
Bava Basra Daf 88

Broadcast on:
22 Sep 2024
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I don't know if this was the first thing that happened, I don't know if this was the first thing that happened. Schmoll says if one takes a plea from an Uman to examine it, and an illness happened, he's right. Even though he can't return it, it's considered his responsibility, since he lifted it with the intent to purchase it. The Gomar says it's only if the price was set. He reminds two stories regarding this halocha, and the Bryce says of a person buys vegetables from an Amarets, he's not required to separate mice for some of them, but if he decided to purchase them, then he is required. He can't return them without taking off mice, sir. And he also can't take off mice, sir, because he decreases the value. Instead, he has to separate mice, sir, and reimburse the seller. Even though he can technically return it, and be potted from mice, sir, we're talking about e-ratium-ion, who fulfills the diver-emisible value. He commits himself to a decision that he made to purchase it. And therefore, if he does return it, it's like he's selling it back to the seller. The second's looking on the daft, cleaning weights and measures, and the requirement to give a buyer extra. The Mishta says how often measures have to be clean from residue by wholesalers, homeowners, and storekeepers, as well as weights and scales. The Mishta continues, they have to tilt the scale a tefach. In a place where this is the minic, if the minic was to do it evenly, then you have to give him a surplus amount, which is 1 in 10 for lach, and 1 in 20 for yavish. Mishloggers brings the macar for giving a buyer extra. The person says vitsadek, and widarshen, sadeik michal kavitainli. Act justly from your possessions, and give the buyer extra. We have clarified when the Mishta says 1/10, that means 1/10 of 10 literas, which is a total of 100th. The third's looking on the daft, kosha ancient shalmedis yayusumayusumayusumayusumayusumayus. Ablavi said the punishment for cheating by medis is more severe than arayus, because the terraits ail by arayus, and ailab by medis. The gmah approves that ail is an expression of severity, so aila is marshmograder's severity. Even though arayus have karis, but by arayus you could do chuvah, and by measurements you can't. Ablavi said kosha gazul hadiate yayusumay gazul gavaya. Because by gazul hadiate, the person says, rhet before mihilo, and by gazul gavaya, it says mihilo before rhet. Zil rhet for abasadah pihres. The first suga on the daft, hanet to kleiman ho uman la vacra vinan esbiade. Second suga, cleaning weights and measures, and the requirement to give a buyer extra. Third suga, kosha ancient shalmedis yayusumayusumayusumayusumayusumayus. Desim for abasadah pihres is a garbage can. The garbage man who accidentally dropped and dented a garbage can, when he picked it up to examine it to purchase it, was waiting to tell the shopkeeper, who is busy tilting a scale for the buyer's benefit, under a sign that said, kosha ancient shalmedis yayusumayusumayusumayusumayusumayus. Garbage can reminds of daft pihres, pach. The garbage man who accidentally dropped and dented it, when he picked it up to examine it, reminds of the first suga on the daft, hanet to kleiman ho uman la vacra vinan esbiade. The shopkeeper who is tilting the scale, reminds of the second suga on the daft, cleaning weights and measures, and the requirement to give a buyer extra. And the sign of kosha ancient shalmedis, Reminds of the third slige on the daff, "Cush your ancient shallmetis, you use your ancient shall arise."