The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

JD Vance and Tim Walz Avoid Fact-Checking in Debate | Sarah Paulson, Jack Antonoff | Tuesday, October 1

Jimmy addresses the latest news, like moderators not fact-checking JD Vance and Tim Walz during the vice presidential debate, before speaking with Sarah Paulson and Jack Antonoff

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02 Oct 2024
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Jimmy addresses the latest news, like moderators not fact-checking JD Vance and Tim Walz during the vice presidential debate, before speaking with Sarah Paulson and Jack Antonoff

(upbeat music) (crowd cheering) - The studio is six feet at Rock 'n' Other is center of the heart of York City. This is tonight's new starring, Jimmy Fallon. (upbeat music) ♪ It's been a test ♪ - And I'm going to give it a guess. Terrible. ♪ It's been a test ♪ - Jack Samsonoff. And feet for feet. Legendary roots. - Crew. - 20-30. - And now, there he is. (upbeat music) ♪ It's been a test ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ It's been a test ♪ ♪ It's been a test ♪ ♪ It's been a test ♪ ♪ It's been a test ♪ ♪ It's been a test ♪ ♪ It's been a test ♪ ♪ It's been a test ♪ ♪ It's been a test ♪ ♪ It's been a test ♪ ♪ It's been a test ♪ ♪ It's been a test ♪ ♪ It's been a test ♪ (upbeat music) (crowd cheering) - That's a hard drive. That's a hard drive. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Enjoy yourself. Welcome, everybody. Welcome, welcome, welcome to the tonight show. You're here. You made it. Thank you for watching at home. Hey, this is fun. It's, I love you too. It is, it's October 1st, everyone, which means spooky season is here. (crowd cheering) Yeah. And to celebrate Dunkin' Donuts and as their new fall menu, which includes a Halloween Munchkins bucket. Take a look at this thing. Yeah. 50 Munchkins in a bucket. Take that, Ozempic. (crowd cheering) Yeah, whether it's donuts or fried chicken, you know a meal is healthy when it's served in a bucket. You know what I'm saying? Munchkins in a bucket. The CEO of Dunkin' Donuts, like, it's every customer's dream trifecta. Breakfast and ashtray to port-a-potty. Meanwhile, Dunkin's classic spider donut is getting a makeover with new purple frosting instead of orange. Ask what makes it a spider donut. Dunkin' CEO says, "You'll know it when you bite into it." (crowd laughing) It passed me that bucket. Of course, the big news is that earlier tonight here in New York City, JD Vance and Tim Walz faced off in the VP debate. Yup, people you've barely heard of on a national stage. Usually we call that dancing with the stars. (crowd laughing) (crowd applauding) We're gonna dance pretty well. Tonight's debate had no studio audience, not for fairness or anything, they just couldn't get anyone to go. (crowd laughing) Comedy show, comedy show. (crowd laughing) But Trump really tried to encourage his VP before the debate he told JD Vance, "Remember, just don't be yourself." (crowd laughing) I read that ahead of the debate, Tim Walz has been nervous that he was gonna let Kamala Harris down. Yeah, Harris was like, "Don't worry. "If Joe Biden could be replaced, so can you." (crowd laughing) I thought it was not a big deal. (crowd applauding) We'll get this in a new swing state poll, Harris's losing voters aged 65 and older by seven points. Yeah, it seems like older voters might be her biggest weakness, which explains why she's changed her campaign slogan a few times recently. You see that? Yeah, look at this. Kamala 2024, a chair in every shower. (crowd laughing) Look at this one here, Kamala 2024, your glasses are on your head, you're welcome. (crowd laughing) And finally, there's Kamala 2024. I'm gonna find out where that draft is coming from. (crowd applauding) It's just, it's cold, right? Everyone else, anyone else? Paul, I'm feeling it, it's cold. Hey, one thing I've noticed is that Trump and his Republican allies can't stop talking about inflation and how bad the economy is, which makes this new Trump campaign ad I saw a little confusing, look at this. Despite what you're reading the news, the economy is a disaster. Everyone knows it, you can't buy bacon anymore. Gas prices are much higher than they were just a few decades ago and a family of four would each have to work three full-time jobs in order to buy just one Trump gold watch for $100,000, which now that I'm saying it out loud seems doable. It's a great watch and in very limited quantities. So put granny in the kids to work and get your Trump watch today. Buy now and get a limited edition Trump version of this campaign ad for the low, low price of $800. I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message if you give me 20 bucks. (audience applauds) I just picked that thing up. Family of four have the word to buy his watch. Hey, did you guys see this? A SpaceX crew just arrived at the International Space Station to pick up the Boeing astronauts who've been stuck there for months. And just to mess with the astronauts, they're gonna do that thing where they start pulling away every time they reach for the door handle. (audience laughs) Come on, guys, that's not funny. Come on, guys, that's not funny. Please. Yep, SpaceX arrived to save them, but they're not returning until February. They were gonna return to the next month, but they want to see how the selection turns out first. (audience laughs and applauds) Leave us, we're good. You guys, listen to this New York City officials just warned that due to an aqueduct repair project, the city's water may taste different. I think I speak for all New Yorkers when I say define different. (audience laughs) Today, Eric Adams said, "All right, let's all focus on this water issue and absolutely nothing else." (audience applauds) That'd be great. We have a great show. Sarah Paulson is here tonight. (audience cheers) Jack Antonoff is joining us tonight. (audience cheers) And we got great music from Teddy Swins. (audience cheers) Stick around, we'll bring it back with Sarah Paulson, everybody. Come on back. ♪ For the full center ♪ ♪ Can I like a bit of the mean in the book? ♪ ♪ That's what's the prime sense he had ♪ ♪ Your pride for tour is nothing but a thing, yeah ♪ (upbeat music) (audience cheers) Our first guest is an Emmy and Tony-winning actress. She's an executive producer and star of the new movie Hold Your Breath, which begins streaming on Hulu this Thursday. Please welcome Sarah Paulson. (upbeat music) Yes! Oh my goodness. I like how I was playing the guitar and it was the drum. Yeah, you're air drumming perfectly. Welcome back to the show. I always love having you here. I love seeing you. And I love saying Tony-winning, Tony-winning Sarah Paulson. Yeah, for the rest of your life. I don't hate it, let me tell you that. I really do. I have people say that about you. I mean, pretty amazing. It's cool, right? I'm not gonna lie. I was a kid growing up in New York City, wanting to be on Broadway and then I went on Broadway and then someone handed me a statue when I was done. Yeah! It was like nuts. You, Elle Fanning posted this after the Tony Awards. It's a very cool picture of you. It says it's you in Shake Shack. Yeah. And you have the Tony Award and it said, yeah, are you eating the wrong thing here? You're eating the Tony. Yeah, but it feels like the thing about the Tony Award, 'cause I have a couple of statues, you guys, and I have a few of them. Yeah. Yeah, I have a few of them. What happened to your voice? I don't know, it was like all of a sudden, like a person who's congratulating themselves about their statues sounds like this to me. I know. Yeah, yeah. So I have an Emmy and that you can't do anything with that one, this one, you can spin it. That's right. And I'm very into that. Oh yeah. 'Cause it's interactive. It moves. (speaks in foreign language) I really like it and then I also like to consume it. Yeah, so, yeah, you had it all night after you when you take the Tony. Yeah. And then, yeah. You take it from you. They take it away. They take it away from you. And because they wanna engrave it and do all those things because they have them stacked, I think backstage, prior to the taking them out. Okay, that makes sense, yeah. But I very specifically was like, so this Tony that I have in my hand, my hot, ambitious little hand, this one is the one I get to keep, right? And they're like, yes, yes, absolutely. This is the one you'll keep. Yeah, 'cause I was, I was taking out with this all night. Yeah, I'm hanging out. I danced with it. I danced with it. Everybody wanted to hold it. It was the one that Sean Hayes handed to me. It's like, it feels meaningful. And they're like, it's absolutely yours. It'll be this one we swear to God. And I was like, okay, great. I took a picture of this serial number. Uh-oh. Which is on the back, isn't it? Uh-oh. And then I was brought to me in my dressing room and I pulled it out and I looked at the back and I looked at the phone and it was the wrong Tony. So, wait, so-- I know, you feel bad for me, right? No, we don't-- no, we don't feel bad for you at all. You want a Tony? I want a Tony. But, uh, wait, we do have the photo that you brought with the original serial number. I was like, what is that? That was the one that you had all night. Yeah, three, two, two, nine. So, so this is different than the one you have in your possession. The one I have in my home now is like eight, nine, six, seven or something. All right, so, anyone out there who is, uh, luckily won a Tony award, can you check your serial number? Send me back my Tony. I need it! Got, like, my tears and my sweat, and also, by the way, I got COVID from the Tony award, so-- Never mind, keep the award, keep the award, keep it in a bag and keep it-- there it is. Seal. Very that award. I think we-- remember, we can't get COVID that way. No, you can't-- Isn't that what they said? Yeah, but you were-- you were licking. I was licking, right? So, it's one of the other. But anyway, that's probably how you got COVID, yeah. Yeah, COVID, yeah, but if you have this, please maybe talk to Sarah Paulson, get in touch with her beeps, and let's get this one back home to Mama! Yes! Come on! [APPLAUSE] Mama. I wouldn't congratulate you on other things. OK. You've received-- you're coming off your ninth Emmy nomination. Ninth? Yes. And not just for-- May I say, not just for one character, very talented Sarah Paulson, for, like, nine different characters? Yes. Congratulations. Which I think maybe hasn't been done before? I maybe think-- I think it's possible. [APPLAUSE] I also, when I talk about myself in a celebratory way, also need to sound like this. I don't think it's done before. I think it's done before. I never did it before. But that's usually nine Emmy nominations that someone doing the same role over, like, you know, 20 years. Yeah, well, yes. Candice Bergen, Murphy Brown, Julie Lee Dreyfus. Yes. Maybe Seinfeld, all these things, yeah. But you have to be proud of yourself that you've done different characters to get these nominations. Yeah, I think it also means I might be certifiable. Do you know what I mean? I think we all are. I think we all are. I think we all are. A little bit crazy. No, no, no. But did you always know that you're going to be out there and doing this and-- Scaring people to death? You are, yeah. I think the truth of the matter is is that I came out of the womb very dramatic. I don't mean I had a dramatic birth. I mean, I was just like-- Da-da-da-da-da-da. Yeah, like jazz hands right away. Yeah. But I think I've just-- my mother called me Sarah Bernhardt from the time I was a very small child. And because even the tiniest thing would make me really upset. So like, one time, for example, my mother had this beautiful amethyst necklace that I wanted to wear to a friend's Bat Mitzvah. And she was like, you absolutely cannot wear that. You're going to lose it. And I was like, why? Why are you doing-- I mean, like, freaking out. And then the next day, the doorbell rang. And it was child and family services that were called by our neighbors. Because they thought my mother was harming me. Because I was like, why? Why are you doing this? Yeah, just screaming my head off. And it was because she wouldn't let me wear a necklace. Why don't you do more comedies? Well, there's probably some reason, because I'm mad. You're so funny, but don't you want to do a comedy? Very much so, but no one's calling. Oh, my gosh. No one calls about it. No, they just-- Right now, if anyone's watching this, Sarah Paulson's one of the funniest human beings we've ever had on the show. I love you. You should do a comedy. Well, let's do one together. [APPLAUSE] Come on, man. Don't you want to get back into the thick of it, acting and [BLEEP] You're doing an advertisement for tie bar right now. Oh, is it tie bar? Don't you want to act again? This is tie bar because I also have Gucci as well. Oh, Gucci. Sometimes, it's tie bar, tie bar, tie bar, tie bar, tie bar. I never know which undergrad, whoops. I'm wearing my Tony Award. This is my Tony Award. Is that my tie? It's a Tony Award. Oops. [LAUGHTER] But I would love to do anything with you. Of course, I would do a comedy with you. Well, let's go. I don't know if the studio would do with me, but I could probably get something. You're Jimmy Fallon. You're Sarah. [APPLAUSE] I am Jimmy Fallon, 2L's, O, and an N. Oops. We've got the Misfil, that-- I want to tell you that. Hold your breath. Yes. Scary. Very scary. A psychological thriller. A psychological thriller that, to me, is differentiates itself from a traditional psychological thriller. That is hard to say. Yes. It's crazy. Because it's essentially about a mother who is grieving the loss of her youngest child, that she lost to scarlet fever. Because it takes place in the 1930s during the Dust Bowl, which is a really scary time in our country, where a wall of dust, a wave of black clouds-- That's scary in itself. Yeah. But she goes a little-- [GASPS] Yeah. [GASPS] Yeah, OK, yeah. But, yeah, you don't know if you're what to believe. If you're like, hello. [LAUGHS] I'm like, here's Johnny. You know what I'm saying? [LAUGHS] Oh, and here's Margaret. OK. I don't think you might go the same way. Yeah, it doesn't quite go the same way. Here's Johnny, here's the Margaret. I don't know. But here's the thing. Was it always called, hold your breath? Sure wasn't. It was called dust, originally. And then they-- yeah, you were not sure if you love that. But then there were a couple of titles that were floated. Dust doesn't sound exciting. Right, like this tonight on dust. It's like, yeah, it's not-- Someone didn't do the Tony Award. Yeah. Someone didn't dust. Believe me, I dusted that. Oh, yeah. That's the one thing I actually dust. There was a couple of titles that were brought forward. Give me one out, Ty. One of them was, it gets inside. And I was like, it sure doesn't. Sure doesn't get inside. Also, if you look at the poster for the movie, I'm like, oh, like that's the face I'm making. And I'm like, I don't think it gets inside. And the face of my mouth, like, my mouth again, is just like a great idea. Let's go back to dust. I like dust. Let's go back to dust. It's like slasher porn or something. It's like, that's not for me. Sarah Paul said, everybody, hold your breath. We're getting stringy on Hulu this Thursday. Good ground, everybody. [MUSIC PLAYING] Our next guest is a Grammy-winning multi-platinum selling artist who produced original music for the new Broadway production of Romeo and Juliet, which is playing now at the Circle in the Square Theatre. Please welcome Jack Antonoff. [CHEERING] Jack Antonoff, how'd you give you a big hug right there? I really had to get in there. I smiled at you. And then when you hugged me, I'm like, this to the camera. Oh, you did? Yeah. Oh, that's funny. That's a good bit. [LAUGHING] I love it when you come to see us. What's on your mind? Let's talk about what's happening in here. Well, are you thinking about putting your glasses on? There he is. And then you did it, just like that. Jack, sometimes it's nice to-- Did you not recognize me, maybe? When I got out, I was like, eh, I recognize-- Some people. They were going to have the roots immediately. You were here last week. Yes. And I always loved when you come by. You had my wife on the show. Margaret Qualley was on the show. They-- yeah. No, he's doing that in his supportive way. He knows you're married. No, he's supporting your wife. Yeah. Mad at the audience. That's like, you know who that person was? No. I'll tell you. That's the kind of person that sees Margaret in a movie. And she's brilliant in the movie. And then they tweet at me, can you fight? No, no, no, no, no, look, look. Here's the thing. You came. And I want to answer this on TV. Yeah. No, no one's-- no, you're a peaceful man. No. Oh, yes. But here's what you've been accused-- Come, come. You've been accused-- Find me on the street, you know? Everyone-- Every time I log on to Twitter, they want to go by the fight. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I love the music. Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack. You're here. Find me on the street. The subject, now. Because that's what my wife wants. My wife wants someone on Twitter. You've been accused of being-- you've been accused of being a liar. Yeah. Not about this. No, I have something-- I have a text message from Adam Sandler. This is the second appearance on the show. That's correct. I showed this when Margaret's on the show. From Adam Sandler to you, says, "Jacko, it's Sandler. Does your wife golf at all?" And you immediately write back, yeah, she's actually good. Margaret said she's never played golf before. [LAUGHTER] She can fight. What? She can fight. No, no, no, she can fight. No, stop talking about fighting. We're talking about golf. And why would you lie to America's-- I get the text from Sandman. And he's the-- obviously, as you know, the greatest, he taught-- he taught an entire generation of people how to be funny in a very specific way. Yes. He really did. He did that. He's the best. [APPLAUSE] I also think he's a brilliant songwriter. A girl with you is one of the most brilliant love songs. The song you wrote for Chris Farley is as good as a song can get. And then in his new special, there's a song at the end where he writes about many comedians. And I think he writes just so straight from the heart. I love his songwriting. But I get that text. Yeah. And immediately, I'm like, oh my god, what's happening here? So I'm just like, oh, yeah, she golfs. She's the best. You want to read the best? She's the best. Yeah. Yeah. Because she loves Adam Sandler. But then the next text is the one I'm proud of. Next text. I forget if you have a line, you've got to use it. All right. So he says, no way. And then you go, we talk in Gilmore or charity golf 20s. [LAUGHTER] And when she says, Gilmore. Fade to black. Fade to black. So you did this because you love-- you did this because you love your wife. [LAUGHTER] You did this because you love your wife. Is that right? What is that? You did this because you love your wife. Do you guys know? No, but it's familiar. It might be like the cut of the young Michael Kaid. Oh. You did this because you love your wife. Steve-- Steve Kogan talk about Michael Kaid and that when he gets older, he gets-- this is older. Michael. This is your-- That's your Michael Kaid impression? No. Steve Kogan, the young Michael-- I don't know why. Steve Kogan, the young Michael Kaid mobile. And then you end up-- You sound like Barry Gibney. I'm not doing it. [LAUGHTER] Does anyone do Barry Gibbe? Does anybody know me? I mean, I might have a few guys. [LAUGHTER] It was a big deal. The Sandman is as good as it gets. He's the best dude ever. And she crushed it in the movie. And she actually tried to learn how to golf. Can I tell you my least serious type of people in the world? Yeah. And I love "Punch Drunk Love." And I love on "Cut Gems." But if that's when you got on board with the Sandman, get the [BLEEP] out. Wow. Yeah. You're talking about Billy Madison, "Happy Gilmore." "Happy Gilmore, all the way up to Deeds." I think Jack and Jill's performance art. It's insane. I think Hubie Hall-Louis is brilliant. He's always been brilliant. And so I just-- you know, I've had a couple of friends who didn't always get it, and then they get on board. Yeah. P.T. Anderson movie, "No Way." "No Way." "No Way." You've got to be on the P.T. Anderson was on before you-- Way on, yeah. P.T. Anderson can fight. [LAUGHTER] I want to talk about this. You're here to talk about this. Yes. A Broadway-- this is-- They called. They called. Finally, you did it. Romeo and Julia. Yeah. This is big. It's big, yeah. Jack, it's a giant deal. It's a huge deal. It's in previews right now, and they already got extended before it even began. That's a massive deal. It doesn't happen, dude. I came from there. Yeah. I'm going back there. You are? Yeah, I came from there and going back there. I love it. It's been so cool to-- Well, we're circling this square. That's the 50th and 8th. It's right here. Yeah, mid-town Manhattan. I love it. When I came to the market here, I was like, this is so great. And then I realized I don't have to come here again. And then I realized I do. So it was exciting. But it's wild. Which part was exciting? I love working on Broadway. It's just so neat. It's just so cool. What are you actually doing there? Are you writing all these songs for it? Are you just-- are you scoring? Are you doing both? It's both. It's a lot of-- the whole play is scored. And then there's-- we're in previews. We're still messing with it between three or five original songs that leave the play. So the play is in-- it's the exact Shakespeare text. Except it doesn't look like it. And then all the score is mostly coming off of like Moog's and Juno 6's. So it's pretty like buzzy and low-end-y, which is very modern sounding. Yeah. And then we kind of leave the play for moments and the actors saying-- But I think it's brilliant to get you involved, I would say, because let me just plug your ears. You just won your 9th, 10th, and 11th Grammy for-- [CHEERING] Including producer of the year for the third year in a row. You're part of two of the biggest albums of the year. You co-produce Sabrina Carpenter's album, "Short and Sweet." And also, yeah, we love Sabrina. And also, Taylor Swift's album, "The Tortured Post" department. Come on. Catch the-- [MUSIC PLAYING] That's the dude I want on Broadway with me. And that's the dude they got. With you? With anyone. With anyone. With anyone. And they got you on board, and you go, yeah, I'll do it. Well, I've been asked a few things. And I always-- it's so frightening to me. And I wanted to be the perfect thing. And then Sam Gold, who I just think the absolute world of, he did "Fun Home," which is one of the greatest. He just texted me and was like, I have this idea. I was like, imagine a bunch of teenagers playing all the parts in a McMansion basement in New Jersey, Romeo and Juliet. And I really got that. And I thought about how that could be kind of sweaty, but also really sad. The thing about this show, the trick is that we always forget is that two kids die. We always forget that. It's amazing. Like, even as I said it, you're like, no, that's what happens. No spoilers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But every time, even just working on all the run-throughs, we think about love, and we think about romance, and we think about torn apart people. Two people, young people, die in the show. That's an amazing journey to hit that mark every night. Yeah, it's wild. And it's Shakespeare, and Jack Antonoff in one theater. Circle in the Square. I'm happy you're here. Congrats on all the buzz on everything. Thank you. Please come back whenever I love you so much. Jack Antonoff, Romeo and Juliet, is now playing on Broadway at Circle in the Square Theater. We'll be right back with more tonight, everybody. Stop singing it by anybody. [MUSIC PLAYING] My thanks to Sarah Paulson, Jack Antonoff. Absolutely right. And we'll try it there from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Good night, everybody. 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