
Bava Basra Daf 72


Broadcast on:
06 Sep 2024
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"the first thing on the daft, a hectish of trees regarding redeeming according to value, or the steakhuzarete." The Gomar proves that if Shimon can't hold like a viekiva, the Maikr ba'anja for Maikr, from Abreisa, if someone has machtish three trees, planted in a density of ten trees per baseaw, it's considered a field of trees, and the land and the trees between them are also hectish. Therefore, it's redeemed at the rate of a steakhuza, which is an area of planting a shimmer of barley for fifty shakau, not according to the value. If there was less or more space between the three trees, or you were machtish that went off to the other, then the land and the trees that are between them are not hectish. So, the hectish trees are redeemed according to the market value. This brice, which holds that being machtish two trees does not automatically make the land hectish, can't be like a viekiva that a Maikr ba'anja for. Can't be there Abannan, who say that hectish is ba'anja for. Obviously, it has to be of Shimon, and he holds that hectish is ba'anja. The second so-you-in-the-daft, someone purchased a field from his father and was machtish, then his father died. In a brice, a mutant of Shimon's say, if someone purchased a field from his father, was machtish, and then his father died, it's still redeemed at the rate of a steakhuza, because the possek says it must be machtish, which would be a steakhuza, which would be a steakhuza, which would be a steakhuza. But this is right to be a steakhuza, because he inherited it when his father died. A man disagrees that this is considered a steakhuza, and the possek excludes only where the father died before he was machtish it, because it was machtish a steakhuza. The Gomar assumes that if Shimon have you who to hold, that the possek excludes even their case, because they go after Shaz's pydian, and the father died before the pydian took place. And this is not like the safe of the brice before, which we said is going according to Shaz's pydian. The Gomar answers that even though they generally do not follow the Shaz's pydian, over here, they have a dick in the possek that excludes even their case. The third so-you-in-the-daft, Kharov and Shikmah, have the status of trees and the status of land. Have Huna said a har of ha'morkov, and has said that a Shikmah has a terrace even in a terrace karka. It has a terrace even if your macht issue your soul two trees, and this tree, it's considered like you sold three trees, and you sold a karka. It has a den of karka that it's not sold together with other karka, as opposed to other trees. Have Huna also says an aimer that has a saiyan has a terrace, aimer and a terrace gaudish. It has a terrace aimer that if you forgot it together with two other aimer in, they're considered three aimer in, and it's not considered shikmah. As den of gaudish, if you only forgot it, it's not considered shikmah. Zukfalaib habazdaf haiyan bays, the three soogers and the daft, hectic of trees regarding redeeming according to value, or with the staik. Second so-you-in-the-daft, someone purchased a field to him his father and was machtish it, and then his father died. Third so-you-in-the-daft, Kharov and Shikmah have the status of trees and the status of land. The symbol for a bazdaf haiyan bays is a thick piece of cake. The cake maker who made a big cake to celebrate being played at market value, the three trees he was machtish one after the other, told a customer who was machtish a field. He purchased from his father, who subsequently died, that he could make him a staik who's a cake for the redemption, now that he finished decorating the cake, with a Kharov and a shikmah tree on top, which both have the status of trees and land. The thick piece of cake reminds of iron bays, av, which means thick. He was able to be played at market value, the three trees, which he was machtish one after the other. Reminds of the first slug of the daft, regarding hectish of trees, if they redeemed according to the value or according to staik who's a rate. The customer who was machtish a field that he purchased from his father, who died, reminds of the second slug of the daft, someone who bought a field from his father and was machtish it, and then his father died. The Kharov and the Shikmah on top of the cake, which both have the status of trees and land, reminds of the third slug of the daft, that the Kharov and the shikmah have the status of trees and the status of land.