The Duran Podcast

Austria election, Freedom Party wins, Globalists rejected

Austria election, Freedom Party wins, Globalists rejected

Broadcast on:
01 Oct 2024
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All right, Alexander, let's talk about the elections in Austria and the results which show the freedom party Has won the elections they came in first with about 30% of of the vote the ruling people's party They came in second the party that's currently governing they came in second not far behind three or four points behind the freedom party and the social democrats they came in third and this is freaking out the the globalists the EU officials in Brussels Because they consider the freedom party as far right any party that doesn't fall in line with the ideology of Brussels Or the globalist is considered far right freedom party's platform is anti immigration migration and They would like the conflict in Ukraine to wind down They want the conflict to stop no more money no more weapons to Zelensky and the resumption of trade with Russia specifically Russian energy Russian gas and To have these in a in a platform in a party platform and then when the elections with this platform Understandably has has panicked and triggered the globalists and And the the officials in Brussels so What are your thoughts on the freedom party's victory? They will not be allowed to govern is my thinking on all of this But what do you think I? Think before we discuss what's going to happen. I think we should first of all discuss what has happened and Again, I'm going to talk a little bit about Austria and its politics since the second world war because You only you need to understand that to understand the scale of this moment because I can very well remember a Time when Austria was considered a very left-wing very social democratic place It used to be it used to vote in Social Democrat governments one after the other election after election and There was this figure this personality Bruno Kraski who was the leader of the social Democratic Party of Austria Who seemed to be basically Austria's permanent Chancellor and by most accounts by the way, he governed well I mean I wasn't Intimately connected with Austria at that time, but you know, he was always there. He was a permanent fixture on the European scene Austria was thought off in those days as a very social democratic sort of place Vienna especially very left-wing place there was talk about red Vienna I know people think of Vienna as the capital of the house books But it always had that other side that other dimension so in your situation today when the social democrats come third a Center-right party comes second and a party like the Freedom Party wins Almost a third of the vote in an a lot in an Austrian election What once upon a time not so very long ago well within my you know memory? You know adult memory that would have just been considered inconceivable just beyond Anybody's imagination and yet that is where we are and that tells you lots of things about the gradual Turning away From the political establishment the old establishment that is taking place right across Europe We see Nick in France with the rise of Le Pen and in a different kind of wave melon shot. We see this in Germany with the rise of the I F. Day and Sarha Varga connect we've seen this in Italy and now we've seen it in Austria one of the last places in Some respects where one might have expected to see and we saw the Netherlands also with the rise of Geert Wilders and the reasons are always the same. We have parties governments that govern in all of these countries There are no longer responsive to people the people they govern who take their orders from Brussels and ultimately from Washington who allow essentially unrestricted immigration which People have never liked never at any time they have they liked they see sovereignty the national sovereignty of these countries diluted so the decisions are made elsewhere and Again people generally don't like that. They see economic policies near liberal economic policies that they don't like they see neoliberal Social policies which we are not going to discuss in detail, but people don't like those either and by the way Austria Has also been a Catholic conservative place even as it's been at the same time a social democratic and left-wing place So all of this has come together and in the case of Austria a very close relationship Economic relationship with Russia remember Austria is not a member of NATO. It's a neutral country. It is much closer to Russia perfectly and perhaps psychologically than most places in you in certainly Western and Central Europe have been the Russians Occupied half of Austria until the mid-1950s when they agreed to withdraw. They occupied parts of Vienna So there's you know that long historic connection and a connection that goes back beyond that, you know to the era of Meta Nick when Austria was still an empire. So the Austrians have a Historic strong historic connection with Russia a very strong Economic connection with Russia. I last time I was in Vienna was in 2015 and I was struck By how visible the economic relationship with Russia at that time was when you spent any time in Vienna at all All of that has been thrown away in a way that Just as in Germany has affected Austria's economy and the Austrian people are saying enough We won't change and they're voting now in ever bigger numbers for the freedom party Which is a sovereign this party wants better relations with Russia once religious restrictions on immigration is elliptical was putting it mildly about the EU which is a party that he's seen as reasserting Austrian national interests this party in Electro-earthquake has come first and the extraordinary thing is none of this is going to change Anything because as we've seen in Germany as we see in France as we've seen in Italy You can vote for who you like nowadays in Europe in EU states but always Arrangements will be made by the EU Center and by the various parties Establishment parties that still are still there. They're always going to work things out So that's the party that wins loses and the parties that lose win So already there is talk that the Austrian freedom party despite coming first a convincing first by the way a Significant margin a victory over the people's party which is as I said is the now the establishment party in Germany the Central right party nonetheless. They're going to be excluded from power all but all the talk is That the people's party and the social Democrats the discredited Establishment that has just lost the election are nonetheless going to be the people who will form the next government That is the reality of politics in Europe now standard a playbook for the Europeans You don't come first then you when you get the coalition parties to vow that they will never form a government With the winning party and then you get the the second and third place parties Yeah to align and then to create a government that's going to be Russell's EU focused Yeah It doesn't change but but but but it's rotting this this plan that they that they continue to to throw out there Every time they don't get their way in in an election and starting to It's starting to decay. It's not working anymore and at sooner or later The the parties that people vote for are going to have to govern or they're going to they're going to be They're going to be required to govern because the EU is not going to be able to exert this this type of Influence anymore. You are absolutely correct now if you go to France if you go to Germany if you go to Austria Let me let's repeat the point That you know I've just been making you've been just been making the political forces which are rising Are of a sort which once upon a time nobody could ever have imagined would win elections go back 20 years in France and The ras ombre mon as you know and his predecessor parties, you know getting around Five seven percent of the vote that kind of thing now. They've got a third of the vote you see Maloney who's prime minister of Italy. She comes from A radical right-wing background just to say more radical that she's choose chose to show but once that would have been enough to exclude her and in Germany we see Radical parties on both the left and the right making major inroads and in Austria where it would have once been unthinkable that a party like the freedom party a right-wing party of the kind that It is would win an election By every objective measure. They've just won the election And what is causing this radicalization? It is precisely the fact that the EU Center exercises control in a way that shows indifference to the people of Europe so They are starting to put away their inhibitions and they're starting to vote increasingly for parties that are Great that are more reflective of their opinions of their feelings and of their concerns and Whilst the EU Center continues to exercise the control that it does And whilst it continues to insist on the sort of policies that it insists upon being followed And whilst it continues to try to exclude parties the challenge the you know its policies This radicalization will continue. So the best thing Electrally speaking for the freedom party is precisely that they should be excluded from power So they don't have to take responsibility now. This unsatisfactory coalition of defeated parties forms the government of Austria Economic conditions continue to worsen which they will because how can they improve? Of the same set of policies are being followed And eventually we will get into a situation where in Austria It becomes impossible as you said to keep the freedom party away prevented from forming a government Yeah, it's becoming impossible to keep the eye of day away. It's going to be impossible to keep the freedom party away Or bond he's he's making moves Long-term moves a five-year plan to to create a patriots Party or patriots coalition within the european union Or bond aligned with feetso aligning with with babbage in Check republic which actually did very well in elections last week as well. Yeah, and uh and aligning with the the freedom party Correct in austria Correct. And so the The center in brussels is not going to be able to hold this back. You can even throw in lapen Maybe you can throw a look into into this grouping as well. Yes, unfortunately maloney She doesn't want to be associated with with her bond and and his plans for the european union, but um This is the trajectory of things. This is where the momentum is it's also a vote against the project ukraine Which is significant what happened in austria was a vote against as a lenskin against project ukraine So uh, that's that's the situation in austria. That's a situation in in europe and uh the the EU They can they can keep this going for another couple more years, but eventually the wheels the wheels are going to come off I completely agree The other thing that might happen in austria is that eventually you might start to see just as you see in germany With uh the emergence of saa vargicnech You might start to see something start to happen on the left Now as i said, this was a place which had a left wing tradition I mean people talked as I said about red vienna. There was even a civil war by the way between right and left in austria in the 1920s It was only over within a few about two weeks or something But there is a tradition for this and I saw a couple of months ago the austrian communist party believe it or not It still exists. It managed to win a local election in zaltzburg The birthplace of moza Can you go there you'd be very surprised that any body votes communist or for a party could cause itself communist in a place like zaltzburg But it did happen. So obviously This is a fossil this party is a fossil of the cold war But it might be that a more more modern more Up to date more sovereign tist left wing party distinguished from the social democrats Like saa vargicnech might emerge in austria And that might also have an effect on the political system. It won't split This is I think something we've learned from Developments in germany. It won't take away votes from the freedom party Which appears to right of center people But it will take votes from what's left of the former spd And it will accelerate that process of collapse that you've mentioned Well, yeah, because the point of of everything that's happening in germany And the lesson to take away from all of this is that there is no right and left anymore Exactly we get about the right and the left exactly what you're seeing play out now Across the entire collective west is is a fight between the globalists and the savertists Correct. I don't know if you have any other better words to describe the the two groupings But but but even the coalitions that the EU puts together When when elections come around whether it's the Czech republic Whether it's in in france whatever they they they cobbled together these groupings which which are not really Center right or center left or or anything like that They're just parties that they put together to win elections that have pledged their allegiance To the european union. They can include errand or kiss. They can include communists. They can include neo-liberals. They can include Far right parties. They don't care as long as they promise to Bow down to the EU then the EU creates these coalitions To to go up in elections against someone like or bond. I think hunger is a good example where a boss is on A grouping of five or six different parties that had no business being together under one umbrella No business at all, but the EU put them together and they promised allegiance to the european union But that that's what you have going on here because someone like feet. So is feet feet. So's left Yeah, you know, he's on the left and he's aligned But he's so he's sovereign. He's a sovereign and he gets on very well with all the artists first. Yeah, yeah He gets on very well with that Yeah, yeah, just just like okay in in the Czech republic the old communist body We still exist there too Basically is lined up with babbish because even though babbish is absolutely right They still have more in common with him because they are in Czech terms relative to the EU project Solventists and So is babbish And the present government are not so that's that's what it all commands to but you're absolutely right It's it's to sovereign tists on each side let their right and left sovereign tists their Right and let their and and they are globalists who call themselves Right and left, but the real division is not between left and right. It is between Solventists and globalists between solver interests and EU integrationists. That's the real division in europe now Division across much of the collective west as well. I would even say even in the United States I would say exactly the same to the United States as well. I would say exactly the same. I agree All right, we will end the video there the We are on rumble odyssey, but you telegram rockfit and twitter x and go to the duran shop pick up some merch Like the shirts that we are wearing today in this video There is a link to our shop in the description box down below. Take care [Music]