
Bava Basra Daf 83

Broadcast on:
17 Sep 2024
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The first thing on the da'fam are like us about the required distance between three trees to acquire land. The previous da'f discussed the minimum and maximum space between three purchased trees where the bar would get land. Abuyaissef quoted Abuyu the name of Schmuel that said between four and eight Amis, "ev'nachron quoted Schmuel saying between eight and sixteen, "A baya, bordaraya, to have nachron from mission and kalayim, which permitted planting between vines that were sixteen Amis apart." Abuyaissef responded that Darlocha should not follow that honor, based on a story in which Abuyu the Pascan that devires kind of land if there are a distance of four Amis. There are clear macayreas that if Schmuel holds, that the maximum space between trees is eight Amis, and the minimum is four Amis, and that their Abonin's maximum space is sixteen Amis. Abnachron was mediac that their Abonin's minimum space is half their maximum of eight Amis, just like of Schmuel, but rather Pascans that the space is between four and sixteen Amis. In the second look in the Daf, there are various questions about combining three trees. Abuyu me asked, "If he sold three stalks of one tree which are connected on the ground, are they considered three trees or not?" The Aboyu was derived from kalayim that they would be considered three trees. Papa asked, "If he sold two trees, and one is on the maidsar, or two trees and one is in the neighbor's field." Abashi asked, "If there are various separations between the trees, like a pit, or an Amis hamayim, or a roe of palm trees, the Gmarsas take them." And he asked, "If there was a cedar in between them, what's dallocha?" Abuyu said, "You're kind of land, and you're kind of the cedar." The third story on the Daf, four medias in Amis, where the sold item was found to be different than what was agreed upon. The mission says there are four medias by Meirrim. If he sold Rit in Yoffes, and it was then suraised, lekere could be Reyser, not the Meirrim. If it was supposed to be Reys, and it was found to be Yoffes, the Meirre could be Reyser, but not the lekere. These cases are not considered amakartos, because he sold wheat, rather it's considered Aina. They agreed on red wheat, and ended up being white wheat, or vice versa, or ate some shilzias, and ended up being shikmah, or vice versa. Yine and ended being shrimah, or vice versa. They kebot be Reyser, because that's amakartos. "Züchre f'alay b'abas d'appe gimmall." The first story on the Daf, the Machleik, is about to require a distance between three trees to be kind of the land. Second, so give various questions about combining three trees. Third, so give arba medias by Meirrim, when the sold item was found different than what was agreed upon. "Züchre f'alay b'abas d'appe gimmall" is a pogo stick. The pogo stick champion jumped the full 16 ama space, spanning three sold trees, with the karka between them also included, and finished the race right next to the third tree of a set, which was on a border in between two fields. Claimed that the whole race was amakartos, because they gave him a trophy made of olive wood, when sycamore wood was what they agreed upon. Pogo stick reminds of Dafe gimmall. The 16 amas that he jumped, between the three trees, reminds of the first syga on the Dafe, the Machleik is about to require a distance between the three trees that makes you be kind of land. The third tree that was on the border between the two fields, reminds of the second syga on the Dafe, various questions about combining three trees. And the claim of mekartos, because he got olive wood, instead of sycamore wood, reminds of the third syga on the Dafe, the four medias of the Meirrim, where the sold item was found to be different than what was agreed upon.