
Bava Basra Daf 87

Broadcast on:
20 Sep 2024
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'Zilcha f'il 'a' wa 'ba'zaa 'ba'zaa 'an'. The first story on the daf acquiring attached flax through uprooting a small amount. Emission daf paidal said that although normally a person has to lift up flax to be kind it, if the flax is attached to the ground and you uprooted a small amount, he's kind of all of it. I've changed the explains that we're talking about that the owner said, "Go improve a small amount of karka for yourself" and be kind to everything that's on it. So uprooting the flax improves the land and is like it did it kind of Kazakh on the land and therefore you're kind of the flax also. The second story on the daf allowing three drops after pouring for a buyer and the status of residue in the measuring cup. The next mission says the seller is required to let three drops drip out from the measuring cup into the buyer's container. If he tilted it and the residue gathered on the bottom it belongs to the seller. Akhenvani is not required to allow three drops because he's occupied with his sales. A view that says it's only on friday just before shavas. 'A'baazaa 's a bitsabar of demi' that another mission says that if a person tilted a barrel from which he had poured truma oil and there was residue inside and has a status of truma, if so in our case it should belong to the buyer. He answered there, but vaux explained the missiona that the liqueur was miaish on it. And that's why it's not his. But by truma the oil is still truma. The third story on the daf, a child that sent to Akhenvani, was sent back with oil and change and it was lost. The mission says the person sent his son to Akhenvani to buy two issues of oil and Akhenvani gave him the oil and an ester of change and then he broke the slighis, Tanakama holds Akhenvani's kayiv, a view that says he's potter because the father intended that Akhenvani should send it back with the child. The murk explains the makhleikus regarding the money and the oil. There are buttonholes that the father only sent his son to inform Akhenvani that he wants to buy it, but not to send it back with his son. And Rabbi holds he sent it back with the intention that he should send it back with his son and therefore he's not responsible. The gimmer asks why the kimvani should be responsible for the slighis since the father sent it with a child that should be considered lavey demi'das. And the gimmer answers it on the next daf. Zukaflaifabaas daf paizayan, the first suga on the daf acquiring attached flax through uprooting a small amount. Second suga allowing three drops after pouring for a buyer and the status of residue in the measuring cup. Third suga a child sent to Akhenvani was sent back with oil and change and he lost it. The simfabaas daf paizayan is a golden paiz candy dispenser. The man who used a golden paiz candy dispenser to uproot some flax to acquire it as well as the rest of the attached flax noticed a storekeeper tilting his measuring cup shaped like a candy dispenser to drip three additional drops into the buyer's container while a child sent to the store with money and a container to buy some oil cried after he broke the container and lost the change. Paiz reminds the daf paizayan, the uprooting of the flax to be kind of the additional flax reminds of the first suga on the daf that you could acquire attached flax through uprooting a small amount. The three additional drops that he poured into the buyer's container reminds of the second suga on the daf allowing three drops after pouring for a buyer and the status of residue in the measuring cup and the child that lost the oil in the change reminds of the third suga on the daf a child that was sent to Akhenvani and was sent back with oil and change and it got lost.