The Todd Herman Show

Veggie Tales Attacks Matt Walsh’s Faith; Mark Zuckerberg THINKS He’s Done With Politics Ep-1862

The Veggie Tales people go after Matt Walsh and his new movie. And, Mark Zuckerberg from Meta/Facebook thinks he's done with politics. Maybe he's been faking us, but he thinks he's done with politics. Plus, for once, I actually know exactly what Kamala Harris was trying to say. She doesn't understand the concept, but I know the concept she's speaking about and it's something you should know. 
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Broadcast on:
30 Sep 2024
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Welcome to the three stories version of the Todd Herman show. The veggie tales people go after Matt Walsh in Mark Zuckerberg from Metaface book Thinks. He's done with politics. Maybe it's a head fake. Maybe he's head faking us, but he thinks he's done with politics. And actually for once, I actually know exactly what Kamala Harris was trying to say. She doesn't understand the concept, but I know the concept she's speaking about and it's something you should know. We'll get started with the help of our YouTube channel,, the Todd Herman show, and of course with God Almighty. The Todd Herman show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. From the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exide. Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live. The three stories version of the Todd Herman show hello. The people who put together veggie tales decided that they would go after Matt Walsh. This is in a podcast. There's three people involved in this and what made them think this would be a good idea eludes me. I guess they're people who get to speak their mind just like I do. It's Phil Visher who created veggie tales, a guy named Pastor Mike Eyre, and a guy named Skye Jathani who apparently used to be a pastor and now is a Christian speaker, whatever that means. And I don't know these guys, never met them. I've never watched veggie tales and I'm proud of it because I kind of think that maybe Jesus shouldn't be a fruit or a vegetable or a come quad, but maybe that's just me. I do think having watched this though that these guys probably belong in the realm of theology through food because they certainly don't belong in the realm of the culture war because they refuse to recognize that someone fought the culture war long before Matt Walsh. And I'm not comparing Matt to this particular person who fought this culture war because none of us can compare to this person, but there was this guy named Jesus Christ who came and fought a culture war. He did. The Lord Jesus when he walked on earth as fully God, fully man, having surrendered his deity, having not sought equality with God because he was choosing as part of the Holy Trinity to walk in our shoes, he was here to fight a culture war if you doubt it. Pick up a copy of this thing called the New Testament. It's attached to the Bible often. Sometimes it's one book. And you will see Jesus in culture war circumstances. Culture war is like, wait, hold on a second, that, hey, that rabbi's up there with a woman at a well alone and she's a Samaritan culture war. You think Jesus didn't know that was going to get around? Listen, Samaritans didn't mix and men certainly didn't go talk to women alone and a woman at the well at noon? Well, it's like she didn't want to be around other women, right? Because she was notorious. She was a sinner. She was on her seventh marriage and that marriage wasn't even her husband. Jesus spoke to her a rabbi. Well, yeah, he also revealed to her that he was the Messiah in some readings, the first actual instance of him speaking outside of the apostles was to a woman. That's a culture war because you better believe that got around. I mean, think of how many times the Pharisees said to the Lord Jesus and about him, he eats with sinners. He eats with tax collectors. The Lord Jesus said, hey, the physician does not come to heal the well, but the sick. Many, many times it went beyond culture, it went down to dogma versus the word of God, the dogma. Hey, we saw your followers. They're eating heads of grain and barley, walking around, what are you doing? This is a Sabbath. You can't do that. Wait, don't you remember King David and the temple bread? If only I understood that my father wants mercy not sacrifice, that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. That's culture war stuff. Well, then we could go to knocking over the tables of the temple outside the temple where it had become a trading ground for monies and taking out a whip and whipping the floor in front of the bosses of the world. That's a culture war. So what exactly did they have this problem with in terms of Matt Walsh? Well, he's not Jesus. Jesus gets to do things we don't get to do because he's Jesus, but what was that specific issue? I'll tell you that in just a second. See culture, as Andrew Breitbart says, swims upset, swims upstream of politics. Sure enough, it does. You know what else it swims upstream from? Things like health care. Our culture has generally, genuinely shifted away from health care. You very rarely get health care. You get pill care. You get pill care or you get cutting care. Think of all the times if you're in your mid 50s where you've been pitched to pill. Have you been told you should get a statin yet? Well, why would I want a statin? You got to get the statins. If everybody's got the statins, got to be taking that stuff. If you've been in any circumstance, you're being told you're going to need to have surgery. Hey, eventually we're going to have to operate on you. If that neuropathy continues, the only thing we can do is really get in there and operate. You know, I just have this carpal tunnel like thing. You know what we got to do? Got to open up your arm and scrape that tendon. That'll make it better. Recrete more space in there. It'll move. But that's what we're going to do. Then there'll be some pills to follow up. That's pill care. Cutting care. In Mexico, I go to for health care because I'm super active. I end up with an injury or two, like two shoulders and an ankle. When I go down there, I actually get health care and it's delivered using the miracle of umbilical cord stem cells that and from placentas, no aborted tissue. These cells are remarkably powerful. They heal by fighting inflammation immediately, then they rebuild. They're just bound with all this building energy. They just don't know what they're supposed to build until they go where they're supposed to build. So if your doctor is saying pills are cutting, stop, please, just go ask renew to look at your medical records and they'll tell you if they can relieve you of pain. Go to, it's This is part of the discussion about Matt Walsh, again, the veggie tales, folks. This is the kicker from Matt Walsh because Matt Walsh pushed back and said, "I have no regrets about the methods we used and would happily do it again." Then he added, "The real dividing line is between those of us who are willing to do what it takes to win the culture war and those of us who are not." Yep. Yep. There it is. There is. That is the dividing line. Absolutely. That is exactly the dividing line. It's very true. Are you agreeing? You're saying you're going on record to say you agree with Matt Walsh? In one very narrow respect, you cannot follow the Sermon on the Mount and engage in a culture war. Yes. So there is a dividing line. Absolutely. So there is this principle in Judaism about what it is. When you save a life, you save the world. So to deceive in order to protect life, I mean, I'm all for it, absolutely. To deceive my wife when she asks, "Did I put a lot of thought into Valentine's Day?" That's self-preservation. I'm all for that too. To deceive in order to own the libs, "May it never be, fell, may it never be." And let's be clear. It's not just deceive to own the libs. It's deceive to own the libs that in a movie that you will make millions of dollars distributing. So there is a self-interest in here. There's a financial interest in this. It's also deceiving for entertainment value. Exactly. Because there are a whole bunch of other ways that you could make a point that you disagree with diversity, equity, and inclusion programs other than making fun of the people who promote them for money. Fighting the culture war is life-saving. I mean, we could go to the easy topic of abortion. We can go to the topic of over-medicalizing confused teens who shouldn't be medicalized in any way, shape, matter, idea, faction, or form, but who should be chatted with and talk through things as it has always happened with kids to go through puberty. That ends up taking lives when kids go get medicalized and preventing life. Because the kid have kids, this is a life-saving act. The culture war, and by the way, the Sermon on the Mount is a culture war. Do you not get this? You honestly don't get that that was a culture war moment. I know it's beautiful. I know it's lovely. I know the words inspire us, and it's a culture war. How could I say that? Matthew chapter 5. Now when Jesus saw the crowds he went up on a mountainside and sat down, as disciples came to him and he began to teach them, "What's the other pore and spirit for this is the kingdom of heaven?" At that time, your money as a Jewish man was an indicator of how much God loved you. Your piety displayed outside the temple as you prayed loudly was a connection to your blessings from God. Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth, the meek. Say what you will of the Pharisees, they weren't meek. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled. Who are you to speak of righteousness? This is the province of God alone. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure and heart for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God, and he claims to be the Messiah. A peacemaker? He's not here to crush Rome? Clearly not the Messiah. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. The entire thing is beautiful. So many of the words of Jesus were the culture war, particularly this. You've heard it said to the people long ago, you shall not murder in anyone who murders will be subject to judgment. But I tell you that anyone who's angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to your brother or sister, raka, meaning fool or unworthy, irredeemable is answerable to the court and anyone who says you fool will be in danger of the fire. Jesus said, you have heard it said he was quoting the Pharisees who were watching this, who controlled the culture of the time. You have heard it said, but I say to you, and on the topic of deception, I heard one of the speakers say that to deceive to save a life is okay, but then pretending that the culture war is not life-saving. You're talking here in our culture war about importing 13,000 illegal immigrants who are felons. That's part of the culture war. Yes, we're to be kind to the sojourners for we ourselves are sojourners. We are visitors in this world, but we are also to protect the leads to these. Look, Matt Walsh has changed culture veggie tales, I guess. I don't know. I've never seen it. So I'd be unfair for me to say, but that broccoli is big. Back to the Bible. Joshua chapter 6, 23, 225, Joshua was to go seize a city. God had said, you need to take the city need to take this land. This is for you. So it was a just war. God said to go do this, Joshua said to the two men who had, what does it say? Spied out the land. Go into the prostitute's house and bring her out and all who belong to her in accordance with your oath to her. So the young man who'd done the spying went in and brought out Rahab, her father and mother, her brothers and sisters and all who belong to her. They brought out her entire family and put them in a place outside the camp of Israel. Then they burned the whole city and everything in it, but they put the silver and gold in the articles of bronze and iron into the treasury of the Lord's house. But Joshua spared Rahab, the prostitute with her family and all who belonged to her because she hid the men Joshua had sent as spies to Jericho as she lives this day among the Israelites to this day, rather. Spies, prostitutes, secreting a spy and to my understanding, Rahab is in the line of descendants of the Lord Jesus in his family tree, a woman who's secreted spies to take life. The culture war is life or death. Later on, they went in in this clip and someone prattled off about fear and about how there's so many people in the conservative movement trying to stoke fear, fear that your kid might be medically kidnapped from someone in a school. Hey, that's a great thing to make fun of until you have secreted families out of the separate countries of Oregon, Washington and California, like my wife and I have, until you've met parents whose kids have been medically kidnapped. Being aloof must be fun and that veggie tales money that can make you feel real safe and fat and happy and I wonder, can one actually cherish the Sermon on the Mount and actually want to fight evil? Maybe that's not Christian. Story #2. Mark Zuckerberg has himself a fancy idea. Mark thinks he's done with politics. Now, see, this here is funny. It goes to something that I've been saying about Zuckerberg. Now, please remember this, if you watch my, if you, if you watch my whole podcast or you listen to any of my radio shows or any of the media appearances I do in the national radio shows or any of the long-form content you do, I do. You know that when he started CrossFit, I made, in fact, I think I did a video on this. I think I said that CrossFit was going to red pill Mark Zuckerberg. Now, why would I say that? I'll tell you why, is because combat sports and he's doing, I think, jujitsu and other forms of fighting and CrossFit, it brings testosterone up in men. The reason I said it would red pill Mark Zuckerberg is A, he'd become a father, which is going to make you want to be a protector, be bringing your testosterone up, can change how you view things. Much to this, a grid of the party. They don't want us in this. They don't want us snacking on, you know, I saw this new candy bar, it's called estra-yum. Picked it up. Looked at it. You know what the, the ingredients are? Sugar and estrogens. See, I say, in some fat in it, it just barked into men, estra-yum. Get those man-hanges, the, you know, man's ear, kind of thing. That's where they want us. But I made this prediction that Zuckerberg would become sort of red pill, and I think he has been, but he thinks he's done with politics. That's a fanciful idea. It is. I think there's people who'd like him to be done with politics. I don't think he's going to get there, I'll explain why in a second. Zuckerberg had one idea for a company and he and his friends and there's people who think he stole the idea. I know that. That's a real line to that, that he created a company that was the face page or whatever. We're going to go rank women and men and they're hot and eventually it has become this thing meta, this juggernaut, this, this data machine, this CIA dream get. Another guy had a different idea. Now, he didn't ever go out and make zuck-type money, few people have, but he made plenty of money. He was a direct marketer of some fame. He's put together some of the biggest direct marketing programs you've ever heard of, and then he became a father for the second time. His son, in the womb, was disfigured. That's what the world would say. I'd say uniquely figured. Doctors looked at that little baby and they said, "Hey, why don't we kill him?" And John and his wife said, "No," but he's going to have all sorts of health problems and he's going to need surgeries his whole life and turns out they were right. He did. He's 13. He's been through 18 surgeries. He's also profoundly autistic, very high up on the autism spectrum, in his largely known non-verbal, but he's a brilliant, brilliant kid. Brilliant. Must be hard to not be able to speak your brilliance. He has a tablet he can use if he really needs to speak, but he invents soap. These fragrances that are super, super meaningful to him. Cedarwood Jasmine is my very, very favorite. This came from Alan remembering looking through a memory chest with one of his grandmas. Where there's watermelon basil, again, a memory from yet another grandma who was cooking brunch. He remembered that smell. These are soaps now. There's also unscented soaps. Here's the big difference. This isn't a big company that hates you. This stuff's not made in China or wherever. It's made in America by family with three generations of soap making expertise and the soap is incredibly gentle because Alan's skin can't sand anything else, but then there's this. This started with Alan as the sole employee, then came Ian. Now we have a third employee because you buy soap here. So the side, go continue to buy soap from the big companies that don't care about burger values or right now, go to, get 10% off all their products and sign up for a soap subscription, it's So Zuckerberg is done with politics. He says he was once a backer of liberal causes and now he feels he is far more libertarian. Now part of this happens as you age, part of it happens as you observe what government does, part of it happens as you see what it's going to do to your kids, you just gain more and more experience. So part of this is expected. But he's not done with politics and I'll tell you why is because politics is not done with him. This came from the Wall Street Journal via It was only a little more than a decade ago that Mark Zuckerberg had a few qualms about airing his politics, had few qualms about airing his politics. Earnest and optimistic and perhaps naively so, he rushed on to the national stage to discuss the issues he cared about, immigration, social justice, inequality, democracy and action. He penned qualms and national newspapers espousing his views, spun up foundations and philanthropic efforts and hired hundreds of people to put his vast riches to work on political goals. That was Mark Zuckerberg in his 20s. Zuckerberg in his 40s is a very different Mark Zuckerberg. In conversations of the past few years with friends, colleagues and advisors, Mr. Zuckerberg expressed cynicism about politics after years of bad experiences in Washington. Me and others at the top of meta, the parent company of Facebook, believe that both parties loathed technology and they're trying to continue engaging with political causes would only draw further scrutiny to their company. As recently as June at the Allen and Company Conference, the summer camp for billionaires in Sun Valley, Idaho, Mr. Zuckerberg complained to multiple people about the blowback to meta that came from the far more politically touchy aspects of his philanthropic efforts. He regretted hiring poise at his philanthropy who tried to push him further to left on some causes. In short, he was over it. His preference, according to more than a dozen friends, advisors and executives familiar with his thinking, has been to wash his hands of it all. In public, that means Mark Zuckerberg is declining to engage with Washington except when necessary. In private, he stopped supporting programs at his philanthropy that could be perceived as partisan. He's tamped down on employee activism at meta, said these people who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to do so or did not want to jeopardize the relationship with Mr. Zuckerberg. He also spoke to President Trump in a one-on-one telephone call twice over the summer. These people said a move that some characterizes an attempt to repair a long strained relationship between the two men. The political environment, I think, I didn't have much sophistication around. I think I fundamentally misdiagnosed the problem, Mr. Zuckerberg said, during a recent interview at a live podcast event in San Francisco. It's good to see Mark Zuckerberg growing. It's good to see him disappointed in D.C. It's good to see him thinking he's done with politics, but he's wrong. He's wrong. Politics is in every part of our world, though it shouldn't be. It's in our money. He has a lot of it. It's in our way of communicating. He does a lot of it. And then there's the Data Bank. I would think that the CEO of Telegram, the founder and CEO of Telegram, he was done with politics. He created a technology that had encryption that apparently was very difficult to crack. He wanted people to be able to communicate privately. It's not a spied-upon. I mean, that's really being done with politics. Then he was arrested in France for, you know, stuff and such. A few weeks later, he came along and said, "You know, on second thought, I think I'll go ahead and share with government the things that they think they need to see. Mark Zuckerberg can be done with politics as long as he lets them continue to have whatever data they want out of Facebook, everything. Look, I can tell you because I know, because I sold a big data company about the firehouse that you can get out of Facebook. That's expensive. I know that we could flow that data out and analyze that data. You can make predictions that you would never think would come true. I remember being in a meeting with the National Republican Senatorial Committee and we were giggled at. We predicted some specific people. We looked at about 50 specific people we were going to lose in an election. We had opened the voter database in this meeting, and I remember a guy in a pink tie laughing his face off at us. These are four out of fours, four out of fours, and you guys say, what that means is they voted four times and each time for Republicans that passed four election cycles, four out of fours, solid, we own them, and I said to one of my team members, show them the pictures. Some of those four out of fours had yard signs for Democrats. How do we know? Because of the firehouse and language analytics, so Mark Zuckerberg may well think he's done with politics, but politics ain't done with Mark and the second he decides to wind that fire hose down or start playing and stop playing the game they want him to play, it's okay to be a libertarian, but you stop access to that data mark and you're going to find out that politics ain't done with you. Oh, just one other thing. One day or another, I hope that you will really, really reflect on something, how hard it was to build Facebook, all of the code, all of the time, all of the efforts, all of the transferring now into AI, all of those words, all of that language, all those binaries, all that code. And I think I want you to reflect on something, Mark, please go look at a strand of DNA and tell me that came out through happenstanceial interaction, you know, information arising at random. I pray you'll do that. Number three, you cannot believe I'm about to say these words. I actually know what Kamala Harris was trying to say. She doesn't know what she was trying to say, but I actually know what Kamala Harris was trying to say. And that's rare for me to kind of defend her, but I'll do that in a second. You can defend yourself from a life of just continuing to slowly but surely lose muscle. I mean, to some degree, I'm not talking about going out and getting artificial hormones like HCH or something like that. I'm talking about getting more nutrition out of every single bite of food you eat. With grocery store prices going up, I mean, that would be a pretty good idea, right? So you eat a big turkey breast and you've got your 34 grams of protein. How much of that does your body actually turn into amino acids? Well, I can tell you. My friends at bi-optimizers took 243 separate experiments before mat and weighed would release the product called mass-simes. I've been taking it for two years, and they finally freed me up to share it with you. Mass-simes is a very powerful series of digestive enzymes that help your body digest food. So that turkey breast, that 34 grams of protein, bioavailability might mean that you're only getting half of that, maybe a quarter of that, depending on your body and how it works. They conducted a test and experiment at Birch International University in Bosnia side-by-side. On the left, people who weren't taking mass-simes on the right, people who were. The people on the right who were taking mass-simes saw a 1,200 percent increase in the amount of amino acids produced in their bodies. Amino acids, and specifically branched chain aminos, are the building block of muscle, of proteins. They help your body maintain muscle and can even sometimes help you produce muscle. If you don't intend to be overweight your entire life and you're in a restrictive diet now, you have to have this stuff. If you've been through a restrictive diet, you're at a good healthy body weight. You've got to have this stuff to help maintain muscle. Lastly, it provides you genuine digestive comfort, and it's easy. You can get this done now. Go to You will get 10 percent off a bottle of mass-simes and, in fact, all their products at buyoptimizers., head over to the right now, stop letting poor digestion rob you of your full potential. It's Let's start with this with Kamala Harris in a very, very tough interview with her dear, dear friend, Stephanie Ruhl, talking about the border crisis, and, of course, we know exactly who's to blame for that. There are people there that are stressed, that feel that they're at capacity, communities around the country that have legal immigration, many have said, "We're at capacity." Many feel like the government has said to them, "Well, adapt. Sit down, be quiet. This is how it is." What would a Harris administration do for those communities who've taken in many, many legal immigrants, but are at capacity? Well, first of all, we do have a broken immigration system, and it needs to be fixed. If we take a step back, months ago, some of the most conservative members of the United States Congress came together with others, proposed a border security bill that would have put 1,500 new border agents on the border to help those hard-working border agents who are there right now working around the clock, would have put more money into stemming the flow of fentanyl, which is killing Americans around our country and devastating communities. I would have put more resources into our ability to prosecute transnational criminal organizations, which in my career, I've prosecuted. Donald Trump got word of the bill, realized it was going to fix a problem. He wanted to run on and told him to kill the bill, don't put it up for a vote. Here's the truth about that bill. It codified catch and release, so you catch in illegal immigrants, you got to let them go. Okay, caught you, have fun. It led in another 1.8 million illegals. It funded sanctuary cities. It funded the same non-governmental organizations who are flying illegal immigrants all around the country straight into swing districts of swing states. You get about 2 million of these people right now that the Democrats want to register to vote. Many times, swing state elections are decided by 20,000 votes, and this would have funded those same groups who are secretly flying these people around, taking them out of California, for instance, on $150,000 per flight and landing them in Texas. This gave lawyers to illegal immigrants. You had to pay for those lawyers. Do you have your own lawyer? It gave work permits to illegal immigrants. It did nothing to deport illegal immigrants. It provided absolutely no immediate wall funding. The asylum screening was incredibly weak. Do you fear for your life? Yeah. Okay, cool. Come on in. And of course, it gave $60 billion to Ukraine to support their national sovereignty. So what Kamala Harris is trying to say there, of course, is that it's Donald Trump's fault. Now, God knows, went through the minds of the MSNBC producers that decided to have Kamala Harris sitting with one part of the Blurred Set behind her, apparently being a kitchen in the other part containing a ladder in sauce, I guess, because she's a hard-working woman out there building greenhouses and such. But then she was asked another question by Stephanie Rule, and she took a lot of heat, Kamala Harris, from the right, doesn't know what she's saying. It's a word salad. Well, kind of, except I know exactly what Kamala Harris was trying to say. And assistance to state local governments around transit dollars, and looking holistically at the connection between that and housing, and looking holistically at the incentives we in the federal government can create for local and state governments to actually engage in planning in holistic manner that includes prioritizing affordable housing. Yeah, get it? Transit villages. This is another vote shifting scheme. It's another classic China model, fascists, governments, and companies become one. Here's the model. There are all sorts of roads on which people can drive, so they constrain the roads. They create HOV lanes. You can't drive in those roads unless you got three people in your car, even though those roads are mostly open. Then they create bus lanes. Now this is a literal act of insanity. I was living in Seattle. I would have to drive from the south into the city, and sometimes I'd need to take what was sometimes called the Backway, and this was through the Alaska Viaduct 99, and there was the HOV lane. Then there was a bus lane, and I kid you not. One morning I was coming into the city, and it was probably a 45 minute backup because there'd been a massive accident, and right next to me is the bus lane, and there are no buses. I actually created a video of this. I watched for about, I don't know, 10 minutes, not a bus came by, and I said I'm going to the bus lane. This is insane, and everyone else was doodily going, dutifully, well you can't go in that bus lane, and I drove to the bus lane, and I made it in, and then I talked about it on the radio show, and then the porn organization, the stranger, the independent newspaper there that makes his money by hooking up people with prostitutes and sex trafficking, they wanted to write an article about this, that I was some kind of dangerous rebel, so I said in the final, send you a statement, they constrict the roads, then in Seattle and other cities like this, they started to install 20 mile per hour, and then 15 mile power speed limits, and then they started to create these areas in town where you couldn't turn left. You couldn't get to an area, except on buses, or trains. So here's the swindle. Now there's the train line, and here's the swindle. The train line's going to sneak through these neighborhoods, sometimes it doesn't even go through straight areas, sometimes it does incredibly weird things, like it's going down a road called Pacific Highway South in Seattle, then it takes a sharp left, and then a right, and then another right, why? Because it went through and destroyed a school. That was my plan to take the school out, why? So they could have a brand new school, why? Because that was incredibly valuable commercial real estate for high-rise apartments that would have a view of the Kent Valley, and then the transit villages. When there's a train stop in your basement, and you're the laptop class, you ride an elevator down, you pop into the choo-choo, you pop out of the choo-choo, you go up another tall building, and now you're at work. But wait, this is low income. Sure, to begin with, they get federal and local state tax dollars to build low-income housing right along the train line, right after they seize that land using eminent domain. They steal it from existing landowners, then they upuse it, and for about seven years, those things are affordable housing, but there's this crazy thing about affordable housing in separate countries like Washington, Oregon, California. They're more expensive to build than normal housing. How do I know this? Because my uncle was one of the chiefs of affordable housing. It was frustrated by this, and because a friend of mine in Seattle were in custom builds. And they would say, "We got hired to build low-income housing. We use more expensive ingredients, if you will, faucets, accoutrements, lighting, et cetera, than we do in normal houses. They're better insulated. They're better insulated for sound. They're built as luxury buildings, because from seven years after seven years, they become just that. And then the low-income people go to the next area that the train goes. They go seize more land with eminent domain. And if you're a red state, understand this, please. These people are doing everything they can to spread their tentacles using transit with the great pitch of, "What move people off your freeways?" They take these trains into your neighborhoods. They build apartment centers around them, and then comes the federal dollars. Well this is the perfect place for people who are in federal dollars to live, because it's the train so they can get to work, even though most of them don't need to work. They import voters along those lines. At the same time as the Biden administration and the people who run him have done doing everything they can to make it difficult to live, really. They don't want us to live, really. Her mild taxes are ways to make it even more difficult to live, really. So I know exactly what Kamala was trying to say. We want to trap you in boxes and ship you around like containers. She just doesn't know what she's saying, which is pretty common, right? The modern babbling, as it were, from a Babylon. Lord, thank you for reminding us what happens when human want kings. This is what we get. Thank you for reminding us that you are the one and only truly just King. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [MUSIC]