The Social Contract with Joe Walsh

Even Most Of MAGA Doesn't Like It When Trump Does This

He's doing it again. He's saying the election is going to be stolen. He's saying the only way he can lose is if the election is stolen. He's laying the seeds to not accept the results if he loses. He's attacking our democracy and inciting violence. AGAIN. He's doing it AGAIN.

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01 Oct 2024
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Exclusions apply. See site for details. America, we got to get back to doing what's expected of us as free citizens in this democracy. That means being tolerant, being respectful, staying informed, and being engaged. I'm former Congressman Joe Walsh. Follow me here and join the millions of Americans who are renewing their social contract with each other. The social contract, it's on us. Hey, former Congressman Joe Walsh. Good to be with you. Thank you for being with me. Hello, everybody. I'm TikTok. TikTok gets a special mention. I don't know why. I just get a big old kick out of TikTok. Let me tell you a secret. Let me tell you a little secret. Even most of Trump's supporters don't like when he does this. Even most of MAGA does not like it when Trump does this, this one thing. This one thing that he did in 2020, and this one thing that he's doing again, this one thing he did before the election in 2020, and this one thing he's doing before the election again in 2024. Even most of Donald Trump's supporters don't like it when he does this. They're disappointed that he does this. They're confused. They're torn. They're conflicted by him doing this. He's doing it again. He's lying about a stolen election before the election. He's doing it again. He's telling America before the election that if he loses, it will be because the election was stolen. He's doing it again. He's telling his supporters that the only way he can lose is if the election is stolen. He's doing it again. He's attacking our democratic process again. He's lying about a stolen election, get this, before the election. He's doing it again. He's lying to the American people about an event before that event, and he's doing it again. He's laying the groundwork. He's planting the seeds, right? For when he loses, if he loses, and he doesn't accept the results, when he refuses to accept the results, he's laying the groundwork right now by lying about the election and claiming that the election will be stolen. He's doing it again. He's inciting chaos. He's inciting unrest. He's inciting violence again. And I want to tell you that I've had enough conversations over the past four to five years with Trump supporters and MAGA folk who have told me privately that they wish Trump wouldn't do this. They're bothered that Trump does this. I sat down with a group just a couple months ago. I sat down with a group of eight to ten Trump supporters, all folks who used to be my biggest volunteers and supporters. And when I told them that Donald Trump again before this election was already out there telling his supporters that the election was going to be stolen, none of these eight to ten. None of them could defend what Trump was doing. They all looked uncomfortable. All of them. And these were all people, by the way, these Trump supporters who I sat down with, these were all people who believe in one way or another that the 2020 election was stolen. Let me tell you something again. I sat down with eight to ten Trump supporters who believe that Trump really kind of did win in 2020. But even they said, I wish Trump wasn't out there now before the election telling people the election is going to be stolen now. I wish she wasn't out there now doing it. Hey, they may not admit it. A lot of Trump supporters probably won't publicly admit it. Get help, says Rose. Rose, I get help every single day. You know how I eat right? I exercise. I have dogs. Thank God I have dogs. And I try to meditate a little bit and pray every day a little bit. I try to get enough sleep. I don't do very well with that. But don't you worry, Rose, I get help. Go away your evil, says Donna. Donna Nesbitt. Donna, let me just pause for a moment here. Go away your evil, says Donna. Donna, again, maybe you're new, so let me explain what we try to do here on the social contract with Joe Walsh is. We try to encourage conversation dialogue. And so when you say Joe, you're evil, that's a conversation killer. What you need to do, Donna, and I wish you do it right now, is say Joe, you're evil, and here's why. Explain to me, Donna, why you think I'm evil, and that'll help jumpstart a conversation. So, Keith, let me know if Donna responds. Tell me why I'm evil, Donna. And then voila, we got a dialogue going. Most Trump supporters will not admit it publicly. But I've spoken to enough of them, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them. Over the last few years, they are uncomfortable with Donald Trump's lying about a stolen election. They are especially uncomfortable with Donald Trump lying about a stolen election before the Gosh darn election. Like they wish he wouldn't do that. I have brought so many Trump supporters to a speech to becoming speechless when I bring this up. Like they'll tell me, Joe Biden sucks, Kamala Zakami Kamala is a Marxist. The left wants to destroy America. You hate America. I think Trump really won in 2020. But when it comes to Trump lying about the election before the election, all of a sudden they don't have much to say. And I see visible, visible, uncomfortable demeanors and faces. Which gives me hope because it tells me that even most Trump supporters, oh, they know that this is wrong. It's wrong to lie about our elections. It's really especially wrong to lie about our elections before those elections even happen. I keep in most Trump supporters know that. And by the way, let's be clear. Let's be clear. He's doing it again. Donald Trump is laying the groundwork to not accept the result if he loses. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. If Donald Trump loses by a whisker, if he loses by one state or if Kamala Harris kicks his ass in all 50 states, it doesn't matter. The day after a loss, Donald Trump is going to say, I didn't lose. It was stolen. And he'll never concede. He'll never congratulate Kamala Harris. And he'll never participate in any sort of peaceful transfer of power. He won't do it because he can't do it. He can't do it because he's a coward. He can't do it because he's a traitor. He can't do it because he's un-American. He can't do it. And here I'm defending him because he's incapable. Donald Trump is incapable. Like if you cared about this country, if you cared about America, you would not. You could not attack our elections process like this. Not if you loved this country. You couldn't lie about election results. If you loved this country, you just couldn't. As a candidate, you couldn't refuse to accept the will of the people. As a candidate, if you loved this country, you just couldn't. But see, Trump's incapable of loving this country. He's humanly incapable of caring about anyone or anything but himself. It was like yesterday. He's out there somewhere down in Georgia. And what's he doing? Well, he's lying because Trump lies about everything. Donald Trump actually said that the governor of Georgia, Republican Brian Kemp, was trying to get ahold of Joe Biden and Joe Biden, the president, wasn't returning Brian Kemp's calls. Donald Trump said that yesterday. About 10 minutes later, Brian Kemp said that he had the greatest talk with Joe Biden just yesterday, just the day before. Joe Biden and Brian Kemp spoke for about an hour. Brian Kemp said Joe Biden and the federal government has given the state of Georgia everything they need. Trump lied about that. But then people complaining because Donald Trump makes a hurricane all about himself. He makes everything all about himself. In his defense, he can't help himself. He really can't. He's humanly incapable. I mean, humanly incapable of caring about anyone or anything but himself. It's why, again, as a candidate and you lose an election and you refuse to accept that loss, you refuse to concede. Man, that's a, that's a dagger to America. That's like taking a knife and just stabbing America. You couldn't do that if you loved America. Trump's incapable of loving America. He's capable only of loving himself. He's out there right now and he's been out there now for weeks and months lying about the election that's going to happen in four to five weeks. There's a whole host of lies that Trump is putting out there. And the reason he's doing it is he wants you to believe the election was stolen. He wants there to be chaos. He wants there to be unrest. He wants there to be violence. That's what Trump wants because he doesn't want his supporters to accept the results of an American election. He's just out there lying. At every rally and everything he's saying right now has a purpose. Every lie has a purpose. He's out there at every rally saying that he's winning big right now. Every rally, he says, he's way, way up. I can't lose unless it's stolen. I'm way, way up. Trump says. No, that's not true. That's a lie. Every single poll, Republican poll, Democratic poll, Fox News poll, CNN poll, every single poll shows that this race is a dead heat. It's neck and neck. Trump's lying right now when he says he's way up. Donald Trump said again two days ago and he says this a bunch that the only way Kamala Harris can win. The only way is through cheating is through cheating. But wait a minute, again, that's a lie. That's not true because Kamala Harris right now is tied with Donald Trump. So she's got a 50/50 chance of winning. Donald Trump has a 50/50 chance of winning. That's a lie. Of course Kamala Harris can win this race without cheating. And there are a bunch of his lies about the election, the stolen election. Another one that he's been putting out there a bunch. He said that the Democrats, he said this a bunch. The Democrats replacing Joe Biden with Kamala Harris is unconstitutional. Trump said that. That's cray cray. That's crazy. But it's also a lie. It's not true. The Constitution has nothing to do with political parties nominating their candidates. I tried to walk through that really slowly so you understand. Beverly, stop that. Beverly, damn it. Don't say Joe, you are unhinged. Say, I need a Kamala Beverly. Say, Joe, you are unhinged, Kamala. Or maybe a Kamala doesn't go there. Joe, you are unhinged because boom, boom, boom. Beverly, come back. Fill that in. Tell me why I'm unhinged. I want to have a dialogue. But I'm working through that one slowly. Trump says it's unconstitutional what the Democrats did. Kick in Biden out and put in Kamala Harris in. It's unconstitutional. Read my lips. That's a lie. The Republican Party or the Democratic Party nominating a candidate. The Constitution has nothing to do with that process. Donald Trump is out there along with Elon Musk and a bunch of other crazy people lying. Here's another one by saying that illegals illegal alien voting in America is a widespread problem. It's happening everywhere Trump says. That's a lie. That's not true. And this is an easy one to disprove because there's no evidence of it. None. Ever. Some of the most conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and some of the most progressive think tanks for years have looked into voting fraud. Have never ever ever ever ever ever found systemic voting fraud widespread voting fraud and nobody has found any evidence of illegal aliens voting in American elections. Certainly not a widespread problem. Trump is lying. He's lying. I'll give you one more Trump lie that he's putting out there so that when he loses and he tells you it was stolen from me, you'll believe him. And by the way, a reminder, again, Trump supporters, MAGA, I love you. And you know what? I'll get you Keith. I'll get him on this one. Hey, MAGA Trump supporters. I love you and I respect you more than Trump does. I can lie to you. If somebody lies to you, they don't love you. And they certainly don't respect you. Trump lies to you, MAGA, all the time. I ain't going to do that. Therefore, transitive property. Therefore, Joe Walsh loves and respects MAGA, MAGA people, Trump supporters. How about that? More than Donald Trump does. Joe Walsh loves Trump supporters more than Trump does. I'll buy it. He lies to you. Hey, I'm Ryan Reynolds. At Mint Mobile, we like to do the opposite of what Big Wireless does. They charge you a lot. We charge you a little. So naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices due to not hating you. That's right. We're cutting the price of Mint Unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month. Give it a try at This is Jonathan Fields, host of The Good Life Project, where each week I talk to listeners about investing in their future by increasing their own vitality. But when it comes to those financial goals, whether it be saving for a home renovation, growing your child's college fund or travel, life can make it difficult to stay the course. By working with a dedicated Merrill Advisor, you get a personalized plan and a clear path forward. Having the bullet your back helps your whole financial life move with you. So when your plans change, Merrill's with you every step of the way. Go to to learn more. Merrill, a Bank of America company. What would you like the power to do? Investing involves risk, Merrill Lynch, Pierce Fender and Smith Incorporated, registered broker dealer, registered investment advisor, member S.I.P.C. We'll never ever do that. One more Trump election line. Donald Trump has said, and this is a really ugly one because he's going after our members of our military who are serving overseas. Donald Trump has said repeatedly that there's no ID verification for overseas and military voters, for people, for Americans abroad, and for our members of our military who are abroad who all vote in our elections. Trump says there's no verification, there's no ID verification for these overseas voters, these military voters. That's a lie. There is. That's not true. So, MAGA, you can get mad at me, and I know you still will, for putting Trump's lies to you in front of you. But man, if I were you, I'd be more angry. I'd be angrier. I'd be more upset with the guy lying to me. Like, that's just me. If I got this guy, Joe Walsh, who I tune into every day, and he didn't like Trump, and he shows me how Trump's been lying to me, I wouldn't get mad at Joe Walsh, I'd get mad at Trump, the guy lying to me. Why do I, and I know it bothers you, again, I've conducted this experiment now for four to five years, I can bring up anything about Trump. And generally, most Trump supporters have a pretty ready response, ready to fire back at me. Joe, he never lies. Joe, he puts America first. Joe, he's the greatest. Joe, he stands up to the bad guys, blah, blah. They got, they got something for everything. But this, when I show them and tell them that Donald Trump is lying about a stolen election again before the election has even happened, damn near every Trump supporter that I've been with does not have a response. That tells me it bothers them. Should bother everybody. Why do I spend so much time on this issue? Why do I believe that this, and this issue alone, what Trump does here, attacking our elections process, this more than anything else in my mind disqualifies Donald Trump. This more than anything in my mind makes Donald Trump a traitor. Why do I spend so much time talking about this, harping on this issue of attacking our elections. Here's why. And I'll go through this slowly. I really will. Listen, elections in this country are the beating heart of our representative democracy. I hope you get that. Every two years, every four years, we vote for candidates to represent us. It is the very essence of a representative democracy. I believe that our elections are the beating, the very beating heart of our representative democracy. To keep that heart beating. Every candidate has to accept the results. Every candidate has to accept the will of the people every two to four years. It's this link. I've been a candidate. I've won and I've lost. When you become a candidate, there's an unspoken rule that as a candidate in this representative democracy, I'm going to give it my best. But people are going to speak and win or lose. I'll accept what the people say. To keep the heart beating candidates have to accept the election results. They have to concede. They have to accept the will of the people. They have to. They ought to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. It's what makes us so special. Here's the deal. This is why this is so freaking important to you and me and everybody listening right now. If candidates refuse to accept the will of the people every two years, every four years, the heart stops beating. Our representative democracy dies. You can't have a representative democracy without elections. You can't have legitimate representatives. The represented without elections, free and fair elections can't be represented. The whole thing comes to an end. If candidates every two years and every four years don't accept the will of the people. These elections that man, there are beating heart refuse to accept the election results. The heart stops beating. The whole thing dies. That's what Trump did in 2020. He took a long blade, a long ass knife, and he tried to stab the beating heart. He did stab our elections process. He refused to accept the result. He refused to concede. He refused to participate in the peaceful transfer of power. He attacked the beating heart. He tried to stop it. He's doing it again now. He will do it again this year after this election. I hope you don't turn away. I hope you get and understand how important this is. It's more important than where you are on the border within where you are on taxes than where you are on how much money we should give Ukraine than where you are on forgiving student loans or not. It's way more important than any issue. I'll say one more time. Elections are the beating heart of this experiment. You sow doubt in. You attack. You refuse to accept the results of elections as a candidate. You're trying to stop that heart from beating. And if the heart stops beating, our representative democracy dies. We can't let that happen, which is why I talk about this so much. Hey, one final thought. Replying to Joe Walsh says Anthony F.U. Joe Walsh. That's a hell of a response, Anthony, after everything I just said. That's the best you got. It's the best you freaking have. I'm talking about the preservation of our representative democracy and all you can tell me is to F.U. Go F yourself. That's all you got, Anthony. Boy, you're a big boy. You're a strong boy. I hope you're proud of yourself. Respectfully, Anthony. That's pretty damn pathetic. Do some soul searching, my friend. For all of our neighbors, all of our fellow citizens right now who've been devastated by Hurricane Helene. There are loads of ways that all the rest of us can help. I've just found two that I'm going to put in front of you. You go ahead and Google charities helping the victims of Hurricane Helene, but two that I found that are specifically geared toward helping the victims in Western North Carolina who been just devastated. One is an organization called Hearts with Hands, all one word,, They're based in Western North Carolina. They're providing food, shelter, and all sorts of assistance to everybody. Thanks, Keith, everybody who's been victimized in Western North Carolina by Hurricane Helene. There it is, Go there, good charity, local charity, give some help. The other one I'd mention is Beloved Asheville, all one word, Another local Western North Carolina charity, Asheville, beautiful Asheville North Carolina. Thank you, Keith. There it is, Beautiful Asheville has been wiped out and devastated like so many other smaller hill and mountain communities up in Western North Carolina. Beloved Asheville is doing everything, distributing all sorts of supplies and food and rescue stuff to all the victims in Western North Carolina. Go there, there are two local West North Carolina charities. This is what we do as Americans. We look after each other and try to help each other, keep that up. I'll end with this. Sheila says, this is the first time and the last time I've watched your BS, I didn't know you were a lion literal. That kind of bums me out. Sheila, because I'd like it not to be the last time. But I leave you Sheila with this. Do you want any candidate lying about an American election? Are you okay with that? I'm not, which is why I'll keep talking about it. God bless everybody. Have a good week. Love you. Love your show. Be brave. See you tomorrow. Thank you for listening. Remember to listen, share and follow the social contract with Joe Walsh on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and everywhere great podcasts are found. And be sure to leave a five-star review. This has been the Social Contract with Joe Walsh. Hi, this is Jonathan Fields, host of The Good Life Project, where each week I talk to listeners about investing in their future by increasing their own vitality. But when it comes to those financial goals, whether it be saving for a home renovation, growing your child's college fund or travel, life can make it difficult to stay the course. By working with a dedicated Merrill Advisor, you get a personalized plan and a clear path forward. Having the bullet your back helps your whole financial life move with you. So when your plans change, Merrill's with you every step of the way. Go to to learn more. Merrill, a Bank of America company. What would you like the power to do? Investing involves risk. Merrill Lynch, Pierce Fender and Smith, Inc., registered broker dealer, registered investment advisor, member S.I.P.C. easy.