Safety Wars

Safety Wars Live 9-30-2024 End of Disaster Preparedness Month but Not Disaster Preparedness

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01 Oct 2024
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I want to make sure everyone understands that we often talk about OSHA and EPA citations, along with some other regulatory actions from other agencies, legal cases, and criminal activity. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. Proposed fines are exactly that, and they are often litigated, reduced, or vacated. We use available public records and news accounts and press releases. Tell you- I- Tell you what, this is Jim. Let's try that again. Hi, this is Jim from Safety Wars. Before we start the program, I want to make sure everyone understands that we often talk about OSHA and EPA citations, along with some other regulatory actions from other agencies, legal cases, and criminal activity. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. Proposed fines are exactly that, and they are often litigated, reduced, or vacated. We use available public records and news accounts and press releases. We cannot warranty or guarantee the details of any of the stories we share, since we are not directly involved with these stories, at least not most of the time. Enjoy the show. This, this, this, this, this show is brought to you by Safety FM. And from the border of Liberty and Prosperity in the highway to the north, this is Safety Wars, or Monday, September 30th. Yes, I got the wrong date back there. All right, Monday, September 30th, 2020. What do we have to talk about tonight? So we're here on Thursday. What's the last day? Now I know we're broadcasting on Safety FM. We'll just turn that down. So, no, what are the updates? Nothing happened with Mayor Adams at all. That's the update, you know, EMP, nothing happened, but we do have Hurricane Helena. And we have another hurricane or a tropical storm or depression coming through. I'm sure that if you are in the targeted area of Hurricane Helena, that's Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, you are, you'll have a depression here. So we're going to kick off the day, the program by saying this, right? I often hear, I often hear this, just, oh, again. We have Pete Rose, he did not make it into the Hall of Fame, blah, blah, blah, blah. And you hear this again and again and again. And it turns out that Pete Rose passed away right before the announcement was made right before airtime. And let me see here. And it's a little bit annoying because you always are Pete Rose isn't in the Hall of Fame. Pete Rose isn't in the Hall of Fame, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, guess what? He, they do have a section set up in Cooper's town. Four, let's see if I got it right here, four Pete Rose. See if I could get it on the phone, I'll put it on the camera here. And then hold on, hold on, I should have had this set up. I know I should have had this set up beforehand. Yeah, there it is. So I'm going to hold it up to the camera right there, right? That is Pete Rose and a little display for him at the baseball Hall of Fame. So he did make it into the Hall of Fame there. However, you know, he did not make it into the plaque area. He has the most hits and the most hits and the most number of played games here. And they had him in with a Thai cab, right as on the display. So in a matter of speaking, he did make it in to the baseball Hall of Fame, just not in the Hall of the Hall with all the plaques and everything. So a rest in peace. He's a man that, uh, no, it was controversial. We'll say that some, uh, and again, no, we could talk about, yeah, that's all the thing, right? We could talk about, no, uh, while he shouldn't again gambling on the game of baseball. He shouldn't have done that because then he wants it to turn out one way or another. And on one of the promos that I have here, one of the parody promos, what I call, I have on there, uh, about a, uh, no, like a Jerry Springer type, uh, talk show and where I'm the host, obviously. And, uh, where a employer takes that life insurance policy on his most dangerous workers, hoping, uh, to make a big pay out if they die on the job, sort of thing. And, uh, sort of like the same thing that we're dealing with with, uh, with having gambling on baseball, is he influencing the behavior of the, uh, game, so to speak, or the outcome of the game, uh, to cover bandly gambling issues, right? Whether you're betting for the team or against the team, or what have you, uh, well, how, how often does that happen in, uh, at work? Well, we're going to gamble. We're going to do it wrong, but our gamble is, is I know one's going to get hurt. That's our gamble. We're not taking the risk. And as I point out all the time, what is risk? Risk is on one part of the graph, you likelihood something's going to happen on the other part of the graph, the consequences. Now you're a foreman. You're not an owner, you're a foreman, uh, you're a supervisor. Things of that, uh, along that line, you're willing to take a risk, right? You're willing to take a risk here. For, uh, uh, for things, right? You're ready to take a risk. And what's the consequence for you? Are you held accountable for your decision? Someone gets hurt. Are you held accountable? Mature, uh, somehow I'm not saying fire. I'm not saying, uh, uh, demode. I'm not saying anything. There is a company that I'm, uh, heard about today, uh, in a meeting where they, uh, were that someone got a major injury and they did hold the, where I'm an accountable because the person should have never been doing what he was doing. And he was done in front of the foreman. Foreman didn't put a stop to it. So they were held accountable. Do I think, uh, you know, whatever it was, I'm not going to say what it was because it'll be obvious where it happened and who did it for those listeners out there familiar with the case. So again, and that's usually where it comes down to. There is no risk for a lot of these supervisors and managers. Their risk is they're going to lose their job. And then they're going to find a new job. Some people are empathetic and they're like, oh my God, someone got hurt. Someone got killed. Some are like that they feel guilty. We're not talking about those people out there. And if they're at that way, if you're a supervisor that way, we really care is about you and really cares about your team in the workplace, that's a good supervisor, in my opinion, as far as that goes. But we're talking about how many times do I see someone getting hurt? And he's like, well, just this time to get time is time to go, Jim. God called them home. Not acceptable. Well, shit happens. Not acceptable. How about public and public officials? And we have this quote from Joseph Stalin out there, famous quote. One death is tragedy, a million a statistic. Are your, how's your public health people, how your emergency managers, how they doing, what kind of decisions are they made? Because they remember they at a minimum have a qualifying immunity or sovereign immunity, I'll make any decision they want, that the lover happened. Well, go back and listen to our September 11th program this year, where I let it all hang out. This is just the way it is, folks, who's taking the risk, right? And the whole Pete Rose thing, you know, he's, he might have been influencing the games based on his bed, well, and his payout on his risk, the what risk he was going to take. Does your employer do that? And if you're condemning Pete Rose, they perhaps you should look in the mirror here, and I'm not advocating what he allegedly did. I don't, I'm not familiar with the evidence or anything. I'm not advocating for it. However, don't judge, let's see be judged, right? Well, I have the same standards. Don't be too harsh, but remember, you know, all of this works in here. Now, second thing. I was talking to some emergency managers and some people in the insurance industry over the weekend, specifically on Hurricane Helene and its aftermath. And what about, you know, we talk about we know the disaster. You know, people hurt as of right now, 120 people hurt a thousand unaccounted for whatever that means. We have reports from the now this is from CNN. At least 128 people have died across six states and officials fear the death toll, the death toll can rise. Many more remain missing. Perhaps unable to leave their location or unable to contact family where communications infrastructure is in shreds. We're going to be reaching out some potential sponsors here where we're going to tell off, pardon me, I don't know my, I had dinner right before the show. Hold my faces clean. Now everybody's going to run over the video. Yeah, run over the video, see Jim with a dirty face. But anyway, there's a right here we have from hundreds of rows main clothes, especially in Carolinas because the storm like came up this way and did a loop de loop sort of thing and made remain over Northern Carolina, Northern North Carolina and more than 2 million customers remain without power according to power I didn't know that there was such a thing, power There's a medium chance of a new storm that develops in the Western Caribbean or Gulf of Mexico later this week. Certainly know whether where we'll go from there. President Joe Biden will visit some of the affected communities later this week as soon as it will not disrupt emergency response operations. Presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have an express condolences, those affected. So I was talking to the insurance agents and a couple of other people here. Don't forget that if you're even if you're hundreds of miles away and you're dealing with these things, paperwork, FEMA loans, insurance claims, anything like that, that takes a psychological toll on you because you have to read all these reports. And on top of that, from some of the information I have, a lot of people do not have the appropriate coverage or enough coverage for this stuff. Specifically, homeowners associations, because what's their thing? They're volunteers usually and doing the best they can. However, however, they, you know, they may not be very insurance savvy or safety savvy. So they don't look at that, well, community chief is policy possible. So I don't have to raise our homeowner fee rates. I'm a member of a home owners association. My parents were a member of the same homeowners association for 46 years. Uh, I understand rates go up. However, I also understand on the safety end, not all insurance carriers or try or brokers are upselling you on everything. That's not exactly what happened. They're not upselling you on everything. Some do, but not necessarily listen to what they say. So for example, I'll give you a good for example, the price of building materials since the COVID 19 pandemic went up astronomically. It's a good idea. I'm not an insurance broker. I'm not giving you legal advice. But if it were me, I'm just selling pure to pure advice here. Talk to your insurance agent when you can get them on the phone because they're dealing with this. Do I have enough insurance? Okay, maybe I bought my house and was, I'm just throwing a number out there, a hundred and a hundred thousand dollars 30 years ago. Now to replace that house and maybe a half a million dollars now, a comparable house, but you're still walking around with insurance policy. They'll only cover you for a hundred thousand dollars. You're going to have a problem when you have a problem. Again, all of this stuff goes into that. No, again, there's a big psychological stress with that. Maybe we'll go into that with that, what the psychological stresses are on a very near future program here. But remember, take time for yourself. If you need to talk, talk to people. If you need to say, you know, time out, I need a moment, I need a moment. If you need to go and get your little Shrek doll and hug your little Shrek doll, go and hug your little Shrek doll. Oh, hug your little Shrek doll there, right? Whatever you need to do, my daughter gave me that, so I keep it here on the desk. But with that, I mean, just hellish things. We're seeing reports of bodies and trees. The pictures are seeing of Asheville, North Carolina, completely destroyed. 12 foot of mud on the street in some of these places. I mean, it's just a nightmare. Now, the other thing is this, communication. People said, people say, well, you know, Jim will have cell phone access. A lot of those people don't have cell phone access. Don't have it, no cell phone towers. So what are you going to do? Not everybody has Starlink. I'm not giving them a plug, but not everybody has that. How about radios? Handheld radios? CV radio? And on a clear day, clear view, point to point. I believe in memory service, you're writing a dozen at a broadcast at a four watt energy, right? And if you have it in a car, it's a little bit more than that. Guess what? Now, you have three to five miles, roughly. I've gotten it as far as three miles, four miles away. My brother used to get it with his setup about when we were kids about 12 miles away on that, from Woodbridge, New Jersey to Edison, New Jersey. Pretty long range. Well, that sounds like a joke. Well, guess what? Those people wish they had that out there. They also have satellite phones for satellite text services. We're able to use text messaging on things. How about that allegedly, right? Electrical cars shorting out and exploding. So maybe the extra cars aren't all there cracked up to be in these situations. Right? Officials are urging those who evacuated and left. Electric vehicles or golf carts and garages or underbuildings, report them if they cannot save the access or remove them. Saltwater exposure can damage the battery components. Electric vehicles, potentially leading to dangerous chemical reactions. They could cause the vehicles to catch fires. So that's basically it with that. You can't charge an electric car without electric. This is out of the smoking gun this afternoon. Cops, hurricane looters hit Trump merch store. Suspect claimed stolen goods had just washed up during the storm. As Hurricane Helene battered a Florida city covered by a state of emergency declarations, two men allegedly verbalized a Trump store stocked with merchandise, promoting the ex-president according to the cops. You say one of the alleged looters was wearing a Trump cowboy hat. Anyway, they had merchandise that matched items stolen from the Trump store they were caught with and you know they're being held. What could be this from Newsweek? What could be the October surprise in a political season and surprises? I don't know what that could be. In October 2016, there was the unaired video showing Donald Trump bragging about women and his conquest. When I heard it, I said, you know what? I'm running those circles before and I absolutely believe it. That could happen. I mean, you know, even people like me, and I'm, no, believe me. I don't have to put on a voice scout uniform. You tell you I'm a little bit on the voice scout here. I had the voice scout uniform upstairs if you need to see me in it. But anyway, the, you know, you go, no, you're at these political events, you're at these events and it does happen even with this little modest broadcast like this. You get a lot of feedback. I'm not talking this feedback. I'm talking feedback from certain people and it's like, you know what? I could see where people could get into trouble. Just so high observation. And when I was involved in politics, people did get into trouble with stuff. And you know, just the way it is, I can see where it could have happened. But anyway, I digress here. But what's going to be the October surprise? I have no idea what the October surprise is going to be here. But it doesn't look good here for anybody. So what Newsweek is saying so there are other October surprises up until June. It seemed like the 2024 election was political day job. I'm reading the Newsweek and the rematch was dull now. It's not so dull anymore. So what are we looking for for an October surprise? I have no idea. Here we could go either way. This is anybody's game with this election here. Okay, so what do we have? We have the perfect storm going on here. I'm going to go for a commercial break because I got to set this up a little bit more. I don't have the article open then I want to share with you folks. So we're going to go through our first commercial break and I will see you in a minute. In the professional safety community, communication and planning are just a few keys to your program's success. The question many practitioners have is where do I start? Dr. Jay Allen, the creator of the Safety FM platform and host of the rated R safety show, has built a global foundation to help you along the way. Go to and listen to some of the industry's best and most involved professionals, including Blaine Hoffman with the Safety Pro. Sam Goodman with the Hopner, Sheldon Primus with the Safety Consultant, Jim Pozel with Safety Wars, Emily Elrod with unapologetically bold and many others. As individuals, we can do great things but as a team, we become amazing. Dial in to today and surround yourself with a powerful force of knowledge and support. I'm sure you've heard the news. Safety training is evolving and you should be too. Outdated safety training isn't just boring, it's dangerous. If your safety trainer is still preaching a warped version of behavior-based safety from 25 years ago, it's time for a change. Imagine safety training that actually addresses the hazards unique to your workplace. No more generic, one-size-fits-all solutions. The Safety Wars team at is here to revolutionize how you approach safety, with customized training that's relevant, engaging and effective. Contact Jim Pozel at 845-269-5772. Remember, if you're receiving this message, you are the solution to unsafe workplaces. Say goodbye to outdated safety training and hello to a safer, more productive environment. Visit now. Ocean recordables, catastrophic losses, environmental disasters. You want answers? So do I. This is Jim Pozel with Safety Wars. That's my daddy. So, here we have the Glove No Show, which is more destruction in the supply chain. Here we have the U.S. East Coast port strike looms as union and management trade wage offers. This is all for Reuters. With U.S. East and Gulf Coast port workers set to strike in less than five hours, it was at 7pm this was released. A port operator alliance said I'm going to trade new wage offers with the union, raising outside the outside possibility of a settlement before a halt to container traffic from Maine to Texas. The late, that includes the Gulf of Mexico after following along. The labor contract between the international longshoremen's association, union representing 45,000 port workers, a U.S. maritime allowance, employer group that fires late on Monday with negotiations and an impasse over pay. U.S. MX said in a save of money it had offered a hike wages by 50%. I don't know how long of overwhelming time is. That is, and traded new proposals with the union in the last 24 hours. And the strike would cost U.S. economy $5 billion a day. And now they rejected it, they're going back and forth. Now, what does it mean to you? Is what the question is. So something to remember is that one, according to what I've read today, one fifth of all imports in the United States come through the East Coast ports, right? I think that's a little bit low, but that's what I've read. That might just be the New York area ports. Now, this is, I've been nervously watching the Tuesday strike deadline. By the way, you heard it here first on safety wards and safety FM. And we heard that from insiders that contacted friends of the program. As now appears likely, it could choke off the supplies of many popular products that flow over these thoughts for not necessarily right away. So here are the limits. It does make economic or logistical sense to ship many of the goods that come into the East Coast by ports by East Coast force by alternative points of entry or by playing. So what does that mean? America could see some shortages of chocolate, alcohol, popular fruit, including bananas and cherries, and even certain cars of the strike lasts a long time. That could mean higher prices for goods that are available. So they're hoping to have that holiday shopping will not be impacted by this. They can get everything in there. And basically, it takes five days, five working days for every one day up to five working days for every one day of strike in this situation estimated. You realize that 25% of banana consumption comes through the Port of Wilmington? Wow. And 90% of imported cherries come through those things, imported chocolates, it meets from Europe, being in short supply, and it's going to be more money to deal with that. Incredible. But don't worry about it. And about that Halloween chocolate. And now, if you're soldering octoberfest like we were tonight, you're going to you'll do there's enough German beer. However, we do have American beers that are German style and beers from China that were developed by German immigrants and colonists in China. One popular one, Singtao, Green Island. That is was set up by a German company in China at the beginning of last century. Okay, so that's basically it with that. Now, what's the moral of the story since this is the last day of disaster preparation month? Here we have the perfect storm. Hurricanes, another one may be coming through. You have the court disruption. You have floods because of the hurricane. You have a US election. You have all different types of stuff going on. I'm sure in your own personal life. You have gold. What's the price of gold today? Let's see. I'm getting all different phone calls and everything. Price of gold. Dow Jones industrial at 42,000. Price of gold is at 2657. Now, we use to mention it all the time here. And Bitcoin is at 63276. Crude oil is still good. Again, I don't know how the crude oil is going to be impacted. Crude oil does not come through ports does come in through oil and depots. I don't know if that's going to be impacted at all. That's a good question. So, what's the point? Stock up on some stuff. My daughter loves bananas, so we got it some bananas. Probably, you know, in a week, we won't have any as this goes that long. Go at the concentrate on one thing. So, here we may have a supply disruption. Got some extra stuff. I'm going to treat if I can. If this goes on, I'm going to try to drive down in the vicinity of some of these places. See if we get some footage of this old posting. We have to see what they're doing here. We're going to mose the on over to our normal press releases here and we will do a share screen. It's weird for me to be here on a Monday, right? Usually, we're not here on a Monday. So, they did not update the OSHA website today, so we went right to the Department of Labor, right? And minimum wages and American Samoa increased by 40 cents per hour. Workers on American Samoa employed in industries covered by the Fair minimum wage back to 2007. We'll receive a 40 cent increase that our hourly wage beginning today. The Fair Labor standard is that it applies generally to employment in American Samoa, as it does to employment in the U.S. Going on, and American Samoa's minimum wage rates are set for particular industries, not for an employee's particular occupation. These rates are minimum rates for an employer may choose to pay an employee at a rate higher than the industry's specific rate. The wall also requires employers to display a poster, so this is like broken out by industry here. So, for example, bottling, brewing, and dairy products, 629, publishing 673. And pretty interesting here. And now, this is kind of, I don't know how much 670 an hour will go here for minimum wage in American Samoa. Don't know. Not a lot. Again, I'm going through here, and if you're following along on the video portion here, we have all the Department of Labor is involved in a lot of recouping and back wages here. You think this stuff doesn't go on because it's 2024? Guess what? It's going on all the time. U.S. Department of Labor has obtained a permanent junction and a court order for bidding a California transportation company from retaliating against drivers and illegally shifting liability for labor law violations on two workers who exercise their federally protected rights. In other words, they are whistleblowers or they are mentioning some type of labor law violation, including OSHA, could be some other things too. And the company said, "Okay, well, shame on you. We're going to screw you over somehow." The Department is often solicited to learn that after a group of drivers filed suit against the company for alleged labor violations, the company threatened to counter sue the drivers for more than $150,000 in attorney fees. Drivers alleged the company intimidated drivers and threatened to terminate those who persisted seeking unpaid wages and other remedies for the alleged violation of their rights under the Fair Labor Standards Act in California labor code. In fact, the company sent drivers involved in the lawsuit letters claiming that the material reached terms of service that they were required to sign the agreements and included in them to the clauses that the company threatened to enforce against these workers and turn them from exercising their rights. You kind of love these people, but shit in the writing. It's great. To further deter workers from pursuing their rights, the agreements had an arbitration provision that arguably barred workers from seeking collective relief against the company regarding the unlawful indemnity clauses. Employers should know better than to attempt to enforce indemnity clauses that report to shiv liability for wage and other labor law violations on to workers. I mean, where are we? In the 1930s at this company? 1920s? I don't know. Yes, the entertainer, right? I haven't that. Maybe we should have this one going. Right. Slaps the comedy. I mean, really? I've heard of this. Now, back 30 years ago, I heard his stuff like this, but we learn no less. We go along. We learn more. And this is all illegal. You can't say to an employee, I'm going to name you, finally, a no show of regulation. Well, guess what? We're going to you're going to be paying for the fine to can't do that. The department's legal action part of a larger effort to combat employers' attempts to enforce coercive provisions and contracts that seek to dissuade and punish workers from attempting enforce their legal employment rights. And they mentioned a whole bunch of other places that, believe it or not, are here in the Northeast, including a staffing company that looks like a medical staffing company in a bakery. Uh, I can't hear how it comes down. It is a transportation logistics company of advised drivers who transfer freight for shipping companies and has a mobile application for used by drivers and going on and on and on. Incredible. It's like, really, this stuff is still going on. Departmentally, we're allowed to still provide workers with disabilities and employers' ideas for workplace accommodations. As the National National Disability Employment Awareness Month, the U.S. Department of Labor today announced the availability of a new tool that provides access more than 700 accommodation ideas. We're going to go over all 700 of them right now. No, I'm only kidding. The Situations and Solution Finders offers examples of workplace accommodations. Let's see what this is about. Job, right, a accommodation network. There we will show you. Enter keyword, safety, professional, disability, AIDS, right, addiction, Addison's Disease, allergies, Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's disease, Amytrophic lateral sclerosis, a friend in the family came down with that arthritis, a taxia. So, uh, what do we have here? That's new. That's what's a good disability to try here. Learning disability, leg impairment, Lyme disease, okay. Limitation. Well, bodily function is in a body order. Communiculability contagious, coughing or excessively, dietary needs headache, nausea, pain, cognition, I had Lyme disease, so I could, uh, I believe me, I know that. Uh, the motor, gross motor, limitations, and an occupation. We already picked that. Okay. Find results. Nothing. Okay. I guess we got to pick something. Let's do this. Construction worker. Building contractor. Find results. Nothing. Okay. That's so good after all. Okay. Find results. Okay. Here we go. Match any filtered item. A new hire with POTS was beginning for a hotel receptionist physician, and this is going on, and, uh, after, so the employee could not sit down for long periods of time. After you've flown your request into the accommodation, the employer at the training schedule label or her to sit in the training in the mornings and job shadow in the afternoons. Okay. A state outreach, uh, coordinator had 700 things for, uh, coming back here, uh, results. Employer for the request. I guess it's a good idea. I mean, sometimes you're at the end of your rope with some of these situations and you get burnout and stuff. I get it. Now you may need a tool to help you. That's one of them. Uh, okay. Here we have, uh, share. Now I always say, you know, this is weird. The department of labor and teams order for bidding California transportation provider from retaliating against drivers. Here, we just, uh, read this, but, you know, again, it's weird. Why? You're not allowed to do it anyway, so why do you need a court order to stop you from doing it? I don't know. I don't get it. Here. Uh, what else? 840. We covered that. Uh, okay. Emsha has issued, uh, no, so every couple of months, Emsha, the Mind, Safety, and Health Administration, uh, comes out with, uh, like an update on the, uh, impact inspections that they have, right? So the U.S. Department of Labor completed August 2024 impact inspections at 14 mines with repeated health and safety violations and issued 253 violations. So they, uh, completed 14 mining inspections in 10 states in August 2024, issuing 253 violations. Agency began, uh, conducting inspections after in April 2010, explosion in West Virginia at the upper big branch mine, killing 29 miners. Uh, they identified 4,567 violations, including, uh, 1,261 significant and substantial and 87 unwarnable failure findings. A violation, an S and S violation, uh, significant and substantial warning is a violation that can be contributed to, uh, in a significant and substantial way to the cause and effect of safety in our health hazards. Violations designated as unwarnable failures occur when an inspection, inspector finds agro, pardon me, aggravated conduct that constitutes more than ordinary negligence. It is vital that miners find an active role in their safety and health by identifying hazards, recording them through Emsha for investigation, appropriate enforcement action and abatement sent assistant secretary for mine safety and health. Uh, Chris Williamson, impact inspections are a valuable enforcement tool. Agency conducts all this other stuff, uh, uh, so. So here are some of the things, right? During an August 12, 2024, inspection investigators identified 35 violations of mandatory safety and health standards, including 13 S and S violations and three unwarnable failure findings, specifically in vectors found the following. Two untrained miners were found working at the site, including leading to the issuance of a section 104 G1 withdrawal order for the miners until they complete required training. Cyber order is issued to eliminate the hazard, untrained, and in adequately trained miners, foes themselves and others. A miner was found working 13 feet above grand and without proper fall production, resulting in an imminent danger order. In 2023, Emsha issued a safety alert regarding the hazards of falls. We'll talk about that. And it goes on some of the things. Several unsafe conditions were discovered at three unwarnable failure findings issued. So, uh, housekeeping was number one, specifically aisles, blocked, uh, few things even cleaned. Not for eating conveyors headfully lacked guards. The area below an elevator where miners work was exposed to following a material, numerous electrical hazards. Another thing marrying West Virginia, a mine was selected given its compliance and complaint history. Inspectors, uh, arrived. They found 12 things, accumulations of combustible materials. The previous examinations that I fully detect and report hazard conditions underground along belt conveyors, led to an unwarranted failure finding, and they talked about safe alerts. So, let me go through here. See, we have a link to everything here. We have an Adobe, uh, Acrobat file coming up. Let's see what this is. Wow. And again, they just issue a spreadsheet here. Okay. This is all publicly available information. Here is so what let's see here. So here we have the district, the location, the mine ID, the controller name here, the operator name, the mine name, and the number of citations. And I don't normally handle mines, but if it's in the press release, we'll cover it usually. Different citation, uh, issues here under Emsha regulations. And, uh, so anyway, very interesting. I encourage you to look it up yourself with that because it's, uh, we're gonna go off the summary here. Now, the safety alerts, as far as, uh, from Emsha, here we have, uh, fault protection, uh, things, right? Uh, documents. And here we have, again, I see this all the time. No, uh, so here we have the workers attached with harnesses on, nothing attached to nothing. And it looks like the worker might have access this on, uh, from a, uh, class seven forklift up there, uh, access an elevated work area. Now, I had to mention this. For a safety professional to catch this type of thing, they have to be very far away from the work area. So they're working at height, right? So the safety professional has to be out a ways to, depending on how high you are, that's how far you had to be out there. You could do the math. It has to be able to go out, but what happens is looking at this from the ground, these two workers, if you, I know, if you're not on the video stream, you're on audio, you're seeing, you know, you can't, you know, you can't see it. But from the bottom, looking up on top, I can tell you this through experience, it looks like that those folks are tied off. You got to go out a ways and then take a, and then you're able to see that they're not tied out off, right? Here we have a mechanic on the next thing, standing on a wheel, the workers that were standing on some type of a silo or something. Again, mechanic working on a front end loader, it looks like, might be another piece of machinery, no fault protection, standing on a wheel. Okay, and then we have, you know, the good and safe use, right? They have examples there, and then they have it in Spanish here. And again, do they have this? Yeah, they have this here, fault protection. Again, no, well, how high do you have to be relevant? You can, can't hurt from any fall with that. And here we have the United States power outage map. And let me, this is pretty interesting here. All right, this is from power And here we have a number of electrical customers without power. Everything that they're recording here is, no, so you have less than 10,000 people with the power outage. It looks like, no, you're not going to make the map here. So at yellow, it's, ooh, that's 10,000, right? Plus, looks like up to 50k, 50,000. So no, Ohio, there's 11,723, that power, West Virginia, 16,000, right? And then Virginia, 82,000, North Carolina, 309,000, South Carolina, 674,000, Georgia, 488,000, and Florida, duh, 77,022. And a lot of people here, right? And this has been updated as of 10 minutes ago and it's 50 minutes after the hour. Pretty interesting map. We're gonna go to our next commercial break and we're gonna go and figure that things out. You are listening to Safety Wars, tomorrow's safety today. Hey employers, what do you want to say? Safety OSHA finds. Listen up, OSHA or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration can issue penalties after inspecting your workplace. If they find violations, you'll get notified by certified mail or in person. You have 15 working days to contest it or the penalty becomes final. How are penalties determined? It depends on your business size, the severity of the violation, your history, and your good faith efforts. Even if you fix the issue right away, you might still get fined. Let's talk numbers. A willful violation can cost between $11,524 and $161,323. Repeated violations hit up to $161,323. Serious violations can reach $16,131. And, other than serious violations, can also cost up to $16,131. If you fail to correct a violation, it's $16,131 per day. Lastly, missing a posting requirement? That's another $16,131. Stay informed, stay compliant, and keep your workplace safe to avoid these costly penalties. From the front lines of the safety war, it's safety wars. With your host, Jim Postal and Safety FM, get ready to face the harsh reality. So here we are, I might as well just go through FEMA. This is what we're all talking about. So they've put up a... All right, where are you affected by Hurricane Helene or Helene? Seven things you need to know about applying for disaster resistance. They have a nice thing, right? Here, a nice video and everything. When the president proves the major disaster, declaration FEMA is able to provide financial assistance directly to the people to jumpstart their recovery, as FEMA works with state, local, tribal nation, and territorial government partners to assess needs. Assistance becomes available in additional impacted areas. You can use the tool on the law to look up your zip code to see if your area is currently in. Included, number two, how to apply? No, either through the phone number, or visiting a disaster recovery system. What are you going to need? Description and damage, your address at the time of the disaster, your social security number, contact info, policy number if you have insurance, annual household income, and your bank account information for direct deposit. Remember to document your damage if you have insurance file acclaim, and what does FEMA... oh, you got to love it. I turned the thing off. What does FEMA assistance help you with? Serious needs assistance, money to help you pay for essential items such as food, water, baby formula, breastfeeding supplies, displacement assistance, other eligible expenses there, and what comes next, a home inspection application and appeal and delivery funds. I went through this process because we had a flood a couple of years ago here, and which resulted in this beautiful studio being constructed here, and we went through the process. We really didn't get anything. We got a little bit of money, but not much. Nothing to really write home about. Here we have the disaster declaration things for every county, the disaster declaration documents, applications versus assistance. I'm going to recommend everybody go out there and do what you're supposed to do here. Now this is a little bit... I don't know, icky here. So what are the priorities? The answer of response and recovery, equity, climate resilience, because you've got to have the climate thrown in there and readiness getting prepared for the next disaster. Learn more about strategic things, right? About this stuff. And they have YouTube videos, ambitious goals, equity as right, so everybody gets treated the same. What does that mean? Everything is to everybody's unique needs here. Equity is the consistent and systemic fear and just impairment. You know what? We're going to do a video on this probably. So that's all I have for tonight. We are going to cut it off a little bit earlier and end with our normal patriotic music, and we're going to go from there. So for safety words and safety FM, this is Jim Poelzel. Wanted to thank you for listening, and we will be back here tomorrow. I think I'm planning on being here all five days this week. So we'll see you... No, I think last week we made three, so we were doing really good. So we're going to conclude we're going to have some different music here, but still patriotic music. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guest and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. They should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, recording, or otherwise without prior written commission of the creator of the podcast, Jay Allen.