The Todd Herman Show

Trump and Zelensky- How a REAL U.S. President Behaves; STOP Letting Them Make You Fat & Miserable! Ep-1864

Trump and Zelensky met last week and it shows us how a real president should behave. And we need to stop letting the people who run our food supply make you fat, sad, unhappy, depressed and weak. And then there’s Tim Waltz and his ethnic studies, psycho. I don't know that he's truly a psychopath, but I'll let you judge because he seems to have psychopathic tendencies. 

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01 Oct 2024
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- Welcome to the three stories version of the Todd Herman Show. Trump and Zelensky, yeah, it happened last week, but this is how a real president should behave. And stop, stop. Letting the people who run our food supply make you fat and sad and unhappy and depressed and weak, please stop. It's remarkably easy to do, although very difficult to get started. Yeah, those things always match up. And then Tim Walts and his ethnic studies psycho. I don't know that he's truly a psychopath, but I'll let you judge 'cause he seems to have psychopathic tendencies. We do all of this with the help of our YouTube channel, and of course with God Almighty. (upbeat music) ♪ The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved ♪ ♪ By big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere ♪ ♪ No ♪ ♪ From the high mountains of free America ♪ ♪ Here's the Emerald City exile ♪ ♪ Todd Herman ♪ (upbeat music) - Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times through which God has decided who shall live. We're living in times about which God warned us. In 2 Samuel, a book in the Bible, we talk a lot about here. God warns the people, "Please, please, just have me as your king." You can have administrators and you can have judges and you can have Levitical priests and this was obviously before the days of Jesus, but you don't want to have a king. Please understand that. And he did this through the prophet Samuel saying to the people, "Okay, if you guys get kings, they're going to steal your land, they're going to take your sons and force them into their armies. They're going to steal your crops. They're going to take your daughters and if they choose, they're going to put them into concubines. They're going to rule over you. And yet the people, the Jewish people at times said, "No, no, because everybody else has king." And in a precursor to what we see today, literally a precursor. The Lord looked around the world and said, "Okay, that dude over there is tall." And let's go have a tall king 'cause everybody wants a tall king 'cause tall guys are their masculine, they're good looking. So, "Hey, go get this dude, Saul." And Saul was kind of a dunce in all honesty. And look, Lord can use anybody. And this is to his great glory that he can use anybody towards his ends. But this guy Saul went after at one point, one of his father's sheep or farm animals, I forget, I think it was a sheep or a farm animal. And he ended up walking like three or four days away. And the animal wouldn't have gone that far, it wouldn't have been in these cities and he's just not a super smart cat. Now when he became king, God blessed him with some things. And God made him a good commander, a good general, a good leader, and then his sin problem made out of him. And the Lord let that happen. So, it was a lesson, a precursor to a series of bad kings, but dude looked the role. And here we sit in a nation where the woman who seized power from the decrepit, mentally decrepit Joe Biden, she worked in concert with others, probably Barack Hussein Obama, definitely Nancy Pelosi, who's admitted to working with her on this. She seized power from Joe Biden, who used to look the role. He's got the white teeth and the fake teeth caps and the fake plugs in his head and the extra color on his skin, et cetera. But Cammy Harris, she looks the role of the modern leader. She is apparently a woman and she has decided to emphasize her blackness. Now remember, blackness doesn't exist, just whiteness does. But she's a woman and she's a bipoc, and therefore looks the role. In fact, some photos have come out recently of her attempting to look more like the role. President Trump, I mean, in defense, he also looks the role. He's tall, he's a good looking guy. He wears a suit well, he's got a commanding presence, but there is a real difference between Camola Harris and Donald Trump, many, many differences. And in the case of Trump, he has an ability to actually lead and to not be led, I'll talk about that in a second. We're gonna discuss today, this leadership thing, this look, this, it's not about what you look like. I mean, yeah, aesthetics are nice, they are. Like when I train and I go to the gym, I admit I feel I look better, lighter and maybe with a little bit more muscle, right? Just admit that. I discovered much to my chagrin and I hate admitting this, it makes me feel like a fool. I like myself better tan. Now, that pales in comparison to what goes on in our bodies. And I was talking to a friend of mine the other night and he's had some health problems, he's wanting to take off weight and he came to me privately and said, hey, will you please talk to me about this product? You talk about this massimes. Sure. And here we are in church and I'm telling the brother, look, there's a lot of things that will help you take off fat. Massimes can help you with your metabolism, it can help you maintain muscle. And when I say that, that's backed by a study. By optimizations went to Berkshire and Anastron University in Bosnia and they did this side-by-side test. So you eat food without massimes and you eat food with massimes. Here's the insane result. People who ate massimes took those tablets, those pills. They ended up seeing a 1,200% increase in the amino acids in their bodies. That stuff is the building block of protein which is the building block of muscle that can sustain muscle and it can help you as you are going through a restrictive diet. It's key, I've taken this stuff for two years. So I'll tell you the same exact thing I told my friend in church. It works or I wouldn't talk about it. You can take action on this, go to and you'll get 10% off a bottle of massimes or multiple bottles. You'll get 10% off all their products. And by the way, do this before the shipping thing hits. Don't be victim to the shipping strike. Go to, get that done today or you know what, the shipping thing could hit us and hurt us. So this is a photo of Kamala Harris pretending to be on a phone call. In reality, a lot of these things are staged but they're not staged so idiotically. If you look real close, the great lady is pretending to be on the phone. This is the same set of headphones she uses when she's pretending to be on phone calls when she gets off the airplane that you pay for her to fly on. So when she gets off, she has easy in so she doesn't have to talk to the press. Now if you are eagle eyed, you'll notice that those headphones, and they're not earbuds because they have a wire, it's not attached to her phone. Well, maybe she just got off the call. Okay, then why is she writing or pretending to write since all the papers in front of her are blank? All these things are, what many of these things are staged. This is so obviously staged. And then there's this, Matt Visier points this out. During their hurricanes, in what five states, the other day I heard it's over 100 people dead, countless people homeless. Kamala Harris has had an LA fundraiser with Stevie Wonder, Keegan Michael Key, I don't know who that is, Sterling K Brown, I don't know who that is, Demi Lovato, no idea. Jessica Alba heard of her, Lily Tomlin heard of her, Alana Smore set, Halle Bailey performing, menu duck egg roll, goat cheese, honey blueberry bowl, beef Wellington lobster roll, crab cakes. Hey, you know what, I bet a lot of those crabs come from some of those areas that have been hit by the floods and the hurricanes. Meanwhile, of course, President Trump was down helping in some of those states, and let's be fair again, right, photo op, and he's there, and he's there, but it comes down to this. President Trump had this meeting with Zulinski, the dictator of Ukraine, who got to fly around our country on a military jet, who got flown into Pennsylvania a swing state, who made a statement saying this fall would decide the future of the war, by which he obviously met the election, is obviously a nod towards Kamala Harris, and having been caught at that, he apparently decided to take a meeting with President Trump, in Trump towers, behind closed doors, as no doubt the CIA and every other agency was finding a way to listen into this. Afterwards, they had a discussion. A non-leader would not have been able to say the things that President Trump said standing next to Zulinski. - Strongest of our soldiers, our people, of course, it will bring us closer to the peace. We need just peace, we need just peace. It's so important to have just peace for the people, especially for the families who lost their children. It's a big tragedy. - President Trump, have you changed your thoughts on how this war should end? What you think should be done, or do you still stand by some of the previous-- - Well, I learned a lot, but I think I haven't changed from the standpoint that we both want to see this end, and we both want to see a fair deal made. - Okay, so let's pause for a second. She, of course, wants him to say, of course, I've realized that Ukraine is the most important country in the world, that Ukraine is the most important ally to the United States has ever existed, and President Trump doesn't do that, but he does something very, very, very important. He finds a bridge. There is a bridge. Both the dictator of Ukraine and President Trump want the war to end. Of course, you would think they both do. I think Zelensky probably does. I don't think he's a purely evil. He's a dictator, so is Joe Biden. So President Trump presents this bridge, and part of it is an emotional bridge. Leaders do this. They find a kernel of agreement, and then they try to build from there, and they don't give in to social pressure, like Kamala Harris will do at the drop of a dime. We need you to pretend to respect ICE agents, okay? We need you to say that ICE agents are quite literally the KKK, okay? President Trump does not swing that way in the breeze. Back to the video. - And it's gonna be fair, and I think that'll happen at the right time. I think it's going to happen. The President wants it to end, and he wants it to end as quickly as possible. He wants a fair transaction to take place, and I think, I mean, right now I'm campaigning, so right now I don't have much to do with it. - This was so important. Because you know the left and the DOJ, the same thing, we're crouching in the corner, waiting to hit him with the Logan Act violation. As a non-federal official, being involved in a negotiation of this level, he could be accused of that. Now of course, we had John Kerry flying around when President Trump was president, saying don't listen to him, don't count his agreements, he's not gonna be there long, right? They had that all going on. But President Trump, very, very smart to do that, to indemnify he and his team. - Rather than we're doing very well in terms of the campaign, and I've been saying that I believe if I win, we'll have a very fair, and I think actually a rather rapid deal, it should stop, and the president wants it to stop, and I'm sure President Putin wants it to stop, and that's a good combination, so we wanna have a fair deal for everybody. - Now again, this is President Trump thinking in terms of deal making. If there's one thing we know about that man, is he knows how to make deals. Clearly, and it's not just based upon the book, the art of the deal. It's based upon telling, NATO, hey, you know, other countries, you're gonna start paying your fair share. No, we're not. Okay, well, then we'll stop paying in the NATO. Cool. Or in the Middle East, the Abraham accords. Wait, you're not inviting the terrorists? No, 'cause they don't want peace. No, we'll invite other Middle Eastern nations, but no, not the terrorist groups, why would we? Back to the video. What do you envision as fair? Well, it's too early to say that. I mean, I have my own ideas, and I'm sure the president definitely has his own ideas, but it has to be fair. This war shouldn't be started, and I think that the problem that Putin kills so many people, and of course we need to do everything to pressure him to stop this war, and he's on our territory. That is the most important to us. He's on our territory, and how to stop the war, to pressure him as we can, as we can, we have to do it. And do you think that U.S. is the best of all? U.S. is the leader, U.S. is the leader of support. U.S. is the leader in the world, and of course we are, really, we are the support of the United States. We're thankful to the United States, people of America, and of course we understand that United States can be the leader through any negotiation. You know that we have this summit, and we want to organize the second one, and we count on this war. - I know you're both in a rush last question. Will there be another meeting in the near future between you? - Could very well happen, but I think the president said it the best. This is a war that should have never happened. It should have never happened, and it wouldn't have happened. It's a shame, but this is a war that should have never happened, and we'll get it solved, it's a complicated puzzle, a very complicated puzzle, but we'll get it solved, and people get on with their lives. Too many people dead, too many beautiful cities. I've seen those cities, they're so beautiful, and they, you know, for, I don't know how you can ever rebuild them the way they were, it's not possible. - You have to comment, by the way, to see how awesome it is. - Right there, that was brilliant. I mean, I don't know, President Trump, probably you don't either. I think he means that, in talking about the deaths, too many deaths, and then I think he loves buildings, bridge, Insilinsky's smart, you need to come. But President Trump didn't cave. He did not do what the mockingbird media so desperately wanted him to do, which was to lie. The people of Ukraine, those that are in the body of Christ, we are to hurt when they hurt. We've communicated that enough, we are to hurt. When other members of the body of Christ hurt, we can look at this in God's point of view, to some degree, we can't think like God, but we can consult his word, we can be with his people, we can spend time around people more spiritually mature than ourselves, or we can just go to a simple passage in the Bible, which is Jesus wept. Why? He knew he was gonna bring Lazarus back. Why did he weep? Because it was not supposed to be this way. There wasn't supposed to be death, and there wasn't supposed to be war, so Jesus wept. And President Trump continued to be used, I think, in magnificent ways by God, because God can use anybody for good ends. Story number two, I used to weigh almost 400 pounds, you've heard me talk about that, but you haven't heard about what that meant to me. And I want you, that's pretty egotistical. I hope that you will make a decision to stop letting them, and we can talk about them, make you fat and miserable and unhappy and depressed and weak. Now, I wanna speak generally to men in this. When I was in my mid 30s, I honestly weighed, I got up to nearly 400 pounds, and I'm talking about 390 pounds. And if you're watching the video version of this, I sit before you now, and I forgot to take off this stupid, what are these called? They're not sweatshirts. What do all people call them in your age? These are hoodies, hoodie. Okay, so this obviously makes me now somewhat, this is me identifying with people who wear hoodies. So you can't tell, but right now, I weigh 208 pounds. So it's not a rant, it's about an advertising partner, it's none of that, it is this. When I was out of control of food, I did not understand what had hooked me. And I'm willing to bet something has hooked you and you don't know it. My life changed when I saw myself get out of a cab on TV, and I was watching this with my PR agents and this gob of whale with a stupidly long ponytail and a really bad look in sweater vest thing that zipped up in the front, by the way, that's some class. Stepped out of this cab in San Francisco, and I said to the PR lady, who is that? She said, that's you. Wow. Okay, that has to end. And the next day, I was back in the weight room, which is what I loved, I loved lifting weights. And I went through a process that, gosh, it took probably four years to take off 95 pounds and I got some help in that towards the end, probably five or six years, honestly. I ended up going to Microsoft, I had some access to some information about diet and exercise. In fact, Dr. Barry Sears, who I think did the zone, he put on a workshop and I listened to him, "Wow, oh, I can do this." But I did not understand what it hooks me and I bet it has hooked you. And the second change in my life came when I was at Microsoft and an opportunity to be in the Taco Bell Text Test Kitchen, which was at the time in Burbank, California. So we're walking through the HQ there, where they had their test kitchen and I see, up on the whiteboard, I stopped and I looked. Now you'd think it would be maybe ingredients, cheeses, et cetera, what it was. It was actually chemical compounds, written up under the whiteboard. And I stopped and looked at that and said, "Wow, that's fascinating." You guys have chemists here. She goes, "Oh yeah, we've got food chemists." I did some research later and learned that your government is part of them. The USDA takes a rake. Their so-called scientists take a rake, a percentage for inventions that cause Americans to eat more cheese. So they hide cheese in things. The government was involved in creating things like taco shells that are cheese. They're not made with cheese, they are cheese. There is nothing in the world wrong with eating some cheese. They hide it in things for a reason, the same reason that they gave in to the, now not sugar lobby, but the corn lobby to begin hiding high fruit coz corn syrup in everything, even like chicken breasts. What Americans are hooked on and they don't understand their hooked on is it's very, very similar to drugs. Those chemical compounds, yeah, it's about making the food appear to taste better by playing games with your brain. Compare this to the new wave of social media companies that were new 12 years ago. You know what they did that was so interesting? They hired neurosurgeons and neurologists, why? Because they wanted to know how to chemically tickle your brain. How do we build websites and apps that release a constant flow of dopamine, the pleasure drug? That is why you saw the change from websites that were things you had to page through if you're old. You remember there were ends to pages of websites. You'd get to the bottom and the page ended and then you went to another page. Well, that interrupted the flow of dopamine. It caused people to turn away from the screen. So using a coding methodology at the time called Ajax, they created those at the time called the Endless Scroll. And that changed digital behaviors forever. So let's talk about the results of the digital dopamine and serotonin scrolls in your mind in relation to food so that we can stop letting them make us fat and miserable and weak, particularly men, which is what they want, I think. There's going to be, in this country, this comeuppance and there's already signs in it's working. Did you see Mark Zuckerberg now says he's done with politics? I think we talked about this the other day. Did you notice that that came along at the time that Mark began practicing combat sports and crossfit and probably switching from things like seed oils to pure butter? I mean, that's what we're designed to eat. We are also designed to use the compounds God gave us to help us if we need it. I love my bone frog coffee. I drink it for taste. It's the first time I've ever drunk coffee for taste. It tastes different because Tim Cruickshink, the founder and CEO and a very dear friend of mine, he worked with a coffee legend to create these roasts. Guy named Dave Stewart, look up, just Google, Dave Stewart coffee, Seattle's best coffee. You get an idea of why this guy's a legend. And Dave makes some of the roasts for bone frog and he mentors the team on the rest of the roasts. I also drink coffee because it is a massively powerful anti-depressant. And it's been years since I've really been given the depression, but one of the things I did when I weighed nearly 400 pounds is I started not micro dosing, but major dosing caffeine. And for me, it has provided a miracle. It provided me the energy to be in the gym, but it also lifted my mood throughout the day. So you can have that with junk coffee or high caffeine or drinking a bunch of five-hour energies, but here's what you don't get. You don't get a bag of coffee that says God country team on it. In the case of bone frog, you get 10% of proceeds always go to the Navy Seal Foundation to help the families have fallen Navy seals. And you get the knowledge of knowing, you're working with a guy who worked for you in three deployments as a medic attached to the seal teams. Go to, you get 10% off your first purchase, suggestion for your first purchase? Get the sample pack, six four-out samples of bone frogs you could try all of the roasts, et cetera. If you're already drinking bone frog occasionally, then step up and get a subscription, you'll save 15% on your coffee. Go to This is a pretty insane chart, and I grabbed this off of Twitter from a guy who tracks things like this. It's carnivore orilius, and he goes things to track the Americans' use of food. In 1990, there were zero US states that had obesity rates over 20%. Now this is based upon the body mass index, which is a junk methodology, but in a general sense, for the general population, it works. We can talk a bit later about why it's a junk methodology for specific people. Now, right now, there are no states in 2024, 34 years later, there are no states that have obesity rates under 20%. If you think about the implications of this in a country that likes to talk about healthcare as a cost center in government, that is a massive cost center, because being fat makes you sick. It lends to your joint, it's breaking down. Heart disease, lung disease, metabolic disorder, metabolic disorder can screw your whole system up, even your mentality, can lead to depression, it can lead to lack of ability to thrive. And in men, extra fat is extra estrogen. The fatter you are, the less testosterone your body is able to produce and sustain and hold onto. And the less muscle you can sustain as you create less and less activity. So how are people getting hooked into this? Part of it has to do with the chemical labs that are fast food. They know exactly the mix of salt, sugar, and fat. They don't give a stinking hoot about protein levels. They'll talk about it. It's got this many grams of protein, but when it's keyed up to key your pleasure centers, that's what gets you addicted. As a dude who was addicted to fast food, I can tell you that just less than four years ago, I conned myself into going to McDonald's, totally conned myself. I hadn't had fast food in forever. And I'd read this article that the double cheeseburger at McDonald's is the most macrobodically correct meal you can have because it's 40, 30, 40% protein, 30% fat, 30% carbohydrates. And if you have to eat something in the road, eat that. And I conned myself into stopping at McDonald's on the way home. And I had two of those things. And I tracked a counter as I even put it into my fitness pile. And this is my pledging with my hand to the sky. We're not to pledge needlessly to God and weak things, but let me tell you this. I drove away from that place, and I jonesed for that hamburger within 10 minutes, maybe even five, I was jonesing for another. And I went three days in a row, stopping and eating that garbage. I could drive by and smell it. It was my pleasure centers, dopamine, serotonin. It is keying your body up until you have found the miracle drug. God didn't design us to have this stuff so easily. He designed us to have to toil to get it after the garden. Even in the garden, we were to work. It's man that's designed this. There are people who are tracking this, and they know what you're really chasing. Do you know what you're really chasing? Do you know the drug you're really chasing? I'll tell you about that in a second. This is someone called the food babe. And she is testifying about the U.S. food system. Thomas Massey put this up. Her real name is Vani Hari. Here she is. - 11 ingredients. - In the U.S., there are 11 ingredients. In the U.K., there's-- - Okay, there's three. And salt is optional. An ingredient called dimethylpolysiloxane is an ingredient preserved with formaldehyde, a neurotoxin. This is Skittles. Notice the long list of ingredient differences. Ten artificial dyes in the U.S. version and titanium dioxide. This ingredient is banned in Europe because it can cause DNA damage. Artificial dyes are made from petroleum and products containing these dyes require a warning label in Europe. And they have been linked to cancer and disruptions in the immune system. - This on the screen back here is Gatorade. In the U.S., they use red 40 and caramel color. In Germany, they don't. They use carrot and sweet potatoes to color their Gatorade. This is Doritos. The U.S. version has three different artificial dyes and MSG. The U.K. version does not. General Mills is definitely playing some tricks on us. They launched a new version of tricks just recently in Australia. It has no dyes. They even advertise that when the U.S. version still does. This is why I became a food activist. My name is Bonnie Hari and I only want one thing. I want Americans to be treated the same way as citizens in other countries by our own American companies. (audience applauds) - Thomas Massey posted that. Thomas Massey, as you know, has a degree from MIT. He's one of the smartest members of Congress. What are you addicted to? Well, it's the chemicals. It's the high. Got that. You know what it really is? You're chasing insulin. This is what happens is your body is not designed to be rushed with this amount of bioavailable sugars and fats that instantly hit the bloodstream. It instantly hits the bloodstream so it instantly satiates. In other words, it thrills the flesh. There's a reason the Bible talks about lands of milk and honey. We look at that and say milk and honey, go buy some. Honey was really difficult to get, so was milk. It was difficult to get and we got it. It felt like a reward, the land of milk and honey. High fructose corn syrup is honey times a gajillion in terms of how it hits your bloodstream and it creates a need for insulin in the body. So you end up chasing this insulin high because it feels so, so good. That's why after you eat this garbage, you want more because your body's saying, "Man, man, man, we got a lot more, which are your Jones." The closer a thing looks like what you'd find in nature, the better it is for you and this is what I learned. In going from nearly 400 pounds to about 208 pounds, 9.9% body fat in the mid, my mid 50s, I'm over my mid 50s now actually, 57. It was to eat foods that look like you would find in nature. Yes, I supplement with whey powders, whey protein powders and that's basically by supplements because I need so much protein. And if I didn't have to do that, I wouldn't. Stop letting them make you fat and miserable and depressed and unhappy and weak eat. Lean meat, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, mostly vegetables, eat handfuls of seeds and nuts. A little bit of starch and zero sugar. If you do that, I guarantee you'll see positive changes in your life. In other words, go eat the way God designed us to eat. Story number three. Tim Walts likes to play the role of the cuddly uncle. You probably saw the video of him flipping people off at a football game because someone had the traumacity in America to say Trump 2024 and Tim let the middle finger fly. He's a dude who flies off the handle. He's a guy who was obsessed with showing kids pornography, maybe not personally, maybe not, maybe not, but definitely in terms of legislation. He's a guy who's a serial liar about his service. He's a serial liar about what he went to China. He said he was there for two minutes square. No, he wasn't. No, oh, it slipped by my mouth. No, wait, actually, no, no, that's right. I actually wasn't there for the most important historical moments in all of Asia. Oh, I actually thought I was there for 10 minutes where I actually thought I watched the tanks running over people or stopping in front of the guy with the flowers. Oh, that's right, I was home. But Tim Walts is someone who surrounds himself with people who are willing to do the things that he's obsessed with doing. And that makes sense, he's a politician. So what sort of personalities surround Tim Walts? This is important. Look at the people who look at folks who people hire and you'll know something about the people themselves. I'll show you a video from a guy, Tim Walts hired, to work on things like ethnic studies, ethnicity. That's real. I mean, there really are ethnic backgrounds, but so much of it's made up because they want to make it into a color, black. They pretend it's a race, white, they pretend it's a race. You could just go to the DNA. The DNA of our bodies, of course, are the building kits of our bodies. How utterly remarkable. DNA is not given enough respect and we talk about it a lot, but you don't know what it is, it's code that writes code. That's what it is. You know what else it is? Because it's physical. It's hardware that builds hardware. I mean, you could touch DNA, you're doing it now. Touch your fingers, there's DNA there. It's code that builds code, it's hardware that builds hardware. Silicon Valley hopes to get to that level and they're starting to get there. With some of the micro ingredients they're putting into bodies, and I'll stop there. I think you know what I'm talking about. So our DNA is also something that you can look at in terms of how does building occur? Well, stem cells do a lot of building. Stem cells are responsible for a lot of construction in your body, even remodels. I go to Mexico to port of our art to probably the safest place in Mexico to work with They have pioneered a way to take ethically gathered stem cells and they pay for the woman's births. In the hospital, they pay the whole thing, even if they don't use her stem cells. They track the health of the women in the babies. They have nothing to do at all and never will with anything related to abortion ever. They only use placental and umbilical cord stem cells, period. They get those stem cells, they analyze them, they keep only the best, and then they, in their own lab, they culture those stem cells to create more of them. So they can do something that's utterly, apparently miraculous, except it's just code that writes code and hardware that builds hardware. If you have lower lumbar pain or you have neuropathy, that constant numbness and tingling in your fingers is so utterly annoying, some of it is downright painful. If you've got things like carpal tunnel where you're losing the use of your hands and you can't go off or do the things you like to do anymore, sometimes that manifests in the ankles, you could even be being told that you're going to have to have surgery for these things. That may not be true. You may not have to be kind of open. And the people that renew will tell you, thumbs up, thumbs down, they can help you, they'll even tell you the percentage chance of success. And if it's too low, they will not do it. Even if you beg them, I begged them. I don't want shoulder surgery, please. Now, it's not enough chance of success. You'd be wasting your money. They don't do that. But they will tell you if they can help you. It's super easy. Go to That's Simply tell them you're part of the Todd Herman Show podcast family, radio show family, or our burgeoning YouTube family. It's Watch and or listen to the guy that Tim Walts appointed to help oversee ethnic studies in schools in Minnesota. Incidentally, Minnesota, and I checked. And we did, can you triple check this real quick now, or just have the research team do it? Just make sure that Minnesota is still in the United States. We'll check on that. We'll just double triple check. And we're also sometimes lying on ourselves when people say like, oh, we can, we use critical race theory in school. We don't use critical race theory in school. The first tenant of critical race theory is that the United States as constructed is irreversibly racist. So if the nation state as constructed is irreversibly racist, then it must be done with. It must be overthrown, right? And so we can't be like, oh, no, critical race theory is just about telling our stories and diverse. It's not about that. It's about overthrow. It's insurgent. And we need to be, I think, more honest with that. And it's funny that they don't understand critical race theory, but they actually tell some truth when they're like, yeah, it is anti-state. You can't be a critical race theorist and be pro-U.S. It is an anti-state theory that says the United States needs to be deconstructed, period, right? Like that's, you know, and so I think it's an interesting argument there. And that's why I'm a critical race theorist. I'm a critical race theorist because America must be deconstructed. Who was the original creator of critical theory? Karl Marx. You know who else he said needed to be overthrown? God. Karl Marx was raised a Christian, I think, a Lutheran. And then he determined that he hated God. And he wrote poetry devoted to his hatred of God. And he said that his theories would outlast God, which isn't true because, of course, we learn in the Bible that the word of God will never pass away. Not a word will be taken. The words Jesus spoke will never go away. Karl Marx is dead in all likelihood in hell. But the creator of critical theory was critical of all things godly. And DEI in critical race theory aren't just about deconstructing the United States, quote, "just." They're also about deconstructing God's word. They lose in the end. But just as Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin and Mao Ste Tung and Castro and all the others did, they take a bunch of souls with them. It's not just about deconstructing the United States, it's about deconstructing your soul. Thank you, Lord, for warnings about people like this. You told us what would happen if we wanted earthly kings, they would rob and steal. And that's what they're doing. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ.