FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

The latest on the attacks - Debate - Midday Mobile - Tuesday 10-01-24

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01 Oct 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior with that. This is painful and it will be for a long time. After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106-5. Well Sean's a tough guy. I mean I think everybody knows that. Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there. What's wrong with the deal we got? I mean the deal we got drank pretty good don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a bade council, I had no doubt about them. That doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question, were you high on drugs? Last question, kiss my ****. Right, here we go FM Talk 106-5 Midday Mobile, glad to have you along and I get right into the breaking news going on right now half a world away. In my prep for my show from last night into this morning I had a note here about a ran preparing an imminent missile attack against Israel according to senior U.S. officials. You might have heard that this morning. That launches in effect right now as Iran is launched, I don't know, tons of missiles at least from the video I'm seeing, which speaking of which some of this we'll talk about. I've got some video I've shared over on X on Twitter at FM Talk 106-5. Hopefully you follow us over there if you don't hop on and see the I think I put five or six up here in the last two or three minutes of videos coming in from Israel of this pretty massive barrage. Now to watch this, it looks like it in news at this point. Of course, you get news comes in and things aren't, you know, maybe what they seem, sometimes they are. So it's a mix of things coming in here, but just I mean one shot I'm saying you see does it looks like a meteor shower in this video I'm seeing from Israel as these missiles are coming in. It's dark there and you see these missiles coming in, you see some of them intercepted. I'm sure iron dome and then maybe even our ships in the Med shooting them down as well. Remember last time Iran did this, it was well telegraphed that they were going to do it, right? And I said maybe it had more to do with domestic policy for Iran to respond than it did with like an actual engagement to try to truly injure Israel because they gave a notice that they were going to do it and they did it in Israel shot shot down through the iron dome and we shot down so many of the missiles, I think maybe one made it last time. So a lot of missiles right now, you do see some intercepts, you see some that at least by my untrained eye are making it to the ground without being intercepted in these videos. So they by my untrained eye, they are they are hitting land, they are hitting targets in Israel. So this is going on right now, it's been going on for about 25, 30 minutes with this missile attack coming from Iran. Now remember, they were going to respond and we thought it remember even US sources were saying it was going to happen in days after the explosion there in Tehran taking out the taking out the Hamas leader. They were going to respond and then they waited and you know, it's like when we had Jonathan McConnell on the show from Meridian US, he said, you may watch that it might not happen immediately. Iran could sit on this for a while and and attack later. Now, is the ramp up with Israel's incursions into Lebanon, what triggered this? Of course, I mean, we've triggered this today, of course, you could say Hezbollah, probably even more aligned with Iran than Hamas and Israel's put it on Hezbollah here in the last few weeks, right from the exploding pager of pagers at all to the land incursion. Like we said yesterday on the show, when you start talking about rolling into another country and somebody said, well, it's a failed state, it's still another country and it's even different than Gaza to roll into Lebanon there. Israel said they were just going into southern Lebanon to take out these targets as I questioned yesterday. Well, the targets if they roll back to the north doesn't Israel have to pursue. So this might be a two part for Iran to get their pound of flesh from the last time they had this issue to now also attacking Israel because of this incursion against Hezbollah into Lebanon. Speaking of which, like I had the show plan today, I've got a story from the financial times of how Israel infiltrated Hezbollah, how they, at least the information they're putting out, how they pulled off what we saw a couple of weeks ago. It's a very interesting story. We may have time to get to it, but right now we have a present situation with missiles running down. Now reminder too, and looking at charts, if you look at the things I had retweeted here, this is not just northern Israel. This is not just what we would say would be what western Israel along the gods of border. This is except for maybe the extreme south of Israel. This is, they're showing where the missile impacts have been, it's 70% of Israel, 80% of Israel, not that a missile touched every part of it, but that there's been a missile strike in that area, our missiles in that area. It is now they're saying between 250 to 300 ballistic missiles have been launched by Iran against Israel. It said we're waiting here. The US officials now state, and I remember yesterday, and they before, Friday and last week, how I've said over and over again, we keep increasing the number of US servicemen and women and material in theater, which puts us in the way of an attack, which would then draw us into the wider regional war, US officials now saying that Israel will absolutely retaliate against Iran. I guess it's not surprising. Also on the other side, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran are preparing to release a statement. This according to Iranian state media will watch for this if something comes in will pass along, and there's still more missiles coming down on Israel. Like I said, you can see in this video, you can see some taken out. Remember last time this happened, you could see almost everyone that was launched from Iran and Israel was taken out either by the Iron Dome or from our ships in the Med, providing defense, and maybe somebody out there is better at this than I am, but I'm watching the video that I believe that I believe is true, coming from sources here that have an address, not just somebody saying here's a video, that show some interceptions, but show many more that disappear below the horizon or something that effect to make you think, make me think that they are making landfall with these missiles. So the situation right now, Iran continuing this missile attack in Israel. A story here, let's see from CNN and said missiles have been launched from Iran towards Israel. Earlier, say the White House warned that Iran was poised to launch, but we got that part. That was what I had prepared for before this happened. In a statement released in morning, the White House said indications where Iran was preparing to imminently launch ballistic missile attack against Israel there, and the United States was here. Okay. Here's what we're going to do. They added, State Department said we will, the United States will quote, "be actively supporting defensive preparations to prepare Israel against this attack," goes on to say a White House official statement, "a direct military attack from Iran against Israel will carry severe consequences for Iran," end quote. I think we know that, I mean, Israel punches back good for them, but does that coming from the White House means that we are going to carry on severe consequences for Iran? I didn't say that specifically, but they did say a direct military attack from Iran against Israel will carry severe consequences for Iran. So this is, they said, Israel says that Iran was likely to attack the three Israeli air bases and the intelligence base located just now with the Tel Aviv, but I'm seeing a lot more than just that in what's happening right now as these strikes are going on. This is scary times, not just because I'm not surprised or shocked that Iran is firing back and they waited, you know, they didn't throw their punch right whenever they thought they would, or many thought they would, they waited and threw their punch later, okay. That's not surprising, but my question is now with us having so many assets in theater and you have such a volume of missile attacks on Israel, are we struck? Do we, you know, do we have something to respond to here from getting struck? We'll watch this. This is unfolding. We'll get your text and calls at 34301063430106. Let's see. Jerry Morgan says, I wonder how many of those missiles were paid for by the hundreds of millions of dollars the Democrats gave them. Well, Jerry in this, I would say, the Republicans have given them plenty here. It's our country has given them. Squirrel Marine says, is this the best Iran can do? Fire missiles indiscriminately at civilians like trigger happy thugs. Meanwhile, Israel gets tactical and clever. They need to go all the way with Iran and hit the basis in the important facilities. Every time Israel suffers a missile attack, everyone needs to remind us that Democrats like Rashida Tlaib and others have voted against funding for the Iron Dome. There are anti-Semitic tweets and speeches need to be emphasized in the media. Calvin says, Sean, don't worry. Sean Biden's going to protect us. My worry here is, Calvin, that in some idea of protecting us, we have put so much of us, United States, in harm's way there. If we're struck, well, then I'm going to be like any other Red Blood American want to punch back. My plea has been, let's not have ourselves in a situation where we're struck and we have to punch back. There's a lot more than just what's going on between Iran and Israel. You think about it, and you're talking about two nuclear states now, right? Wherever you think Iran's program is, Iran's nuclear program, I mean, if the international atomic agency thinks they're on the cusp of making a missile, I would argue they're probably ahead of that. Obviously Israel with nuclear weapons as well. So now we have a for sure, and I think probably two nuclear states rising up against each other. There's going to be, this is like the secondary and tertiary effects of this, but what about what this is going to mean for energy prices right now? If this ramps up, it's already tough, but if this ramps up more, what does this mean globally, and here in the United States for energy prices? We look at issues, and we'll talk about this later on in the show with the strike going on at the port too. That's, we're not an energy port here, but we have issues with international commerce, and this is on top of it, let alone what happened the other day with the Houthis ramping things back up with the shipping lanes with the Red Sea. Why do you pay attention to what's going on over there? Because we're over there. Come back to your text and calls at 343-01-06. This is Mid-day Mobile on FM Talk 106.5 This is Mid-day Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106.5. All right, 1222 FM Talk 106.5. Mid-day Mobile, keeping our eyes on what's happening as a random slons missile attack on Israel, and just over the last, what, it's been about about 45 minutes since we've been getting news of this, getting news from a lot of different sources. I do see this one now. I want to point out this is on X or on Twitter, which is an interesting thing because you can look at perspectives from Iran as well. Now, this, I don't know this is Iran today. I don't know if it's a real news source or not, so I'll kind of hold back on that, but it is showing what they say in this video is now gas platforms in the Mediterranean Sea, and if I've been hit as well. So possibly they're shooting over and I don't know what the oil and gas infrastructure in the Med. I'm sure in this audience, I got somebody who's worked over there or seen it can let me know what is what's out there, but it looks like the least according to this video. Once again, it's from Iran today, so we take it with a grain of salt here, may be correct, may not. So the missile strikes not just in Israel, but heading further west into the Mediterranean. Let's grab a few text here at three four three zero one zero six three four three zero one zero six to the text line Anderson and Foley said, let's not put ourselves in a position like World War two, where we were fighting the Germans on one side and the Japanese on the other. I'd hate to be fighting in Europe and China at the same time. I see James the Assad troll said I'm absolutely against sending soldiers to die for a war that cannot and will not be one air support air superiority support. Yes, but no ground troops. Okay, and James has what I've been talking about, but over time here, just in the last week and a half remember yesterday, additional couple thousand, but it had been 30 to 40,000. Additional US military moved in theater and like the carrier strike groups instead of having one come in and replace the other one to go home. The one that was already on duty stayed and the other one came in. They had to pull those stories up. I had them on yesterday's show, a big ramp up of our presence there. And so as being there as a backstop and playing some defense for Israel, say, well, that's our ally. We'll do that thing. Sure. My worry would be that with so many assets right there and so much going on there that we don't get Americans killed or injured. CB Carl says didn't chameleon say during the debate, there were no troops and active war zones. Yeah. CB Carl, I don't know if you go on Twitter or X when that came out of a bunch of my friends in the military world and sent me to tweets coming out from people in base watching that on TV and then like falling over, falling out of the racks laughing. They're like, Oh, we're not in theater right now. Let's see. Let's see a Jerry in Fort Morgan. Okay, answering the question earlier. So the United States allowed them to become a nuclear power. Okay, you meant. Okay, you're talking about the Iranians. Thank you, Jerry. Yeah. And once again, if the international atomic agency says, well, they're on the cusp and this is I have no nothing but just a I think a pretty good sense of things. If the IAEA saying, well, they're probably closer on the cusp of having nuclear weapons. I got to figure that they're behind the times. And they've got a that they have, they've got something now, how many they have, I don't know. But you know, as they're pushed into this axis, the Russians call it like some axis of good or whatever, but axis powers, you have Iran working with Russia working with North Korea, North Korea with obviously the nuclear technology. The thing that keeps him in power there in North Korea is that nuclear power or that nuclear warfare. Did they trade some deal? Iran's got energy. North Korea needs energy. I know North Korea got a gift to goats from the Russians, but they probably more interested in energy and did some of that get transferred to move forward. They're not just having, you know, creating creating nuclear weapons. Yeah. Irish Indian saying the same thing as CB Carl, Sean didn't hear us say we had no troops in harm's way during the debate. Also on the strike, have you ever received a 70% raise? No, I have not. I wish I did. We'll go and tell you we'll come back to we'll come back to the strike story. I've got lots of and it was what we're going to lead with today until until this happened and we called an audible here. Ed said, Sean Israel has to hit or Israel has hit Iran hard when they get enough uranium enriched. They will have missiles that can reach all of Israel. I believe that they'll use it to nuke and try to wipe them out. The Iranians have said this for years. Sad part is US help them by not taking care of business in 1983. Yes. But also, you know, and I'm not one that just I'm going to talk about the history. I'm not going to say one thing's all right because of the things happened in the past. We also screwed around a lot in Iran, right? We also tried to pick who is going to be the winners and losers there. And we made a mess of it. Did the Iranians then respond in a way that I believe in saving Americans? Yes, I do. And I'm always American. But yes, we, you know, we're a monkey around in there. It's my dad used to say monkey around in there and led us in 1983. What we could have done in a three. How do you? I mean, other than occupying it, right? We should have probably thought out more who we would have in power there. Community Notes wannabe says this will keep happening until Netanyahu is removed from power. Community Notes wannabe, let's put go on. Who do you want in power? To me, who will be in power in Israel that Iran would not want to destroy them and remove them from from the earth, as they say? It doesn't matter who's at the top gig. They want Israel gone. It's about the Jews, man. That's what they want gone. And so you could talk about and there's things to talk about of Benjamin Netanyahu and his leadership installed, but you could put somebody else there and go pick somebody even below go on, pick them in power. Do you think Iran's not doing this today? That's naive. Summerdale, Tony said, don't worry, Biden won't strike back if Iran hits us. Mm. I don't know that the Deacon party of today or the Democrats. So I wouldn't be so sure. I feel much better of Trump keeping us out of wars than I do a Democrat president. All right, coming right back more of the day mobile news is next. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five to twelve thirty five FM talk one oh six five bid day mobile on this Tuesday. Glad to have you along. Get right back to your calls and text at three four three zero one zero six. Let me check in a man Ron at Mobile Bay coins and find jewelry and a first of all kind of update on precious metals. What are we looking like today? Gold and silver both up a little today. Gold's trading at two thousand six hundred and sixty dollars and some change and silver's at thirty one fifty eight right now. So both are holding steady. Still a great time to add to your stack. A lot of people are speculating by people. I mean, you know, the investment advisors out there that are talking that, you know, they always say pie in the sky numbers, but still they're talking silver being in high thirties by the end of October and gold trade about twenty seven eighty based on market trends. So a lot of people been running with that bet and coming into buying gold and silver and we have a good supply. Premiums are probably haven't been this low in a long time. A lot of people around country have been raising premiums, but we're sitting so good on it. We've been holding our steady. So we get it while the premiums are still low. Yeah. And speaking of sitting on it when there's somebody like me who was buying silver, you know, one point back when it was sixteen or something like that. Yeah. If you sit on something, you wake up and you go, well, I did pretty good then. But you've also pointed out that if you look at the long term, it's almost like equities. Dollar cost averaging ends up winning with precious metals as well. Oh, yeah. I try to convince people not to stare at the market ticker every day. Even if it's your stocks, if you're looking long term for retirement, you kind of ignore that. You don't need the high blood pressure worries and thinking about this run long term with it. That's almost always the best way to go. All right. People want to get that kind of education and a whole lot more. How do they find you? We're located at 2204 Government Street in Midtown Mobile. They can call us at the shop at 251-725-1590 or find us on the web at Hey, thanks, Ron. You're welcome, Sean. All right. There goes Ron at Mobile Bay Coins and find jewelry. Go see him. And even those of you that get ahead of things, they already got the Christmas stuff in. It's academic for me. It's good for me to tell you because there's responsible folks. I'll still go in there. I won't think Christmas shop until we got to get in December. All right. To the text line here, B. Dark says the one strike force, the one strike force could take Iran totally out in 30 minutes. Joshua says ignorant liberals cannot get that most Islamic country want all Jews eradicated. It does not matter which Israelis in charge even if their hair is blue. Community notes want to be okay. Joshua here, so he's responding here. So Trump and Netanyahu are responsible for ending the Iran deal. Trump's Israel policy has got it by nuts like Robert Jeffries and John Hege are trying to will their goofy Bible prophecies into existence. Now, let's go back and the Iran deal. Do you feel like it was a suckers play? I mean, community notes want to be. We can debate things. I think you're fairly smart person. We disagree on a lot of things. But look at the deal. Look at the deal. It wasn't going to stop Iran from doing this. We've been trying to stop them through the Stuxnet virus and having their, you know, their, their, their scientists or have bad core accidents and all that. We couldn't stop it. So repatriating to Iran, all that money did what it let them finance Hezbollah and Hamas at even higher levels and look what we're dealing with now. And if you tell about the Jeffries and Hege, do you think that we guided them to move in the embassy? Do you think that was moving to Jerusalem? If that's on the edge for you, I don't, if you're looking at people who are trying to will a prophecy into existence, look at Iran. I think Trump's nature, nature, and like I've said, I don't, people, I mean, you know, people are like, man, why aren't why do you disagree with Trump on things? Because I disagree with all kinds of people on things. Believe me, in this election, I see the, the clear choice being Trump. But Trump's nature community knows what to be as a what is a nature that moves to project strength, but not to be drawn into war. That's what I stood back and watched. It's one of the things I think that people forgot in 2016, the planks of the platform that Trump talked about, the other stuff got so much attention, but his, his plank of like, let's not, let's not get in every word. Now, okay, I'll give you this. Here's one on your card. When he brought John Bolton into the White House, if you remember, if you were listening back, then I'll lost my mind. John Bolton, John Bolton's mustache wants more war more than both generals out there. I mean, the guy's always looking for a war to get us in. But notice where John Bolton gets airtime now, MSNBC, those guys, the Democrats and when I hear out the Democrats, they are the neocons now. They are the ones that looking for war. I mean, think about it. Now, are there elements within the Republicans? Well, sure there are the old Republican, Neocon, the few, yes, absolutely. We need to go do this, that and the other. But as on hold, what I hear is more Democrat rhetoric about engaging in other wars out there than kind of hanging back. So more information coming in. Of course, we're watching this. It is happening as we're talking here. Axios posted this about 20 minutes ago or so it said Iran's launched dozens of missiles towards Israel. Now that number is up now and just I'll come back to that. But a Daily Mail report that just came in is saying 500 missiles, 500. And we'll come back to that Daily Mail story. But this is earlier from Axios. So the big picture here, Tehran's been valuing retaliation after a series of recent Israeli assassinations. And that appears to be underway. There's no confirmation yet of any casualties inside Israel. One Israeli official said about 100 missiles were fired in the first wave of the attack. Then they said a quote here. This is an IDF quote spokesperson for the IDF. They don't identify them. So the short time ago, missiles were launched from Iran into the territory of the state of Israel. You're asked to be vigilant and act exactly according to the instructions of the home front command. If the IDF is doing and will do everything necessary to protect the citizens of the state of Israel and quote. They said the Israeli security cabinet has convened in the government bunker as this goes on. All right. I come back to this story from Daily Mail. This one coming out just got too long ago. They added to it about 12 minutes ago. It says Israeli militaries confirmed that Iran has unleashed a barrage of missiles into Israel with the Islamic Republic defying warnings that any such attack would invite severe consequences, which comes back to what is Israel going to do. I think at this point, the, you know, I'm always wishing for peace. I don't think it's going to happen. I don't think they're just going to hit Iranian interest in Syria. I think they're going to hit Iranian interest in Iran. Said air raid sirens sounded as missiles began raining down in Israel with some rockets dramatically exploding into pride orange flames as they appeared to land in areas near Tel Aviv. Okay. This is what I said in the video that you can see, if you follow us at FM talk one of six, five on Twitter or X, you could see some of them being taken out by Iron Dome and maybe coming from our warships in the Med. But you saw quite a few in these, you know, I can only see what the video shows. They do come from reputable news source. You see just a barrage of say in the sky at one time, there's 10, 15 missiles and you see some kind of explode like they were intercepted. And then you see others go the whole way to the ground. You can't see because it's behind a ridge. You can't see what happens behind it. But now they're saying that they have landed in areas near Tel Aviv as Iran unleashed a sustained attack into the night sky. Other missiles exploded in the air as they appeared to be intercepted by Israel defense systems and expected Iranian tack March a March a major escalation in the Israel Hamas war. Can we also just say the Israel Hamas Hezbollah Iran war? That's how I'm going to rephrase that and we edit that line for me and said, uh, there are fears it could exceed the scale of the previous bombardment in April. I think we've already seen that. The IDF has not confirmed which missiles were used, but Israel was expecting ballistic missiles to be launched by Iran this evening and yet another major escalation that leaves them at least on the brink of an all out war. I will say that maybe tactically whatever Israel has been doing recently is sharing up one flank because remember we talked about this before you launch a missile out of Israel. I mean out of Iran towards Israel. You got time for your iron dome and other systems to intercept. You launch out of Southern Lebanon. You don't it's that you don't have time in the trajectory to shoot it down. Can you imagine if this had been launched without softening up Hezbollah and Southern Lebanon, would they also be shooting the near the near missiles said, uh, here's how long they have 12 minutes. Okay. This is what they're reporting now that the missiles that they think Iran is using here, uh, take 12 minutes from when they launch in Iran to hitting targets. And I guess it would, you know, from Eastern to Western Israel, it would be, you know, minutes longer as it travels over that distance. Um, but they got 12 minutes at least to do the shoot down versus something that might take 20 seconds if it was coming off, you know, a launcher and Lebanon back to the story. It says Israeli media are reporting that over 500 missiles have now been fired into Israel and Iran has confirmed it as a revenge attack for Israel, Israel's assassination, the Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, the salvo rocket comes as Israel police battle back terrorist attacks. Now in Jaffa near Tel Aviv, there we go. So the two part, at least two part front. So terrorist attacks are going off in Jaffa near Tel Aviv, Israeli media reporting that at least eight people have been shot dead in that devastating attack on Israel comes just hours at the after the IDF launched a ground invasion of Southern Lebanon. Like we said yesterday, one thing equals the next thing equals the next thing. And here's, uh, just coming in from them. Uh, now Hezbollah. Okay. Well, there we go. Hezbollah now has launched rockets on towns and cities across Israel. So they do have enough firepower left, even after being softened up, Hezbollah is shooting across the border. Uh, so now you have Iranian ordinance coming in with that 12 minute trip to get into Israel. You have things a lot closer coming in from Southern Lebanon. IDF claimed to have conducted a cross border raid into Southern Lebanon. And they said Israeli airstrikes now continue to devastate targets across Lebanon and Syria. And who's over there? I mean, I'm sorry for all the people live there, but who's over there are people to our people. All right. 1246. Come right back. This is mid day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five right 1250 FM talk one oh six five mid day. Well, deal. You know what? Actually, let me switch for a second here and comment on what my man Jeff Davis said to say right there because we can get back into a text of what's going on right now in Israel under a maybe as many as 500 plus rockets or missiles are launched from launch from Iran into Israel. And now reports Hezbollah launching, I guess, rockets from Southern Lebanon into Israel. But he mentioned about the change in our country. And at the end of it, he mentioned about Odyssey. Okay. So that's a broadcast conglomerate. I've got 220 stations, 45 markets. So they file for bankruptcy. They have like other big media companies, radio companies that exist like in this market. They go into bankruptcy. And I've talked about this in the hallway. I'm sure my friends here are tired of hearing about it. But, you know, I said this years ago with that company, they go into incredible amounts of debt. And do they get foreclosed on? Do they get broken up? Do the stations get put on the market so they can be bought by people like me and put, you know, smaller groups? No, they get bailed out at huge amounts in bankruptcy. I'll tell you what, if we didn't pair bills here, there would be no bailout for us as an independent company. It's like the more you owe, right? It's 2007. I'll ever get the more you owe, then the more you'll get bailed out. I know the political side of this is the fact that you've got this group, uh, uh, Laurel tree. Okay. So it's a, it's a, it's a financial firm, but it's a financial firm that is of George Soros. Okay. So there's the political side. You got George Soros through this, through this Laurel tree, taking these 220 stations, uh, in, in taking over for Odyssey. So you got George Soros in the mix. And like Jeff said, you know, what will that do to conservative talkers? I would say this, they all have a welcome spot here. We'll all do like 15 minute shows. So if those people were put out, believe me, uh, there are a few of us left that are independent operators, uh, that don't answer the George Soros, you know, or Morgan Stanley or the Goldman Sachs or you know, we're, we're here and we will take you come work. We'll do good things. But the other part is, you know, on top of the, the political part of it being George Soros in this thing. Once again, here we go. Like I said about that, that company with the heart in it, right? They got bailed. It's going to be bailed out a couple of times under two different names. The bailout here for Odyssey. And I remember watching the things they were doing. I'm like, why are y'all doing this? It just seemed like bad business. Some of the things that company before Soros just, I'm like, you're overextending, overextending. But, uh, maybe they do that because they're, they know how it's going to work. It says here the story from one of our trade magazines inside radio. So in dirty, you know, whatever you do, you get some kind of trade magazine for your industry. Uh, it said, with approval of the restructuring plan now in hand from the federal communications commission, Odyssey has emerged from bankruptcy with y'all ready. 80% of the debt wiped away. 80. So George Soros company. Now he has big, but there are other players in it, but he's a big player in it picks up this bankrupt company. And 80% of the debt is wiped away. You think you'd get that deal? You think I'd get that deal? It took just six months. Think about it in a personal bankrupt. If this is major company, it took just six months to get approval from the FCC. And I mean, the FCC, nothing moves that fast with the FCC. I mean, we deal with them all done. We do filings and all that stuff. I have a responsibility to the community and the FCC to do things a certain way and pay certain things. We do them. But it takes a while. Things don't move real quickly. Six months, that's it. FCC gives approval. When this station was bought, it took us a lot longer than six months to get approval. We had to run it as a lease operation before we had approval. I think it's probably eight or nine months. So that's for one station. This one, FM Talk 1.065, WAVH. They get this done in six months. And they said in the story, once it was in hand, the approval, Odyssey wasted no time. Just hours later, the company announced that it completed a financial restructuring that began with the chapter 11 filing in January. It says a CEO, David Field said, "We are pleased to have successfully achieved all our restructuring goals emerging with an outstanding balance sheet. Who the hell couldn't if you can drop 80% of your debt?" It does wonders for a balance sheet there, Dave. He said, "We'll deliver industry leading growth, serving our listeners and advertisers with excellence and honoring our commitments to employees and partners." There you go. 220 station, 45 markets. Yes, there's a political part of it. People have asked me about the Soros thing. That absolutely is part of this. Laurel Tree, the company, financial firm. It's a George Soros company that does the buy. With that, not just the idea of like, "Oh, what will happen to conservative talkers because it's Soros on there?" We'll see. Actually, I think the market, if they start, what happened to Air America? They said, "Well, listen, conservative talk radio has been successful. We're going to do a liberal talk radio," and it went away. Business-wise, I think they could handle this. It's not going to be the death of all conservative talkers. I don't believe that's true, and I'll bring them here. But once again, 80% of the company debt wiped out. Just six months for the FCC to greenlight this buy. That's the world. That's the world. Coming up next hour, April and Marie Fogel will join us. We'll talk with her. We'll keep her eyes on the situation in Israel with Iran. Also, the latest here on the strike that we were talking about might happen. Well, it has now happened at the port. We'll get into that conversation with you next hour at 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6. Grab a couple of texts here if we wrap up this hour. Let's see. Steve says, "Bad afternoon, Sean, Hamas. UCLA students in Antifa know that 25 EV fire will cripple our supply chain." I fear that's next. And Jerry says, "If he believes he's talking about community notes, want to be who I said, I think, and conversations I've had with him, it doesn't mean I agree with him, but I think he or she thinks things out." But Jerry says, "If he believes that was a good deal, he really is a smart guy." He said, "The 16-inch guns from the United States ships in the Mediterranean Sea should be cherry-red from the amount of ammunition they've been sending to the goat lovers." Jerry, that's what I don't want to have happen. I want the Americans. You can support the Israelis, but this idea that you've got to savor, rattle, and go get us in another war, because we've been out of active war for too long. We've got to get more wars, right? Oh, and Jerry asking about Jeff Davis. I think he'd be a guest on the show, but he has. Jeff Davis has been in the studio a couple of times. He's on vacation right now, but we might give him a shout, get him on there in the future. All right, coming right back, hour number two of Midday Civil War. [Music]