again self-blessing is leads to wormwood so follow shalom with all men and holiness without which no man shall see YAHwah without holiness in peace looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of allahayam so again you you know what is grace right what is gracefulness it's it's it's walking into a room and not like stubbing your toe on the coffee table it's like being able to walk up and down a staircase holding the banister without like tripping head over heels and breaking your back right you have fallen from grace if you did that a graceful person knows how to to you know not injure themselves it's the same thing with going through the bible you you go through that you're able to you're now standing tall you're walking the way you're walking in grace you have not fallen from grace let's any roots of bitterness spring up trouble you and thereby many be defiled so bitterness leads to defiling it means you have fallen from grace you are in this bitterness because you you do not have a circumcised heart you no longer want to obey the commands you've already disregarded the commands to some degree and now the bitterness is seeping in you are now drinking this wormwood lest there be any fornicator or profane person as Esau who for one morsel meat sold his birthright and of course Esau was you know first in line right and he he gave it up he chose the wormwood and he chose to bless himself right for you know that you for you know how that afterwards when he would have inherited the blessing he was rejected he was he chose the curse for he found no place of repentance though he sought it carefully with tears and that's what I was talking about earlier it's what is not far from us repentance repentance is not far from us and Esau never found repentance Cain never found repentance another another wormwood of the bible is Simon maggots and when Simon saw that through laying of on of the apostles hands the holy ghost was given or the rua kakadesh he offered them money saying give me also this power that on whosoever I lay hands he may receive the rua kakadesh and of course peter sent him thy money perish with thee because thou hast thought that the gift of all a high on may be purchased with money that has neither part nor lot in this matter for thy heart is not right in the side of all ion repents there is again repents right the command that's not far from you repent therefore of this wickedness and of course he never does and pray all the high on with perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee for I perceive that art thou art the gall of bitterness the bond of iniquity you could say in the bond of thy sins of thy transgressions here's a really interesting one this happens in Joshua is it chapter nine let me check here this is a long passage i'm not going to read the whole thing yeah hushua chapter nine so there are people who went into the land who it's kind of a sad thought like you know they messed up they were they were of a generation aiken was apparently a generation he grew up you grew up in righteous generation he messed up and I think that can happen to any of us this is where I everyone is so concerned about this uh you know the the deception at the light at the end of the tunnel the thing that we should all be concerned about is guarding the commands in this life and the next and I do think theoretically it is possible that we could get to the next life on the other end and still disregard we see the Torah we see those passages where you know you go up to he's got the iron rod and he's like are you going to pass under this or are you going to go off there with the sheep I mean the goats if you pass under this you might not even get allow us to go under but assuming he does he's like okay i'm giving the choice you live the life you you weren't keeping to the standard of the Torah i'm willing to overlook that if you if you just agree that you're going to be a part of this covenant and you're gonna go into this land or you can't see it because my hand might it's like right there that i'm holding up this iron rod i'm doing a lot with my hands out here i guess you don't see it because it's a vertical camera but he's he's saying like you have to agree to this just like he did here dude rommy you're about to cross with his Jordan you do this you better agree to this because you're going to be cursed if you don't like he's like look you want to pass in this hidden wilderness and this blessed land the undying lands whatever you want caught paradise new Jerusalem fine but there's a lake of fire over there and you know it's it's there it's the dungeon it's for those who don't keep this and i do think that there might be people who are going to be like they have lived their whole lives there are gonna be people who live their whole lives and they were lied to and they're like what i was supposed to keep the Torah and they they will say yes i will keep it and they will joyfully go through and other people are going to be so bitter and they'll be like no no i'd rather choose that i'm not taking that i i so we need to all be on our guard with this because this is what happened aiken an aiken the son of karmi the son of zabdi the son of zara of the tribe of yohuda took of the accursed thing in the anger of yahua was kindled against the children of yasharil it's a it's a sad scene a lot of people dying in battle and yohushu was like what did we do wrong and uh he's given these instructions and it shall be the he that has taken with the accursed thing shall be burnt with fire uh he and all that he hath because he hath transgressed the covenant of yahua hab and because he had rot folly in yasharil they kind of whittle them down they figure out at him and this is uh aiken he finally comes up he confesses to it and he says when i saw them the spoils a goodly babylonish garments and two hundred shekels of silver and a wedge of gold the 50 shekels weight then i coveted them and i took them so he was uh trying to bless himself and that's really it's it's stealing right you're stealing from yah i guess in this case and it didn't anymore for him he was stoned he and his family and then they were burnt afterwards secret things of the heart it says here the secret things belong into yahua haa or allahayam but those things which are revealed belong into us into our children forever that we may do the words of this Torah all right so um we're going to start working into this idea of the circumcised heart it says this in malachi two and now oh you priest this commandment is for you if you will not hear and if you will not lay it to heart to give glory into my name say yahua haa of host i will even send a curse upon you there it is again and i will curse your blessings yah i have cursed them already because ye do not lay it to heart so i i would just say here that i think that a lot of us can hide in the ministry a lot of us can hide in our doctrines our uh the things we say being a keyboard warrior the arguments that we answer we can hide behind those things the fact of the matter is is that uh yah knows the secret things of our heart and uh these are priests he's coming at the priests these priests apparently are you know they're at the temple they're doing their duties and he's like you guys don't take this seriously to heart the curse is going to fall upon you like nobody is safe like he he is not uh he's he's not taking partiality on people it doesn't matter who you are whether you're a king or a peasant nobody's getting out of this we see the pure and heart here uh in the beatitudes blessed are the pure and heart for they shall see aloha yam i love what it says right under that blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of aloha yam that they're the opposite of of warm wood of bitterness and so that's a whole idea with peacemakers right um yeah i just had a a joe bobbin moment i'm sorry let's talk about the commandments are not far off or repentance we've read this in durami uh deboreen 30 for these commands which i command you this they are not difficult or arduous for you nor are they distance and this is what i showed you what it says in like the king james you can look at different translations uh for this commandment which i command this v this day it is not hidden from the neither is it far off so again it for me it doesn't really matter whether it's one or many whether it's the whole tor as a whole or just one particular commandment because it really comes down to the tor being a transformative document that leads us to repentance that's why we're here on this earth is to repent of our transgressions that's how we prepare for the world to come so Matthew whatever reminded me though is when he says that i love i love pamless translation that it doesn't say in the king james there she says i command you this this day are not difficult or arduous for you are for you nor are they distance and never reminded me of what hushamashiach said in Matthew 11 he said coming to me all you that leave and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn for me for i am meek and lily and heart and you shall find rest into your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light and of course people will twist that and say well yeah what he was meaning is that the law of moses is really burdensome and and heavy and it's like no that's actually not what he's saying at all when you take the whole theme of repentance it's like no that actually sin is a heavy burden you don't want to be in sin actually the tor is liberty when you walk the way you are in perfect liberty and it is a lot it it's let's put it this way uh and i'm sorry for anyone out there if i'm stepping on any television because i'm not thinking of anybody but and i'm not bragging but i've been i've been married now for what almost 23 years and i married my high school sweetheart and i don't pay child support to another wife to other children you know i didn't go out and have an affair cheat i didn't choose the curse i didn't you know i didn't choose the shackles of sin and so in that way because i chose the blessing in that way and i chose to work on my marriage very early on um you know i am able to uh i have an easier yoke if that makes sense right so we can choose the blessing and in living up the tor it's easier it's an easier yoke it's a it's a light burden and you know resting every seven days god forbid you know having a sabbath rest like that's so burdensome and just oh it's just like being in chains you know that was sarcasm uh and i and i ask a question here is it commands or commandments and if it is a command singular than what it is and i i think that the best case is repentance because that seems to be the whole idea of durami is like look you guys need if you don't repent like it's gonna be bad for you and we see this here in acts 319 repent therefore in turn back that your sins may be blotted out and when are the sins blotted out on the day of atonement the holy day the holy day of the year in order for that to happen you have to repent you can't just point at your high priest now he did i believe in my high priest it's like no you got actually repent uh Matthew 4 17 from that time you who should began to preach saying repents for the kingdom of heaven is at hand so it seems like that's pretty important with his message it was important with your john the baptist message of course uh peter's message and then we see in first john one nine these things right we into you that your joy may be full who's the we here i just noticed that hmm that's interesting who's the we this then is the message which we have heard of him and declaring to you that allahayam is light and in him is no darkness at all if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the lights we have fellowship one with another and the blood of yahusham hamashiach his son cleanses us from all sin so isn't that interesting so day of atonement high priest sprinkles on the mercy seat he forgives us of our sins if we wets if we have um if we have fellowship with one another and we walk in the light not in the darkness if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us so that how would that apply it'd be like if you if we were like following the Torah and you were we became so so righteous and we were treating it like a you know the the letter of the law and oh i boy never committed adultery haha oh i've never murdered someone aha you know and then he was just like well you know like it i think that's probably not the case um so we that person would deceive themselves in the thinking they have never transgressed and they're good to go and then they're proud and haughty and it's it's not it's not an attractive person to be around anyways if we confess our sins he is faith and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all in righteousness again day of atonement if we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us for john one nine second peter three nine says yeah waha is not slow to fulfill his promises as some council onus but is patient towards you not wishing that any should perish but that all should reach repentance now this brings up a point i hope i hope she doesn't mind me uh sharing this uh rebecca she she will gladly slap me after this if she doesn't like something i say um oh i'll point out really that we're gonna be point out really quickly thank you everyone who has been giving to this ministry thank you thank you thank you for uh being a part of y'all's blessing and um and it like we were really blessed this week and just there's some people out there that are just they want to take care this is gonna be the first month i want everyone to know that uh pamma is reaching the goal this is the first month that we have reached our gold pamma where she is going to be paid the same amount of money this month as i'm paying rebecca and i hope to keep that up every month for a while rebecca was like uh because i would go out and like beg for money and she would just like slap me like stop asking you know stop begging for money you know that kind of stuff but um anyway she was telling the story uh tonight in our in our in our small uh in our church uh meaning our gathering and she was saying that right before she discovered the unexpected cosmology this is what three years ago now uh she was uh kind of turning back to yah and she you know knew jesus back then it wasn't yeshua yahusho is jesus and she she um she said she called out cried out to him and she was in pain and that she physically felt him reaching down and touching her like physically touching her and she was healed and and we were talking about this point and a lot of people they will take his mercy and his grace and they will twist it into their own lawlessness and they'll say oh yeah well he he spoke to me he spoke to me a long time ago and this and that and i've heard his voice and he has healed me and i i perform miracles and i've cast out dean all this kind of stuff right and they will use this as an excuse of i don't have to be obedient did god really say i i don't have to be obedient that's all for the jews you know that kind of stuff you've heard this before they will actually use miracles as an excuse and i i don't want to come down on the charismatic movement but this is my critique of the charismatic movement that they are so hard to bring on board with the commands because they are so wrapped in this world of just constant miracles that they think that they're good to go that's proof and evidence that they're good to go but right here it says that he is uh the way i see yahushaha mashiach he's like in the this the parable of the man with the two sons and the the the prodigal son he goes off he he squanders inheritance goes lives in the pig pen and when he repents and that's the whole point he repents to come back the older brother never repents he's actually it ends on a on a note you don't really know if he's going to be saved or not even though he's by the father the whole time but the the younger son he he's coming back when the father sees him he runs out to him he like like you see his ankles his legs like he lifts his i don't know his toga or his skirt whatever it is and he's running out there to meet him and just and just throw his arms around him and that's what he does to us right um he meets us where we're at but we can't use that as an excuse to say well i'm not going any further than you you came out here to meet me in the pig's die so i'm not going any further i'm gonna keep eating you know keeping my bacon and that kind of stuff and throwing your pearls down into the mud um just as a reminder there and Peter sits on them repents to be baptized every one of you in the name of you hushaha mashiach for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the ruach kakadesh uh you know time and again there there is a connection between wisdom and the torah repenting verses second chronicle 7 14 says if my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land that's right on top power with deuteronomy Matthew 3 8 be bare fruits in keeping with repentance so just remember that too that to not get lost in the ministry and um and a lot of a lot i know a lot of you guys out there i've spoken so many people they have lived such a wretched sinful life that they devote their life to to working for yah and that in itself is part of the repentance so but just let's all be cautious about not hiding behind a spiritual mask and actually not repenting especially as we're in the um the fall feast that's a good time to evaluate that really really good time get in your prayer closet and and think through that all right let's just get down through a few of these here oh this is great one of my favorite movies of all time liver dye man and he says die and he's like wrong honk it's one of the greatest scenes i just like i like i can't watch the scene and like but not get misty eyed when he goes up and he he you know hugs comico afterwards um and you just see mr. Miyagi just like you know like like you know he just smiles at him like you know you know whatever good job you know i'm gonna cry now if i if i talk about it so liver dye man that's what i'm gonna call this section right here and it says in dude ronomy see i have sipped for you this day life and good and death and evil so he sits before you life and death the way of life the way of death the way of the blessing the way of the curse so let's look at at uh wisdom of solemn in chapter six i read to you from chapter one and two and three in past weeks i don't think i went this far do not invite death by the error of your life to be a lack of knowledge it leads to destruction bad doctrine or bring on destruction by the works of your hands and i'm calling this the self blessing this is a person they're actually uh they are we've saw the definition of this they are are deciding not to go with the Torah and of course wisdom of solemn is already defined this they they don't want the Torah they uh they are actually they don't like the people who keep the Torah it has already defined these wicked people as the reason they don't like the Torah is because it can make some of their sins and their lifestyle and they don't like that and so now they're busily working and it they're choosing the self- blessing instead of the blessing of yah because allahayim did not make death and he does not delight in the death of the living where he created all things so that they might exist the generative forces the world are wholesome isn't that beautiful and there is no destructive poison in them and so i'm calling that wormwood so wormwood is not of yah it is of arm making and the dominion of Hades is not on earth for righteousness is immortal time again wisdom of Solomon is is it's kind of like the testament of Solomon or even say the ode to Solomon which pleading with people and it's saying look you're all mortal you're going to die but there is a way of immortality that that mortality is by your own choosing that is part of the curse mortality if you want to be immortal the righteous are immortal you can choose this wisdom of Solomon chapter six well skipping a couple verses it says this the beginning of wisdom is the most sincere desire for instruction so chukamaha chukma right this is the feminine rua kakkadesh our mother in heaven the beginning of our mother in heaven getting to know her being possessed by her is the most sincere desire for instruction so this is our desire in life because of course uh israel is her inheritance salvation comes through through her alone and of course you're sending hushama shiok and concern for instruction is love of her so love your father and mother this is where it goes back uh full armor of god see how this all connects and Paul is like look put on the full armor god obey your father and mother he puts that the key there who is our father and mother and love of her is keeping of her torah so the point of this life is to desire instruction to get wisdom in order to get wisdom we have to be concerned out of the love for her and if we love her if we truly love the holy spirit we will keep her torah and giving heed to her torah is the assurance of what of immortality wow and immortality brings one near to allaha remember when hushas said no one comes to the father except through me it's the same thing well you know he can give you the holy spirit but it's his right here she is what gets you near to allahion and it makes total sense so the desire for wisdom leads to a kingdom and and wisdom is already defined what this kingdom is this kingdom dies is the millennial kingdom of course it's the kingdom within but it talks about how those who choose immortality will be resurrected will be the sparks of light and they will go to judge the wicked those who chose the curse instead of the blessing and wisdom of Solomon chapter 12 skipping ahead for your immortal spirit is in all things therefore you correct little by little who trespass and you remind and warn them of the things through which they sin so that they may be freed from wickedness and put their trust in you oh add an eye wisdom of Solomon chapter 12 all right let's talk a little bit about heaven and earth is the Torah done away with you know there's one in every crowd and you know for me it's it's just it's a no brainer i mean it it has to be the biggest the more i read the bible and dissect it it becomes a bigger case of cognitive dissonance when i see among people where they're like yeah i believe the bible is true and i want to beat you ahead over the bible and i want you to believe in the bible and believe this the bible the bible it's true that this is god this is jesus it's true you know he died for your sins this and that turn from your wicked ways but oh by the way 99 percent of it don't don't that's not written for you it's written for the jews and there are a group of people that they were destroyed done away with uh you know in a tribal system in the middle east it's outdated you know the word the word of god is no longer true it's no longer eternal blob and it's like that's essentially what they're saying and i started out saying a couple hours ago that i i have watched in my walk in the way in the Torah i have watched people just fling everything they can just twist scripture and twist scripture and take everything out of context and just and then you keep throwing it back at them it's like the two prophets in revelation the breed the fire and consumer everybody you know these are the two olive trees right june and israel and they're just they're consuming everybody with what the word the Torah nobody can stand up to it and they they don't care how often they're wrong they're so convinced in their man-made traditions and that they want to choose their own blessing just like just like aiken they want to choose their own blessing they want to do what they want to choose the curse and get their own blessing and they're going to come up with anything they can so the big one in my field of research is heaven and earth is the tabernacle the temple and and it's been done away with and it's like oh okay well let's you know let's just maybe even play around with this a little bit let's say maybe maybe that's the case all right and this is the big one here so Matthew 5 yahushah says this do not think that i have come to abolish the Torah or the prophets right so he's telling you right now whatever you do do not think that i'm coming ever at any point in time to abolish this and knowing that you have already forgotten that he has just said this he says i have not come to abolish but to fulfill and then people say see he came to fulfill he came to abolish it and it's and you just it's like oh come on he just said twice that he did not come to uh to abolish the Torah fulfill must mean something else just like we read in second Ezra's the people that fulfilled the Torah are there getting their crowns and their robes for truly i tell you until heaven and earth pass away not one letter not one stroke of a letter will pass from the Torah until all is accomplished and this is where they say see he's really talking about the temple so he's saying he didn't come even though he said twice that he did not come to abolish the Torah he really did because he came back and destroyed the temple and so the Torah is no longer here now there's i find all sorts of problems with this i mean what about uh when the temple was destroyed first time and uh they went into captivity what then right were they free to transgress the Torah at that time was daniel was he living according to Torah right we have all sorts of problems with this full world view but let's keep bringing he says therefore whoever breaks one so therefore as a conclusion whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments in the Torah in the law and teachers others do the same will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven and this just blows my mind watching people read this and go they conclude and they will read this and go yeah do not keep the Torah you you have just now stated i mean you're pressure you're playing russian roulette with your soul you're putting a gun to your head and you're like click click click click and one of those are going to send you to to the lake of fire click click click one of those are going to you know block your name out from the book of life he's saying here you're saying the bar so low that maybe you'll make it in but you're going to be the least you're going to be like polishing the shoes of the guy who's polishing the shoes of the guy who's polishing the shoes of the guy who's picking up the poop of the guy who's picking you see what i'm saying like you're going to be the least so you really don't care much for your soul you really do believe in this system of of a can of choosing your blessing yeah this is just the bible like this this is what it says um but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven so messiah is telling you if you want to be great here's the standard that i'll tell you i'll tell you the secrets to eternity right now if you want to be great in the kingdom obey the Torah and teach others do the same the least commands but i tell you unless your righteousness succeeds out of the scribes and Pharisees you will never enter the kingdom of heaven of course the scribes and Pharisees as he said they did not want to enter the kingdom and they were standing there like gatekeepers and you know just um well terrors you know whatever controllers they were there trying to keep everyone else out as well and they created a whole Talmudic system in order to where there is no Torah apart from the Talmud so let me just ask a few questions here if in 78 if 70 AD ended the Torah because the temple was destroyed then was paul pro or anti Torah because i have this question serious question because did he write his letters before 70 AD that's a problem so if the Torah continued and tell 70 AD then anyone writing letters up to that point had better be commanding people to keep the Torah because this is where a lot of printers will say well the millennial kingdom was for it wasn't really a thousand years it was it was metaphorical it was 40 years and it ended by 70 AD and because it you know because the problem is is that anyone who does not go to Jerusalem to celebrate sekkot is living under the curse and it's like well wait when when did egypt go celebrate sekkot's when when did spain or britain or all these other countries in that 40 years right that being said they know that that's a problem but it's like well wait a second was paul pro or against the Torah because they are all in favor of him being against the Torah so now we've got a problem with paul right by their own confession we've got a problem if paul was anti Torah then did he free people before heaven and earth was done away with these are serious questions that i have that no one is able to answer for me and then we get this here wait a second was the Torah done away with before the resurrection because according to the narrative narrative of joseph the Torah was always satanic and and death is a result of the Torah this is what he says this is basically taking the gospel nicademus a book which i love and it's basically because the gospel nicademus was a pro Torah it was written by the Hebrews this is like a Greek guy writing this basically ripping off the gospel of nicademus and stamping joseph's name on it and he says in the robber having this spoken yasus says to him amen amen i say to the demis this is a demis the thief on the cross that today that shall be with me in paradise but get this it this is like straight evil it says and the sons of the kingdom the children of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and and Moses shall be cast out into the outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth and now a loan shall dwell in paradise until my second appearing thou alone so he's saying all all of the patriarchs all of them David all of them they're they're all they are damned to eternity because they kept this wretched Torah and i and i having seen these things have written them down in order that they may believe in the crucified YHusham Hamashiachar Adonai that they may no longer obey the Torah of Mosheh i feel like just icky even reading that but this is a historical document this is what people believe so again you know is is the Torah good or is it evil and if it's good then you know is is what yas says good is what he says righteous is it no longer righteous is it no longer good is it is the blessing now a curse and is the curse now a blessing i have so many questions and they get what is the will of heaven it says this this is what he says and after this matter therefore pray our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in the earth as it is in heaven well wait a second what so there is a will in heaven i mean is this prayer no longer true there's a there's a will in heaven that we want to bring down to the earth well what is this will in heaven i mean he makes it clear in Deuteronomy but let's let's just you know let's look it says this in x is 25 that when moses pattern what did he pattern the temple after and and look thou make and look that thou make them after their pattern which was shown to thee in the mount it says in Hebrews 85 who served into the example in the shadow of heavenly things so the case is being made that moses when he built the very tabernacle that was apparently this heaven earth that was done away with that he actually modeled it after heaven after that kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven so moses was bringing this prayer to fruition what is in heaven he was bringing down to the earth he was actually bringing a temple a tabernacle modeled after the righteousness of heaven according to how they do it and we see this you know this is legends of the jews and this is when moshay is taken to heaven it says eirpon allahayam commanded metatron the angel of the face to conduct moshay to the celestial regions and he even asked here about most moshay says who are you metatron and he says i am enoch the son of jared i'd like to do a study on that sometime on how a metatron is uh enoch some interesting stuff but when he's uh in the fourth heaven it says that he sees the temple up there in the fourth heaven moshay saw temple and uh and it says that the angels were entering the temple and giving praise to allahayam there well what's interesting about these angels this is in response to a question from moshay metatron told him that these angels provided presided over the earth they're in heaven over the earth on earth is it is in heaven and the sun the moon the stars and all the other celestial bodies so it's really interesting that that when we look up in the sun and the moon and the stars but there's these angels that are overseeing them are working them up in the up in the firmaments and they actually go into the temple every single day the temple in heaven but then let's look at the next thing well wait a second well okay maybe the the temple was done away with in um in seven a.d but what does this say here according to paul on first krentians three sixteen do you not know that you are the temple of allahayam uh oh and that the ruach of allaham allaham dwells in you because of course the jacana glory dwelt in the temple and the ruach kakadesh was there that was the fire that the that was lit that the the priest had to keep and you didn't put the strange fire down you know why didn't you fire because that was the ruach kakadesh right this is the temple baby now we are the temple if anyone let but you never see this the follow-through sentence quoted in church at least i don't ever remember it maybe i was dozing off i don't know but if anyone defiles the temple of allahayam allaham will destroy her for the temple of allaham is holy which temple you are so you you can say that heaven and earth is the temple and that the temple is done away with but wait a second now you're the temple and he straight up said that you will be destroyed by god himself if you defile the temple of your body by making it unholy and we can make the case time and again it's not just it's not just you know you're just like you're priestly duties is just silently pointing to jesus you know because these are high races like no no no like you're repenting of your transgressions of the Torah that's the only definition of sin we get in the bible and of course you guys know this at first peter it says that we are the living stones right the living stones that you know make up new Jerusalem if you want to go that route make up the temple whatever we are the temple we are new Jerusalem we are the temple we are the bride all right did i did i make a good case for that i don't know i'm just always amazed that that comes up so often and i'm just i'm just sitting here going seriously like okay promise of restoration circumcised hearts in the renewed covenant deuteronomy 10 12 says of course of now this is or we saw a deuteronomy 30 so this is our this topic has already come up in deuteronomy chapter 10 this is circumcised therefore the force can have your heart and be no longer stubborn of course you can do all things to Christ which strengthens me except for the Torah you can't do that apparently you can do all things to Christ for that but of course the idea that the phrase circumcised in the heart indicates a radical transformation because the Torah is a transformative document of the inner life right the spirit not the letter of the law the spirit to respond to all arms commands with loyalty and obedience a lot of people come down hard on paul because he's like he's like he's like he's he's not in favor of keeping the letter of the law he's all about the spirit of the law but again that's because it makes sense to me in a lot of ways because i cannot physically go to the temple in Jerusalem and i cannot make a sacrifice but what i can do is that i can get up on that altar and be the sacrifice as YAHushah says pick up your cross and follow me i can be a living sacrifice as the new testament sets i can choose to to well of course it's yah that circumcised our hearts right this is interesting this comes from the Talmud rashi on deuteronomy 10 16 so i wanted to see what the rabbis had to say about circumcised hearts they said usual circumcised of foreskin of your heart this means you should remove the closure and cover that is on your hearts which prevents my words gaining entrance to them okay interesting i don't think that was well informative but it's interesting of course Jeremiah which gets into the renewed covenant again he's going from deuteronomy circumcised yourselves to yah wahaha and take away the four skins of your heart which would go back to rashi here right good old rashi um and you know the i said this many times we open our bible and right there in math you it's got the new testament and uh you know that he didn't send that into the publisher at some point in history somebody decided put that there and it's really leading a lot of people into false doctrine where we get the the new covenant i like renewed covenant right here but people can argue new if they want uh but they they can argue new all they want and fine you know what let them have a new covenant rather than a renewed covenant but it it's still the same thing it says right here what it is the whole the days are coming says yah wah when i will make a let's say instead of a new a new covenant right new testament okay get your new testament books there are Paul and the gospels and the epistles revelation all that with the house of who of yashirel and with the house of yahudah so still this new covenant that is prophesied is only with the two houses you got to pick you got to pick one or the other there's no goings in here there's no Gentiles you're either a Jew or israel not according to the covenant that i made with the fathers in the day that i took them by the hands to lead them out of the land of egypt my covenant which they broke though i was a husband to them says yah wahaha but this is the covenant that i will make with the house of yashirel after those days says yah wahaha i will put my Torah in their minds and write it on their hearts so when people say oh oh it's a different covenant because he says that not according to well what is the according to well he didn't put it in their minds in their hearts at that time he promised that there would come a time that you can do all things through Christ which drink with me he will literally put this on your minds and in your hearts and here's the conditions of it and i will be their allahaha and they shall be my people no more shall every man teach his neighbor and every man his brother saying no yah wah for they shall know me so again i ask this a lot can you go to your brother and to your neighbor and ask him what is what is his name can they give his name and do they know him well they don't probably most likely depending on based on the interview the neighborhoods we live in according to those of you i've spoken with and it says from the least of them to the greatest of them says yah wah but i will forgive their knickety and their sin i will remember no more and that's the other thing too that you know people come and tell me all the time like on social media they'll be on youtube and they'll say oh well you know nobody teaches me i don't need to be taught because i just learned directly from the holy spirit i'm like well why are you on youtube because clearly you're watching videos so tell me that you're being taught by somebody so if this has been enacted and you why are you even on youtube right now and you know i i actually think that this is talking about the resurrection and so when we are resurrected uh we will then have that we will literally this is the eighth great day right this the eighth great day has not been fulfilled yet we are in deep doo-doo if the Torah has been done away with because the the promise of the eighth great day has not been fulfilled in the final circumcision of our hearts in which no man will teach us because yah will teach us through our hearts in our minds as he promises in dudorami in the Torah all right for lack of time oh this is great roman's chapter two um you know every time i read paul i do i kind of pick up something new i read him a hundred times and go huh i never saw that before you know people say uh with paul that it's like uh oh if you if you keep the Torah you're a Jew you know you're you're a judaizer but he this is what paul actually says right here he says on the contrary a person is a Jew because he just said all those people that uh there are one outwardly they're circumcising outwardly they're not a Jew and understand what he's saying here he's arguing to his contemporaries the Pharisees who are handing him and being like you guys are the most wretched people you are the most you guys crayons gracitor you think you're going to get you know this uh universal salvation based on being a Jew um and he's like you know he goes to this whole thing in roman chapter two of no yah is coming for you first he's going to destroy you first before he even gets to the judges the Gentiles and so that's the context you know you're saying a person is a Jew who is one inwardly and circumcision is of the heart by the spirit not the letter so just so everyone knows out there if you are if you have that circumcised heart as you claim to have then you're a Jew according to paul you are a Jew who is uh who is living by the spirit and that's what we want to live by we want to live by the spirit of the Torah um well I won't close on maybe a couple more thoughts tonight I have a few more minutes uh Job versus Moshe I was thinking about this and it Moshe's getting ready to die and he says I'm 120 years old and so I looked this up really quickly and that's what uh Job was uh well actually I take the back he yeah he was he was a hundred and let's wait hold on um he lived okay the math is different in all these but he lived in total 240 years so twice as long as Moshe so we can all figure out okay when did he get the you know this double portion exactly you know that you know was it 120 years he lived to be 240 so that's really interesting so we are making a contrast here between Job who was the son of Esau he was in Egypt uh with Moshe and the others we don't know if he left with him but he was a righteous man also essentially that he married Dinah and Dinah I assume got the double portion I don't know how long she lived we don't know how long she lived but she had a lot of children through him after his first wife died and he was really old and she would have been old too so it's kind of exciting to think about a couple more things here uh oh yeah this is this is where I want to end tonight this is a great closing thought I was really touched by this Yahushua in the Great Commission so he says in Deuteronomy 31 he says uh that Yahawahah will not fail thee nor for safety he says he says uh Moshe calls Yahushua and he says remember standing for Yeshua here and he says for thou must go with this people unto the land which Yahawah has sworn into their fathers to give them and thou shall cause them to inherit it so we see this with YAHushua with paradise with the blessed realm but look what it says right here in Yahawah he it is that doeth go before thee he will be with thee he will not fail thee neither for safety all right so these are the words of Moshe of Yahawah he will not he will be with thee he will not feel thee he will not feel thee neither for safety and then look at what he says of the Great Commission Yahushua Amashiach and behold I'm with you always to the end of the age now I know it reads a little bit differently but it's it's it's really this he's saying the same thing right I will be with you to the ends of the earth and beyond it's really beautiful and by the way this was the actual words back in 2016 when uh when I felt called into the ministry I've been I've wanted to be a missionary my entire life I went to a missions internship did all this different stuff you know served in the church my whole life people were like what's this guy waiting on I can never figure it quite out it was really you know when the flat earth came along and Torah that really changed everything and I remember the actual words you know there was a lot of things he shared with me I feel that YAH shared with me that you know that basically how I'd be forsaken and my own family would reject me and all these things that I have to give up all this stuff in the earth but I remember his words and he said to me and he said that I'm with you always to the end of the age actually and he said and beyond he said I will he was I will always be with you I will never forsake you which is what he said up here in Deuteronomy so it's just kind of exciting to see that you know a connection with YAHushua Amashiach and YAHuwah right here that you know they are indeed I believe the same entity so but then I'm going to end tonight hopefully you guys enjoyed this all praises to YAH enjoy your fall feast we're all in it's at different points and again I will encourage anyone out there because I know there's a lot of people who have just have started listening to my stuff and they're like what and they're learning about the Torah and stuff and it's like over it's it's joyous to you right you you have cut through all the people the Pharisees standing at the gate and they're trying to get you to stop they're saying did God really say and they're trying to pull you because they're not interested in entering the kingdom themselves and I had a guy I had a guy in individual I won't give his name but he wrote me today or yesterday say I lose track of the time and and he's talking to he's like there's this guy out there and he's you know dropping his videos on you and he apparently I work for the the daily was it the daily wire now apparently I'm employed with them I'm not really sure on all that but all the specifics but he's like what should I do about this and you know people are listening to this and I'm just like you know what you got to let this unfold you got to let this happen you've got it there's the the Pharisees are there standing at the gates they don't want to enter the kingdom and they desperately don't want anyone else to enter but for those of you who have who have listened and you have and you have realized that it is your responsible your spiritual life is your responsibility that you have to walk this narrow path you have to walk the way you can't listen to all the you know all the controllers out they're trying to stop you and you're new to the Torah and the the feasts have come upon you and maybe you're feeling guilt or something oh man I miss it I miss it I don't know what to do you still have time because we are in a 13 month year there are people who are even though I'm halfway through the fall feast I'm getting ready to celebrate sekot here in a few days I think there are people who haven't started um uh a lot of people know it's rasha shana it's actually yum taruah uh this next week so you guys can jump on it you guys still keep it and uh what an exciting time to uh enter uh just like a child come at it with like a child you know and go like yeah I don't know how to do this but I know that you are a merciful god you are a tender that you will you will have grace and mercy you have mercy on me in these days knowing that I have been dispersed in the lands I am in the diaspora uh the the sins of my father have sent me here but I can't blame my parents I have to take my own responsibility teach me I want I'm a child mold me this is an exciting time to be alive so uh love you guys we'll do the skin next week see you guys then