Omega Church with Ronnie Allen

The King's Domain | Tray New

Sunday Morning Service at Omega

Broadcast on:
30 Sep 2024
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Sunday Morning Service at Omega

Good day to you, this is Ronnie Allen. Delighted that you're with us today. Right here at Omega Church here in San Antonio, you can go to You can see the various social media platforms we use. Thank you for being with us today. We hope this message equips you to follow God's voice. We believe that if you're searching, today your search is over. Thanks for being with us and enjoy. - The hardest thing that I have found out whenever I'm ministering is the first thing is if you're not having been with the Lord and then you try to minister the Word of God out of your knowledge or out of your intellect, okay? So it's always better to minister the Word of the Lord to minister from overflow, in other words. But there is just something about trans, and whenever you have a translator that is so, it interrupts the flow, and so that was one of the hardest things, and this is my third time going, and I still haven't perfected it, but let me tell you what, I've taken every time I have taken something with me that I can use as an object lesson and what is lost in translation, they'll pick it up because they're able to see something, okay? So I had that flashlight and I needed it to read my Bible for one thing, but the Scripture, and that didn't happen here, but I used the Scripture that thy word is a lamp into my feet and I had the light around my feet because it was dark, I don't know if you all can see that it was dark in there, and then thy word, oh Lord, is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, and they picked up on it and they responded to the gospel, and so this morning I was just meditating, actually last night I was meditating on what? The Lord would have me talk about here this morning, and he said, I want you to talk about the gospel, I want you to talk about the goodness because the gospel is the same, God's the same yesterday, today, and forever, from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle. So the same God that we need here is the same God that they need in other countries around the world, and even though their circumstances may look different, it's still the gospel that's gonna get them over to the other side, amen, and so this morning, and I may need a couple of those slides up at the end of service because I wanna show y'all something. In Matthew 24, if you have your bibles, this one is out of the King James message, thank you Jesus, Father others, thank you that I hear your voice and the voice of a stranger I will not follow. I come against every attempt of the enemy that would try to hinder, that would try to delay, that would try to cause confusion, I bind that spirit now in the name of Jesus, and I think that your word will go forth boldly with all confidence and clarity of speech, I yield myself to you, this is not by my power, nor by my mind, but it is by your spirit, God. And Father, I just thank you that lives will be transformed today into the image of your dear son in Jesus name, and everybody says, amen, hallelujah. So Matthew 24, verse number 14, it says this, it says, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then the end shall come." This was Jesus, this was Jesus saying this, and there was a reason why he said this. Oh, 180, I'm sorry, 180, you can be released. I'm glad Mr. Richard did that because I was fixing to get in the flow and I wouldn't go be any stopping. (congregation applauding) Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. "And the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then the end shall come." And so there was a reason that Jesus made this statement. So what brought up Jesus making a statement like this, and what it was, so in order to find out where you have to go to the previous verses to find out what he was talking about, so I'm just gonna kind of hit some things in Matthew chapter 24, and I'm gonna be reading this out of the Passion translation. And Jesus was responding to a question from his disciples. He was at the Mount of Olives, and his disciples were sitting with him privately, and he had told them about the coming judgment of Israel. And so they're asking, when is this going to happen? Tell us what sign to expect or what signal, what to signal you're coming and the completion of this age. And so Jesus answered him and answered them in verse number four, and here's what he said. He said, "At that time, deception will run rampant." Deception will run rampant. What is happening in our society today? Deception is running rampant. There's so much cover up, there's so many lies going on right now. Nobody, it doesn't seem like anybody is telling the truth about anything, okay? There's just a big cover up everywhere you go in government. Everybody's trying to cover up something and trying to deceive people into thinking the way that they think. That includes our children. That's why it's important that we get our children out of the indoctrination stations that they're in, okay? Get them out of there, get them into a good Christian school. And that's the reason why it's so important that at the beginning of the year, that Governor Abbott and people get with him to allow school choice for the parents, okay? It's gotta be done because we need to quit allowing the government to indoctrinate our children. And there are indoctrinating them in all kinds of lies and they're indoctrinating them in deception. And if they hear it over and over and over enough to get, they hear it over and over, they're gonna start believing what they're telling them, okay? And they're so, and listen, they're so in confusion. Because the Bible's very clear that a man is a man and a woman is a woman. And that's not just the only thing they're confusing them about, there's all kinds of other stuff as well, okay? I'm not an educator, but I want my kids to be educated in the things of God, not in the things of the world. I don't want them to be educated in the flesh, okay? So deception will run rampant. So beware that you're not fooled. So in other words, don't be gullible. Be aware of what's going on. The Bible says that those who are mature, they're able to discern the times. They're able to discern between good and evil, okay? So let's not be fooled. Verse number five, for many will appear on the same, claiming my authority or saying about themselves, I am the only one, and they will lead many astray. We see that happening now. You will hear of wars and revolutions on every side. So we're hearing about that now. There's wars and stuff going on everywhere. With more rumors of wars to come. But here's the instruction. Don't panic or give into your fears. So we're not supposed to fear. I say no fear here, okay? The love of God cast out all fear. So we're not to be fearful about what's going on, but we are to be diligent, and we are to be diligent. And we're not to be swayed by the deception. So don't panic or give into your fears for the breaking apart of the world system is destined to happen. So the breaking apart of the world economic system is gonna happen, but he's telling us not to fear about that because he's gonna keep us, okay? He says it has to happen. Why does it have to happen? Because it's gonna bring reformation. It's gonna get us back to the things of God. It won't yet be the end, it will still be unfolding. Nations will go into war against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms, and there will be terrible earthquakes, horrible epidemics, or you can say pandemics, and famines in place after place. This is how the birth pains of the, I don't like that word new age, so I'm gonna say new day. We'll begin because the enemies taking new age and brought it around to a religious thing that is of the devil. You can expect to be persecuted, even killed. So is there a persecution of Christians going on right now? Absolutely, all around the world there is. Even here, let me tell you what, your voice will be stifled when you start putting out the things of God and you start standing up on the word of God. They wanna try to, they wanna try to, they're not necessarily, I mean, they will kill you if they get a chance, but really what they're trying to do, they're trying to kill your influence, okay? For you will be hated by all nations because of your love for me. Then many will stop following me and fall away, and they will betray one another and hate one another, and many lying prophets will arise deceiving multitudes and leading them away from the path of truth. And so we see that happening today, that there are denominational churches that are allowing the alphabet society to be pastors in the church. And so those are considered lying prophets. They're not telling the truth, okay? There will be such an increase, listen to this, there will be such an increase of the sin of lawlessness. So where we at right now, lawlessness is running rampant. Can't even keep the borders shut down, the way it's supposed to be shut down. Listen, I know that many of you may have family that are coming across the border, and yes, they're looking for a better life, and they should be able to look for a better life, but there are laws that are in place to come over here legally. If you come across the border illegally, you're breaking the law already, and you're already a criminal when you've come into the United States without coming in the correct way, okay? So lawlessness is running rampant. That's about to change though, amen? That those who are hearts who once burned with passion for God and others will grow cold. But your hope firmly, but hold your hope firmly to the end, and you will experience life and deliverance. And so we wanna hold our ground, amen? The King James Version, it says those who endure to the end, they'll receive the promise, okay? So we wanna keep enduring, we don't wanna give in, we wanna be bold and we wanna be courageous, and you are bold and courageous. You can stand up for righteousness. The Bible says that the righteous are as bold as a lion. And so here's verse number 14 in the passion translation, yet through all of this stuff that had gone on in the previous verses, everything that's there, the earthquakes, the epidemics, the people falling away, wars, rumors of wars, and all the deception that's running rapid, yet through it all, the good news of heaven's kingdom will be proclaimed all over the world, providing every nation with a demonstration of the reality of God, and after that, the end of the age will come. So Jesus is saying that even though all of this darkness is going on, that the kingdom of God, the gospel of the kingdom of God is going to be preached. It doesn't matter who's trying to hold it back, it doesn't matter who's trying to deceive, it just absolutely does not matter what's going on. When Jesus said that something's gonna happen then it's gonna happen. The gospel's gonna be preached. Can somebody get me a Kleenex? I don't know if anybody has one. I'm sure I'm asking y'all to do a lot of stuff today. So he's saying it doesn't matter what's, it doesn't matter what's happening around the world, the darkness and everything that's going on, he's still saying that through it all, the good news of heaven's kingdom will be proclaimed all over the world. Now listen to this, this is where we're gonna get into some, this is where we're gonna get into some good stuff because what does it mean that the kingdom, the good news of the kingdom of God is gonna be preached or it's gonna be proclaimed? So what does the preach or to proclaim or the proclamation of the gospel, what does it produce? What does it produce? It produces a demonstration of the dominion of the kingdom of God. Because in the second part of this verse, it says heaven's kingdom will be proclaimed all over the world and proclaimed doesn't mean necessarily to teach or to try to talk somebody into. It means to preach, it means to proclaim. Your life is preaching right now, everywhere you live it in whatever dimension you're on, in your life, your life is preaching and proclaiming something and people are watching you. Our lives are a written epistle to be read by men. Okay, so people are watching us. Our life, everybody say my life is preaching and proclaiming right now. Okay, so it's not just our voice going out there. Yes, that's part of it, but your life really, the life you live, the character that you live, the stewardship that you live is preaching much louder than our words. It is because we're ambassadors, we're representing Christ. That's a proclamation, okay? Yes, it means to shout from the mountaintops, absolutely. So we don't do away with that, but our lives have to correspond with what we're shouting and so many times Christians lives are not corresponding with what they're shouting. And so that's why people that are in the world are saying that the church are just a bunch of hypocrites because they don't see them living the life that they're proclaiming. Because you know why, because a lot of Christians are trying to live a Godly lifestyle, to live a Godly Christian life on their own ability. They don't know that the grace of God is available there to help them live this life with the power of God. So God didn't, he didn't say, hey, go live the life that I've set before you on your own. And on your own power, he said, no, go and live this life that I've set before you, but I'm not gonna leave you hopeless, I'm not gonna leave you helpless, I'm gonna give you the power, the power of the Holy Spirit so that you can live this life that I've set before you. Amen? This is good news. Because if we tried to, anybody that has tried to live the life that God has for us on their own has failed every time, okay? So the product of the gospel is a demonstration of the dominion of the kingdom of God. So kingdom, what does kingdom mean? It means the king's domain. That's what kingdom means, it means the king's domain. We're gonna get into that just a little bit. So the king's domain, domain, it's gonna be proclaimed all over the world and this includes where I'm at right now and where you're at right now. So we tend to take this scripture in Matthew chapter 24, verse number 14, that the gospel is gonna be proclaimed and preached all around the world and it is gonna be that. But it's also in our life right now, the world that we're living in right now, okay? Y'all getting this? So what, when I say that it's the king's domain, what does dominion, so that word domain comes out of dominion, what does dominion mean? It means supreme authority, supreme authority, synonyms for dominion are, listen to this, synonyms for dominion are power, authority, jurisdiction, control, command to sway and to rule. Did y'all get those? I'm gonna go over them one more time. Synonyms for the word dominion are power, authority, jurisdiction, control, command, sway and rule. God's dominion or the king's dominion will bring light to every dark area of your life. It will bring light. This is what it means for the dominion to come in. It will bring authority in every area of your life that seems to be out of control. It will bring deliverance wherever you need to be delivered in the king's dominion or the king's domain whenever the gospel is preached, it brings that with it. It brings that power with it. I know y'all are being real quiet right now 'cause you're trying to figure out where I'm going. But we're gonna get there, okay? So the king's dominion brings light in the dark areas. It brings authority, that authority brings, it brings, it arranges things, it brings things into right order. It brings deliverance because the gospel, it does what it sets the captives free. It also brings healing. So whenever the kingdom of God comes by the preaching of the gospel, this is what comes along with it. The king's domain comes, his dominion comes, his power comes with it, his authority, his rule, comes with it. Why does it comes with it? Because it's there to set things straight and to bring things back into order. This is not just about nations around the world. Yes, it is about that, but it's in our life also, okay? So don't forget about yourself. Don't forget about your family. This is what the gospel does. Can y'all bring up Luke chapter four, verse number 18 in the King James Version on the screen? So what is the gospel? Jesus comes up in the synagogue and he opens up the book of Isaiah's and he begins to read. He reads, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel." So what is the gospel? It is good news. That's a basic, it's the good news of Jesus Christ. So preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach, to do what? To preach to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty, them that are bruised. And so let's look at some words here. He says, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has done what? Anointed, anointed." That word, anointed means the burden of moving, y'all destroying power of God. It means that God has put his hand on him and anointed him, okay? Has anointed him, anointed me to what? To preach, or to proclaim. Now did Jesus just, did he just proclaim with his voice and preach with his voice? No, they saw how he lived. They saw his character, okay? They knew that whenever he came into town, that he was gonna heal the sick, that he was gonna set the captives free, okay? To preach the gospel to the poor, what's the gospel means good news? What's good news to a poor person? You don't have to be poor no more. Would that be good news to a poor person? Let me tell you what, it's good news to the people in Honduras. Now when they hear that, sometimes they look at their circumstances and they let their circumstances outweigh the promises of God. But you know what? We do that here in the United States also. It's just on a different level. Actually, it's all on the same level. It's just all on a believing level, okay? So the good news to a poor person is that you don't have to be poor no more. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted. So God's not breaking your heart. He came to heal broken hearts. Amen? He's not trying to tear, he's not trying to cause sickness, he's not trying to cause you to be brokenhearted. He came to heal the brokenhearted. He came to destroy the works of the enemy. You see, we gotta get Jesus in right perspective and put him where he's at. Amen? He sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives. To do what? So preach means to proclaim deliverance to the captives. That doesn't mean that you're gonna go through a 12-step process where you have to repeat over and over and over again the thing that you've got delivered from, because if you keep saying that, hey, I'm so-and-so and I'm an alcoholic, but you just keep telling yourself that you're an alcoholic. He came to what? To do what? To preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty or freedom them that are bruised. Amen? So this is the gospel in the whole right here. Every issue that you're going through can be taken care of with the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news, okay? All right, thank you, Jesus. So we looked at those words. Oh, and let's go to the next, can y'all go to the next verse? To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. Other translations say to restore to favor. Amen? To restore to favor. So to preach the favor of God, the grace of God. In Luke chapter 11, verse number 20, let me go over there. (keyboard clicking) (keyboard clicking) Hallelujah. We see in Luke chapter 11, we're in the sea where I'm at. Verse number 11, I mean chapter number 11. Verse number. Oh, I'm in the wrong. I wonder, I was like, that's not anything that I'm reading. I didn't compare it, I was in Mark. (chuckling) Y'all know how it feels whenever you get up here and you're ministering the Word of God and what is on your paper? Does not match with the scripture. Y'all, I never know, well, maybe some of you know, what starts coming over here like, oh man, did I miss something? And now I don't have any idea where it's at. (chuckling) It's okay if I just be real, y'all. (chuckling) All right, Luke chapter 11. One verse number 14, one day a crowd gathered around Jesus and among them was a man who was mute. Jesus drove out the man, drove out of the man the spirit that made him unable to speak. When the demon left him, the mute man's tongue was loosed immediately, okay? So what did he do? He drove out that demon and the man's tongue was loosed immediately. Everybody say immediately. Immediately. And immediately he was able to speak. And so what happens in the next verses, the religious people start saying, well, he cast out demons by the devil and then Jesus is explaining to him, "Hey, how can I cast out demons "by using the name of demons "and how can Satan come against Satan "to get the job done because if the kingdom is divided, "then it's just not gonna work. "It's not gonna work that way." And then he comes and says, he says, "But if I am casting out demons "by the mighty power of God, "God's kingdom is now released upon you." Okay. So the kingdom of God, this gospel of the kingdom of God or King's domain, his dominion is gonna be preached around the world and even in your life. And whenever the kingdom, listen, whenever the king's domain comes upon us, then Jesus says the kingdom of God has come upon you. Amen? So we have to notice this that whenever the kingdom of God is here because what happened, the gospel was preached, Jesus drove out the demons and the kingdom of God came upon him and brought light or deliverance into that area of that man's life. Okay, so this is what the gospel does. And in Luke chapter 10, he told the disciples to go. He said to heal the sick, okay, to heal the sick. So if somebody's sick, that means that something is holding them back, okay? But whenever they heal the sick, he said then tell them that the kingdom of God has come near to them. The king's domain has come near to them. You see, this is what the gospel is about. It brings the power of God into dark situations, into circumstances that maybe man cannot change, but the power of the gospel can change every circumstance in your life. In fact, the Bible says this says that the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto what? Until salvation to everyone that believes. Not just salvation so that you'll be on your way to heaven. No, it's salvation in every area of your life with your family, with your finances, with your relationships with your husband or with your wife or with your children. Every area of our life, the gospel is the power of God unto salvation till everyone who believes. And that's found in Romans one chapter, chapter 16. So I want to share something with you that I noticed on this trip in Honduras. So we had the pastors conference and they were so hungry for the word of God. I mean, they were hungry. They were just like pulling it out of us and even when we're translating, like I couldn't keep up with what they needed. And we only had a certain amount of time and I was even like, and I didn't mean any disrespect. I just said, I just need, I need more time. But the time wasn't there. He said, no, he said, I know you needed more time, but you sow the seed. Okay, sow the seed. So we had the pastors conference. And then on Wednesday, that was on Tuesday, on Wednesday, we went to a church that I knew that the pastor had been coming to the conferences for a while. And his name is Pastor Jorge. And I don't know if there was a picture of me with him with my forgiven hat on. That's Pastor Jorge and he was up there ministering it. Now, this church is where Paul ministered at, okay? Yeah, that's Pastor Jorge right there. And this, the young man sitting there on the steps, on the stage, that's at his church. Now, kids are just running around everywhere, you know? They, all the kids come to church. And so it's not like the perfect, not everything's perfect, okay? And so we just, but there's joy there. And when we walked in that church, people were on their knees praying, and they're praying in the Spirit. And when you walk in that church, you can sense the presence of God. I mean, the weight of the glory of God in that place, because why? People are hungry. Now, usually when we go, they didn't have it available this time. Usually when we go, we take a truckload of food and necessities, but they were waiting on a container to come in and they didn't have it available. And so we took care packages to three of the families that are in the church. But usually whenever you go feed people like that, then the whole community comes, even if they're not involved in that church. But everybody that you saw in that church, there was a picture where a kind of, you know, the video kind of span around, they came for the gospel. They came to hear the word of the Lord. There wasn't anything being handed out. They were hungry for righteousness. And the Bible says those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, they shall be filled, okay? And at this church has been planted there for some time. And this community is way up in the mountains, okay? But when you go into that community, you can sense the joy because you can see the joy. You can see the glory of God on their faces. You can see it in their church. This church had been there planted for a while. And so they said it used to not be like this. Now there's still poverty there, but the gospel has changed that area, has totally changed it because they have everything that they need and more. Now when we go into that place, we're saying, "Oh man, I don't know that I could live this way." But I'm gonna tell you one thing, it's a lot simpler. You say, "I don't know how they can live like this." No, there's a lot of things that they're getting things right because those communities are tight and they love each other and they take care of each other in those communities. But this church had been planted there for a while and I knew that this young man was anointed from the very first time I met him. I knew that he was anointed. I knew that he was called because I could sense it. And he's there at the conference and he's writing everything he can down and he's getting everything that he can at that present time. And he's a young man too and he's on fire for God. But the gospel has totally changed that community. It's that community that church has been there for a while. I don't know if y'all understand that in these villages, the churches are the center of the community, okay? Now there's still a lot of witchcraft that goes on, there's still that kind of stuff, but because they are there, they're salt and light to that world that's there. Now, the area where I went to minister at was closer to La Intrada, closer to the big city. And the pastor that was, that pastor's there was pastoring even further away than this gentleman. Further away and the community doing great, but he felt that he was to leave that church with another pastor and he felt led to come closer to La Intrada and start a new church in a new community, okay? Now, can you go to the picture with the lady and the baby? So, I walked in to her house. Actually, we gave her this stuff first and she's very thankful. Her husband left her, okay? Left her with the babies. And I went in the house and to say that I was shocked as an understatement. I was touched to my very core, but this is a new work and this pastor felt to go to this community. Why? Because he knows that the gospel is gonna change this area of Honduras. You see, so many times we wanna go where it's easy. Wanna go where everything's already done and everything is already prosperous and everything. But really, the gospel is for these types of areas to come in and take dominion over what the enemy has done. This is a spirit. I could feel the spirit of poverty whenever I walked. Actually, it was even when we got to that community, but this pastor had been coming to the conferences and I don't know how to communicate with them, but let me tell you what, I know their heart. I mean, this is hard stuff right here. And so, they're starting a community in a new area and I know in two or three years, whenever we go back, this community will not be like this. It won't be like that anymore. Why? Because of the gospel coming in, the king's domain coming in and taking over that situation. I was walking away from that lady's home right there. I tell you, whenever I seen her out here, I didn't know. I was like, well, I don't know if she's a single mom 'cause I can't understand what they're saying. And then I walked in that house. The little boy right there is two years old and that little girl right there is two months old. And the smell when I walked in that house was horrific. That's a dirt floor that mattress. Is there another slide? I don't know if y'all can see the holes in the walls. That is just sheet metal that's on the walls and on the roof. There's so much light coming in. But when I left there, I said, and I told a guy Henry, he's the Dr. Guy Henry, I said, I have to say that this is really the first time since I've been up here that I was totally shocked to my other most being when I walked into that house. And he said, well, that's why we bring people up here so that they can experience it. It is a very humbling experience. And I said, but you know, I said, there is nothing inside me that moves me to even think that the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ cannot change and override this situation. It's gonna happen. You're gonna take time? It may take some time, but it may not. God's doing a quick work in righteousness. Amen? And so just like that pastor going into this heart, he had it easy where he was at. He had it easy, he had all the food he needed, had his house, had everything. But God called him to come to this community and start a church. You see, sometimes we think here it'll make a church that we could go to another side of town and have it a lot better, but no, God's gonna prosper as where we're at. He planted us here to be salt and light to this community. And so the same way that the gospel can change a community, he can change what's going on in your life. Amen? Allow God's kingdom, the king's domain to come in and rule in Jesus' name. Amen. All right, did y'all get something today? Let's pray. Thank you, Jesus. Don't ever forget about the gospel. There's so much more that we could go in to with the gospel. Hallelujah. Thank you Lord. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus. So when healings take place, the kingdom of God has come near. When miracles happen, the kingdom of God has come upon you. The king's domain in the name of Jesus. Glory to God. Father, we bless you and we honor you in Jesus' name. Hallelujah. Thank you Lord for your direction Lord. Thank you for clarity in the name of Jesus. And we thank you for the gospel. We thank you Lord God that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation in every area of our life. In the name of Jesus, Hallelujah. Thank you Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory. Hallelujah. If you came this morning expecting something, if you came this morning expecting something, the power of God is available right now to take care of that situation. It's available right now. If you came expecting, I don't even know what it is, but if you came expecting some kind of change to take place in your life, then I encourage you just to come to the altar. I wanna pray for you real quick. Thank you, Jesus. Glory to God. Hallelujah. There's a dark area of your life, you won't got to shine in on the power of the gospel is there to bring deliverance and to bring healing. In the name of Jesus, glory to God. Glory to God. (speaking in foreign language) Hallelujah. Or maybe if you've just been touched, you've been touched down deep in your core this morning. And God has opened your eyes to the gospel. The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ. But he died for us and he went to hell and he rose again on the third day to justify us, to bring us back into right standing with God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you Father. Thank you, Jesus. Good. Would y'all be able to do fresh wind? Could y'all come, the worship team come? Hallelujah. Thank you Lord. There's just something about worship that opens up our hearts to receive what God has. (gentle music) Thank you Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you. (speaking in foreign language) If y'all would stand out there too as we worship. I'm believing that a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit is gonna just not just breeze across the south side, but below in the name of Jesus. And when that wind is blowing, it's gonna draw the loss, the hurting, those that need deliverance, those that need healing. That wind of the Holy Spirit is gonna, that's what it does, that wind draws. (gentle music) Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Lord, rid of God. This is worship. (gentle music) ♪ Spirit sound rushing wind ♪ ♪ Fire of God fall within ♪ ♪ Holy Ghost breathe on us we pray ♪ ♪ As we repent, turn from sin ♪ ♪ Our Bible symbols mold a ring ♪ ♪ Breath of God, ban us into flame ♪ ♪ We need a fresh wind ♪ ♪ A fragrance of heaven pour your spirit out ♪ ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ (gentle music) ♪ The hearts that burn with holy faith ♪ ♪ You've got faith ending ♪ ♪ Finders fire, strength in what we make ♪ (gentle music) ♪ So be the church, prepare your life ♪ ♪ Lamb of thanks, anybody ♪ ♪ King and King, down come is what we pray ♪ ♪ We need a fresh wind ♪ ♪ A fragrance of heaven pour your spirit out ♪ (gentle music) (gentle music) ♪ We need a fresh wind ♪ ♪ A fragrance of heaven pour your spirit out ♪ (gentle music) ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ (gentle music) ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ (gentle music) ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ ♪ Let all love redeem ♪ ♪ Prophet, sigh and say ♪ ♪ We can hear the wind blowin' ♪ ♪ Blowin', blowin' up on our brains ♪ ♪ The sons and daughters sing ♪ ♪ We can hear the wind blowin' ♪ ♪ Blowin', blowin' up on our routine ♪ ♪ Prophet, sigh and say ♪ ♪ We can hear the wind blowin' ♪ ♪ Blowin', blowin' up on our brains ♪ ♪ The sons and daughters sing ♪ ♪ We can hear the wind blowin' ♪ ♪ Blowin', blowin' up on our brains ♪ ♪ The movements that happen ♪ ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ ♪ We can hear the wind blowin' up ♪ ♪ The power of your presence ♪ ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ ♪ Pour your spirit out ♪ - Hey. (audience applauds) I'm seein' something happenin' in the spirit over the past few Sundays here. Then, God is raising up some young men. I mean, but the older men, we gotta be here too, you know? So that we can, but there is something happening. God is doing something in the hearts of young men. Not just here, it'll make a church, but all over. I'm tellin' you weren't need of, I mean, or Mackenzie, she works at Jesus' image now, and there are young men rising up over there. I mean, the whole church is, I mean, full of young people, but we thought it was just young people, but whenever Nita and I went there, no, there's like a mixture, and that's what the kingdom looks like. Amen? Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. (audience applauds) Praise God. Amen, so keep lifting pastures up. Nita is not here with me today. She has some things goin' on her body, but she's healed in the name of Jesus. She needed the rest in Jesus' name. And I figured she was here all week last week, takin' care of stuff that, you know, all of us can handle this today, okay? Amen. And seems like there was something else. Don't forget Wednesday night and Thursday morning. Yes, ma'am. (audience chattering) Come on. (audience applauding) Come on. Hallelujah. (audience applauding) Come on. (audience applauding) Amen. Hallelujah. All right, Father, as we leave this place today, we just think that we leave whole in the name of Jesus. We've referred your word in believing we rejoice in it, believe that we receive, and we think that our lives will never be the same, but we're changed because of your glory. In Jesus' name, everybody says, Amen. Amen. Love y'all. Thank you for joining us today. I'd like to say thank you for all those who give and support this ministry. I pray that you've been blessed and challenged by the podcast today. For more information on how to give, you can visit Thank you for believing in our mission. [MUSIC PLAYING]