The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

393 | Torah Portions Week 50 | Crossing Over, Hellmouth, Spirit of Amalek, MK Sabbath Rest, Leviathan

Hebrew Match Dating: Help Support TUC Ministry and Widow Fund September 2024: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

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30 Sep 2024
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Hebrew Match Dating: Help Support TUC Ministry and Widow Fund September 2024: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

We did it. We made it through another week. And you guys know what that means. Shabbat Shalom, everybody. I'm going to give everybody on the Internet a big hug right now. Thank you for being here. Thank you for making this your tradition in your home. Of course, all praise goes to our Father in Heaven, Allah. And of course, Yahwaha, who I'm thankful that he created a people through Abraham through Isaac and Yaakov Jacob and he delivered them from Egypt and made the people Israel Israel by which we can be grafted into. And of course, YAHushah Amashiyak, who I am under the impression. I am leaning in the direction favorably so that YAHushah is Yahuwah, Yahuwah, the God of the Old Testament. The heat is the same. The heat upheld his end of the bargain. His end of the covenant he made with Abraham fulfilled it. I'll be talking tonight about how he freed people from Shul. So grateful for that. We're doing an experiment this week. Hopefully this will be an ongoing thing. I am broadcasting live right now on YouTube, on Facebook and of course, on Discord. Hopefully everyone can hear me on Discord right now. So I'm giving people three different outlets to listen to me live or watch later on. Maybe next week I'll be on Twitter. I think it's called X now. It just shows you that I'm not on X very often, but hopefully next week we'll work that out. We are in week 50s. We got just a couple weeks left of our tour portions and then we are done. Before we start it tonight, let me just show you a couple of things here. I did show this in the past weeks. This is Pamela's latest translation of the paleo Hebrew song of songs. Get your copy now. We are only selling this in paperback. When I say now I'm not trying to make a song Sabbath. I hope everyone understands that. Wait until Sunday, whenever you're Sabbath ins. And we will be doing a study on this very soon. I said that was the latest. Actually, this is Pamela's latest Psalms three. The word on the gossip train is that she's actually already working on Psalms volume four. There will be five volumes in total and I have not cracked the code, but apparently the Psalms somehow. Translate with Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy. Again, I haven't cracked that code, but apparently they are supposed to line up. So if I figure it out, you'll be the first to know what else do I have to go over? I just want to throw this out there. The fundraiser. You can see where we're at right there. You can look at those numbers and thank you everybody for your contributions. And I've said this before that if everybody who listened to me, if they were to give to this mystery $10 a month. That is for all the videos that we put out, like three a week, $10 a month. And we would be good to go. As you can see here, it's like 12 people. I can almost count them on both hands that are just. I'm so grateful for you guys. Thank you very much. Everybody who is keeping us afloat. And again, if you're new here, we support Rebecca who runs our store. She edits our book. And we are bringing Pamela to the best of our ability under wings. Pamela is the one that is translating the payload Hebrew of which we will be going through tonight in Deuteronomy. She is on a true calling. And anything that when we meets our budget, you know, we're able to pay for Rebecca and of course myself and my family, anything on additionally on top of that, we give to Pamela. And I'm hoping we can give her a nice check this this month. So if you op it's up on your heart, please give and Pamela, I know will be. I don't know how she's getting by. So we hear stories about groceries that just end up on her front step and that kind of stuff and she's still charging ahead. All right. Oh, before I do go into this tonight because I will forget. I wanted to show this here if you tuned in on Tuesday night when I did my kingdom first I did talk about this. This was at the Smithsonian. I was on vacation last week I gave gave my tour portions broadcast from Virginia last week. Feels great to be home. It was an amazing week. So I probably walked 10 miles a day easily, but this right here is just, I want this wood carving in my house I want to make it into like a lamp or something. And I'm sure it's worth millions of dollars but I was just, I was just like a little kid in a candy store when I walked into these sections where it was the late middle ages all the artwork from there. And if this doesn't look straight out of Lord of the Rings. For those of you who have tuned in the rings of power which I will be commenting on tonight during my tour portion, but look right there. There's the green man that looks like the green man on his, his chest armor, his breastplate, if you want to call it. You see two lines there looks like the lines of Judah. And what's great about this individual is he's unidentified nobody knows who this guy is he just called the medieval saint. And they had a lot of these unidentified people they look very angelic very interesting. And fits right in with my research I would just blow it away by that love it. All right, let's get right into it tonight. We are in Deuteronomy 50 20 chapter 26 through 29 eight it's also called the table. We still do have tickets available for the Passover retreat. In Lakeport Smith Arkansas March 26 through 30. There are a couple individuals if you're listening know who you are you texted me I need to get with you to arrange to get you guys tickets. And somebody else actually contacted me today as well. So if you want to go because I know the way I kind of I did this this year we're selling it by the bed and every bed is different and some people are a little confused. So most of the the the couples rooms have gone by this point there are a couple left. Maybe just one left actually. Just get in contact with me email me or get on discord and just you'll contact me. And I want to work with you to arrange to to make it work. All right. Of course he brumatch calm that is through talk that is our dating website for all you tour observance out there who are of course looking for your your help me your partner your Eve or your Adam. And you want someone to help you walk the commands out in this life Hebrew match. It's free to sign up only takes few minutes go check it out. Something I missed last week. I did talk a little bit about the cross dressing I kind of botched it. And I wanted just to cover this really quickly. And this wasn't due to me 22 and it says the implements of a guitar shall not exist upon a woman and a bar will not quote himself in the outer garments of a woman for an abomination. And so, yeah, why your Ohio is all who fashioned this right so this is the the cross dressing passage. And I was I think I kind of botched this last week because I'm getting more and more fascinated with the town mood and let me explain. You either you most usually most people will villainize it and for good reason. You get into a lot of tour circles and you get some people who get really into the time moodic literature and they kind of get lost in it right. And what you who's on the sheet did I could I could pull up plenty of scripture versus where he is going after the Pharisees and specifically for them adding to the commands doing away with the commands creating their own traditions, tradition, tradition, tradition. He doesn't go after them for their commentary on maybe history things like that he's you know it's they were making it very difficult and in fact for rabbinical Judaism there is no Torah apart from the town. Of course Christianity has done away with the Torah too so really both parties in a sense have done away with the Torah. You know custom designed it into whatever whatever they prefer, whatever is most convenient to them. And so this passage here it's called Nazar 59 a one. This is negative points for the town mood. And I'm always trying to kind of cross reference okay what is what is time literature have to say about this. So this is what they say now this is a little course. I'm not trying to be crude I mean this is just the town mood okay I'm just reading to you what they say about cross dressing. Some say a different version of the statements Rabbi Hayabar Abbas said to the Rabbi Johan on said a man who removes the hair of the armpits or the cubic hair is flogged due to the prohibition. A man shall not put on a woman's guard so you see what they just did there. So literally the passage is saying don't dress up like a woman you know don't make people under the impression that you're a woman don't be you know don't go the trans route. And now they're saying well yeah well don't you're going to be flogged if you if you remove your armpit hair. Because the Gomara raises an objection from a barata the removal of hair is not prohibited by Torah law, but by rabbinic rabbinic law that's helpful to know. Halvin does Rabbi Johan and say that he is flawed which by definition is a punishment for individuals who have transgressed a Torah law, the Gomara answers it is he who said this halakah in accordance with the opinion of that Tana. As it is taught in a barata a man who removes the hair of the armpit or the pubic hair violates the prohibition of the man shall not put on a woman's garment so this is just telling you right here that within the rabbinical community like they're just like why are you you know why are you doing this. I mean you could you could say the same thing about women now I guess you know women are allowed to shave their legs I mean I don't want to get too personal because maybe there's some households where you don't that's up to everybody to make that decision for yourself. And that's what we're talking about when you people get zealousness is a good thing we want to have zealousness to guard the commands but being over zealous means and now we are making it more and more and more of a burden on people well beyond what the intense of the transformative document of the Torah is capiche okay let's move on with the night. I am going to I had stated a few weeks back that I am encouraging everyone to send in your testimony a video testimony. It could be your path through the Torah or it could be some truth that has transformed your life and you know that has brought you closer to Yah. A couple weeks ago I played one and I'm going to be playing another tonight. This is from Mel and she was if you recall about three, four weeks ago she was part of a panel where we discussed the feminine Holy Spirit so without further ado you'll see me on camera I'll be on the side. Please don't pay attention to me I'll just be sipping coffee here. But here she is without further ado. And I have a YouTube channel which is called Yah's Garden. About 10 years ago I started to. Let me try that. Let me try that again. I think the video needs to catch up with the voice so let's try that again. Hopefully I'm not coming in too choppy for anybody. I am like I said because I'm on multiple platforms right now I'm kind of concerned with the Wi-Fi speed. Hopefully. Hopefully it's going okay for everybody hopefully I'm matching up it looks like a maybe I'm not matching but my voice right now so let me know if there's any complications. Mel loves ya and I have the YouTube channel which is called Yah's Garden. About 10 years ago I started to really hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and our Father and the Messiah. We are all together saying now when are you going to be done with this wicked lifestyle. The weight of my sin finally got so heavy like it barely moved or breathed and I was married and I was barren. And now after learning more about Yah's within the breath studying and being given more understanding I know why I was born. I was leading a life since I was going to a Baptist church I was seeing the choir was singing up front on the stage. I really thought I was doing well even though in my heart I knew I was deceiving myself. But there was something missing I got to my knees and I just heard the voice of the Father when I did an altar call. They call you down and ask if you want to give yourself and give your life to Jesus. Of course I had no idea about the deception of the names or anything. So I went down got down to my knees and I just asked please take this weight off of me change my life I'm going to submit to you. And from that point on I was asked by the Holy Spirit the Father I was asked to confess all my sins to those who I had hurt my husband. I had to transgress the covenant of marriage with my husband. And according to the law of scripture he would have every right to write me in a bill of divorce. I was not yoked in in my heart. But the Father said and I heard the rule of sin. Walk in obedience to me to whom much is given much is required and I will give you much but I will require your confession. First I had no matter how painful and sorrowful that time was. I felt peace that the Father was going to be with me no matter what that I would never be alone. It would never be left alone. Even though I was a terrible wretch that he was going that he was forgiving me and that I had a place in his house. But I had to be obedient to him. And he was number one because of the mercy that my husband had in his heart for forgiveness. He became my covering. Then the adoption of our first child Noah beside and there was just enough issues to where we were very concerned that our son would be taken away. But through that trial, YAH built a faith foundation. He was building the foundation of faith and trust in him and that he could deliver. And he did mighty miracles. I mean supernatural miracles that we had to fire an attorney and we supernaturally brought to the right attorney that wrote the law and the state that we lived in. It was unbelievable and the adoption and all the legal fees were paid for by YAH through supernatural works. So he was building our faith and trust in him even though we still didn't know his name. We still weren't walking in the commandments and the covenant and we were still going to a Baptist church with blinders on earth. And he brought us to a young girl who had a 10 month old baby who had no family support at all and she was pregnant. We met with her and a few months later she decided that first of all she didn't abort the baby that she could have done when she was going to do. And she wanted us to parent the child for her and to adopt the child. So we formed a relationship with this young girl. She had an ultrasound. We discovered that she was having twins, two blessings. Now the most amazing thing about that is YAH was still building my faith because I was doubting that she was going to follow through. I thought she was going to change her mind and when I heard those words on having twins come out of her mouth. I heard the Holy Spirit say you see I can do more than you could ever ask for a magic. Then COVID happened the girls were born they were still babies I was studying scriptures I had just read the book of Revelation I was digging in deep to the Greek meanings of the words and pharmacia and sorcery. And the 2020 vision came and I saw this was a wickedness coming over the world. First I jumped onto the rapture band wagon and I wanted to know everything about the rapture because that's what I was taught. So we left the church officially and my husband just let me kind of read that decision. And then as I was you know learning how to be a mother my son was three and I had babies and I was trying to figure out how to be a mother how do I let my husband be the husband. I don't understand the dynamic that the father wants I was so confused about it. And through all that I was questioning the rapture. Those who get snatched away were compared in scripture in the literature just like the firstborn that were snatched away in the plagues of Egypt without having the blood over the doorposts. Those who get snatched away are those who are not in covenant with a father. My mind was blown everything that I was taught everything I believe was wrong. And then I was led to the Sabbath and when I found the Sabbath and I studied the scripture and it was plain as the words on the pages. I'm so many pages hundreds of pages where it talks about the covenant that's everlasting and forever. And the Sabbath the veil was removed and the names came. And boy was that a hard time because we came under so much fear. All time the names of the father and the son and the ruah hakadesh were to be immersed in. With the great commission go out and immerse them in the name of the father. The name of the son Yeshua and the name of the ruah hakadesh. You have to learn the names and then you immerse yourself in them and that's hard because you come up against the enemy. It does not want you to know these truths. And then I understood why Paul was so confusing. I understood why they used his words to confuse people because we were all babes on milk. We hadn't studied the Torah, the instructions of our father. And it's the instructions of our father and the instructions of our Messiah that the good shepherd who leads us into all truth. And now esteem me with your self father with the esteem which I had with you before the world was. And I have revealed your name to the men whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours and you gave them to me and they have guarded your word. Those who belong to him are those who guard his word and that know his name. I shall ask the father and he shall give you another helper to stay with you forever. The ruah of the truth from the world is unable to receive because it does not see or know him or her. That word in the Greek has been changed to a neutered or neutral pronoun which as Brother Jason showed if you watched our video about the feminine Holy Spirit which I hope you do. It shows where they changed it. It used to be a feminine pronoun. And it's all about the Holy Spirit being feminine because the world does not know her. But you know her, for she stays with you and she'll be with you. I shall not leave you orphans. I am coming to you. So we started as a barren family. But then Yatha and the way through adoption to bring in three beautiful children. And this year she brought in a fourth, Judy, an adult with disabilities who's been an orphan since early childhood is now living with us at our home. She's working and seeking what is my role as a mama. If I did not understand what's my role as a wife, am I usurping or going above my husband by being more spiritual? By knowing having more knowledge, should I step back and be silent and not tell him the truth and let him figure it out? No. Now showed me how he changed. He put Adam to sleep and he pulled out Eve. He showed me how it's an exact mirror on earth as it is in the chamauine in the heaven that he did the same thing with himself. He brought the Holy Spirit with them out of himself to be a partner, a helpmate and a comforter to his children. That he knew that they would make together. And that he knew that children would need a comforter, a helper, a teacher to guide them in the way that they should go. And this helped me so much in understanding what my role as a mother, as a wife. And it gave me a role model. Today it is September 2024 and we are practicing the late days of our Heavenly Father. And he is teaching us our whole family and bringing more and more joy. And he's teaching my husband and I to learn to be in a more covenant relationship with one another. And teaching us our rules and what we're responsible for. Our children know we do not have it all figured out. And so I want them to see that growth and to know that we're not perfect and that they're not required to be perfect either. That we are all learning this together. And I hope this is a strong witness for them with others to help them have a mercy for others. We are all to have mercy for others and their journey. Although we still speak the truth, we speak in love and in patience and mercy. Just like our father, our mother, and our Savior. Dear Yerushwahamashiach has had for us. All right. That was that. I'm going to, for those of you listening to Discord right now, I'm sorry to do this to you guys. I'm going to be disconnecting from there right now. And so I'm sorry you just, you guys all got booted out of the stage. The reason I'm doing that is because of the streaming right now. It's just, it's too much right now and I think it's making a little choppy on my end. So, let's move forward. Please sit in your testimonies. I hope you guys enjoyed that. Mel is a amazing member of the Tech community. And I want to highlight the different members of our community and all the contributors. So please sit in your testimonies. I'll be playing them. Keep them just 10 minutes or less if possible. I know it's hard to get out your life story in, in, you know, three or four minutes, but you guys know how it is. All right. Judgment against Amalak. One more thing. I guess I didn't finish this paragraph last week and it's just, it was, it was kicking myself all week because it's an amazing paragraph, which I'll be talking about tonight. So I'm inserting this in. It was supposed to end last tour portion. Judgment against Amalak. Remember what Amalak fashion to you along the way and you're going forth from a treem when he happened to meet you along the way and he cut off the tail of you, all the weekend following after you. Just, you know, I could picture that. It's kind of messed up like all the weak people in the back. They're just going to kill off, right? Apparently I'm reading this right. Indeed, he were languishing and exhausted and he did not reverently fear all the high on, and it shall exist upon. Your alahias giving rest into you from all your enemies in the land, which Yahwah, Yahwah, your alahiah gives to you for an inheritance to possess her that you shall wipe out the remembrance of Amalak from beneath. Shama Yom, you shall not forget. I will be commenting on that later. The offering up of the firstlings. And it shall exist in your coming toward the land, which Yahwah, your alahiah, alahiah gives into you and it as inheritance. And you shall possess her and you will settle down to dwell in her and you shall take from the firstlings of all the fruits of the Red Ground, which you will bring from your land, which Yahwah, your alahiah shall give to you. In a basket and you will walk toward the place of habitation, which Yahwah, your alahiah, shall choose to cause his name to settle down to dwell there. And you have come toward the priests, which shall exist in those days, and you have declared toward him conspicuously in the side of all. I proclaim this day into Yahwah, your alahiah, that I have come toward the land, which Yahwah, of our fathers, has given unto us. And the priest shall take the basket from your hand and shall rest him to the face of the altar of Yahwah, your alahiah. And you have testified conspicuously in a loud voice and you have declared to the face of Yahwah, your alahiah. My father was an aramayah, or a Syrian aram. I'll be talking about this later. Wandering lost, ready to perish, and he descended into Materim. And he turned aside from the way tearing there with a small number of men. And there he existed a great nation, strong and numerous. I think it's without me going into too much commentary. I think it's pretty evident to see that this is Abraham, Yitzhak, Yaakov, going into Egypt. Among strong and numerous, and the Materim did evil, noxious, hurtful, calamitous, or actions against us afflicted us and placed upon his hard servitude. And together, we called out for help toward Yahwah, the alahiah of our fathers. And Yahwah, the ever-living, heard and answered our voice, and he observed our affliction, our misery, and our weary some labor, and our distress. And Yahwah, the ever-living brought us forth from Materim with the strong hand, and an outstretched arm, and with great terror, and with signs, and with splendid deeds. And he brought us toward this place of habitation, and he gave unto us this land, and land that flows with fatness and honey. And at this time, behold, I have brought the first fruits of the red ground which you, the Yahwah, have given to me. And you shall rest it to the face of Yahwah, your alahiah, and you shall bow down, doing homage, submitting yourself to the face of Yahwah, your alahiah, and you have been joyful to the face of Yahwah, your alahiah. And you have been joyful in every beautiful, excellent, pleasing thing which Yahwah, your alahiah gives unto you, and into your house, you and the Levites, and the stranger who is in your midst. You know, I just had this thought as I was reading this, that the first time that someone explained to me that it used to always bother me when I read the Bible and says, "The Lord, the Lord." I'm like, this seems so impersonal, like, clearly I would think that the God that I worship has a name, right? Like, why does he keep calling himself the Lord? And when it was explained to me that his name was removed from Scripture, and by Scripture here I'm talking Canon, some 7,000 times. I was like, what? What? And it brings me joy to actually pronounce his name. I will never understand why, well maybe I do understand, but it saddens me, maybe that's a better way to express it. It saddens me that there are so many people out there that when they hear his name, they would rather shut you up and put the Lord back in. Just put the Lord back in, I don't want to hear his name. Like, what's up with that? That's crazy. When you have come to the end of your 10th part, all the 10th part of your gain in the 3rd year of the tithing, and you have given into the Lahuaiah, or the Levite, the stranger, the bereaved of Father, and the widow that they may eat within your gates and be satisfied. And you have declared to the face of Yahuwahai, your alahiah. I have consumed the Set-apart portion out of my house, and in addition, I have given him unto the Levite, and unto the stranger, and unto the bereaved of Father, and unto the widow, like all your commandments which you have commanded me. I have not passed over from your commandments, and I have not forgotten. I have not eaten any part from him in my adverse circumstances, and I have not consumed any part from him with the unclean, and I have not given any part from him for the dead. I have heard, understood, and been obedient unto the voice of Yahuwahai my alahiah, and I have fashioned like all that which you have commanded me. Look forth from your kudash. Dwelling out of Ha Shammayam and Barak, your people, so right there we see heaven, bless, bless your people, Yashirel, and the red ground which you have given to us, like that which you have solemnly sworn unto your fathers, a land flowing with fatness and honey. This day, Yahuwahai your alahiah has commanded you to fashion these statutes and these judgments, and you will guard, and you will fashion them with all your heart, and with all your nafash, with all your soul. And you have this day made the declaration to Yahuwah be ever living to exist to you of alahiah and to walk in his ways and to guard his statutes and his judgments, and to hear, understand, and be obedient unto his voice. And Yahuwah be ever living makes the declaration this day for you to exist unto him for his personal property. How exciting is that. You know how he said I wanted to take that wood carving of like the guy with the, you know, I don't know that the MK sink guy, you know, put him in my house like, like we are like his trophy right his personal, you know, something that he wants to put into his house and such an exciting thought is personal property, a valuable people, like that word which he has set an order into you, and that you should keep watch upon all his commandments, and to give to you as Al Yahuwah. Let me just look at this real quick. Most high highest Supreme, and we're going to see this word a couple times tonight. And to give to you as the most high Supreme over all the nations, which he has fashioned for praise and for name and for splendor and for you to exist a set apart people, and say, Yahuwah your alahiah, alahiah, like the word which he has set an order so we're not talking about Jews here right the Yauodim or one tribe, the rabbinical Judaism as a religion is still 1000 years away, 800 years away, we're not 1000 years away. So we're talking about the commonwealth of Israel right here right so such an exciting thought that you can be grafted in to Israel to the commonwealth and that if you are in Israel, not genetic, we're not talking about genetics we're talking about a spiritual priesthood of people that you, and to be an Israel you keep watch upon all his commandments that he has given you those are the requirements says right here. That you will be the chief, the most high the Supreme over all the nations, which he has fashioned that's the promise, and it's always conditionally conditionally if you do these things. In the speech of Michelle, the implications upon Mounts able, Michelle and the bearded ones of Yeshua commanded the people to declare keep all the commandments which I command you this day. You shall raise up for yourselves great stones and she'll cover them with line, and you have written K'thub upon them, all my instruction of this, this is the word for Torah here. In your passing over for the purpose and intent that you may go toward the land which Yahuwahah your Allah Hiah gives to you, a land flowing with that this and honey like the plan which Yahuwah Yahuwah the Allah Hiah of your father's purpose for you. Isn't it amazing like isn't it great not to have to say the Lord over and over and over again like he keeps inserting his name in here so must be important that thought is I'm saying except thought is just strong in my mind right now. And it shall come to pass in your passing over the garden, you shall raise up these stones which I have commanded you this day upon Mounts able, and you shall cover them with line and you have built there an alternative Yahuwah your Allah Hiah and altar stones, you shall not wave up and down to and fro iron upon them. He's saying he wants on his stones so we're not chiseling out stones of whole perfect sound stones you will erect the altar of Yahuwah your Allah Hiah, and you will offer sending offerings upon him is sending offerings into Yahuwah your Allah Hiah. Of course, you know people say that the Torah doesn't predate this but you know you can go back to Noah's altar there on in Turkey on the wrong white side and there is an altar there these huge stones that was built there apparently by a man who was 15 to 30 feet without you know modern tools without anything like that huge stones but they're on you so that was a clearly this was a command that was passed down down to Moses. And you have sacrificed Shalom offerings and you have eaten there and you have rejoiced with Mary voices to the face of Yahuwah your Allah Hiah and you have written Cthulhu upon the stones, all my debar of this Torah engraving accurately. The Shaha and the priests the Levites said a word in order toward all Yashirel to declare be silence and hear understand and obey. Oh Yashirel that's quite the high calling right there we say that again be silent. This is the command for all. So anyone out there if you are grafted into Israel, take this in be silence. I can't be silent so I have to read this to you be silence in here. You understand and obey. Oh Yashirel this day you exist of the people of Yahuwah your Allah Hiah and you have heard understood and been obedient in the voice of Yahuwah your Allah Hiah and you have fashioned his commandments and his statutes which I have commanded you this day. Essentially how he keeps saying that I've commanded this this day but he's also speaking the past since he's saying what I have commanded this day you have you have fashioned these commandments your generation you as a people. As a children now that were anyone 20 or under was able to pass in everyone 20 or over died except for you know a select handful, Caleb, Yahuwah so on so forth. As a commission the people upon that day to declare these shall stand to block the people upon Mount Garazim in your passing over the yard. You know we're going to go through the 12 tribes here. Shama this would be Simon Shama Yoon and Levi and Yehuda and Yishikar and Yosef and Benjamin. And these shall stand over the curse seeing upon Mount Abel, Ruben Gad and Asher and Zebulun and Dan and Nefthali or Nefthula yeah. And the light shall pronounce solemnly and shall declare him toward all the men of Yashua with the raised voice. Curse it be the man that fashions a graven or molten image no keep in mind here the context. And I wish I would have done more commentary on this this week I always say I couldn't come at all. This is such a, this had to be such an amazing thing to be a part of like they are getting ready they're so excited. Their entire lives have been pretty much in the wilderness I mean, again, the older generation by this point they would have had memories of Egypt as children or maybe teenagers. But this is it they have lived in the wilderness they're getting really cross over now they're standing on this mount these mountains with the Levites declaring this to them and they all have to in unison. They have to agree to the conditions of passing over that river Jordan and going over into the land. And that's what again this is like where we're at in life, we are in the wilderness right now. And there's going to come a time when we are going to pass over the river Jordan and we are going to have to agree hopefully we do it now, but you know you have to agree to the terms of the covenant if you're going to cross over. It's a man that fashions a graven or molten image, something abominable and to ya waha you ever living from the fashioning of the hands of the artisan and sets it in place secretly. And all the people shall pronounce solemnly with a loud voice and say Amen. Cursid be he who makes light of despising his father or his mother and all the people shall pronounce solemnly with a loud voice. Amen. Cursid be he who displaces his companions boundary and all the people should pronounce solemnly with a loud voice and say Amen. Cursid be he who leads astray the blind from the way. How messed up is that leading the blind from the way. And let me just go up here again where it says, remember the calling. I'm not going to go find it now what I read about seeing it obeying and so on so forth whatever I'm watching it gotta keep going. Be silent and hear, understand and obey. Oh yeah, I mean I take it to like a blind man is like totally, you know, he's like on the path but he's not understanding right so you're actually leading him leading us like a straight up blind man off the path. I mean there's an exoteric explanation to this right we messed up to take any blind man and send him off a cliff. But we're talking spiritually as well. So Cursid be he who leads astray the blind man from the way every time you see the way like. Hey attention to that. And all the people shall pronounce solemnly with a loud voice and say, Amen. Cursid be he who turns aside judgments for the stranger, the one bereaved a father in the widow. And all the people shall pronounce solemnly with a loud voice and say, I'm on. And what's really interesting to bunch up the, the, the, the breeds of the father would be orphans and then of course the widow she has a dead husband. It's interesting that ignoring them is, is tied up with like turning a blind eye to judge justice or to write judgment kind of interesting. Cursid be he who lies down with his father's covenant women don't do that, but he makes naked his father is kidnapped, and all the people shall pronounce solemnly with a loud voice and say, I'm on. I'm going to do a whole study on this because you know most people I think probably in the West it's not a big thing to go sleep with your father's wife I don't think that's a big thing I'm sure it has happened freakishly. This is such a big thing in the Bible if it doesn't happen very often well I think it probably happened a lot back then, because that's how you challenge your father's authority, right. You take his woman. And so I would, I feel like I need to do a study sometime on just being like okay because you guys know how I'm really big on okay well that's the exoteric right that's a check check mark the box the letter of the law but what is the spirit of the law behind that. That you know you could take your father's covenant woman in a very naughty way. You know, that would be the same kind of principle as the Torah is a transformative document what is the same principle that we would be pouncing upon this on a spiritual level. Chris would be he who lies down with any beast, I mean, right there you've seen me cover that in the past I think in Leviticus it did a whole thing on the bestiality from a personality perspective, not just the desire to go sleep with a with the cattle or a dog or something which is a disgusting thought. And all the people shall pronounce solemnly with the loud voice and say all mine. Chris would be he who lies down with his sister, the daughter of his father perhaps the daughter of his mother and all the people shall pronounce solemnly with the loud voice and say amen. Chris would be he who lies down with his mother-in-law and all the people should pronounce solemnly with the loud voice and say all men. Chris would be he who smites his companion and secret and all the people shall pronounce solemnly with the loud voice and say all men. I will comment really quickly like the mother-in-law and the sister and all that kind of stuff. The other thing too is that you know in a culture where women are dependent upon the men to take care of them. Now we're in a liberated culture where women can go off to the corporation and become CEO and everything. There probably was a lot more temptation back then to if you are going to take on these women your father maybe dies and you take on maybe she's not actually your mom but you take her on. There may have been a little bit more temptation back then to take on a wife role with them because you're taking care of them right but here it's basically like no you're going to take care of them but they're not your they're not your woman. A widow relationship right and I think that if I were to give my clarification on that that's kind of how I see it's that there are situations where the widow needs to be taken care of. But it's just women in general but the widow needs to be taken care of and it doesn't give you like access to like oh yeah well just you know you have wife relationships with her right. Chris would be he who smites his companion in secret that would be murder. And all the people shall pronounce song with the loud voice and say almond Chris would be he who takes a gift to slay an innocent in the fascia of Adam. In a innocent soul. And all the people shall pronounce song with the loud voice and say almond Chris would be he that does not raise up the instructions of this Torah. Because, you know, I would think that Christianity would agree oh yeah yeah Chris it is the person who murdered someone Chris it is the person, the person who sleeps with his, his father's wife would be cursed I mean right I think that most would agree to that. Look what is being lumped in with the curses here cursed be that that he that does not raise up the instructions of this Torah to fashion them. And all the people shall pronounce song with the loud voice and say amen why is it so important because if we are saying that we are grafted into Israel. And you want to cross into the land these are this is what you have to sign off on. You have to agree to this and say all men are all mon. You want to pronounce that. And that you will take part in the curse if you do not and what is the curse well again I think it's eternal death. You know for everyone who thinks you're going to get away with it in life everything catches up with us we either receive the blessing or the curse in the afterlife. The barakaha at Mount Garazim and it still exists conditionally if hearing you will hear will understand and be obedience into the voice of Yahua hai your Allah to guard and to fashion all his commandments which I commission you this day. Then Yahua hai your Allah will appoint you as there it is again that word that the chief the the most high the El yahun over all the nations of the earth or the haarats and all these barakuth shall come upon you the all these blessings shall come upon you and shall overtake you if you will hear understand and be obedient to the voice of Yahua your Allah and of course lack of understanding lack of knowledge leads to destruction right that's why the understanding these commands is so important because a lack of understanding leads to destruction leads to the curse Baruk are you in the city and Baruk are you in the field Baruk are you in the fruits of your body and in the fruits of your red ground and the fruits of your beast in the casting fourth of your oxen and in the increase of your flock Baruk are you in your basket and in your needing trough Baruk are you and you're coming in and Baruk are you and you're going forth and Yahua have you ever living shall give your enemies the ones rising up against you as ones to be smitten to your face they shall come against you in one way and they shall flee from your face seven ways wow that is like so that's the mess that's like that has changed my life that whole understanding the those who keep his commands who are beating to Yahua have nothing to fear and people come in all the time who are really paranoid and they wake up and they learned about you know agenda 2030 and all the the FEMA camps and you know they finally noticed the chemtrails are like you know 50 years old they've never noticed it before you know all these things and they're freaking out and stuff and they're like they're coming to get us in Russia North Korean China and all this stuff and you know our own government's going to sell us out and they've already done it and all those kind of things and social security numbers and the fed and you just go on and on and on and the aliens and project blue beam and they're just they're just okay ultra you just just just slap it just keep stacking them up right all the different stuff and it's like no no no no no no look you have nothing to fear trust in Yahua with your full heart be obedient to him and listen and understand and do and he will he will be there with you he will take care of you look at it says right here they shall come against you in one way and they shall flee from your face seven ways and that's one of Yahua's favorite battle tactics is it confused the enemy personally I've had a big game changer with how I perceive the media and the news the official narrative and as we're talking about well this is a hoax and this is the world's a stage and they're all actors and all this kind of stuff and it's like you know what at the end of the day we put too much emphasis on the control of the enemy the fact of the matter is Yah is still in control the Hush al-Hama shiok is king of kings lord of lords this is his earth he can do whatever he wants with it Hasatan flees in his presence all right yes we are in the age of deception Satan is going over the earth the fact of the matter is is that Yah can confuse they can come they can have their script they can do everything they want to do and he can confuse the plans of the enemies All they can do is shoot back propaganda lies and lies and lies but we I personally I believe we're seeing many things in the news where they are intending one thing and it's not going as planned It's not going as they just have to keep lying and gaslighting us and that kind of stuff And Yahwah the ever living shall command upon you the Barakaha in your storehouses and in all the sinning forth of your hand and shall block you in the land which Yahwah your alahiah gives unto you Yahwah the ever living shall raise you up to himself of his set-apart people like that which he solemnly sworn to you if you will guard the commandments of Yahwah your alahiah and you will walk in his ways and all the peoples of the earth of Ha'arat shall observe if the name of Yahwah is called out over you So isn't that interesting so if Israel does its part if I'm reading this right if as ambassadors of the king as priests and co-rulers if we are doing our part and we are if we are observing in the name of Yahwahah then the peoples of the earth it says they will reverently fear on account of you Let me read this again and all the peoples of the earth shall observe they will observe if the name of Yahwah is called out over you I would just have this discussion earlier tonight and I was trying to encourage the group on this idea that I mentioned all these things all these conspiracies the world is a stage and so on and so forth and spooks and spies and intel and just go on and on and on They are all against us that kind of stuff and we try to wake everybody up the reptilians and whatever stolen history the mudflood the flat earth all that kind of stuff and at the end of the day I was saying like look you can't some people they don't want all this shoved down their throats they don't want that it's repulsive to them they're not interested in the truth and I have personally learned to be content with that and to respect peoples opinions somebody is here on this earth they have come down to this earth and from the moment of our birth we are lied to and lied to and lied to and propaganda and propaganda and indoctrination and they prefer it that way then I have learned to say you know what that's what you want I respect that right but it says right here the promise is that not if we school them on conspiracy theories I'm sorry how that sounded it sounded wrong just you know the conspiratorial world view the truth or world it's no it's the greatest truth is the Torah guys his instructions and righteous living and it says the promise is is that if we do these things if we obey his commands then the rest of the world will look at Israel his ambassadors and go well maybe that's what I want to do and they're going to start being obedient to it the world will become a better place if Israel is first obedient the rest of the world will follow of course this is the Kingdom breaking onto the world in the Millennial Kingdom correct why did the Kingdom come to an end because the people failed the commands really simple stuff and Yahweh have the ever living show make you a bound beyond measure for excellence in the fruits of your body and the fruit of your ada ada maha let me just look at this word here Adam or the Red Ground upon the place of Adam which Yahweh has solemnly sworn to your fathers to give unto you Yahweh have you ever living show open for you his excellent beautiful pleasing treasure house Athah Shamayam to give the rain unto you your land in his appointed time and shall block you in all the fashion of your hand now I'm not going over this tonight I did cover this two or three weeks ago and mentioned specifically that the Jordan River is a unique river that it did not the Israel as a whole was not fed by rivers the Jordan River did not feed Israel unlike the Nile River where Egypt was all parked along you know that the hottest property was all along the up and down the Nile River and the Nile River was a constant flow the source of the Nile right it came out upper Egypt is in the south lower Egypt in the north towards the Mediterranean and I personally think that this is why Baal worship was so proactive in Canaan it was a huge temptation and I could read to you from the book of King Og where he's just Baal Baal Baal and you know they prayed to him and slashed themselves all this kind of stuff and he's the one he's the storm god right he's got to bring the rains and they have to be dependent on the gods I mean you look at Israel today it's you know it's it's not as lush as it was during biblical times at least for the most part it's a lot of it is a desert and they have actually now had to take the Jordan River and the Jordan River has been diminished like 10% of its original flow at least from 100 years ago because they are now singles out into you know irrigating it out into Israel which is not what they're supposed to do it says right here they're supposed to depend on yah to bring them the rain you would do it if they're obedient to him right but mankind's like well okay but I can't pray to Baal I guess I'll just irrigate the Jordan here and you know the Dead Sea is shrippling up all that kind of stuff and then they say it's a fulfillment of prophecies like that's actually not He's yah's not like okay don't he's like you need to pray for me to rain and oh by the way if you if you do decide not to and you don't follow my commands yeah go ahead and irrigate the Jordan that that's a positive fulfillment of prophecy and you show a lens to numerous nations but you shall not borrow don't begin that guys like people twist this like in such like twisted the perverse ways it's like don't why you don't guys let's get out of debt and for those who I'm not trying to batter anyone over the head who maybe isn't that right now because that is the American dream we are we have all been lied to and people have you know taken loans out on their houses and all this kind of stuff they've all been fed these lies about the American dream more and more and more give me more we're caught up in this you know let's get out of it's personally when we when we when I went into the ministry full time last January that was immediately pressing on my wife's and my mind's on our hearts we're like we need to be completely out of debt so we of course we did we we bought off our house that was the last piece of debt it was scary I'd be honest it was scary because in like our bank account was zipping zero we didn't have the money to lean back upon but we were out of debts and that is the Oswald he does not want us in debt he does not want us borrowing from anybody and Yahweh the ever living shall set you in place for the head and not the tail and you shall exist in the higher part and you shall not exist in the lower part if you will hear we'll understand and we'll be obedient into the voice of Yahweh your allahiah which I command this day to guard into fashion and you will not turn aside from all the Ha'dabaram which I command you this day to the right side or the left side to walk after allahiyam Akarayam the lesser gods the archons to serve them the curses placed upon the disobedient here we go get ready apparently you know since atora was done away with apparently none none of these curses you see how convenient it is none of these curses must exist either because you can't you know you're supposed to be disobedient to this now so you are now blessed and not cursed if you do these things and it shall exist conditionally if you do not hear or be obedient to the voice of Yahweh you see what I'm talking about your allahiah to guard to fashion all the commandments and statutes which I command this day and he shall come over you all these curses and shall overtake you cursed shall you be in the city and cursed shall you be in the field by the way you know I see it's kind of strange that like I guess I don't understand this why there is such a there's makeshift cities you know the liberal governments are making cities very unattractive right but there are plenty of cities in the Bible so for those of you who do live in a city you know I just I think that we have our callings right cursed shall you be in the city and cursed shall you be in the field so it doesn't say you're cursed in the city if you're obedient said you're cursed in the city if you're disobedient so you can still live in a city and be a barak blessed cursed shall be your basket in your storehouse first it shall be the fruit of your body in the fruit of your automaha that which comes forth of your oxen and the increase of your flock cursed shall be you and you're coming in and cursed shall you be and you're going forth and Yahwah the living shall send out upon you the curses the disturbances and the rebukes and all the sinning out of your hand upon that which you fashion until your destruction until until you wander lost wretched ready to perish hastily from before the face of wickedness from your deeds by which you have forsaken me Yahwah the living shall make the plan destruction cleave upon you until he has completely finished you from over the land where you go there to possess her and Yahwah the living shall smite you with consumption and with burning fever and with burning inflammation and with scorching and with sword and with blasting and with paleness that shall follow after you until you wander lost are ready to perish and you're Shama Yom which is over your head he shall exist as brass and rots the earth which is beneath you shall be as iron so remember of course heaven and earth are our witness and I've heard this like stated so many times people particularly like Preterus and those in the MK movement they push out there a lot they try to get around you Hush's words that he's like you know look at your window and if you could see that heaven and earth still exist then you know then the Torah abides and they're like well it's a it's for the temple well clearly the context here is not the temple in Jerusalem right like that's not the context like it's clearly the heaven which is over your head and the earth which is beneath you beneath your feet right now right that is heaven and earth this is a part of heaven and earth are witness against you not the not the temple in Jerusalem that was destroyed in 780 I just can't get past that I just don't see that in here and Yahweh the ever living show give the rain of your land is dust and from out of Shama Yom he shall come forth over you until you are exterminated Yahweh the ever living show give you to be smitten to the face of your enemies and you know the church the Christianity like this is this is such a cruel God and then you'll advocate you know heaven and hell like if you don't believe in Jesus you're going to hell it's like wait a second it's just the same thing like he's telling you here like it's going to be severe consequence and if not in this lifetime in the next if you if you are you know breaking his commands in many ways show he shall give to be you to be smitten to the face of your enemies along along one way you shall go forth against them and in 7 ways you shall flee before their faces is actually how it just got reversed just now those out there that maybe do have it high anxiety and they're so like I actually think that a lot of people it's a heart issue and I'm not I'm not thinking of anybody in my mind if this is if what I'm saying somehow connects with you just know I'm not reaching through the internet right now and like calling your name I don't even know who you are but the fact of the matter is is that I think that a lot of the anxiety out there is based on the fact that they they realize judgment is coming and their hearts are not ready they're going to be judged because they fall in for this false doctrine that you know there's no works whatsoever it's just this belief in the history of this of the son of God named Jesus who died and resurrected and died for your sins therefore that's all you just pointed him and you're good to go and they realize that there's something there's a huge disconnect with the Bible or something clearly not right because they've cherry picked these few passages mostly from Paul and disregarded the rest of the Bible and the judgments coming and they're not ready and as he says right here it's a complete reverse and those who are obedience to the commands go the enemies coming at me and y'all is going to disperse them seven different ways but in this case you will you will be the one to to you know go forth against them and in seven ways you show fleet before their faces and you have existed of agitation into all the kingdoms of rats why because he brought he said here that if you keep the commands the rest of the the Gentiles will be like I want that I want what they have this is a righteous kingdom I want to be a part of that but they don't want to be a part of people who are who are lawless I want to destroy you, Yahweh, have you ever living he will smite with the inflamed ulcer of matrim and with a rising and with scurvy and with scratching which you are not able to heal Yahweh, have you ever living he will smite you with madness and with blindness and with terror of heart and you have existed groping about at midday like the blind will grow up in the wretched darkness and you will not do well in your ways and surely you have existed violently oppressed and despoiled all the days and there will be lacking to your to you deliverance you will patrol the women this kind of things you will patrol the women and the man following after you shall lie down with her out you will build a house and you will not settle down to dwelling him and remember that when we read the commands of you betrothed a woman or you get a new house you're not to go to war for like a whole year right the generals supposed to go okay who here is betrothed to a woman and or maybe just married less than a year who just got a house okay you can leave right and so that's a part of the blessing right that these are the part of the commands but not if you're disobean it's a complete reversal of the prompts you will plant a vineyard and you shall not gather him your ox shall be slaughtered to your eyes and you will not eat from any part of him your ash shall be violently taken away two different ways your ash shall be violently taken away we could talk about an animal or a body part I think and he shall not be returned to you your sheep shall be given into your enemies and there will be lacking to you deliverance and your sons and your daughters will be given into people who will follow after and your eyes shall observe and find a way toward them all the day and your hand is not a la Hayam also interesting here is that this appears to be what happened in 1 Samuel when they wanted a king and they're like yeah I don't want to have a big king over us what we're reading right here that's what happened to them and and Samuel's telling like these or yah tell Samuel tell them these are the things that are going to happen to them they're like okay that's cool a people which you shall not which you know not shall consume the produce of your ground and all your wealth and surely you have existed violently oppressed and broken in pieces all the days and you have existed maddened from the sight of your eyes which you have seen so this might be with an inflamed ulcer evil in appearance upon the knees and upon the legs which you're not able to heal from the curved hollow of your foot and as far as the top of the head to me that sounds like the mark of the beast may not be but that's what sounds like the punishment of breaking his Sabbath you and your malak which you have raised up over you toward a nation which neither you nor your fathers have known and you shall serve lesser gods the Allah Hayam Akaream of Wood and Stone and you have existed for a desolation for a parable and for a by word among all the nations where Yahwah the ever living shall lead you there I mean we have a word for Judaism today it's to be a Judaism right anyone who wants to keep the commands it's harder for us than ever now because apparently it's you know those who follow the commands because they were so disobedient they are a parable a by word you want to be obedient now you're the Jew geyser you shall cast forth a great amount of seed into the field but you shall gather little for the locusts you'll consume him you shall set lines upright planting a vineyard and shall labor but you shall not drink the wine and shall not gather the grapes for the worm shall eat them all the trees shall exist into you and all your territory but you shall not anoint yourself with oil for the olives shall slip off sons and daughters you shall bring forth but they shall not exist into you for they shall walk into captivity all your trees and the fruit of your land the cricket shall take as possession the stranger which is in your midst shall ascend over you very high and you shall be brought down below he will lend to you but you will not lend to him he shall exist the head and you shall exist the tail that's basically like a lot of us are in debt right now right we're all sitting here in debt over our heads in debt part of the curse and when all these curses shall come upon you and shall overtake you until you are laid waste for you would not hear and be obedient into the voice of Yahweh your alahiah to guard his commandments and his statutes and which he commanded you again if Christianity had done their job in this country and obeyed the commands then the quote unquote American dream as it was advertised a great lie the great hustle would never have happened and he has existed upon you for a side or for a splendid deed and upon your seed and to time of long duration because you would not serve Yahweh your alahiah with joyful banquets and with cheerfulness apart from the abundance of all therefore you have served your enemies with Yahweh shall send out against you so what does this mean here to be grumbling and not cheerful well think about all the individuals out there who are grumbling about the commands they're like oh man this is so burdensome I wish these people would shut up about this right like I don't want to do this I just want to point at the historical Jesus who resurrected and I'm good I just believe that team Jesus go and this is why I say time and again to everyone out there I need to say this every single week that if you do not find his commands to be joyful if you do not enjoy serving him as a priest in his kingdom what makes it I'll speak to myself here as well what makes any of us think we're going to make it into eternity why is eternity going to be any different right that's the thing the grumbling Yah's like he can't stand the grumbling he's like just serve me and enjoy it or I'll just hand you over to a way worse God I'll hand you over to the demons the Satan whatever you can serve him it's gonna be way worse for you if you just grumble so much serving me I don't I don't have to take this anymore and famine and thirst and nakedness and then once of all and he shall place over you over your neck a yoke of iron right because his Torah is not a heavy burden it's not a it's not a heavy yoke but it will be worse again I mean how many times are any says just look around us at our culture this is the culture that doesn't want anything to do with the Torah and look how bad it is for them it is a heavy yoke a heavy burden to live in this world with everything that has come down upon us anyways until he has destroyed you Yahwah shall lift up over you a nation from a distant land from the extremity of the earth he shall fly swiftly like the eagle a nation which who's telling you shall not understand a nation hard a face which will not lift up the faces of the bearded ones and shall not be compassionate into the young and shall consume the fruit of your beast and the fruit of your land until you are destroyed who will not let remain to you corn new wine fresh oil the offspring of your oxen or the increase of your small cattle until he has destroyed you and he shall press upon you and all your gates until your walls high and inaccessible which you put confidence in them shall descend in all your land and he shall press upon you and all your gates and all your land which Yahwah your alahiah shall give unto you and he will eat the fruit of your body the flesh of your sons and your daughters which Yahwah your alahiah has given to you if I have time tonight I will cover that in the siege and in the distress your enemy shall urge upon you he's saying it's going to lead to cannibalism like this is where this is where it's going like you're claiming to be in the commonwealth of Israel and you're going to be disobedience at the end of the day it's going to lead to cannibalism and it did multiple times the man among you who is tender and very delicate his eyes shall be evil against his brother and against the covenant woman of his bosom and against his remaining sons which he has left over he shall not give to one of them from the flesh of his sons which he shall eat because he has nothing left to him in all the siege and in the distress which your enemy shall urge upon you in all your gates and the infirm and soft among you one who would not lift up the curved hollow of her foot upon the earth from her living delicately and softly apparently this was one of those women that was just pregnant with her feet upon the couch all the time her eyes shall be evil against the man of her bosom and against her sons and against her daughter and against the afterbirth which comes forth between her feet in her offspring which she will bring forth for she will eat them and wants yuck of all in the siege and in the distress which your enemies shall urge upon you in your gates conditionally if that's such a gruesome picture conditionally if you will not guard to fashion the instructions of this Torah which are written in this cepher in this book to reverently fear this splendid and fearful name yahwaha allah hai yak then yahwaha shall make distinguish your smiting the smiting of your seat even a great smiting that is of long continuance and calamitous disease that is of long countenance and he will turn back against you all the diseases of matrim from the face of which you dreaded and they show it here upon you in addition every calamity and every smiting which are not written in the cepher of this Torah yahwaha the living shall ascend upon you until you are destroyed and the ones remaining being few below what you existed as ones like the stars of the Hashem Ayam for greatness for you would not hear and be obedient since the voice of yahwaha your allahayim and it shall exist just as yahwaha the living rejoice over you for well pleasing unto you and for making you numerous in that manner yahwaha the living shall rejoice over you to destroy you and you shall be snatched away from over the land which you go there to possess her and yahwaha the living as dispersed you among all the peoples from one extremity of the earth as far as the other extremity of the hot erats the earth and there you shall serve the other lesser gods allahayam aqaream which neither you nor your fathers have known wood and stone and among these nations you shall not do well quietly and you shall not exist a place of rest for the curved hull of your foot but yahwaha the living shall give to you there a trembling heart and a wasting away of the eyes and a linger of navash and your existence shall exist for you conspicuously in the side of all in suspense and you shall be in trepidation night and day and you shall not you shall have not support for your existence on daybreak you will declare if only it were arab then that would be the space of time between sunset and the onset of full dark and at the space of time between sunset and the onset of full dark or the arab you will declare if only were daybreak due to the terror of your heart which causes you to tremble and from the appearance of your eyes which you will see see there's that anxiety that i do see and you know and i'm not coming down again i'm not thinking of anybody in my mind but it's just it's that thing that it's like when when people have that fear um something's not right in their heart they're not guarding the commands and it always comes down to the guarding of the commands um i i think that a lot of the following way that happens too from the Torah i tell people all the time i'm telling you now there are a thousand outs there if you stop guarding the commands and your heart starts to drift there are going to be a thousand other uh you know true their topics that come along they're going to disprove the bible and show it to be foolishness i mean and you know just going to be like how in the world did i go down that route before it's you know leaving our first love right why did we get into this because our first love was hushah hama shiak i assume a lot of you but that was your first love jesus right you came into it to honor him and i see so many people they leave their first love and then they drift on and yeah while having your living shall turn you back into mid-treme and ships along the way which i declared to you you will never do again to observe and you will be sold there into your enemies for man servants and maid servants in their shall lack any to buy you the 11th speech uh bishaha we're almost done chapter 29 these are the instructions of the bear rahyath which yahawah had the ever-living commanded and bishaha to cut with the sons of yashir on the land of moab separate from the bear rahyath he had cut with them in harat and mashaha called out toward all yashir alm and he declared toward them you you have observed all which yahawah have the ever-living defashioned before your eyes in iraq's michireem into pharaoh and into all his servants and to all his land the greatness of the temptations which your eyes have seen the signs and those great splendid deeds and yahawah have the ever-living has not given to you a heart for acquiring knowledge nor eyes for seeing nor eyes for curing understanding and obeying until this day i mean sounds okay sounds like the human experience and i walked and i walked you 40 years in the wilderness your garments which are upon you are not wasted away i love this line here and the sandals upon your foot has not wholly failed meaning apparently if i'm reading this right they in whatever translation appears that they have the same sandals for 40 years i mean you could you could take this as mean well you know they were just amply supplied and they never went without shoes you could look at it that way i've seen it in both ways you have not eaten bread and you have not drunk and toxicating wine for the purpose and intent that you may acquire knowledge for i am yahawaha your allahaha and with that concludes the reading of the word for the week we need to take a breath i'm going to drink a coffee let's go right into this because i only got like 45 minutes to go and i just finished reading but that was a great passage hope you guys enjoyed that and who is amalak now i started out saying that like the ending paragraph last week i somehow missed it i'm glad i'm covering it now and look what it says here we see in this passage that uh amalak that the promise was that his his memory memory would be blotted out in the land uh at the time of his attack it was when israel was tired and weary and interestingly enough amalak is destroyed when allahayana has given israel rest well the key word there is rest right well what is rest we read in Hebrews what rest is it's a sad day no just keep on my trail my my breadcrumb trailhowers keep with uh keep over this for in as much as on this day the sabbath day yahusha yashua rested he would not have spoken of a different day and of course you know and then people who say that Jesus is my sabbath ras say quickly skip that line where he wouldn't have chosen another day and they're like well i can choose whatever day i want no no he he chose a very specific day he did not choose any other different day and it says there remains then it doesn't mean i was done away with there remains a sabbath rest for the people of allahayana for anyone who enters his rest allahayana's rest also rest from the works just as allahayana did from his on the of course he modeled it for us on what day the seventh day let us therefore make re-effort to enter that rest the one that hushah kept the one that allahayam kept so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience so for those who are purposely trying to not keep the sabbath they are being disobedient and they will perish all right make sense i don't know how people mistranslate keep ruse into this maybe they've heard it spoken about in one way and they can't see it in the other light it's so black and white to me I don't know if you're my daughter crying outside in the hallway right now the sabbath rest she should be in bed right now she should be asleep it's 10-20 at night the sabbath rest also speaks of the mk when on lock is destroyed these these his memory will be destroyed let me see if i can say this again uh let's see he did not let's see he didn't fear allahayam and so it says and it show exists that he uh that upon yahawaha your allahayah is giving rest into you from all your enemies in the land uh and you shall wipe out the remembrance of amalak from beneath shaamayyam you shall not forget so there's the trail uh the trail right there right well let's keep reading so interestingly enough in the amalak is a descendant of esal and this is what we read in legends of the jews that amalak was um the speaking of these the sons of amalak they they had recently settled their in obedience to the last wish of their forefather esal now these are the giants that the 12 spies 10 of them were wicked in the gibbous landers report who and esal had bitten them to cut off israel from their entrance into the promised land so think about this esal is an enemy of israel he's an enemy to the command and he doesn't want them to what to enter into the land where they are giving their rest this is what amid rashes i esal tried to kill jacob but was unable now i am entrusting you and your descendants with the important mission of annihilating jacob's descendants the jewish people carry out this deed for me be relentless and do not show mercy there's commentary on this by yankee tober and he says amalak recognizes his master and willfully rebels against him he acknowledges the existence of god acknowledges god's mastery over him yet he rebels against him and amalak does not deny the truth or evade the truth or justify his deeds in any way he simply challenges the truth knowing that he will fail knowing that he will be hurt driven only by an all-consuming need to assert his independence from god so do you see what's happening here this is where it all comes down to the the disobedience to the commands and they don't they themselves don't want to be obedient to the commands and into with israel they just don't want israel to enter their rest into the land now the the incident with amalak rises up in chapter 17 of shamah wathore exodus and we read that it started with the the the whining and complaining the moaning that there was no water to drink and they said give us water that we made drink and of course uh they were chiding with moshay and he's like okay you're chiding with me we're for the utemt yaha waha and it was right when this happened remember now see this is what he was saying like we need to be joyful on our work we need to enjoy and not bicker and moan with y'all we need to be like yes i want to serve you i want to be obedient to you i want to keep your commands if we're gonna bemoan uh bemoan this be like oh man why why can't christian we just need you know another paul do away with the Torah something right that's when amalak shows up the spirit of amalak he's alive and well and that says just like that the spirit of jazabel or the you know the the was it the the the python spirit i covered a couple weeks ago and it says then came amalak and fought with israel and then pay attention what happened yohushua verse 13 uh discomfited amalak and his people with the edge of the sword so joshua here yohushua right he's standing for yohushua yohushua and and mojus a mojus built an altar and he's for he said because yaha waha have sworn that yaha waha will have war with amalak from generation to generation so that's interesting right there so it's telling you that even though he was just killed by the sword um this generation's and this uh war is an ongoing one it's going to keep going apparently with the spirit of amalak i kind of like uh where we showed uh where pamela showed in her translation that came the spirit of came was still alive at this time that was pretty crazy when i saw that and he was there just to just to stand in the way of ables descendants so doubting yah and his commands opens the door for the amalak spirit of course you guys all remember did yah say we read this in genesis three right the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which yah waha allahiam had made and he said into the woman yay have allahiam said you shall not eat to every tree of the garden and i could go through this i'll be going through this in about three or four several weeks from now don't need to go through it all again but time and again guys you guys are here right now going through the store portion and there are people in your lives uh controllers tears all things like that they're coming up to you and say but did he really say and again so it's when we grumble and when we lose the joy of service that we our guard is down and the spirit of amalak comes in and he defeats us he's alive and well today and so this is what really like just this gave me chills when i read this so in in chapter 17 of exes verse 13 i showed you and yahushua he basically took the sword by the edge of the sword he killed amalak all right well let's read about the other yahushua in revelation 1915 it says and out of his mouth this is yoshua out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he should rule them with a rod of iron so this is him this is the the war of the sons of light against the sons of darkness this is him coming in taking out the son's darkness the children of amalak the spirit of amalak how exciting is that of course disobeying the commands uh is is a covenant with shiole or death or amalak this is from wisdom of solemn in chapter 1 i actually really really uh i probably threatened this a few times i really want to do a study a line for line study in wisdom of solemn and i'm thinking about doing it after song and songs i really want to do this do not court death by the era of your life or bring on destruction by the works of your hands because allahiam did not make death which is an interesting line and he does not delight in the destruction of the living for he created all things so that they might exist the generative forces of the world are wholesome and there is no destructive poison in them that's a weighty couple of lines there and the dominion of haties or you could say shiole is not on the earth for righteousness is immortal and the whole thing here is kind of going back and forth on this dualism of uh wickedness or unrighteousness is mortality but righteousness is immoral so even though so he he was not the one allahiam god is not responsible for death in this world we are responsible for this adam and so on so forth and um in if it's up to him he wants us all to be immoral but the ungodly by their words indeed summoned death considering him a friend death a friend they pined away and made a covenant with him they made a covenant with death because they are fit to belong to his company so for all you uh anti-paulers out there you know you have a shoule right the covenant with shoule the covenant with shiole and i i would agree on that point i do believe that there is a true paul that was tour observant but for everyone out there who's like i don't care what you who should say i don't care or i don't care what jesus said that that was for the jews i i have paul it's like no you just made that that's the cut you're you're no longer making the covenant with yahua you are making a covenant with shoule right the covenant with death you do not want to do that of course the spirit of amalek hates the torah obedience righteous man so let's see what it's uh continuing with chapter two of was a masalman and this is the wicked realizing just like amalek right he he uh he he wanted he didn't want or he saw he he saw his children they didn't want um they didn't want to live a righteous life but they didn't want isual to inherit the land so they say the the wicked the wicked say the unrighteous let us lie and wait for the righteous man because he is inconvenient to us and opposes our actions he reproaches us for sins we say transgressions against the torah and accuses us of transgressions against our training he professes to have knowledge of allahayim and calls himself a child of yahua he became to us a reproof of our thoughts the very side of him is a burden to us because his manner of life is unlike that of the others right we are set apart from the world in his ways are strange we are considered by him as something base and he avoids our way as unclean there it is duh duh duh duh as they're you know eating all their pork and stuff like that and we're like yeah we're not gonna participate in that and they hate us for it because they want us to get it they want us to crawl into the pig pen and and be unclean with them and it's it's just funny like again like there's some words they can't say like the the you know the the nephilim juice uh word there's a lot of christian truthers out there like you know they come down on people for for doing that taking part of that but it's like well on what basis on what basis because you you're talking about their lack of health and all the stuff and you're putting this poison in your body but what about all the uncleanness that you're participating it's it's like you're you're picking and choosing here for me it's it's it just makes sense i mean if we're the unclean there's unclean things to put in our body we do not want to put unclean poisons into our body where was i um he calls the last end of the righteous happy and boast that allahiyam is his father let us see if his words are true and let us test what will happen at the end of his life or if the righteous man is allahiyam's child as he says and he will help him and we'll deliver him from the hand of his adversary this is straight up prophetic for you hushamashiach when they killed him like oh this guy is so righteous let's see what his let's just kill him and see if he comes to his defense let us test him with insult and torture so that we may find out how reasonable he is and of course if they did this to our master of the king of kings then they'll do it to us as well let us test him with the insults and torture so that we may find out how reasonable he is and make trial of his forbearance let us condemn him to a shameful death for according to what he says he will be protected but that's what they were shouting to him on the cross of course thus they reason but they were led astray for the wickedness blinded them and that's the thing right that's that should if you have any fear out there it's to be blinded and yada's blind people and they did not know the secret purpose of allahiyam nor hoped for the wages of holiness nor discern the prize for blame of souls for allaham created us for incorruption and made us in the image of our own eternity but through an adversary's envy death entered the world and those who belong to his company experience it those would be those who belong to the amalak spirit or the serpent wisdom of solemn nectar too all right so why do I have a picture of paul here this came from the smisonia took his pictures because you know it's just i think paul just had migraines all the time and the artwork shows for like the guy just had headaches but anyways to let me just explain Romans chapter seven here in a nutshell to the righteous if I could sum this up to the righteous the Torah is the path to eternal life but to the wicked the Torah leads to death and that's just the thing for everyone saying out there the Torah is a curse it's like yeah actually for you it is a curse i mean that's your attitude fine for you it's a curse it what does it lead it leads to death but to the righteous the Torah is the path to eternal life and it excites us and the wicked just don't understand that and this is what he says what shall we say then is the Torah sin may it never be on the contrary I would not have come to know transgression or sin except through the Torah for I would not have known about coveting if the Torah had not said you shall not covet but sin taking opportunity through the commandment produced in me coveting of every kind for apart from the Torah sin is dead and this is what we just read but the Torah does is it convicts people right without it there is no there's not that conviction and people don't want to be convicted they just want to you know just I if you guys tuned in on Tuesday showed you my love for pepperoni beef pepperoni beef pepperoni so amazing I had all hundred percent beef pizza it was so good but people want their you know they're their nasty pork pepperoni and they don't want to be convicted about it I was once alive apart from the Torah but when the commandments gained sin became alive and I died and this commandment which was to result in life proved to result in death for me for sin taking an opportunity through the commandment deceived me and through it killed me so then the Torah is holy so if I went out there you know you always have to see Paul through and I keep writes like he has mind grains I mean I'm not making fun of the guy just just he's like doing this as he's like writing right because that's how it reads but anyways the the Torah is holy and the commandment is holy and righteous and good I'll just end it there moments chapter seven all right entering the land this is the moment we're all waiting for this is how man I'm not going to get to the Torah portion today this is we're on the how the Torah portion begins right now and you have this is the moment we're all waiting for you and you have come toward okay and it shall exist in your coming toward the land which YHWH gives you and it says then this is what really got me excited and you have come towards the breach the the preach the priest which shall exist in those days guys who is the who's our priest who is our high priest that we will approach when we cross that river Jordan and we come in it's going to be Yeshua YHWHHH we're going to go up to our high priest and if you saw the cover of this Torah portion you know I had like all these people like exhausted and just so excited to finally make it and I was trying to create images that expressed how I think I'm going to feel you know when you go through this life and you're just exhausted and you ran the race and you make it and you just it's it's like you know it's like in those film the movies you see where there's a cast away right and he's he's survived the storm miraculously and he's swimming in against the tide and he makes it up on the shore and like the waves are so crashing over him as he falls down and clutches the sand and he doesn't even care that the waves are moving over him because he made it to the land he's alive right and that's how I feel like if I make it to the kingdom if I make it to the promised land like there's just going to be that moment of you know you're just you're you're spaghetti noodle legs and you can't take another step so Israel entering the land or the hidden wilderness and paradise this comes from Ezekiel chapter 20. Wherefore say into the house of Yashirel that's us the saith Yahua ha allahayah to us the house of Israel are ye polluted after the manner of your fathers and commit ye boredom after their abominations well we're in this predicament because of our fathers of course we have to take responsibility for ourselves right and that's what he's asking you to do here he's like okay you're in this predicament because of your father's now it's time for you to step up yeah that it's hard for you now because you're in this unclean land for when ye offer your gifts when you make your sons to pass through the fire you pollute yourselves with all your idols even into this day and shall I be inquired of by you oh house of Yashirel as I live saith Yahua ha allahayam I will not be inquired of by you that which cometh into your mind shall not be at all that ye say we will be as the heathen as the families of the countries to serve wood and stone as I live saith Yahua ha allahayam surely with a mighty hand and with a stretched out arm and with theory poured out will I rule over you and I will bring you out from the people and I will gather you out of the countries where you're scattered with a mighty hand and with a stretched out arm and with theory poured out and I will bring you into the wilderness of the people and there will I plead with you face to face and so I am seeing this connection here with Deuteronomy right when you get into the land and you go up to the priest so now you're going into the wilderness but I call the head and wilderness the greater realm the blessed land the undying lands and you go up to the priest and now you're seeing him face to face and he's pleading with you will you keep my covenants will you be obedient if I let you and if I let you pass under this rod will you be obedient to me and how much better is it if we make that decision now then we're in that moment I sometimes wonder if there will be people who they live their whole lives and they're gonna get there and go nah nah I'm not interested and that's what would be and as as crazy as that would sound that would be the spirit of Amalad right he doesn't want other people to pass in I because he doesn't want to go in it's like what he said to the Pharisees what you wish us is the Pharisees like you're standing by the gates and you are trying to keep people out because you yourselves are not willing to go in there's people like that like as I pleaded with your father's in the wilderness in the lands of Egypt so will I plead with you say yeah well ha allaha and I will cause you to pass under the rod and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant and of course I think this is probably the rod of Mosheh and I will purge out from among you the rebels and them that transgress against me telling me telling me that there are up until this point there are still rebels in the midst you see what I'm saying and he is going to be separating the sheep from the goats and be like do you want to keep my covenant nah well then you can go this way you're not coming in I will bring them forth out of the country where they sajorn and they shall not enter into the land of Yashirel and you shall know that I am Yahuwahab and of course I'll show you I believe this land of Yashirel here it's not referring to the physical land over there 1948 Israel I believe that this is the land the Abraham was looking for the the true promise and for you oh house of Yashirel thus saith Yahuwah allahiyam go ye serve ye everyone his idols and here after oh so if you will not harken into me but pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts and with your idols for in my holy mountain in the mountain of the height of Yashirel I think this is by the mountain in the north saith Yahuwah allahiyam there shall all there shall all the house of Yashirel all of them in the land serve me there will I accept them and there will I require your offerings and the first fruits of your oblations with all your holy things I mean is this promise I mean is this no longer true right we no longer be going to be bringing this stuff all right we uh feel like someone won't read this is a job promising resurrection and um this is of course ode 42 from the ode to Solomon and as I mentioned before that there are multiple uh writers uh of these and this one here I identify as Yahuwah shahama shiak as our Messiah Yeshua our High Priest and so they said and I made it this is the context is he's going down to shil and this is the moment I believe when uh he went down there and he he rose he he grabbed everyone sleeping in shil the righteous and he dropped them out into the land they passed into the rod and I made a congregation of living among his dead and I spoke with them by living lips in order that my word may not be unprofitable of course he's the high priest right so they're going on the high priest and I I will repeat this you will hear me repeat this another hundred times I love this line and those who had died ran towards me and they cried out and said son of Elohim have pity on us I mean the scene isn't shil and I just I try to imagine this like you know you're it's like a you know Mel Gibson I guess apparently the passion of the Christ too he's making up the the harrowing of hell which is going to be so epic and sci-fi and you know Mel Gibson brutality right but I mean I hope he I hope he does this scene well just to show all the the saints of Yashirel just running towards him crying out you know son of Elohim son of David have pity on us save us and deal with us according to your kindness and bring us out from the bonds of darkness and open for us the door remember he said I'm the door open for us the door by which we may come out to you where we perceive that our death does not touch you which is interesting since he's actually down there in shil he had died all right let's talk let's look a little bit of polycarbon this idea of keeping the commands and how it comes into the resurrection so hopefully you're seeing how all this ties in on lock the spirit of wants to keep you out of the land he wants you to be disobedient how does he do it he finds you when you're grumbling and you're grief and your doubt he comes in says to god really say you're you're now no longer keeping the commands therefore he is keeping you out of the land you see the domino effect here all right and of course the land I'm not talking of just about the physical Israel I'm talking about our resurrection our eternal inheritance the the promise of whether you want to call it paradise whether you want to call it the the hidden wilderness new Jerusalem whatever this is what he says therefore prepare for action and serve all Ohio and fear and truth leaving behind the empty and meaningless talk in the error of the crowd and by the way this is him covertly he was in Nazarene this is him covertly talking with his after Ignatius writes him and he's you know he hates Judaism and the Sabbath and all this kind of stuff and so polycarbon has to be very very easy with his words and he's trying to correct his audience and saying no no no come on now and believing in the one who raised our ad and I Jesus Christos from the dead and gave him glory and a throne at the at his right hand to him all things in heaven and our earth were subjected with whom every breathing creature serves who is coming as judge of the living and of the dead for whose blood allahayim will hold responsible those who disobey him but the one who raised him from the dead will raise us also if which we could what Pamela would put in there conditionally conditionally he will resurrect this if we do his well and follow his commandments and love the things that he loved and he constantly tells us the things that he loved and then he ends it for theirs is the kingdom of allahayim polycarbon to the Philippines to chapter five he says this if we please him in this present world we will receive the world to come as well now he's talking here about the millennial kingdom but I think he's also talking about you know what what I would say is the greater realm and we could we could say the greater realm in a flat earth Hebrew cosmology as above the firmament if you want you want to say you know heaven is above the firmament there's say seven heavens ten heavens however many other worlds up there but paradise would be like say on the third heaven but I would say also you know the the blessed land the undying lands which is below the firmament in our realm so if we please him in this present world we will receive the world to come as well and as much as he promised that he will raise us from the dead and that if we prove to be citizens worthy of him we will also reign with him if that is we continue to believe polycarbon to the flippian chapter seven says this for everyone who does not confess that yessus creasus is coming to flesh as antichrist of course his strip quoting from john who he was trained at his feet and whoever does not acknowledge the testimony the cross is of the devil and whoever twists the sayings of adenai or maybe he's saying yeah why here I don't really know he says the lord whoever twists the sayings of the lord to suit his own sinful desires man he is just like he is going against if you want to call polionity and I hope everyone knows what I mean by saying polionity right that the lawless greek messiah that you know the Torah is done away with so whoever twists the sayings of the lord to suit his own sinful desires and also that claims that there is neither resurrection or judgment right because you know you're not going to be judged for your transgressions right I think that's what he's saying well that person is the firstborn of satan therefore let us leave behind the worth the speculation of the crowd he's already seeing that the the greater collection of the goyeem we don't want to be graphed into israel the worth the speculation of the crowd and their false teachings he's not talking here about just pagan you know different religions he's talking about within his audience like in their world there's false teachings coming in the worth the speculation of the crowd and the context is the wallessness and let us return to the word delivered to us from the beginning that's genesis he's taking you all the way back to genesis let's go back to the very beginning and learn that see how covert it is but it makes total sense when you understand the nurturing of the Torah what he's getting at all right moving on tonight shield abyss leviathan and hillmouth why do we have a picture here of rings of power you know for all the critique out there about how abysmal and woke and all this kind of stuff rings of power is and i will admit okay it's it's not i'm i'm bored the second season is pretty boring why am i watching it well the thing is is that uh token was incredibly well we brilliance i guess is a word but very knowledgeable about stuff that we're just catching up with let's put it that way and rings of power is based off the appendices of the Lord of the Rings and the story is amazing even if they are unable to really wrap you know really get a hold of it okay that's not i'm not holding i'm not critiquing that i just want to talk about the appendices here all right so here we see um her her name is mariel and there's elindo actually they're both down here and he is the descendant of aragorns when you watch the Lord of the Rings and you know he's he's comes down through him they're actually called they're the leaders of what's called the faithful and the faithful are those who remain loyal to the valor who are the valor they are angels and gods who are subordinates to the one true god in the undying lands all right so what's interesting about this is that it's it's the fallen pneumonor it's this it's this aquatic island that is a stand-in for Atlantis but also tarshish it's tarsus remember the place where don't win and i've thrown in my speculation my kind of i've thrown my hat in the ring as to where tarsus might be i i really suspect that it's um that Atlantean society that is in the south of spain some people are going to furiously disagree with that they're going to say it's india or something like that whatever everyone can have their arguments on this but i think that it was a tarsus was a Confederacy of Atlantis and i think that it it was a it was a circular city that we saw like the eye of the Sahara maybe the eye of the Sahara in Africa is uh Atlantis or Nautery maybe that's another sister city we really don't know i mean we just don't know uh there's a lot of questions but anyways in in tokens appendices it's the pneumonorians who go to war against the undying lands which is the greater realm the right the blessed land and the valor destroy them and they actually the earth is flats and they just they destroy this Atlantean society they create the world exoterically into a ball so that you know so that uh the valor are hidden and people don't know where they're at right i've gone over this many times i think it's brilliant i think it's an incredible story line anyway these two are um these two are the uh the faithful to the valor and there is there's been this usurping of the throne she's cast out now they're going to kill him because he is loyal to her and the valor and interestingly enough in the last episode which just aired last night we watched it she is um they have a Leviathan creature he's called the worm and this Leviathan creature they actually say that in his mouth if he eats you you enter the abyss and we've all been through this before i've taken you through this with Jonah where when Jonah is swallowed by the fish he's in the fishes belly and yet he says he's in shield underneath the mountains and you know the legends of the jews talks about this too how uh the uh the viphon has an entryway what one of the entryways to shield is in the ocean so it's really interesting here she goes down she volunteers to go down and be judged by the valor through this Leviathan creature this Leviathan creature i'm not sure if this is the uh the scene from last night or it could be earlier this season but she's pulled down under the water and this big Leviathan creature comes up to her like he's going to eat her and he looks at her and he actually sends her back and it's testimony to the fact that she was loyal to uh the valor in this the land of promise and she was judged um but not guilty which is really interesting um so here's if you recall i did this like a year ago i went through this um the study on hellmouth and this was really big in the the the late middle ages a lot of illustrations about hellmouth and they depicted hellmouth as an actual physical entity that literally swallowed people and um i i believe that this is a type of Leviathan creature i don't know if it is Leviathan i think very likely um and it is interesting that in the 1800s 17 1800s when the millennial kingdom came to an end and people are going out by ships again they're seeing sea serpents everywhere now the sea serpents are gone i don't know where they went before a time there was a lot of sea serpents and i think it was almost like millennial kingdom residue because i showed that in the kingdom how they would string up the life and eat them and that kind of stuff um so there's all these horrible scenes where people are shoved into hellmouth uh but then it gets good when we finally see messiah come in and free him i guess we're not there you know the pictures but we read this in the third baruch chapter four it says and he showed me a plane and a serpent which appeared to be 200 plethora in length and he showed me Hades and its appearance was dark in the bottom wall and i said who is the dragon and who is this monster around him and the angel said he's in the third heaven by the way and the angel said the dragon is he who eats the bodies of those who spend their life wickedly and he is nourished by them and this is Hades which itself also closely resembles him and that it also drinks about a cubit from the sea which does not sink at all so they're attributing Hades here to leviathan because leviathan i mean i can show you uh jewish literature like the legends of the jews where they say that the leviathan drinks so much water a day and that kind of stuff and the ocean doesn't sink at all they're literally saying the abyss is uh leviathan so when you get into joe when you look at leviathan and it goes into like you know who can pull him by a hook and open his jaws and this kind of stuff and and you know the young earth creationists and yeah bless them i'm not coming you know hard down on them but they're like oh this is a you know this is a dinosaur this is like a clonosaurus or something like that it's actually describing the the hillmout it's actually describing the the jaws of hell who can open up the who you could phrase in this way who can open up the jaws of hellmouth who could put a hook in his mouth and draw him out right who can conquer hellmouth nobody can except of course yohushaha mashiach i know he did that um the last line here in joe joe for the one verse 34 is really telling he says he leviathan beholds all high things he is king over the children of pride and that's like really a sea serpent's is the the king over the children of pride or dinosaurs is that is that what it's saying no it's he's actually an entity right a spiritual entity and of course here we see yohushaha mashiach all these illustrations of him going down and opening up breaking down the gates opening up the jaws of hellmouth of Hades a shield leviathan coming in and freeing everybody um and i already read you that passage in oza salomon here's one the gospel nicodemus which i will read for the rest of my life so just you have to bear with me if you hang around and uh it says this in chapter 16 while david was saying this elion appeared in the form of a man and it lights in those places which had ever before been in darkness and broke us under the fetters which before could not be broken and with his invincible power visited those who sat in the deep darkness by niquity and the shadow of death by sin and uh it's exciting but then we read this in revelation chapter 20 and i saw the dead small and great stand before all a high arm and the books were open and another book was open which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works and this is a really provocative line and the sea gave up the dead are we talking like uh like sunken ships here like sailors i mean what are we talking about here right the sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their belief in the historical jesus and resurrection right no every man was judged according to their works that's how the bible ends according to their works and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death so that's uh kind of interesting there that the final destruction i guess you could say able of eithin right the eithin is literally and so you could say that anyone who is in hell mouth at that time uh they are thrown in into the lake of fire they are no more i'm going to end on this note tonight who is the aramean aramea and unfortunately like i said there's so much to cover i can't do it all apologies uh it says this my my father was an aramea wandering lost ready to perish and he descended into matrine so we see this that abraham was from arum so when it's saying my father was an aramea it says this in jesus 24 10 then the servant took 10 of his master's camels and departed with all manner of good things for his master in hand and he set out i'm this is eliaizer setting out and he set out for nayhor's hometown in arum naha ram and the king james interestingly enough uh it says missle patania really sent me off because i was it made threw me off because i'm like i know arum is in here somewhere and i'm like missle patania but so yeah they they defined his missle patania but so you can say my father was a missle patania if you want according to king james and we read this uh interesting enough in jesus 20 it says and it came to pass when all ham caused abraham to wander from my father's house so there there he is right there same word from missle patania he wandered lost ready to perish and Hebrews 11 says that's but by faith abraham when he was called out he wandered to go out into a place which he should after receive for inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing where he went or whether he went now i i just want to point this out because a lot of people miss this because there's there's it doesn't it seems like there's like when it comes to new jerusalem there's like no debate on this that it's a brick and mortar city and i i think it is but i have stated repeatedly that i see evidence for a brick and mortar city as well as a spiritual city as in you and i are the bricks uh the stones okay so liquidus is here for he looked for a city which had found which has foundations whose builder and maker is all a high arm okay so we know what that's talking about the renewed urichling the city in heaven that comes down and so it's interesting that the the trail of thought here immediately goes into sarah and sarah herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age because she judged him faithful who had promised therefore spring there even of one and him as good as dead so many of the stars in the sky in multitude so it it's kind of interesting here it's it's now describing uh the descendants of abraham what he sought for as many stars in the sky so just want to throw that out there that yes i think it is talking about a physical city but i see what a lot of people are saying that it is uh that we are the city of renewed urichlian yohusha says this in john 14 let not your heart be troubled you believe in alahiam believe also in me in my father's house or many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go and prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and i will stay where you're at no i will come again and receive you into myself that where i am there you may be also and whether i go you know that and the way you know there's the way again right you you already know the way it's the Torah right it's been written for you that is the way that's the way to get to me but i like to point this out a lot because people are like oh when he appeared in the sky in like 66 AD uh Noel uh you know that he came back to the earth then it's like no that's not what he's saying he's not saying that he physically ruled like you know in some you know physical throne over Jerusalem at that time he went and got his followers so that they could be where he is at that's what he says right there okay i'm gonna actually end on this note tonight and i wanted i've had quite a few people coming up to me recently uh stating that you know that there's this momentum building on this death deception that when you die you go towards the light but you're supposed to not go towards the light because you're supposed to i guess turn i was kind of looking into this apparently you're supposed to turn around and then there's like these people like signaling for you to come to them and it's it's like the true afterlife if you go to the light it's deception but you're supposed to go to these sounds like a porn to me but apparently a lot of people are really concerned about this i would think that because from what i've read from the Egyptian religion it seems that it seems to be coming out of Egyptian thinking right so when very few people were actually mummified in ancient Egypt by Hellenized time there was many more people mummified but immortality was only promised to those who went through the mystery rights and they were mummified the rest of people they just died and that was it but according to the Egyptians when they died they had to you know they put in their walls all these like magical spells and things and the mummy was real important because it was an avatar that their spirit could or their soul could come back to right this is where we get the idea of a mummy rising up again and it needed that avatar and it would it would have all like basically how to escape the deception and if i think if you saw the movie was that Kurt Russell movie Stargate it kind of played into that too how even in the afterlife there's a lot of even i think the mummy movies too you know it always ends with like the mummy ending up being drug you know off the hell or something like that because they they didn't really play out what they were supposed to do correctly but i just i want to like i want to do this whole study on guardian angels let me just say this if you die and you are deceived and you go to the wrong place because you're following the light not to sound irreverent but you have some really terrible guardian angels like the bible makes it very clear that there's righteous and there's wicked and it's not about jumping through these hoops and magical spells you know watching the right youtube channel on this earth to to find out you're supposed to turn over here and come you know go to the people that are doing this to you right silently apparently they're not going to the tunnel like to apprehend you you just have to know to turn the right direction go to now you know people who are really into this death deception are going to mock me for this but let me just for the way i'm explaining this um let me just read to you this passage just comes from the book of wisdom i did a study on this last summer i'm going to end on this chapter 15 from the book of wisdom this is an incredible incredible chapter it agrees with i'll say it agrees with tamudic literature because you read some of the like the targums and things like that they will say that when you die if you have learned from the Torah the instructions are right just living in this life that it will continue the Torah will continue to tutor you in death all right to the ancients and that will help illustrate what i'm about to read to the ancients the idea of sleeping is the same thing as uh as death sleep is equated to death so imagine uh you go to sleep and you have nightmares all night or you go to sleep and you sleep really soundly that that's the the idea of death for the righteous and the wicked and and i have said in my testimony and others have come out and say the same thing but when i started keeping the commands my nightmares went away i started sleeping more soundly i had just good nights rest i had more pleasant dreams i used to have a lot of nightmares they went away and and so let's okay let's just read this here the spiritual realm lies between the realm of matter and the realm of the divine we were just discussing this uh with my uh group the other night about where is the spiritual realm it's like right here with us it's pretty crazy if your mind is unable to grasp the idea of the divine and you cannot understand what is meant by spirituality do not be dismayed how can an ordinary unenlightened mind do so when it is shut in by a corrupt material world and then close on every side by illusion absolute purity cannot be seen amid amid the clouds of earthly impurity and in this defiled place the immaculate is inconceivable therefore if you cannot understand this or perceive the reality of perfection how much less are you able to comprehend the divine step confidently along the path guided by understanding companions who are more enlightened for they will not lead you astray and soon the light of understanding will be placed in your hand so i would say um just this is like straight out of the the mystery schools when i did that whole thing on the the matrix and the the seven the interior castle the soul and you know the seven different rooms and stuff the ascending path they all say the same thing whether you're a pagan or you're in the the mysteries of what i would say the the mysteries of the millennial kingdom is that um is that most people when they wake up to the reality world it's called the the raven for reason because all the sudden you're soaring over the earth and you're looking down kind of contemptually contemptuously at the rest of humanity going oh look they don't i can see far away i get everything and they will tell you that that is is a very dangerous step when you first wake up because most people don't graduate past that yeah they they you are now unteachable because you know better than everybody else you're gonna teach yourself and this is telling you right here it's like no no no no no go find a master this is what they all say you need to find a master you need to find someone who's going to instruct you to teach you and take you on the path and when people refuse to to be taught and they you know they you just see them kind of going everywhere like you know just up like being tossed to and fro in the waves what's the latest youtube video it's the latest thing this channel over here saying listen that and you run around and you go oh my god like they're disproving the bible and i don't know what to do with this and then people fall away you see what i'm saying just let someone lead you on the path to you know to that tunnel of light the spiritual realm is divided into two parts one part one on one side is the place where the wicked have companionship of their own kind and it is a cold place of gloom and darkness this is the realm of evil containing those who are repulsive even to their own kind their greatest punishment may lay in the fact that they retain the memory of beauty goodness and cleanliness just as the happiness of those in the realm of good on the other side is heights and bites contrast with the sorrows and afflictions they have known which is really interesting because it's not saying that their greatest punishment is necessarily in their own evil but the very fact that they have now been handed over to their the desires of their heart and there's no more of the beauty of yah in this world for them to corrupt i mean that's essentially what it's saying it's the spirit of amalak the realm of evil is separated from the realm of good by the etheric form of flame through which communication can be made which we see in the parable vihushah hama shiak with a Abraham's bosom with Lazarus and the rich man they communicate back and forth where those on the summit side to inquire from the dwellers in gloom what brought them to their deplorable state if the truth could be found in them they would reply we are those who were heedless of all spiritual and ennobling things we were those who thought only of their own betterments and not the advancements of mankind and the welfare of others we were the selfish ones who considered only their own comfort and convenience now look at what we have we oppressed the poor and lowly and exploited to help us in wheat which is the opposite of the heart of yah doing nothing to improve their lot now look at ours we sat on councils and in seats of authority engaging in vain disputes about right and wrong while the poor the hungry and the oppressed stood by and suffered in patience so they're now you know they're putting themselves in seats of honor which yahushah says you know those who do that will be dismissed we are above all those who could have done much but did little we were those who given great gifts use them for selfish ends what have we now we inhabited fine houses and surrounded ourselves with all things to give us ease and comfort guys this is wisdom of solemn chapter one and two this is exactly what we could do knowing that they're morals and that they're going to die and they just are like well let's live our life now because we see that the righteous are immortal at least they declare themselves to be but we don't want to live that kind of life we want to live for the now because we're just going to die what have we now okay we now we are powerless we sought out places of pleasure and close our eyes to the sorrow and suffering of the world we laughed at those who sought to teach us spirituality it took a base and easy view of right and wrong let me read that again we laughed at those who sought to teach us spirituality this is guys is a wisdom of solemn chapter one and two and took a base and easy view of right and wrong because they don't want to be convicted of the Torah right that just make this easy for us right there is no laughter here we doubted that there was any life to come and couldn't that's of course the spirit of Cain of Esau and could not understand the talk about it would that the grave had been the end sounds like Job's friends talk of duty and service disturbed our ease and complacency and we let others carry our burdens if only we could return only now when we so miserably exist in the certainty of life after death can we realize our errors and suffer for them here the air is filled with the sighing sound of the saddest words we know too late those words did once span the gulf and were recorded by an ancient seer basically they're saying ancient seer heard beyond the veil and heard them say in hell and she'll too late too late on the day when the whole being is split apart by death and the mortal clay is consigned to its proper place the spirit passes through the great gates into the spiritual realm there it enters into a borderland where the floodgates of memory are open and each and every deed recalled and I actually think this here is not just a reference to this life but probably a pre-existent life like when we die and we pass over all of a sudden we're like OMG like all of a sudden we're like realizing you know what it was like in pre-existence whatever we did it'll make sense like oh my goodness I committed this transgression I lived this kind of life on the earth this is where the newly arrived spirit waits while slowly it assumes its chosen shape and realizes the direction of its destination the spirit does not arrive in a state of waking but it is like one asleep there you go right there right this is how the ancients per understood death to be like sleep you're waking up just like in shiwa where they're all waking up and they're like you know save a son of elohim son of david it awakes to its new life like a man awakes to a new day then if during earthly life it has doomed itself this realization will slowly dawn and the newly formed being will cringe away from those who come to welcome it so this in my opinion this goes completely against that you know that whole thing of keep away from the light and go to the people over there waving and welcoming you it's like it's like no no no no you're you have determined your path and you're actually going to cringe away from the light like don't deceive yourself like you're cringing away from righteousness you're waking up to what's happening and you're going to the people of your own kind this realization will slowly dawn and the newly formed being okay will cringe away from those who welcome it it will indeed wish that death have been the end the wisdom of ancient times disclose that the newly arrived spirit stood in completeness for judgment but what is called the place of decision is the borderline if during life the spirit has beautified and ennobled itself it will slowly realize it's unfolding glory and rejoice it will rise gladly to its welcome and advance fearlessly into the lights of its compatible place so again maybe the excuse that you know apparently some of these seers are are saying for this conspiracy that they were apparently there actually maybe it's it's almost like projection or something like that or misdirection like they're they're actually recoiling from the light and they're telling everybody else just like amalock yeah yeah don't go over to their to the promised land we we don't want to go ourselves we don't want you to go towards the light either some which we do not have full affinity with either the light or the darkness depart from the shadow land towards which they are impaled by its attraction for one in their state within the spiritual realm there are places to suit the condition of every spirit entering it and that is why the ancient book states this is really interesting because this is what you who show him she up quotes the mansions of the spirit are without number well his is that you know in my father's house are many mansions but all right um i'm gonna end on that tonight so hopefully you guys all enjoy this we'll do this again next week um thank you everyone for making this a tradition in your household love you guys have a good week have a good restful savage shabbat shalom