Bava Basra Daf 89
I don't know if I want to say this to you, but if I want to say this to you, it's not to deviate from measuring practices even without cheating. The Mishnah PĂ©rez said that where the minig is to level the measure, you cannot heap it. And vice versa. They meant me to brace it. How do you know that a person cannot level the measure in a place where they usually heap it? Or vice versa? Because the posse says "a-fush-le-ma" that it has to be a perfect measure. Because this can cause somebody to end up cheating. The bracelet continues even if the measure says, "I'll level the measure in a place where they usually heap it. I'll reduce the price." Or vice versa. This is also us-er. Because the posse says "a-fush-le-ma" that it says "a-fush-le-ma" that it says "a-fush-le-ma" which means you have to avoid even an unlikely possibility of fraud. The same drushes are made regarding the practices to tilt or balance the scale. Second-sucking-in-the-daff, one's money depends on his honesty with measures. If you hoot-of-sour-darshan "la-il-a-la-la-be-s-cha" a person will not have in his house, why? Because of "a-f-a-f-a" because he cheats in his measurements. "la-il-a-la-be-s-cha" he won't have in his wallet because of Evan Vovin. Because he cheats in his weights. But Evan Vovin's edek, if you have a perfect and proper weight, "la-la-la", then you'll have money. "a-fush-le-ma" if you have a perfect and just measure, "la-la-la" you'll have money. The third-sucking-in-the-daff, fraudulent measuring practices, "la-il-a-im-er", "la-il-a-im-la-im-er". The price says that a person cannot level with one wide side and one narrow side. Because he can end up using the wide side when selling and then narrow side when buying. He shouldn't be "moi-chik" but "bas-a-chas" because it's bad for the "moi-chik" but "la-chik" he shouldn't be "moi-chik" in small amounts which is bad for the buyer. Rather, they should do it one slowly or in two sweeps. Regarding all of these men hug him, a bit of exactly said "la-il-a-im-er", "la-il-a-im-la-im-er". If I say it, maybe they're a mom who learn how to cheat. If I don't say it, they're going to think that the men who come don't know what they're doing. They can mark it as they did say because the public says, "can you sharm darke a sham?" If I say this, I don't know what they're doing, but if I say this, I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing. If I say "moi-chik" I don't know what they're doing.