The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

395 | Giants In Americaļ¼š19th Century Newspaper Confessions and the Smithsonian Cover-up (Part 3)

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Purchase 'Giants In America': Hebrew Match: Ministry and Widow TUC Fundraiser September: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Store: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

Hello everybody and welcome tonight and for those of you that are celebrating the Day of Atonement today, as that's my calendar right now, I'm starting my Day of Atonement right now, so Shabbat Shalom for those of you who are on board with that and where did we leave? Hopefully everyone can hear me. Hopefully I'm coming in nice and Chris tonight and I'm, all right, here we go. So, where do we leave off last week? We were talking about the Giants in America, you know, sometimes I just flip the recorder on and I don't feel like, like I have my coffee, so I'm good to go. So, what do I have in front of me here, Tuck 2025, Passover Retreat, something to consider if you haven't yet, we have spaces available. Please contact me, if you would like to come out, it's going to be in Arkansas and the Ozarks, the dates being March 26th through the 30th, 2025, it's going to be our Passover, please do consider coming by and I will be reading tonight from Giants in America, newspapers of our realm, Volume 1 and this is available in our store, there should be a link below this video where you can go check it out. Why is it Volume 1? Well, because what I did is, as I collected, a bunch of newspaper articles from the 1800s, going up into the early 1900s and I put them in chronological order according to, you know, when they were published and it's an interesting story that they tell, so this is our third outing here and we're hopefully going to finish this tonight and if you didn't see the first two, I think it's okay to see them out of order, it's helpful, it's fun to see the narrative but you can still tune in tonight and enjoy this and we started seeing that the Smithsonian started showing up and whatever they would find these and then the interesting enough as well, the scientific articles or the institutes would show up and they would start gaslighting everybody and just, you know, making up be stupid and we started out in the first outing where there was this massive like 19-foot-tall giant that was being passed around and all these people were signing off on and saying this is a legitimate human being and then all of a sudden it got out of hands and too many people started seeing it and so they basically, the scientists got together and they buried it, they took it away and said oh that was a mastodon, you know and if you watched last week, I'd taken a trip to the Smithsonian and it was actually upsetting me because I showed these pics while I'd show you right here and of all the things I was looking at the Smithsonian, which I was finding really exciting, I looked at this and go if you were to stand this thing up vertically, there was no possible way you would look at that still and go that's a human, like nobody was looking at that and going that's a human but apparently that's what we're dealing with with the gas lighters and also I remind you that with the so-called mastodon giant to the early 1800s, nobody was claiming it was a cyclops, they were looking at that going that's a human skull but you look at an elephant skull and you would you know say it's like got one eye socket right, so alright where did we leave off, hopefully I'm coming in nice and crisp and clear for everyone, I unfortunately did not do a mic check before I went live so if I'm not coming in, clear to you guys please somebody let me know, how fun in the comment section tonight, here we go, plowed up, an Indian in the Kewana Herald, August 18th, 1898, thank you Christopher, I have a Christopher's endorsement here that I am coming in nice and clear, for two centuries at least the body has lain crumbling away to Mother Earth, who can speak the wheel and whoa the heartache and joy that's represented, it is like a breeze from another world and life seems fleeting faster still as one gazes on the remains of a once glorious union, now silence ever more, skeleton Indian brave found near Shady Dil, the fighting of arrowheads and stone axes that were used by the roaming Indians of other days is a common enough occurrence, but this week there was disinter the bones of one, these ancient inhabitants which has made it the talk of the community, Charlie Dukes on the old family farm near Shady Dil school house while plowing near a large old oak stump, the tree which was cut down over 40 years ago turned up the skeleton of a giant of the Indian occupation of this country, for years two large rocks in the field which had the appearance of being perfectly placed have been the wonder of the Dukes family, but now they find that the mountain which the bones were found is directly on the line between these stones, designating therefore the place of burial like our tombstones of today, the bones are those of a large person although the two centuries of summer and winter have dealt severely with them, the remains show parts of the femur, tibia, inner menate, phalanges and several face bones including some very well preserved teeth, and then it says many skeleton of an extinct Indian race unearthed in the Hoosier state, a huge gravel pit has been opened at Whitlock, Indiana, soon after the excavating began a skeleton was found and as the pit widened other skeletons were unearthed until at least 30 graves have been opened and many skeletons brought to light evidently the remains of an Indian tribe. One skeleton was found beneath a large stump and another was found 12 feet underground, the graves appear in regular order and the occupants were buried in a sitting position in one grave three skeletons supposed to be those of a woman and two children were found, the other day the largest specimen was unearthed the body of a person who in life must have been a giant, a peculiarity of the skeletons is that the teeth are nearly all in the perfect state of preservation, in one grave beside the human skeletons was that of a dog, a copper spearhead, an earthen pot and numerous beads proving that some important personage had been put to rest there and they don't tell you how big the giant is just that it was a giant, so a little disappointed by that article right there. I mean why would you keep that, you know why would you like drop that, oh by the way there was a giant there but we're not going to tell you whether it was a 9 foot, a 12 foot, a 19 foot or just you know it was a giant, giant Indian bones discovery of an extraordinary skeleton near Fondue Lake, Fondue Lake Banner June 6, 1899 an Indian skeleton was dug up on the farm of Matt and Joseph Leon, one mile south of St. Cloud on Saturday, there is nothing strange in finding an Indian skeleton but this one was a giant in size frame measuring seven feet, he must have been a man of note among his people where he was buried in a large mound, 16 handsome arrows surrounding his body, the skull was brought to the city and is on exhibition in one of the main street windows. Next article, new race of giants, monsters of humanity in the south polar regions, Youngston vindicator, the Youngston vindicator, August 5, 1899, some papers are exploiting photographs of a race of giants said to have been discovered by Frederick A. Cook who was just returned from an exploring expedition to the south polar regions, this should be good. The existence of such a race has always been denied by scientists of course but Dr. Cook it has said has not only seen and talked with them but brings back photographs to prove beyond arguments that the biggest race of human beings in the world is to is to found in the frozen south, the monstrous forms of both the men and the women are clad in furs, the men armed themselves with bows and arrows and wooden clubs, their strength and endurance are remarkable, the men can outrun any horse on a long stretch, they can cover 50 miles in a few hours, to see a company of these wild men crossing a plane is like watching a herd of antelope skim over the ground, only their upright position with their scanty goat skins flying in the wind and the flourish of their clubs and bows and arrows shows that they're men instead of belonging to the lower animals, Dr. Cook is going to write a full scientific accounts of these people. Have you ever heard of, have you ever heard about this account before? Interesting indeed. New Hampshire giant nine feet tall, Portsmouth Herald, August 17, 1899, I have a buddy up that way, he lives, he actually lives right next, well actually on his property is a giant mound and called up Ellie Marzouli about it, Ellie Marzouli said yes, that's definitely a big old mounds, potentially for giants and he said, you know, he encouraged him not to excavate it or dig it up. Relics of a prehistoric age have been brought to light in Noble County. Defines is in York Township where workmen excavating for a public highway found the skeleton of an inhabitants of early days. The bones indicate that the person was fully nine feet tall. The bones are unusually large and the position of the skeleton when found indicated that the person had been buried in a sitting position. The belief is advanced that the remains are those of a mound builder. The Vanish race, a building that housed 6,000 cliff dwellers, the Washington D, November 4, 1899, don't you want to read more about Antarctica and these massive giants that could cover how many miles and 50 miles in a few hours, why don't you leave it? It ruined Aboriginal city on a cliff, a thousand feet high, skulls of a people that had double teeth all around, that's interesting, some remarkable relics. Made in with relics of the Vanish race of the cliff dwellers, the Reverend Dr. George El Cole has returned from a journey to the ruined cities of southeastern Colorado and New Mexico. Valuable results were secured by excavations in an ancient communal dwelling, as yet unnamed, which stands on the cliffs of the Santa Fe River, 14 miles from Hispanola, New Mexico. This is the largest Pueblo yet discovered in the United States and Dr. Cole was particularly the first to visit it with scientific objects in view. He found stone implements and pottery of extreme rarity and the bones of a race, all of those whose teeth were molars or grinders, among the bones excavated from a burial mound on the Mesa where a woman's femur is measuring 19 inches, a length which indicates that this Aboriginal giant tists must have been at least 7 feet and a half feet tall. The cliff on which the unexplored ruins stand rises 1000 feet above the surrounding country. On one side, the isolated Rocky Mouse is the valley of the Santa Fe River, on the other that of the Santa Clara. Up to 600 feet is a shelf which furnished a nesting place for the cliff dwellers, a nesting place for the cliff dwellers, what a night this is going to be, of nobody knows how many centuries ago. In the soft pumice stone, the burrowed dins for their families, eventually the original shelters in the cliffs grew to be a great warren, room after room was hewn out until the rows were four or five feet deep. Under the shelter of the overhanging cliff, walls were built extending the rows of rooms. The cliff dwellers were sheltered from rain or storm and their homes were inaccessible for their enemies. Not satisfied with the rock caverns, the cliff dwellers climbed upward and on the Mesa 400 feet above the shelf on which the caves opened built a communal dwelling. This Mesa is about three quarters of a mile wide and a mile and a half long with cliffs all about and the best opportunities for defense. On its edge was reared a watchtower of granite whose height Dr. Cole believes to have been not less than 60 feet. The blocks were painfully carried up the 1,000 foot cliff where the nearest granite deposits are at a considerable distance. For greater security, a wall was built across the middle of the Mesa. On this rock platform, 1,000 feet up in the air, there stands today the ruins of two communal dwellings, one evidently much older than the other. The older dwelling is as yet untouched and what little exploration of the more modern one Dr. Cole had time for amounts to a mere scratch on the surface. The were not less than 1,600 rooms in the larger building and its prime says Dr. Cole and probably 2,000. The building measured 240 times 300 feet. It was blocks of stone measuring six by six by 15 inches, quarried from the cliffs below and carried up by the workmen. The rooms were roofed with timber and the walls then carried higher and the center was a great core to common kitchen for all from which radiated immense numbers of rooms. The building spread with the growth of the community until it was three stories high and the room stretched away 12 deep from the central court with smaller courts here and there. Dr. Cole estimates that the population averaged about three to a room which would make between 4,806,000 people dwelling in the mince pueblo besides those who lived in the cliff caves. The rooms at the side of the communal dwelling averaged about 14 feet in size. On the upper stories, they were mostly smaller, some being only 7 by 14, others 7 by 21. Some rooms were found as large as 14 by 21 feet. With the trophies of his summer's exploration spread out about him, Dr. Cole has turned his parlor into an anthropological museum. One table is covered with water jugs and incest pipes, incense pipes. The sofa hit an understone, axes, mortars, pestles, weaving shuttles, and pottery. Another table is decked with a row of grinning skulls and huge crossbones beneath it comfortably repose all the parts of a skeleton, from the toe bones to the shoulder blades waiting to be wired together and strewn about are bows and arrows, baskets, jugs of twisted twigs, made water type by pitch, modern Indian pottery photographs by the score and a stump of petrified wood. The skulls are a particularly valued possession. "Look at those teeth," said Dr. Cole, "tenderly bottling the skull of the giantis. She had no incisors, no cutting teeth, in front, as have all the other races of which I have any knowledge. She has grinders all around and so have the other skulls. That shows they were grain-eaters rather than meat-eaters. The foreheads are high and the shape of the skull shows intelligence, but notice how curiously they are flattened at the back, and that's from the Los Angeles Times. The double-toothed giant's Iowa Journal Tribune, April 27, 1900. The discovery in Hardin County a short time ago by Joseph Buddha and Iliad Charles Gaines of innumerable mound-builder relics and the subsequent finding by other parties of the remains of a man of the prehistoric period have greatly interested scientists in other parts of the country, the chief among these being curator Charles Aldrich of the state's horticultural society. Assuring himself of the truthfulness of the various newspaper reports, Mr. Aldrich has arranged to be in El Dora next month and begin a careful and systematic exploration of some of the mounds and the vicinity, the legal permission having been obtained. In a large show, window in El Dora for several days has been exhibited the skeleton of the man, which was found in a mound on the banks of the Iowa River near Eagle City six miles north. It has caused much interest in wonderment. Although well-preserved it is estimated that the skeleton is many centuries old, the skull is very large and thick, fully a quarter of an inch, a set of almost round double teeth are remarkably well-preserved, their yellow with age are perfect in shape and appear to have been double both above and below, the femurs are very long showing a giant in stature. Dr. N. C. Morris, a prominent physician who examined the skeleton, pronounced it that of a person who had evidently been trained for athletics, as the extremities were so well-developed, and in the Buddha collection, Joseph Buddha, who has taken much interest in mound exploration, has a rare collection of implements of the Stone Age, all found near El Dora. Among these are pottery axes, arrows, beadwork, pestles, mallets, and although he has offers for the collection, will not part with it unless it may be induced by curator Aldrich to loan the collection to the state to be placed in the historical building in Des Moines, when completed. New Mexico Discovery, 12 foot giant found, this is the New York Times, February 11, 1902. Owing to the discovery of the remains of a race of giants in Guadalupe, New Mexico, antiquarians and archeologists are preparing an expedition further to explore that region. This determination is based on the excitement that exists among the people of a scope of country near Mesa Rica, about 200 miles southeast of Las Vegas, where an old burial ground has been discovered that has yielded skeletons of enormous size. Luciana Quintana, on whose ranch the ancient burial plot is located, discovered two stones that bore curious inscriptions of Medithis were found in shallow excavations the bones of a frame that could not have been less than 12 feet in length. The men who opened the grave say the foreman was four feet long and that in a well-preserved jaw the lower teeth range from the size of a hickering nut to that of the largest walnut in size. The chest of the being is reported as having a circumference of seven feet. Quintana, who has uncovered many other burial places, expresses the opinion that perhaps thousands of skeletons of a race of giants long extinct will be found. This supposition is based on the traditions handed down from the early Spanish invasion that have detailed knowledge of the existence of a race of giants that inhabited the plains of what is now Eastern New Mexico. Indian legends and carvings also in the same section indicate the existence of such a race. Now, it is interesting that I give brief commentary while reading this but it is interesting that I have covered sea serpents and with sea serpents it's almost like the lights went out on society the curtain comes up and suddenly in the 17 and the 1800s there is all these sea serpent sightings. Actually, I should say when the curtains came up in the 1500s and you have all these science journals that are just describing sea serpents saying here they are, they exist, they put them right along all the other fictional animals, I'm sorry non-fictional animals, excuse me. And then all of a sudden by the late 1800s and so the early 1900s they are just gone, they are almost completely gone. Now, there were less and less sightings and you get up to like the latest was like 1970s or something like that but they are almost completely gone and it's the same thing with these giants where when the Spaniards were coming over and the conquist doors and things like that and they are talking about these they would see these giants and the early American explorers and they would just see living giants and they talk about this. And so by time you are getting into late 1800s and early 1900s now they had scrubbed so much of this, they are already telling you that the writings from like two to 300 years earlier that was fiction. It's like yeah we know that these early explorers were saying that they found this stuff but clearly we don't have evidence for it. And one of the things that the interesting lessons I hope everyone is getting from here is that it doesn't matter how many newspapers over the centuries are all reporting these things, they all say the same thing. But the earliest ones in like the 1850s if you recall they were like this confirms what the Bible says in those days of giants but now they are not quoting that anymore. We are not seeing that quoted very often if at all and now they are just like yeah this is all like superstition and this is like the first find, there are no other finds, no scientists agree with this so if this is a true find we are going to start finding hundreds and thousands more and every newspaper is the same way, it's written the same way. You can really see how they are, it's almost like they are admitted to report on these finds but they are throwing in the propaganda as well. Bones of a human skeleton 11 feet high are dug up in Nevada. So this sounds like it's going to be a repeat of the same event, may be related to Cardiff giant, that's interesting, the St. Paul Globe January 24th 1904. When in Muka, when in Muka I think Nevada January 23rd, workmen engaged in digging gravel here today and covered a depth of about 12 feet, a lot of bones, part of a skeleton of a gigantic human being. Dr. Samuel's examined them and pronounced them to be the bones of a man who must have been nearly 11 feet high and here I've already forgotten how much, how tall was this one here, the Las Vegas giant, Luciana Quintana, okay this one been less than 12 feet in length so I'm thinking, I'm thinking right now this is the same line but we'll find out. So see 11 feet high in length and heights, the metacarpal bones measure four and a half inches in length and are large in proportion, a part of the Olna was found and in its complete form would have been between 17 and 18 inches in length, the remainder of the skeleton is being searched for. Find skeleton of a giant, interesting relic of ancient mound builders discovered in Ohio, Iowa news herald, April 14th, 1904. A giant skeleton of a man has been unearthed at the Wolverton farm, a short distance from tippy canoe city, what a fun name, tippy canoe city Ohio, it measures eight feet from the top of the head to the ankles, the feet being missing. The skull is large enough to fit as a helmet over the average man's head. The skeleton was one to seven buried in a circle, the feet of all being toward the center. Root implements were near the skeletons are thought to be those of mound builders. Another Ohio giant now seems small at only eight feet, Ohio morning sun news herald, April 14th, 1904. A giant skeleton of a man has been unearthed at the Wolverton farm, a short distance from tippy canoe city Ohio, it measures eight feet from the top of the head to the ankles, the feet being missing says the newspaper reporter, especially how they don't quote the Iowa news herald, I guess they were competitors, so they don't want to give their source to have you go to that other paper, they just call them the newspaper reporter. The skull is large enough to fit as a helmet over the average man's head. This skeleton was one to seven buried in a circle, the feet of all being toward the center. Root implements was near, they just copied and pasted, he copied and pasted and opened. They didn't want to give credit. Our own archaeology, a valuable relic of a former age found in Nebraska and what it tells Boston evening transcript, June 12th, 1906. Omaha World Herald, a find of the greatest archaeological interest was made some days ago, a few feet back of the bungalow of Myron el-learned. On the very top of the high bluff, a half mile north of the village of Florence, by greater is preparing for the foundations of an extension of the present building, under about two feet of vegetable mold and half a foot of loose deposit, of which the bluffs are formed, E wick, the contractor doing the grading, plowed up what appears to be a stone spearhead, the implement, which is seven and one quarter inches long from the extreme point of its base to its sharpened end and three inches wide at its widest point, is considered to be the most symmetrical and the best made ever found in the state. Charles F. Crowley, professor of chemistry at Creighton Medical College, who is a practical geologist, also declares the implement to be made affluence but of a kind not native to this part of the United States. One side of the stone is colored lustrous cobalt blue, while the reverse is white. Pulled to the light, it is of a beautiful translucent rose orange. The chipping is evidently the work of a master in the arts, and the owner is greatly pleased it's such a handsome and valuable addition to the stone implements, which have been from time to time found about his summer cottage. The projectile point was found lying beside the teeth and larger bones of a bison, the inference being that its thrust had caused the death of the animal. An Omaha archaeologist who has examined the implement declares it to be an arrowhead, and he infers that it was probably used by one of the race of giants, of which the legends of the Omaha tribe of Indians speak about. One of the tribal secret societies, which has existed far back in the history of the nation, tells of a people who preceded them in this section of the world, the males of which were 10 or 12 feet high. Some ancient mounds opened in this vicinity have shown skeletons between 8 and 10 feet long, and he makes the deduction that if the projectile be an overhead, its size indicates that the shaft into which it was originally fashioned was correspondingly large, and with so large an arrow, a bone with which it must be thrown would be too large for us for use by a man of ordinary stature. These deductions are a conjectural, but the fine must be regarded as a valuable one. Giants, skeletons found, cave, and new in Mexico, not New Mexico, but in Mexico, gives up the bones of an ancient race in the New York Times, May 4, 1908, special to the New York Times, Boston May 3, Harold C. Clapp, who has recently returned from Mexico, where he has been in charge of Thomas W. Lawson's mining interest, has called the attention of Professor Agassiz. This is too hard to pronounce, Professor Agassiz to a remarkable discovery made by him. He founded Mexico, a cave containing 200 skeletons of men each above 8 feet in height. The cave was evidently the burial place of a race of giants who attended the Aztecs. Mr. Clapp arranged the bones of one of these skeletons and found the total length to be 8 feet 11 inches. The femur reached up to his thigh, and the molars were big enough to crack a coconut. The head measured 18 inches from front to back. Giant skeleton found massive human bones and Indian relics unearthed near Pelican Lake, New North Wisconsin, July 23, 1908. That human beings of enormous size inhabited this section of this country ages ago was proven last Sunday. When the massive skeleton of an Indian was unearthed near Pelican Lake, the interesting discovery was made by George Patton and L.H. Eaton. This wouldn't be the same George Patton with it, 1908. Two Chicago tours who were spinning the summer there. For several days, the men noticed a mound on their travels through the woods, and at last, led by curiosity, decided to excavate it. For curing spades, they filled the work, and after digging down to a depth of about 4 feet, we're surprised to find the bones of a large human foot protruding through the earth. Digging further, they gradually uncovered the perfect form of a giant. The skeleton was nearly 8 feet in heights, and the arms extended several inches below the hip. Buried with the bones were numerous stone weapons and trinkets. Among these, whether it were a curious stone hatchet, a copper knife, several strange copper rings, and a necklace made of the tusk of some prehistoric animal. The skeleton has no doubt that of an Indian who was one of a tribe of giants who roamed this part of the state over 1,000 years ago. This should be interesting. Skeleton 15 feet high unearthed in Mexico. New York Tribune, February 3, 1909. News was received here from Mexico that at Ixta Palapa, a town 10 miles southeast of Mexico City. There had been discovered what was believed to be the skeleton of a prehistoric giant of extraordinary size. A peon, while excavating for the foundation of a house on the estate of Augustin Juap Rezz, found the skeleton of a human being that is estimated to be about 15 feet high. And who must have lived ages ago, judging from the state of the bones. Romulo Luna, judge of the district, has taken possession of the skeleton which is complete with the exception of the skull. Judge Luna says that as soon as the search for the skull is finished, the skeleton will be forwarded to the National Museum of Mexico that has an almost priceless collection app of Aztec antiquities. I know, I guess we could check to see if the National Museum of Mexico ever received this 18 foot, a 15 foot tall giant, if they ever found the skull, probably not, if it is still there if it was mysteriously disappeared, like it never arrived. Prehistoric man's bones are found Sunday, Oregonian, March 13, 1910. Skeleton 10 feet long discovered in southern Idaho cave, part of a gun also taken. Historians of hunting party making strange find cannot identify rusty barrel among known firearms to move bones. This promises to be interesting. Boys, Idaho, March 12, unmoved, unseen, and untouched for hundreds of years and headed in the recesses of a deep cave 25 miles north of Huchon, Lincoln County, and southern Idaho. Is the skeletons of a giant 10 feet tall, evidently a prehistoric origin? It was recently discovered by a hunting party from this city, a corroborated proof, I'm sorry, as corroborated proof, the members are now exhibiting the rusty and warm flint lock barrel of what appears to be an ancient gun weighing between 25 and 30 pounds, resembling a flit lock rifle. This they say was picked up beside the skeleton. These bones will be taken out of the cave at the earliest possible date and carefully packed and forwarded to the Smithsonian Institute's, oh dear, it is believed by those who have seen the skeleton. There will be an invasion of the caves in this in that section of Idaho by students seeking knowledge of the earlier inhabitants of Mexico. Guys, I just went to the Smithsonian a couple of weeks ago, and I never saw anything there about an ancient gun that weighed 25 to 30 pounds, there were founds next to a man that was 10 feet tall. So, bummer, skull of great size, I mean, this really makes you wonder, I mean, they literally are claiming, let me read this again, I don't want to just pass this up. It is interesting that they use the word corroborated, right, like the newspaper, they always try to set this up, like to, you know, try to discredit people. It's almost like a word, like, you know, it's like, why would you use that word? Exhibiting the rusty and warm flint lock barrel of what appears to be an ancient gun weighing between 25 and 30 pounds resembling a flint lock rifle. So, there you go, that could definitely change history, couldn't it? Skull of great size. The skull of this giant is twice as large as that of the average man today. The large limb bones indicate that he must have been a man of great physical power. The skeleton is well preserved and was found upon the surface of the ground far back in the chambers of the cave, stretched out at full length. Close by was the barrel of this rusty rifle, which is a peculiar make unknown to those familiar with firearms. No reasonable theory can be advanced by the discovery as to how the skeleton appeared to be in the cave. Those who have looked into the facts believe the skeleton represents one of the lost race unknown to men of this day, which occupied the American continent long before the red skins came. That's another thing, interestingly, if you're not allowed to say anymore. A geologist say the western country was the scene of a great volcanic disturbance at one time and great streams of lava overflowed to now fertile plains of this state, forming caves and great natural basins. It is possible that this one representative of a lost race was caught by the flows and sealed up in the cave in which he was found. Okay. I don't know why they're whatever, let's just go with it. Extinct volcanoes abound. There are numerous extinct volcanoes in this section of the state and particularly where the gigantic skeleton was found. The old Iranian says their fathers told them about the mountains, which were a fire and of the continual underground rumblings. The reason I said okay there, it's like, okay. We see a lot of people buried in caves, right? Not just giants, but just all over the world, people are buried in caves and there's good reason for that. It's not because they're just hiking along one day and then a volcano blows up and they're like, oh no and then they somehow get buried perfectly. The lava doesn't burn them and they're in a cave. I mean, I don't know what I just read, like I don't know why somebody would write that. But the reason why people are buried down in caves is because it's closer to shiel. And traditionally when you get into the mystery religions, people go down into caves because they're more in touch with their descendants, their ancestors, the gods who live below. Yes, a lot of them do live below. So on and so forth. All right. The older Indians say their fathers told them about the mountains, which were a fire and of the continual underground rumblings among the lavas, as these regions are called, there should be found many fissures that seem to be connected with large caves, born when the lava was cooling and at times the suction is so great at the mouth of these fissures that large papers thrown into them are immediately sucked downwards. I mean, that sounds pretty cool. Well, at other times the current of areas outward, it can be heard from miles on a frosty morning. Few people care to enter the caves, but those which have large openings on the surface are considered perfectly safe. Find Indian relics near Lake Dillevan, 14 or on earth beneath Knoll where Chicagoans camp. Over the year, daily Republican April 12, 1911. Lake Dillevan, Wisconsin, out of a knoll that for years has formed the playground of thousands of Chicago people during the summer months, Phillips brothers owners of Lake Lawn Farm have just dug 14 human skeletons and the probabilities that still other finds will be unearthed. For years, it has been suspected that the big mound on which several Chicago church choirs have been accustomed to camp one after another is in different years contained rich Indian relics, but no one seemed to make a move toward exploration. As the result of an argument as to what was hidden in the mounds, I could just totally see this, you know, typical church argument can get pretty heated. The owners of the place dug down eight feet and raked out skeletons, which are probably the largest specimens of the red race found in southern Wisconsin. Two of the skeletons were found in a sitting posture, all were buried in a stone floored and walled pit over which a solid clay slab had been placed. The skeletons have been preserved intact and will go to the state museum at Madison. While worth, county has a large number of the mounds, some of them having been explored with the result that only a few relics, most of them crude weapons were found. This was a seven foot Californian giant's fountains in south, Oakland Tribune, July 25, 1911. Ethnologists will be interested in a discovery made by Assistant Curator William Altman of Golden Gate Park Memorial Museum, namely the fact hitherto denied that the digger Indians of California were acquainted with at least the rudiments of pottery making. So now no pottery of digger Indian manufacturer has ever been found, says Altman, and therefore he highly values the find he made in an Indian burial mound at Concord in Contra Costa County. From an excavation made by workmen and the employee of the Port Costa Water Company has been found a large number of Indian relics of great age, including the specimens of crude pottery already mentioned and the skeleton of an Indian giant more than seven feet tall. The skeleton is in the possession of Dr. Neff of Concord, who is melting it for exhibition. The pottery specimens consist of charmed stones of make clay of spindle shape and pierced so that they may be suspended from the neck by quartz. In addition, there are a large number of knives and arrowheads of obsidian or volcanic glass, which is extremely rare in this part of the state. When leads to the belief, they were brought down by the Shasta or Modok Indians and traded for other things with the diggers of Contra Costa. A striking peculiarity about these arrowheads is that their shape and pattern. They are notched in a very painstaking way with jagged division and resemble very much some of the weapons Filipino warriors use. A stone mortar and several phallic pestles carved with considerable skill and precision, one sinkers for fishing and artistic pipes made of soapstone, together with a quantity of wampum, are among the souvenirs secured by assistant curator Altman, the donor being Joseph Hitman of Concord. The mound from which these relics have taken is close to the railroad depot at Concord. The work of excavation is still going on and more interesting finds are looked for. Contra refuses to sell a skeleton of giants, how dare he? Arizona Journal Minor, October 13, 1911. Peter Marks of Walnut Creek, discover of a prehistoric human giants on his farm several weeks ago. In the city yesterday stated that the curiosity is attracting such deep interest in scientific circles that he has almost delayed with his letters and during the past two weeks he has been visited by Mr. and Mrs. Shoop, the former from the Smithsonian Institution at Washington. Of course, they come out to your fault, they hear that you have a giant, they want to come out to your farm, we will pay you and you know, you could tell you where you can shove your money Smithsonian and you know, they're not going to be too happy about that. Of course, he made the long journey for the express purpose of viewing the frame of the giant of other days. Mr. Shoop was provided with photographic instruments and took several pictures. Mr. Shoop of the Smithsonian also desired to take it, the giant skeleton, back to Washington. Of course, you know, put the marvellous thing on display, right? But this request was held up by Mr. Marks stating that as the subject was found in the territory, it should be kept there. Mr. Shoop was very much interested, it should say Mr. Shoop was very much agitated, though he was very much interested in those portions of the human frame that were unusually large, particularly the skull, which indicated that the giant was of such abnormal sizes to be beyond comprehension as that of a human being. Mr. Marks has uncovered another bearing ground near the point where the skeleton was found, and it says irrigation ditches are a sign of ancient high intelligence. An old irrigation ditch has also been partly recovered, and it is Mr. Shoop's of the Smithsonian belief that the place was intelligently cultivated in some past age by an industrious people. Mr. Marks has uncovered many implements, some of which are unique in construction, and for what purposes they were utilized is problem medical. Freak bodies found, buried, we are skeletons, maybe those of unknown race in Wisconsin, the Bismarck Tribune, May 3rd, 1912, if you will, excuse me a moment here, I'm going to pour myself another cup of joe. This comes to us by, well, the Associated Press makes you wonder what happened to that other skeleton, right? The Smithsonian is coming out being like, "Give us the bones," and he's like, "No, it belongs here," and like, "We got, when we give you money," "No," and then, "But where did the skeleton go?" You could even see in the wording there that they were, you know, they were seeing like it was an impossible size for humans, it must be a mastodon, right? Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, May 3rd, the discovery of several peculiar skeletons while excavating a mound at Lick and Delavan this week may prove that heretofore, an unknown race of men once inhabited southern Wisconsin, and this is what I keep talking about, like, they keep saying this over and over and over again, at what point, like, how many giant bones do you have to dig up and discover before you finally admit that, you know, there's something there? Coming to Maurice, Morrissey, an attorney at Delavan, the heads of the skeletons are much larger than any race which inhabits America today, and slope directly backward from over the eyebrows while the nasal bones protrude far above the cheekbones. The skeletons are embedded in charcoal and covered with a layer of baked clay to shed water from the sepulchre, interesting. Maybe they, quote, unquote, stood pat. Evidences of non-progressive race has been dug up in Governor Le Folitz states. This is the Wichita, Wichita Beacon, May 3rd, 1912. Madison, Wisconsin, May 3rd, examination of skeletons discovered in mounds at Lake Adelavan and Lake Lawne Farm was declared today to indicate that a hitherto unknown race of men inhabited southern Wisconsin ages ago. Information of the characteristics of the skeletons was brought to Madison today by attorney Maurice Morrissey of Delavan and E. Brown, curator of the State Historical Museum, will make a further investigation. The heads are much smaller than those of any people which inhabit America today. From directly over the eye sockets, however, the heads slope straight back and the nasal bones protrude far above the cheekbones. The jaw bones are long and pointed resembling those of an ape, that's interesting. Skeletons, supposed to be those of women, had smaller heads, which were similar in facial characteristics. The skeletons are embedded in charcoal from four to ten feet deep and covered with over with layers of baked clay designed and is believed to shed water from the sepulchre. Moving on, strange skeletons found, is this the same story, it's the same story. Indications that tribe hitherto unknown once lived in Wisconsin, let me just see this, yeah, it's all copy and paste, see you guys in time. Skeletons is a strange race found in Mound, this is the Indianapolis News May 4th, 1912, this might be the same story, embedded in charcoal in southern Wisconsin, resemblance to monkey. This is the same story, but let me just read the bottom here, heads are much larger, the heads presumably those of men are very much larger than those of the present day men. From directly over the eye sockets, the heads slope straight back and the nasal bones protrude far above the cheekbone. The jaw bones are long and pointed and bear close resemblance to those of the monkey. Now I'm going to say this right here, well let me just finish this. The teeth in the front of the jaw resemble the molars in the mouths of persons today. The skeletons were embedded in charcoal and covered with layers of bait clay, shit water from sepulcher, they were found from four to ten feet below the surface. I find this to be a fascinating discovery, either this is a hoax or is legitimate, but here's the thing, when I wish I would have taken a picture of it when I was at the Smithsonian, they still have Lucy, I don't know if they even teach Lucy in school, do they teach Lucy in school anymore? I mean when I was a child they taught Lucy and as far as my knowledge go, Lucy has been discredited and to the point that the Smithsonian can't let Lucy go and Lucy has been pushed way to the back of the Smithsonian. I think that the Lucy Lucy, I think is like in Chicago or something, I think I've seen the actual Lucy, but they gave like, I don't know, they gave Lucy something to do and she had like an iPod or something like that, you know, it's just like a joke, right, but they couldn't let her go, they had to like do something with her and I'm just thinking here that if this were a legitimate find, two things are going to happen, they're going to propaganda this through the wazoo, right, I mean they're going to be like look, we found the missing link, here we go, this is a monkey people, they lived in North America or two, they actually found these to be actual apes or primates and now they got a problem because now they've got them living in Wisconsin and they're like yeah, we don't want to do that, so they either way they make it go away. So either this was a hoax and people were playing them, they showed up and they found this not to be true or it was true, but it didn't pan out as they want, Kapish got it. So interesting story, I'd like to kind of find out more about that. Bones of old race found, skeletons discovered in Wisconsin are large, larger than peacework men, you could see that people were pushing the story everywhere, weren't they? This is right here, the people, the jaw bones are long and pointed resembling those of an ape, this is just copy and paste over and over and over again. Bones of primitive man are revealed morning Oregon from Oregon, May 11, 1912, prehistoric skeleton is found at Ellensburg, two rows of teeth in upper job, fossils countless ages old are well preserved, height six feet eight inches, scientists visits place where builders under scientific lore and says it is of earliest clans, on May 10, a skeleton of a primitive man with forehead sloping directly back from the eyes with two rows of teeth in the front and the upper jaw was uncovered here when contractors were excavating for an apartment house on Craig's Hill today. The hill is of the hogback formation and the excavation was made on the side hill about 20 feet below the surface and about 20 feet back from the face of the slope. The skeleton was found in the cement rock formation over which was a large layer of shell rock, the rock is perfectly dry and doctors say that the skeleton could have remained in that formation hundreds of years without rotting. The jaw bone, which broke apart when removed, is so large that it will go around the face of the man today. The other bones are also much larger than that of ordinary men, the femur bone is 20 inches long which according to scientific men would indicate that the man was 80 inches tall or approximately 6 feet 8 inches. Scientists examined the spot. Dr. J. P. Munson, Ph.D. MS, professor of biological sciences in the state normal school and who lectured for the International Biological Congress in Austria last summer visited the spot this afternoon and after examining the bones, pronounced them to be those of a primitive man, the teeth in front are rounded down and the jaw bone which Dr. Munson states is due to eating of uncooked foods and the crushing of hard substances. The sloping school he says shows an extremely low order of intelligence far earlier than that of the Indians known to the white settler. The skeleton perfectly preserved was exposed when a blast of dynamite loosened the cement rock so that when M. E. Root who was employed by Mr. Belch again approached the hillside where he saw a gleaming from the rock at school. By the way, some of these, some of these typos in here, believe it or not these come from the original paper and I was looking back at them and I'm like okay this is what I have and I would go trace, track the, I was like this can't be right and I'd go back and track the original paper and I'd be like well I'll be. Things are interested in Craig's Hill which runs along the eastern edge of the city is supposed to be of glacial formation although some believe that the hill is a delta of the river which flowed from the Nainum Canyon across the valley into Yekima Canyon countless ages ago. The removal of the heap of debris is anxiously awaited by a number of people as it is expected that more bones perhaps trinkets will be uncovered. The thigh bones are on exhibition at the record office together with a jaw bone of unusual size. Fine bones of ancient men prehistoric people of Washington had practically no forehead Kansas City star May 11th 1912 and Ellensburg Washington May 11th skeletons believed to be those of prehistoric people were found today in a deep hill excavation. The skull showed practically no whole forehead sloping shortly back from the eye sockets. One skull contained a complete double rolled teeth in the upper jaw. One of the skeletons was six feet eight inches in height the hell is being explored for other skeletons fascinating fine really really fascinating. Untitled notice daily capital journal May 11th 1912. The skeleton of a pre-storical man has been found near Ellensburg so me the same one again. The upper jaw had two rows of teeth which which shows reckless extra reckless extravagance as one row was no account with no teeth opposite them. We have another one from the same one this is the Tacoma Times May 11th 1912 pre-historic man skeleton excavated in Ellensburg they were really going all over this one hunt because any time it's funny like any time you have like a monkey man being discovered right. With Dr. JP Munson professor of biological sciences in the state normal school pronounces the skeleton of a primitive man was found here today by workmen excavating for an apartment house and you see the same details there. He says Dr. Munson says the skull indicates the primitive man to have been of a far lower type of intelligence than the earliest known Indians. Now we can take that for what it is of course at this time they were saying the same thing about Europe too and probably some marine culture you know like the whole Neanderthal thing and you know I mean now that the narrative has changed since this time. Bind prehistoric skeletons evening standard May 11th 1912 okay same thing let's keep moving just for a sake of time prehistoric skeletons found in Washington San Francisco call May 11th 1912 and Ellensburg Washington May 10th skeletons believed to be those of prehistoric people were found today in an excavation at Craig cell 20 feet below the surface okay this is the same thing over and over again I put a lot of these in and I the school showed no foreheads sloping sharply back six feet eight inches all right here's another on title note notice morning Olympian May 12th 1912 I got to read this one at Ellensburg they have unearthed a primitive man skeleton with two rows of teeth what an opportunity for the old time dentist well at least someone had a good sense of humor about it. Find giant bones and glacial drift dynamiting for excavations at Ellensburg working fine skeleton of a primitive man this is the same story again and again again and again it ends the removal of the head of debris is anxiously weighted by a number of people as it is expected that more bones and perhaps trinkets will be uncovered yep same one same one here we go and then we get to the Ellensburg dawn bilge on earth is a large skeleton okay come on now let's find a new one here old timer must have been been a big fellow evening herald may 17 1912 not looking promising guys skeleton discovered it Ellensburg indicates the original must have measured eight feet is regarded of a great as great value and now I'm a little disappointed that I think I'm more prepared for you guys tonight and if there's any another time I'm gonna try to look more into this giant I can't believe I actually did or this six foot eight six foot eight inch sloped double row teeth individual primitive man a giant Milwaukee since sentinel June 8th 1912 and this comes from the Seattle post intelligence eleven skeletons of primitive men with forehead sloping directly back from the eyes and with two rows of teeth in the front of the upper jaw have well so now they they've discovered more when they have one right so okay this is good good we're developing have been uncovered in craigslist at Ellensburg in this state they were about found about 20 feet below the surface 20 feet back from the face of the slope in a cement rock formation over which was a layer of shale the rock was perfectly dry the jaw bones which easily break are so large that they will go around the face of a man today so again we went from I guess one presumably to eleven the other bones are also much larger than those of the ordinary man the femur is 20 inches long indicating scientists say a man eight inches tall JP Munson professor biology in the state normal school who lectured before the international biological college in australia last summer visited the spot and pronounced them the bones of a primitive man okay so I guess it's just still the one giant they found here and there's eleven other skeletons with them best preserved skeleton of extinct tribe called from channel Oakland Tribune June 10th 1912 up to up to about 300 years ago a giant race inhabited the coastal regions of california that's interesting that's a twist to the old stories we read that again up to about 300 years ago so we're looking at 1600 this is 1912 a giant race inhabited the coastal regions of california it sounds promising remains of these people have been discovered in the islands of the Santa Barbara channel to William Altman assistant curator of the Golden Gate Park Memorial Museum belongs the honor of discovering one of the tallest and best preserved skeletons of this ancient tribe Altman utilized his vacation a week ago in excavating an old Indian burial mound in the nursery of Thomas s Dwayne two miles from Concord in Contra Costa County now we we visited this place earlier tonight the giant skeleton found was 10 feet from the surface and around it were a large number of mortars and charm stones and obsidian arrowheads the giant skeleton has been laid and reconstructed in the curator's office and placed on private exhibit exhibition yesterday the bones are in good state of preservation being hardened firm although brown with age two or three of the vertebrae are missing and the skull is broken into three parts the skeleton is seven foot four inches the skull is in great contrast to the that of the Indian today the under jaw squared massive being remarkably thick and strong talk about phallic carvings the artifacts are ornamented now I feel like this is the same one we already saw on Contra Costa County the artifacts are ornamented with phallic carvings whereas the marks made by the former and present day diggers are not carved or ornamented in any way the charm stones are a big play a beginning of the more advanced work of pottery which are not found with digger remains this interesting fine was made on the Salvador patchine ranch part of which is occupied by Duane's nursery it is Altman's intention to make a further exploration of the mound in an early date for other relics of this by gone by gone era and then we read a superior race of giants admitted in California the find is of the greatest importance to anthropologists the world over confirming as it does the theory originally advanced when the giants were unearthed in the Santa Barbara islands that a superior race of Indians both physically and mentally preceded the digger and other native races of the present day this is evidence also in the burial posture and the charm stones found near the body we read this in the Logan sports I guess the pharaohs tribune June 19 1912 it's called double dintensions not detentions but dint issues Charles Milton found a skeleton that is thought to be that of an Indian while digging sand near Lake Cleot yesterday the bones are well preserved and very large the jawbone is almost twice as large as that of the ordinary person one particular part peculiarity about the jaws that the fact that the teeth are double both fronts and back isn't interesting how they're starting to find more of these at this time I because I don't recall in the earliest ones they were finding the double rows of teeth the sand pit where the bones were found is supposed to be an old Indian mound several arrowheads were excavated another like utensil were found among these was a peculiar peculiarly shaped flint supposed to have been a fish scalar about two or three bushels of charcoal was found along the side of the skeleton bones of ancient giant amazing discovery in Oregon is of great interest to anthropologists here we are back in the Ellensburg again morning reviews September 4th 1912 well this looks let's read this because it sounds like they're adding more to it by this point the discovery of the bones of a human giant at Ellensburg is one of the most interesting anthropological finds made in the northwest G because they keep writing about it according to L.O. sharp chief of the general land office I just returned from Ellensburg said he where I had the opportunity to view the bones on earth this isn't it she how like all like all the official signs is now showing up at this one and you know they spent the last hundred years discrediting the others but not kind of interesting so again take this for what it is where I had the opportunity to view the bones on earth the skull jawbone thigh and other parts of the largest skeleton indicated a man to my mind of at least eight feet high a man of his stature and massive frame would weigh fully three hundred pounds at least the head is one of the most remarkable I ever have studied among prehistoric schools it is massive with enormous brain space while the forehead slopes down somewhat not averaging the abrupt imminence of our present race the width between the ears and the deep well-rounded space at the back of the head are convincing testimony of higher intelligence for a primitive man now this is different than we read of this guy earlier because I thought they were saying this guy wasn't that bright but now he's saying you know that the the noggin you know space is huge you know it's big the cheekbones are not high like those of an Indian nor has they had any resemblance to the Indian school I am convinced that this this goal is of a prehistoric man who was one of the of a remarkable race of people who inhabited this part of American sometime prior to the Indian control the bones were uncovered fully fully 20 feet beneath the surface there is the usual gravel formation on top then the Congo I'm sorry I don't know if that is a stratum of shale and in the bed of concrete gravel beneath the shale were the bones of the giant and of a smaller person the shale would indicate tremendous age perhaps more than 100,000 years for the deposit in which the skeleton was found but this idea impossible and presume that the bones were put beneath the shale by means of a tunnel perhaps or some other system of internment I cannot think it possible that a human being of that of the advanced stage indicated by this great school could have existed at the period when the shale was formed what isn't that interesting 50 skeletons unearthed the remains of the giant's aborigines discovered La Crosse Tribune November 4 1912 more than 50 skeletons of the ancient mound builders were unearthed Saturday from five mounds in the town of Stodard by a party of normal students and professors who made a special trip to investigate them valuable relics were also recovered that will be on exhibition at the normal museum the country around La Crosse has long been known as the center of Indian activities and centuries long past and as evidence of this fact there are many Indian mounds in the vicinity and here we go about 30 years ago agents of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC investigated several mounds of what is now the town of Stodard they unearthed much valuable material in the line of skeletons arrowheads and spearheads from the first few of a chain of dozen mounds and at the present time there is in Washington a Stodard collection of Indian relics since that time Smithsonian officials have often considered opening up more of the mounds but nothing has been done speared by the generous offer of a white who owns the ground on which are located five large mounds to donate the constants to the normal school museum apparently no help from Smithsonian officials the normal authorities recently took the matter up and several local citizens generously provided a fund for the expenses of an expedition to an earth the contents a six foot six inch skeleton on earth professors A. H. Stanford and W. H. Thompson of the University of Wisconsin Department of History and L. P. Denier of the geology department together with the company of 13 students left on Saturday morning with shovels to examine the ancient graves professor Austin and some of his students surveyed and made a contour map of the field determining the dimensions of the mounds and the lay of the surrounding country. The expedition was of a scientific character and the results of the investigations will appear in printed form a large mound in the center probably the grave of an Indian giant was joined by two smaller ones on each side the later were investigated first and the efforts of the diggers were rewarded at once by the unearthing of a skeleton about five feet down which measures six and a half feet in length the skull is very large being eight inches in diameter from ear to ear the teeth were well preserved but the other bones quickly filled the pieces the first mound yielded 11 skeletons the second contained only charcoal and burn bones indicating cremation efforts yield many skeletons and artifacts the middle mound which was the largest required much effort to excavate more than 20 skeletons were found besides the bowl of a clay piece pipe a copper arrowhead copper shining knife a sandstone spearhead and several flint arrowheads the fourth imminence yielded over 25 skeletons pieces of clay pottery and a bear is to the last mound after digging about six feet down brought up a large spear point of ports with a red coloring design on each side adjoining the white farm is property owned by a homer heart of lacrosse on which are located several more mounds alright scientists find giant skeleton in life the average 12 feet high Monroe County male June 18th 1914 skeletons of a giant race of giants who averaged 12 feet in height were found by workmen engaged on a drainage project in crowville near here near Monroe County there are several score at least of the skeletons and they lie in various positions several score huh and they're averaging 12 feet high so this sounds like a big fine to me it sounds like well actually one of the biggest finds if they're saying that there are several score of skeletons that average 12 feet high and they lie in various positions it is believed they were killed in a prehistoric fights and that the bodies lay where they fell until covered with alluvial deposits due to the flooding of the Mississippi river now that is fascinating no weapons of any sort were found at the site and it is believed the titans must have struggled with wooden clubs the skulls are any perfect state of preservation and some of the jaw bones are large enough to surround a baby's body yikes so I mean this sounds epic they're saying several score giants I mean get this mental picture several score giants 12 feet high are in a battle there's dozens of them they're in a battle they're killing each other these are the ones that died right so there's survivors and they fell down and it was flooded over and yeah I mean wow okay Arizona Giants I mean that reminds me of really the book of king on because that's that's what he says there was the what's called the hundred thousand giant war that as the flood waters were rising you had these massive giants that were going out there and killing each other as you know as sailing off and and they're just finishing each other off Arizona Giants Opasso Herald April 19th 1915 the skeleton of a giant fully eight feet tall has been found near Silver City said H.E. Davis the thigh bone of this ancient inhabitant of the southwest measures two inches more than the ordinary man it must have been a giant of great strength the job bone is large enough to fit over the job an ordinary man the peculiarity of the forehead is that it recedes from the eyes like that of an eight the similarity is still further found in the sharp bones under the eyes the skeleton was found encased in big mud indicating that encasing the corpse and mud and baking it was the mode of embalming near the skeleton was found a stone weighing 12 pounds which judging from its shape must have been a club the wooden handles the one that wouldn't handle has rotted away but there are marks on the stone that indicate that it had been bound to a wooden handle with tongs it is rather peculiar that less than 30 miles from where the skeleton was found and located on the gyal river are the former houses of a tribe of small cliff dwellers the existence of these two races so near together forms an interesting topic these gorilla like or monkey like skulls have been reported in many states several times by smusonian personnel so you see what they're pushing here but where are all these skulls now and this is smusonian saying this smusonians finding these gorilla like monkey like skulls all over you know the missing link right professor Thomas Wilson the curator of prehistoric anthropology for the smusonian said the following about the find of an eight foot one inch giant skeleton in miamisburg ohio in 1897 the authenticity of the skull is beyond doubt its antiquity is unquestionably great to me to my own personal knowledge shovels such crania were discovered in the hope well group of mounds in ohio exhibiting monkey like traits fine bones of giant in california cave los angeles times September 3rd 1916 the discovery of a skull jaw bones and femur of giant proportions by dl gilliland and fm punson punsony of moon park in the cavern and one of the canyons of the great pizga grando rancho just over the vincura county line i know where vincura is i grew up in california i don't know where pizga grando rancho or moon park is but whatever i know where vincura is lens colored to the belief long hailed by residents of that scientific section that the burying place of a prehistoric race of giants has been found the find was made under peculiar circumstances missus gilliland and cuntini who are officers of the law at moon park were searching for two mexicans said to have been connected with robberies at moon park and santa susana after scouring the various canyons they came upon a wild cavern deep in the brush and hidden from view by a rugged ramparts of rocks seeing that there was an opening in which the fugitives might take shelter mister punsony pulled aside the underbrush and peered into the depths with an he saw the graining skull of huge size of huge size and the great femur that must have formed the thigh bone of a mighty giant in this vast and silent region or to be seen ancient ruins to still stand and mute testimony of the fact that at some remote period in the history of our sunny southland a race of giants lived and moved and had their being and that in these small but fertile valleys this long forgotten race built their crude homes and practice the arts of life according to the original lights the skull jaw bones and femur of the giant skeleton found by these two individuals were brought to moon park in an office in that town were examined by dr fylo whole who has pronounced them unquestionably those of a human being the bones are being preserved and are on exhibition they are attracting a great deal of attention report of 68 skeletons averaging seven feet tall the Charleston Daily Mail September 20th 1916 this is exciting is this my own my own city the Charleston Daily Mail on July 13th professor Skinner of the American Indian Museum excavating the mound at teoga point near sire re pennsylvania uncovered the bones of 68 men which he estimates have been buried at least seven or eight hundred years the average height indicated by the skeletons was seven feet but many were taller evidence of the gigantic size of these men was seen in huge axes found beside the bones large skeleton found in minnesota this is the i don't even know but the mid the midge daily pioneer. October 3rd 1916 we're getting close to being done guys some large mounds have been found in this territory in some places a number of pieces of pottery have been unearthed it will be remembered that when the dam at international falls was under construction several hundred pieces of tempered copper were unearthed from a depth of 15 feet the articles consisted of fish hooks knives spears and arrows the art of tempering copper which was known by these early mound builders is now a lost art an unusually large skeleton was also unearthed and thought to have been a woman positioned to have examined the skeleton declare that it represented a type of early prehistoric persons who were seven feet tall or more and who possessed an especially large lower jaw they drew this conclusion based because the skeleton found was that of a person a very large stature the jawbone was wide and its construction is said to be a special gift of nature to the early man in order that he could masticate the course or foods which then made up his subsidence the school is very large the well-rounded forehead gives evidence of considerable development of intelligence of the rainy lake territory the skeleton will be sent to the minnesota historical society the karnake museum claims possession of an eight to nine foot giants philadelphia enquire in november 20 seconds 1920 dr wj holland curator of the karnake museum in pittsburgh and his assistant dr peterson a few days ago opened up a mound of the ancient race that inhabited this state and secured the skeleton who while in the flesh was from eight to nine feet in height the mound was originally about one hundred feet long and more than 12 feet high somewhat worn down by time it is on the jb c crest farm in south huntington township this farm has been the the c crest name for more than a century the most interesting feature and the recent excavations were the mummified torso of a human body which the extroverts figured was laid to rest at least four hundred years ago portions of the bones dug up and the bones in the leg professor peterson declares are those of a person between eight and nine feet in height the scientist figures that this skeleton was a framework of a person of the prehistoric race that inhabited this area before the american indian the torso and the portions of the big skeleton were shipped to the karnake museum dr holland and peterson supervise explorations of the mound with the greatest care the curators believe the man whose skeletons they secured belong to the mound builders class we're so close to being finished i'm actually getting a little sad because i'm like no i don't want to end i'm enjoying reading this primitive man ten feet tall isn't or the fancover son august 18th 1922 so we are now post world war one and you don't really just you know there's probably more i think i didn't gather more really past this point there are some really interesting finds well i'll talk about him maybe afterwards mexico city august 17th the department of agriculture received yesterday from an agent on tiburon island gulf of california the skeleton of a primitive man more than ten feet tall it was found a few days ago other bones a similar size have been encountered and you know there's studies i know like ellie marzulia's talked about this there's there was a lot of giants off the california coast on the california islands and all along there and it's all been covered up at this point you know they they'll just there's gaslight everybody if you claim there was any legitimacy to that stone age kinetic uh connected connecticut kineticate prehistoric inhabitants of nutmeg state where flatheads of great strength and huge teeth the new york times august 19th 1922 bridgeport kineticate august 19th two complete skeletons believed to belong to inhabitants of the earth and the stone age arscidio have been unearthed by a band of archaeologists headed by professor warren king moorhead near the husatonic river at laurel beak the professor and his assistant have been digging in the section for some time and claim discovery of a number of indications that the section was once inhabited by a forgotten race both skeletons appear to be well preserved the bones are rough denoting great strength the skulls are flat and both possess a perfect set of teeth of unusual size professor moorhead said it was his belief the bodies were buried in salt water several thousand years ago which accounts for their preservation he also expressed the hope that he and his assistants would soon locate a burial ground of a tribe of an ancient race we read ancient burial ground at black creek uh this is the char lee roe male may 7th 1953 in 1953 along the sus susquihana river in indiana county pennsylvania a major indian burial site wasn't covered all together 49 skeletons were exhumed the tallest being eight feet tall these skeletons were reportedly taken to the harrisburg museum for reassembly and then shipped to the smisonian for further study however the there it is right there however the smisonian denies any knowledge of them so that okay so this is the first that we have read in this collection where they're just like now the smisonian is like yeah yeah i wait i know like you read about all these accounts of these giants coming to yeah they never arrived in the mail just you know all like the dozens and dozens cases they never arrived in the mail you know maybe they didn't pay usps enough in the shipping or FedEx or whoever on the side of the william h rea farm circa 1871 through 1880 in uh in uh township just west of the mouth of black legs creek skeletons of men probably indians were found noted local historian Clarence stephenson says one of the skeletons is of a giant nearly eight feet tall the giant skeleton measured 89 inches from top of the school to the phalanges of the feet it was covered with small stones lay on the back and measured 28 26 inches across the chest we see the Potomac river giant morning herald may 14 1956 the skeleton of a giant indian maybe seven or more feet in height who died and was buried about the time christ was born has been unearthed from prehistoric burial grounds along Potomac river near point of rocks recently Nicholas younger who has been excavating at this and other sites of early indian villages along Potomac river in recent years discovered the skeleton of the giant indian along with the other artifacts buried with the body on saturday april 28 just a few weeks ago mr yinger said that apart from the huge size of the indian the algo um algon queen indian the next most interesting thing about the remains is that the the bow and quiver of five arrows were buried with the body two elk antlers and three and one half inch arrow points in the center of the tibius are part of the quiver of arrows near the point of the antler arrows is a perfect boiled bone fish hook revealing his fishing line was also placed with the body three large white flint triangular arrow heads were found at the sites of the left tibia this aborigine must have been a hunter with great strength as is indicated by the broad shank flint pointer used in a perfect bow explained younger and that is it that concludes it i really should have ended right here i mean this is it doesn't get any more beautiful uh well i don't know beautiful but just to see the confession where they straight up say here we'll end on this note the the skeletons were reportedly taken to the heresberg museum for reassembly and then shipped to the smithsonian for further study however this smithsonian denies any knowledge of them and that's where it kind of that's kind of where the narrative ends right maybe they they weren't supposed to say that i don't know but from this is 1953 so this is really late in the game post world war two at this point and then you just don't hear about giants being discovered anymore after this so that kind of that kind of ends it hopefully you guys found this informative hopefully you enjoyed it again this is giants america newspapers are around volume one and again why did i call us volume one because uh i it's going to take a process but i think volume two is going to be the collection of cryptozoology so i'm going to be you know think of like mothman for example but i want to take a bunch of newspapers from the 1800s into the 1900s and just show the difference you know strange creatures that were being being seen across america and that should make a interesting case study in and of itself anyways i'll be at for tonight hope you guys enjoyed that come back again subscribe if you haven't already like this you know this video leave a comment below. You guys know the drill love you guys. We'll do this again.