Bava Basra Daf 93
(speaks in foreign language) The first we get on the daft, comparing Khazakh of circumstantial evidence to Raim. (speaks in foreign language) Regarding Raim bemuminous, 'cause the brightness says if a shower is grazing in a field, another shower was found killed next to it, even though this axe was gored, and this is a mood to gour, or it's bitten, and this is a mood to bite, we don't say for certain that this axe gored it or bit it. Avaca argues and says that if a gummel was seen mating, and another gummel was found killed near it, we assume that this gummel killed it. The gummel initially assumes that Raim and Khazakh are the same, and these tannam would also argue, regarding a Raim for mammin, the gummel answers that although this Hanukkam does not follow Khazakh, and maybe Avaca only follows Khazakh because the Khazakh is on this camel itself, as opposed to Raim, which is based on other statistical occurrences. Second we get on the daft, Makhlek is tannam regarding Raim for sales of Zarapishtan. The gummel approves that our mission does not follow Raim regarding mammin, because the mission says if a person purchased seeds and planted them and they don't grow, even Zarapishtan, he doesn't get his money back. The gummel are assumed, even though Zarapishtan is mostly purchased for planting, the Makhlek can still say he sold the free eating. The gummel says this tannam holds like shmuel, but other tannam do go after Raim. In a bracelet, a tannam says that the seller is not responsible for Zarapishtan, which doesn't grow, and it basically says he pays for the value of the seeds, because he does follow Raim. They said to him, many people buy it for other purposes than planting, and the gummel explains that both these last two tannam follow Raim by muminous. The second sheet that holds, you go after the majority of people, and most people purchase Zarapishtan for other purposes, and in the A.C. holds, you file the majority of seeds, and most of them are sold for planting. Third sogana daff, makhlek is about paying demerhetsar. In a bracelet discussing the seller's liability, for Zarane Gina, which don't grow, tannakama says you only pay the value of the seeds, but not the expense that it costed the buyer to plant, 'cause it's a grama, and some say you even pay the buyer's expense. Evvisda says the second opinion is of shmuel gummel, and the mar later brings a bracelet, if a person brings wheat to the grinder to grind, and he didn't moisten it first, and therefore it became brand, where he brought flour to a baker, who made it into crumbly bread, where he brought an animal to a butcher, and he shested it incorrectly and made it an abuelo, he has to pay because he's a paid worker. Shmuel says he also has to give the value of the baceous, and the baceous of his guests. So, according to Shmuel, who requires payments for baceous, he certainly requires payment for the expenses of the planting. (speaking in foreign language) Comparing Hazak of circumstantial evidence to rave. Second, Sugimaklakistana regarding rave for sales of Zarapishta. Third, Sugimaklakistana by paying demejitsa. (speaking in foreign language) Is a train shugging along. When the train came to a sudden stop, where a cow mooed to gore, was standing next to a dead cow that had been grazing on the tracks, which had a backs car full of Zarapishta, where the majority is sold for planting, but the majority of people buy for different purposes, an angry customer boarded the train, demanding a garden seed salesman reimburse him for the seeds that didn't grow, plus his expenses. The train shugging along reminds of that Sadie Gimmel. The cow that was mooed that was standing next to the dead cow reminds the first Sugimaklak on the daaf, comparing Hazak of circumstantial evidence to rave. The backs car full of Zarapishta, where the majority is sold for planting, reminds of the second Sugimaklak on the daaf. The makhlakistana regarding rave for the sales of Zarapishta. And the customer wanted to be reimbursed. For the expenses, reminds of the third Sugimaklak on the daaf, makhlakistana about paying to mihatza.