The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

394 | The Hidden Wilderness and the Moon Map: Greater Realm, Outer Darkness, Zodiac, Prague Clock

Hebrew Match: Ministry and Widow TUC Fundraiser September: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Store: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

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30 Sep 2024
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Hebrew Match: Ministry and Widow TUC Fundraiser September: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Store: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

good evening, everyone. My name is Noel Joshua Hadley and of course, this is the unexpected cosmology. And, um, hold on here. I was hoping I could just run into this, but oh, I'm seeing problems. All right. Well, I'm streaming live tonight on Facebook, two different Facebook accounts, and of course, YouTube live. And I thought I was streaming on my ex account, but apparently my ex account is now, you know, formerly Twitter is giving me problems. But that's not your problem. That's my problem. I have to fix that at another time. I welcome everybody as you guys start coming in. And we're gonna be going over tonight. The hidden wilderness and the moon map are great around. One of the reasons being is that I get asked a lot of questions about this. Now, you know, this is something I talked about. I can't believe two years ago now. Yeah, two, two whole years ago, I originally talked about this. And I was even talking about before that, but you know, the paper I wrote. And so a lot of people are showing up now and they're like, what are you, what are you talking? What's the hidden wilderness? Well, here's what I won't be talking about tonight. I will not be talking about, I will not be showing you scriptural passages, which refer to the greater realm. It is all listed in my book, The Hidden Wilderness. You can go check that out for yourself. And I won't be talking about Alicia and Fields or the fact that the Essenes believe in the same thing. What is Alicia and Fields? The best way I could describe this is for everyone out there who has seen the movie Gladiator, the Ridley Scott one from 2000. They're coming out with the sequel this year. And that one, he will recall that the movie is bookended at the beginning and the end, where Russell Crowe character, he's going up against the German barbarians at the beginning. And it starts out with Hans Zimmer and score with Lisa Gerard singing. And it's very poetic, and you like to see this hand go along the wheat. And then you realize that it's kind of like, it's really a vision that Russell Crowe's having, because at the end of the movie, everyone just cover yours. Right now, if you haven't seen it, this is a movie spoiler. He dies, and he goes to Alicia and Fields. Now, why am I talking about this? Well, the Greeks, I should really say the ancients, believed that on the motionless plane, that there was something called the Greater Realm, and they called it Alicia and Fields. And it was a place where it was a material realm. It was, it's an all material realm, but only spiritual resurrected creatures can go there with a few exceptions. There's good reasons for that. One is that the Sun and the Moon does not have its cycle there. It doesn't have its course. And there is a light there that is like an unending light, the light of the world. We know this to be Hush Ahama Shah. So interestingly enough, the Essenes appear to have believed the same thing. And there is, of course, some great extra biblical books that talk about the Greater Realm won't be going over that tonight. But I just want to lay that out for as an introduction for anyone out there who may not know what I'm talking about. Now you're looking at a picture of the moon here. I have seen in my years with the Flat Earth movements, it's funny to call it the Flat Earth movement, right? Because it's, you know, geocentric emotionless. I've seen a lot of different proposed maps. You know, some people just pull up some random things. And, you know, it's speculative. That's all. That's what it is. There's no way to prove it. But I love the Moon map to death. We'll be talking about it. I love the Moon map. It's something that it's in the sky. It is a witness force and you could look up there and you could see the AE map up in the Moon map. And you see the Greater Realm. It's unbelievable. And it can be, I believe. I think it can be tested. And so a lot of people, you know, the Moon map really hasn't taken off. And the big reason being is that so many people have died on the hill of claiming that the AE map, the Flat Earth projection map, is, you know, it's shill material, you know. It's a gatekeeping device, all that kind of stuff. And they can't back down on these claims now to go. Actually, it's literally up on the Moon, like the AE map, the one that we've been saying, not me personally, but many people have been saying is shill material. It's literally up there on the Moon. It's unbelievable. So when you start digging into the Moon map, so with that, let's get right into it. Hope everyone is having a good time tonight. Hopefully you are. Hopefully I'm coming in nice and crisp and loud for you guys. Let me know if there's any problems. So starting out on page one of the Hidden Wilderness investigation, and by the way, I should have said this is also referred to as the Blessed Realm. Whenever you get into medieval literature, they talk about the Blessed Realm. And of course, in the Lord of the Rings, it's called the Undying Lands. Same place. So starting out on page one of the Hidden Wilderness investigation, I slipped in a picture of the Moon wondering who among my readers had already done their homework, knowing precisely where we were plotting course, and who were simply coming along for the three hour tour. As far as I'm concerned, the Hidden Wilderness can be found on a map. A very old map, for sure. A map so tried and true that nobody is capable of tampering with it. Antichrist come and go. They can change the times here below, but the clock in the sky, they cannot touch. It is also true that the map I am referring to is an outdated map. Seeing as how Atlantis and Lemuria are not present nor accountable for at morning roll call. Now, just you know, I did a whole paper on Lemuria, Moo, and Moo. I actually need to update it. One of the things that has really gotten my interest, this is not going to make sense to some of you right now, but in the Arctic Circle around the AE map are a series of continents. They're all icy now, but it appears with some older maps that you're actually seeing civilization on them. And I I suspect that these are literally the ancient continents that were long talked about and are no more. But I digress, it is a map nonetheless. I'm showing it again so as to jog your memory. The map of our greater room in case you haven't caught on already is the moon. Back in the dark ages, when we used to walk a mile uphill in the snow just to use the bathroom, I was fortunate enough to learn the trait of photography in an actual dark room. I am speaking to the kids in the room, and I say this was before the present digital revolution, and therefore know precisely what's going on here. I actually had a young kid, he was very woke and liberated and illuminated, and he was trying to argue with me that digital has always been around, and that anyone older than him who claims that they were there to see the digital come in, and that it used to be film are like spooks and chills and that kind of like you're nuts kid. I was there, we saw it, we were there. I'm not saying that, yeah, maybe like far back in history they had digital, okay? But we were there, we saw it, we went from black and white TV to colored TV, right? And of course, I learned the trade of photography in the actual dark room where you take these negatives and you actually put them in chemicals, and you put the paper in there, and you so on and so forth, you let it dry and the image comes out. So that is not the moon right there, that is not a positive image of the moon that you are looking at, but a negative one. Let me just scroll back up here and show you this right here. There you go. I'm purposely showing a negative image, in case you were wondering. If you did happen to miss out on the 90s or any decade prior to the 90s, the 80s or before 70s, and can't recall the excitement of the shopping mall food court or picking up your envelopes containing 24 to 36 Kodak photos at the local one hour development lab, not knowing which were of last year's family vacation or of grandma blowing out her birthday candles, then allow me to explain. And that was actually a thing, you know, you'd go on vacation, you'd have all these rolls of film, and you kind of very often you went to develop them all at the same time, and you know, you had like, you would open up one wall and you're like, oh, it's just grandma like, it's like 12 pictures of grandma, you know, blowing out her birthday candles, and then like, you know, people opening up their gifts and stuff like that. And then maybe at the end, you have a couple really interesting ones of your vacation. And photography and negatives are the images imprinted on long plastic strips. They're the actual rolls of film that are unwound from the film canister after having been loaded within the belly of the camera. Each negative is transparent. You have to hold them up to the light in order to see the image within, but everything is reversed. The lightest areas on a negative appear darkest in the actual photo once developed, whereas the darkest areas appear the lightest. If you are a white person, such as myself, then my skin would be black, and the pupils of my eyes very white. So you would see like these really like glaring white, it almost looks like nighttime photography with like walled animals, right? I have these like white eyes and I'm, you know, darker skin. This reverse order occurs because the extremely light sensitive chemicals, a camera camera film must use to capture an image quickly enough are darkens rather than bleached by exposure to various degrees of light. In the case of color negatives, the colors are also reversed into the respective complementary colors. The irony here is that the negative I showed you regarding the moon isn't it's true negative. No, it should be the positive. Take another look at the picture I'm referring to. The light areas of the quote, unquote negative, denote land, whereas the dark areas constitute water. Contrary to what you are staring at in any given night sky is it's negative, if that makes any sense to you. So this is like a reverse negative, but all these light areas here should be land. And of course, the dark areas here are water. And if this is actually also flipped, it should be flipped vertically. I'm sorry, it should be flipped horizontally. And the area over here on stage left is actually our realm, but it should be flipped horizontally onto the other side. So the moon's an interesting thing. Do you know what else can also be viewed as a negative image? I've already given you the answer. The Shroud of Turin is a negative. The Shroud of Turin is amazing, by the way, unparalleled and impossible to replicate. I actually just spoke on this about three weeks ago. As far as I'm concerned, it's a residue, it is residue of the millennial kingdom left here as testimony, though its story has been scrubbed. People will try to disprove it, but they cannot. All they can do is really hate. I mean, people cannot disprove the Shroud. I'm not going to go off on this tonight, but you'll hear all the time, they'll say that's a that's a graven image. That's a graven image. It's actually not a graven image because a graven image can only be made by man. And so what they're saying is it's they don't want to tell you it's a hoax, they don't want to tell you it was made by man because they can't prove it. So they try to just skip over that call to a graven image, hope you don't notice, but it can't possibly be a graven image if it was not made by as an art piece by the hands of man, by any kind of artisan. If it is, in fact, a result of the resurrection, it is a natural occurrence and a document or testimony to that disclaimer, and none of this will make any sense if you're still hung up on the moon being a hunk of rock held in place by a gravitational pull in an ever expanding vacuum of space complete with an American flag and Neil Armstrong's group prints, L-O-L. I don't think too many of my viewers are there. I did talk about, I think last week, I went to the Smithsonian and you can go see Neil Armstrong's actual Apollo 11 space suit there, and they have the famous picture of the footprint right next to where he's standing, but they put the boot so close down to it, kind of to the side, so they don't want you to look at the boot print that it doesn't actually line up with the footprint. But you can get down there on your hands and knees, you can look in there and go, "Okay, clearly that doesn't line up." Now, what they will tell you, if you go to the whatever, the misinformate, the fact-checking sites, like rutors or whatever, they will tell you there that, "Well, yeah, the boot print doesn't match up, they'll admit to it," but they'll say, "Well, he had an outer boot that, before they got back into the Apollo 11 capsule, they actually tossed their boots onto the moon." The way I'm thinking about this is, "Well, wait a second, if you're actually wearing all of this equipment on the moon for your safety and protection, because you're in a vacuum of space with, on the moon is a lot less gravity than on the earth, correct? A lot more elements, maybe radiation. You have to go through the Van Allen belts, all sorts of stuff. Seems to me that you would want to leave on everything that you were used for protection on the moon, but who am I to, I guess, ask that question, whatever. Let's keep going. We'll be here all night at this rate. The moon is a focus electromagnetic phenomenon called plasma. Now, it's something worth looking into. I think it's the case. It could be wrong about this. Another way of stating the obvious is that we live in an electrical realm, which is 100% true, in my opinion. Cosmic electromagnetic energy is passed back and forth between the flat motionless plane below and the firmament above, via the ether and the stars and all of that. I could just show you a bunch of pictures of, say, fruit, and you look at the inside of fruits, and you look at all the wild designs and fruits and just nature in general, and actually look at how they match up with the stars and other shapes and patterns up there. I think it's replicating the energy that's coming down. The inner reflection of this electromagnetic energy on our ceiling turns it back down, creating a focus spot point. At this point, there is an observable fluorescence of the ether because of the focused cosmic electromagnetic energy, and the spot that is created is the moon. I'll be talking more about this, about how the moon appears to be, how there was a snapshot that was taken of the earth below, that was imprinted on the moon. Whatever the moon is, I don't know if the moon is physical, like you could touch it, I don't think it could be landed upon, or is it like an illusion type of thing? Like a light up on a ceiling? I don't really know. I do believe that the moon is a divine being, a spiritual, definitely believe that. I believe that there's a conscious being behind it, but that's another discussion. But anyways, that was wordy, wasn't it? Good roadside directions are hard to come by. Let's see if I can break this down in simple language, starting again. To better understand the moon, we likely need to venture back to our magnetic north, namely the little place called Hyperborea. It is there, we can expect to find a magnetic rock. The heart's desire of our every camp accomplished. Now, I'm kind of speculative if that magnetic rock is still there, or if it has moved, that too is another discussion, but it will play into what we cover. Though it is true that magnetic north is on the move, it is my personal thesis that the moon was created on the fourth day of creation, along with the suns and the stars, which is a given for most of you. And the Hyperborea, or that Hyperborea, was true north at the moment in his story. Yes, it is on the move, and that is a good thing, explaining why is the intended purpose of this paper. For those of you who do tune into my Torah portions, I'm going to be rolling it back in about two or three weeks time. We're going to start with Genesis, Genesis chapter 1, and I won't be going through Torah portions. I'm just going to be going through chapters of the Bible, just taking my time. I'm going to be taking a lot of time with the creation account, and I will be showing in Genesis chapter 1 that there doesn't appear to be a lot of creation words. Even though we say everything was created in the first week, there doesn't appear to be a lot of creation words. There's a lot of emphasis on maybe like storehouses or the earth is being replenished after it was destroyed. But the one thing that can be shown is that the sun and the moon were created on the fourth day. There was no sun and the moon. If there was an old sun and the moon they were destroyed, don't know what happened to them. There was a sun and the moon created on the fourth day, and that's really important to this discussion. The ancients spoke of a whirlpool tying us in with Leviathan and the Abyss, something I just talked about last Friday night. No time to go into that now. In the Abyss, we shouldn't be surprised to discover a magnetic coil. It seems logical. Really, it's not like we're talking about some decorated barbershop pole on a floating iceberg. Any form of an intense electromagnetism would naturally produce strong radiation. My entire point here is that it is quite possible that our plasma moon is the result of radiation, but in the form of an x-ray. X-rays are a penetrating form of high energy electromagnetic radiation. Like so many other advances in modern science, x-radiation was "discovered" I don't know if you can see my bunny ears right here, I'm not a crook. They were "discovered" in the post-mud flood era by our controllers. A lot of Pulitzer Prizes are being rolled out at that time. I should say Nobel Prizes, excuse me. 1895 to be exact was when x-ray was discovered. His name was Wilhelm Rontgen, and he was a Nobel Prize winner. There it is, of course. In this scenario, however, the x-rays emanating from a "x" in the center of our realm, rising upwards towards the ether in divergence, though invisible lines. Those beams continue until coming into contact with the firm in itself. The beams of an x-ray differ from light beams in that they do not reflect off mirrors the same way that visible light does. Because of their high energy, x-ray photons that strike a mirror directly will penetrate into the mirror in much the same way that bullets eating directly at a surface will bury themselves in it. X-rays are a kind of super powerful version of ordinary light, a high energy form of electromagnetic radiation that travels the speed of light in straight lines, just like light waves do. But because their wavelengths are shorter than that of ordinary light, it means their frequency is much higher. Because of this, an x-ray can travel through objects that ordinary light cannot. Still following? There are not many materials that can reflect or scatter the beams of an x-ray. Turns out, crystalline structures do. It would take Pink Floyd, or scratch that, a William H. Bragg, an Australian-born British physicist, an x-ray crystallographer, to make that fact known in 1912 via Bragg's law of x-ray diffraction. And what is crystalline, but the firmament? Most likely? There is much to be discovered, but what seems apparent is that the firmament and our perception of the moon are in direct relationship with the other. Now, quickly on the firmament, I think that the firmament is solid in the middle, but I almost wonder if on the edges, it's almost like gelatin or something, like a padded wall, like you can't get through. Imagine if you're in a nut house and there's a padded wall to keep you in, and you're slapping yourself up against, you're not getting hurt, but you can't get through the wall because it's not just padding. There's a hard wall there. And I wonder if that can explain some of the things we're seeing where when ships go high enough up there, and we're seeing them perhaps kind of glide along the firmament, and it's almost like you see a wake behind it. Or there was even that footage for 10 years ago, almost now, of the rocket that shot up, and then it's, I think, kind of just stuck up there is kind of interesting. Fun fact, Bragg was the director of the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, when the discovery of the double helix DNA structure was reported by Watson and Crick in 1953. Ridiculous, since we already know, the Millennial Kingdom residents of Chateau de Chambord were well aware of the coiling double helix, and of course, the double helix, the coiling double helix goes way back before that as well. I made that joke about Pink Floyd several lines ago, but was it really their most popular album cover depicts Bragg's crystalline light as viewed through a monochromator? And yet it is called the dark side of the moon. Truth in plain slash plain sight is more like it. A monochromator, in case you were wondering, is an optical device that transmits a mechanically selectable narrow band of wavelengths of light, or rather radiation chosen from a wider range of wavelengths available at the input? FYI, I lifted that definition from Wiki, just you know, there's the link right there, you can go look at it. Point is, of course, you know, I'm showing you I'm not making this step up, right? I'm just showing you, okay, these are the definitions of these different things. Point is a reflecting monochromator uses a single prism to redirect light. I've added a photo so that you can see how an x-ray being would do just that in such an optical device. I feel like something's shaking here on my desk. I think it's my coffee mug. The redirected beings of an x-ray in the crystalline firmament probably explains what we are looking at in the moon and why it is a composite image, yet multiple pictures laid over the other. Of course, that's what a composite is. That right there is a composite for you. You just take a moment to look at that. It's amazing. There are at least two fixed images that I can see. The most obvious is the skeletal land masses as seen from the perspective of an x-ray. That would be on stage left. Some of you may have already noticed that the map is flipped from how we would naturally perceive it on any given full moon. That's because it is first and foremost a reflection, a mirror image of the consonants below. That makes sense. I'll be kind of reading this, but take a good look up the right over here. This is like the famous Billy Butte of the Moon right here. This is what gives the moon its spherical rather than disc-like. I think it's disc, but it's round. It's a disc, but this is what gives it its spherical shape that makes it look like a type of planet. The second image appears to be the firmament itself. The two images, when superimposed upon the other, depict a precise moment in time in a pre-diluvian world. You will recall that the firmament was formed on the second day of creation to separate the waters below from the waters above. The land rose above the waters on the third day, or rather the water sunk below the land, and the moon, as I've already stated, was created on the fourth. My best guess is that the land masses, as well as the firmament, were captured and imprinted upon the moon at the precise moment of her high energy birth. We are seeing the signature of Yahuwah Alaihi'am during the creation week. Now, if you're confused about that name right there, then in modern Hebrew, you might say Yahuwah or Yahweh or Yahuwah. This is the paleo course here at the Expec cosmology we do. We are a publisher of paleo translations of the Bible, so that helps explain that. Yahuwah is his name and paleo. How exciting is that? Of course, Alaihi'am is in modern Hebrew, you would say Elohim, but in the paleo you'd say Alaihi'am. So now you guys all know why I stressed that. That's his original name, as told to Moses and the original Hebrew writers. Yahuwah Alaihi'am. Undoubtedly, the firmament's skeleton is captured from a different angle than its vertical capture of the land masses. We are told the belly button on the moon, for example, is a crater called Tycho. Though in this scenario, it represents the vortex at the highest point of the dome. So the very center of our realm. So look at this again. So there it is. There's Tycho, the crater, whatever, on the moon. There's the belly button shape, but that's actually the very center of our realm. I guess you could say even Polaris. You can actually see the rays stimming out from it like hemispherical ribs. Stop and think about it. The moon is the only known image of the firmament that we have. It is the firmament which gives the moon its spherical appearance. Now Tycho was named in 1651 in honor of the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe. By somebody named Giovanni Ricchioli. I tracked Ricchioli was a Jesuit. Another astronomer to name the crater was Frenchman Pierre Gasindi. He called it umbilicus lunaris, which literally translates to the navel of the moon. How adorable. Arthur C. Clark chose Tycho in his novel 2001 A Space Odyssey, which you can see a picture of the movie right there. To just buy Stanley Kubrick, of course, to describe a strong magnetic field emanating from the crater. It is in Tycho where they discovered a black cube monolith, which is one of the central plot points of the movie, the source of the magnetic field. Again, adorable. And they're telling you that this black magnetic cube is the source of all creation. It keeps showing up and recreating the earth, which is just interesting because while they're pulling a personal god out of the equation, there's perhaps a lot of truth to what they're actually stating interestingly enough. They're just masking it. In 1965, some four shallow years before the Apollo moon landing hoax. The elite drug American astrophysical professor among our foster. Before the media delivered the truth on the matter, but then debunked it in the process. Now, I dropped a link to his interview right here. You can, if you're following along with the paper, there's a few here. The interviewer asked Professor Foster to explain his theory. And here is his response. So these are his actual words in the interview. It is rather more than a theory 10 or 11 years ago. I stated to various scientists that the moon is not a piece of rock, but it is plasma, a plasma phenomena, cosmic plasma, and that this fact will eventually be confirmed. And, you know, the irony here is that if you want to call ironies, I believe that prediction will be made true. It will be confirmed eventually. Eventually, they can't hold it up forever. Eventually, the lie will be exposed. I made certain predictions, which were already confirmed in 1958, and the situation now was coming close to a complete confirmation pouch, because he's four years away from just being dislodored in the media. In fact, that's why I was getting there. Like they're rolling this guy in front of the cameras just to debunk the truth. The interviewer then asked Foster what the results of his theory will be if he is proved correct, in which Foster says the following, the results will be profound and decisive because it will give proof as a complete re-investigation of the laws of nature is necessary, because if the moon is a plasma, no man will ever land on it. The self-lating attempts will all fail. I actually wish I could get some sort of interview from this guy. Was he ever talked to again after this? You know, after the Apollo missions, he was kind of old. I don't know how long he lived. Did he recant his theory and say, you know, I was wrong about everything. I'm the fool. Or was he like, yeah, they're lying to us on the news. If only we could know. Well, that turned out exactly as Foster predicted. The Apollo 8 astronauts orbited the moon in 1968 and were like, we were wrong and Professor Foster was totally legit all along. The moon is made a plasma. I guess we can't land on it. Better let our employers in on the bad news, continuing. This is him talking again. That means that the mass of the moon is less far less than is currently assumed. It's in a different state of energy and it has far less mass. That means there is no more explanation for the tides. If the moon, for example, had only a thousand part of its current mass, then the tides would only be two inches high. And that means that if it is proof that the moon is a plasma, then all gravitational theories are out. And the new concept of the cosmos and of its laws has to be evolved. Of course, you know, the moon causing the tides is still like the stupidest, like it just it doesn't match up with anything in reality. They just they they don't challenge it. They don't press it because what are they going to do about it? What Foster appears to be saying is that the space race was misdirection when, in fact, everything we know about the laws of science, as well as the greater realm is wrong. And our current controllers can't have that bested if on come with a hoax. Well, there's another guy. Foster wasn't the only one one year earlier in 1964. Joseph A. Bodner, a graduate mechanical draftsman and a pioneer in the x-ray field was interviewed by the media for his dedicated research to the idea that the moon was a reflection of the earth, only to be defeated by buzz and the game. He quite literally claimed the same thing I'm saying. Water shows white whereas the land is black, thereby indicating there is much more land out there than we are being told. Hold on guys, let me mute this. All right. I always forget I often forget to do that when I go live and then a lot of people are writing new messages and just goes ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Anyways, looks like Apollo and company proved him wrong as well, bummer, which is precisely why they've rolled his story out in case you were wondering. There are those who will say the Bodner and Foster were shilling for NASA, but I'm of the opinion that the military industrial complex wanted to make an example of anyone who dared to go against the official narrative, humiliating them and their ideas. I mean, I think it's much more it is easier to, you know, instead of rolling out shills and wasting good resources on these individuals who could be placed elsewhere, it's easier just to take individuals who are actually actually pursuing the truth and make public examples of them and humiliate them. Way easier to do. Flat Earth is Samuel Shinton, who I simply adore. He's a particular favorite of mine. It was the 60s and people want to say he was shilling too. Like, why? I mean, if he was shilling then every flat Earth is says you might just go after every flat Earth is they're all shilling all for the government. They're all working for him. It was in the 60s and the and the mercury as well as the Apollo missions were at hand, which is why he was dragged out for the ridicule of the media. I actually say the masturbatory ridicule because that's what it was. You know, people were self pleasuring themselves on this idea that somebody out there believed the Earth was flat. Can you believe it? It's the 1960s and we're going, you know, it's the space race against Russia and this guy is still living in the dark ages. Like, somebody needs to educate. Has he never read a book? Somebody needs to educate him. A many modern flat Earth is call this guy a shell, as I just said, but it just goes to show they haven't put their name face and home address, namely their necks on the line. Shinton employed Alexander Gleason's 1893 AE map of the known realm complete with an Antarctic ice ring. I will go into more detail a little later down the turnpike and when I do, you will see that everyone from the UN and the WHO, the World Health Organization, to Marilyn Monroe, all employ the AE map for their purposes, which in large part is why some are calling Shinton a spook. Alexander Gleason was a card carrying flat Earth, his map is considered controlled opposition. And depending upon which modern flat Earth is you speak to, basically every flat Earth is before them, after them and around them is a spook, telling us that they may in fact be the ones who are projecting. And why am I even saying this is because you have to deal with this out there on the internet. Why am I putting such an emphasis on Shinton and the AE map now? Well, you will tell me it's because I'm being defensive and I have something to hide. No, it's it's because Gleason's AE map is also found fully unfolded in the night sky. Your issue is with the moon, not me. Actually, you come to think of it. That is the very reason as to why so many are refusing to pay the moon map any mind. It's because they have toiled so long to name call anyone who had Gleason's as a moon. I can never pronounce it. That's why he's called the AE map. The equidestrian projection at their disposal that they'd rather die on that hill than admit the moon map is an incredible testimony to the shape of the Earth as well as the greater realm. Look, She'll talk a secondary to the reality that our controllers chose Shinton's research for an explicit purpose. Why they would go to such great lengths to prep to perpetrate a flamboyant royal hoax such as the Apollo 11 moon landing can best be explained in the ideas they were attempting to silence. I mean, think about it that way, right? For however far they go to one extreme, there's going to be a balancing act on the other. There's something they're trying to to dismiss to get you to turn away from. Shinton's flat, motionless plane is one of them. It's not like Bodnar didn't share his reasons as to why he wanted to wake his fellow Americans up to the moon mirror reality in his words to save the taxpayers from five to 20 billion dollars, which NASA says it would require for the Apollo moon landings. Unbelievable. Bodnar threatens to pinch the pockets of our pimps and handlers and they can't have that. Foster Bodnar and Shinton, all three of them, though there were others. Those were just the three I decided to talk about. We're simply carted out for five minutes to show us what the ancient's knew perfectly well to be true. A map of our realm could be located within the firmament, and I found one such example to prove it. I guess it turns out I am going to be talking about a little scripture tonight. This comes from the book of Jasher or Yashar. And Benjamin beholded that instrument with the map of the stars of heaven, and he was wise and looked therein to know where his brother was. And Benjamin divided the whole land of matrim to four divisions, and he found that he who was sitting upon the throne before him in the very room was his brother Yosef, and Benjamin wondered greatly. So that's pretty crazy. I mean, he's like looking for where his brother is. His brother is with him in the room right now. He doesn't know that's his brother. He looks up at the stars, and he goes, "Oh my goodness." According to the stars, he sees a map up there. My brother's in the room with me. Now, it doesn't outright say the moon is a map, nor are we told what the instrument is, which he beheld to track down the whereabouts of his brother Yosef. Don't you wish we had one of those? Actually, this entire scene might be better relegated to my doppelganger research. She knows how he may have been seeking out his brother's other. Benjamin's Benjamin's sleuth skills are nonetheless impressive. No. They were seated at the same table, both brothers. Then Benjamin hadn't the faintest clue that the Egyptian was his brother until he gazed up at the night sky and tracked his coordinates, or coordinates, to the very room he was standing in no less. In explaining all of this, Benjamin is declared to be wise. Even in ancient times, very few people were wise, meaning that not everyone was capable of reading their skies like GPS. Now, we three kings happens to be a mandala effect, but let's not get distracted. That's a link to my favorite we three kings. As they too searched out, Michiok, that would be the Messiah, using star coordinates. Perhaps it is true that only some of the ancients could comb the heavens, but none of them believed the earth was a globe. Well, there you have it, the moon map in all her glory. Gleason's AE map is fully accounted for, but then so is our greater realm. You thought I was making this up, didn't you? Well, I wasn't. The moon is a map. It's true all of it. Just look at that beauty, why don't you? The straight road pertaining to the elves of Middle Earth, which I spoke about in the undying lands, should make perfect sense by this point. You have to sail beyond the imaginary curve to reach the flat world of old. I spy far too much land to fit on any one decorative globe they sell at Target. No wonder why they created the heli centric globe earth narrative. It wasn't simply to make everyone dizzy and unaware of heaven and throne physically above us, but also to blindfold us to the blessed realm as testified to by some of the other papers I wrote on this, the Hidden World of St. Paul, and of course the cosmological world of the Essenes, which I started out talking about. If you're confused, don't be. I will be your tour guide through this. Our portion of the realm is located within the circular red lines on the right. So come up here, you can see it right here. What I'm going to be talking about tonight for the remainder of our discussion is I'll show this here, our greater, our realm. The greater realm is outside these red lines. And the circuit of the sun, the moon, goes around here, around magnetic north. And so all this land over here on the right, this larger crescent, would be in total darkness, just ice and you just uninhabitable with an exception, of course, as even all the ancients believed that there was a light there that was eternal. Our portion of the realm is located, as I just mentioned, within the circular red lines on the right, denoting the circuit of the sun and the moon. A closer look will be given on in a minute here on the next page. Nearly everything outside those lines makes up the potential land masses for the blessed realm. Quite the hunk of real estate too. It's probably difficult to read, but the name of the largest continent, according to this map, is Terra Vista. And you could fit North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Antarctica in it and still have room to stretch out. That's how big the greater realm is. So how many resurrected saints presently live there? And of course, you know, you could take the whole population of the Europe today and I think you could fit them comfortably in the state of Florida, definitely in the state of Texas. So I mean, I'm just saying that there is plenty of room to stretch up there. So here is a bunch of close-ups here, different snapshots of the moon map. And you could see how our realm is perfectly preserved there. North America, South America, there's Russia, Siberia, Canada, Australia, so on and so forth. Of course, the Lumeria over here, what he notes is Lumeria is actually what he claims is Antarctica. Kind of interesting. No, credit is due to vibes of cosmos. All right, so somebody is going to put this in the comments section. You know, you need to go out. Yeah, please go. Go watch vibes of cosmos. He does great research and I don't want to take a squat all over his research. This is like his research. He puts all this stuff into the moon map and so he should be credited for it without his work. I wouldn't be given most of this presentation tonight. And like I said, he did the backbreaking work on this, not me. I'm just a courier. And so now that you have received the package, I'll give you a minute to comb through the stunning details of our realm as depicted on the moon. I mean, I just showed you, I spied Russia, Japan, Morocco, Morocco, Madagascar, Spain, the UK, Canada, the United States and Mexico. The existence of hyperborea, precisely as Mercator and Visionant has me excited. The lost continent of Lumeria's position east of Australia and India, precisely where it was hypothesized to be by or post mud flood inheritors. I've already linked you to that report, but we'll do so again. There's my paper right there called the land of Eden. If you're following along with the paper, how in the world any of this can be explained by shared coincidence is beyond me. No pun intended. It's all there and more. The Red Sea is perfectly where it ought to be. Even the Black Sea is accounted for. And then here's the greater realm right here, also known according this map as Theravista. Though if, you know, if I were to name it, I'd call it the Blessed Land or the Hidden Wilderness, probably the Blessed Land. Before I get carried away with the particulars of our known realm, I probably needn't remind you that our present investigation involves the Hidden Wilderness, the land beyond the reaches of the sun and the moon. On this map, we noticed Theravista. Residents of the Blessed Realm undoubtedly referred to it by another name, but seeing as how Theravista essentially means land with a pleasant view, I won't argue. Some have claimed the unseen land is a wasteland of darkness nights, of chaos in the void, and therefore uninhabitable. Such a place is even recorded in Enoch, where we read the following. This comes from chapter 17 of Enoch. I saw every large river until I arrived at the great darkness. I went to where all of flesh migrate, and I beheld the mountains of the gloom which constitutes winter, and the place from which issues the water in every abyss. I saw also the mouths of all the rivers in the world and the mouths of the deep. How interesting is that? This idea that all flesh migrates there. I'm becoming more and more convinced that there is a type of journey that happens after we die. I don't know if we're on ships, I don't know if we walk or swim or what, but there is some sort of journey to the land of the dead, the blessed realm on this earth. Even if we go to heaven above or paradise, wherever it is, everyone has their different views on this. Even both sides read from the same bible, pray the same God. But if you guys saw my last tour portion, last week, going through Deuteronomy, and I put for the cover all these pictures of these people just coming up to the land after waiting through the water and they're exhausted. This idea that once you finally get to the blessed land, the blessed realm, you finally make it after your pilgrimage, your journey. You're just exhausted. You're so excited to be there. Enoch testifies to a mountainous land of endless gloom in winter, but then look at what it is in connection with, the place where all flesh ends up. He is inferring to a migration of souls, the entryway to Shiol. Another hints is given when he notes the place from which issues the water in every abyss. I am more inclined to conclude he is speaking of hyperborea, the location of our magnetic north. In any ways, the gloom of winter would certainly be an accurate description of any water or landmass beyond the circuit of the sun, where there's no heat, obviously, or light. In the ice wall, I will get to that in a little while. But first I will remind you of the accounts given to us in scripture regarding the light of a different nature. I am speaking of course of the light which was flipped on for the first day of the creation week, though the sun wouldn't show up for another few days and you probably already know where I'm going with this and yet I have learned never to assume. So we read over here on the left this is in John chapter one and it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with Elohim and Elohim was the word. The same was in the beginning with Elohim. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. All right jumping over Revelation 21 and the city had no need of the sun neither of the moon to shine in it or the glory of Elohim did lighten it and the lamb is the light thereof. So I'm not going to be going over tonight why I believe new Jerusalem or renewed Jerusalem that the brick and mortar Jerusalem is actually coming down in the hidden wilderness. In fact, I am of the opinion that it has already come down. It's already there. There's a lot that goes into that. People are like, you know, why can't I look out my window and see it? Well, it's because actually y'all surround himself with darkness. Now the best example I can give of this is when there's a lot of examples in the scripture but the best example I can give is when Pharaoh is pursuing Moses to the Red Sea and he's cornering him there. He's at the mountain of Baal, Baal Ziphon and they're trapped and YAH comes down in the pillar and to Israel it's pure light. It's just like this fiery light into Pharaoh. It's total darkness and so that's the idea that he puts darkness around this light so that he is disclosed from unholy men and there are actually scripture verses that talk about this very thing in the context of the hidden wilderness, namely the visions of Paul. Yehushah Hamashiach was the light at the beginning and some will claim yokanon, that's John, is speaking merely of an esoteric light an inward spark, if you will, that may be so. But John/yokanon has so much more on his mind. Revelation helps to clear things up and why I drop both passages side by side. It's in renewed Yerushlaiim where we come to learn that the lamp is the electrical wiring for the entire establishment. Not to say that the sun and the moon are done away with, there's simply no longer required. You will tell me my theory is bonk if the context is new Jerusalem and the city hasn't come down yet. No it isn't. For the record, I am of the opinion that renewed Yerushlayim likely has come down. My opinion on the timing of its arrival is irrelevant though, whether it's come down yet or not. Just because the lamb is the light inside the city doesn't mean he ceases to be a light outside of the city where Yehushah goes, so goes the lamp and then look at what else we read in Legends of the Jews. This is actually really interesting. The light created at the very beginning is not the same as the light emitted by the sun, the moon, and the stars which appeared only on the fourth day. The light of the first day was of a sort that would have enabled man to see the world at a glance from one end to the other. Take that Bill Nye. Anticipating the wickedness of the sinful generations of the deluge and the tower of Abel, who were unworthy to enjoy the blessing of such light, God concealed it. But in the world to come, it will appear to the pious in all its pristine glory. Whenever you hear in any kind of Jewish rabbinical literature Talmudic, if you will, and they talk about the world to come, they're always referring, it's the same thing as the Millennial Kingdom, the thousand year reign. The light of creation was a sort of quality which enabled men to see the world at a glance from one end to the other. No more atmospheric lensing. You could stand on the shoreline of California and wave a g'day mate to someone in Australia. Sounds like fun times. It's all rather awkward if the earth was a globe, seeing as how there's apparently a curve just beyond the horizon and all. It must have had eyes that matched those elven ships if they were expected to see from one end of the earth to the other wink-wink. Meaning that the view from Theravista today must be spectacular indeed because look at what else we read. In the world to come, the light of creation will appear to the pious in all its pristine glory. Not to the impious though, just the pious. Amazing. It's no wonder why the hidden wilderness won't be disclosed until the sinners are snuffed out into the darkness of their design. Many ants arcticas. I think I'm going to kind of skim through this tonight because I think that a lot of my audience, you guys are well aware of antarctica, how the ring works. This beginning is kind of interesting. Let me talk about this. In reply to the individual requesting some years ago, 2016, I think it was, that I write a paper on antarctica's location in the flat earth realm. This is for you. I have finally gotten around to it, but sadly not before the second decade of the 20th century came to an end. But then I would have shown a picture of the AE projection map, particularly the proposed outer ring of the world, and then called it a day, of course, right there, Marilyn knew. I've looked at this and I go, is this a, is this picture faked? Like, is this, is she not really hold that up? And it's kind of a low quality image, but I haven't seen it challenged, interestingly enough. Now, some of you are thinking there can't possibly be an Antarctic ice wall if the moon map is the case. The moon map is totally legit and they're both anatomically correct. I'll do my best to show you why that is. Firstly, the firmament exists and the firmament is circular at its base if the moon map and tons of other researchers anything to go by. Conventional wisdom has antarctica being that circular base, though obviously we were being too small-minded, we were saying that it was just this, you know, ring around the earth. And then the firmament touches down there. The dragon swept a third of the stars from heaven in Revelation 12-4 and flung them to the earth. What is one third but 33? Oh dear, the beginning rank of any true Freemason is the 33 number. And so if I had to take a wild guess, I might say the AE map makes up 33% of the greater realm. It's a, it's a shot in the dark. I know, but I wouldn't be in the least bit surprise if that turns out to be true. And then I put a post edit here. It is true. All of it. My thought about our entire known realm being only 33% of the greater whole. I scrambled upon the following passage here in the legends of the Jews of Volume 1 and this is what it says. It takes 500 years to walk from the earth to the heavens and from one end of a heaven to the other. And by the way, this is also going to be talking about the seven layers of heaven. So there are literally seven heavens above us and these worlds might be way bigger than our own realm. I mean, we could be like this like central pillar, you know, and the layer above us could be 100 times bigger, right? They just keep getting, you know, they could, we don't know how huge these are. And it takes the same length of time to travel from the east to west or from the south to the north. Of all this vast world, only one third is inhabited. The other two thirds being equally divided between water and waste desert, the legends of the Jews volume one. And then you, and just by the way, when, you know, when you talk about wastelands, right, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's uninhabitable. It could, but it doesn't mean it. It doesn't mean that. And there you have it, read it and weep the 33 number. And then the other two thirds constituted desert wasteland, the hidden wilderness that we've been seeking. So you guys all know here about Barack Obama, you know, we don't have United Nations, we don't have time for the Flat Earth Society. That was one of the things that really got my attention when he was saying that during his presidency. And he kept saying it like all the time. I don't even know if he knew why he was saying it. I kind of think he was kind of just like given these, you know, given these lines, fed these lines and he just said it, like kind of, you know, barked it like a pet. But you can see right there, the United Nations, this is the World Health Organization. Of course, you see the AEMAP. You see the Laurel Reef around it, meaning that they have their control over this portion of the earth, the 33%. And of course, you know, you see the snake there, the staff of Hermes, all that. I won't go through all these scriptures because you guys are pretty aware of it by this point. And this is what I was talking about earlier with the, I've referenced this map so many times. And it's an incredible map. But what I like about Urbano Monte comes from a 1587. And of course, you know, you guys know that the one in there is an eye. So it's like eye 587. That's a side note. But in this map, he doesn't show Antarctica to be all ice. He actually shows living creatures. And you can see that there are actually a series of continents. It's not a ring. And so I'm wondering if on this map, he actually shows, at least a great portion of the Hidden Wilderness, the Blessed Land. And he's like smashing it, right? So it would be expanded way out all the way up. They're just being smashed into this ring all the way around it. Kind of interesting thought. All right, let's get past all this stuff. You guys can read this for yourself. And so here, this goes back to vibes of cause once again, this was his work. He did a great job at showing how you can see our part of the realm here, right, kind of to the stage, stage right. And he actually mapped out all the different bases on the globe earth, Antarctica, all the different entities, Britain, America, Korea, Spain, Japan, who I think Australia, whoever has a base here. And he actually showed where they all are perfectly down to the very mile on the, on the moon map, incredible. And so the idea of this ice ring, it's, it's, well, I'll show you the ice ring, you know, it's going to move over time. And I am also now the opinion that the idea of global warming, everyone's like global warming is a hoax. Well, it is and it isn't because there is studies out there. They're showing that the earth is hardening and freezing and that the glaciers are getting bigger. But then there's also research showing that they're melting. You're like, what's, what's going on here? Well, with what I'm going to show, for those of you who are new to this, that the sun and the moon actually move around the entire earth, but it takes like 27,000 years to do it. It's not, it's not something that is overnight, which means that true north will actually move over that same period, the sun through the zodiac, all that kind of stuff. But if the sun is moving on a circuit, it's going around and around and around. Can you see my mouse? You can kind of see it. Yeah, it's going around, around, around, over here. But it's, it's, you know, in, in 12 to 15,000 years, it's going to be on the opposite end of the earth. It's all going to be ice and darkness over here. You see what I'm saying? And so what's going to be happening is that you're always going to have, as the sun is pushing out, it's going to be melting over here as it goes around the clock and it's going to be hardening behind it. So I just wonder about that, that maybe we're seeing both the research of both instances happening. Of course, there's a quote here by Admiral Byrd. He says strangely enough, there is left in the world today in areas as big as the United States that's never been seen by human being. And that's beyond the pole on the other side of the South Pole from Little America. He's actually referring to, I believe, I don't think he's referring to Tara Vista over here on the left, where all these dots are with all these entities, I kind of think he's referring to that over there. There is a huge chunk of land that is traditional Antarctica that is as big as North America. And you could see way over here, North America, like I'm on the East Coast in North America. So when I look out at the straight out East, I'm actually looking at just straight water, like I would actually have to look to my North to look towards the head and wilderness. And of course, it works out like on a map too, you know, you have to fly to the North to get to Europe. All right, so now that I've kind of covered that right there, I'm skipping a little bit ahead just for lack of time. And the night is still young, just so you guys know. Moon map and the Prague clock. Back to the matter is we do have an ice wall. It is not constantly fixed in the North and South poles of the globe model as we are taught though. The location of our ice wall changes every so many hundreds or thousands of years, theoretically, and I stress here, theoretically, and at a crawling rather than breaking next speed, freezing new land in its path while simultaneously melting its hind trails as it moves along the outer edge of our realm. So try to explain something like this to the normies. It can't be done unless they are first willing to accept the reality of the flat earth. The flat earth is like just the breaking point of all truths. It just it just opens up the Pandora's box and everything comes out. The Prague astronomical clock, y'all willing, y'all willing, I'm going to take you guys on a tour of this next year. I'm going to go visit the Prague clock. It's on the deck of cards. It's on the schedule. The clipboard of fun to go to Prague clock. And I will attempt to show you how it works according to the moon map. Now, allegedly installed in the quote unquote medieval age, 1412 to be exact, that would be the high middle ages. The Prague clock is located in the Czech Republic and though not the first of its kind, it's said to be the oldest surviving in the world, which is impressive. So there were clocks before this is just the oldest that survived. It was built during the dark ages and people still struggle to understand it. LOL. And of course, medieval is code word for the millennial kingdom. They knew. Well, anyways, the clock mechanism has three main components. There's the astronomical dial representing the position of the sun in the moon in the sky. Statues of various saints, as well as notable a notable skeleton who represents death when striking the time and a zodiac calendar dial representing the months. I've stayed multiple times that death comes out of the medieval ages. And the idea of the grim reaper knocking the door appears to originate with the the plague of the Justinian plague of 5 was at 541 when almost the entire world was eliminated within like six months time. And the people that died were literally saying that they were visited by these spirits that would come in either whisper into their ear that their number was off up or they would tap them on the shoulder. And people were running into their homes and they were afraid to answer, they would hide in bed. And we have all these pictures, these paintings of people hiding in bed, and there would be a knock on their door and they wouldn't answer it for fear that it was death coming to get them. And so that was a real, real thing. At the outer edges of the clock face, golden Schwab, Swabaker numerals on a rotating ring present, present old check time with 24 indicating the precise moment of sunset. Well, next we see Roman numerals displaying a repeated run of X11 or 12 for morning and afternoon hours. The sun and the moon are counted for on the ecliptic. Look at where their dials meet. Hopefully everyone can see that picture there. They are fixed in place in the center of the clock forming a cross, a Latin cross. The inner circle contained within that cross, what is known as an ecliptic dial carousels around the entirety of the clock face. Each zodiac sign represents a month of a year with the vertical lines measuring five days. This is important because the zodiac is the clock face in the sky above us. Every year at the March equinox, the location of the sun within the zodiac determines what age we're currently inhabiting. There are of course 12 constellations of the zodiac if you need a refresher. It takes roughly 2,150 years for the sun to present itself among a new zodiac, zodiacal, if you want to call that constellation at the vernal equinox. That's just a rough estimate because the fact of the matter is so this clock here, it's showing the each of the constellations are equal in size. That's not actually true. That's not how it works out. Some constellations are much larger than others, meaning that the sun will stay in some ages longer than others. The big question on everybody's mind is like with the age of Aquarius now because believe it or not, the sun is actually not in. It's not actually touching the actual stars in the constellation. It's in the black part in between. The question everyone asks is where do you constitute the beginning of one age and the end of another? Really for most of biblical history, I would say most of post-diluvian history, we've only been in three ages. Let's see if we were in Aries, Pisces, and of course, I do think we're in Aquarius now. If you ever look into my Anunnaki research, I show that Aries was the age of Moloch, of Beil, according to the testimony of the Anunnaki, if they're testimony holds any weight. But it's interesting because with the age of Pisces, the age of Aries was destroyed, and that is, of course, the age of Messiah, Hushahama Shiyok, and the age of Pisces shows two fish. The age of Pisces was the age of the Millennial Kingdom, and I have noted, just when I was at the Smithsonian last a couple of weeks ago, and I showed that within the architecture, they're showing that they were in the age of Pisces, and they would show the two fish, and of course, the two fish are representative of the masculine and the feminine counterparts spiritually, the spiritual divine, and of course, you have the Holy Spirit right there, the Ruach Akkadesh being the feminine, so I like to tell everybody, she's been here all along. All right, anyways, so the grand procession lasts about 25,800 years in total. So the difficulty, as I mentioned, is in determining precisely when one constellation boundary ends and another begins, but I am thinking was designed that way so that the ages do blend together. So it is possible that we have one foot in the age of Aquarius and one foot in the age of Pisces, if that makes any sense to you. I think that actually makes a lot of sense. It's not like you just wake up one day and, oh yeah, it's like happy New Year blowing those little blowing things with the pointy hats, and the age of Pisces is over, right? Maybe it takes 50, 100, 200 years to kind of cross over from one to the next. The age of Ares was spoken about again in my Anunnaki ancient aliens paper, but then it is generally agreed upon that the sun passed from the constellation Ares to the constellation Pisces with the advent of Hamashiyok or Messiah, or perhaps even a century earlier before he showed up on the scene. The age of Pisces invokes the Vesica Piscus, the sacred divine. What is searchably true is that the sun has saluted us from Pisces throughout the span of Yhushas earthly life, as well as the Millennial Kingdom, not forgetting the intervening years of the little season where we find ourselves now, and everybody is wanting to know if and when the sun has entered the age of Aquarius. There's one more thing on the Vesica Piscus. Again, I talked about that a lot because when we're looking at medieval architecture, the cathedrals, it is dripping. It is like, it is like, if you take the divine and frees the divine into architecture, you're looking at feminine divine. It is all about the Holy Spirit through our concubish, our mother in heaven. So the very idea of the Vesica Piscus. I have seen any number of dates suggesting the starting dates of the age of Aquarius being 2012. That's a popular one. Those are my thoughts as well. Now some people are saying it won't show up for another couple hundred years. Some people thought it showed up, I don't know, 50 years ago, whatever. Some people think it won't happen for another couple of decades. But I think 2012 is a really good date. If we're going to say an affirmed, we are now in the age of Pisces, even if we have one foot in one and the other, it's 2012. Of course, 2012 is a year that potentially started the singularity event by which many parallel realities, like the one containing the barren stain bears, have begun to merge together. Quickly go over my Mandela effect with you guys, where I'm out with this, is that I don't necessarily see the Mandela effect as a negative thing. We all kind of start out with the whole, I don't know what CERN is doing, and I'm not making CERN up to be the good guys because in no way they are the good guys. But what I think is happening is that we're having a multitude of parallel realities that are kind of converging into one current. Like if you can imagine all these rivers coming together and dumping into a bigger river, and we're all coming from these, and so a lot of these things that we're looking at, we're actually real in another reality, like the wolf in the lamb or the lion. For me, it was the lion in the lamb, it always was. But I have shown that there is actually good doctrine. There are historical attacks that really break into the wolf in the lamb, and they show that there's a lot of great biblical research there. The three wise men are another favorites of mine, where during the dark ages, the Millennial Kingdom, they had this big thing on that they were three kings, they were two white guys and one black guy. They had names for them and everything. The song "We Three Kings" is basically based on the play of the three wise men of the three kings. And yet in my Bible, I grew up at the reality of they were just Magi from the East. But I never grew up at the We Three Kings' reality. Some people claim that they came from the Three Kings' reality, that they remember reading in their Bible that there were three kings. I don't deny that. I think that that's very likely a reality. And so we're kind of looking back at history and we're seeing sometimes what we call residue is actually a bleeding together of the two realities. And so we have this reality with the three wise men that there is the Magi reality and that there is the three wise men reality and they're just kind of ducked together and we have all these conflicting reports. Anyways, take the ecliptic dial off the Prague clock, apply it to the moon map and what do we see? A wheel within a wheel. For starters, everything pivots in accordance with the location of true north, which in turn rotates around Polaris, the very center of our own. The ring containing visible land masses represents the arctic circle that I was earlier reminding you of and the circle of the sun and the moon can be found within. Everything beyond the ring is the easily recognizable crescent moon, a popular symbol all over the world. I understand that there is crescent moon, symbology that is identified with a feminine divine goddess that is the counterfeit Holy Spirit. But I think it's silly at the same time to say, well, the crescent moon is evil. It's like, no, it's not evil. It's up in my night sky just because the enemy cannot create anything. They can only take what is good and they can corrupt it. So just because our controllers are using the crescent moon does not mean that the crescent moon is evil. That would be a ridiculous conclusion for anyone to come to. Anyways, let me read this again. Everything beyond the ring is the easily recognizable crescent moon, a popular symbol all over the world. That happens to be where the ice age resides at any given time. You guys following? At present, we find ourselves in the first picture right here. So you could see where the true north is right there. If you see my point that in, and it would really be, yeah, I guess that would be right about where maybe true north is right now. And so true north, the idea is that it goes around on this pink circle. It swings around and that within 12,000, 15,000 years, whatever, it's going to be down here on the bottom end. And the whole crescent moon is going to be flipped. Our side of the room will be buried. And again, theoretically, within 30,000 years or less, there will be archaeologists digging up our society over here. And all the sorts of propaganda that goes along with it and telling everybody about these ancient, whatever, that maybe the ancient aliens, I don't know, whatever the people who lived here and they'll be making up stories about us. So in so many thousands of years, perhaps in the age of Capricorn or Sagittarius, the circuit of the sun, the moon will have rotated around to the illustration on the right, bearing most of our known realm and ice and darkness. Those who insist the kingdom of heaven is eternal and that we therefore cannot possibly be post-millennial or are only partially correct. Don't get me wrong. They're absolutely true on the first claim. The kingdom is eternal. I can't state this enough. The kingdom is within and will never be broken. Jesus Christ, Yohushahamashiach, he is eternal. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. It is said, it's done, it's final. That is also not to say it's people aren't free to chase the warmer weather. My family high tails at the floor to every winter or in the case of our controllers is set apart or free to pursue the light of Mashiach on the other end of the world. The kingdom still exists and look at your window, why don't you? Ironically, it may just be our current sun with its endless platonic allegories, which actually proves to be the outer darkness after all. I'll be talking more about that tonight. Again, it takes something like 26,000 years, give or take so many decades for the entire cycle to play out, apparently. That's nearly four separate creation weeks. We're going by 7,000, the 7,000 year timeline deception. Three, if there are centuries of chaos and void between each reset event, which is what I seem to think. Whereas only darkness and the howling wind remains a constant. It makes you wonder if there truly are resets and renewed creation weeks every so many thousands of years while magnetic north rotates the heavenly carousel around the moon face, then how many earth-worn artifacts testified to the former inhabitants of our realm in the last go round? Did you get that? Imagine if Genesis 1 is a recreation of it. That's my contention. That's what I believe. There was chaos. There was void. There was darkness. How long was the earth under darkness? Was it just a few days? Was it a couple of years? Or could it have been 15,000 years? Could there have been some big destruction event? And then this whole process happens with the moon map and the sun, the moon go all the way around true north. It comes all the way around again and then boom, recreation event. See what I'm saying? When they're actually looking at some of these ancient, you can't see my bunny ear quotes, I guess, on this really thin camera. But when they're pointing out a lot of the ancient societies, are we possibly looking at something that really is? When they say this pottery is, I know. But what they're saying, this pottery is 30,000 years old or whatever it is, 60,000 years old. Well, that's all debatable. But at the same time, I'm kind of saying here going like, okay, so what? So what if it is? Maybe it is. Maybe those are the former inhabitants of the Serp. It's a possibility. Also, how do you suppose our controllers feel about this, knowing that their kingdom of dirt is destined to be discovered by a whole new regime of pimps and handlers in another 25,000 years or so? It's not like they can keep content hopping and migrating with the magnetic wheel of what I'm insinuating about the hidden wilderness is true. Seems to me that the weather would be an important topic as it's about to get but cold around here. The outer darkness. Here we go. Let's talk about this. I need a little bit more coffee. Give me a second here to refill a new little drink. I hope you guys are enjoying this. Everyone's having a good night or good afternoon or morning wherever you are in the world on the motion's plane. Nearly every theologian on the planet, and that's not a typo or a Freudian slip or anything like that. Nearly every theologian on the planet will disagree with me regarding the whereabouts of the outer darkness and know that wasn't a glitch. The spinning, wobbling glow which so many people hug to their bosom like comfort food or a nightlight is that location according to my best estimate. We're living it like the globe earth. That's the outer darkness. Oh, I'm very willing to be wrong about this. It's not really something that I could know for certain. All I'm doing is putting the puzzle pieces together on flat earth topography and the picture sure is coming together nicely. If I do say so myself. I mean this could be why another reason they created the globe earth deception. They wanted to of course hide the kingdom that Mashiach is in. They wanted to hide new Jerusalem but they wanted to hide the whole idea that we are literally in the outer darkness right now. You know because of uncleanliness and transgressions of the Torah and things like that. Only recently I asked you to pull the ecliptic dial off the Prague block and laid over the moon map and what did we see. Only a portion of our greater realm could be read at any given time. If you happen to lay it down upon its current coordinates which is say in league with the circuit of the sun and the moon then the circle of our known world remains visible whereas the greater realm is concealed by the crescent. I don't know if you notice but the crescent moon just so happens to be one of the most common symbols in the game of heraldry. I have included two coat of arms directly over the chapter hitting the outer darkness or this section just to start us off in the right foot so you can look at these again if you didn't see them. I mean I could just pull up pages and pages worth the pictures but they're everywhere. Of course we see this here to the symbol of Islam the crescent. Most people will turn immediately to Islam like likely in protest thinking what I'm trying to advocate can't be quite right. Especially since the crescent moon is a cake topper decorating the domes of mosques across the Islamic world. Well then the controllers of Islam have just as much right to play the controlled opposition game as the Pope of Rome but there is something that you should know though it is true that the crescent is allied with Islam and regarded as its symbol it is a recent association thanks in part to the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. If only afterwards did it become a symbol for Islam as a whole. That little no nugget of information only took me a moment to look up by the way. Wikipedia lays it out in one of its articles. It says right there the crescent is usually associated with Islam and regarded as a symbol the crescent and star symbol became strongly associated with the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. That's like the opening paragraph of Wikipedia. Only afterwards they become a symbol of Islam as a whole after the after the 19th century. That we are not told about the mud flood reset but they didn't they needed half to. The lights went out on the world stage and when they turned them on again the Muslims were craving the crescent movement the crescent moon in their lap. Like I said controlled thigh opposition get used to it. It is what it is it's the world we live in. Now the crescent is something that I think about often nowadays especially considering it's on the flag of my present home state of South Carolina. It is indeed difficult going anywhere without the wind flapping your face with it. What most people don't realize is that the modern flag wasn't adopted until January 26 1861 which would line up with the formation of the Confederacy. It is during that assembly meeting when they added the palmetto. I'm not sure why but if I had to guess it was to give the federal government as well as Lincoln's federal income tax the finger. It is they could call it against the finger state instead of the palmetto state. I will remind you that the present flag is the Confederate flag. I'm surprised they haven't changed it by this point like there hasn't been an outcry to change it. Prior to that the crescent had already been a prominent feature technically the flag's only feature. When South Carolina was a leading member of the 13 colonies individual named William Moultrie who we have a Fort named after here is accredited with the design in 1776. He employed it during the defense of Charleston. The Brits shot it down. A sergeant William Jasper raised it up to rally the troops and the rest is history. Why is liberty? So you can see right there. So there is the original South Carolina flag. It's the crescent moon. You could see like the out the darkness there. The outer darkness is actually our side of the realm. You see liberty there and of course they remove the liberty with the modern flag. Interestingly enough I don't know why they chose to do that. Why is liberty stitched into the crescent? I know what liberty is but do you know what liberty is? It just so happens to be scribbled precisely where the hidden wilderness resides. And so what were the original flag makers attempting to convey with a message such as that? That liberty is actually contained within the crescent. Considering all that we've learned it's difficult not reading the blessed realm in between the lines with something like that. Even among my own crew the idea that we are residing within the outer darkness may not always be easily accepted because who wants that? Actually it's since I wrote this it's amazingly accepted. A lot of people are talking about this. It's funny I put this in a paper like over two years ago and people keep emailing me all the time. Have you heard about this idea that we might be in the outer darkness? I'm like yeah I think you probably maybe heard that from my paper. I have been told that when I put that out there I was like I thought people are going to throw tomatoes at me. I'm like you know who else is suggesting this at this time. I've been told that the Prague clock proves us to be in the lit portion whereas the real estate symbolized by the crescent is the dark but that is not how the light of the moon works. Just looking up at the next waxing crescent white just look up at the next waxing crescent white on you or a waning for that matter. It is not difficult to see what portions of the moon are lit. We are not residing in the lit portion. No we're in the dark of the moon. Telling someone that they reside within the circle of the crescent coat of arms isn't necessarily a compliment. I totally understand that we have a sun to light up the sky some of the time but that just plays right into the hand of the shadowland allegory. Plato's cave and all that. Everything is but a shade of the true heavenly reality. The moon giving forth her own light should be your first clue. She doesn't need the sun. Well that's actually not entirely true. She does need the sun. She's powered by the sun but it's not a reflection of the sun as the Copernican say and I actually put there well technically she does it is for for energizing purposes so the sun energizes the moon and not because she's reflecting. Likewise every hidden wilderness reference that I can find insists the blessed land is somewhere on this earth well beyond the sun's horizon but that it is also illuminated from a light source far brighter than anyone in the sunlit world could imagine. We know the light of the world and who that is and that the darkness does not recognize it but also we went over that first but also the fact that the self giving light forms a crescent is easily explained and it and I will if you'll let me. So what did we see here? We see Genesis 1 16 and Ella he made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night he made the stars also and then Matthew 24 says this immediately after the tribulation lose days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the star shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken but then I just realized something I told you the moon gets forth her own light without backing up the claim. Somebody is bound to complain from the astronomy club say no more I've included Moshe's accounts of creation as well as Yuhush's prophecy of a coming tribulation and nowhere do I see a rock doubling as a reflector then again show me an actual ball that does what the physics people claim or the physicists for most of you this discussion belongs in a Hebrew cosmology 101 crash course and is all is all revealed well hang in there do something constructive while you wait on my explanation to the globe huggers because there's one in every crowd clean the house or or go jogging you know brush up on your research or something you know who you're dealing with thank you the management I have heard many ballovers claim mashiach didn't have the time to educate people about cosmology and so he simply agreed with Moshe so as not to argue because there was a cross to be hung from and there were already Greek philosophers to educate the simpletons on the subject actually I've heard that that explained many times they seem to overlook the inconvenient fact that he is the word which tells me that he actually dictated the two lights narrative to Moshe including all the laws and commands and everything in there but we are not allowed to connect those scripture verses in Sunday school in optics a caustic is a curve of concentrated light defined as the envelope of light rays reflected by a curved surface we all know about the rainbow after a rain shower the rainbow forms its arch because of the solid domino sky which it mimics the firmament a lesser known example though is what might be observed in a coffee cup the experiment is referred to as the coffee cup cup caustic and it's something you can do at home one which we are all capable of doing given a strong concentrated source the provided light will reflect off the inside of the cup forming a curved or crescent line it works because as Paul said in his vision the vision is Paul and I already linked you to it in this paper the blessed land is located in the furthest extremities of the earth where the firmament happens to touch down which with a place called oceanis and he actually says that it the blessed land is blessed land is beyond the sun and the moon beyond the circuit past the darkness past the ice where the firmament touches down and it just pure light there and he seems to be describing the coffee cup caustic and so if you need to see a picture of it again right there it is so you can see the crescent moon going around the earth the outer darkness is referred to on a few separate occasions throughout the bizora of Matthew the gospel of Matthew and I tend to take you through them though here are the references if you'd rather commit to a hidden wilderness bible study on your own they are Matthew 812 22 13 and 25 30 and here is the first mention and I say to you that many shall come from the east and west and shall sit sit down with Abraham and yet check and yacht a cove that would be Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth the emphasis seems to be on the kingdom of heaven arriving in one location only to how the rebels removed to another that other would be the outer darkness but then something that I never noticed until it was pointed out to me the other day is that the children of the kingdom would be the ones removed from the premises I mean I had read that before and always took it to mean you know the Jews of mashiach's generation but now I'm not so sure that may still be the case I'm not saying it's not I'm just wondering if the children of the kingdom are referring to the offspring of the millennial kingdom which is that would be us by the way I can totally see a scenario where the hidden wilderness with Abraham yet check yeah a cove and all the setup artists closed off from the world so as to prepare for Satan's release if ever there was an event which might cause me to weep and gnash my teeth then that would most certainly be the one we read this in Matthew 22 11 through 14 and when the king came in to see the gas he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garments and he said to him friend how did you come and heather not having a wedding garments and he was speechless then said the king to his servants bind him hand and foot take him away and cast them into outer darkness there shall be weeping gnashing of teeth for many are called the fewer chosen the dark the outer darkness has a second notable mention and it involves a wedding feast a man has found standing among the guests but without the proper attire when the king asks how he has arrived without a garment the man is speechless i am of the opinion that the wedding guests are dressed immortally with the ruach kakadesh which if i recall was noted earlier when commenting upon uh in my paul paper on his ocemus visit so when paul goes in his vision he goes to the the blessed land he sees all these people clowed it's like he says that it's almost like they would be naked but they're clothed in this attire that is basically the ruach kakadesh and i believe it's a like a purple a bluish purple hue uh that everyone is dressed in this is what you would be robed in with the holy spirit and like i say here these would be the very purple robes which adam and cha waha of the eve adam and eve were vested in before well you know removing them there was it they were dressed in them and then they removed them for explicit purpose i would explain why the guests didn't have the faintest clue why he was enclosed in the like and may not have even known until that that awkward back when pointed out to him it's not like he'd forgotten to pick the choir robe up from the dry cleaners in any way it seems pretty clear that the wedding is taking place in one precise location it's definitely not heaven and i would have said the whole of the earth was the venue at one time but then after everything we've gone through forming a mental image shouldn't be too difficult so again the guy's not in heaven whereas he's on the earth he's in a place of the kingdom and he's being removed to another place on the earth in the outer darkness one man is being removed in a scenario not millions upon millions or even billions of them he had entered a premises where he didn't belong even got questions dot org i don't quote from them often enough is pressed to admit that something is amiss here nearly all theologians claim the outer darkness is a reference to hell but apparently that's not the case this time around with the internet q and a people here is their quote perhaps the place of judgment is pictured as dark because of the absence of god's cheering presence hmm it then follows but very platonic of course it then follows with several bible memory verses for one side find myself shockingly in agreement with got questions dot org the outer darkness is a place of consciousness it isn't she all and it doesn't appear to be the abyss nor does it sound like the lake of fire though again those are all very uh of she all in the abyss are very dark places but i don't think that that's the outer darkness that there that is being referred to she all is dropped into the lake of fire in revelation 2014 once and for all we're not that point in history yet death itself is done away with the destruction is irrevocable it would it would be indeed strange for someone to be tossed into the lake of fire only to die and go to she all but then be extinguished once and for all on the lake of fire nor have i ever if you follow that that kind of circular logic nor have i ever seen a single reference to the lake of fire being a place of darkness the god questions cruise absolutely correct and suggesting a place of spiritual darkness and like i said they include bible verses let's look at them psalms and whittle forces this you hide your face they are troubled boom there is right there you hide your face they are troubled you take away their breath they die and return to their dust you send forth your ruach they are created and you renew the earth so we are enlightened with the ruach with the holy spirit the ruach akadesh but we see people just darkened just their their faces their minds they're they can just read the bible they can open it up and they could just then turn and tell you that they're reading the bible tells you that the 99 that the 1% says that we are to disregard the 99% that you are not to be obedient to yah like that that's not you know like seitan actually wants you to be obedient to the bible i hear this almost daily from common to get online it's the most ridiculous thing these are people living in the outer darkness who cannot see the light it's so evident when you open up the bible of what it commands us to do it so anyways that's a good verse psalms 104 29 through 30 the hidden darkness is quite possibly a place where yah wahat elahim or i should say allahi on there hides his face it may even be a state of mind the reason i can say that is because of the passage which the bible q&a people follow up with they put this in here yokanan rishan 15 to be first john this then is the message which we have heard of him and declaring to you that elahim is light and in him is no darkness at all if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth so you can actually live in you could walk about in the outer darkness by claiming you live in the lights but you are in turn you know in turn you are not living as you are to not being obedient to you there for walking the darkness a clear contrast to the hidden wilderness in the outer darkness is given in the stride of the individual it is not where he is walking so much as in how he is walking i've said it before and i might as well do so again people keep asking me for directions to the hidden wilderness well read first john's then he's already given the coordinates the problems that very few people like the answer we either live in accordance with the light now or we lie to others as well as to ourselves and thinking we will never we will ever rise above the present darkness first john 2-11 the next chapter says this be he that hates his brother is in darkness and he walks in darkness and knows not whether he goes because that darkness has blinded his eyes the problem with light in the outer darkness if this is indeed the outer darkness and i'm growing more convinced that it is by the moment is getting people to recognize the street signs the illiteracy is by design a spiritually blind person is someone who has been excused from yahua's favor he walks about thinking he's inhabiting inhabiting a spinning wobbling lobe hurtling at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour through a vacuum of infinite space because the truth of our cosmology as well as the greater realm has been removed from him so that even the simplest observation regarding the flat horizon horizon goes in one ear and out the other the wool has been pulled over nearly everyone's eyes it had to be that way i believe it was by yahua's design yahua employs the use of darkness to conceal his holiness from those who'd rather not take part in his set of part ways it is a state of mind but it is also a place that is made abundantly clear in the closing chapter of the bible in which we read the following looks like i have two quotes here from revelation revelation 22 says i'll start with over here on the right verse 15 blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life hmm and may enter in through the gates into the city so that there's there's there's one requirement there for two different things if you want to eat from the tree of life or have a right to the tree of life and enter through the gates of the city blessed are they that do his commandments that's straight up dudorami guys the blessing and the curse first that are those who don't do the commandments they will be cursed they will not have a right to the tree of life nor will they enter to this the gates of the city see how that works for without or for without the city are the dogs and sorcerers and warmongers and murderers and idolaters and whosoever loves and makes alive let's see what it says over here in the next chapter or later on in the same chapter 22 23 to 27 it says and the city had no need of the sun neither the moon to shine in it for the void of elahine dead lights in it and the lamb is the light there and the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it and the kings of the earth you bring the glory and honor into it and the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day for there shall be no night there and they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it and there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defiles neither works abomination nor makes a lie so you could see there that there is still uncleanliness and that the city itself is only clean but they which are written in the lambs seper of life the context of both of these verses is in y and no i'm not referring to new york uh new yorish lain though i really like our why better renewed yorish lain nothing impure nor abominable abominable can enter the city and we have already seen those who lie in first john they are walking about in the darkness completely clueless to the light the other thing which john mentions are the sorcerers the murderers idolaters the horrors something about dogs and there are the liars again the liar liar pants on fire part once again reminds us that they may be self illuminated but they are still but they still wander around slapping for a light switch in the dark i'm getting the impression that they're still living i mean that's the impression i'm getting they're not dead these aren't dead souls and sheal i have i have long felt this way it's just it wasn't until rather recently when i set out to uncover the outer darkness that i realized what is happening here the sinners aren't sitting around in a ditch upset at the fact that nobody is sending them an invite no it's not like that at all after everything we've been through i shouldn't even have to explain this to you they haven't the faintest clue all right we're going to end on this section tonight phases of the moon and church cycles the moon map is only observable when she is fully radiant with light she then becomes a waning moon and her light diminishes we must then wait around for an entire cycle waning and waxing before the map of our greater room can be observed again what gets it was not always intended to be so it is my personal thesis that lady luna was created to shine brightly in all her glory all the time never waning nor waxing the fact that her light diminishes as a result of her transgression i remember how i started out saying that even though the moon cannot be landed upon i do believe that the moon is a divine being a lady i will be sure to show you where i'm pulling my information from we will then settle into the implications before doing so i might as well address the lunar-shaped elephant in the room does the Hebrew month or the kodesh as it is known begin with a crescent moon or full moon i'm asking now right now as i give this presentation i'm almost mac dab in the middle of the fall feast some of you if you are keeping the crescent moon you've uh you may be through the fall piece now we're just about to of course some of you are in the in a 13 month year and you know i'm not looking for fighting words here as to who has the right correct calendar i am under the impression or the belief now that the full moon is the start of any given month and it's what i go by this year and uh what we buy i think last year as well now modern Judaism says the waxing crescent is it it's the start of a month and they may be right or the record the Islamic calendar happens to agree with Judaism contrary there is very good research which indicates the full moon is the biblical new moon at this point in my career i have yet to take an official stance on either position uh really in terms of calendars um though more often than not my mind drifts to the calendar of the Essenes one which i'll be talking about more next year i think after all both yokanan and yahushama shiok that would be john and in jesus christ may prove to be Essenes after all and guess what they believed in the at least in fields model of earth cosmology telling us that the moon map would be right up their alley to the Essenes you see the calendar was not based upon the movement of the moon the moon was never intended to direct our months which is why i according to the Essenes according to some calendars out there which is why which is why i was saying imagine a world in which lady luna had retained her full illuminated glory all the time it would certainly if we were going off of a a month a lunar calendar it'd be much harder to keep track of um i mean i guess you could i guess you could you know say well the sun is over here on the horizon the moon's over there on the horizon so there's we're gonna start a new month and yahua made two great luminaries and they were equal in glory 20 in one years less 602 and 770 parts of an hour and afterwards the moon recited against the sunny false report and she was diminished and the sun was appointed to be the greater light to rule the day and the moon to be the inferior light to rule the night and the stars that comes from genesis 116 and the jim and the jonathan targum or the you could say the air make targum the moon as it turns out has a biography to give on the fourth day the sun and the moon were created to be equal in glory according to the air make targum the moon's diminishing would not happen for another 21 years the reason being is that she recited a false report against the sun what is this false report we are not told the immediate takeaway however is that creation is repeatedly documented as a collective body of conscious spirits all of which are imbued with free will my regular readers will know better than to criticize me for having the targum at my disposal it is most certainly jewish though i'm about to show you where even the ancient christians overlapped on this and this is what i'm always looking for i love to read all the just the ancient texts and just see where they are in agreement and where they're if they're in disagreement so where is this from let me look here this is oh i know where this is from this is from questions of bar talmai who which is i think originally the gospel of bar tholomim and he yuhusha took them and brought them again into the mount of olives the context here is that this is after his resurrection during his 40 year reign on the earth i'm sorry his 40 day not his 40 year his 40 day ministry reign upon the earth and kipa is sent to maryam who i believe here is mary magdalene not mary the mother you that are highly favored and treats the lord or i put yahawa here that he would reveal into us the things that are in the heavens and maryam sent into kipa oh stone hewn out of the rock did not the lord build his church upon you go ye therefore first and ask him and kipa said oh tabernacle that are spread abroad and maryam said you are the image of adam was not he formed first and then cha waha then eve look upon the sun that according to the likeness of adam it is right and upon the moon that because of the transgression of cha waha it is cloudy for alahayim placed adam in the east and cha waha in the west and appointed the lights that the sun should shine on the earth and to adam in the east and his fiery chariots and the moon in the west should give light unto heva or cha waha there heva would be the i guess Aramaic with a countenance like milk and she defiled the commandment of the lord or yahawa therefore was the moon cloudy and her light was not bright you therefore since you are the likeness of adam ought to ask him but in me was he contained that i might recover the strength of the female now when they came up to the top of the mounts and the master was withdrawn from them a little space kipa said into maryam you are she that has brought to not the transgression of cha waha changing it from shame into joy it is lawful therefore for you to ask bartalmai is the Hebrew name for bartalmian case you're curious and also questions of bartalmai in its current iteration is a hatchet job i've talked about this a few times as historical documents go i already covered this passage in my mary magdalene's second eve paper and showed why the maryam in this story has all the personality traits of maryam of migdo or mary magdalene not mary the maria the virgin mother and give it a read to keep this short questions of bartalmai tell uh tell my may prove to be the long lost gospel of bartalmai which was essentially ousted as a heretical text and and though maryam of migdo was initially deemed to be a second eve or cha waha in the paili vivrou to yahusha's second addon the rcc later scrubbed her part from history placing maryam the mother in her stead and this is one of the reasons why this whole text is a hatchet job i mean i pointed out that this woman here is not the personality in any way shape or form of mary the mother this is clearly mary magdalene teaching the disciples during those 40 days the tampering is so patently obvious that many translators won't even touch the text particularly on the basis that we have greek glattin and slavic manuscripts copies which very considerably in the wording chosen though i still feel it has merit what is evident is that in this text we just read read don't don't get lost in the weeds what is evident is that maryam and pick your maryam the mother or mary magdalene is described by kefah the rock as a tabernacle and i suspected originally red tower and that her celestial representation was the moon whereas his and the size was the sun take a mental note of that also worth mentioning is that the latin has maryam describing the moon in cloudy terms as a result of her transgression which is how i take it to mean though some other documents have the moon becoming stained with clay and you are free to choose whichever description you feel is most accurate what is particularly fascinating in both witness accounts questions of bar tao mai as well as the genesis target is that the moon's fate directly corresponds with that of cha waha or eve when the mother of all living transgress against the commands so did luna her representative luminary therefore women in the moon are inexplicably linked together just as men in the sun are that's not the end of it though what i'm about to show you may seem like a dead-end breadcrumb trail at first but hear me out to the end as my conclusion cannot be fully understood without so this comes from the revelation of moshay then cha waha says to them listen all my children and my children's children and i shall relate to you how our enemy deceived us it came to pass while we were keeping paradise so we kept each the portion allotted to him by allahayam that would be by god and i was keeping in my lot the south and west and the doubt and the devil went into the lot of adam where the male wild beasts were since allahayam parted to us the wild beasts and had given all the males to your father and all the females he gave to me and each of us watched his own and the devil spoke to the serpent saying arise come to me and i shall tell you a thing in which thou may as be of service so according to cha waha's own testimony in revelation of moshay she was given the south west portions of paradise to tend to as well as the female animals adam the north east and the male animals you figure the the boys and the girls had meetups once in a blue moon or else how were babies ever intended to be born from them and i actually think it was probably in the moon cycle i mean the the sun would overlap the moon and then they would be together and then it would pass behind again and so once a month you might have the sight this this you know the male and the female coming together eternally it's passages like what we just read that makes me wonder if as representative priests of humanity and i just said this year adam and cha waha only came together in the garden when the sun and moon united on their 28-a circuit that may seem odd to you at first but there are reasons for thinking so we are given yet another witness to work with through the writings of baruch and it is baruch which seems to tie it all together this is what he says in chapter nine of his book i think this is third is this third baruch third baruch chapter nine and they having retired the night also fell and at the same time came the chariots of the moon along with the stars and i baruch said aden i show it show me it oh so i beseech of the how it goes forth where it departs and in what form it moves along the angel said wait and now shall see it oh so shortly and on the morrow i also saw it in the form of a woman and sitting on a wheeled chariots and there were before it oxen and lambs the chariot in a multitude of angels in like manner and i said aden i what are the oxen and lambs and he said to me they are they oh so are angels isn't that an interesting idea that the oxen and the lambs are angels and in my on an ocky research i showed that the idea was in the samarian culture that lambs or you know sheep actually originated from heaven which at first you're like what but it's kind of interesting in the air-maked tardom when a Abraham binds get shack the ram actually comes down from heaven it was reserved in heaven and it ties back to the idea anyways that that that animals came from store houses in the heavens potentially but according to on an ocky literature the the sheep weren't actually get from on an ocky on the earth so every time you see a the sheep out there just you note that they are alien creatures and again i ask why is it that it at one time increases but at another time decreases talking about the moon and he said to me listen oh baruch this which thou sees has been written by allahayam beautiful is no other and at the transgression of the first adam she was near to samayel and that would be the same entity i believe it's a dazzle she was near to samayel when he took the serpent as a garment and she did not hide herself but increased and allahayam was angry with her and afflicted her and shortened her days and i said and how does she not also shine always but only in the night and the angel said listen as in the presence of the king the courtiers cannot speak freely so the moon and the stars cannot shine in the presence of the sun where the stars are always suspended but they are screened by the sun and the moon although she is uninjured she is consumed by the heats of the sun now gave a presentation years ago now on the seven firmments of heaven and the case was made as to why i suspect chakwaha's transgression happened during the 10th hour of the day moon's before sunrise furthermore it happened precisely when the sun is about to lap the moon on the 28 day circuit indicating a waning crescent in the present lunar cycle the sun was precisely behind the moon when she peered down and caught sight of samayel clothing himself with the serpent for a garment just as adam was directly behind chakwaha so this kind of goes with my theory that if adam and eve were only to get together when when the sun lapsed the moon and they come together where we get a lot of our you know like eclipses and such um that it was right as the sun was about to touch the moon when satanayel or azazel satan he came in you know clothed with the serpent and he transgressed with her all right and i put a link there to serpent seed like the mother of all living the moon increased when she should have hidden herself from the unfolding scene so it's this idea that like you know kind of the moon act in a very shameful way like she increased herself right it's almost like this idea of undressing and showing herself she's so excited by what she's seeing this gossip that she's seeing with chakwaha what eve is doing with the serpent when she should have hidden herself she should have like instead of going back and telling the sun what was happening from a gossip perspective she should have like run to the sun and hit herself and what's more she involved the sun in the incident just as chakwaha and thought to invoke adam as above so below or contrary on earth as it is in heaven which is why to this very day the moon is a self-illumining light which isn't simply screened by the sun thereby diminishing in the firmament no she is she also receives her strength from him and the feminist will not be pleased to hear of it all right well i'm going to be ending on this note tonight the the person most capable of summing up the situation with the moon and her waning light as it pertains to the moon map is the medieval mystic hildegard of virgin i recently quoted from her my lady in the unicorn paper if you haven't seen that presentation please go check it out it's one of the my most favorite things i ever wrote um people are like ah let you know like the unicorn lady in unicorn but there is so much there that just gives like defining character to what i believe was going on in the millennial kingdom among the priests and kings and i cited that she may in fact be millennial kingdom residue and in that one you may recall she attributed the moon to woman and so let us review that she says woman is weak looks up to a man to provide for her just as the moon receives his strength from the sun for this reason she is subjected to man and should always be prepared to serve him for by the works of her knowledge she covers man because she was fashion for both flesh and blood unlike the man who was originally clay so it's kind of interesting this idea that the the moon became clay like again um when you know the moon didn't start out as clay so you see how that works uh you know woman started out as divine and then she became like the earth which adam started out as on this account even in his nakedness he looks to woman to clothe him holy guard has so many random interleaked quotes in her arsenal of prophetic work they would seriously take a book to dissect them all it i i literally have several books by her and i've read them and i love her work it is incredible um it is so just it's not like just pulling out cs louis quotes it is so involved and the whole thing just connects to the whole greater body that you know i could show you one like one passage as she talks about and it connects to like 20 other things and you're like okay how does this connect to that and like you just have to read it to know it it's it i've had a very difficult time kind of picking her apart that's why i've yet to write a paper on her i want to so bad and it's just one of those those like a mind of a woman you know that like it's hard to penetrate that mind to get into it but then once you get into it can you ever get out she's just an amazing woman anyways um i would prefer that you read her stunning catalog for yourself and if not then you will have to take my word for it when i tell you that held a guard saw the moon as a feminine representation of eve and also of woman and that furthermore the chlesia the church was feminine deriving her light from the sun rather than the sun that the s o n the son of god the son of Elohim alhamm rather than the the sun in the sky now to quote her again hence man contains in himself the likeness of heaven and earth in what way well he has a circle which contains his clarity breath and reason as this guy has its lights air and birds that comes from skivius book two vision one hildegard wasn't simply being figurative when she insisted that the entire cosmological model was circular as it resided under the firmament and you can see here that she always is making mandalas these these circular uh sacred geometry that you know once you go into that mandala it is a uh a microverse within the macro or like you could say the macro expands from the micro right it's just it's this in this possibility within this very small space and these are the the rose windows that we see in all the cathedrals and of course it represents the third eye that you you go into this sacred space make things happen else where she referred to cosmology is egg shape but that is only because the soul of man is a mandala of cosmology a fertile and ever expanding macroverse residing within the microverse as i just said and that is to say man contains within himself a soul with the potential for heaven though he be clothed in the garments of the earth and the garment was made for him by a woman and of course even if it is the millennial kingdom which has our focus try not to forget that the kingdom of heaven is ultimately an only experience from within so as we have this discussion about all the millennial kingdom came and went well the heck that the kingdom of heaven is still found within you can still experience it within hopefully i need a quote from her again when telling you that the sun signifies the son of god who brought light to the world and likewise the moon is the ecclesia receiving her strength and her light from the sun therefore the moon waxes and wanes with the high and low tides of the ecclesia this is what i really want to end on tonight okay i want you to think about this when you look out there at the sky and you see the moon waxing and then waning to it to a dark moon and then waxing again to a full moon and what the moon is we refer back to what Eve did the transgression of woman and man and how the moon has diminished its light but if we can see the moon itself as the ecclesia then and the millennial kingdom in the thousand year reign the fact that we are in the short season in the outer darkness the moon i'll say again the moon waxes and wanes like with the high and low tides just like if you ever been to the beach water goes down then it goes up of the ecclesia particularly as it pertains to the progress or the regression of her virtues and moral more failures in the pages of his story when the ecclesia is shimmering at its full the hidden wilderness can be seen and enjoyed by all as even renewed your bush lying is disclosed the moon isn't simply a map in the stars highlighting the existence of the blessed land from time to time but a gps coordinate located within the very microcosm of our soul within the mandala of our soul second adam and second chao cha waja have already shown us how to get there all right i hope that was informative for everybody hope you guys enjoyed that feel free to email me write me if you have any questions i try to respond some people ask me to write a book for them i can't do that with my schedule but again we'll we'll do this again probably this thursday night friday night will be your going through deuteronomy do this again next week love you guys have a great week