
Bava Basra Daf 80


Broadcast on:
13 Sep 2024
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(speaks in foreign language) The first thing in the Daf, one who buys produce of a (speaks in foreign language) The mission says a person buys Paris (speaks in foreign language) He has to be Mafriach the first breach. He remains a price of the after the Mafriach the first and the second breach. If Khan explains that the second peer is left for the daughter. The first peer is left for the mother because the mother needs the companionship of her zug and her daughter and the daughter will not find companionship with the mother, rather it needs its daughter also. The mission continues with the person by his Paris, (speaks in foreign language) He takes three Nihilim and his Messaris, which the Gomar explains, he sterilizes the remaining bees by feeding the mustard. If you're eight hundred says it means he takes the three Nihilim, Biserys, which means every other one. Second's looking at the Daf, honey and a beehive has the status of food. If Khan has said (speaks in foreign language) is not (speaks in foreign language) This proves that he holds a dozen (speaks in foreign language) The Gomar asks in our Bryce that says that (speaks in foreign language) is not an (speaks in foreign language) Abai says the Bryce is referring to the (speaks in foreign language) which are set aside specifically for the bees' sustenance. And therefore they're not considered like food. Rava said this (speaks in foreign language) who learns the Madrasha that a beehive is considered like Harka, and therefore it doesn't have Tomah. They believe he's a Bryce like Afghanistan. The third's together Daf, why it's (speaks in foreign language) is compared to an Erez and a Tomah. The Mishda ends off. If a person boards Jason to cut it off, he has to leave two branches so the tree can regenerate. The Bryce details the amounts that are required for different kinds of trees, but says regarding the column in our Azim that the bar can operate the tree because the trunks do not regenerate. The (speaks in foreign language) on the posts of (speaks in foreign language) a tzedek is compared to a Tomah and an Erez 'cause you would think just like an Erez, they know he's a Paris. So to a tzedek, that's what you have to compare him to a Tomah. And you would think just like a Tomah doesn't regenerate. So to a tzedek, that's what you have to compare him to an Erez. So you see an Erez does regenerate. The (speaks in foreign language) are 10 different kinds of Erez. (speaks in foreign language) the first of you on the Daf, a person who buys the produce of a (speaks in foreign language) second (speaks in foreign language) honey in a beehive has the status of food. Third (speaks in foreign language) why it's (speaks in foreign language) is compared to a Tomah and an Erez. The (speaks in foreign language) is a painter. The painter who was hired to paint a (speaks in foreign language) whose produce was just sold and had to work around the first pair of newborns, left for the owner, took a break by snacking from some honey, still in a honeycomb, which has the status of food regarding Tomah and sheared some with its (speaks in foreign language) who has great reward and a son who is like him, just like a Tomah and Erez. Painter reminds of Daf Pei, the (speaks in foreign language) whose produce was just sold reminds of the first (speaks in foreign language) one who buys the produce of a (speaks in foreign language) the honey that was still in the honeycomb, which has the status of food, reminds of the second (speaks in foreign language) honey in a beehive has the status of food regarding Tomah and its (speaks in foreign language) who has great reward like a Tomah and Erez reminds the third (speaks in foreign language) that its (speaks in foreign language) is compared to a Tomah and an Erez.