Bava Basra Daf 71
"This is going to be the final of the first thing on the daft." All agree that Matana is given by Ayn Yafa, even more than a sale. The next mission says, "Someone who sells a field, even if he sells it and everything in it, does not include a bar, a gas, or a chevach." The mission continues to look like this, if the seller has to purchase a daft, but all of these things are only by a sale. But if you're nice at Matana, you give the entire thing. This is because everybody agrees that a gift is given by Ayn Yafa, even more generously than a sale, according to Abiyakeva, who holds every sale is made by Ayn Yafa. When brothers divide in a state, when there's Zech in the field, there's Zech in everything in the field. The same applies to someone who's Maxik Minikzie Agar. The second's second in the daft, if one who sold land and retained two trees for himself, retains any land. If one has said that although one who bought two trees in someone's field, does not acquire any land, but if he sold land and left two trees for himself, he does keep land. Even according to Abiyakeva, that Matana Yafa, that's only regarding a bar, which doesn't harm the ground. But regarding Ilhanis, which harm the ground, the seller retains the land beneath and around the trees, because if he does not, the bar is going to tell him, "Operate your trees." The third's together daft of Shimon says one who's Maxiktishifield is also Maxiktish the horror of Anishikmah. They might ask them the assumption there of who is going given according to Abiyakeva, because in the mission of Shimon says, if a person's Maxiktishifield, he's only Maxiktish the horror of Anishikmah. And the Bryce of Shimon explains, because they're Yaynik from Asada Hektish, which proves that if Shimon holds, someone who sells land and keeps the trees, does not retain the land. Because if he does, these trees are not being Yaynik from Hektish, they're being Yaynik from his own land. Therefor the Gamara assumes at this point, that Abiyakeva who holds Maikaba and Yafa Maiktish, holds the same thing when one keeps trees, and if Shimon follows his Shito. If Hunu says the seller retains the land, follows their Abonon, that Maikaba and Ra Maiktish, and the seller retains the right to plant new trees, even if the old trees die. And if I am bays, the Gamara is going to disprove this. Zilchafalayp Abasda Fai'an Alif, the first Suga of the Daf, who will agree by a matana, that it's given by Ainya Fai, even more than a sale. Second Suga, if one who sold land and retained two trees for himself, retains any land. Third Suga of Shimon says someone who's Maxiktishifield, is also Maxiktish the horror of Anishikmah. The Simf Abasda Fai'an Alif is a donkey going E-aw. The children on the donkey rides, who passed under the Sycamore tree, that was included when the land was gifted to the donkey owner. We're told not to pass through the two trees on sold land, which a seller kept for himself, as they came close to see the land, that the donkey owner was Maxiktish, which excluded a horror of Anishikmah. The donkey saying E-aw, reminds of Dafai'an Alif, the Sycamore trees that were included in the land that was gifted, reminds of the first Suga on the Daf, that by a matana we say by Ainya Fai'an even more than a sale. The two trees which a seller kept for himself, reminds of the second Suga on the Daf, that if a person sold land and retains two trees for himself, does he keep any land. And the land that the donkey owner was Maxiktish, which included the horror of Anishikmah, reminds of the third Suga on the Daf, that if Shiman says someone who's Maxiktish afield, is also Maxiktish the horror of Anishikmah.