The Todd Herman Show

Have You Heard About “The ‘Rape Club_’” - Well, You’ve Been Paying For It Ep-1861

If you heard about the federal prison that was called the “Rape Club”, it was given that nickname over a period of about 15 years and you paid for this. Now it's been shut down. A judge has seen to that, but there is a massive tragic irony to this because of where the prison is located, and how this was all allowed to go on. We'll talk about this plus a very important note for everybody who listens on sub stack on the desktop, or in the sub stack app, or uses sub stack for audio.

What does God’s Word say? 
Matthew 25:34-43
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
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Broadcast on:
30 Sep 2024
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If you heard about the federal prison that was called the rape club, it was given that nickname over a period of about 15 years and you paid for this. It's been shut down. A judge has seen to that, but there is a massive, massive tragic irony to this because of where the prison is located and how this was all allowed to go on. We'll talk about this, plus a very important note for everybody who listens on substack on the desktop or on the substack app or uses substack for audio. Nothing against substack. We're going to be going to other audio sources. They simply are not providing us the data we need to run the business behind the scenes. Some exciting news about substack. We're going to create now content there that's not going to be anywhere else. I'll talk about this. We'll get started now with the help of God Almighty. Well, if I press the right button, stick and button. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile, Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made in these at the time, so which God has decided we shall live. We're going to be taking substack and using it more how substack is designed to be used. It would be videos I'm creating just for the substack audience and live chats and writing. And it has, again, nothing to do with against substack. They are a great free speech platform, but they simply can't or are not willing to give us the support we need to report numbers to our advertising partners. And that's, I'll be frank with you, that's hurt us. And it's not a hurt I can continue to underwrite out of my pocket. So nothing against them. So in about two weeks, if you use the button right now in the substack post or email to listen or the app, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. That's no longer going to be possible, but we're on every single audio platform. So it'll be easy to find this, we'll create links for this, Spotify, iTunes, everywhere. So just know that that's coming. There was a prison in the building still there, but the essence of it, thank God, it's gone. It was located in Dublin, California. And if you've never been to Dublin, it's actually a really beautiful part of California. It's in the East Bay, kind of near Oakland, and there's some rolling hills portions of it. There's some water portions of it. And this correctional facility became known as the rape club. Now a note before we get into the details of this, how should Christians think about prisoners? Well, how are we supposed to regard them? Well, you can look pretty quickly into the Bible and see how we should regard prisoners. And you can go to a biblical source to explain this Matthew chapter 25 verses 34 through 43. Then the king will say to those on his right, and in this regard, this is Jesus speaking about himself. Then the king will say to those on his right, come, you who are blessed by my father, take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in and you closed and you closed me. I was sick and look after me. I was in prison and you came to visit with me. Then the righteous will answer them, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you something to eat? When would these see you as a stranger or invite you in or need to close and close you? When did we see you sick or in prison or go to visit you? And the king will reply, truly I tell you what you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me. Then the Lord will say to those on his left, depart from me, you who are cursed, into the internal fire prepared for the devil as angels, for I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. I was a stranger and you did not invite me in. I needed clothes and you did not clothe me. I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me. It's stark. So how should Christians think about people in prison? As people, almost certainly they're in prison because they decided to act on a sin impulse. We all have sin impulses. We all sometimes give in and act on them. If that becomes a lifestyle and something you're used to and you don't encounter the body of Christ and you don't submit, you can end up taking those sins and they multiply over time and you suddenly are someone in a jail cell. It doesn't mean that God doesn't love you and it doesn't mean that you should get out of the jail cell or the prison cell. It means you are someone created by God in the image of God. You may well be a child of God and be in prison. If you look at what's happening in a world where people are arrested for praying 75 yards from an abortion facility with their back turned and praying silently, hiding behind a tree, I guess he wasn't arrested, but he was interviewed by the police or you look at the abortion protesters who prayed in a building who were going to prison for three to five years. We also could face prison, but we shouldn't be raped. Not by the guards, really not by anybody, but the guards. How about a chaplain? A chaplain did this. See this is to me a vision of hell because in hell sin multiplies. You think of this, you'll be in there for eternity around people who never stopped sinning and sin multiplies for an eternity for infinity. Meanwhile in heaven, the graciousness of God multiplies, the mercy, the joy, it is your decision to make. So many things are decisions to make. Sometimes we make them passively. I know people who have passively given in to being old, right? I know people who passively just to just let it happen to them, right? And you see this and I'll see it in my friends and they, well, I don't do that anymore. Why? Well, I don't know. I just, I please don't do that. Please be active, particularly in pursuit of your health. Here's a little hack and this is probably the most powerful tool of by optimizers I've been using for two years, but haven't been able to tell you about. It's called mass simes. Now you all have digestive enzymes. I haven't, you haven't, we would be dead if we didn't, but because of what's been done to our nutritional system, they're not working like they used to. Mass simes took Matt and Wade 243 experiments before they would sell it to me and to you. The final, final reason they did that was a test they did at Birch International University in Bosnia, side by side, people who took mass simes and people who did not, people like me who took mass simes experienced 1,200% more amino acids in their bodies and the people who did not. That means a way to look at this 100, 1,200% greater capability to grow and sustain muscle and to maintain digestive health. This is a simple thing, but it's a potent thing and it's the thing you should do today. Go to, get 10% off a bottle of mass simes or multiple bottles. You get 10% off all their products there. Don't let poor digestion hold you back from reaching your full potential. Go to, get 10% off a bottle or multiple bottles of mass simes. It's a beautiful looking location where this federal correction facility was held. In fact, so San Quentin. California, church shows some cool places to put prisons, California, California, yet there's the irony in this write up on this piece from the Daily Mock. In this latest case of what a deputy attorney general describes as an appalling criminal act that a women's prison nicknamed the rape club, a former guard at the now closed California institution was indicted on 15 counts of sexual abuse of female inmates. The Department of Justice reported in a July 26 press release. The Department of Justice pause. This is the same Department of Justice who is telling women to shut up and let the kind men ogle them while they shower next to them. Same Department of Justice that has put men into women's prisons. California led the way on this Washington state that fallen country has followed. But it's wrong when guards do it. It might be extra wrong. No, it truly might be extra wrong because they've sworn to uphold the law. They have physical control over these women. They can kill them. They can keep them from eating. They can lock them up in solitary. They have a degree of power of them that the men do not, but it is not it's wrong by degree, but not by type. From this piece, while serving as a correctional officer at the Dublin Federal Correctional Institute, Darrell Wayne, and God forgive me, I didn't create the nickname. It's his nickname, Darrell Wayne, dirty Dick Smith, 55 allegedly committed 15 acts of sexual abuse involving five female inmates over several years, including brazen and violent acts in Department of Justice Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz said in a press release. An arraignment on that new charges has not been fully scheduled as of the writing this article, but the prosecutor said Smith's jury trial on the previous counts is sent for March 17, 2025 before U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers. Conviction of aggravated sexual abuse and deprivation of civil rights carry a maximum penalty of life in prison. The maximum penalty of 15 years in prison for each sexual count of abusive award, and a two year sentence for each count of abusive sexual contact. The court would also order a term of supervised release and could impose a fine of a quarter million dollars in each count, require restitution, and order additional assessments after consulting the U.S. sentencing guidelines and other relevant factors, restitution, how? What do you give back? According to the write up on this, you had guards going around and forcing women to sexually service them while they were standing in hallways. You had guards keeping women from meeting family members, from having any of their earned freedoms, and it gets worse than that, but the state of California, the Department of Justice is just fine with rapists, male rapists in the same prisons because of a magic word. It's been a while since we've talked about the potency of magic words. Music words are satanic and powerful. The word transgender is magic. It's focus grouped, it's nonsensical, it's pseudoscientific, it's meant to sound scientific, and it's magic. Let me give you an example. Should men be allowed in women's prisons where they are naked, they get to watch them shower, they get to threaten them, and sometimes rape them. Should that ever be allowed? No. What about trans women? Trans women are women. I saw some of the responses to a story we're going to talk about in regard to a woman who was also sexually assaulted, this time by a so-called trans woman, meaning a man. Some of the responses from people on the left were this. Maybe don't go to prison. Maybe don't go to prison. Let's try this a different way. You go into the pediatrician's office and you meet with the doc and he sits you and your wife down. He says, "Hey, we're going to cut your son's penis in half and peel it open and then remove his testicles and fold them over into fake vulva. Invert his penis and shove it into an 18-inch gash, we're going to create between his legs. It's a wound that will never heal, and there may not be enough tissue in there. He's relatively young, so he's got kind of a small penis, so we're going to pull some tissue out of his large intestine and line that wound with that to create a fake vagina." No, you're not. Let's try it another way. We've determined that your son is transgender and without the proper medical care, he's going to kill himself. What you decide now will be a permanent decision. What I'd like to do is pause puberty for a bit because we talk through this make plan. We begin the process of transition, really just allow your son to live in the body he was meant to have. We know this is shocking, it's more common than people think. We've done hundreds of these procedures, they'll come out okay. Magic Word. Prisoner is also a magic word, and God forbid some conservatives that we hear the word prisoner and we go, yeah, but right, yeah, but, and this is where Christianity comes above conservatism, which is always. The Lord Jesus did not sin, he was the one and only perfect man, but he spoke of himself as if he were in prison because, of course, sometimes even Christians make mistakes as in every second of every day. Sometimes those mistakes are so large that you end up being punished, sometimes rightfully, and as I just said in this country, it's going to be more and more often that it's not rightfully. Even as people fight to maintain morals and good, solid standing in this country, people like my friend, Tim Crookshank, he gave us, he was willing to give us life for this to make sure that things like this didn't happen and here they're happening and he'd still go fight, he would, he'd prefer to run his coffee company, which he's doing, it's bone frog coffee bone frog coffee dot com slash Todd, let me make this comparison to you. There is another coffee company run by some former military and I think now, honestly, it's actually run by hedge fund people because they got out, created a great brand and when there was the Black Lives Matter Incorporated thing, they said something else matters and they pushed that brand and these black things matter and then how written house was nearly killed by three or four people, two of whom were pedophiles and Kyle Rittenhouse with his rifle used his second amendment right to save his own life and probably lives of many other people and then that coffee company said, we don't stand with that. They turns and they ran, which is phenomenally strange, well, the people at bone frog will never run, the bags will always say God country team on them and then it's what goes inside that counts. Tim created a great brand, there's been a lot of attention to it. Bone Frog's been featured in books by former military people, videos, movies, but he chose to make the coffee legendary by partnering with a guy named Dave Stewart, who created Seattle's best coffee. He mentors the team. He even does many of the roasts, so it is premier coffee. Go get the sample packs at six for samples. You can try all the many roasts. If you're first time buyer, go to slash Todd to get 10% off your first purchase. If you're already purchasing, make this the year you upgrade. It really helps bonefrog grow and it helps you never write out a coffee. Get 15% off subscription coffee at slash Todd back to this report. Endemic sexual abuse. Both houses of Congress have passed the bipartisan Federal Prison Oversight Act, the House of Representatives on May 21 in the Senate on July 10 and specifically cited the incidents at FCI Dublin. In the congressional record on July, Joss Ossoff declared, "How did it come to pass that in a nation whose founding documents guarantee a due process in civil rights and prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, a federal prison in Dublin, California would become so notorious for the endemic sexual abuse of female inmate by prison staff that it would be known as the rape club." The rape club. Ossoff added that, quote, "Human rights crisis behind the bars in the United States is a stain on America's conscience. We'll get back to that." The July 11 motion filed by the California Coalition of Women and Prisoners note that eight of the prison staff, guards, a warden and a chaplain, have been charged with sexually abusing inmates, seven former warden Ria Garcia, former chaplain James Highhouse and five guards, have been convicted and sentenced to prison terms. The motion states that the DOJ investigation that began in 2020 implicates approximately 20 officers and staff pause. How did this happen? Because no one gets fired. Because there is no accountability. Well, plus they're just prisoners. It's not like anyone's going to care. They're just prisoners. That's how it happened. That's how it continues to happen. Oh, and then there's this. If the women wanted to report that, you could do that. Sure. You've just been raped by a guard and he can tell the woman, "Sure, yeah, go report it. Go ahead." And you know the warden's in on it. And you know the moment you report it, the beatings get worse. And there's other female inmates in prison saying, "I reported it. He broke my jaw." Now see, God has already judged all this. The sentence has already been handed out. The true justice has already occurred. Now, not in our timeline, but God's not on our timeline. We need to think about prisoners in an eternal sense. Right now, they're in prison. Many of them will be with us in heaven and the new heaven and the new earth. Some of these guards may well repent, God willing. And if they truly repent, you know, it involves sorrow. It involves weeping. It involves actually, actually weeping underneath for having hurt God because many of these women are his daughters. These same guards would probably shoot you if you went to rape their daughters. What do you think God's going to do given that many of these ladies are his daughters? And I can't get away from the savage comparison. I interviewed a prison chaplain and she is, she operates out of the separate country of Washington state. She had a client in prison who was suffering some of these same things at the hands of trans women, meaning men, because no one is a trans woman. Now back to this article talking here about this guard, the most recent guard to be charged, dirty Dick Smith. That's, I didn't create the nickname they did. Listen to this, Smith even offered advice to other officers who might want to do the same things to women, telling them to target women without legal immigration status. So they would be deported after serving the prison sentence Smith took advantage of blind spots, not viewed by security cameras to abuse the inmates. This included rape, digital penetration, falling breasts and buttocks, grinding against them, forcing them and dressing in front of them. He once ordered prisoners to engage in sexual acts with each other so he could watch. The lawsuit says these recent incidents are not the first at FCI Dublin, 1996, three women were taken to a male housing unit adjacent to the women's prison where correction officers opened the inmate's cells to allow them to rape the women. Four employees in the 1990s and 2000s were convicted of sexual abuse of female prisons, 12 were fired but not arrested in the 2010s for sexually abusing prisoners. FCI was called the rape club, you paid for this, you were forced to pay for this. Now let's look up at the top, who runs the prison system? The federal prison system? Oh, the Department of Justice. Are they looking at the other prisons? Because certainly this certainly happened in California, it would never happen anywhere else. This is the same federal government and the same political party because it's a Democrat organization, it's a leftist organization that is more than fine with male boxers breaking the noses of female boxers. They're more than fine with a male volleyball player giving a career ending injury to a female volleyball player by hammering her with this elbow. Same thing happened in the basketball court, remember that? Oh, he reached down to try to help her up as he was smirking. But wait, hold on, wait, wait, he's transgender. That's a woman. Magic words are powerful. A female prisoner had her parole withdrawn because she chose to speak up about things like this happening and again, how are Christians to think of prisoners or to think of them as people or to think of them as created in the image of God? People just like you are and I am. Been getting a lot of notes from people who are right now kind of imprisoned by pain. A longtime listener now veered to the show, Lon, has told me that he is planning a trip down to renew health care. I'm trying to see if we could align our trips. I would so love to meet Lon. I can't tell you. I mean, I went back and looked through our Twitter thread. I think Lon has been listening to me and watching me for almost a decade and I don't believe we've ever met. Another great friend of the show was about to go down to renew and get treatment, but he kept going to a fib. Now, hear me on this. He kept going to a fib so they wouldn't allow him to go to Mexico to get stem cell treatments even though it would have made him a ton of money. Remember this? I sent a friend of mine there with a specific brand of arthritis, a very painful brand of arthritis. And the folks that renew looked and looked and came back and said, Hey, you know what? We really would love to be able to help. We just haven't had any success with this, not this particular strain of arthritis. And at the same time, friends of mine and fellow listeners and podcast family members who have gone down have had conditions ranging from neurological, the damage from a massive car accident, the massive, a massive injury in the brain from a horse riding accident. Some people who were told that they had to have surgery if they wanted to continue to do athletics at an advanced age, not an advanced, but in the mid 50s, only to find out that renew in fact was able to prevent them from having surgery to reduce swelling in brains. And in fact, to regrow tissue, they do this with the potent ethically gathered stem cells from umbilical cords and placentas only. The first thing those things do in our bodies is they fight inflammation. Then they get to work to rebuilding, see they're packed. They're building cells, but they have no role assigned to them. So they'll build wherever they're inserted, be it cartilage, be it muscle tissue or tendons. And they've had incredible results helping people with neurological issues. If you're being told pills or surgeries, the only way to do this is what we do in America stop pause, check out Why did I tell you all the instances that they can't help? Because they're honest people. They're ethical people. It's A woman was facing sexual assault, sexual abuse, belittlements from a male inmate. So she decided that she would, you know, complain because certainly the world not going to let this happen. I had just been told I could go home after 17 years, 18 years. And so I was devastated. I was three weeks from enrolling when they took away my day. By the way, this comes from I.W. Features. This law fully allows intact men to be in female prisons by simply declaring. The first transgender, I came in contact with was Eva Reeve, which is the person that ultimately this all happened with. Well, the first occurrence, because it happened more than once. The first occurrence, I was in the restroom in the day room here. There's a common restroom that we can use. There's a frosted glass on the door, and I would say maybe not quite half the way up the window in the restroom, it's the first and just walked up and stood there looking in the window. There was no knock or anything. Normally, people will walk up and knock somebody else them in here or whatever. I had the occupied sign on the outside. I was seated on the toilet and I told that person to come in here, do you not see me? Go away. But you can use a linker for a few more seconds. I just kind of brushed it off at that point. One time, could be an accident. I went back and I told one of my friends that was really disturbing because that person didn't even knock on the door, just stood there and acted like they couldn't comprehend what I would say. We had to work around each other, but I tried to just avoid any contact or conversation, anything like that. There was just a very uncomfortable kind of tension after that. A couple weeks later, it happened to me and same thing, but this time, the person stood there a little bit longer and finally, after I came out that time, all I said was, "This is the second time you've done this to me. It's not okay, you need to knock it off because once was okay, but now you've done it more than once and you clearly know that I'm in there. You can see me in there, I know you watched me go in there. I know you saw the occupied sign outside. This is the second time, so you need to knock it off." That was it, I went back to my desk, I sat down, but it just just sit right with me and then that's when I decided I would file a grievance against SB 132. My name is Kathleen Quinn and so she did go to file a grievance and, incidentally, she is in prison for second degree murder, which has caused some people to say on Twitter in response to this story being posted, "Maybe don't murder someone." True, don't. You shall not murder. Maybe don't sponsor abuse. Maybe don't forget. You sin too. Those who provide mercy will receive it. God is merciful. He wants to be merciful. He wants us back in the family, but there's that saying, "Those who provide mercy will receive it." So God may well say to that person on judgment day, "But Lord, I repent it, maybe don't sin." I don't think he will do that, but we must not read past passages in the Bible like people going to the Lord Jesus and saying, "Wait, wait, hold on, wait a second. Didn't we perform miracles and cast out demons in your name? Didn't we?" And the Lord looked at them and saying, "Get away from evil doers, I never knew you." Doing Jesus is different than believing in him. Saying you follow him is different than following him. Saying you love your neighbor and then saying things like, "Well, maybe don't murder." I mean, this should happen to you. How should Christian view prisoners as people made in the image of God who acted on a sin impulse or five or ten, or in this case, ended a life? God's already meted out justice to her as well. He's already determined what the penalty will be, and it's already been enacted because God operates outside of our timeline. So this woman went to go report and filed a grievance, and then this happened. After being found suitable for parole, I got served, which there's time constraints on how you do all of these things by the time they serve me this write-up. It was already time-barred by 133 days, so it wasn't even a legal write-up. And that was the write-up where they said that it was a false report, and I was part of a faction and I was trying to target a favorite rape based on her gender identity. I had spoken to Captain Padilla at that time, who was the pre-am manager at the time that I filed a grievance. When she finished interviewing me, she said, "You know, I'm going to tell you this off the record." He said, "The bottom line is that you guys are always going to lose because their lawyers are better than your lawyers." Even though I was found not guilty of any of the things that were in that write-up, when I went to board in December, they basically said that because of my institutional misconduct, they were never specific about what it was, that they denied my parole for five years. Wait, wasn't there a DOJ thing about prisons not abusing women? Didn't that happen? Oh, gosh, I forgot. That's a trans woman. Now, see, this is institutional, obviously. People are processed. People are processed. People are policy. Policies are written down on pieces of paper, so are flow charts. Here's our process for how we get things done. Yeah, we don't do it that way. Why? Because we're people and we choose not to do that. The Bible is process and policy, and it's the word of God, and still people can read that and go, "Wow, that seems hard. I think I'll do it this way." Now, these are prisons. They're just prisoners. There's multiple cases. This is a case in New Jersey, a woman was brutally, brutally assaulted by a man pretending to be a woman, and he was transferred into that prison. She complained that she was told to, "Hey, you know what? This is the way things are. This is a fellow woman. Work it out. This is a woman on a woman problem." There's a link in the show notes to that, but it's just prisons. Praise God this isn't happening in schools, because there's federal oversight over schools. I mean, there is this one case, and the guy got caught, and there's just some other cases, and there's that one case where this teacher sort of had this insane idea that he wanted to take a young girl, and kidnap her, and make her a sex slave, and I mean, but no one could have seen it coming unless they looked at his social media, and then they would have seen it coming. But why do that? Talk about that the second. With all this corruption, it's easy sometimes to lose hope, but let's not. See, we are talking about this. God is allowing us to shed light on this. We are speaking up for people who can't, because God allows us to do this, praise God. You have this information. You can act upon it by sharing it with your liberal friends. When they say, "Look, why are you concerned about where people pee?" You can say, "I'm not. I'm concerned about where people are raped. I'm concerned about how people are treated," and it's also a bridge. See, it's supposed to be the leftists, they're all about treating prisoners kindly, "Okay, we can believe that, too, we have to, as Christians," and then, of course, there's just the blatant world of corruption, my sister, who is at best an agnostic, probably an atheist. One day she asked me, as we were talking about the career and she works works in pharma, and she admits that there's a lot of bad in pharma, she said, "God, why is the world so screwed up?" And I said, "Well, do you want my honest answer?" She goes, "Yeah, of course." "Okay, well, it's because we're in a sin issue, we're in a sin problem." The world is screwed up, it seems screwed up, because we were designed for perfection. We don't have that because of the sin issue. We're all seeking our own individual sin problems, not all of us, many people are seeking to fulfill their sin desires. We had a fascinating conversation, and then I went back to the worldly, which means corruption, money. She said, "For me, it's big companies chasing big money. For me, I said, true, and then big government coming along and big companies in government are one." That's not the way the world was when your retirement fund was created. The United States was not at this point a fascist country where big government and big companies are one, but right now they're one, and that means there are very few if any rules. Your retirement was created for a time where rules existed, so the closer you are to retirement, five, 10, 15 years out. The more likely it is that your retirement plan isn't based in today's reality, which requires in my mind obsessive risk management, which I don't think can get done without actively managing every portfolio, which can reduce risk and volatility. Those two things are what my friend Zach Abraham does and does well and does obsessively. This is a free offer. There is absolutely no obligation. It's a very simple thing. Go to Zach. Have a conference call. It can be via video. It can be via audio. You could go to Seattle and see him there. He will look through all of your investments, your land, your 403(b), your 401(k), where you're at with retirement now, and he will tell you if your portfolio is set up for risk management in his mind in some areas where you might be doing really well. Sometimes, this just happened to have a dear friend of mine. His dad had a meeting with Zach. You know what Zach told him, "Dude, you're set. You're locked and loaded. You can retire today. You don't particularly need me. Well done." Wait, he could have taken all the money. Why? "Dude, set." He'll give you the same feedback. Go to that's K-N-O-W. and simply ask for a free, no obligation consultation. Not even if you use all the words. Just say, "Hey, will you chat with me?" And he will. Investment advisory services offered through Trek Financial LOC and SEC registered investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this program are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual around any specific security. Any references to performance of securities are thought to be materially accurate. And actual performance may differ. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed past performance, doesn't guarantee future results. Trek 24-3-0-8. In Texas, wait, Texas, that can't happen. Yes, a Carl's school district in Texas. A teacher was arrested, praised God, but then released. See, there's a systematic problem. Listen there. Alright Harrison, thank you. A local teacher is accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a minor and that teacher has been arrested again. Johann Almaras was arrested by the Socorro school district, the police department there on Friday of charges of online solicitation of a minor and was released the same day. As we reported, Almaras was arrested September 13th after an investigation found that while employed as a math teacher at Clark Middle School, he was accused of having an improper relationship with a student. He's charged with several crimes, including child grooming and decency with a child and sexual performance by a child. Well, there was also this. He was assaulting a 12-year-old girl who he wanted to make his sex slave. There are environments that create opportunities for abuse and we've talked about this on the show before where bottlenecks of power exist, abusers will congregate, or bottlenecks of opportunity. Oh, you want to meet the band? Well, just come back with us. We're the pre-show. It's power. You know, I'd like to see you in this film. There's nudity in it and it's going to be tastefully done super, understand it's super artful. The structure is known for how he treats this. I just don't know if you'd be comfortable in a nude scene like that and I don't want to offend you. I know you were brought up in the Midwest and this probably doesn't meet your values. There's a lot of actresses who've done this and I didn't want to suggest this, but what if we did that here? I mean, we've known each other for years and it'd just be us to just see if you're just like, see how that feels and maybe then I could submit you for the role because I know they're going to want to talk about this, but you know what? I don't want you to go into that rehearsal being the first time you've been naked in front of somebody. You know what? Never mind. Never mind. Never mind. I couldn't believe I brought that up. I'm sorry. It's just this role. I mean, you'd be, it's Francis Ford Coppola and I'm sorry, I mean, really? You want to try it? You know what? Have a drink. In the words of Pink Floyd, "Come on, dear boy, have a cigar, we're going to go far." All act together as a team. You know, I know you're only 12, but you're so wise and it blows my mind that your parents can't see it, I mean, you're probably smarter than they are. That has to be really frustrating. I mean, it's not, they had you so long, you know, they had sex and stuff, but you know, I just, I just seen you something that's beyond your years. I listened to your talk and I just, I mean, probably you should be teaching the class. Come on, dear boy, have a cigar, you're going to go far. Coppola Harris should be asked about this stuff, she won't be. President Trump should bring it up. He should ask her, "Why are you okay with men and women's prisons?" And he should ask it this way, "Can we stop something for a second?" I know this is a debate, but I've learned that there's men in women's prisons in California. According to the New York Times in this article, please, please, please get the dates of the articles, please have the names of the women. Please have the facts, please have it on Donald Trump Jr. or Please have a post, please so people can click. Please have Donald Trump for Please have the news stories, please have the videos. Why are you okay with this, Coppola? Are you willing right now to say that when I am president, you will work with me to make sure these things end? She can't answer questions like this. Stephanie Rule, of course, got to have a discussion with Coppola Harris and Stephanie Rule is one of Coppola Harris's best friends, best buddy. It was Stephanie Rule who said, "Oh, she shouldn't have to do interviews." Why should she have to do interviews? Then she did interviews, and then people called her out saying, "Hey, you know what? She's not really answering questions." Yeah, it was great because I was watching Fox News, and I'm now excited about Melania's memoir. I'm going to have to pick that up this weekend, and I can get a silver coin that Donald Trump launched on Monday. Obviously, one of the 100 grand watches, and I haven't gotten my sneakers yet, but I'm sure they can tell me where to get them. No, that's nonsense. Obviously, for anybody who watched the interview I did with Vice President Harris, we sat down for 25 minutes, and we talked about one single topic, the economy. It is the number one issue for voters. If Donald Trump would like to sit down and have that same conversation, I'm ready for you. I think it's hugely important, and it's a vulnerability for both candidates, but it's really tricky, Joe, because you obviously want to cover all of these topics, but to just do it with one candidate, it's hard because many people feel like she's speaking in platitudes. She's speaking about economic vision, and she's not giving details. She's got an 80-page detailed policy proposal, and do I think that she answers every single question and gives people exactly what they want? She doesn't. Do you know why? Well, I was born in a middle-class family, and I washed my collard greens in the bathtub. While we made bathtub gin in the other bathroom with the other blacks, president Trump should ask Kamala Harris with the information available at Why are you okay with women being having their noses broken by male athletes? Why are you okay with men in women's prisons raping these women? Why are you okay with it? I know you're okay with it because the Department of Justice reports up into the White House. You could stop this tomorrow. Will you pledge to stop it now? How, how, how, how, what are you talking about? Men in women's prison. Is this like the, and have the URL for the guide for all the times we haven't visited you in prison. Please forgive us. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [Music]