The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

392 | Giants In America: 19th Century Newspaper Confessions and the Smithsonian Cover-up (Part 2)

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Purchase 'Giants In America': Hebrew Match: Ministry and Widow TUC Fundraiser September: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Store: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

So I'm everybody, this is going to be a bit of an experiment tonight because I am doing simultaneous broadcast on Facebook, YouTube, and my discord channel. So hopefully they all go well. Hopefully it's not a bummer on the Wi-Fi speed or anything like that. You know, I'm not trying to lift too much weight here. So we'll see how it goes tonight. But anyways, we're going to be not concluding, well, maybe concluding, but continuing my reading of giants in America. So specifically, let me take you to the book here. Now we sell this in the store. This is Giants in America. Newspapers of our realm, Volume 1. Why do I call it Volume 1? Because this is a series that I hope to produce. And I have part two, I've already started to collect newspaper clippings of kind of crypto zoology or cryptids, whatever you want to call them, through the 1800s and 1900s. It's strange creatures that have cropped up in American lore through the years. And but anyway, so we're going to be looking at giant sites. Now, I did part one about three weeks ago. And then last week, I was talking about this through my last tour portions. I took my first ever family vacation, like we did the family vacation, you know, you get up at 6 a.m. and you're going till you drop at nights and you're like, why am I doing this with my lifetime thing? But no, it was a great time. And we went to Washington, D.C., which is appropriate for this, because I talked about the Smithsonian in here. We went to Washington, D.C., because the Smithsonian is free indoctrination, or I should say indoctrination is free. And the trip was very affordable, and I loved going through the Smithsonian. I gave a presentation on some of the stuff I kind of looked at a couple nights ago, I'm not going to go over it again. However, I do want to point this out. This is a mastodon. Why am I showing you this? Well, if you recall in the first video, the first, it's like a, you know, I don't know, the first 40 pages or so of the book, we were looking at these, this giant that was going around and these bones were dug up, it was like, I think like it was an 18 or 19 footer. And you had all these doctors and other professionals saying this was a genuine human giant, you know, bone. And it was getting a little too real because all these people were coming in, hundreds, thousands of people were paying to see it. And it was making the rounds, they had to put it into it. And so they, you know, rolled out the right people saying, no, no, no, no, no, hold on. This was misidentified as a mammoth or a mastodon, you know, something like that. And so of course at that point, they, they, they took the bones away so nobody could see it. Nobody could challenge that view at that point. And I think they were just gaslighting everybody and it's like, well, wait a second here. If it was a mastodon, then, then fine, they, they misclassified it whoop, they do happens a lot. If it was their mistake, just show the mastodon, right? Instead of having a stand straight up, just position it correctly. Now, when I went to the Smithsonian, the one thing I would say that genuinely upset me, there was, you know, tons of indoctrination there. I'm cool with all that. I was loving it all. I was enjoying it. I mean, I'll take every single artifact, whether it's Archie Bunker's chair or, you know, Mr. Rogers sweater or, you know, the Apollo 11 capsule or the, was it the, the Apollo 15 through 17 moon rover or whatever, Neil Armstrong's space suit. I'll look at all of it. Just the fossil, show it to me. I'll take everything on a case by case basis, the, the necklace and Napoleon gave his wife, you know, or Marie Antoinette earrings, all that kind of stuff. And I'll say, okay. All right. So we have these physical objects before us and do they, I know this exists. I know this chair that they're saying is Archie Bunker's chair exists. And I know this, these shoes that they're saying is Mr. Rogers shoes are before me, but, you know, does history line up with what they're saying. Got it? Well, what was upsetting me about the mastodon right before you this is very one right before you. I mean, the whole Smithsonian is I'm looking at this up close, and I'm going, how in the world do you, would anybody dig this up and misidentify it as a giant human, oh, a giant fine, but a human mind you, I mean, you look at this. There's no fingers, there's like the, the, the, it's just the whole thing. Like that doesn't look like a human rib cage. It doesn't look like a human anything. I've heard, you know, I get the whole thing about when I was a child, I collected zoo books. I could probably, I have it behind me. I should have pulled it out and shown you the famous elephant issue where they, they show you that, you know, mankind, they, they only believed in cyclops in the past because they dug up elephant skulls and they didn't know what they were looking at. So they just thought it was a cyclops. Well, here's the thing. Nobody was calling this quote unquote mastodon a cyclops. You would look at that school and go, that's a cyclops. They weren't saying that. So hopefully you get my point here that I'm calling BS and the whole thing. I think it was a genuine giant. And I think that they had to, you know, pull it away, do damage control, gaslight everybody. Well, let's get right into it tonight. I was trying to remember where we ended up. And I think it was somewhere right about here, page 42. Hope you all hope you all are doing well tonight. Gigantic, gigantic, I needed, I think I need a little more coffee, excuse me. Wasn't ready to go quite yet. Gigantic skeletons from the Australia times, September 5th, 1884. As a reminder, the way this works, you know, all these newspaper clippings that were collected is that some are repetitive, it'll be the same giant that multiple newspapers will be talking about. Those serve two different purposes, well, multiple purposes, but two of them that I can think of right off the bat is that one is that you see, you will see additional detail, which is really important. It's not just necessarily the same thing repeatedly, you do get additional detail. You see how the story develops over the months as it comes out and then they try to take it down. But also, I think one of the things that was really a little bit surprising for me through this process was today, you know, journalism is awful. I mean, nowadays it's so bad, they don't even write stories anymore for the most part. They just do like bullet points, you know, because that's all most people have the time for or that it's the reading comprehension. And so, but I was really surprised to see how many of these that were just copied and pasted even back then in the 1800s. They were just taking one newspaper clipping, copying and pasting it, putting on to another, claiming it is their own. They weren't even sourcing the other newspaper, which is what happens today, of course, too. The Michigan paper reports the discovery of a gigantic human in Iraq near the South Rapids, it says, "The head is massive, 31 1/2 inches in circumference, is low in the front and very flat on the top, the femur measures 26 1/4 inches and the fibula 26 1/2 inches, while the body is equally long and proportioned. From the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, the length is 10 feet, 9 1/2 inches. The measure around the chest is 59 1/2 inches. This giant must have weighed at least 900 pounds when covered with a reasonable amount of flesh. Yeah, this is where we ended last week. The petrified remains and there is nothing left but the naked bones now weigh 304 pounds. The thumb and fingers of the left hand and the left foot from the ankle to the toes are gone, but all the other parts are perfect. Barely, there were giants in those days. Licking County has been for years a favorite field for students of Indian history. Last week, a small mound near Homer was opened by some school boys. Today, further search was made and several people of the surface of the earth in a large vault with stone flooring and barbering were found for huge skeletons that three being over seven feet in length and the other a full eight feet. The skeletons lay with their feet to the east on a bed of charcoal in which were numerous burn bones. About the neck of the largest skeleton was a lot of stone beads. The grave contained about 30 stone vessels and implements, the most striking being a curiously wrought pipe. It is said to be the only engraved stone pipe ever found. A stone kettle holding about a gallon in which was a residue of selen matter bears evidence of much skill. Their bows and number of arrows, stone hatchets and a stone knife are among the implements that were found at the site. This mound on the New York Pennsylvania state line, Philadelphia Times, June 27, 1885. Why this man was 10 or 12 feet high, thunder and lightning exclaimed Mr. Porter's astonishment, the first speaker who has won a local distinction as a scientist reiterating his assertion. JH Porter has a farm near northeast, not many miles from where the Lakeshore Railroad crosses the New York State boundary line. Early this week's and workmen and Mr. Porter's employ came upon the entrance to a cave and on entering it found heaps of human bones within. Many skeletons were complete and specimens of the fine were brought out and exhibited to the naturalist and archeologist of the neighborhood. They informed the wondering bystanders that the remains were unmistakably those of giants. The entire village of northeast was aroused by the discovery and today hundreds of people from the city took advantage of their holiday to visit the scene. It was first conjectured that the remains were those as soldiers killed in battle with the Indians that abounded in the vicinity during the last century. But the size of the skulls and the length of the lake bones dispelled that theory. So far about 150 giant skeletons of powerful proportions have been exhumed and indications point to a second cave eastward which may probably contain as many more. Scientists who have exhumed skeletons and made careful measurements of the bones say that they are the remains of a race of gigantic creatures compared with which our talisman would appear pigmies. There are no arrowheads, stone hatchets or other implements of war with the bodies. Some of the bones are on exhibition at the various stores. One is as thick as a good sized bucket. So they don't tell you here's what they do tell you. They tell you that there were about 150 giant skeletons discovered and then they start out saying that one of them was anywhere from 10 to 12 feet high. We don't know how many were 10 to 12 feet high. So there's that. Nevertheless they do seem to imply that overall the bones of these men were so gigantic that modern men would appear as pigmies. And I mean, that's twice my height, that's pretty tall, 12 feet. So where did all these bones go, where did they go? They tell us at the time it was written that they were stored in, or they were put in different stores, right? Which would make sense, you know. You go to grocery store to look at the bones and you buy some groceries while you're there. Monster schools and bones, the New York Times, April 5th, 1886, Lou White, good to see you. Thank you for dropping by. Monster schools and bones, the New York Times, April 5th, 1886, as this Carter'sville, Georgia, April 4th. The water has receded from the Tumlin Mound Field and has left uncovered acres of skulls and bones. Some of these are gigantic. If the whole frame is in proportion to two thigh bones of her found, the owners must have stood 14 feet high. Many curious ornaments of shell, brass, and stone have been found. Some of the bodies were buried in small vaults built of stones. The whole makes a mind of archeological wealth and a representative of the Smithsonian Institution is here investigating the curious relics, not good. I still can't get used to Smithsonian Institution, as you guys know. For me, it was always the Smithsonian Institute. It is what it is. That's the reality we live in, so I guess there's that. Ohio accounts of nine foot giants, Stephen's Point Daily Journal May 1, 1886. And it's very evident that at an early day in the history of this country, this section of Ohio was an important camping ground for the American Indian, and indeed discoveries are frequently made which lead people interested in the matter of prehistoric America to believe that a race of mankind superior in size, strength and intelligence to the common red man of the forest, flourished not only along the coast, east and south, but right here in southern Ohio. There are, in this country, several burying grounds, and two of them are located five miles west of this city, near Jasper. One on the farm of Mr. William Bush and one on Mr. Matthew Mark's farm. In a conversation with a gentleman who has seen skeletons unearthed at the Mark Bank, you were told that many dozens of human skeletons have been exhumed since the bank was first opened. Some of these skeletons have been measured and the largest have been found to be nine feet long and over. At one time, ten skeletons were exhumed. They had been buried in a circle standing in an erect position and were in a comparatively well-preserved condition. One remarkable fact about all the skeletons unearthed at these places is that the, is the perfect state of preservation in which their teeth are found to be. Not a decayed tooth has been discovered. This would seem to indicate that these people naturally had excellent teeth or some extraordinary manner of preserving them. They probably ate pretty well too. That would help. Probably didn't have sugar in their diet. Giant skeleton found in Petersburg, Kentucky, Wisconsin, daily, northwestern, July 1886. By the way, if anyone here lives around any of these locations, I know there's a lot of people in the Midwest who listens, you know, right in the comment section where you live and go check some of these places out. I know that these are like, you know, 150 years old at this point, but I would assume that the mounds might still exist. You know, there'd be record of them and, you know, you could at least maybe check out that in the story. At Petersburg, Kentucky, 25 miles below here, an excavation for a new building has brought to light a peculiar fine. It being a strange looking Indian grave, the receptacle of which has been made a stone and clay formed into a kind of cement about three feet in heights and fully nine feet in length. Within the rude vault lay a giant human skeleton that measured seven feet, two inches in length. These bones were all of large proportions, and the monstrous skull with teeth perfect and intact was more than half an inch thick at the base. A number of copper pieces, evidently worn for ornaments, a stone pipe, and a quantity of arrowheads were found with the decaying bones. A legged, or legged, a legged discover of the body of a giant's aspartan, or this would be the aspartan gordia. So, a legged discover of the body of a giant November, 1887. The oil city, Sematine, is responsible for the following, while William Thompson, assisted by Robert R. Smith, was engaged in making an excavation near the house of the former, about a half a mile north of West Hickory, preparatory to erecting a derrick. They exhumed an enormous helmet of iron which was corroded with rust, further digging brought to a light sword which measured nine feet in length. Curiosity incited them to enlarge the hole, and after a little time they discovered the bones of two enormous feet. Following up the lead, they had so unexpectedly struck, in few hours time they had unearthed a well-preserved skeleton of an enormous giant, belonged to a species of the human family which probably inhabited this and/or other parts of the world, at the time of which the Bible speaks, when it says, "And there were giant denies." The helmet is said to be in the shape of those found among the ruins of Nineveh. Nineveh. Nineveh. That's interesting. The bones of the skeleton are remarkably white. The teeth are all in their places, and all of them are double and of extraordinary size. These relics have been taken to Tionesta, where they are visited by large numbers of people daily. When his giant ship was in the flesh, he must have stood 18 feet in his stockings. These remarkable relics will be forwarded to New York early next week. I'm sure it was a mastodon that's carried around that sword and all that stuff. The joints of the skeleton are now being glued together. These remains were found 12 feet below the surface of a mound which had been thrown up probably centuries ago, in which was not more than three feet above the level of the ground around it. Here's another nut for antique query and to crack. Scientists in Texas searching for fossils, traces of a giant race. This is the Fort Worth Daily Gazette, December 31, 1887. A special to the Gazette, it'll pass it out to Texas December 30th. W.B. McDowell of San Francisco and Dr. Jacob Wortman of Washington City. Representatives of Hemingway's Southwestern archaeological expedition, who, under the guidance of Lieutenant Cushing, have been prosecuting archaeological researchers among the Zuni and Pueblo Indians in Arizona—this is wordy, isn't it?—where they have partially explored the ruins of a city that now lies beneath the sands of a desert, arrived in the city today. Mr. McDowell is an attach of the San Francisco Examiner and is a son of General McDowell of Bull Run Fane. How exciting is that? Dr. Wortman, pathologist and comparative anatomist of the United States Army Medical Museum, has been detailed by the surgeon-general to assist in preserving skeletons, etc., and to pass upon all questions of paleontology that may arise. He is the author of several important publications on paleontology and comparative anatomy and is making a representative collection of fossils for the Army Medical Museum to be studied there with regard to their physical characteristics. These gentlemen left last evening for carazos station in the lower part of this country, where discovery has been made of fossil remains of a human stature. This skull is about the size of an ordinary human skull, but the jawbone is twice the ordinary size, and the vertebrae are also extremely large. They were discovered in a natural tunnel or a cave in a diagonal mountain 700 feet above the level of the plane. Bone needles six inches long, fragments of pottery and cooking utensils were also found. This is the first systematic archaeological expedition in the United States, and these gentlemen think from discoveries already made that subsequent explorers will develop the fact that all the valleys of the south have been densely populated by people who have mysteriously disappeared. Indiana Giants found bones of an Indian giant Cincinnati commercial, October 7, 1888. As a member of the Logan Grays, the crack military organization of Logan Sport that held its encampment this year at Eagle Lake near Warsaw stopped in the city on his way home from camp and told the following story of the discovery by the party of a cavern on an island in Eagle Lake. A.M. Jones rode to a small island near the southwest corner of the lake and began digging for worms. That's how so many of these stories began, don't they? He turned over a large flat stone near a tree, and under it was a small hole which was an entrance to a cave. Jones called the boys up and began an exploration of the cavern, which proved to be 25 feet long, 15 feet wide and 8 feet deep. The walls are of a natural formation stone, branching out at the middle so as to form two rooms. In the front room was this skeleton of a man 6 feet 9 inches long. The bones were very large, indicating great strength. Along one side of the cave runs a small stream of water as pure as crystal. In the front of it forms a small pool. In this way a number of bones, old settlers in this vicinity of the lake claimed that the skeleton is that of Eagle Anki. The giant Indian chief who lived alone on this island and mysteriously disappeared during a severe winter. The island was known after this chief and was once known as Giant's Island. A prehistoric baseball bat, gigantic skeletons and other wonders discovered by an excited fancy Connecticut Daily Republican in July 8, 1889. St. Paul July 8, every resident of Montana and many visitors to the famous territory know that the belt mountains have always been the seat of mysterious stories. And that in their numerous gulches and canyons have been picked up wonderful relics, among the most curious are agitized human mexilaries and teeth. All of gigantic size, gold and quantities have been found in the belt mountains and rubies, sapphires and even diamonds are shown as product of one or the other portions of the territory. The Helena correspondent of the Pioneer Press sends a remarkable story accompanied by numerous attestations to its truth. A gold hunter said that while prospecting in the belt mountains he found a peculiar depression in the ground. After excavating he discovered a mysterious cavern reached by 23 steps. At the foot of the stairs said he, on one side of the passage lay the skeleton of a man of a men's stature. The skeleton measured exactly 9 feet, 6 inches in height. The skull lay a few inches from the trunk and between the two lay 27 nuggets. They were strong on a fine gold wire and ranged from 1 ounce to 10 and weight. Around the thigh, arm and shin bones were other strings of nuggets, none of which weighed more than 4 ounces. There were about 15 pieces of gold in the pile. They were of many different shapes, none of the weight over 3 ounces and each piece had a hole through the center. On each side of the skull I found some sort of precious stones. They lay in a tiny golden basket and were evidently worn in the ears. I do not know what name to give them but I believe they are rubies. Beside the trunk of the skeleton I found a copper axe with an edge harder and keener than any steel instrument of the kind I have ever seen. On the opposite side was a club made of the same metal as the axe. It was shaped not unlike a baseball bat. Under the trunk was a gold plate 10 inches long, 6 inches wide and 1/8 of an inch thick. It was covered with strange devices. A little further on lay another skeleton that that of a woman. I picked up a string of nuggets near this skull also. They were perfectly round and exactly the same size. They weighed about 3 ounces a piece. Every now and then I came to other skeletons and although by nearly very one of them I found necklaces, yet strange to say they were of round copper balls. The catacombs as I have named this passage are about 300 feet long, 14 feet wide and 30 high and seem to have been cut out of the solid rock. At the end of the gallery is a room 60 feet square and 40 high. In the center of this room stands a block of granite about 12 feet square and 4 feet high. It seems as though the rock had been hewn out around it. It is perfectly square and it is exactly the same distance from the walls of the roof on every side. There are steps cut in the rock leading to the top of the hall. On the top stands another block of granite 10 feet long 4 wide and 3 high. This is hollowed out in the shape of a human form. I lay down in this end, though I am not a small man by any means, yet the mold was much too large for me, around the room were scattered vessels of clay, some of which will hold 25 gallons. They are light, yet tougher than wrought iron. I tried to break one of them by dashing it against the granite flooring of the room. Why would he do that? I could not even scratch it. Altogether I gathered up 500 ounces of gold in the underground passage. You go to an ancient ruins, try to break something, I am glad he didn't break it. Without any more coffee, hold on a second. I hope you guys are having a good night going well for you. Gigantic Man buried next to Ferocious Panther, Cincinnati commercial gazette, 1889. Soon after the first of March, Churellix were collected to be placed on loan to the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, D.C., make rumble under my breath as I drink some coffee. During the last two months, 11 mounds have been opened and their concerts taken to the museum and placed on exhibition. These mounds vary in height from 8 to 30 feet, are generally conical in shape and contain all the way from 300 to 10,000 square yards of dirt. They were built by the aborigines of this country hundreds of years ago to serve as burial places for the distinguished dead. They are generally placed near some stream in a valley and not infrequently on high points of land, which could be with the country, but the larger ones are in the valleys. These mounds are usually composed of clay, sometimes a sand, and often have layers of charcoal or burnt clay in them. These layers are often as brightly colored as if they had been painted. About 5 feet above this layer, 9 feet from the summit of the mound, was a skeleton of a very large individual who had buried by the side of it the bones of a panther. Whether the person had killed the panther, and it was buried with him as an honor, whether the panther had killed the individual one cannot say, and then this is 43 mounds opened. This much however can be said, that in 43 mounds opened, no find of this nature has been made, it is therefore quite interesting and important. The skull of this panther was very large, teeth very long and sharp. It would take a mound builder of a great deal of nerve to attack a beast of this size if he had nothing but a stone hatchet and a bone arrow to defend himself with, and then it says regular skeleton found next to giant. Just below the skeleton, and lying on the layer of buried bones was a medium sized personage who had buried around his neck in the manner of a necklace placed his upper and lower jaw, 147 bone and shell beads. The shell beads were made from the thick part of conch and pyrulla shells. These shells must have been carried from the Atlantic Ocean as they are ocean shells and not found inland, or the tribe to which the man belonged may have traded with tribes near the ocean and there by got the beads. Okay, that's cute. They're trying to figure out where the necklace came from. Ohio mound relics, gigantic man buried alongside a colossal panther, Cuba Patriot October 10, 1889. Let's see if we can learn anything new from this. Soon after the 1st of March, I left for Southern Ohio to collect relics to be placed on loan exhibition in the Smithsonian Institution at Washington. During the last two months, 11 mounds have been opened and there are constants taken to the museum and placed on exhibition. These mounds, varying height from 8 to 30 feet, are generally conical and shaped and contain all the way from 300 to 10,000 square yards of dirt. They were built by the Aborigines, copying paste stuff. Other countries, hundreds of years ago, just served as burial places for the distinguished dead. They are generally placed near some stream in a valley and not infrequently on high points of land. When they see Aborigines twice in the store, it's like, okay, all right, I see how you're just lifting sentences here, which command a good view of the country, but the larger ones are in the valleys. These mounds are usually composed of clay, sometimes a sand, and often have layers of charcoal or burnt clay in them. These layers are often as brightly colored as if they had been painted. Let me see. Let me just skip this. I think it's the same thing. Yep, and then he talks about how they traded to get the beads. Okay, nothing new to that story. Erase of Indian Giants the New York Times February 9th, 1890, I'm saving you the time. I guess I could have read it, you could have taken a bathroom break. These landing New Jersey February 8th for over a week past crowds have been flocking to the site of the unearth Indian graveyard near Edgewater Avenue in Pleasantville. The first lot of skeletons unearthed was about 1,000 yards from the city post office and embraced eight bodies closely laid together in a deep chamber. Snuggly packed in with tortoise, oyster, and clam shells. One of this number had bead and shell decorations, which together with its extreme height, points to those facts that it must have been the powerful old chief, let's see if I can pronounce this, the powerful old chief, Kinney Wagga, that's the best I can do, whose descendants still own farms along the shore. Professor C. H. Farrell of Baltimore, Charles K. Simpson of New York, John H. Cooley Jr. of New Haven, Connecticut, and several gentlemen from the University of Pennsylvania immediately went to the scene, Messers, Rieslie, and Far, they just kind of cut their names in half there, the owners of the land gave to the archaeological association of the University of Pennsylvania the right to search for relics on their land. These researchers have been watched by thousands of people with great interest, besides weapons of war, savage ornamental war decorations, and numerous valuable shells, stones, and etc. Over 50 skeletons have been exhumed, Dr. Charles R. Abbott, curator of the association is continuing the search, and the skeletons are to be shipped to the University at once. They run in size from a small child to several of seven feet in height, and one, supposed to be an old medicine man, Wildneck, must have been at least eight feet in height. About 50 students were on the ground this morning and continued their search until stopped. By rain, the citizens gaze in silent wonder on these relics of a race that at one time ruled the land for several for seven miles along the shore can be seen large mounds of clam and oyster shells left here by Indians who used to congregate five hundreds to open oysters for winter food, and it is near these show mounds that the great number of skeletons have been taken up. In some instances weapons of war made a stone and Flint haven't found lying close besides some exceedingly large skeletons. The relics will be put on exhibition at the Museum of the University in Philadelphia. A prehistoric giant, the popular science news, August 1890. The legends of all races tell of a time when mankind were of giant stature, doubtless arising in many cases from the discovery of the fossil bones of ancient animals of large size, such as the elephant, mammoth, etc. As far as we know, there is no proof, whatever, that the human race was ever possessed of a greater average stature than at present. Of course, you know, this would be the popular science news, right? It fits the clothing. In fact, the tendency seems to be in the opposite direction. The men of the present time slightly exceeding their ancestors in size. This is 1890s, right? So I think when we started this out, like Charles Darwin wasn't around, but now everyone is going to evolutionary route and, you know, they're saying how we went from hobbits, you know, we're just keeping bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. So therefore, the idea of giant humans cannot be true. A result doubtless due to the improved conditions of existence in these later dates. Several instances of unusual stature are, however, not uncommon, and can be seen in almost any dying museum, and that there were giants even in the Stone Age, seems to be proved by discovery made near Montpelier in France by M. La Pewge and communicated by him to La Nature. That's castle now, near the above town, is a prehistoric cemetery dating from the ages of polished stone and bronze. A large number of human bones were found, including about 40 skulls, one of which formally belonged to an individual about 18 years old, who, judging from the size of a skull, must have been over six feet in height. But the most remarkable finds of M. La Pewge were three pieces of bone illustrated in the engraving, which must formally have belonged to some prehistoric giant of extraordinary size. The first piece shown on the left of the engraving is a part of a femur or thigh bone, and the one on the right a part of a tibia or shin bone, in the middle is represented a humerus or bone of the upper arm from the same ancient cemetery, but of normal size. At the bottom is represented a small fragment with, oh, here's a picture here, which may either be either a piece of a femur or a humerus. Yet the later, then it must also have formally made up part of the skeleton of the giant, as seen as can be seen by comparison with the normal humerus above it. If we judge of the heights of this neolithic giant by the usual proportions of the parts of the skeleton to each other, he must have been between 10 and 11 feet high. The question remains whether this excessive growth was a normal one, or due to a disease condition resulting in a general hypertrophy of the Oceus system. On this point, the authorities differ. One professor at the University of Montpelier, holding that the bones are normal in every respect, while another finds evidence of a diseased condition, in either case, the giants must have been a source of the wonder, if not of terror, to the savage men of those times, and was doubtless treated with all the honor, which in these modern days is bestowed upon a successful prized fighter. Now, if he's diseased, you're not going to be a prized fighter, right? It's just not going to happen. There has been an old tradition among the peasants of the vicinity that a cavern in the valley was in olden times occupied by a giant, and it would be curious if the discovery of Em La Pouge should show it to be founded on fact, and handed down from father to son during the centuries that have elapsed since the time when the ancient inhabitants of France knew of no other material for their implements and utensils than the stones which they so laboriously worked into the desired shapes. Archaeological notes, the American antiquarian June 1891, a valuable archaeological find in Arizona age, and then, okay, letter in the Philadelphia Times. While removing earth for the foundation of the new hotel to be erected by Harmon and Brooks of this city, and this city would be, again, Philadelphia, I suppose, there was discovered what seems to be the tomb of a king, though of what people it would doubtless puzzle and antiquarian to say. The workmen had penetrated at some eight feet below the surface of the ground what they took to be stone of a soft, friable nature, but which was evidently masonry of superior workmanship when they reached the tomb itself. This was composed of large square blocks of stone which was identified as a red or rose granite and cemented together with such skill as to, as to at first cause a hole, the hole measuring 12 by 15 feet to appear as a solid mass. The opening of this, while very difficult, as the use of powder was prohibited by Mr. Hendrickson, who, as a learned archaeologist, was placed in charge of the exhuming by the authorities, was accomplished by night when the interest and curiosity of the party was so great the work was continued by lamp light till dawn. The tomb, when opened, was found to contain a gigantic image of a man lying at full length and made of clay mixed with a sort of preparation which gives it a bright blue color and a slight elasticity, the hole appearing to have been subject to great heat. The image represents the naked figure except for a very tight girl about the waist, a pair of close fitting sandals and a crown on the head shaped very much like a bishop's mitre, but talked with the head of a hawk or eagle. The features are roughly molded, are of an imperious cast and of a man in middle age, with a prominent nose and a very large mouth, but with cheekbones so low as to preclude all idea that the original could have been an Indian. The hands, which are as small as a woman's and bare on the backs, the head of the bird, as on the crown, are crossed on the breast and hold an image about three inches long of a squatting figure, probably that of a goth. The feet are also crossed, the right presenting the peculiarity of possessing a sixth toe, which the sandals cut to bring into prominence, as if the owner had prided himself on it. Hair of the image is dressed in thick curls on both sides of the head, reaching to the shoulders and brought down to the brows over the forehead. A wonderful examination of this clay figure revealed that it was merely the elaborate coffin of the real body and could be open from the back. This was done with all possible care, so as not to disturb the remains within, but if you hand, hands full of dust, dark brown and almost el palpable powder is all that was left of the body. The crown, however, together with the girl, the image of the god and a large battle axe of the blade, of sharp glass or obsidian, and a handle of petrified wood were found in the coffin. The crown is a thick red gold, carved with minutes but well executed drawings representing battle scenes, triumphal marches and other pictures, the meaning of which is somewhat misty, but in all the principal figure is that of a man with six toes on his right foot. The workmanship in the whole crown is very fine, and the bird's head on top is a masterpiece worthy of seleany. It holds in its mouth a magnificent chow, I don't even know what that is, or green diamond. I don't even know what it is, sorry guys, a green diamond valued by the Aztecs, which shows some attempts at lapidification. The girl found is composed of plates of gold arranged by scales and very thin, so as to give with every movement of the wearer's body on each of these plates, which is in... Where was I? I just totally lost my place. Oh, on each of these plates, which is in shape, a half ellipse, isn't grave to figure of hieroglyphics conveying, however, no hints of the meaning in their form. The image of what is presumably a god is made of clay combined with the preparation spoken of before and also burnt until thoroughly hardened. It represents a male being seated on a pedestal and a squatting posture, its eye squinting and grinning in hideous mirth, while both hands are placed over the ears as if to shut out sound. A peculiar thing about this image is that its hair is represented as hanging down its back in one long plate like a china man's. Hmm, that is interesting. The figure is hollow, but contain only a half a dozen small black pebbles, highly polished, and a somewhat larger stone of a dull gray hue. The coffin and these relics are now on exhibition at the courthouse and are to be donated to the State Museum of History and Archaeology at Tucson. No clue of any value as to what race the remains are to be ascribed can be found, but it is probable that it was one anti-antidating the Aztlan and even the mound builders and superior to both the knowledge of masonry, sculpture, and the working of metal. Pitch by Giant, discovery of a body with legs, eight feet in length, St. Paul Daily Globe, February 24, 1891. Helena, Montana, that's the same mount, but I'm guessing that's Montana. Helena, Montana, February 23, vital Jarcotts, a half breed who carries mail between Fort McGinnis and Rocky Point, brings the news of discovery of the petrified remains of a giant in the Badlands of Chateau country, a few miles below the mouth of the mussel shell river. The discovery was made by Latadona, another half breed, who started off to find a purchaser for his curiosity before, another half breed, huh, wow, okay. Either we're in Lord of the Rings or there's something going on here, who started off to find a purchaser for his curiosity before Jarcot could get a complete description. The remains were not complete, showing the petrification had only taken place in a portion of the body, while the remainder had followed the course of nature and returned to dust. One leg was eight feet long, the high being about four feet, a rib found measured two and one half feet, petrification is no unusual thing in the Badlands of Montana and the Dakotas. Wood in that state is frequently found, the petrified body of an Indian was found in North Dakota about a year ago, Jarcotts, who brings the story, was perfectly sober. He was a half breed too. All right, Mr. Jefferson's cyclops, a giant skeleton unearthed at Buzzards Bay, the New York Times, July 5, 1891. Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, July 4, Joseph Jefferson, the actor, the actor, has made an astonishing fine on the summer place, which he has purchased here near that of ex-President Cleveland. I'm seeing some fish swim in the same circle here, but let's just go with this. In laying out the grounds and making alterations, it became necessary to remove a sand hill of large size. The workmen, while doing this, found the skeleton of a man that filled them with astonishment from its great size. An attempt was made to lift up the skeleton and crumbled away, all except the skull. A workman laid down by the side of it, however, and it was estimated that it must have belonged to a man at least six feet, five or six inches in height. The most peculiar thing was brought to light, however, when the skull was taken to Mr. Jefferson and by him examined, it was like ordinary skulls only larger, except that it had so far as could be seen, no place where the eyes had been. There was one hole in the center of the forehead that may have once served for one eye. Now, keep in mind, we'll see where this goes, I actually don't remember where this one goes, is this a little baby elephant or what, or is it really a Cyclops? But keep in mind, the original mastodon skeleton that we went through story after story within the last episode of this, nobody ever said it had one eye. That was just not there. Anyways, this led Mr. Jefferson to believe that he had perhaps discovered the skeleton of a Cyclops. He said to Mr. Booth, who was paying him a visit, when he saw the wonderful skull that he and his brother, actor, had a chance at hand to play Hamlet with a skull such as it had never been played with before. I'm, I'm seeing like just, I'm sorry, this story just, not panning out for me. All the scientific gentlemen in the neighborhood had been unable to give an explanation of the skull as we're, Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Booth, Mr. Jefferson will no doubt be grateful to receive suggestions from men of science that may throw light on the matter. Just seems like they're just pranksters, that's what it feels like here. You know, the whole thing, you know, fell apart except for the skull and they just have the skull and it happens to be a Cyclops skull, which they're going to play Hamlet with on stage actors. Yeah, funny, I get jokes. All right, giant skeleton found in Utah, New York son, August 27, 1891. I told you when we go through this, we go through the good, the bad and the ugly. The gigantic skeleton of the man measuring eight feet, six inches in height was found near the Jordan River, just outside Salt Lake City last week. The fine was made by a workman who was digging an irrigation ditch. The skull was uncovered at any depth of eight feet from the surface of the ground and the skeleton was standing bolt upright. The workmen had to dig down nine feet in order to zoom in. The bones were much decayed and crumbled at the slightest touch. They were put together with great care and the skeleton was found to measure eight feet, six inches in height. The skull measured 11 inches in diameter and the feet 19 inches long. A copper chain to which was attached three medallions covered with curious hieroglyphics was found around the neck of the skeleton and near it were found a stone hammer, some pieces of pottery and arrowhead and some copper metals, archaeologists believe that the original owner of the skeleton belonged to the race of mound builders. Perfect giant skeleton found, Hawkeye September 1, 1891. No little excitement has been occasioned by the discovery on a farm near Carthage, just several skeletons in a mound that are doubtless those of prehistoric people. In regard to this historic find the Carthage Republican newspaper will publish the following. The Sweeney Farm Mounds located near the south line of the farm quarter on section five Carthage Township have been a familiar landmark to the oldest citizen since and the quarter was entered by Samuels in 1836 for their abouts. Last Saturday afternoon the new owner of the Sweeney Farm Indian Mounds was plowing on one of his mounds when he hit a series of sandstone rocks. On the removal of several sandstone rocks embedded in the ground the owner Mr. Filt procured a spade and proceeded to dig out the rocks with some difficulty. On the removal of these rocks there was revealed an almost perfect skeleton of a man of very large size. The authorities of Carthage College have secured permission to investigate the find to its fullest extent and Reverend Dr. Stephen D. Pete's has been notified, he has notified the river and I guess. World's Fair Day leads to giant monarch gigantic we haven't gotten up to the Chicago welfare. How are you? That was 1893. I believe 1893 right yeah Chicago welfare. This is November 21st 1891. Public skeleton evidently of a prehistoric monarch exhumed in Ohio. In Chile coffee or just in Ohio Warren K. Moorehead and Dr. Kressen who have been prosecuting excavations here for the past two months in the interest of the world's fair have just made one of the richest finds of the century in the way of prehistoric man. Okay this right here has my totally suspect let's keep reading this you're getting ready you're promoting the world fair right the world fair is coming and this is Ohio. Those gentlemen have confined their excavation to the Hopewell farm seven miles from here upon which are located some 20 odd Indian mounds. On Saturday they were at work on a mound 500 feet long 200 feet wide and 28 feet high. At the depth of 14 feet near the center of the mound they exhumed the massive skeleton of a man encased in copper armor. The head was covered in an oval shaped copper cap the jaws had copper moldings the arms were dressing copper while copper plates covered the chest and stomach and on each side of the head on protruding sticks were wooden antlers ornamented with copper. The mouth was stuffed with genuine pearls of immense size but much decayed around the neck was a necklace of bear's teeth set with pearls at the side of the male skeleton was also found a female skeleton the two being supposed to be man and might. Mr. Morehead and Mr. Crescent believe they have at last found the king of the mound builders. We're not given a height on us we don't really know how big these guys were they were just found at the depth of 14 feet wait the mound itself yeah 20 feet high okay we're not given a height. They were giants in those days the Arizona Republican February 27th 1892 so okay let me just go back to this so I mean right here the world's fair dig leads to giant monarch so is that a plan words are they saying that you know because they call him the king of the mound builders so there's a lot of mounds was he a giant I don't know but it does seem like they were promoting the world's bear maybe it wasn't as big of a find as they were making out I don't want to know it was cute right husband together there were giants in those days the Arizona Republican February 27th 1892 Wheeling West Virginia while digging a grave on trace fork Lincoln County a few days ago the bones of a human being of gigantic stature and proportions were exhumed the skeleton is in a good state of preservation and the outlines of the frames officially defined to determine that the stature of the person must have been nine or ten feet. The skull and other bones are also in also indicate prodigious size no one now living has any knowledge of the grave or its occupant and all indications point to its belonging to some prehistoric race of giants contemporary with mass dawns fossil remains of which have been found in many parts of the country hundreds of burials Chicago too near Carthage Illinois about one year ago a mound was plowed up in the bones principally the skulls of human beings were found in sufficient quantities to warrant the conclusion that hundreds of people had been buried there for measurements taken of some of the skulls and principal bones it was decided that the person's buried were of a race of giants some of the femur bones measured 19 1/4 inches and the measurement of the skulls and other bones indicated that these people must have attained an average of seven to eight feet in height come on the World Fair here August 23rd 1892 true giant human skeletons found the Pittsburgh dispatch again 1892 Beaver Falls August 22nd worked man while digging a ditch from the new shovel works to the river of quipa today unearth the remains of two skeletons they are of gigantic size and are supposed to be the remains of two Indians they have been in the ground for many years as the larger bones and school only remaining nine foot mummy discovered in Pennsylvania burial mound the Sun December 8th 1893 Dr. W. J. Holand curator of the Carnegie Museum Pittsburgh and his assistant Dr. Peterson a few days ago opened up a mound of the ancient race that inhabited this section and secured the skeleton of a man who went in the flesh was between eight and nine feet in height says a Greensburg Pennsylvania dispatch to the Philadelphia enquire this mound which was originally about 100 feet longer and more than 12 feet high has been somewhat worn down by time it is on the J.R. Sea Christ farm in south Huntington Township this farm has been in the Sea Christ name for more than the century the most interesting feature in the recent excavation was the mummified torso of the human body which the experts figured was laid to rest at least 400 years ago portions of the bones dug up and the bones and the legs professor Peterson declares are those of a person between eight and nine feet in height the scientists figure that this skeleton was the framework of a person of the prehistoric race that inhabited this section before the American Indians oh you're not supposed to say that anymore not supposed to you can't say anymore the torso and the portions of the big skeleton were shipped to the Carnegie Museum doctors Holland and Peterson supervised exploration on the secret mound with the greatest of care they create curators believe the man whose skeleton they secured belonged to the mound builders class giants of other days recent discoveries near serpent mound ohio this should be good the New York Times March 5th 1894 I'm sorry this is like so choppy for you right now it's my mouse is just going crazy from the Indianapolis Journal farmer Warren Cohen of Hillsboro, Ohio while Fox hunting recently discovered several ancient graves they were situated upon a high point of land in Highland County Ohio about a mile from the famous serpent mound where professor put them put them up Harvard made interesting discoveries as soon as the weather permitted Cohen excavated several these graves the graves were made of large limestone slabs two and a half to three feet in length and a foot wide these were set on edge about a foot apart similar slabs covered the graves a single one somewhat larger was at the head and another at the foot the top of the grave was two feet below the present surface upon opening one of the graves a skeleton of upwards of six feet was brought to light there were a number of stone hatchets beads and ornaments a peculiar peculiar workmanship near the right arm several large flint spear and arrowheads among the ribs gave evidence that the warrior had died in battle in another grave was a skeleton of a man equally large the right leg had been broken during life and the bones had grown together the pro protuberance at the point of union was as large as an egg and the limb was bent like a bone at the feet lay the skull of some enemy or slave several pipes and pendants were near the shoulders in other graves Cohen made equally interesting finds it seems that the region was populated by a fairly intelligent people and that the serpent's mound was an object or near the graves is is a large field in which broken implements fragments of pottery and burn stones give evidence of a prehistoric village giant to prehistoric france the something register the all-wing register November 8 1894 in a prehistoric cemetery recently uncovered in mot pelier france while workmen were excavating a waterworks reservoir human skulls were found measuring 28 31 and 32 inches in circumference the bones which were found with the skulls were also of gigantic proportions these relics were sent to the Paris Academy and a learned savants who lectured on the fine says that they belong to a race of men between 10 and 15 feet in heights something tells me those are going to disappear really quickly the biggest giant ever known the world october 7 to 1895 nine feet high and probably a california indian wait a second what about all the 20 footers we found in the 15 footers okay fine nine feet high the biggest giant ever known ever known not even gliath or aug or whatever nine feet high and probably california indian we'll give it to this guy measurement will authenticated other big men and women of fact and fable who are famous types if giant is them what newspaper is this again the world all right i don't know much about the world doesn't give me a lot of description but whatever the corpse of the biggest man that ever lived has been dug up near san diego california hey that used to be my old backyard at all events there is no satisfactory read and ancients or modern history of any human being nearly so wait hold on wait hold on at all events there is no satisfactory read in ancient or modern history of any human being nearly so tall so apparently these these people are saying the bible is not satisfactory uh literature okay so this is you know this is who you're dealing with here the mummy for in such a condition the remains were found is that of a person who would have there you guys see this picture hundreds of times who would have been about nine feet high in life this makes allowance for the shrinkage which may be pretty close closely calculated so just to show you guys this this is a great photo here it's been shown a lot this is a nine footer so we're reading a lot about you know eight nine feet and it's like yeah eight or nine feet that's that's massive i mean that's that's whoa that's pretty big i mean you know what was glides was he nine feet was he 12 feet even if he's nine feet going up against a little boy that's pretty big as to the accuracy in the estimate there can be no question as the cadaver has been carefully inspected and measured by professor thomas wilson curator of the department of prehistoric anthropology in the smisonian institution see no wonder why they know why they're saying is the biggest giant ever found and by other scientists the tape line even now registers the link from the heel to top of the head at eight feet four inches okay so i think that's not even nine foot that's eight foot four inches the mummy is that of an indian and is almost certainly prehistoric though its age cannot be determined with any sort of accuracy historical records of the part of california where it was found go back for at least two hundred fifty years and they make no mention of any man of gigantic stature and of course how much it was how you know whatever records can be destroyed how much older the body may be must must be left open to conjecture its preservation it's is no matter of surprise in that arid region the atmosphere conditions are such that he corpse buried in the dry season might very will become perfectly and desiccated before the arrival of the rains and thus be rendered permanently proof against decay i could buy that the body was found in a cave by a party of prospectors over the head or the remnants of a leather hood the man was will of man years it has been stated that the man must have surpassed and height any giant of whom there is a historical record they keep hammering that point out don't they this is unquestionably true so far as the last two centuries are concerned i could buy that and accounts of older dates are not well authenticated indeed they grow more and more apocryphal as distant in time increases that's actually a pretty astonishing claim there at the end confession i really like that last line indeed they grow more and more apocryphal as distance in time increases did this thing just bounce forward on me okay i'll give you one more shot at looking at this picture you can see this so eight foot four inches and i'm taking it to those two guys are just average height you know i eight five nine i don't really know what the height is is this the ancestor of the american race you're not supposed to say that anymore either because as you know they came over on a land bridge and there was nobody who came before them whatsoever is this okay i just read that is this the ancestor of the american race discovery of an ancient giant's footprint in british columbia raises an interesting question the new york journal august 23rd 1896 dispatches from victoria british columbia announced the discovery of a series of gigantic footprints in that colony they are apparently made by human being and if so it is prime of bossy evidence of the existence of a race of prehistoric giants on the pacific coast the sunny journal has made telegraphic inquiries concerning the discovery and has obtained many additional details no doubt exists in the minds of those who have seen the impressions that they are of human making but there is as yet no reliable scientific verdict on the subject the provincial history society has already begun an investigation in any case the discovery is one of great interest it will probably arouse a sharp discussion among archaeologists if the prince approved to the satisfaction of the investigators to be those of a living creature the question will remain to be decided whether it was human or not anything concerning the early history of the human race of rouse's great and natural curiosity one would like to know whether his prehistoric ancestors were great and terrible creatures or small and ape-like horns if they were small how could they have lived almost unarmed among the huge and fierce beasts which then abounded on the earth if there are pygmies today compared to who men of the bigger races are giants why should they're not have lived thousands of years ago giants compared to whom the biggest men today are pigs man the last come around the earth is the animal concerning whose early history least is none the natural history of some animals can be traced for countless ages but the bones of man are very perishable and are remarkable if they have an antiquity of two thousand years for these and many other reasons the report from british kombe deserves all possible attention the footprints were found on the island of victoria near the town of quatxino on the west coast their discover was john el leason a storekeeper of the town and a man of intelligence he reported his find a captain foot of the wait a second wasn't this just a was in a foot they found he reported captain foot he reported to captain foot of the steamer mischief oh boy who repeated his account to the members of the provincial history history society they were satisfied of its interest and importance and a party was sent out to make an investigation it appears that uh least in early ison was walking at some distance from the town when his curiosity was aroused by a strange depression and a large flat rock the lay before him so if you ever do see a large a strange depression that uh and of course he was at at the time at the foot of the mountain so if you ever at the foot of a mountain and you see a strange depression that looks like a giant foot make sure to call on captain foot straight off the streamer mischief depression on suggested a human foot but it was of enormous size there was a will marked hollow where they this could i mean okay i'll comment on this one i'm done there was a will marked hollow where the hue would have been and a very faint depression indicated the arch of the foot the ball of the big toe and the rest of the forward part of the foot were plainly to be seen it is to be remembered that no other animal has an arch foot like that of man layison immediately proceeded to measure the prince and found that it was 29 inches in length its greatest depth was four inches fascinated by his discovery he carefully examined the vicinity at first he saw nothing which he could connect with the prince but after a few minutes he came upon another almost identical it was nine feet away from the first this apparently was the length of the stride which the giant had been in the habit of taking following the direction indicated by these two prints layison found a number of others they came to an end abruptly which was not surprising for their surroundings must have undergone tremendous changes since they were made the mountain itself may have come into existence in that time not surprising that footprints should have been preserved for so many ages they may have been made in soft mud which subsequently hardened and was then burled in the earth by volcanic action and they're turned into stone and preserved from injury until another volcanic disturbance brought them to daylight again a large part of the knowledge of animals of early geological periods has been obtained from imprints left by them in this way so I mean what they're describing here if what they're describing is what I think they're describing is you know Noah's flood in which a creature such as a very large man take what was his stride again he said was it and it was nine feet okay a stride of nine feet that's pretty massive I mean he could have been obviously running right if there was water coming at him the aison it is it is said has already set to work to chisel out the first footprint which he found he intends to ensure public recognition as its discover the existence of prehistoric giants on this continent has already been the subject of scientific discussion the most important and interesting discovery tending to prove their existence was that of the Carson footprints in 1868 warden batter men of the Nevada penitentiary while making excavations for the jail in a big bank of clay and metamorphite came across certain tracts which were said by local scientists to be those of an extinct order of waiting foul the next discovery was at a level of 16 feet below the surface and consisted of the bones of a mastodon most of which crumbled to dust on exposure to air but some of which have been preserved next to the uncovering of footprints about which there was considerably more interest and discussion all in all there were hundreds of them in parallel lines and crossing each other and in shape those search only on size they looked like the imprints of human feet made in the soft clay many thousands of years earlier in the world history and preserved by the super incumbents metamorphite rock by actual measurements the impressions were found to range from 8 to 21 inches in length the news of the uncovering of these gigantic footprints brought all the wise men of the west to Carson with their advent came a bitter discussion as to the character of the tract makers professor Lee Kant declared that the tracks were those of the great sloth and arborio monster which used to roam the Nevada wilds when they had forced instead of alcale waste and sage brush professor harkness on the other hand was of the opinion that the footprints were those of a tribe of prehistoric men and that their frequency in this locality showed that the old old clay beds must have been a highway for the giants of a Neolithic age subsequent discoveries have a decided touch of realism to this hypothesis as the excavations went on other and still more gigantic footprints were discovered these were of the mammoth whose bones had already been found and about these mastodonic tracks those of the human-like characters seemed to press as there had been no discussion concerning the contemporary rainiest character of the tracks it would follow therefore either that the sloths had held close and numerous companionship with the mammoth again against which there is the burden of natural history proof or that the stone men of the Nevada plain had been tracking down the gigantic beast to give him battle for food and had come upon their quarry here the bones despite their condition of decay had given a fair idea of the huge bulbs of the mammoth but these spore furnished an object lesson of bulbs that was even more powerful the prints were from 29 to 34 inches diameter the feet of an African elephant measuring from 12 to 16 inches in diameter and where the great hairy hacky-derm had trot in the clay had risen and ridges a foot high here then the tree or cave men with their stone axes or obsidian tipped arrows had brought the mastodon to bay and it would not need a great flight of the imagination to see the conflict between the men and beast nor would the bones in such near neighborhood would it need very much more imagination to see how the battle ended a strange addition to the actual realism of the scene is furnished by the testimony of the rocks themselves somewhat ahead of the massive tracks around the center of the hunting scene are found other prints of the big waiting birds before alluded to these show how the long legged hunters of the pool first ran swiftly from the scene and then from the gradual shortening into deepening of the claw marks how the big birds left the earth and took wing frights in from the salt marshes where they had been feeding by the rush and yells the stone men and the trumpeting of the hunted mastodon man when he appeared on the earth had a great many unpleasant neighbors and had been the size and had he been the size indicated by british columbian footprint he would have had plenty of opportunity to exercise his powers in combat among the animals then living where the hairy mammoth which was much larger than the elephant the woolly rhinoceros the giant hippopotamus as well as tigers hyenas and bears of great size and ferocity the climate of the whole world was much colder for the holy for the woolly pachyderms extended as far as the south of France a remark able similarity between the weapons and implements of primitive man has been noted all over the world the stone hammers axes and so forth or a like in europe asia and america from the remains of men of the stone age found in france it is concluded that they had massive bones long flat feet comparatively short arms and long forearms with powerful muscles greatly developed jaws widely opened nostrils and were unbridled passions professor broca found the thigh bones and they're with approaching those of the highest ape and a remarkable transverse flattening of the tibia the ascending branch of the lower jaw is very wide and the carnial capacity equal to that of high races of the present day another archaeologist m lartet says that the man of the stone age lived without fruits was essentially preducious and carnivorous and eater of raw flesh and accountable cute but not true there is no scientific evidence to disprove the theory that gigantic races of men lived on the earth in the days of its infancy the traditions of the most ancient of civilized people contained strong testimony that there were such races um and all right so dr benny and tell us how to build a prehistoric giant so what they're saying is is that if this is a these footprints were obi true giants they're comparing to chain the giant right here and there is chain the giant doesn't go up to his waistline it is easy to reconstruct from the footprint of the prehistoric man his entire form according to the proportions of a modern man an ordinary man six feet high has a foot about 12 inches in length a man with the foot 29 inches long would be about two and a half times as tall or between 17 and 18 feet high so the so that's kind of interesting so if i'm understanding the right they're saying that this man is odd size that they're finding an odd that's very awkward that uh the way they make that drawing there very awkward i don't know if that was on purpose or not but um looks like he's about to get uh watered this uh this i guess this has changed the giant i'm a little confused this has changed the giant and maybe this guy is not the giant but he's standing under the the hose uh to the man six feet high a weight of 200 pounds may be allowed well like we will can tack on a couple more hundred pounds in today's culture uh two and a half times that would be five hundred pounds and to this one third for proportion increase in all directions and you have a total of 660 pounds just six uh numbers often the from the big that would be the approximate weight of our prehistoric man according to the same system of reckoning he would have a brain weighing 125 ounces that would give him large thinking power he would be about 100 inches around the chest and would have biceps 18 inches in circumference Corbett and Sullivan would be ridicule ridiculous pygmies compared to him the average man's stride and walking is two feet the prehistoric man would take five feet a very fast professional runner can cover in the neighborhood of a mile in five minutes the giant would perhaps be able to go two and a half miles in five minutes but many considerations enter into this question he would have to overcome a great deal of friction his capacity for eating would be tremendous he could drink a gallon of wine and eat a whole sheep at a meal the prehistoric people however did not eat as regularly as we do what why is it everybody should know out there that even modern i mean even the neanderthals now they're basically saying that even you whether or not they're human like us is up for debate right but they're they're saying that like these were totally civilized people very spiritual very artistic you know they weren't you know unga booga you know clubbing girls over the head and dragging them by the hair types is you know the image that many of us grew up with anyways they all they could when they got when they got it they were a great gore man's and very carnivorous no they were not mighty eaters of flesh and fish and this giant tub needed ten pounds of meat in a day now i will i will correct this i will correct this if you anyone out there has read the lost book king og which i have to warn you is one of the most um awful books ever um blasphemous i should say one of the most blasphemous books ever but it is purported to come from king og and uh it however you slice it it is a very ancient book it was talked about i think in the first century over the whereabouts and um and they you know they talked about being blasphemous back then but you know king og in their talks all the time about eating the uh the little people so i can go with carnivorous in that in that sense from coming from the refereeing if he understood the art of brewing he would have been able to drink a keg a beer if he were as powerful as sandow and proportions to his size he could have carried a bowl under each arm and there's i think stories about that right the native american talked about the giants who could carry the bison in each arm he could have broken in any modern doorway and it would have required six or seven of the strongest and more courageous policemen to arrest him the thing is about the story is that i don't i don't feel like they're taking this seriously i feel like they're kind of just like you know trying to get reads out there from an audience but they don't actually believe what they're advocating i get that since it is perhaps idle to base speculations on a strength on that of a modern man it would probably be far greater proportion to his size the chimpanzee which is somewhat smaller than a man can twist a gun barrel with the tans and it's stronger than two or three men it is reasonable to suppose that a prehistoric man who lived almost as a wild animal would have a strength proportionate to that of an eight in that case the giant would have had a truly fearful strength it is curious to note that legends of races of giants have been more or less accepted in all ages until of course the last 200 years when everybody suddenly knows better in the bible i mentioned the uh annette keemites the last of whom aug the king of bachon was slain by moses then there were the cyclops of greek mythology dr schleeman has discovered remains of gigantic buildings which lead him to believe in the actual existence of a cyclopian race now i gotta look into that have you guys ever looked into that before let me say this again dr schleeman has discovered remains of gigantic buildings which lead him to believe in the actual existence of a cyclopian race as a binyan PhD giant skeletons found kentucky public ledger may 31st 1897 10 skeletons were found in two mounds by dr loveberry curator of the ohio state university museum one that of a giant fully eight feet tall it is the most notable find yet hundreds of mounds and balm nine foot giants and dams Syracuse daily standard july 23rd 1897 while men were excavating with a steam shovel near mora minnesota they found an old copper spear with a point measuring ten inches in length and tapering to a very fine and temper point the weapon shows the maker to have been an adept and working copper metal archaeologists believe that it's some prehistoric time the country uh seran named mora was densely inhabited by race of people who were much further advanced in civilization than the indians hmm that's really interesting again you can't save that anymore in any newspaper uh but that is truly interesting and i think most of my viewers are on board with the idea i mean a lot of people talk about tartarian society but definitely on board with the idea that um there was a civilization here in north america that was actually bar advanced uh then what certainly what we're told the many mounds around fish lakes show that a mighty race of people lies slumbering there whose history is as yet unwritten from the mounds of earth which were used as sepulchers for their dead or i guess sepulchers and which demonstrate beyond a doubt that they were in numerous as well as powerful people bones of giant indians found in maryland prehistoric men seven feet tall who once lived in what is maryland multiple american november 15 1897 there has been there has just been received at the maryland academy of sciences the skeleton of an indian seven feet tall it was discovered near antietam there are now skeletons of three powerful indians at the academy who at one time in the well in the wildness roamed over the state of maryland armed with such instruments as nature gave them or that their limited skill taught them to make two of these skeletons belong to individuals evidently of gigantic size the vertebrae and bones of their legs are newly as thick as those of a horse and the length of the long bones exceptional the skulls are refined proportions ample and with walls of moderate thickness and of great strength and stiffened beyond with a powerful ridge the curves of the forehead are moderate and not retreating suggesting intelligence and connected with jaws of moderate development the locality from which these skeletons came is in frederick county near antietam creek it was formally supposed to have been the battleground of two tribes of indians the katabas and the delaware before the coming of the white man this site was occupied as a village by indians of great stature some of them six and a half to seven feet in height how are we doing on time how's everybody doing i think i'm going to read i'll read one or two more and then we'll end it for the night and uh that should give us good yeah that should be good to actually i'll go a couple more pages and then we'll finish it on the next session with constant mound opened skeleton found of a man over nine feet high with an enormous goal the new york times december 20th 1897 make up maple see it's getting late right and i'm like i can't even pronounce maple right maple creep wisconsin december 19th one of the three recently discovered mounds in this town has been open and it was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size the bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation the skull was as large as a half bushel measure some finely tempered rods of copper and other relics were lying near the bones the mound from which these relics were taken is 10 feet height and 30 feet long and varies from six to eight feet in width the two mounds of lesser size will be excavated soon giant eight feet seven inches tall unearth ohio science manual 1898 a rare archaeological discovery has been made near Reiner's ville in morgan county ohio a small knoll which had always been supposed to be the result of an uprooted tree was open recently and discovered to be the work of mound builders just below the surrounding surface a layer of boulders and pebbles was found directly underneath this was found the skeleton of a giant eight feet seven inches in height surrounding the skeleton were bone and stone implements stone hatchets and other characteristics of the mound builders the discovery is considered by the scientists is one of the most important ever made in ohio the skeleton is now in the possession of a reiner's ville collector all right i think that's gonna be a good place in it there let me know how this went tonight guys like i said starting out i'm doing a broadcast over three different social networks i'm doing youtube doing facebook and of course discord live and hopefully the the wifi streaming was good for everybody hopefully i'm not choppy or robotic or anything like that and hopefully i can do this more in the future so just you know reminder to everyone out there every single friday i go through my torah portions we're almost through the book of deuteronomy within two or three more weeks and then we're gonna roll back when i roll it back i'm not going to be doing torah portions i'm just gonna be going through the bible i'm just going to start in genesis we're gonna do a chapter a week maybe half a chapter a week i don't know we're gonna take as long as we need to go in depth into this and i'm looking forward to that so please do come by join every friday nights as we go through our bible studies and i'll be starting song of song soon as well and love you guys we'll do this again