Tokyo Citadel Builders

Uptober Sucks

A: Japan

  • LDP leadership election theater 
  • Dear Leader Ishiba’s foreign policy announced–”Asia NATO”. 
  • Election called for 10/27. 
  • The foreigners really were the cause of the rice shortage. Dash has the receipts. 
  • Nerima major calls for scrapping furusato nozei
  • Automated immigration gates to be made available to foreigners (by 2030…)
  • Singapore implements passportless immigration
  • Naval tensions between China and Japan heat up. 
  • OpenAI GhatGPT launches voice service with native level Japanese

B: Bitcoin ~ 47 mins

  • Builders
  • Bull market back? 
  • SBF sharing a cell with P Diddy? 

C: World news ~1 hour 9 mins

  • Fallout from Mossad pager attack
  • Israel Lebanon/ Iran 
  • Zelinski and his “victory plan”
  • Vice president debate

Broadcast on:
02 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

I'm looking for Skyline, as I drive my Skyline, I'm rockin' baby nape, like Neo went away I'm around Tokyo drifting, what Nakimoto gifted These dollars don't make sense, no longer on the fence Bitcoin only homie, Michael Salatomi Ain't no second best, no It's my one and only fear takin' nails, yeah Bitcoin doin' well, yeah I'm in Tokyo, yeah As it said, they'll hate good It is a beautiful morning here in Japan, however, October sucks We dumped this morning, Israel and Iran are blowing each other up again Which means price down, October has been cancelled I'm pissed, but we will endeavor to make it through this show Dash, how's it goin'? Thanks brother, like you said, a bit of a downer with the price action Had done on the list the bull market back So discuss which you had written that a few days ago, so I don't know How about the segment is gonna go, but let's do it best here Yes, said times, but we will pretend like this piece of shit Thing that we invest so much time in is not a complete piece of crap And hopefully convince ourselves that October will see glorious new all-time highs Or at least not sucking in comparison to shitty gold and the S&P Where do we begin? So, well, just on that note, as you were saying, I was thinking convince ourselves that Bitcoin isn't the ultimate, I guess, sign or like the epitome of late stage fiat Yes Right, it's the cure, not the sentence But yeah, for Japan, we had actually a very busy Newsweek, a lot more going on in Japan than it's going on in Bitcoin, it seems So looking forward to diving into a few of these topics here A few of them are kind of running segments we've been doing Last few weeks, so it'd be interesting to dig into those, maybe compare with previous predictions we've made One of the topics that we had discussed is the LVP leadership election Which I had sort of described my feelings about that, just from beginning to end Just an absolute farce to me, it's just like obvious theatre We had mentioned on previous show how they had gone out of their way Spending no doubt taxpayer's money to kind of promote this As if it was some sort of boxing match, they even had a billboard And they were taglining it the match, or I guess zamachi in Japanese And they had a number of candidates, they were discussing policy in the media We had the new guy has been elected, Ishiba, I think his name right And they're actually talking like it's a new political like Shin Seiken They're using the same kind of language they do after a general election in the media And I just scratching my head thinking why are they? Because I've been through several of these now, right? And usually I don't know if it's just because I'm paying more attention But it seems to me there was a lot more effort put into this one than there had been in previous one And I'm like, well, what is that for? And it's completely non-democratic, of course It's just an internal LDP party matter But they're acting, they're trying to give it this air of legitimacy And I'm just, you know, my Spidey sense is tingling I'm dreading this, I'm thinking, well, now what's coming? Is it unrealized capital gains? What are they trying to set up here with this, you know, dog and pony show? But it seems the early indications are it's largely business as usual But there's one large item on the agenda And I noticed that you should have had released with the Hudson Institute Or there's an American think tank, he'd released this paper Around the time of his selection Which is calling for Asia NATO And this is another thing we've touched on before on this show That we were perplexed as to why Japan was participating in these NATO meetings around the world We had, you know, because we thought it was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization So, you know, Japan isn't in the Atlantic Why is Japan involved in this? Well, you know, the mystery, mystery solved Right, it's, they're very, very explicit now He's very, very actually writes Asia I think the Japanese was idea ban NATO But whatever, an Asian version of NATO Is explicitly mentioned in this, in this paper Along with several other things One of them which sort of alludes to the possibility of bringing nukes into Japan As a defense, as a deterrent, you know, sort of regional thing Another one is stationing SDF, self-defense forces, Japanese army Japanese soldiers essentially in American territory Yeah Which I thought was interesting Apparently this issue buys a bit of a war, war hawk He's one of these, you know, I read somewhere that he has Toy, battleships and toy kind of Oh, fuck, it's a church's office Yeah, he's, yeah, yeah So, you know, we've got a war hawk, we've got a war monger A big kid as far as I can see, he just likes to play with his sort of soldiers and toys And I think he's probably fantasizing about some sort of resurgence of the Great past in Imperial Japan days or something like this But yeah, all very interesting, but it seems, you know, whether he'll get his soldiers in Guam or not Um, I don't know, probably not, I would have thought But yeah, the Asian NATO, I think he's going to get whether he likes it or not And so I think that the whole thing was probably just to set up A legitimizing and a pathway to essentially increased taxes, increased defense spending And ramp up a kind of NATO presence in this part of the region But what do you think, what your thoughts? Yeah, having looked into him a little bit, he is a, um, he's an American, um, neo-con, essentially Um, he's their ninth Christian quote unquote prime minister They keep putting in these, um, American, uh, pro-Zionist, uh, neo-con Blow up the world types, you know, he's essentially a Lindsey Graham, right? An American speak or a John Bolton or whatever Um, so that's, you know, it's funny to see Uh, American tentacles, just kind of being blatant, uh, you know, nakedly, um, inserted Into Japan, as you said with the, the Asian NATO, why would you need this? The other NATO seems to be doing great, you know, why would you want a second one? I have no idea, um, but yeah, the, um, the neo-con, uh, establishment in the U.S. Has now fully asserted itself into Japan It's, uh, rather depressing to see, um, but not completely unexpected Although I do think that, you know, as, um, things ramp up In various places, it was only a matter of time until Japan had to get back in the game In some way, anyway, you'd prefer to see them have their own national Army, um, as opposed to kind of this weird, um, vassal Force of the U.S., although Japan just has no functional military No, and you have nobody really signing up for the military Anyway, so, I mean, it perhaps it wasn't really in the cards for them to have their own domestic force Um, they have somewhat of a, of a navy, but nobody, you know, it's really just American ships That they put a couple of Japanese people on, um, I think the whole Force, you know, is in the five to ten thousand range, which is like, you know A couple, a couple days where the warring, um, so not much Uh, we were talking about this before, I tend to think that the, the Asian NATO is going to be mostly led by the Koreans who have a much more substantial force Uh, Japan, however, is on, on track to be doing something, they do have a lot of hardware Um, so that, you know, is obviously not Um, is there is obviously explicitly to deter China, how deterring it is, is yet, is yet to be yet to be seen, um, I don't know how good The toys here are in Japan as compared to what the Chinese have Uh, we saw that the Ukrainians were outfitted with all kinds of toys and that hasn't worked out particularly well for them so I think a lot is up in the air, um, and uh the bringing in of Ishiba between his shitty, uh, progressive, uh, war, um war hawking and Light on immigration stance. He's this kind of a, he's a good companyman and will, uh, probably just more of the same I don't know what it really means, but There will be, um, just kind of more Americanism Here in Japan for the foreseeable future Yeah, I think I agree largely with that take one thing you said that I thought was interesting Was around the neo-con like he's a typical sort of neo-con and I agree, uh, when you said that that that made sense Um, but I wonder because I haven't given it much thought or maybe maybe you have some insight here, but, um It seems that we've had this transition from like the neo-con existing within the republican party back in the kind of, you know, I write war days, etc Um, so now it's like that the spirit of global domination through You know military power is now within firmly within the democrat party I mean, is that is it completely at this point just completely independent of the party? Does it like sit in the deep state is like do you like when you when you say neo-con because traditionally that would have been like you'd have thought republicans But it's it's completely separate from parties now, right? Well, the history of it is actually the neo-con is much more firmly Planted in the democrat, uh, the left establishment than it is in the right The reason why they they ended up ended up going to the right was because post Or uh in the in the soviet union when stalin kicks out the trotskius that um That sets up a war between different factions to the left So they needing a home somewhere moves into the republican party, which was much more Um anti-soviet and they implanted themselves there But the bill crystal types the Virginia types all these people are much more Um of the left and they are the right they really it never really fit anyway for them to be there Um on the right so they make their they can finally go back home to the progressive left and and be um and be be home there making their Their their utopian world order Uh out of the left which has never been a rightist position, um So some of the the odd things that you'd see in american politics like why you know why this person that has Some it should be somewhat aligned with uh, you know, libertarian ideology in certain ways or nationalistic Uh is uh is involved in in in wars in the middle east in all these different places Because they were dragged in by a foreign entity which had uh implanted itself merely because of anti-Russian anti-communist sentiment in 5060s and 70s but is now being expunged As they are shown to not really represent anything of the right Yeah, okay, well, I guess that makes sense because it's kind of The military industrial complex US imperial army now justifies its expansion and adventures through Essentially these days as much as I can see progressive Like furthering a progressive agenda. Yeah, a bit of at the edge of a sword sort of thing. So yeah, I mean, I guess that makes sense Um, so yeah, so just just wrapping up then on the leadership election So, you know, as I mentioned it's a it was an internal ldp matter had nothing to do with the general population Um or all important decisions are made that way it seems in japan Um, but they they they have felt the need to kind of get rubber stamp from the people Um, and so a snap election has been called for the end of This month. I guess we're in october now so end of october Um where you know, since there's no functioning opposition party in japan as far as I can tell and Um, I mean that isn't that isn't literally true. I think there is some party that claims to be Not opposition, but it's it's and it's a fast. It's completely I mean you just never see them or I never see them in you know In the media, I never see their policies their positions It's you know, it feels like there is they don't exist um And so, you know, you know, we're we we're almost a complete just one party state As far as I can see I can't see any sort of shoots of Protest or anything like this. I expect the ldp will just get their rubber stamp Um, they'll just secure their majority. Maybe even increase it At the end of this month and you know all of the the scandals of the kashida era You know, which we were in the media only, you know weeks ago Have now a bit like, you know, I will imagine have just been Memory hole just largely forgotten despite the fact it's exactly the same people now With you know an issue baron. He's covered in like nothing actually changed apart from maybe kashida is You know less high profile now. So Yeah, that's I mean, it's pretty pretty bleak, but um, do you any thoughts on the upcoming election? Not really. I mean, as you said, these are general theater. Um, I don't Uh, there was there did seem to be uh some Support for what was their name say the the more nationalistic type the anti immigration one um, but It came out The chair near the penny. Yeah. Oh, uh, yeah, takashi or something like that, right? Yeah, I mean like she uh, but kashida was like we shan't have that Um, we shan't have any any non immigration policies here We've heard from washington that diversity is our strength. So we will be taking courage um So that got snapped down, but yeah, I mean not really I mean, it's all kind of with with the way japan works You know the the basic one party structure as it kind of exists here, right? um Once you know now that this is set up it kind of takes takes precedent over anything else and listen with a huge Uh popular uprising which japan did in the 60s and 70s, but they don't really do that anymore Uh, most people are pretty detached from politics whether for good or for bed Uh, so they'll be walked into whatever Policies the the main party has and there won't really be much to say about it until it's all done Because people aren't really paying attention. So I don't know how consequential it is Until we find out what it is that they want to do whether your predictions of doom are correct or whether um it is uh not Not so substantial We will only have any view on the matter after it's already done and after after it's been implemented So sadly nothing to look forward to there Yeah, yeah, I agree. I mean Well and also to some extent, you know how much is japan even in control of its own fate at this point Yeah, you know, it seems that yeah, the wheels are in motion globally in terms of you know Conflict escalating and we have problems with the money globally So this isn't anything localized to japan and there's a lot of big players surrounding japan of course You know russia china and america sort of japan's just kind of jammed in the middle of those three so Um, you know and in what do I know right? Um, maybe maybe we do need to run put the military maybe we all we all as the part You know as the people living in japan do you need to play our part by paying more taxes and you know Um, and that's that's the price we pay for the peace and the pax americana to continue, but uh, we will we will see Um, okay, so moving on to the next item. Um, so the rice shortage That we had covered on previous shows um at that time I had Raised my you know, it's a theory that I had heard that it was down. It was due to the foreigners the torus I know I was shot down a little bit for that people saying doing with dash. He just hates on the torus He just wants to blame them. There's nothing to do with that It was it was an earthquake or something and then then the people were panicking and Buying rice and it's nothing to do with the torus, but it actually turns out that uh according to an article I think it was you undo that shared The asian ike that it was the foreigners all along because he Because you got to take your victory lap on this one So I have the receipt so uh, yeah, apparently because these people they come over and They don't eat Um, I don't know. Um, they don't come to eat me donals, right? No, so they come over to eat the sushi and and and whatever and they typically When they're here, they like to fully laugh the japan experience and eat rice Um, and and this is this is um causing a spike in demand and it's part of the part of the shortage So, um, again, I think we're ahead of the new cycle here. I think we should probably part ourselves on the back But uh, any any any thoughts on this? I still have a hard time really grasping how it is that you know Um, a slight bump like in in torism Could cause this much mayhem Um, perhaps i'm just unaware of how farming works or something but because there you know, there's what what was there This year, how many torus were there? Well, they're back to the Well, I think they're on track for around I think I believe it was they're tracking to 40 million in the year something like that. Yeah, I mean so that I mean, it's a lot, but I mean That's what it was in 2019, right? Like that's Yeah, it was we're back to I think I think we're exceeding we're just getting ahead of 2019 But not that much it were about yeah So I and I don't remember any rice shortages in 2019. So I don't exactly know what's going on um my Yeah, my concern is if We're back at a level which was fine before but now there's shortages quote-unquote, um, either there's not really shortages in this kind of bullshit or Uh, something broke and and we don't know what it is. There's some kind of farming problem that we that we don't know about Hopefully the former where this is just kind of made up hysteria brought on by clickbaity tv um But my Concern is the latter and we're gonna find out six from six months from now. That's something went wrong Now let's play the torus. Let's keep looking at my fuckin torus Well, I think what the one difference to 2019 is the exchange rate and so It could be I don't you know, maybe this is ridiculous, but Maybe not you know Maybe a lot of these people are coming out here and having a sort of eyes wide short experience where they're just having these parties and ordering Mount mountains of rice. Maybe naked women lying with with sushi all over the body I don't know and uh, and this is uh, this is this is the difference with 2019 where people were a little bit more You know conservative with their rice consumption. Um, it could be something like that, right where they People are just absolutely going going crazy when they come over here uh enjoying themselves enjoying themselves. I mean, um, I mean, I definitely seen you know compared to 2019 it seems the torus were more um Limited to certain area there were certain hellish areas which you avoided and Um, because you knew the torus were there now. It's like they're getting everywhere. You'd the inner Places where previously you would have never seen torus. I I see them now And so they're getting around. I think they're getting smarter. Uh, you get a lot of repeat torus And so, you know, maybe they just you know They they know where to go. They're sort of staying longer Um, you know, they're spending more and you know, so even though we're back to those 2019 numbers You have, you know, I think I think the per head spending may maybe maybe higher Um, and that might that might be something to do with it. I'm not sure but it's um Yeah, it's definitely a factor. I'm not sure if it's the only, you know, that the major thing or whatever, but it is definitely part of the, um, uh, the problem here, I think Well, I have to go with you on this when you were correct and calling it out. So I shouldn't fade you on your on your hatred of Of various people coming into this country because you seem to have a pretty good nose for how they're fucking things beyond description So I'll defer to you and uh wait for you to be proven right again Yeah, I'm trying not to though. I'm trying to come to terms that you know, there's some things where You just you just have to change the way you Uh relate to reality or you're just going to ruin your own, you know, you just you just making yourself unhappy So I'm like trying to be positive about the tourists, but uh, it's hard I mean, I don't know. What's the uh, what's the white pill take? It's um I guess it's going to improve for the economy or something, right? We're going to get more varieties of ketchup More varieties of ketchup. Okay, like when when foreign when americans come, they don't want red apple or green apple. They want Um 17 different versions of an apple. You know what I mean? So they're going to have to start catering to that So we're going to get 87 different kinds of cereal not just Chocolate frosted flakes or regular frozen flakes. So I'll be eventually be able to get you know Shit that I I enjoy in the u.s But here now And we are back listeners. Sorry dash has had some audio issues there. So if it's if we screwed up the first 20 minutes of the podcast That's my fault. Um, but yeah, just uh restarting the japan segment here Um, so I just think we just finished talking about the the rice shortage. Um next item on the list is the uh, yeah for the sato noze Uh for the sato noze is the system that japan has whereby you can uh, you can pay your your taxes early Um, and in and what you do is you actually select a an area one of the provinces around japan So for example, you could choose, you know, Hokkaido somewhere And and you send the local administration, I suppose the money um And what they do is they will send you a gift in return. That's the idea And so for example, you can get some Hokkaido potatoes or something like that in return for your Your sort of tax donation and then you uh, you offset that you get a sort of tax rebate the next year when you when you file your taxes So it's a great system. Um, and this is about the time of year that people, you know, you get an idea of what your sort of annual uh salary is depending on that, um You know, you the amount you can donate is or pay early rather is Is is decided. So, you know, if you've had a good year, you know, you've had some bonuses or something like that You can spend a little bit more and get some more gifts back. So it's it's a kind of, you know, uh, it's a great system I guess in terms of, um, gives you a little bit of optionality and how your tax money spent and also You know, a little bit back for it. Um, and um, yeah, so a lot a lot of people are Taking advantage of this system in japan. Um, how about yourself and are you you doing any photos? I don't know, say Uh, why if he loves that fucking thing she gets like, you know, mikon from wherever and you're gonna get a Christmas cake from this place is always kind of shit coming in. I'm like, who the hell ordered Uh, chestnuts, you know, and he's like, oh, let's put a set on those days. So if they were to get rid of that She would be uh, terribly depressed. I actually never really understood the program. Like I didn't figure I didn't understand how that was beneficial. Um Really, uh, it didn't seem like it in the end. It would do much um And if they're they're closing it out. Did they say why they're closing it out? No, they're not closing it out, but like one of the some of the, um, the guys for example that the mayor of nerem, nadima Which is a part of tokyo. He's complaining about, um for the tatlanonze because um It's reducing the amount. So basically what happens is you obviously you sort of get the rebate on your taxes So if you're living in nadima and there's a lot of sort of affluent people living in nadima Um, they've sent them money all around japan, right? They've sent it to hokkaido. They've sent it to hiroshima They're getting all these presence sent to them from all around japan. It works for them But for the mayor of nerem, I just it just hits his revenue, right? Because then they're they're not paying those taxes to the local nadima government, um, and so it seems like this might end up being a program which is a victim of its own success um The you know, when it was initially started, I think you got something like you'd you'd get the the districts competing For money obviously and so they would send quite extravagant gifts in some cases Um, it's just this typical sort of government thing right where maybe the budgets like separate separate or something and so almost You know, they're they're almost not making any money net, but they don't care because You know that these kind of things can happen in government, but um, so the this the central government had to step in and Sort of set rules and guidelines that the gifts for example could only be worth one third of the donation Um, and so over time it's gotten sort of worse and worse for those reasons Um, and I think you know as as these like like I say The mayor mayor of nerem and i'm sure there's other people who are sort of the the losers if you're like of the of the system Uh, as they complain. Yeah, I mean whether we'll see more further restrictions or not. I expect we will um But um, but you know as as as the system is available. I think people should definitely use it What I would recommend if you're a frugal like me and you're like, well, you know Um, you know, what's what's the benefit here? I mean, I'm just I'm just paying my taxes early. What's the point? What you can do is you can actually um search for tiki bin tiki bin and what that is is they'll send you uh, the your gift um over a sort of for example monthly they'll do a monthly Send over a year, right? So what you can do is you can buy for example vegetables potatoes fruits meats etc from different places And then that's essentially like your groceries for the year potentially, right? Or whatever it would contribute to your groceries so that you could actually lower your grocery bill for the next year So you can actually do it in in a way to lower your sort of expenses Um, and that's um, that's something I'd recommend everyone look into but and one of one of the best places to do that is rak-tan Rak-tan have a really good footer satanose Um, you know a place where you can search for things like tiki bin and you can order by You know the price and they'll even do a simulation thing where you put in your salary and whatever and it'll tell you how much you can spend um, but How about yourself does your does your wife use rak-tan or a different different thing? I try not to involve myself with the the particulars of this particular of this thing because I would be confused and I generally have no interest in hokaido shrimp or whatever, you know, like they just kind of come And um, I I'm given what i'm given and i'm happy with that the the complexities of life that involves me choosing one Tax haven versus another tax haven for um, you know the kachikaku cookies is is beyond my capacity to care about as uh, as an american, so um, no to answer your question And the irs will probably tax you on those gifts as well. I like No, in the american irs. I mean, it's you always one cookie. You always a shrimp. Yeah, you always a cookie Um, so yeah, so that's um, but yeah for listeners Definitely who are non us citizens for us citizens consult your tax attorney probably and probably not worth it forever Over the else maybe maybe look into it. It's a good system. Um Okay, so next item on the list i'll fire through these uh last ones, but uh one one that caught my eye was um, so the japanese uh airports are planning to implement these like fully automated uh entry and departure gates Um, and so you've probably seen these at airports if you've if you've been Through them recently in the last few years, but they these so far have been limited to japanese citizens as far as I know I don't I don't think um non citizens can even use them Um, but they and what it means is you can just essentially do like a there's a facial recognition thing um to let people through um And they put their passport on like a scanner and then Their face they point to a camera and it and it checks they are who they're, you know the person passport photo is and let's send through Now that is going to be available to foreigners apparently by 2030 Uh by the end of this decade pretty much everybody coming true or Canadian Yeah, yeah, it's a long-term plan I don't know why it's like it's going to take that long but um because there's other places I think the uk for example if you're in a g7 country I'm not sure if it's exactly the g7 it might be g7 like plus career or something Um, you can you know in several airports, you can already do this right astralia. I think has it as well I mean this is another thing that japan sort of behind the rest of the world on Um, but yeah, it's um, it will be it will be coming to japan um, i've noticed like another thing Even in that even in the states now depending on where you go You don't have to fill a customs form anymore Um, but in japan you still have to do that. So even if you have the automated gates It's like you still have to queue up and do the customs thing. So, um, yeah the uk I think scrap the customs thing and I think the u.s. It depends on where you fly um You know, so I eventually I think we're going to get to the vision Um, which is you know, I think the leaders here are singapore and I I read that singapore is now They're at the point now where they're just saying you don't need a passport To come in or leave singapore. Um, so they will just look at your photo and they have you know, they have you on record Now they're they've implemented this for residents So if you're a singapore in resident right now, you don't need your passport to leave an enter singapore Um, and they plan to roll it out to all visitors. Um, in the next few years. So I mean that that's the future I mean you would need your fucking passport to get in somewhere else though. I mean like yeah, exactly. Yeah, so I mean Um, unless there was a reciprocal country that was also doing it right you you would need you have passport for that But for actually just entering singapore, you don't need you don't need a passport Just kind of crazy to think about Um, so but I but I think that is the future of of global travel Um, is you just it's it's it's your face and in a singapore they're using your iris as well as scanning your iris and your face That's how they're doing it So yeah, I mean I don't get me wrong. I would prefer just to have a paper passport I don't know why we need all of this stuff, but I think for governments. It's about lowering your costs It's about getting more, you know, tourists in the country to spend money And you increase tax revenues, etc And just removing the friction there and so this is this is where we're headed Um, you know, whether that's going to be a helpful or hindrance in terms of like keeping criminals out and terrorists and things like this Who knows, right? But um, but that that's where the puck is going Any thoughts on that are you were excited about that? Yeah, I mean the obviously there's um the initial kind of Uh fear about when they do this kind of thing, but when you're you know, it's one of those I don't know how much different it really is in terms of surveillance Um compared to you know the fucking thing that we go through now. So is it that big of a change? Uh, I don't think so It's one of those hard ones where you think to yourself Well, this doesn't seem like it could be that bad and then you wake up and you're like how the hell did they do that with this you know, um, so I'm somewhat skeptical of Why they're doing this only because every other time you wake up and you're like, oh, you actually fucked me I didn't know you could do that. Congratulations. I applaud your uh, uh, uh, your machia vell and machia vellian tactics um So My first thought as I said is just well I guess slightly more streamlined But then in the back of my mind there's always the and now this is how they will screw me Six years from now. So I guess I don't have much more than that Yeah, I think that will come so apparently in china. I've heard that when you leave china They bring up, uh, you know, the immigration officer whatever brings up on the computer several photos of whatever you around, you know, wherever you've been Um, and they're doing so they they have the facial recognition technology and the cameras cctv So I guess it's good. Yeah, that's it's connected to that. And so essentially you'll be able to track citizens movements. Oh, okay. Well, we will adjust my previous statement to fuck this thing Yeah, but it's coming. It's coming. You know, um, so there you go. Um Uh, yeah, we'll we'll we'll keep an eye on on that and how it's used nephariously and report to listeners going forward But I don't I don't think there's much we can do to stop it. Um So yeah another another ma I think this is an important item on the list actually. It's um, so I noticed that um, there's a lot of like tension Increasing between china and japan and also I think I think korea is getting involved in off of course the us Uh in terms of uh, navel uh navel tensions and so essentially um, um Sailing battleships through others other countries claim to territorial You know zones and what have you and uh china has been doing it in uh, I think they've been making incursions even into okina Around the okina our area and japan's been sort of going around taiwan now Going at going into taiwanese waters, which is sort of claimed by china. Um, all all very interesting um developments, I think I you know So you could say well, okay, they're just this kind of play acting or whatever or you know This kind of thing has been going on for a while, but it does seem to be escalating if you ask me and I don't know. I mean it seems like you know from from what I've been listening and reading about, you know, like previous Well, we'll we'll walk level conflict like we'll want to we'll walk or two And this is this typically you typically have these just gradually escalating It's like the float the frog boiling and mortar sort of things and um, and this just inevitably leads to you know Kinetic warfare or at least it did in the in the past, but um, so I am very concerned to see these these kind of escalations Um, but I would be interested in your more maybe level headed cool cool headed take on this any any thoughts Yeah, I mean, so it's obviously it's obvious that they're they're getting ready for you know The or at least they're pretending that they're they got the taiwan Thing that they that they both want to do um If it were asia, right Not since the the fucking mongol's have have they really I mean most most non anglo countries kind of do their their inner team skirmishes and it kind of peters out. It's not a big thing um And I suspect that it would probably be similar if the us were not involved, but um, when you and I Um, and our respective countries decide that it's war time. It's fucking war time. So on the There's part of me that thinks well, they'll they'll kind of front and they'll they'll pick her back and forth and they'll pound their chest and You know do the mighty Zulu warrior warrior thing when they go and scream at each other and then they go back home um But the problem is um, the us UK and australia alliance, which is sitting right here as well. Um What that entails meaning what that um how that changes the algebra On this is is hard to determine It would seem to me that the the uk and the us can only have so many fucking wars at once but um, we've seen throughout history that if there's a chance to have more wars that uh, that our, uh, respective, uh, leaders are are all about it and Can always find more people to blow up. So I guess it kind of depends on how much happens Right in the at least in the near term with the the middle east, right? They've got I think the the Ukrainian thing seems to be kind of slowly petering petering out a little bit um, if The middle east ramps up to something bigger than it is, which we just don't know yet um That that'll take the foot off the pedal when it comes to Asia because I really don't think even the insane people in the us are like let's fight three wars, you know, um but It is all determined By how big I think the middle east gets and if the ukraine takes a random ramp up Which I don't think it will but you never know Yeah, the um, yeah, I guess like you say the middle east is sort of key right now Um, so I'm I'm sure a lot of a lot of eyes are going to be on on that and how that develops On the on that note like is um, well, I guess we'll go but we'll get back to the middle east in the in the world new section But um, let let me let me wrap up the japan section here then i'll do one we'll do one other story Which I thought was interesting we covered it before but it's getting increasingly interesting Over at uh open AI and with chat gpt Um, so they had launched a voice service I think it was last week or the week before where you can you can kind of chat with uh, the thing You know using using audio using using your voice, right? Um, and you can what you can have this very natural conversation with the thing um, it's for paid subscribers only I think um, but um, but the interesting thing is they they've launched also native japanese Now with this with this thing so previously when you when you had it speak japanese, it was hilarious It would speak japanese with like an american accent It should be It's just absolutely hilarious because it's perfect perfect japanese, but with the americanize but um, but now they you know they can do it can do native level japanese now it's so You know, I knew this was coming right and we'd mentioned it on the show previously, but what's fascinating to me now is And this and this thing's pretty good right like it's pretty It's pretty good. I mean I would say it's it's more interesting and intelligent probably than like what 40 of the population at this point Absolutely, right, but But it's um, but rapidly improving and we're at the point where I think within a couple years maybe an american company, right and so open AI. I believe is american Is going to have you know? essentially essentially the americans are going to speak better japanese in the japanese with with the with the bots And so you know if you think it's in in terms of like information war Propaganda, etc, you know the american like, you know auto dialing people and and and and doing whatever polls or like Sales calls or whatever whatever whatever if you need, you know, you want or need to manipulate people with through the internet or through Whatever through any kind of any form of media you get you know, open AI and chatgbt He's going to be able to do this in in japanese and not only japanese, of course I think the several other languages like spanish for example, but like the americans I mean, you know, obviously like having the entire world learn your language is I mean already you're sort of dumb you sort of disseminating propaganda and whatever through that medium, but then that only gets to the I don't it gets to the uh the top of the the food chains in those respective countries, right? And so you always have this bargain this kind of leverage leverage that the ruling classes have in for example japanese and that they are the gatekeepers to the wider population um And so but but this this this chatgbt potentially allows You know the americans or whoever whoever pays open AI to use this technology to directly approach the cut the populations in the respective countries and so it kind of remember you kind of it disrupts the kind of gatekeeper role that the Upper classes have in for example a place like like japan um And i just i just think that's a fascinating dynamic which is going to have all sorts of implications known in in terms of propaganda warfare business Culture You know if you you know if you thought you had seen Whatever like like globalization or america america vacation or whatever the word is um To date like I don't think you've seen anything yet. I think I think we're going to see some big big changes in You know american like soft power and just the ability to Spread propaganda globally going forward. I think I think this is going to put it all on steroids, but uh Any any thoughts on that? Yeah, it's interesting. I'm not entirely sure This is one of those ones that it Seems so obvious what you're saying that you know, it kind of Sneaks up on you that this other thing will happen. You know what I mean? It's one of those that it seems Obviously that what you you just described would happen um, but I wonder if The tools being what they are will be employed in such a way as a defensive measure um if if they can if if they're Used offensively they can be used defensively and if if somewhere like if if employed by The the japanese elites will they be employed in such a way as to somehow Put up a little bit of a wall for something like that because it's not like all of them Just want to bend over and just you know, take it up. Yes from the americans, right? so Does this does this actually flatten the Or level the playing field a little bit Because as of now america has all the schools america has all the the good Uh film and media propaganda it has all the stuff does this in some way allow a little bit of a way You know iron dome Just to go off the today's events iron dome level Defensive measure for places like japan. I don't know Given that they can't even produce you know tech company to do email I guess it's a good point as well. Yeah, you know, I mean are they going to be able to do advanced like large language model generative? I I I don't see it Anytime soon, uh, they're trying to go to the south Yeah, they got this sakura ai they're trying to have this these government sponsored kind of initiatives to try and have a japanese domestic ai But they're already Way behind and I don't even know if they know their way behind I don't even know if the average politician even knows Um, what an operating system is Mm, you know, they're just they're so bad with it and software That They don't even know what they don't know at this point and you know in a rapidly advancing You know exponential growth industry. That's not a good place to be - I know what the I know what we have to do now you and I have to get together and Put together a software firm to save the japanese It'll be the white man that comes in and saves the japanese again Yes for the japanese it'll be like that movie shogun, right? We're gonna be the white samurai Yeah, okay. Well, let's let's think about that Well, maybe we'll maybe put out a shout a shout for crowd funding to get that one spun up Coach, get your ass over get your rich corn ass over here to help us Excellent. All right. Well, that's uh, that covers the japan segment. So I will hand it over to you Sir for there for the builders Builders, uh, it's thought I would take this is a week old so this isn't new new new new news anymore, but The the builders uncle larry came in And uh has decided that black rock will now be offering spot Bitcoin ETF options and that was approved by the scc Says that the scc has officially granted and accelerated approval um through nazdak Um a little bit, uh just taking from the article here If it would be so kind as to come up quickly. Thank you very much um The scc The united state security scc if nazdak to go ahead to list and trade short shares To trade shares of options for black rocks but spot bitcoin ETF fund Options on ibit will be physically settled with american style exercise Uh said the scc notice the exchange stated that options on ibit will be subject to the Exchanges perspective initial and continued listing standards The exchanges initial listing standards require among other things the security Underlying a listed option be characterized by a substantial number of outstanding shares that are widely Held and actively traded at the time of publication It's unclear whether the commission will move forward with approving listing and trading of options for spot Bts spot bitcoin ETFs with other exchanges um, but blue berg analysis analyst eric belcunus speculated that Order will be approved very shortly. Um, just one stage of the approval process um The OCC options clearing corporation and CFTC community Commodity futures trading commission has to approve as well before they officially list Uh, the other two don't have a clock. So not sure when they'll be approved Um, but it's a big step nonetheless um Yeah, so uh, those who are unfamiliar options are the degen way of gambling on And gambling more on various stocks calls puts all this kind of shit So you can increase your leverage without using leverage per se you buy call options for uh, you know Ex stock or or bitcoin or whatever to be a price in january and you write up that hoping that The price will do that and sell um Later on or you can take the a put position thinking it's going to Go down and you sell those positions If you're correct later on for a profit calls call options are the the robin hood degen Game of the week that have been since 2020 or so Um, uh, to generate gamblers who want to pretend like they're businessman or doing something legitimate. We'll do options Trading now. So this is a new thing for bitcoin big thing being that this is a hugely If it goes through as it seems it will it's will be a hugely quiddity boost for Um, uh, the capital markets on bitcoin which for our bags all things considered is probably a good thing any thought stash Yeah, the so the options thing like I don't understand any of that world Um, I never I never want to study it right because it's like just just buy assets And and and just try not to check the price and just just leave them because and then let the fair do all the work for you Right because they just expand the monetary supply and your assets are going to go up in value And it doesn't really matter what you buy It seems you can buy like baseball cards if you're into those Um, pokemon, I think we totally spoke about it, but you know, um, or uh, or bitcoin You know and and there's the thesis is bitcoins the kind of fastest towards in the race It's the hardest money, etc, etc. Where we'll we'll see about that. Um, but um Uh, so yes, but it seems pretty easy and then and then you sleep at night and you know And then you can just you know folk you're enjoying the day you can just get on with your life, right? And just just maybe work a job or or whatever Workout or whatever whatever whatever you want to do during the day, but people seem to insist on trying to like almost I don't know Like they want to be smarter than everybody else. It seems that you know and and um They think they can time the market because this is it all fundamentally comes down to that people believing that they they can time the market like they can Get ahead of the whatever flows of capital as it moves in and out of assets and Like if you couldn't if you couldn't do that. Yeah, I mean great You of course you can outperform the kind of passive approach, but Like who the hell can do that? And I think I think well, I know who can do it It's like Nancy Pelosi can do it because she gets all the information before anybody else So That makes sense, but like if you're you know joe smough with a robin hood account and You know how how on what planet do you think you can You know move faster than these like institutional players and pop politicians and and what what have you? So just always seem like a big waste of time to me. I know people like to gamble Um, and I guess there's a bit of that as well, but um, yeah, I don't know. I I've I've kind of zero interest I mean the only I guess the interest I have is And maybe you could help me with this is does it mean? Is this translate to number go up or number go down? What's what? What's my what's my one of my bags going to do here? I think I think this is a number go up scenario just because it allows more uh, liquid Financial games to be played with dtf which means that people have to be interacting with it more meaning they have to buy more of it and um slowly but surely that will legitimize To even further degrees the the bitcoin spot product and that means more people can buy into it Which more more people can play games in with it and as as uh that goes up, you know, it's just kind of like What the fuck is the term flywheel or whatever? One thing leads to another. So I think it all in all good for our bags. I think Okay I don't know the traders in general kind of pissed me off like you've seen what how bitcoins are reacting right now to Here around sending missiles to Israel. It's like Ah, you know, you guys like what what are you guys doing? Like like you see anything that happens everyone's just out panic selling their bitcoin, right? Is this Is this traders just trying to again just time the market and it's like we'll get out and then we'll get back in with more bitcoin later Or like why do you think the bitcoin always reacts this way? I think it's the algorithm bad news dump. I mean, there's no way that anybody could be reacting uh in size this quickly so um I think with um with the the introduction of algorithmic trading uh, whatever You set your thing up to do it'll buy or sell accordingly, you know, it's why you see fucking You know these big-ass candles to the upside too. It's like all of a sudden, um, whatever options end or uh, you know You know some something will end And all of a sudden on a monthly close and then the next day the thing shoots up two or three thousand um on the price just because The algorithm knew that this was going to happen and took the chance to buy they all did they all play the same game So they all bought it once a bunch of shorts got got clipped and up it goes Okay, well so for october is not living up to the hype. Um, we're only one day in dash damage only one day We had a we didn't die in september which we usually do so it's actually our best september ever Okay so we'll i don't know only um Everything's kind of being flipped this this quote-unquote bull market right in terms of uh, all-time high coming earlier Then it should have done and Etc, etc. I was listening to a podcast the other day that was said it was you know, like the harving Has nothing to do with any of this and it probably never has it's all about the um monetary spline but but tied to the u.s election cycle so That was the theory and then that hmm it would be interesting to um um to do a have a non Ideological look back at some of these things and see somebody that could could do it without um Being full-on hater or full-on lover of bitcoin and just kind of you know do a retrospective on what happened And if it was just pure dumb luck on satoshi's part that he he did it um on a four-year So, you know be a great question if the it's a fucker than disappear Be a great question ask like is this just like an olympics for you is that what you did four years? And did you have something else in mind? from what I like that guy did very little without thought behind it and uh It wouldn't surprise me if that was intentional. I mean there was a number of things he did which You know like releasing the white paper on all hallows eve um The the same day mightn't luther nailed his only five theses Um to the whatever it's called cathedral. We did we did sperg whatever it's called um You know little things like he chose his birthday. I think what did he chose his birthday on on the on the bitcoin coin talk forums as the same day as the uh I think the gold there I think it was either nixon taking america for the gold standard or something You know like there's there's a there's a there's a bunch of these kind of coincidences when you're looking to everything he did So the four year thing can't have been an accident Another thing I heard is that the encryption he chose for the for bit because he apparently could have chosen from several different And he chose one that wasn't like Was it documented by the cia or something like that or I can't be like mvk was talking about it on a recent bitcoin review I don't I don't know the details, but it was like Probably wasn't an accident that he chose that and I really just I don't know There's a lot of there's a lot of interesting Intelligent kind of intention intentionality behind a lot of what he did. So Would not be surprised if that four year was in mindfully done Yeah, at the uh at the end of the day we uh we benefit Regardless, so hopefully that continues and you know despite today's shittiness. Um, I'm actually relatively uh hopeful that October will continue um, it seems that uh It is it's in the way a bunch of these other um Usually we're competing at this point with um fucking ethereum memes and Shit like that, but those have have almost entirely died except for on salana. So um, now with uh the the uh, ETF product you can't you know So you can't be a moron. So you're your bitcoin and on coinbase and then go by Hmm dog with hat or whatever because it just this this is not what it is And you're not gonna sit there sell on ibit go on coinbase by dog with hat You know all that kind of shit. So a lot of the money that had flowed out of bitcoin last cycle into cardano Crap like that is is less likely to do so um What we don't have a very interesting point Mm. I never thought of before like that's a positive for the ETF, right? Because one of one of the use cases of bitcoin obviously like having that ability to send it anywhere in the world is a superpower But then yeah, like you say most people just use that super power to buy dog with like they'll send to buy and some by Some dog shit. I mean Like they're they're they're asset being locked locked into the ETF and they're not able to do that. It's probably Yeah, that's that's actually going to be a good thing possibly possibly that will stop That will that put a dampener at least on on all season, right? Yeah, so because people what people are doing now is they're sending their fucking ETH to Binance and buying dog, you know, so you've seen a huge drain from the the ecosystem into um Into the Solana ecosystem and whatnot. So um Fuck you ETH. It's your turn to deal with this nonsense. Um So who do I see the ETH? uh bitcoin ratio down at the point four whatever it is um And if that uh if that continues Uh, that that'll be a positive because no one seems to really no one seems to want this fucking ETH ETF that thing has dog shit inflows So There are all the de-gens are staying with their spot so that they can do uniswap Back and forth and and sending it here and there so um Yeah, it'll be it'll be it'll be Interesting to see if this plays out over the rest of the cycle quote-unquote if we get through q1 and q2 of 2025 and see if the um the ETF uh has been actually a a supremely effective uh hoarding mechanism for Us and allowed number to go up better than it did last time. Hmm. Yeah, we'll see fingers crossed Okay, cool. Well, um just just I guess one of the thing I just wanted to bring up then on the in the bitcoin section because I don't follow this news And maybe you do and maybe you can enlighten me, but I I noticed that um there was and it's not really bitcoin related But like I saw that p p diddy who's a rapper. I believe Never don't own any of his albums. Um, but I I was aware of it. I was aware of him I think he's been doing it for a while, but apparently he's been And he's done something naughty some jeffry nap jeffry Epstein level stuff. I don't know what he's been doing Um, but he's he's gone to jail and someone was saying he's Or I read somewhere that he's sharing a jail cell with spf I don't know if he's sharing a jail cell or he's just on the same wing I think there's some sort of protected because he's he's in manhattan. I believe there's a some infamous um prison in manhattan where um There's a there's a kind of special Um, I think I think actually jeffry and apstein himself was was was there when he was still alive Um, there's a special sort of part of the of the prison where they keep high profile prisoners and spf is in there with p diddy Um, but yeah, I was gonna so I was gonna ask you like If you any idea what's going on with the story This is the most boomer shit you've ever said, you know, like you the p diddy. I've never heard of this man Like what is this dash? You're not that old. What the fuck? Um, no, I I said I I was aware. I like I knew there was a guy called p diddy who's a rapper Um from back in the day like I remember like but I just I've never listened to his stuff And I don't I've know you like and I've no idea what he's done. That's merited him going to jail and being with Uh being with spf so I was hoping you could enlighten me on that I don't think he's I think he's actually in rikers Rikers Island, uh, not not Manhattan not that manhattan jail. Um, he's uh, yeah There's report. I mean a lot of the problem is a lot of stuff is reports quote-unquote because he's he's a he's a major federal uh, he's on a major federal indictment, um for sex trafficking abuse of minors, um allegations of The interstate prostitution Um and under age mid boys girls whatever, um, a bunch of connections with um He's freak off parties having um Other celebrities and politicians involved so I a lot of the reports that come out are are kind of bullshit It would it would seem to me Silly that they'd have him in a jail cell with spf what I think is that he's um He either went through the same jail jail cell or whatever or is, um, um, uh, Or when is it went through the jame same same housing unit or something? But no, I I find it hard to believe that he'd be in a jay. He'd be he'd be Silly with spf Yeah, um, the other thing too is there's all the reports of him refusing to eat he's in, um Uh, because he's afraid of getting poisoned so there's a lot of shit swirling around which uh, usually is mostly nonsense because They keep a pretty tight clamp on those guys Um, where their whereabouts are what they're doing because anybody that you know anybody in the jail cell now will just You know take a take a chance to be famous for everybody by uh, by slicing up ditty Um, if he's in there so It would I would guess that he's in some kind of protective custody whether it's protective or not or whether they're just waiting to Epstein And I don't know, um, but I think most of the reports are wrong, but the federal indictment You know, I I was uh, there was one guy that I was talking to and he was like I'm convinced that pdd is the antichrist after reading the first five pages of this indictment And that that's pretty true. Like this this was a horrible human being um, um And uh, whatever mr. Diddy mr. Puff daddy Sean combs has coming to him is is well deserved Uh, we're all hoping that he he spilled some names and whatnot, but It usually doesn't get to that point. So we might uh, he might die in silence or Everything will be redacted. So we never actually knew what happened It's an interesting story though and shout out to cat william for calling this about a year ago on the shay shay podcast Is it is it in any way do you think related to the kind of jeffrey Epstein thing in terms of being like institutional corruption? Maybe some sort of op I know Yeah, I mean because I mean if he's filming all these people and he's got all these these monitoring devices and whatnot Um, they're there. Oh, what what is the name of that podcast? But it um, it connects pdd to clav davis Uh and clav davis, uh to various intelligence agencies Uh going back for a while now. So it seems to me that this level I mean because you don't let I mean this has been going on I remember this as a kid that all these these things would be announced and talked about you don't let something like this go on for 30 years and If if there's not a reason for you to let it go on for 30 years I mean, you're involved in it somehow, right if you're if you're in the intelligence agency so Dollars donuts they were they were they were both they're both going to use they both used Diddy in the past to get dirt on people and now they will use uh that dirt to Uh, fuck people with it. So, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay Sort of a low brow jeffrey Epstein Epstein then maybe I don't yes Okay, fair enough All right, uh good. Well, that's uh, that that was hardly bitcoin related But anyway, that concludes the yeah the bitcoin segment. Um, so just yeah, just coming on Yeah, I guess I probably does own bitcoin right or um, but anyway Um, so just just closing out here. I guess we there's a some world news going on right now Uh, there's a one or two things in the media which uh, we when we alluded to a little early in the episode So, you know barely what two weeks since the Mossad pager attacks um You know now we've got full-scale war between iran and and israel it seems so um Or lebanon as well. Don't forget that one. Um, and I've been listening again through it I think I mentioned it on previous shows, but like the martyr made, um, fear and loathing in the new Jerusalem So I'm up to I think the last episode now. It's a they're like five hour podcast. So it's a it's not A quick listen, but it's it's certainly an enlightening one and um, the you know A lot of things are kind of making sense in terms of the kind of zion like the hardcore zionist project being to expand As for it into even into lebanon. So you know whether whether some people are taking advantage of this situation to you know further expand Um, you know sort of zionist territory. There's there's I think there's that element Uh to the conflict, but um, but um, and so so we're seeing ground offensives there from israeli troops going into lebanon We're seeing um, the the missile attacks from around uh this morning in japan time at least and That is I think a lot they've largely been shot down by the us and the in the israelis Um, so you know whether that was just a face saving exercise or whether that was something serious I don't know, um, but things are definitely escalating there Um, but the lebanon thing I guess is the most interesting for me is that you know the leadership being decimated They're now the ground offensive, you know, what what I like where where does that end? Does that end with israel occupying lebanon? Do you think? Well, the that's kind of what the idf does they don't really You know, they don't do the nation building thing right like they they either are quote-unquote defensive or they they occupy Like that they're not really set up to do anything but that so one would imagine that they're going into uh, uh Uh to take you know, it's time for you know King david to to rule over lebanon. I guess I don't know what um Because what why else could you have a ground invasion if you just snipe in has, um, the the the random has bill, uh, uh fighter, right, uh You're grounded you you ground invade because you want the thing like, you know The us didn't ground and send a ground invasion into iraq or afghanistan just to be like All right. That was fun. Fuck you all now. We're going home right they were there for 30 years. So one would assume israel is going to act similarly And well, I don't know that Just you said they were largely ineffective. No, I mean the iranian missile blew some shit up today. They they blew up an airfield a bunch of uh, uh, uh, uh, whatever's um They didn't kill a whole bunch of people Usually the iran's are actually fairly restrained when it comes to to that When when they shoot missiles, they don't drop them in the center of fucking tel Aviv So that's good, but they did blow up a bunch of shit. Um, and they the iron dome didn't iron So well this time, um, whether that's an indication of, um, iranian Technology or shittiness of that iron dome. I have no idea. But, uh, yes stuff got through Okay, um, so so where like where do you see that going is that? Are we going to have full-scale war in the region? Is the us going to get dragged into it? Do you think in terms of like treaty deployed? They sent shit. They sent a shit over there North carolina and Florida and shit are underwater and they're like, you know what? We need to send the national guard the north carolina the north carolina national guard to the middle east for some reason Um, you know, you one would assume that if we're sending such people to these areas that they're they're going to do something unfortunately Um, there the the semitism's usually slapbox with one another. They they launch a missile here. They launch a missile there They pound chest and go home when the u.s. Gets involved. That's always a bad thing because it ramps up. So we'll see Politically it really hurts kamala if uh, they decide they're going to start blowing up uh various browns in the middle east Uh on behalf of israel. So I don't know how that how that calculus plays out. I mean donald trump is firmly Trenched in the um on the israel side. So that won't you know, it doesn't really move the needle for him particularly Uh, although it was interesting to see that the uh, the muslim mayor of some michigan down came He's a democrat but it came out in in support of donald trump It's it would be it'd be curious to be a fly on the wall to see actually how this how the man of the art of the deal Does um back room and if he is actually better at common common things down in the long run I you know, I don't think anybody can can really speak too confidently, um about their knowledge of such things um but yeah the If if you're you're on this is a good time to take a shot because you've got biden come on I mean you have two obvious non entities running the us system us tied up with bullshit in east asia Ukraine where you know, so these various non-american factions It would probably be wise on their part to take the opportunity to as they say fuck around and find out because um America has a lot on its plate. It's got it. It's got an election Um, it's got a strike You know, it's got the fucking we're apparently the the dock workers now. We're gonna strike. It's got a bunch of Uh various it's got a bunch of things on its plate right now and it's run by complete Uh imbeciles. So if you if you wanted to Take a take a shot at the king now's probably a good time to do it Yeah, but I read I I ran did come out and say after the strike. We're done now as long as he's rather than doing anything else. So We'll see what his real love Hmm. Yeah, I think you you raised an interesting point about Kamala being a difficult situation for her I wonder if trump's gonna take advantage of that. I noticed the cathedral is in full-on like bleeding heart mode You know, every newspaper has a photo of some crying araboy or girl So they're very they're very upset about these these developments it seems But um, so if trump can somehow like force Kamala into position because it seems like she's been trying to play both sides of the ball there Obviously and um like if she can just come out straight up and say she's you know, she's pro war hawk You know, she's in line with the party or or you know, or not or she's she's against the sort of Israeli aggression. It's I don't know. I don't know how she managed that in terms of communications Do you think are they going to have another debate because there was talk about that one? I don't think they've agreed to the date or anything yet, right? Yeah, she seems to be calling for one. I mean and trump said fuck off. So probably not Okay You got the vice president vice presidential debate tonight or tonight Yeah I think that is going to be well that that's just going to be a bloodbath out of thought well, I mean You have that not so closeted homosexual in walls just going to be prancing around battling nonsense and jd is jd is not to be fucked away. Yeah, so I hope it I hope it's a a ww F style ass kicking Yeah, what what did they call that move where they jump off the top rope and um Oh, yes, you know, what what was that? He'll I think we'll see a few of those um Yeah, so uh, are you okay? We'll we'll we'll we'll we'll watch that and report on that next week um So Yeah, finally, I guess like uh our friend of the show was a linsky. Uh, he was in he was doing his another world tour He seems he's never in the ukraine. He's always sort of going around asking for money Um, he was in the states. He'd met with uh, I think Kamala or Biden or somebody I know he'd gone to a factory and signed some bombs which would set a set of few people where he was Yeah Yeah, right smiling and signing the bombs. Um, uh, he was there with a bunch of democrats. I think that pissed trump off Um, I don't know. He met with trumps going on here. Yeah, he did afterwards, right? And he was not very put that meeting He was very yeah, so he looked like a child that his father had told them Dr. Is gonna end when I get home. I'm not telling off. Mm So, I mean, what's what's what's what's going on? Do you think I think this must be the like the last? This is like, you know, because he's calling it he's saying it's his victory plan or whatever It's but it's the I mean, that's just the typical double speak of the regime I think when we're seeing the victory plan what that means is look, this is, you know The the the settlement, right? It's it's how you're gonna. You know put it into that conflict So, you know, what what were they discussing that? Do you think are we gonna see something? Before the either before the election or after election Where they you know, we sit we sit down we carve you crane up, you know, who didn't get something Zilensky gets something maybe Zilensky gets to keep his life and and that conflict ends or you know, are we nearing an end there? Do you think? Yeah, it would seem to me that there there the the discussion now is probably what it's going to be If he's meeting trump, you know, he's there. He's obviously hoping Kamala stays an office, but um if if trump is Doesn't fact get in there and even if he doesn't the question not as about It was from from the beginning was like we're gonna get back all the territory blah blah blah The it seems to me that the the question now and most Would agree that it's you're not getting these fucking you know, what what Russia has now. You're not getting back um the question for you uh, senior Zilensky is uh, do you want to lose anymore? You want to fuck around and lose odesa, right? Um, so I think that is probably what trump Uh is offering Zilensky now. It's like listen dog. You either take this now or I let I officially take my hands off The steering wheel and uh, you drive this how you want it and uh, you're gonna lose a lot more than you think but Okay, the the difficulty the difficulty is is right. You just you don't know I mean it seems to me that With you know cure stammer and Zilensky or bond all these people meeting with trump those in the nose to kind of No, you know trumps on the ground in in Georgia, North Carolina doing all the shit with uh Relief aid and things like that those in the nose seem to be pointing toward knowledge that trump's got this and if that's the case then They would be well served by by playing ball the Yeah, it's it's hard to know because it's that you know, it's inter-elite fighting right now and Neither of us obviously are going to have the the slightest bit of idea about which elite is Is is more in control of the game here? um, my my thinking is it would be hard for the elites that I More support or that I hope get empowered because they seem to hate me less um Um are not nearly as incompetent as those on the other side But the ones on the other side do have all the entrenched power. So we're just kind of waiting to see Yeah Cool. All right. Well, we will keep uh waiting keep seeing and report what we see back to listeners going forward So that's the end of the list so i'll hand over to you to close us off Let's see we will end the program with a quick spot check And we lost any more ground today On this piece of shit investment We are now we're just kind of sitting there doing nothing sitting at 60 Okay Yeah, 60,795 58 great as it stands now. So as of next week I demand that Just fucking number be back to where it is it should be back at 70k and above if we see if we see 58k again I'll lose my mind. I've had enough of that number. I'm just bored with that number. So - see you next week. I'm with you. Yep. It's been next week. Bye Yeah My life Tokyo sit down Yeah I'm looking at skyline. I gotta drive my skyline. I'm rocking baby name like neo went away Tokyo drifting what naki moto gifted these dollars don't make sense. No longer on the fence Bitcoin only homie michael sailor told me ain't no second best. No, it's my one and only fear taking else Yeah, bitcoin doing well I'm in Tokyo Is this a bill a corny qy wipe like red dot gti dc a 2 bt c stuck inside his man. H. Uh, hey Corny qy wipe like red dot gti dc a 2 bt c stuck inside his man. H uh Tik tok next block. This is a major e park my c phrase. I keep luck Don't worry about what we got what he got what she got this bitcoin We good breath for bitcoin. We good breath is bitcoin. We good breath that ain't got thousand flows Done a hundred shows check the proof of work. Yeah, I'm out it really shows Said del living beat for me. We keep on giving out. You know what we're all about Orange purple kid. I'll increase in bitcoin adoption so many clubs have adopted tick the top next block You know we ain't gonna stop it increase in bitcoin adoption so many plebs have adopted tick the top next block. You know we ain't gonna stop it My my question Oh Yeah Oh Oh Oh Keeps the second