Bava Basra Daf 78
The next mission says, "Améchrais a chamore lei mochra callef." Nachamadi says he does. Have you heard it says, "Sometimes it's sold and sometimes not." If the chamore was in front of him with the callem on top of it, and the buyer said, "Mochrais lei chamore chazae, it's sold." If he said, "Chamore, who?" then it's not sold. Ulu says, "The mocha llegistanaeum concerns the donkey sack, saddle back, and side saddle." Which are used to help the donkey carry. Tenacama holds, "Tam chamore lirk aif kai," and therefore it's not included. Nachamadi says "Tam chamore lei mase lik ai," and therefore it is included. But everybody agrees that the saddle, blanket, and other accessories that are used for riding and cargo are included. The seconds are going to die for a cow in its bed versus a donkey in its bed. The mission says, "The person sells a chamore, he's sold the sieach." If he sold the para, he didn't sell the bed. The chamore asked, "If he said I'm selling you on the bed, obviously they should both be included." If he didn't mention it, that should not be included. A pop explains, he said, "Chamore minica oupara minica." Regarding a cow, you could say that he needed it for the milk. But regarding a donkey, why would he specify, "Chamore minica?" Obviously, he meant to purchase the bed also. The third segue on the daft, "Bao yukhèj bin bao yukhèj bin ashif hèj bin eche lei lei lei lei lei." Ebi ech nandashin, the series of tsukim, beginning with the post like lkain yaimra hamayishlam, which means "elu hamayishlam bei yitra," those that rule over their desires. "Bao yukhèj bin bao yukhèj bin ashif hèj bin eche lei lei lei lei lei," have said, "Min tsuk hèn aga tsu rea, wus rea vera kenege tsu se dum." "Tibon i ves sikainen," "If a person makes this calculation, he'll be built by Le Masei, and be established in Alama Bao." "Ira sikain," "If a person makes himself like a donkey, then follows sikhèn oa, "ki ei shiatsim hèj bin," "a fire will come out from those that make a calculation, and will consume those that do not make a calculation." "Zuhr pholeva bas dafai en hès," "The first segue on the daft, if a donkey's sail includes its calum." "Second segue on the daft, a cow in its bend, versus a donkey in its bend." "The third segue on the daft, bao jhej bin bao van a hès shibhèn aga shibhèn aga shibhèn aga shibhèn hès shi lei lei lei lei lei." "The simph vavas dafai en hès is ach, when the boy whose father bought him a donkey rudely said ach, because the sack was not included in the sail, and was not appeased by the fact that the saddle, and even the donkey's baby, was included, his father told him he should make a Hej bin eche shibhèn an fès, weighing sri a vera connective se dum." "Ach reminds of dafai en hès, the fact that the sack was not included reminds of the first segue on the daft, if a donkey's sail includes its calum, the saddle that was included." also reminds of the first singing of the Daph, that Kaelin that he used for writing are included. The baby that was included reminds of the second singing of the Daph. If you sell a chamau, you sell the baby also. And the Hejman-Ephish-Weighing-Scri-Ver, connective Seidah, reminds of the third singing of the Daph, "Bao Yo Hejman, Bao Yo Nakhashib, Hejman-Eshib, Hejman-Eshib, Hejman-Eshib, Hejman-Eshalaylim."