
Bava Basra Daf 82


Broadcast on:
16 Sep 2024
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The first thing we're going to do is, the first thing we're going to do is, we're going to call Sharoya Penicama. The missionary saying that if a person bought trees but not land, whatever goes from the trunk belongs to the buyer, whatever goes from the sharussian belongs to the seller. If I ever explain anything that sees the sun is considered from the trunk, if it doesn't see the sun, it's considered from the roots. If you want to ask that the buyer keeps the branches that are growing out of the trunk, we have to be concerned that maybe the soil will build up in between and it will look like three separate trees and he can claim he bought three trees and he owns the land. But when Sharoya says he has to cut them down, second thing in the data for buyer of three trees has a right to land, Kimloy Eir of the Salle. The Mishas said a person who buys three trees is kind of land. Birxin explains that he's kind of under the trees and between them, Kimloy Eir of the Salle. And Belozar asks if he doesn't even get a darach because it's considered a different land than his own because he owns the land with the trees. He certainly shouldn't have a right to a Kimloy Eir of the Salle. If Zair is mediac from a Belozar that if someone buys two trees and therefore is not kind of land, he would have the right to a darach. Because it could tell the seller my trees are in your land. The third thing in the data, who may plant in the area of Eir of the Salle. Abai asks the Vaisif, the area of Eir of the Salle, who's the letter plant there? The buyer of the seller. Abaiif quotes a Mishnah where the owner of an inner garden has a right to a darach through an outer garden. And the Mishas says the owner of the outer garden can plant a path. So here too, the seller can plant a path. Abai asks that it's different. Over there, he's not impacting him at all. But over here, there's a heft said because when the pair is full, they're gonna get dirty by the things they planted under them. Abai quotes the same for the Mishnah that if both parties agree to a specific path on the side, both of them are not allowed to plant. So here too, neither may plant Kimloy Eir of the Salle. Think about the price that it supports Abaiif's Chita. (speaking in foreign language) The three cities on the daft (speaking in foreign language) Abaiif of three trees has a right to land Kimloy Eir of the Salle. Who may plant in the area of Eir of the Salle? The same from Abaiif is Peanut Butter. The peanut farmer who put jars of Peanut Butter on the branches growing out of the trunk of a tree that he bought to indicate that the branches are his and was busy picking fruit with his basket. On the land that came with three trees he bought was disappointed when he was told that neither he nor the seller may plant peanuts on that area of the land. Peanut Butter reminds of daft Pebe's. The peanut butter that he put on the branches growing out of the trunk to indicate that they're his reminds of the first slogan on the daft. What's considered branches that grow out of the trunk that belong to the buyer? He was picking fruit with his basket on the land that came with the three trees that he bought. Reminds of the second slogan on the daft that a buyer of three trees has a right to land Kimloy Eir of the Salle. And he was disappointed that he or the seller cannot plant on that area of the land reminds of the third slogan on the daft who's the lead a plant to area of Eir of the Salle.