21st Century Wire's Podcast

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Prof. Tony Hall - The Human Cost of Conflict

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01 Oct 2024
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TNT Radio host Basil Valentine speaks with Emeritus Professor Tony Hall, to discuss the arrest of Pavel Durov while delving into the more sinister aspects of internet censorship and its implications for democracy. This analysis offers an in-depth exploration of the persistent struggle against digital control and how the occurrences of October 7th have transformed the digital environment. Additionally, it addresses previously unreported narratives from October 7, shedding light on the true events and revealing Israel's involvement.

▶️ ATTENTION: The Patrick Henningsen Show MON-FRI will be on summer hiatus for the next few weeks. Appreciate all of you who have been tuning in. We’ll see you all in due course.

today's News Talk Radio. Come on, let the man talk. We never center our hosts. Good. Now talk. Uncensored News. On today's News Talk, TNT. Indeed, it is completely uncensored here and it is a real privilege to be able to speak one's mind freely over the airwaves as we do here on TNT and long may it continue. Now at the moment I'm going to be joined by Tony Hall but first I want to make a recommendation for If you're interested in news from the Middle East, check out Levantis. That's which breaks down all the main stories into plain English and presents you with just what you need to know each day for news, comments and analysis and a really fresh non-partisan take on news from the Middle East. And of course what's really going on in Gaza, try which you can also find on X as Levantis_me and I'm partial to that site myself. Now then before we go on my next guest is Professor Anthony Hall from the University of Lethbridge who has recently published an article on global research which does a deep dive into some of the circumstances surrounding the arrest of Pavel Durov. There's more to this story than meets the eyes and they're Tony and welcome to the program. Well very glad to be here. I heard your monologue and near the end of the monologue you started to condemn of course the intelligence agencies and all those agencies that act in the name of national security and surveillance states. And remember how the internet used to be. I mean the internet is a target for these malevolent forces who are bending our system, destroying our democracy. Part of that process is taking over the internet which is in a sense it has become the kind of core of our civilizational inheritance. That's where we exchange information. And when you take that over and start to censor it and point it towards objectives that serve power and are contrary to average people, that's very dire. So the Durov case is in a sense a refreshing reminder that there are some principled people in the world. Not to indicate that Pavel Durov is some kind of angel but he is ascribing to core principles of the internet. Remember as early as recently ago as 2017 it was the official policy of the United States that there be net neutrality. That no deliverers of content get advantages and no recipients of the internet get disadvantages. You can't just put the rich guys and the surveillance they want on the auto bond and put the other stuff on the little back roads of the internet. And then in 2017 this changed in the United States and since 2017 it's been erased to the bottom. And so the censorship, the controlling what can be uploaded and downloaded, all of this has been betrayed except the telegram that has a encryption system, a very powerful encryption system, so good that the Soviet military use it, the Ukrainian military use it. And it's an indicator of something valuable on the internet that is being lost. So the internet, the Pavel Durov case, I was really surprised to discover the role of Israel in complaining about Durov, in condemning Durov. The Zionist media is ganging up on Durov. Now I noticed in Wired magazine an article in 2023, October 2023, looking at what happened on October 7 and the article in Wired says how telegram became a terrifying weapon in the Israel Hamas war. And so it was interesting to see Wired magazine, which you wouldn't think would be partisan that way, but it turns out it's a very Zionist media venue. Now what was going on on October 7 is that Hamas had channels on telegram. And the idea of, you know, in a war do you just take sides or do you say, no, both sides have access, fair and equal access to this storage basis to the encryption system. So the allegation in this article, and it was well documented, was that Hamas was recording the events of October 7 in their own, from their own perspective, telling the issues that they wanted to bring out, showing them in their instantaneous media protection. Obviously they'd set this up ahead of time. And that telegram was enabling this very new contemporary information to get out to the world. And all over the world, people were able to see depictions of what was going on on October 7, which were consistent with Hamas's point of view, and not the Israeli point of view. And of course, the expectation in the internet now, and most sites is, well, Israel has the right to defend itself. So anything that seems to run contrary to that can't be run, or anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. These insulting paradigms that get run by Facebook. Remember Google used to be, you just used to put in the words, and then it would just give you the actual stories from those words. Now you get a full propaganda message whenever you press something in. So here was that allegation on October the 23rd, 2023, there's a Ben Jacob. Omar Ben Jacob seems to be an Israeli journalist who is also an intelligence agency spy of some sort. And he seems to have a lot of insight into this, what happens on telegram. So he wrote a story in Hamas, four days before, Duraov was arrested. And the title of that story is, after Iran steals sensitive Israeli data, Israel tries to censor internet, Israel tries to censor internet. And that is what is happening with the Pavel Duraov case. They're trying to change the rules that telegram is playing by. So I was not aware, is the audience aware that since October the 7th, there has been a very hard driving, organized hacking process taking place on the internet looking for information in all the Israeli archives. And this of course includes government at all levels, but it also includes military contractors. It also includes hospitals. It also includes, you know, all kinds of institutions, public utilities. And that this information is being spread around the world. And perhaps Israel isn't in a big rush to share with the media the fact that their national structure, we see all the things going, you know, going wrong with their country since October 7 that people are leaving that many more IDF soldiers than we probably know about are being injured and killed, that people want to get their money out. All kinds of terrible things are happening. But I wasn't aware that this loss of control over all this information on the internet was a story and that telegram was a key receptacle is a risk key receptacle for all of this hacked information, which then gets encrypted. But then it is aligned in such a way that people all over the world can can download the, you know, these various elements of the hack that is taking place. So there, in terms of their strategic propaganda event of October 7, they have telegram kind of giving fair play to Hamas to tell their side of the story. And the fact that telegram is not hiding their stuff as the other platforms would. This, it seems to me, leads to a conclusion that the charge in France by the Macron government, who is Macron? Is he the president? What is he now? What's going on in France? Anyway, but this charge against the Rov and this charge, of course, you know, Macron and de Rov had dinner some time ago. Macron tried to talk him into moving the site telegram to Paris. He wouldn't do it. He's based in United Arab Emirates and instead, of course, people know that well. But the, you know, I can't prove it chapter and verse, but the, you know, the power structure seems to kind of find a culmination, a command and control system. When Israel wants something done, I mean, they can get away with murder. It's been well demonstrated now that the usual rules don't apply to them. And when they snap their finger and say to the big media platforms, you can run this, but not that. And we will moderate everything. They get their way. So, you know, I haven't been able to go through all the connections to show how this development that I haven't seen other people identify it. As far as I can see, putting this all together, it's kind of breaking news. And this is big news that essentially de Rov is going by the principle of net neutrality. His job is not to take sides in political contests or in wars. And you think of, you know, war propaganda in this era, how does the internet, which is global, I mean, many wars are place based. And, you know, there's traditional propaganda. But when your medium is a global medium, and you have people on all sides of the issue, depending on the internet for information, when you simply say, we're going to take, as say, Peter Teal does, you know, in Palandir, you know, his company, he says, well, I just go with the IDF, and whatever they say is what we do. So, Telegram is not doing that. And so it, to me, it brings alive. This case brings alive. We should be alert to it, because the internet has been stolen from us. And that is very serious. We talk about, you know, our declining democracy. A big part of the declining democracy is what happens on the internet. We're all dependent on the internet. The internet is probably the biggest story of our lifetime, sort of equivalent to the eventing of the printing press, or maybe electricity. And, of course, it takes all those earlier inventions, and does this trajectory. It supplies them. Yeah, so let's pay attention to this, and use this trial as a, you know, and then, of course, everybody comments that the, you know, Derab is being said, well, you're complicit with the child porn people, with the drug dealers, you know, with the money launderers, and on and on, because they're using your site to conduct these crimes. So this, if this is the rule now on the internet, that any crime that is done, the person running the site is somehow complicit in that crime, or part of that crime. That is outrageous. And the people, you know, who are running... Hold that thought, Tony. Hold that thought, Tony. We've got to go to a break for the headlines. We'll be right back after this very short break. News talk. TNT. And welcome back to today's news talk with me about the Valentine's Day Monday, the 9th of September. I'm joined by Anthony Hall, Professor Emeritus at the University of Lethbridge in Atlanta. And we are looking at the Dura of Case, which Tony's likely to be a litmus test. He was saying just before the break that Dura was really being hung out to dry and effectively accused of the crimes that other people are committing on the platform. This can't be allowed to stand. Otherwise, really, there's no future for the internet, is there? Well, the internet is pretty entrenched. I would say that instead of focusing, say, on all the currency issues and efforts to use a currency to enslave people and that kind of thing, we could be focusing on the internet and saying, "We're going to set up obstacles on the internet so that you can't do these credit default swaps or all these fancy things that are going to take us over." So I just can't stress enough that any attention we choose to pay to the internet and connect what goes on on the internet to all these other crimes that are taking place and realize that the way the internet is configured now aids and abets the real criminals and wants to punish those who hold to the principle that there's to be net neutrality that different sides in an issue have right to equal access to get their message out. That's what's at stake here. Oh, no, absolutely. Now, as you pointed out, this, obviously, kicked off after October the seventh day that will go down in history for all the wrong reasons. And now footage was emerged on the internet. It's been around for a while. The Grey Zone did some groundbreaking work on this some months ago that it looks as if Israeli Apache helicopters may have done most of the killing. We can see this short clip now, which has been doing the rounds. It's actually made its way on to Australian television. And it shows, there's only 13 seconds long, and it shows the attack helicopters, basically massacring civilians, the Hannibal Directive, as it's known, which basically means we will kill anybody to avoid hostages being taken. So, you know, much of the pretext for October the seventh for the genocide has now been debunked. There were no beheaded babies. There were no babies in ovens. There were no mass rapes. The exercise by Hamas was very largely to take prisoners in order to swap them for some of the prisoners in the Israeli torture gulag, more details about which are coming out. And they are absolutely horrendous, really blood curdling stuff. So the narrative is falling apart. And the internet is the way that information is disseminated these days as you rightly say, Tony. So without obviously supporting Hamas for one moment, we must at least have a lucid exposition of the facts in order to build the mosaic of our understanding. Indeed, October the seventh is, you know, seemed immediately very fishy. There was a great deal of prior knowledge. Even the New York Times was writing about the reports going around predicting exactly what happened. And there is a, you know, the October seven is not too far in the future. And the government is planning some kind of ceremony to commemorate and, you know, supposedly raise up the Israel has a right of self-defense indignation in the world population and especially among Israeli Jews. But the fact of the matter is there's a great deal of prior information. And who is the primary suspect of abusing this information is Benjamin Netanyahu himself. And he was somehow absent in the early hours when there was no immediate response by the IDF who seemed to give a period of time of openness for bad things to happen around the fence and outside the fence. One part of this that I've been looking at quite carefully is the spotters who were observing that there were Hamas people preparing around the fence doing exercises and such in a sense practicing for exactly what took place. So these spotters are all young women say 18 to 25. There were a lot of them. And they all look at computers all day long around the fence. And these computers are attached to cameras which show different angles on everything outside the fence, inside the fence, anything weird going on. And they consistently, and we know many of them are dead now, but their parents have told this, they consistently were blowing the whistle seeing that people Hamas, they were identified as a practicing for something, getting ready for something. And they kept reporting it and going up the channels of Israeli intelligence, and they figured they were just being ignored because they're young women and weren't being taken seriously. But when in fact October 7 happened, among the people killed, 15 of them were spotters who conveniently aren't around now to tell the story of what they saw prior to October 7, to blow the whistle. And another five of these spotters are hostages themselves, and maybe no too much. And maybe they're not welcome back because they would talk about what they saw prior to October 7. And how many other cases like that are there among the hostages, who now have had close encounters with who is Hamas, who are the Palestinians, who are the Qasem brigades and on and on. And maybe what they're seeing isn't consistent with the stories we're told about who these people are. Remember when there was an exchange of hostages for prisoners, and I took note of and wrote about the fact that many of the Israelis who were being passed back to the Israeli authorities by Qasem brigades or Hamas, there was a lot of affection when the hostages were saying goodbye. And many of them told stories about, you know, kind treatment, interesting conversations and such. And so how much of what the hostages have in their minds is, you know, runs contrary to the lies and concocted stories that the likes of Netanyahu and how his imagination works and how he's, you know, playing this game to keep him out of prison. And how, you know, he's backing up the most savage West Bank people you could imagine, you know, who are almost you could imagine doing, you know, cannibal ceremonies every day, raping Palestinians and then eating them. I mean, there's no word for how menacing these people are, how cruel. So the concept of October seven and, you know, there has been a citizens inquiry, which isn't reported at all. But Netanyahu just always says, Oh, it was an intelligence failure on 9/11. We were told Zelikow and it was an intelligence failure. It's all an intelligence failure. Oh, yeah, sure. You guys are known, you masod guys are known for all your intelligence failures. Like, this has been a an event that has been exploited and played and manipulated to do what Netanyahu has wanted to do to do what the Zionist, you know, Jewish supreme estate wants a a non, you know, they don't want Palestinians in Palestine. It's supposed to be a Jewish state. And so eliminating the Palestinians one way or another has been a huge objective. You don't do 20, 20, 2,000 pound bombs on whole neighborhoods. If you're trying to do strategic smart bombing of, you know, a specific group, obviously, the attempt has been to destroy all the Palestinians, to destroy all their environment. And this war on Hamas, it's all about destroying the mask. It is a concocted thing. We're going to take a very short break. And when we come back, Sarah Friedland's speech to the Venice Film Festival, we'll go right back. Interviews, news and analysis of the day's global events with Basil Valentine on today's News Talk TNT. And welcome back to TNT, the home of free speech. I'm joined by Professor Tony Hall from the University of Lethbridge over in Alberta, Canada. And we're deep in the weeds of the Middle East. If only they were only weeds. They are unfortunately piles of dead bodies and human remains in Gaza. We have the sickening site of children with the rally diarrhea. Apparently every single child that health authorities have assessed has diarrhea, skin conditions are worsening, polio has broken out. Why? Well, because children are drinking from puddles, because there's no clean water, because Israel has destroyed all these civilian water infrastructure. It has done everything it can to make life in Gaza hell on earth. And it has succeeded. And of course, Netanyahu's whole thesis rests Tony on the continued demonization of all Palestinians. This is the key thing, hence one reason why, as you so eruditely pointed out in the previous segment, why he doesn't want to do a deal is not simply because he will have to face the music himself with regards to the corruption charges and his political career may be over, but also because those remaining hostages that come out alive after now 11 months of captivity may well present a very different view of Hamas to the one that he is selling, not only to the Israeli public who bought it wholesale, but also through his propaganda outlets in the West to the general public of most importantly, the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom that, you know, Palestinians are all terrorist animals and that unless they're dealt with at source there in the Middle East, they will be raping your women in Philadelphia or Boston or London or Berlin or wherever. But of course, we know that is a lie and a deeply anti-Semitic position. There are a few bigger anti-Semites than Benjamin Netanyahu. Now, in contrast to him, of course, we have far more enlightened people also on the world stage and one who has been lauded recently for a speech she made at the Venice Film Festival is the Jewish director Sarah Friedland who took the opportunity when picking up an award to speak out against the genocide in Gaza. For some reason, coming from a Jewish person, he carries more weight than coming from a Gentile. I don't really think that should be the case. Genocide is genocide regardless of your own religion, ethnicity or heritage, but nevertheless, it's extremely refreshing and very, very welcome indeed. And of course, drives a stake into the heart of the anti-Semitic nonsense that all Jewish people are aligned with the homicidal maniac state of Israel. So let's have a listen now to Sarah Friedland's speech to the award ceremony at the Venice Film Festival just a day or so ago. We can hear that now. Jewish American artist working in a time-based medium. I must note, I'm accepting this award on the 336 day of Israel's genocide in Gaza and 76 year of occupation. I believe it is our responsibility as film workers to use the institutional platforms through which we work to redress Israel's impunity on the global stage. I stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine in their struggle for liberation. Well, she said it very clearly there that she stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine and was roundly applauded. That's a very refreshing sight, isn't it? Given the stranglehold on North American and European policy, that Israel seems to hold still, Tony? Yes, they have a stranglehold on basically ambitious people who want to, you know, get ahead, you can't get ahead without Zionist backing in mainstream broadcasting in politics, you know, even in academics or whatnot. So the people who are looking to their future prospects have to keep in with the Zionist, but the general people, it's a fascinating moment where, you know, so many principled people are saying to heck with it, whatever is going to be the implications, I just can't look at this and countenance it or look the other way and pretend it's not going on. And many people in Israel are saying, you know, we're basically finished now. This is not going to be something we can repair. One of those is a general former general, retired general, Brik Yixat Brik, who gives Israel perhaps another year. And a lot of the analysis is the breaking down of cohesion within Israel. These different factions are really at each other's throats increasingly. And so the idea that there is going to be a day after, I mean, Israel will never be the same. It will never be as we have known it in the past. And it is one way or another, you're going to crash into the rocks. And, you know, maybe something better will emerge. It seems that really, since the two-state solution that was set up when Israel was established in 1947 and resolution 181 and never followed through on, and we've never had this two-state solution, and it doesn't seem likely now that the way the West Bank has been treated. So that leaves a one-state solution with equal citizenship for everyone. And, you know, this is, if there is to be a decent human future, if we're not seeing the rise of a truly draconian dictatorship run by US, Israel, Genesee Dares, if that isn't to be our future, and maybe it is going to be if we continue to sort of tolerate what is intolerable. So what is the future of Israel? It seems to me they're kind of taking care of things themselves. They're kind of destroying their own situation. And if Israel changes significantly, where does that leave Zionism? Zionism doesn't really make sense. No, it would be finished, wouldn't it? But speaking of ambitious people who gained the backing of Zionists, I gather your own premier, Justin Trudeau is not only one of those, but he's got problems of his own, hasn't he, Tony? Indeed. And, you know, Trudeau has been sort of one of the iconographic figures in the coronavirus scam, a true disciple of Klaus Schwab. And there's a lot of eyes on him. Now since 2021, he has been supported in his minority government status. Brits will well understand that if you can't present a majority in parliament on every motion you bring, your government goes down and you have to have an election. So he has been protected by something called the New Democratic Party, which in theory is like the Labour Party, except when, you know, say the truckers, the working men who came into Ottawa and famously had their disagreements with the Trudeau government, they were condemned equally by Jagmeet Singh, the leader of the New Democratic Party, who is also a calisthenni separatist, interestingly. So the New Democratic Party sort of gave up on its identifying with working people and joined the Trudeau bunch. So he has cut out of the arrangement with the Liberal Party. He's now running against the Liberal Party and he will no longer be the automatic support of the Liberal Party. So the minority government of Justin Trudeau is now vulnerable to being defeated at any time, the campaign manager quit. And there's just a lot of business going on within the Liberal Party. Do they want, you know, they're going to lose by a mile. NDP is making the calculation. They can stand up to the Conservative Party, led by Pierre Poliev, who is very popular right now and is very good at slogans and such. One thing that troubled me a lot is I saw a video of him speaking in a synagogue and he is ultra Zionist. So Zionist, that he told Christine Anderson, she had to leave as a Nazi from Canada. She's not welcome. Wow, the alternative for Germany, from the European Parliament. Tony, we're out of time, unfortunately. We'll take up on the latest machinations in Canadian politics in two weeks time. But for now, it's the news and I'll be back after these headlines. See you in a minute. (upbeat music)