Built For The Game with Rob Cressy

3 Positive Habits For Manifesting Your Dreams

Do you want to manifest your dreams—not by hoping or wishing—but by building positive habits that you actually enjoy and look forward to doing every day? In this episode of Built For The Game, Rob Cressy shares his process for manifesting success and you can too. Included in this is taking advantage of the power of repetitive vision by creating your declarations (aka I am statements), speaking your goals, and bringing your Vivid Vision to life.-Ways I can Help:* Looking for a Coach to support...

Broadcast on:
01 Oct 2024
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Do you want to manifest your dreams—not by hoping or wishing—but by building positive habits that you actually enjoy and look forward to doing every day? In this episode of Built For The Game, Rob Cressy shares his process for manifesting success and you can too. Included in this is taking advantage of the power of repetitive vision by creating your declarations (aka I am statements), speaking your goals, and bringing your Vivid Vision to life.
Ways I can Help:
* Looking for a Coach to support your growth journey? Let's have a virtual coffee -
* Experience Faster Growth With AI & Self Development - Join Unlimited:
* Bring Your 3 Year Vivid Vision To Life:
* Create Your Personal Manifesto:

Let's Connect:
Rob Cressy - Instagram:
@rob_cressy - LinkedIn: /cressy/

Do you want to manifest your dreams not by hope and fruition, but by building positive habits that you actually enjoy and look forward to? What's good? I'm Rob Crassie, and I want to share three positive habits for manifesting your dreams that are practical and easy and not overly woo-woo. And I see you bringing your vision to life as both a skill and a process, something that you are totally in control of. And this starts with three very foundational things. Number one, the power of intention, a.k.a. this is what I want. Number two, the power of awareness, a.k.a. I see it in my life. And number three, the power of consistency, a.k.a. I see it often. And this is all around the power of repetitive vision in helping you unlock and manifest your dreams and bring them to reality. Because one of the major unlocks happens when you understand and practice these concepts by turning them into positive habits. And this is what becomes, as I call, effortless effort, where you are effortlessly creating growth in your life, and it doesn't take too much effort for you because it becomes autopilot. And a very simple example of this is I have my built for the game personal manifesto hanging up in my bathroom. Why? That way I can get that drip every single day of these positive messages in my life to help me control and design my positive self-talk. So once I created this, it is effortless for me to get all of the benefits of this. So similar to manifesting your dreams, this is manifesting my positive self-talk. It has become especially powerful on those times when my self-talk is all negative and it's chattering on me or it can flip the script and turn that into momentum. And by the way, if you would like to create your own personal manifesto, I wrote step by step how you can do it, go to So what I want to do is share with you three positive habits that have helped me manifest my success in Can You Too? Number one is declarations, aka creating your IM statements. Number two, speaking your yearly goals on camera. And number three, creating your three year vivid vision and what I'm going to do is I'm going to break these down each one to show you how you can create this for yourself and how this can then become effortless efforts in manifesting your dreams and bringing them to life. So let's start with your declarations and declarations are a series of IAM statements and declarations are different than affirmations. Declarations are powerful, they're statements, they're like you standing on a mountaintop and saying I am infinite love. You're declaring this to be true. And the power in this is a very simple three step process, speak, see, feel, your ability to speak these IAM declarations and then your ability to then see them in your mind's eye, the visualization of it because when you speak it and then you see it that you can feel the emotion and you can feel the energy on that. And for anyone watching right now on video, I have a list of some of my declarations that I have and I read every single morning because they create who I am, my identity because the story you tell yourself, create your actions and your actions create your results. Therefore, if we want to manifest our vision and our dreams and our success, it really helps to start by designing the story you're telling yourself, designing your state of being, designing that positive self talk. And it's why I do this early on in the morning in my morning routine because I want to build that momentum. I want to build those seeds of positivity. So for example, some of them are I am constant creation of who I am. Boom. I'm the creator of everything that I do and I feel this or I am in flow and I'm just riding the waves of life, the ups and the downs and I just love that or I'm the happiest person on earth shining my light on everyone and I just visualize my son waking up in the morning. He's two and a half years old in his crib and he's just like dad, dad, I'm like, boom, man. It's not possible for anybody on earth to be happier than I am right now. So if you have not dove into a practice like this before around creating your identity statements, your I am statements, then I encourage you one, reach out to me, Robert shoot me an email. This is the most powerful thing I have ever created in my life. It is foundational to who I am and this is more than just words. Like I said, every morning I speak this, I see it and I feel this and you can think about this, if you could be the most powerful, best version of yourself every single day, what are those phrases because so often we know these things, but are you getting that one intention to awareness, three consistency every single day, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, you've got this process for creating and designing powerful self talk. And this is something that there's two ways that I effortlessly do this. One, I have this up on Evernote. So in the morning is doing my morning routine, boom, I just speak, see and feel the entire list right there, or number two, I will do this on the go, speaking my IM declarations. And here's a very simple example. So in the gym, I'll be lifting weights and I might say to sell myself, I am that I have a world champion mindset, or I am built for this, or I am fearless, boom. When I'm lifting weights, I want that positive, that drip of that, that sharpness, that edge for myself, or maybe when I go and grab a pizza and I'm filling out the tip, I'll say, I'm abundantly generous and I'm a giver. So the ability to take your declarations on the go to self create yourself. This is self creation 101, but there's also mastery levels on this. So for me, I absolutely love this because this fills you with emotion, power and energy. And as you can hear and feel me right now, how do you think this relates to manifesting your goals and your dreams and your vision and your success? It all starts with the foundation of who you are, how you think and how you speak to yourself. The next thing that I do, which is just so awesome and so easy, is speaking my yearly goals on camera. And the reason this is so powerful is because so often with long term goals, you can lose that connection. You can lose that site, or you can lose that urgency of it because I know in my own world, I understand smart goals, I'm very goal oriented, I'm a high performer, but I also don't relate to them because I'm very creative, I'm very fluid, I'm very dynamic. So it's like, I get it, we're going to have smart goals where it's like, here's what it is, I'm going to measure it and here's the time bound and all that stuff. Not for me. So in this instance, I want something where I can feel the energy, the emotion, the creativity, the power, because how you feel on whenever you start your year, whether it's January 1st or September 30th, however you feel then might be a little bit different than how you feel three months, six months, nine months, 11 months into your year. So by having this asset for yourself that says, number one, here's my yearly goals. So it forces you to literally write down what your goals are and all the buckets of your life that are most important. And then number two, you're going to speak them on camera. Why? Because I want you to hear yourself, your energy, your emotion, speaking these goals that you have, because this is what's going to create the connection, because once again, power of intention, power of awareness, power of consistency, drip, drip, drip. Do you hear what I'm saying here? This is all about your system, your process, your habits that are positive that you are bringing these things to life. So I'm going to share my screen real quick and give you an example. So to make this simple, I host mine in Vimeo, you could use YouTube or even just on your phone. You can just record it there and I set mine to music. So take a look at this and to make this easy, I put this as an icon on my phone. A home screen, that way when I'm going to the gym or on my way back home from the gym, I can just push this button and I think it's what, four minutes and 51 seconds of me speaking my goals every single day and man, I'm just living in that connection. So I'll share this and hopefully you can hear this to give you an example of what this looks like. And there's levels to this game and this year I added the music to really level up my enjoyment and my energy and pleasure of hearing my goals spoken out loud. These are my 2024 goals, they are who I am and I have them now. 2024 is the best year of my life. It is an unforgettable and historic year because I am a winner and a champion. And I really stepped into my power from receiving the RTA core value award because I am that dude and I shed that which does not serve me with positive action because I am expanding. I create quantum leaps of 10x and 100x. I shatter my belief ceiling of what is possible. So that's an example of what I listen to every single morning. And once again, effortless effort. Once it's created, all I have to do is push a button and get that drip. So right now, if you look at the morning of how you wake up, you want to manifest your dreams and your goals and bring your vision to life, it's like, what's my process? Number one, let's speak my declarations, create that positive self talk. Number two, let me create that reconnection to my vision and goals of this year by speaking them on camera and listening or watching this back. And then number three, and this to me has been a game changer of all game changers and is creating your three year vivid vision. If you have not read it before, I highly recommend you check out Cameron Harold's book, Vivid Vision, and it's all around creating a three year vivid vision for yourself. And when I pop this up on the screen right now for anybody watching on video and a three year vivid vision, what it really does is it plants the seed of possibilities on the highest level of what you want to create in your life. This is manifesting one on one and this starts with number one, the power of intention. So what are the most important areas of your life and what would you love to create with them in the next three years? There is no governor, no limit to this. This is your ability to dream. So the next part about this then becomes bringing it to life. And for me, this is about one, the language and words that you use. And then number two, your ability to take the imagery and have that bring it to life for you. Because a lot of people, we have goals, whether it's one year, one month or three years, but they might just be in a document. But imagine your ability to feel this and see this and give this document to somebody else. Oh, baby, it is a game changer. So you'll see right now on my screen, what we have is just a snapshot. And then what I go through here is boom, next I've got my wife and I'm detailing man for the next three years. This is what it's going to look like with my life. And then I go through and it's my son. And all of these are aspirational things that you can live into. Because what you really learn in creating a three year vivid vision is to take a page from Dr. Benjamin Hardy's book, be your future self now. Because one of the things that I always was struggling with is creating that connection and that emotion in that commitment to long term goals. Because it's easy just to be like, oh yeah, that's in three years, I'll get to it later and just keep kicking the can down the road. And it gets three years later and you're like, wow, I didn't do anything about this. I wanted to create a connection to it. So boom, bring this imagery to life. And I'm looking at my wife, my son, my well being. And some of this I'm taking my declarations. But I'm taking my yearly goals. Some of them, I'm like, how big can I dream? And I want to bring these things to life because once again, repetition in your vision. This is the thread that goes through your declarations, your goals and your vivid vision right here. And man, I can give this document to you and you will know more about me and what I'm creating and where I'm going than almost any human in your entire life. Because this takes intention, this takes commitment, and this is one of those things where I love to say, what am I willing to do that others are not? But once this thing is created, man, this becomes effortless effort. So boom, exploration and play and I'm sitting here in entrepreneurial harmony. And each image tells a specific story for me, a different connection. This one, every day I'm living and creating my dream. Last thing about this, imagine if every day for the next year or the next three years, you just said to yourself, every day I am living and creating my dream, boom, repetition, repetition, repetition. So what is it that you want to repeat in your mind? Are you going to speak it? Are you going to see it? Are you going to feel it? Are you going to create that energy and that connection for yourself? Do you see what we're going with with this? And then boom, abundance and prosperity. So dreams really do come true, spread love, it's a Brooklyn way, boom, a little biggie in there. So there's flavor. And once again, I read this in the morning and this is actually the very first thing that I do because I sat there and I audited myself and I'm like, all right, how do you be someone who actually lives these massive goals and dreams and manifested these things? Well, one thing that person would probably do is read this document at least once a day to re-remind themselves and recreate themselves and create their identity as that person. So boom, if something's important, you always find time to make it happen. When's there always time? First thing in the morning, huh? So we're sitting here. First thing, read the vivid vision. Second thing, speak your declarations. Third thing, your yearly goals on camera listening to them. And the last thing here is how I feel. So yeah, we're even designing our self talk, we're designing our energy and we're designing how we feel. And if this is something that you would love to create for yourself, you can go to Once again, I reverse engineered this entire process of what I did to help you create this in your life because as you can see, these are positive habits that I live every single day. Why? Because I am all in, all my chips are on the table. I want to be the best version of myself. I want to live the best life possible. I want to bring my dreams and vision to life and I'm going to manifest it by having systems and processes that I do every single day, the positive habits that are actually effortless to execute. All it takes really is some front end intention and commitment to making it happen. So it took me 12 years to get to the point where I had all three of these things in my life. And the good news for you is, as we sit here on October 1st, 2024, you can get all three of these things completed and integrated into your life by the end of the year. So in three months, you can have three things that would change your life forever. What's it going to take? Intention, commitment, time, and execution. And my encouragement for you is, don't get overwhelmed, just start with one. What speaks to you the most? Where do you feel most alive? Hey, maybe you've got some of this in your life already. Maybe you can add one of these as a tool to your tool belt. Because I can tell you from experience, each one of these individually changed my life, so much so that I reverse engineered the process to share with others and teach others in my communities, in my coaching clients how they can do the same. Because I would love for you to create in your life the things that I've seen in mine, but in your own way. So this is something that resonates with you or you've been listening or watching to our show for a while, man, reach out to me @RobCressy on social media or I encourage you, join our community, go to We have a community of growth oriented leaders and entrepreneurs and coaches and high performers growing their business and life together. And the way that we're doing this is with self development and AI and we're creating an experience, we're supporting each other and we are making things happen. So woo, I am fired up for me and I'm fired up for you. If you enjoyed this, make sure to subscribe, comment below and share with somebody else who needs to hear this because the reason that I'm sharing this is because of the impact it had in my life and it can you too. Sending tons, good vibes, your way, I hope you have yourself an amazing rest of the day. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)