Monsters Up North Podcast

Monsters Up North - Troll 2

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01 Oct 2024
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It's a perfect night for mystery and horror, the air itself is filled with monsters. Children of the night, what music they need. Well, hello all you monster fiends and thank you for joining us for another deep dive factoid filled episode exploring Hollywood's most famous monsters. I am your mistress of Terrimony's Sam and I am joined as always by Dan from Bleed and I love this say hello Dan. This is my house. I hear you sometimes. I done. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, welcome to a new brand new episode of the monsters of north podcast. Oh, I've we got a treat for you today. Oh, he got some ink. God, I think this is probably not only the funniest film we've ever done, but the worst. This is this is probably worse than Dolly the Erest. Yes. Yes. Yes, and we will go into the reasons. Oh, will we just so I'll get the disclaimer out the way with and then we're going to crack open this beauty of a movie. Everything discussed in today's episode is our opinions and our opinions alone. If you'd like to discuss anything from today's episode, a police come and join us on our Facebook pages, you can join the nerdy of north discord or comment section where we can have an open discussion, but what we want to have is anyone coming for us and tell us our opinions are wrong because we can all agree to disagree in fandom. So let's keep it fun, keep it kind, and keep the toxic behavior out of nerdism. Don't be a goblin dick, dick, don't be a dick, dick, don't be a vegetarian goblin dick. Don't fucking do it. Definitely. Don't be one of those either. Jesus Christ. Oh my gosh, okay, troll two or goblins is an is a 1990 independent dark fantasy horror written and directed by Claudia Frickasco under the pseudonym, Drake for oiled. It stars Michael Stevenson, George Hardy, Connie McFarlane. Jason Wright, scoring an impressive 5% on rotten tomatoes as of 2014. There's nothing more frightening than a little boy's nightmare until it turns real as monsters of North brings you troll two. So good. It didn't need a first one. So good. It didn't need a first movie. Is something else. I remember my sister, I was like, I need something new to watch. I'm going through things that I've not seen before, and she went, you need to watch troll two. It was this. I know it was this and Texas Jamesville, massacre two, I watched on the same night. So yeah, I couldn't stop laughing at this film, no, it was so funny. The premise of this movie is, I'm going to give it a go. So this man from the city wants to be a farmer. So he trades with another family to go and tend their farm, and they go to a land called Nobglog, Neobog, Neobog, where they encounter vegetarian trolls who eat people because apparently that's okay. And yeah, and also the guided by the dead grandfather. And there's a witch in there who comes from Staunhenge, and a dance routine. Don't forget that it all. Dance routine. Oh my goodness. I mean, we'll go through the film obviously, but that was kind of the breakdown of this movie. And the director himself, Claudia, Claudia, Claudia, and Italian director, and was told by the studio, because he did want to call it goblin, which it made so much sense, but he wanted to call it goblin in a studio, probably an Italian studio said, listen, let's ride on the back of troll. Yes, which is a movie that has absolutely nothing to do this, by the way. So that's why it doesn't have an original. Exactly. And they did it. That's why they changed the name to troll too. Even though it's got football, the two which absolutely nothing to do with troll one. They are an Italian couple, he's wife got involved, obviously. So there's Italian couple and higher Americans, bear in mind, they can't speak a lick of English. No, when she was interviewed, she said that when she came up with the idea with her husband, all of her friends had just newly converted to this new thing called, you know, vegetarianism. So it was really an activist stand on being an anti-vegetarian, right? So she said, I came up with a story about goblins who were vegetarians because at that point in my life, I had many friends become vegetarians and it pissed me off. So as a revenge, she made a movie. You got this. This is the revenge movie. I am not seeing my friend, I hate my friends for being vegetarians in this movie. It's more like, I hate me, it is so far out of that, it's unbelievable. How could you be mad at your friends being vegetarian? I know it was relatively like, not new thing because there were people who just didn't eat meat, but I don't think it was like a, it had like a big thing like now. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, it's something for reasons that can be health and that stuff like that. But I think it finally gathered a bit of a name and a towards late 80s and it became a fad because there was a lot of fads in the 80s. Not saying it's a fad now, I'm saying back then. Oh, yeah. On everything. It was like something came along and they'd hop on it until they'd used it for everything it was worth and then they'd move on or eat a great sausage roll or whatever the options were. I could sell them back then. Oh, my gosh, yeah, he didn't like the taste of it. But I was exactly the same. That's why I was vegetarian for many, many, many, many years, about 10 years and I just didn't, I just didn't like it and didn't, some things didn't agree with us. And then I went vegan and then I got really sick and then I just thought, I can't do this no more. A lot of me, you know, there is a sickness that can come with being vegan because you're depriving a body of X amount stuff. But then each person's to their own and live your life the way you try. Oh, absolutely. I never, I never, I was vegan for three and a half years, never made a fuss out of it at all. Never did the whole preachy. No, never did that. No, never did that. A lot of people didn't even know I was vegan. But yeah, I was really sick. Like you've got, you've got to be a better reader than me. Like I'm a child. Like I still separate my food for fuck's sake. So I am a child. Children can't do veganism. So you can add the green stuff on any of this food, the plain, custard, egg ritose, slimed cooler. Fuck, what's it? An off milk, possibly custard, that's great. It's almost like they're trying to capitalize on hook, you know, the food scene and hook. And they go with that kind of tip. But was it apparently it was supposed to be plant matter? Because the plant matter right now, this isn't a spoiler because it's part of the film. When the goblins eat you, they feed you with this plant matter first. So it breaks down your meat in terms that into plant matter because this makes sense. And then they can eat you because you're full of plant matter. They're no longer part full of meat. So hence, the science, Zionism, just science. Oh, my God, Bill Nike science guy will be having a mental break. Oh, Neil, Neil, I mean, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, very different science from from this kind of science. But he would have an absolute heart attack and I couldn't get it was now you've explained that part because I was like, you're clearly cannibals. Well, this is the whole premise of this film. They are cannibals. They eat meat. They don't eat meat. They might have to get their victims to have this mattery goop for them to taste right to them to eat them. It's like, you know, if they're fattening them up in a weird way, like they're making them tasty. But, you know, rolling them in sugar kind of thing, you know, oh my gosh. So the whole cast that you see in this film, they all went for extra parts and they ended up getting the main roles. Yeah. These people are not actors. No, everybody that auditioned got apart. It was, it's insane to me that firstly, isn't the dad in real life. He's a dentist. He's a dentist. Yeah. He's a dentist. However, on the, so this, this is a fucking flop. This literally had zero percent of rotten tomatoes until 2014, when a handful of people started to get a hold of it and it became, it is technically a cult classic. And because of that, he was getting phone calls from conventions and he was like, oh shit. People are actually interested and he's taken an acting again. But he wasn't, he's not the worst part out of all of this. To be fair, I don't think any of them were really bad actors, credence, I'm on the fence. You've taken the piss, the mother was fucking terrible. And I'm telling you why I think this. I think it was because of the whole language issue, the way the script was written. They sat Claudio down and they kept saying, can we ad lib what you're trying to say? And we turn it into a American English. Can we, because it doesn't make sense as you've written it? And he was like, no, no, no, no, no, no lemon pledge. You do it my way. And I wanted, I wanted done this way. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I want it done my way. So they had to do the script verbatim, hence why none of it makes sense. They only got script pages. I think it was like a scene at a time. So for them, it was all disconnected. They didn't understand what was happening in the film. So they couldn't translate that in any of their acting work. Also, if none of them have really had lead roles before, no, they wouldn't be used to the type of filming schedule. No, none of them are actors apart from the witch. She's the only actress. She's the only actress. Yeah, three weeks. She's the only actress apart of it. Which is surprising because she's the only one I was on the planet. Yeah, she's the only true actress. She sadly passed away in 2017, I want to say. Yeah, if you go online and you're looking for these people, there's not a great deal about it. There's a couple of them who have some Wikipedia stuff, but she didn't, which was quite sad because she is the one who has the more movie credits than any of them. But there wasn't an article that she'd sadly passed away, but she was doing the Convention Center for years, and she looked no different in the photo I saw over in 2014 than what she did in that movie. She looked fantastic. I think I'm going to, because she reminded me a lot of- Of course it. Cape Bush. Oh, no, that's not sure I was thinking of. She looked like Carrie Fisher. There was like this thing about her, but it was like, we'll get to the scene I'm talking about when we get there. Popcorn. Popcorn, no more popcorn, no more. But yeah, it was, yeah, she was absolutely beautiful. She had that '80s natural glamour down. There was no, we're getting into the '90s, into the Baywatch parody around us. It was genuine. She was stunning. And the makeup, the way that they made her look, prior to her getting her- Her glamour. Now, I, yeah, we'll get into hell. I still don't understand how she got that, but um, she just walked down the street and she looked like it's as simple as that. She just literally walked down the street and went, hey, it's a Stevie Nick, she looks like- That's it. She walks- She'd come out of center parks is what it looked like. Not like a fucking camper van park. She'd come out of center parks, that's breaking bad territory, you know? Fucking RVs everywhere. Oh God, I don't think, I, I don't think I, I, I don't think I'm going to laugh as much in this episode, is it? I thought the sleep away camp bomb was the worst, but no, this is just going to kill me off. And- She's gone for a big day since this is so- Did you fucking flip it off? Corn on the cob, corn on the cob, corn on the cob. Why should I get in with that corn on the cob? This was a question I'd put. Like, on here. What was she doing with the corn on the cob? Oh, I, I wore people who, who were watching or listening to this that I've actually seen this film because it is- You have to watch it. You have to. You have to. In your lifetime, you have to watch Troll 2, all the brilliantly terrible. It was when she was like, "I am a druid" from Stonehenge. How's that year right now? Yes. Why is Stonehenge American going to start with? And he touched the stone. It was the fact that the make-up, right? Now the guy who did the make-up for her, believe it or not, the year after the make-up guy was called Mauricio Tranini. He went on, he done zombie flesh eaters before he did this, but then he went on to win or be nominated for a BAFTA for make-up, because he did cinema parody, so fuck off. How do you go from Troll 2 to cinema parody, so I'm getting nominated for a BAFTA for best make-up after you've seen the make-up on Troll 2? Oh my gosh. Did you, did you find out who created the Trolls? I tried. Couldn't find anything. The special effects guys that they have on there have no credits whatsoever or they have one or two and they're exactly the same. Wonder why. That is, there is some janky look in a latex fucking Halloween horror mask. My favorite description of one of them was I was watching the YouTube video and I can't remember the name of the channel, but the guy basically counts sins in the film and he writes it on sins. I know who he is, so he does a good sin and he does bad ones. Yeah, and he was doing the sins of this movie and he gave them all good ones until the end when he put it back to zero because some have pissed him off, but he was saying that one of them looked like an undead Sami eagle from the Muffits. He did. He did. And they just stuck with me after that. I was like, oh God, I can see him. It's also the one with the bubbly eyes. Yeah, that one with the long head and the big bubbly eyes. You can clearly see like, do you know what on a Halloween mask, like a rubber mask and the eyes are like, you can see where all the group of the group of the group is and everything. Oh, it's a word for a don that you won't think that's it. The thing I do appreciate about this film, right, which is something that films just don't do is that it went straight into the action. We never got any free trailers. You don't get any nonsense. It just goes straight into the film straight away with Peter skipping through the forest. But this nice little hat on. Well, yeah, because it's his grandfather. Should we just call him the film because I think it would be easier because like, it's right. I'm going to try and do this without laughing. Let's try and do that. We're professionally, you know, we've interviewed movie directors before. Yes, and we've also done this at them. You want to tell the people what you did? I embarrass myself, as usual, it happens quite a lot. I randomly other blurt things out that just come out of nowhere, or I just wave like forest gun. Oh, yeah, yeah, basically Neil Marshall was a popcorn, not the popcorn in this film, but the little convention and he walked past and he looked and he smiled at me and I started going back there to set him. We had to run into ash from the evil dead, you know, it was just like, I had an independent life of its own, so I shamed myself, but then I redeemed myself afterwards. I went and had a chat later, but still, I was just like, oh, Danielle, if you could really just stop doing things like this, it would be great. At least it would be better than what I would have done because I would have just started experiencing it, or walked in the opposite direction. So at least you got that part out the way with Bess before you went and had a talk with them. I'm just doing it online. I'm not saying I would probably do something really stupid, so I won't worry about it. I have a thing where I think I would turn around and just go, remember me. Sounds a bit ominous, didn't it? Oh, I remember me, the person who couldn't get you. You go, friends, correct for name, right, because he keeps mixing them up. That was me. Hello. Right. Yes, they're professionals. We really are. We've interviewed movie directors, we've had people on here. We know what we're doing. You might. This film starts with a dream sequence. The weirdest fucking dream sequence I have ever come across. It's about Michael. No, it's not. Michael is the dreamer. Yes, Peter. Oh, can we just talk about the kid for a second? Annoying a shit. Not on the scale. Not on the scale of the Babadook. Yeah, but very fucking close. I will say Joshua had one of the most expressive mouths. The way he was constantly talking, and he was enunciating, and it was giant at one point. I was really quite impressed with the kid. I was like, you can fit your fist in there. He had a big, big mouth. Do you know, I think he's doing that to all the compensate for the fact that he is dealing with Italian directors who cannot speak English? Yes, because the over-annunciation possibly at the age of what, 10 or 11, he must have been my age when he filmed this, because this film, this was filmed in '89, so he must be around my age somewhere, he must have been about 10 or 11 then. Has to be. So he must be around my age. So he had a lot of dialogue. Yeah. I've seen photos of him now, and you wouldn't know it's the same guy. Oh, you can see it, but you wouldn't know. Oh, it's the concentrate part, a really, really annoyed. Do you need a concentrate? Grandpa Seth, rest me, he rest in peace, he is actually dead. Yeah, but I don't know where he was supposed to be. Was he a ghost? Was he not a ghost? Was grandpa Seth? He died right in this movie, he had a new theme sequence, and you have Peter skipping through the forest in his later hose and in his little hat, and then he comes across this beautiful woman with the worst drawn on freckles I have ever seen in my entire life. Yeah. Rosie and Jim count her mind. They look like someone flicked her in her face, it was just terrible. And then she's beguiling him with her woman Lee Wiles and enchanting him, and did she make some eat something, one of the greens, some of the green stuff, she makes some drink, some of the green stuff. Yeah. Don't call her a custard milk. Yeah. Yeah. And then all of a sudden he sees their goblins and she's not a beautiful lady. No, and then the green stuff starts coming out of his hair and in the weirdest way of where is where in your head is that leaking from? How are we here? You're my fault. Yeah. Yeah. But I couldn't understand if it was coming out your eyes, if it was coming out your nose, coming out your mouth, coming out your ears, no, this is coming out your hair. Yeah. It's coming out your hair. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely nautical. Why are you questioning it? Maybe magic. You can't you kind of fucking pull movie magic on this film. What on this one is it's just down to pure, pure fucking, I don't even know what it's down to. No. I mean, you hear, you hear, then have Joshua, don't you go in, but Grandpa, they ate him. Well, don't tell me they ate him or something. So you see him in the story and then he snaps out of it and you're, it, then you go to a scene that they have blatantly ripped off of the princess bride. Yeah. Grandpa in the chair, kid in the bed. No fridge savage, no moly, moly, moly, but it's, but there's a twist because Grandpa's not really there. No, Grandpa's reading him this story about evil goblins that eat people. And I was like, well, that's not really a bedtime story for a kid of that age, but you know, who am I? We don't know. I know nothing. No. Um, but yeah, so, but yeah, the twist is Grandpa's not really there because one walks in and the rocking chairs just empty and moving by itself. And she doesn't even question the fact that the rocking chairs moving woman, did you notice that? I'd be like, what the fuck is going on there? Yeah. I get the fucking burn. It said it on fire, fucking burn it. She, her acting, oh my God, you get better GCSE drama performances than what you do down the looks. Oh, my favorite was the swallow in when she went, she couldn't even eat an apple properly. But you know, do you know who she reminded us of and I did have to go and look to make sure it wasn't her. But you know the woman from American Horror Story and oh God, she's in all sorts. She's got a bit of a lazy eye. Yeah, she was the maid in the first one. And then she was the gingerhead crazy lady. Yeah. Yeah, fabulous. But yeah, she reminded me so much of her, the look on like a face. And I was like, is it? And I was like, I'm going to have to look and it definitely, this is the only films you ever did. Pretty much all these people. Yeah, pretty much all these people. Understandably. And so at this time, the father announces shortly after we've seen dead grandpa talk under the Joshua and the father announces that he wants to go to the country. He wants to be a farmer and they're going to do a part exchange with another family who's going to come and live in their house and they're going to go and live in their house and he's going to see if you couldn't really suit them. Country hospitality, eat it up. Well, this is a thing, right? So they get in their car and off they put down the highway and Joshua has a moment in the back seat where he has a nightmare about goblins. And he turns into a tree in his night. And you can see the paper, like, use a for paper to make a stomach and you can see the paper. It's the most terrible use of make of household objects. Yeah. You can't even see a make up for that one because it's not. But in the car, he instantly hates the place and his mother say, Joshua, sing that song I really like. Row, row, row your boat. Really like that one. It's my favorite. Oh, it's going to be some fun healing or, you know, like some fucking calm music, none all. Row, row, row, you bought. We're going to the classics. So she was. But she was. But she was so aggressive about it. Joshua, sing that song. Yeah, it was the weird conversation that dad had with the door where he was going, just because your bow isn't coming. He's not my bow. He's my boyfriend. Who wrote this? Like, also, why does it all care for her to be like, yeah, why don't you come down and stay with us? Well, my father would not allow that. I'm just going to move to the country with you because, you know, it's. Me or your friends. Oh, my God. That was so annoying. I was like, what the f let's try a bit of a, you know, she was ready to give it. But she was ready to give it all up. If his friends weren't there, how we have a bit, a bit more fucking stuff. My God. I'm ridiculous. To be honest, she was very pretty. Oh, yes. She was very, the, the time like fashion wise and hairstyle, but you were very, very pretty girl. Yeah. Um, then Joshua is a meltdown and he needs to get out the car because he sees his grandad holding a big sign. So he gets out of the car, he gets out of the car because he convinces him he's going to throw up. Now he goes running up and has this conversation with what he thinks is his grandad and then they pull up and they're like, get back in the car. No one gets out of the car. No one's worried about him. No one's worried about him being grabbed by weirdos or anything like that. And they're like, get in the car. Why are you talking to that man? And it's some transient gentleman. Um, and I would say hobo. Well, yeah. And he goes, are you going to give me a lift or not? He's like, he's like nine? Yeah. Why, why would you be asking the child to get in the car? So the word hospitality gets used a lot in this movie. I wonder if it's a word that they learned that Americans like hospitality. I don't know. Yeah. I mean, it might be something that an Italian is held really dear, but I'm just get used a lot. The hospitality here country hospitality, you don't miss on hospitality. Oh, but he did. Um, yeah, there's, they come into the house, don't they? No food, right? Bear in mind. This is the thing that I don't get. They've got two suitcases on their roof. That's it. Two normal size suitcases for a family of four that are moving their entire life for a month or so. However long they're going there for, right? Yeah. They're doing food. Any kind of supplies in any which way they're just walking into this person's house and presuming it's stocked. So they were lucky was I know you can't like we're from the UK. If you're that idiotic, you won't want your own food, you know, it's like that is true. That is true. But they do walk through the front door and country hospitality eat it up. I don't know what that stuff was, but you won't catch me in it. There's plates and plates and plates of corn on the cob with green stuff on it. But they won't even can they see the green stuff? Well, this was the thing. I would think they must be able to, but then it would make sense if they didn't because the way they were getting ready to tuck into it. But Joshua could see it. Why is he a special good, just because he fucking talks through his good dead grandeur? Well, his granddad read in the story, which then made him aware of goblins. Oh, yeah. So his mind might be open to it. Yeah. Well, that's the only thing I can think of because no idea, but then Joshua's grandfather comes back and while they're eating this disgusting food and pauses the whole thing because he has to get them to stop eating and that pause, that pause is real. Yeah. It's this, isn't it where they were going? Can't blink. Can't do a single thing. And I'm thinking to myself, you could have at least took that through as actors. You could have blinked at that one time or looked down. So you didn't have to put yourself in a position where you had to have your eyes open for several minutes and you know, and your eyes are starting to burn and it's starting to fill up with water and it's going to happen and we're shaking with the corner and the cob to try out and to like, so unstable. So how does Joshua stop them from eating? Well, originally he wasn't going to do that. Usually he was supposed to, I've got this written down somewhere. No, I didn't write it there. He originally was supposed to do something else like shout or scream or it was something very innocent, but enough to stop them from eating, but apparently he got up on the chair and Claudia stopped and he went right. What I want you to do is you climb up, you piss good and the kid looked at me and went a beg your pardon? Did I just hear you right? And he's like, you piss on food, you know, kind of thing. And he was like, you don't have to actually do this because he's obviously like not an actor. Yes, yes you do. He pisses on the food because you don't piss on hospitality. No, it's one of my favourite lines, honestly, a lot of movies. This is one of my favourite lines is you don't piss on hospitality. I tell you what, boy, I won't let you start tightening his belt up. And you say, what are you going to do with that belt? I'm tightening my belt. If you want to go on a hunger strike, you be my guest, but I'm tightening my belt so I don't feel hungry. Oh, honestly, it's like, well, then why didn't you bring your own fucking food? Go downstairs and eat it, mate. Also, you'd be a bit fucking dramatic. It's a tad, just a little bit, just a tiny bit. I mean, I would say pissing on the food was an extreme reaction. I mean, I'd be fucking furious, but that's just me and food. And if I'm hungry, I'm a nightmare. So when the family, the boyfriend was meant to come, he didn't turn up, but he did. So, him and his friends and their RV did travel down. One of their friends being Arnold on it. If you've seen anything to do with patrol, too, you have seen Arnold. You've probably got to see- Oh my God. They're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat me. Oh, no. Great. But that'll be the scene that you've seen is, oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm going to eat her. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. They're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat me. Oh, my God. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. I think they're going to eat her. 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