Grant and Danny

Commanders Survivor

1:00- We have our Commanders Survivor results for week 4 against the Cardinals!

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01 Oct 2024
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When it comes to making plans, you are the best. What about those round trips, which are perfect on your way there and perfect on your way back? Or those meetings with friends, surprise parties, camps, birthdays. The same way you plan for the important moments, start planning to protect you and your loved ones from a natural disaster. Sign up for local weather and emergency alerts, prepare an emergency kit, and make a family communications plan. Get started at Brought to you by FEMA and the Ad Council. Times are looking up around the DMV for the local football outfit. Grant and Danny, welcome in you back on the fan telling you that just like Washington's football team, you got to start planning for your future. The exclusive sponsor for our shows, the law firm, Condoria and Murad. They will help you update your last will and testament set up a trust for you and your family as well. Schedule a free consultation with their estate planning attorneys today, visit Tell them that we set you and you'll get a discount, At the end of this segment, which is the end of our show, Deftone's ticket is going to be doled out on our phone lines. Make sure you're listening at that time. We've also got to tell you later this segment, who's getting set home and who's getting immunity on commanders survivor as it is Tuesday. Danny Friday, we are out and about in Alexandria. It's probably turn my mic on. Dude, that is going to be fun. We're hanging out at Atlas Brew Works in Alexandria 2429 Mandeville Land. Stop by and check out Atlas's 15 taps, dozens of TVs, plus delicious pizza and wings. Friday from two to six 30. That's when our show is at the new Atlas Brew Works in Alexandria. For more info, visit the fan Very, very excited for that. We'll go back to the phones in just a moment. People want to chime in on the possibility of Devontae Adams and the commanders. Before we do that, two icons in their sports passed away yesterday. Wanted to just quickly as a show address both of those deaths. First, De Kimbe Matumbo died. Former Georgetown Hoya. Here's a quick story. When I think De Kimbe Matumbo, the first thing that comes to mind for me, my father years ago was going to take me to a Wizards game. I was about 10 years old probably. This would have been around 1999 if I had to guess. And I had the option of three or so different games to choose from. And I picked the Atlanta Hawks because Matumbo was going to be playing. He was one of the first ultra recognizable, beloved players that I remember from my childhood. I think a because he was so big and just recognizable, but had the deep voice and the big personality and everybody loved him for some of the humanitarian work that he did as well. Obviously, the local DC ties made him even more of a legend around these parts with what he did at Georgetown. But I just remember as a kid, like it was Shaq, the Kimbe Matumbo, Michael Jordan, that was the group. There were a few others obviously, but that was one of the first games I ever went to as a fan and as far as any sports game. And it was partially to see the Kimbe Matumbo to hear that he died of brain cancer, which I didn't even know we were. I didn't know he was sick. Yeah. That's just, it's awful and it's just so sad. The Georgetown time is truly incredible. He did not come to Georgetown to play basketball. I repeat, he did not come to Georgetown to play basketball. He came as a student. He didn't speak English and was a recipient of USAID, which, you know, offers development to international communities, underserved areas, et cetera. It was a brilliant mind, brilliant student who came to Georgetown to go to school. And John Thompson, who had a glimpse of him on campus, and of course, the rest is history, convinced him to play with Alonso Morning, Biggie's Player of the Year, Defensive Player of the Year, and an 18-year NBA career as one of the great defensive players of all time. But on the court, it's just a fraction of who this person was as outgoing, gregarious, unloving, incredible personality. And I put his international and charity work, others centered up against anybody that's ever lived. I mean, an incredible, I don't have enough time in the rest of the show or the rest of the shows this week to chronicle all the different things that he did to help people off the court. But that was his passion. That was kind of his whole point. His whole persona was, "I'm going to use this platform. I'm going to use what I've got to help people." Not any kind of agenda, not any kind of, like, message furthering. Just quite simply, I am here to help people. And that's what he did. Dedicated his life to it, man. Gone way too soon. That's really sad. So many positive connotations with Ticana Matumbo. Sadly, there are negative connotations about Pete Rose. Pete Rose also passed away yesterday, the hits king in Major League Baseball. One of those numbers, if you're a baseball fan that is synonymous with the sport, right there with two, six, three, two, two thousand six hundred thirty two straight games for Cal Ripken Jr. Or what twenty one thirty became twenty one thirty one was when he surpassed Lou Gehrig. For Pete Rose, it's four, two, five, six, four thousand and two hundred and fifty six hits. All time leader in the hits category more than Ty Cobb and Henry Aaron and Stan Musial and Tris Spreak, a speaker who round out the top five. Pete Rose is not in the whole thing. Every other player who's eligible, who is listed in the top twenty three, other than Arod, who got busted for steroids a couple of times over, is in the Hall of Fame. Pete Rose was given a lifetime ban from baseball and is not in the Hall of Fame because he bet on baseball when he was the manager of the Reds, obviously. He was a player, he was a player manager and then he was a manager. Danny, the lifetime ban's over. I mean, I hate to be blunt about it, but his life has ended. I think Pete Rose should be in the Hall of Fame. Now, I also believe that all the steroid users should be in the Hall of Fame. So I want to make the point that this isn't just a Pete Rose point. I think it's a museum. I think we tell good stories and bad stories and positive stories and negative stories. Ty Cobb, nobody seems to have an issue with being in the Hall of Fame, who's number two on the all time hits list with forty one eighty nine, who is known, at least the stories that I've now since read long after he died posthumously for being just a horrible person and a racist and, you know, beating people up in wheelchairs and there's all kinds of crazy stories about Ty Cobb. I believe Pete Rose, no longer living now should absolutely be in the Hall of Fame as the lifetime ban lasted his lifetime. I don't know what you think about that, but rest in peace to the all time hits King Pete Rose thoughts with his family, another terrible loss for the sports world yesterday. Yeah, this is such a complicated thing. There's so many people that reflexively hear his name and just, you know, the first thing comes to mind is he's a cheat. He's a crook. He bet on baseball, et cetera. I don't certainly don't condone it. It's a mistake. He's admitted as much. It's a mistake. You know, people say you admitted it way too late when he put up this fight for all these years and then maybe when he needed money, he put it in his memoir or whatever. So I have a very simple view of the Hall of Fame, even maybe even simpler than yours. Did baseball at the time say a person was eligible to play major league baseball? If the answer is yes, proceed to step two. Did that player put up Hall of Fame were the numbers and contributions to baseball during that time? If the answer is yes, proceed to step three. That person goes to the Hall of Fame. So that includes all the people that we've decided after the fact, probably did steroids or maybe did or probably didn't, but they maybe did this kind of personal or performance enhancement, but maybe not the other kind that we don't care about as much. It includes what Pete Rose did as manager. What he did was wrong. I'm not saying it was right. As a baseball player, Pete Rose put up Hall of Fame stats. I thought he should have been in before. I thought they should have finally said, let's stop all this nonsense and put the hit king in the Hall of Fame. But there's a reason to me that we got here and you can't talk about Pete Rose without talking about the Black Sox scandal in 1919. To me, what happened was this, that darkened, that was a cloud over baseball that was such an extreme thing and fixing games and gambling and how kind of closely tied it was to baseball for so many years that they were trying to separate it, that they still, the ghosts of that even 80 years later, almost when this, you know, when Rose and the gambling stuff kind of finally came out, they basically said, we can't ever go back on this. We have to be the most hard line of hard lines ever possible. And I think that really resonated and they kind of, you know, sort of stuck to their guns and it's such an astounding sort of way to prove that, no, no baseball. It's above where they're most with so much integrity. We've more than anyone else. Look at what we're doing here. And everybody kind of had to inherit that as Giamatti gave way to other commissioners over the years. And Manfred, of course, denied Pete Rose's appeal that he made, I think it was in 2022. So to me, this is one of those things where he'll never get to see it, unfortunately, as someone that has now passed away. But I'm with it. He should be in the Hall of Fame. Well, I think people can relate even more now with betting being synonymous and basically intertwined and ubiquitous in sports again and legal just about everywhere. We've seen the league step up and really punish players very severely when they find out that anyone's betting on premises, even if it's on other sports, because they know that intrinsic with the success and the future of these games is the understanding that the games are not being thrown, at worst, or even just affected negatively, maybe to say it more accurately. But I think that A, there's evidence to suggest that he never bet against his team. He never actively tried to lose on purpose because as the manager, he had bet on the other team. I mean, it's not like the dude who coached Alabama and put a bunch of money against his team when his picture was going to be out. Number one, number two, I don't even really care about the specifics. The fact is he was banned forever. They didn't want him involved in the game. They didn't want him to be a coaching, managing, playing, doing anything else. He didn't. He sat it out. He literally, the rest of his life had to pay for his mistake. He's no longer here. I think it is time to put him in the museum that is the Hall of Fame. You and I went to the Cincinnati Reds Team Museum when we were in Cincinnati with our buddies, Condoria and Murad. They got his tickets. We walked through the museum. We saw an exhibit with every baseball base hit from Pete Rose. I mean, he was all over their museum. It was not cheapened because they included him. Yep. It was not. By the way, you know what happened when we were walking around? Me and one of the guys started talking about how he bet on baseball and then what we did, he bet against his team. We're starting to Google and look up different things about Pete Rose. That's the point of a museum, by the way. Like, we weren't worse for that experience because they included him. But I do think it is time. But same day, by the way, it became a Matumbo Pete Rose. Just brutal. It seems like that always happens, you know, where it's like one person that you really, either in the case of Matumbo, loved, watched, whatever, another person you studied along the way, like passes. And then in the span of a week, it's like four or five, six key deaths. Just crazy how it just piles up like that. For sure. And it's, you know, all these things, it happens all the time, I mean, celebrities are people that you've, you have been part of your life, at least tangentially or from far away that you've watched age and, you know, tragically are gone too soon. But it's, you know, it marks the time, right where, you know, we met, I met Pete Rose a couple different times. He'd be. I did too. With an interview with him when he spoke about Bryce Harper in those comments, kind of made the rounds. Yeah. Was that super bold? Arizona. We spoke with, we spoke with him. So I guess I met him two times because he was doing like, what does say it was like a book show or something? He was always at these autograph shows, book shows and stuff because he would make a couple of bucks here and there. Yeah. Need to kind of, you know, walk around money. I mean, I remember. I met him at something like that. Many, many years ago in Vegas, I met him in another sort of sporting event kind of thing. And within five minutes, he's, he's grabbing a pretend bat and talking about hitting and what he sees from different guys, like he's just a junkie for that sort of stuff, you know? So I don't know. I mean, it's, it's a bummer. My least favorite group of people, like non criminal division are Hall of Fame baseball voters. This is the same group of people that 12% of which kept like Mickey Mantle off the ballot. That's a bold. I mean, a lot of those people are on our show all the time who are your buddies. I mean, it's just those are just sports writers. Right. I can't stand them. When the this high horse of our show, when these specific people that keep, that didn't vote for Joe DiMaggio or Babe Ruth on initial ballots or leave them blank or have this weird where the gatekeepers of this thing, even though nobody appointed you that, they just decide we're hot or higher and minor than everybody else. I'll have to remember it to say, to bring that up next time we have any baseball writer on the beltway blitz. Well, if you, if you were the guy that said, um, I don't know, Willie Mays didn't belong in the Hall of Fame on the first ballot, then yeah, I think you're a jerk. So if we find someone that did that, I'm happy to tell him so. Grant and Danny on the thin Devonta Adams is on the trade block. The report today from NFL network was he is asked to be traded. He prefers to be traded. Sounds like the Raiders are willing to accommodate him just based on how the last week is trending. It does not seem like they're very happy with him, but there's no report that anything's imminent or that they're going to be able to find a partner because he's got a lot of money left on that deal. But we were asking if you guys would be interested on a one to 10 scale 10 being trade for him this second zero being. I don't care if they gave him to me for a bag of footballs. Where are you on Devonta Adams? Three and it's probably a soft three. It's probably too much. I even thought. Yeah. I mean, again, the offense is humming this last eight days has really changed your whole world. They have a good offense. I thought it'd be terrible. I thought they'd be missing playmakers. I'd go one. I just want nothing to do with Devonta Adams. At this point, let's go to Darren and DC. Hey, Darren. Hey, guys. How you doing? Good, buddy. I'm going to go with a no on the Devonta. Now, I know Devonta is a very good player. He's proven that with his stats and numbers, but we're going back to the old same old story. It's song and dance when if you pick him up, we're going back to the same thing that we actually just escaped from from the old regime, pick it up old players from free agency or home to trade by. I think they're going to do some, which if three tells us that when those players come to the team, neither of those other things, they don't do much. So I think if you continue to go, if we got away from that, the continuity that we have right now is good. I think we just leave it alone, unless something else goes down, then otherwise, just keep everything as is. That's a great point. I mean, in fairness, I'll say number one, that just because previous regimes have gone and gotten veterans and it blew up and their face doesn't mean this team should not go and get any veterans, veterans, that is adding talent, trading, free agency, either way, bringing in, you know, accomplished players is not a pejorative. That's not a negative thing. That's a positive thing. It just so happens they didn't pick the right guys here. This group has proven so far free agency in the draft class number one, things going pretty swimmingly that they might be able to pick players at a higher rate. But I do like his idea of, look, the locker room is in a really good place. They got this brotherhood stick that Dan Quinn likes to yell about going where everybody's buying in on each other. You see them jumping up and down happy for each other on the sideline. They don't necessarily need to rock the boat with another personality. And in this case, a personality who has been a malcontent, let's go to Dean and Leonard Town on the fan. Hey, Dean. Hey, how you doing? So, no, it'd be absolute zero for Devontae Adams. Like the other guy said in our past, we didn't learn from Albert Haynesworth or any of those other players. I'm glad that Josh Harris is letting Adam Peters do the thinking. Our offense is playing a run on all full cylinders, and we are playing absolutely fantastic. We need to focus on our defense. We need a cornerback right now. And I really wish that Duran Payne and Jonathan Allen would start playing. They've been playing the whole time they've been here, and now for some reason they are not performing right now. I can't figure it out, but our defense really needs to step it up. But our cornerbacks, we need work on that, and that's where our money needs to go. On the second note, I heard you say something about the campaign matombo. I met him at a bullets game when they still had the Capitol Center up. And I was sitting under the goal post when he was there to get an award one night, and I happened to be sitting with some friends. And I looked over. He was sitting in the same row as me, and I just notioned to my buddy. I could not believe how big the guy was. Oh, it's crazy. You know, first time you see him in person, I don't know how to describe it otherwise. You're just like humans aren't supposed to be that. He's seven two. He's built like Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. I mean, the arms that were so long, he's seven feet too. Wild. I was 10. I went to see him, and I remember standing there, not far, same as him, it sounds like like behind the basket. It was wizard talks in the late 90s, and just my mouth again, just seeing a human being that big. I'd never seen anything like it. Going to Georgetown games, man, was something at that point. I bet it used to be a blast. My Georgetown experiences are very different, a little less than that. You go see like Paul White and Isaac Copeland at Capital One Arena lose games and nobody shows up. And there's a couple thousand people in the arena, very, very different than what you're referencing. Yeah. We had morning and Matumbo National Championship caliber basketball. Alan and Payne have been quiet for the most part through four weeks. This past week, though, they both had a sack. They combined for one and a half sacks. I thought it was their best week as past rushers. So hopefully that they'll trend up. Let's go to Nelson in the district on GND. Hey Nelson. Hey, man. How's it going? Good, buddy. I would say no to the Devonta atmosphere because on the show receivers, he just talked about how like the fans were miserable and the city wasn't great. So why would you want to bring him here? Where he's just going to be unhappy? You're talking about when he joined on DC? Yeah. I was on, um, he was on some show like hot ones. I don't think they don't receive it, but it was like, like, yeah, it was just, they were like, what fan base annoys you or what? What city is overrated like the fans are miserable. Exactly. He joined on the command. Well, it's changing. He's tuned is changing because the other day when he was asked to single some players out who he liked, he mentioned Jaden Daniels. Yeah. Appreciate you. Thanks. I wouldn't care about anything like that. Like with all due respect to Devonta Adams, I don't know if he's ever been here. If he knows anything about this area, he talked about like the area around the stadium that you'll never be there other than on Sunday between one and four, dude. It doesn't matter. That's right. It's not that important. None of us are there between, you know, Monday through Saturday or, you know, January to August. So it doesn't matter what you think. That's not DC, by the way. I don't think he knows that. I don't think he knows what he doesn't know. But what I know is he's been a giant pain in the butt. And someone, I'm just not that interested in trying to appease X number of targets, X number of catches, kick rocks. I'm surprised with how many people said no, although it is indicative. Maybe the fact that right now people are feeling pretty good about what they're seeing and they don't want to rock the boat because what I thought was going to happen is they were going to struggle to throw the ball, really struggle to score points and being such dire need of a playmaker. So if you'd asked me this question a month ago, I'd be like, yeah, deal with the headache. Maybe come here to help Jaden Daniels. Well, Jaden Daniels is being helped plenty. So again, may I copa? I was wrong. Then I was wrong after week one, and I am raising my hand that they had a much better vision and design for this thing than I ever could have fathomed. So yeah, they saw it and I didn't see it. It's been a couple of games. You might still get to have your money. Look, I'll tell you this. I didn't think they had that in them at any point this year. They are so much better than I thought they'd be. I thought this we'd be coming in here going. They are in such need of somebody to help as a pass catcher. They don't need that right now. I'm just saying it's been eight days. That's all. I mean, they're a quarter way through the season. A lot of football still to go. A caller number 10 at 800-636-1067, you're winning tickets to see Deftones North American Tour. Congrats to you, the North American Tour, April 6th at cap one arena. Tickets are on sale now for tickets and more event information, go to It is Tuesday before we say goodbye. It is time for Commander Survivor. When it comes to making plans, you are the best. What about those round trips, which are perfect on your way there and perfect on your way back? Or those meetings with friends, surprise parties, camps, birthdays. The same way you plan for the important moments, start planning to protect you and your loved ones from a natural disaster. Sign up for local weather and emergency alerts, prepare an emergency kit, and make a family communications plan. Get started at Brought to you by FEMA and the Ad Council. Last week, John Allen got sent home, let's see who is joining him and packing their bags this week. Alright, and so to get booted off this week, and it was a very, very close race. But it is number 94, Deron Payne. He has been booted off the island, both detaxes gone in a matter of weeks. And by the way, deep pain at his first sack of the season, the times they are a changing. People are salted with the two big detaxles. That pop dearest with the Bob Dylan bit. It's not bad. I don't think dearest reacted to that. I think dearest with smiling. It's something. I thought it was me. I think he's smiling to the fact that Allen and Payne are going. Yeah. I can't believe it. The final list for the last three years, they're both gone. Sorry. It wasn't me. That's good. No sold the bit. Yeah, thank you. Good to know. I just caught him smiling. I thought maybe it was because I said last week, Jaden Daniels got immunity. Who got immunity this week? This week, it looks like it will be one Brian Robinson, his second in three weeks. I think Brian Robinson and Jaden Daniels are just going to pass us back and forth. Starting to feel that way. That's the old ground and scramble connection. Mm hmm. That's the run DMV. That's the run DMV. Thank you. That's the run DMV. So be Rob immune. He is on to next week. He will be alive for the Baltimore Ravens and commanders survivor. Someone's getting sent home after the Browns game. He doesn't have to worry about that tomorrow. We will spin all around the NFC East will blitz the division. If you missed any part of today's show, including our interview with Austin Echler, he tells us he should be good to go against the Browns. Grab that the fan Luke McCaffrey was great on the show yesterday. That's available at as well. Cap's tickets at four o'clock tomorrow. Make sure you're locked in. Lynell's got overtime coming your way next. Thank you for coming. When it comes to making plans, you are the best. What about those round trips which are perfect on your way there and perfect on your way back? Or those meetings with friends, surprise parties, camps, birthdays. The same way you plan for the important moments, start planning to protect you and your loved ones from a natural disaster. Sign up for local weather and emergency alerts, prepare an emergency kit, and make a family communications plan. Get started at Brought to you by FEMA and the Ad Council.