Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Don't Lose Your Focus (Part 2)

Broadcast on:
01 Oct 2024
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[dramatic music] - Somebody lift your hands to heaven tonight. ♪ I will trust in you ♪ - Thank you Holy Ghost. ♪ Let the weak say I ♪ ♪ Am strong in the strength ♪ Come on. ♪ Of the Lord ♪ - Sing it. ♪ I will trust in you ♪ - Mighty God. ♪ I will trust in you ♪ ♪ Let the weak say I ♪ ♪ Am strong in the strength ♪ ♪ Of the Lord ♪ - Don't lose your focus, we go on into part two. Father God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for every single person that's here physically. And we thank you for our online church family, our e-church that's tuning in from around the world. We pray for wisdom, we pray for knowledge, we pray for understanding, we pray for revelation, we pray for insight, we pray that the word of God would bring confirmation. You said, "Thy word, O Lord, is a lamp unto my feet, and it's a light unto my path." Speak to your people. Lord, you said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." In Jesus' name, somebody say amen. Now we started last week in the book of Second Kings. Actually, yes, this story actually started in First Kings chapter 19, beginning at verse 19. When God spoke to the prophet Elijah, Elijah was at a low place in his life. So Elijah was like, we are, amen? Of like passions, he had his high highs, and he had his real low lows. Come on, somebody. Elijah was at a place, he was discouraged. He was a discouraged man at that point in his life. And God have a way of reviving us. Come on, somebody. Why don't you look at someone and tell them we need one another? So Elijah, a mighty man of God, was at a real low place in his life, and the Holy Ghost spoke to the prophet Elijah and gave him Elisha's address. Told them the name of Elisha's dad. Told them exactly where Elisha was located. Can you look at someone and say the Holy Ghost knows exactly where you are? Come on, somebody. He knows exactly where you are. He knows how to find you. He knows how to locate you. Come on, somebody. But I want to move on and jump into verse 2, because Elijah began to move to these places that had great significance in even our lives. Let's go to verse 2 of 2 Kings chapter 2. Verse 2 says, "And Elijah said unto Elisha, Tarry here I pray thee, for the Lord has sent me to battle." And Elisha said unto him, "As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee." So they went down to battle. Can someone open your mouth and say, "I refuse to leave thy anointing." Elijah was testing, Elijah was testing Elisha to see how true and committed he was to the call of God. God is testing people, are you listening to me? I say, God is testing people. And folk are wondering why God can't increase them, Rosie. God's got to trust you with the small first. Come on, somebody. So Elijah said, I want you Tarry here. Elijah was testing Elisha to see if he would stay true to the original call, to see if he would stay focused on the reason for which God had called him. God had called Elisha and had promised him a powerful ministry. Can someone say a powerful ministry? Can someone say a powerful anointing? And many people right in here, God have promised you a powerful ministry. He have promised you a powerful anointing. He has given you huge dreams. But before he brings those dreams to pass, he going to test everybody. I say he is going to test you because testing is where the rubber meets the road. Testing is when you begin to find out who is really who. Testing will begin to show you who means business and who doomed. Testing will separate the shit from the gold, the thoughts from the real. God dares someone open your mouth and say, tesos Jesus. So Elijah told Elisha, I'm on my way to Bethel. He said, I got to move on. But he was testing Elisha to see if he would keep his focus. But God was testing, he was testing Elisha. God can give you a mighty anything unless you be tested. Before they put that automobile on the road, they tested, come on somebody. They put two dummies in it. They buckle him up, they crash him, hello somebody. I mean, they cross their car real good. Didn't they dismantle the car? They refix it, put it back together, put the dummies back in it, and crash it hard. Come on somebody. Lord, have mercy here. Why they doing all of this? They got to check it out real good. They got to test it out real good before they put it on the road, hello somebody. And God want to put some people in the driver's seat. God want to put some people on the road to their destiny. But before God put you in the driver's seat on the road to destiny, you're going to have to crash a couple of times. Mike, come on somebody. God's going to let your life crash into something. Are you listening to me? And then he's going to dismantle it and put it back together again. And then he's going to let you crash even harder. My God, and you bind in the devil. You said devil, I bind you, but I got bad news for you. This ain't the devil. This is your God testing you. This is your God trying you. For the Bible says, count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations, knowing this, that the trying of your faith, working patience, and allowing patience to harvest perfect work in you that you may be complete and lacking nothing. And yes, somebody to say, I'm on my way. I'm on my way. What's here? So Elijah said, Terry, here, for the Lord has sent me to Bethel and the sons of the prophets, prophets verse three, the sons of the prophets that I'd Bethel came for to Elijah and said unto him, know as thou that the Lord will take away thy master from thy head today? And he said, yes, I know it, but hold your peace. You got to shoot some folk to hand. Come on, somebody out there. Can someone say, hold your peace? I don't want to hear what you got to say right now. I got my eyes on the prize. Do we have any focused people in here? Can someone say, I got my eyes on the prize? I can't afford to get distracted now. There's three things I want to tell you about Bethel. First thing about Bethel is, Bethel means, house of God. Lord, help me Jesus. And listen, Jacob was running for his life from his twin brother by the name of Esau, who wanted to murder him in cold blood. And while Jacob was on the run, from Esau's anybody here have a run from any problems, come on, somebody talk to me. Come on, have anybody ever had to run from something? He was running from a mistake that he made with his brother. And what happened was, on his way to Laban's house, to his uncle's house, Jacob got tired and set up some pillows. But who knows that tiredness was a setup? Come on, somebody. That tiredness was from the Holy Ghost. Sometimes God got to make you tired and cost you to fall asleep so he can talk to you. Because your mind is too busy. A lot, who am I talking to? So Jacob, on his way to Laban's house, he got tired and worn out. And he set up some pillows or small stones. And Jacob laid on it and fell asleep. But this was all in the will of God. And when Jacob fell asleep, he had a visitation from the Lord. He saw a ladder that went up to heaven. And he saw angels ascending and descending on that ladder. And when Jacob went out of his sleep, he was refreshed. Come on, somebody. Come on, somebody. I said, he was refreshed. And Jacob said, this is God's house, the gateway to heaven. And I knew it not. The word "bethal" means "house of God." The word "bethal" also is a place of surrender. "Bethal" is also a place of visitation from God. God visited Jacob's life and gave him strength that he needed for the journey. Someone lift your hands to heaven. I feel the Holy Ghost is giving somebody strength for the journey. After they were done at Bethel, Elijah and Elisha. Verse 4, the Bible says, "And Elijah said unto him, Elisha, tarry here, I pray thee. For the Lord has sent me to Jericho." Can someone say, Jericho, here we come. Can someone say, Jericho, here we come. And he said, as the Lord liveth and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. So they came to a place called Jericho. Now I got to take my time here because there are 10 things of real significance that took place at Jericho and it applies to my life and it applies to your life. Are you ready to find out what these 10 things are that took place at Jericho? At Jericho, Jericho was the place where Joshua sent them out two by two. I dare someone to say, "I need somebody." That's where Joshua sent the two spies in to go and spy out the promised land. Are you listening to me? To go into Jericho and begin to check things out. The second thing that took place at Jericho was good news came from Jericho. I'm talking to somebody who's at Jericho right now. Can someone say, "I think I'm at Jericho. I need some good news." I dare someone to say, "I need some good news." I believe somebody is reaching at a place called Jericho. Now before I go any further, I have to read this to you in the book of Joshua chapter 2 verse 9 through 16, "Lord have mercy, I've got to read this." Remember, Joshua sent the spies in and they went in and they just happened to come to a woman's house by the name of Rahab. Now I mean come on, Ray Charles can see this one, come on somebody. Who knows this was in no coincidence? I believe the Holy Ghost is working in somebody's life. Can you look at someone and say, "There's no coincidence you are where you are right now." It's not a coincidence. Come on somebody. It's not a coincidence. God don't work by coincidence because you know the end of this story. I mean Rahab was just working this thing out. She didn't know what the end result was going to be but let's just dabble with the end result. Rahab was the only one spared out of all the people in Jericho. Come on somebody, are you listening to me? And guess what? Rahab ended up being the mother of boys. Isn't it a setup? I dare someone to say the devil can't do nothing with me. I'm connected to Jesus. So they ended up by Rahab's house and listen to what Rahab said to these spies. She said unto the men, "I know, Lord have mercy. I know that the Lord has given you the land. Lord help me Jesus." Let me let that sink in. Rahab. Rahab is supposed to be a part of the enemy's camp. She is someone in the enemy's camp. Oh you didn't hear me. I said God's got some favor for you in the enemy's camp. You didn't hear what I said. I said God's got favor for some of you in the enemy's camp. Watch this. She said unto the men, "I know that the Lord has given you the land and that your terror has fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you, Lord help me Jesus." Are you listening to what I'm reading to you this morning? Remember we are Jericho right now. Can I take my time here at Jericho? Watch this. For we have heard, Lord help us, for we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt and what you did under the two kings of the Amorites that were on the other side of Jot and Sehorn and Org, whom you utterly destroyed. And as soon as we had heard these things our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man because of you. For the Lord your God, He is God in heaven above and in earth beneath. You didn't hear what I say. Your enemies are fainting right now because the Holy Ghost is sending the word ahead of you to let your enemies know God is on your side. Don't even try messing my children. You can't do nothing with them. They're hearing about the goodness of God, how good God has been to you. They were hearing how God taught the Red Sea wide open and the children of Israel cross over on trial and Jericho is a place where God have your enemies dominated with fear. God have them conquered. There is no more courage in the hearts of your enemies. All you gotta do is going and possess the land. Sound yes. Sound yes. Somebody. My God, what's here, what's here? Rahab said, Rahab said, there's no more courage in any man around here. My, my, my, isn't this encouraging? I said, isn't this encouraging? You praying, you fasting, you believe in God, but the Holy Ghost wants you to know it's yours. It's yours. You just gotta go get it. Verse 12 says, "Now therefore, I pray you swear unto me by the Lord your God, since I have showed you kindness, that you will also show kindness unto my father's house and give me a true token, and that you will save alive my father and my mother and my brethren and my sisters and all that they have and deliver our lives from death. And the men answered her our life for yours if you ought to not diss our business. And it shall be when the Lord has given us the land, that we will deal kindly and truly which you're my God." Do you see a Jericho is a place of favor? Are you paying attention to this? She has given them favor and they are giving her favor back. My God, whom I'm talking to? Are we still a Jericho saint? I said, Jericho is a place where God begins to give you unusual favor. Who would say, Pastor, I need some favor? Sometimes it ain't money you need. Sometimes you just need favor. Come on here somebody, Lord have mercy. You've got to do something. You can't just stay over by the Jordan. Come on somebody. I say, you can't just, you got to cross into Jericho. Who am I talking to? Oh, Lord help me here, Jesus. My, my, my, my, my, we know what happened. The spies, they returned to Joshua with good news. They said, Josh, the land is ours, all we got to do is walk in and take it. Come on somebody. Who am I talking to? I dare someone to say the land is ours, the land is ours. It belongs to me. The answer prayers is yours. Come on somebody, breakthrough is yours. The miracle, work and power of God is yours. Open doors is yours. Come on somebody, Lord help me, Jesus. And they came back to Joshua with good news, but there is something else about Jericho. Number three, Jericho is the entrance of the promised land. Who am I talking to? Who is ready to enter into the promise of God? It's also a place of visitation, are you hearing me? It was a Jericho where Joshua, his mind was buggled, he didn't have the equipment. He couldn't knock the walls down, they didn't have the power, they didn't have the tools. Joshua was by Jericho, he was puzzled, Joshua was out of loss. God, I don't know how to deal with this, I don't know which way to go, I don't know which way to turn, God, I don't have no answers. I'm calling folk, but even they can't help me. I'm talking to somebody, folk even avoiding your phone call. God, how do I deal with this? This is where something you've been lately, God, I'm struggling, I'm struggling, God. And you see James, you got to come clean with God. If you don't come clean, God can't help you, God, God can't help folk who got it together, I'm sorry. If you got it together, just message him for you, come on. If you struggle, ah, Lord, have mercy, you're in the right place. Let God, God, I thought I had this thing beat in my life, this thing that creep back up in my life, I'm having a hard time, God, how do I get over this? I don't know how to do it. And when Joshua live his eye, when he lift up his head, look at someone and say, "Liv your head up, lift your head up, you can't let the devil beat you, beat you down so bad that all you're doing is ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, can someone lift your head up high?" She got him under the book of Saya, I feel the Holy Ghost talking to somebody here, can someone say, "Liv your head high, lift your head high, come on, lift your, ain't, ain't none of us got it together, come on somebody, I'm the pastor and I got my stuff, I got to deal, hello sir, can I keep it real here, but, but, but in the midst of it, you got to lift your head up. We got to save you, we got to redeemer, his name is Jesus, you ain't going to see him looking down, you got to lift your head, come on somebody, you got, and when Joshua lifted up his head, he jumped backwards, almost went the ground, you catch up with me later, just Joshua said, "Lord, Joshua said, 'Whose side are you on?'" He said, "I'm the captain of the Lord's Host." You realize the word "host" means "armies." He said, "I'm the captain, this was Jesus, you didn't, you heard me earl? This was Jesus standing in the front of Joshua. What a coincidence, you know Joshua means salvation, Joshua actually means Jesus. Are you all still here? Salvation apparent to salvation, why did he do that? He said, "I'm the captain, you missed a revelation, I'm going to say it ten more times, see if you catch up with me." And when he said, "I'm the captain, Joshua's like, 'Whoo, thank you Jesus, that means this battle is yours.'" Are you going, "Let me lose this glass as I feel the Holy Ghost, are you going to help me preach up in here?" I said, "Are you going to help me preach up in here?" You know what it means, you know why he said, "I'm the captain." You know why he said, "I'm the captain." It means you ain't the captain of your life. You ain't responsible to knock Jericho walls down. You ain't responsible to fix your trouble. I'm the captain. Somebody sound the fixer is here, the fixer is here, the fixer is here, the fixer is here, the fixer is here, the fixer is here, the fixer, the fixer. Someone sound, "Jesus is here, Jesus is here, Jesus is here, Jesus is here." Jesus is here, can we check on his record? He never lost a fight, he never lost a case. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? There ain't nothing, there ain't nothing, Mr. Robert, there ain't nothing too hard for the Lord. He said, "Josh, you thought you were the real captain, but I'm the real captain, I'm the real captain. I'm the chief shepherd. You are the under shepherd. The battle is not yours, it belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm here to tell somebody the tables just turned into your favor. I'm not as well prophesied to your Jericho walls. You look big, you look real bad, you look intimidated, but Jericho, like a lion. You get ready to come tumbling down, the King of Kings is here, the Lord of Lords is here. My Bible says, "If God before you who can be against you, the Bible says, when the enemy comes against you, like a flood, the Holy Ghost, touch somebody and tell them the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Ghost will raise up or stand against you. You coming out more than a conqueror, your Jericho walls are coming down every stronghold in your life, in your family, in your children, everything in your path that's stopping you from entering in to the promise of God, I stop by to tell ten crazy folk that God is getting ready to bring you laws tumbling down, shout yes, shout yes, shout yes, shout yes, Jericho is a place where supernatural strategies are released from the Holy Ghost because it was the captain of the Lord's Hosts, said, "Oh worry, about Jericho walls, do you see what I got in my hands?" He showed up with a sword drawn, you know what that means, I'm ready for war, I'm ready to tear your enemies to pieces, turn me loose on your enemies, they ain't gonna be, almost none of them, I'm only gonna save, rehab, so I can have somebody to come into the earth through with everybody else who ain't connected to the Lord Jesus, they getting ready to go down, say, "Get him Jesus, get him Jesus, get him Jesus," and the captain of the Lord's Hosts, he said to Joshua, "I want you to march around the walls of Jericho, once every day for six days," because most people say they march around the wall seven times, you're gonna march around at once for six days, now six times and on day seven, are y'all still here? I believe we in day seven, come on somebody, he said on day seven, are you gonna help me preach this, he said on day seven, "I want you to march around the walls of Jericho seven times," I guess someone say once, going twice, one for the father, two for the son, three for the Holy Ghost, let's go on number four, number five, the five whole ministry, number six, the number of men, and when we march on the seven time, I want everyone to your feet, and when I say seven, I want you shout with everything in you, I want you shout with a voice of triumph, I want you shout because this is your hour, our deliverance, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout somebody, shout somebody, shout somebody, shout somebody, I know when they shouted, when they shouted, the Lord took his sword, I know all to Jericho came tumbling, I'm here to tell somebody, every demonic wall, every wall of witchcraft, every hex, every spell, that's been assigned against your life, it just came tumbling down, no walls are gone, no walls are gone, your prayer gone be answered, your marriage gone take a turn for the better because no walls are gone, somebody shout, no walls are gone, our salvation is coming to your house because no walls are gone, your finances are about to take off because the walls are gone, your sick body is about to be healed because the walls, someone shout the walls are gone, the walls are gone, the walls are gone, I'm going in to the promised land, and Joshua looked at his army, and he said every man, shout for the Lord has given you the city, it belongs to you, the business Edwin, it belongs to you, the breakthrough, Mr. It belongs to you, the breakthrough is yours, Paulina, the breakthrough Marissa, and her is yours, someone shout breakthrough, shout breakthrough, shout breakthrough, shout breakthrough, somebody takes seven steps and say I'm in, not promised land, for the promises of God are yes, and amen, the papal says God is not a man, that he's alive, not a son of man, that he should have to repent, if God said it, he gonna make it good, if he's looking, it's coming to pass, shout yes, shout yes, shout yes. To give in this offering you can visit us online right now at, you can also give through the ministry papal account that I address is You can also give through the ministry app, many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account, the ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign Shawn Pinda Ministries. You can also text to give, all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four five, eight eight eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry, just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Shawnpinda Ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. And listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. May it pass to him. He say, "Thank you, you are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you daily. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. God bless. Bye bye. Peace. Bye bye. (dramatic music) [BLANK_AUDIO]