Bava Basra Daf 79
SIRCO FLYBABAZ DAFAYIN TESSED, THE FIRST SUGIA IN THE DAFFE, KALAPARISH ME DIVAETERA. If you hoot a quote's rav, KALAPARISH ME DIVAETERA, H.E.J.I.G.L.A.S.E. And he lends that out of apossic. When I've deme came from my soul to bother, they quoted your beyronon, KALAPARISH ADSA ME DIVAETERA, is Naif-Abe-Gahannam, and he brings apossic. Second SUGIA IN THE DAFFE, M.A.K.L.A.K. is about M.E.L.A.N. Gidule Hechtisch. The mission discusses whether the contents of various Hechtisch items have M.E.L.A. The Mishah says that whether something is fit for them is bech or for bethak abaius or for neither, maya lambhem of mashabasachan. But if he was maktish any of the above items and then they became filled, abiuda says maya lambhem vai lambmashabasachan. Abiyasi says if you're maktish asaad an ilan, maya lambhem of vigidulaihan because they're gidulai haktish. Another Bryce explains that Abiyasi agrees regarding haktish of a shayvachan abar that there's no mayila if the contents come later. The third Suhiyanadaif, maklakus regarding the contents of a pit, a shayvach, etc., which were there before or after the haktish. The Bryce says if you're maktish empty items and then they became filled, the tannakama says that the contents do not have mayila. Ablasabashimann says they do. If you're maktish namalayim, the tannakama says the contents have mayila, and Ablasabashimann says they don't. Ablasabashimann explains they argue about Abbaba shayvach, and the two maklayk sonars fallows. Ablasabashimann holds that just as one who sells a pit does not sell its water, the same halach applies to haktish. The three Suhiyanadaif, maklakus regarding the contents of a pit or a shayvach, which were there before or after the haktish. The same for Abbaba shayvach is a saver. The artistic saver who painted a person, separating from the haktish, being consumed by a fire, with a mimer hazal underneath and posted a mayila on the hand sign under some groves of a haktish tree, was not over a mayila when he pulled a feather from a dove that flew into the haktish shayvach to make a quill. The saver, et, reminds of Dafai and Tess, the person that separated from the devittair that got burned up by a fire, reminds of the first Suhiyanadaif, a person that was perished from the devittair. The mayila will have him sign under the gidulam of the haktish tree, reminds of the second Suhiyanadaif, if you're mayila and the gidulam, and the feather that was pulled from a dove that flew into the shayvach reminds of the third Suhiyanadaif, the maklakus regarding the contents of a pit or a shayvach, which were there before or after hek dish.