Bava Basra Daf 66
Zukafalababaasanaasam al-Rav. The first Suki on the daaf wara Baliyazar considers Kaveras de Valyim to be like Harka. The more wants to bring the Makharla, Baliyazar said that anything that was made and then attached is considered Karka. Because the Mishta says that Kaveras de Valyim, that was attached to the ground, Baliyazar says it's like Harka and you could write a proseable based on it and if you take Hanif al-Achaab, it's your kyvakatas. This proves that Baliyazar holds that anything that's attached is considered Karka. The Mairas are coming from Apossic. A Yitbala is so Biaras at Vash and we can peer just like Bayaya or a fart. Anyone that takes them in on Shabbos is Kaveras, so too someone takes Hanif al-Bihav and Shabbos is Kaveras. The second Suki on the daaf is a Makhalaykis, if Adafshan Aktumim is Makhabal Tumim. The Qumab makes a mission of Adafshan Aktumim that you attach to the wall. Baliyazar says it's not Makhabal Tumim, it's considered a part of the wall and the Qum say it is. Since the mission doesn't differentiate, apparently they disagree whether the board was made before it was attached or after. So neither Tana agrees with the brice that differentiates regarding a mikvah whether the pipe was made before or after. The Gomor explains that that Misha is talking about a metal board, which is Mikhail Tummedir Eisa, and the Gomor answer to that button over there agree over here because my aim should have been solved in the Daban. And therefore a mamekal. But if it was made before it was attached, Remachmir, because the Hetaterus Klee wallow was detached. The third slug on the Daf, rainwater that one wanted to wash his attached millring, is it able to immerch your seeds? If he is a fast-made shaman, then he intended it to wash his millring. Is it Maksher seeds to immerch kabotama? According to the Hetaterus Klee wallow, anything attached to the ground is considered karka. Obviously it's not Maksher it, because the millring is considered karka. The question is, according to Rabana no sei, that if you attach something, it's not considered karka. Over here, do they consider it like metabolism or like karka? The Gomor is not patient. The first slug on the Daf, where I believe it is considered as a cavernous deviant to be like karka. Second slug on the Daf, shanachtumim is mikvotama. Third slug on the rainwater that one wanted to wash his attached millring, is it Maksher seeds? The simif of us in the Samhervav is so, a tailor. Just as the tailor was finishing a blanket, with a picture of a beehive in the forest on it, which he kept on a metal baker board attached to the wall, it got wet from rainwater, which bounced all the millring onto the blanket and some nearby seeds. So the tailor reminds of the Samhervav. The picture of the beehive in the forest reminds of the first slug on the Daf. Why a cavernous deviant is considered like karka? The metal baker board that's attached to the wall reminds of the second slug on the Daf. The Makshervav is in the Daf, shanachtumim is mikvotama. And the water that bounced off the millring reminds of the third slug on the Daf. The beehive asked of a person intended that water should wash his millring, is it Maksher seeds to mikvotama.