The B.R.O.S

Episode 059: Cards For Christianity

Jose and Bill play a fun game they found called The Bible Is Funny made by Anthony Russo. This sentiment has been echoed on the podcast many times, and it's good to be able to laugh at the fun God has given us in His Word.

Broadcast on:
02 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

Jose and Bill play a fun game they found called The Bible Is Funny made by Anthony Russo. This sentiment has been echoed on the podcast many times, and it's good to be able to laugh at the fun God has given us in His Word. 

- Hey guys, welcome back to the Bros. We're in the Backroom with Sanctuary where the conversation happens. We're host Jose and Bill and we are in the room today. - Yes sir, I'm back. I took a hiatus, which is a, it sounds like a long word, but it's actually short. Why does it sound long? It sounds like it's like about five syllables hiatus. - It's a long word for a short time away. - That's true. It's very good. Yeah, so I took a little hiatus. I was on, I leave for three days and missed two recordings, which is hilarious. You know, it's like I've been gone for two weeks, but I just missed, I wasn't for a weekend. An extended weekend, Thursday to Saturday. I was back, but those were the days we recorded, so it's very funny. - Hey guys, if you're watching and listening to this episode, make sure you leave a like and follow on whatever platform you're listening to. And please leave a comment on the things below. We're doing something a little different today. I'm obviously going to have a little bit of conversation today, but we have a little game here. As you can see right there, this is not a sponsor. This is not a sponsor thing. We just picked it up at a bookstore and said, "Hey, that looks like something for our podcast." And we didn't even know anything about it. - And if the game, the makers of this game weren't a sponsor, so I really don't want a million dollars. It was just my 18, you know, 55 back. - Give us a dollar for every sale. I'm just kidding. - Like people are going to buy it for us, right? No. The game is actually, the game actually is called "The Bible Is Funny." - It's what we've been saying for months on this podcast. - Yeah. - I almost said years, but we've only had one. - Yeah, we've been saying it for a little while, but, you know, every time Bill comes up with a context about the Bible, he finds humor and that's what helps him to, and helps me to better understand the Bible because, you know, some people like music, some people like comedy, some people like things in rhythm, and sometimes when you hear comedy, you're like, "That sticks a little better because I can actually see it." - Right, yeah. - You know, and that's what helps us to go or navigate this direction. - Yeah. One of the things that we do is, when we tell a Bible story, we don't just, you know, we read through the scriptures, but we paraphrase. We say things in our own way and individual ways, and this game does the same, however, their version of paraphrasing is they happen to use other versions of the Bible. So whenever we read out a verse, if you're like, "I only read the King James," and we do, I'm not saying we don't. For this instance, it is essentially paraphrasing the verse to make it immediately easier to understand and change the comedic format. - Yeah. - So we're not advocating for other verses. We're not going to tell you what version they are because it doesn't really matter to us. We're just reading it as a verse that's paraphrased. - The whole point is that everything that we're doing with it is going to take what is commonly done with scripture, people usually take things out of context. When they try to make something serious about it, what we're doing here is we're taking this scripture, taking it out of context to make it funny, not to make it serious, which is the whole point, is making this have fun. And by out of context, that's by context, what we're doing here, we're taking it out of context to put contextual fun into it. - Sure, right. Yeah, exactly. And we're still talking about the scriptures. We're not having our own fun. It's still the verses are there. The meaning is there. We're going to try our best to say each reference. And if you want to look it up in the King James, feel free to do so. If you feel like, "Oh, here we go." Then we get to have that fun and you get to have the scriptures. But there's plenty of parts in the Bible that are just strange out of context. And so we're looking for those kind of like, "Oh, that's weird that they would say that, but it makes sense in the format." And we put it into different formats. It's going to be a fun time, I think. Just the rules are fun on their own. - Let's just go. Let me put this on the context. David, talking about God, you're with me everywhere I am. If I make my bed in hell, you're with me. It's God in hell. - You're right. Yeah, there we go. Yeah, see? Boom. - God in hell. No, he's not. - Oh my. Wow, that's funny. That is funny. - But you know, the context and the context, taking the Bible out of context, you know, don't do it for sake of argument, please. - Oh, yeah. - Don't do it for out of the sake of argument. - Unless it's funny if it's a joke, then do it. The Bible says not to argue the Bible. - Yeah. - Don't argue it. - No, but if you're just taking a verse, I do that all the time. I take a verse and just use it to fit my life. And everybody knows I'm joking, I wouldn't actually, you know. - Right. - It's great. - Well, here's the rules. - Sure thing. - I tried to do a saw and read about it. And I'm going to slip up my words. It's going to be a little bit difficult for me. - Actually, hand me the box for quick. Let me read the back of the box first. - Okay, here. - Is this kind of the description of the game? - Here you go. - All right. - You get that and I'll read the card. - The Bible is funny. From the creator of the Bible is funny. Instagram comes the hilarious party game of matching random versus with everyday situations. Perfect for Bible enthusiasts and novice alike. Novices alike, this game offers fun for the whole family, whether you're at home, cooped up in an arc, or camped in the desert with Father Abraham's many sons. And then the top of the box says the Bible taken out of contents, taken out of context since 1895. I could have let that one go, that was pretty close. Let me see that. - Yeah, taken out of context on the top. - Yeah, it does. - That's great. - Since 1895. - Yes, sir. - All right. - Give me the picture of a little sheep on it. - That's very nice. - It is. All right, so here is the game card overview. The Bible is an ancient and holy text that has inspired, encouraged, and mystified readers for centuries. It is a rich text full of timeless wisdom and direction, timeless wisdom and direction, none of which we will be getting into today. Today is just for funsies. Included in this game are two different kinds of cards. The verse cards are a collection of obscure, entertaining, or downright outrageous Bible verses pulled completely out of their original context. The prompt cards are some hilarious new context into which we will insert those Bible verses. The black ones, which Bill just held up, and the yellow ones, which Bill just held up as well, are both either one of those cards. The rules are much like what you see on other games. What was the game that you said? - Cards Against Humanity. - Cards Against Humanity. In this game, we'll call it Cards Against Christianity. - Cards for Christianity. - Jesus would play this game, I'll say. - Jesus was doing this too, he would quote scripture all the time. You would pull out a scripture and you're like, we're not talking about Jonah? - No, everything he said magically became scripture. - Right, right. That's true. That's fun. What a superpower that is. - Right. What I say in the scripture deals seven verse cards to each player, and then place the remaining verse cards on the table face down, set the prompt cards in a separate pile face down beside the verse cards as you see here. Cast lots to decide who will serve as the game's first theologian. In the event, we don't have what? - I forgot my dice at home. - Oh man, we don't do dice. In the event that lots are not readily available, see the back of this booklet for its substitutionary methods. Once the theologian is chosen for the first round, that player will draw a prompt card. The theologian chooses which of the two prompts to read aloud. Based on the prompt, each player should submit face down a verse card from their hand that they think would meet would best meet the holy standards of the theologian. That theologian shuffles the submitted cards, reads them aloud and chooses, listen, we're only two people in this game. - Let's just say we're going to change them up. - Right. So the rules that we're going to go by is we're going to have a, you want to go ahead and do that? - We got a prompt card, we're going to put it down, we're going to read the prompt. We have seven cards in our hand that have scriptures taken out of context. We look at these and our change up, because we have less people, we only have two, our change up is that you can play a maximum of three cards at a time. So that can mean if you don't have three cards that fit in your like, "Ah, this one's not really, you know, I don't really have anything that fits this," you don't have to. You can play two, you can play one if you wanted to, but it's a maximum of three, and instead of having like, we choose it, but we're kind of just going to read them out and have fun with that aspect. The theologian really is just a guy who flips over the card. There's not really a specific, you know, and who reads the prompts or whatever. - And if you think it's funny, write in the comments section below, hit a like button. - Yeah, for sure. So, the joke of me saying I left my dice at home is that I live with my grandmother who will never ever allow dice in her home. So instead of casting lots, we're going to read out these substitution methods, one through seven, and then we're going to pick a number and see which one we use. So let's go with it. Let's read them through. - Options for deciding who goes first as the theologian. Zachius rules, number one. The shortest person goes first. If Zachius rule comes up, you know who's going first. - Yes, sir. - Me. Noah rules. The person with the most pets goes first. - I went by one. - And one pet. - Yeah, you have one pet. Considering, yeah, three pets. - That's true. - Sarah rules. The person with the best laugh goes first. By the way, I'm reading in one and one, two, three. So this is number three. Noah rules number two. - Four, Moses rules. The first person to take off their shoes goes first. And if we had to take our shoes off, this table's going everywhere. - I'll probably win that one, man. - Yeah. Number five, David rules. The best dancer goes first. Who would judge that? - I was going to say who can get to the rooftop price. Number six, Methuselah rules. The oldest person goes first, and I would not appreciate that. Number seven, Elisha rules. The baldest person goes first. - Now that one would be a fight. I think your hair is shorter, so that probably won't come up. - I'd say who has the least amount of hair on her head. - Yeah, probably. - You, you don't know. - I don't know either. - I mean, on their head, I'd have - Yeah, yeah, right. - You'd go first. All right. All right. All right. So now I'm going to go and ask Siri what number between one and seven? - Hold it up to Mike. Yeah, yeah. - Pick a number between one and seven. - The answer is three. - Okay. The answer is three. So Sarah rules. Oh, that's the person with the best laugh goes first. - I'm going to give that one to you. - Well, how do you know that the best laugh? - I have about 50 of your laughs saved, or, you know, not that. - I don't know that. - But I have a lot of laughs saved. - You have a pretty good laugh. - I think you're going. - I think it's annoying. No, I, we should leave it up to the audience and we'll never know. - We'll never know. All right. The reason. All right. Let me go first. Okay. So three was picked, and I'll just do. - Yes. - So I will pick the car. - We got a draw. We got a draw first. - Okay. - So here we got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. All right. I have picked seven scripture cards. The number of spiritual perfection. - Six, seven. All right. I had the perfect number. All right. And I'll pick my prompt. Top one. Hmm. All right. Okay. This one is, I can pick one or two. One of two. I'm gonna go with something a teacher would say. That's the prompt. Something a teacher would say. All right. So like we said, we'll pick the three that comes out of our hand, and we will put them down and read them as they go. As I'll be the one that judges have. And honestly, it doesn't seem to have a little bit of bias to it because I am the theologian. I can obviously have bias toward my own, but hopefully Bill is funnier than mine than I can pick his. That one's, I have one here that is a, um, I got three. I have one that's like dark. What? Oh, dark. Yeah. Wow. The dark ones wouldn't be bad. It's not that bad, but yeah. It can be taken a lot of different ways. Okay. I've got two. Okay. If you don't have a third, don't worry about it. No, I think mine all makes sense. I'm gonna grab three, just talking, refit, replenish mine. Same. Yeah. All right. So you're the theologian, right? I am the theologian. You shall read, sir. I am going to mix match these. So what we do, this is how the game works, is you say the prompt before you read each card and they'll, so he'll say, you know, I'll do this. Something a teacher might say, and then he'll say the wearer of the scripture is found, and then I'll say that out of context, scripture. All right. Here we go. So something a teacher would say referencing Psalm 120 and six. I am tired of living among people who hate peace. Man, referencing first Samuel 12 21, something a teacher would say, they can do you no good, nor can they rescue you because they are useless. Man, let's just like, let's put it out in the audience. Comment down below, which one you, you vibe with the best. Let's let's put that in the context. What's good? What's useless kids? I'll say high school age children. Actually, I was coming up with the cheating sources like different, like different books and different calculators. Use your head. Yeah. Nope. Nope kids. All right. Let's go right to the. Something a teacher would say, referencing Psalm once, Psalm 70 verse five is as for me, I am poor. I am her teacher. Say that. Oh my good. As for me. Complaining about how much they make. Yeah. Something a teacher would say, the thing that you have done is not good. Oh, first Samuel 26 16. I should like it afterwards. Better. I think that works. Was one reading the scripture after? Yeah. Like the word is found after we read the scripture. That's good. That works. Okay. We'll read after that. Read after. Okay. Sure. Something a teacher would say, look, I am about to die. Genesis 25 32. It's all right. Who picked that one? I did. You didn't? No, I did. Oh, you did. Okay. I was thinking it could be, I don't like my job or it could be a school, you know, okay. Something a teacher would say, I noticed among the youth, a young man lacking sense. Probably 77. That's a good one. Those are great ones. Those are all good. I wouldn't know which one to pick. I love that card. I think lacking sense would be a great one. But yeah, but that's good. All right. Let's just card these. That was fun. There's no winner here. Yeah, there's no audience. We were not, we're not, well, yeah, whatever card, whoever you thought when put it in the comment section below. Yeah. We'll take this card and discard that one. And you get to pick your time. Here we go. I'm a theologian. All right. Here we are. Let's see. These are both good. I think I'm gonna go with the other one. Go ahead. That was pretty good. Okay. Let's do it. All right. I knew things were going well when my date said blank. Oh, so we're doing this. Okay. So let's say I'm gonna do that one right there. I'm not using this one, but that is the, that is the best one. Oh, yeah. No. The context is horrible. Let me see. I don't know if I like this one for my cards. I have one. Okay. Here we go. Okay. I got my goodness. I'm gonna do two. I'm gonna do two. I think you need two. I have two. Yeah, I have two okay ones. All right. So this is strong. These two are yours. Yeah. They put these in between. So they can be read. They can be read alternately. Mine yours. Here we go. Oh, I'm gonna get my three cards back. I'm excited to see what you've got, man. Oh, my goodness. I hope they're strong. I hope that I hope you last. Mine are okay. I probably will. All right. Here we go. Here we go. I knew things were going well when my date said, how long are you going to be drunk? [laughter] We still got a couple hours on the table. Oh, that one's, that one's mean. I mean, it's in the Bible. So, well, you didn't, I just kept you. Oh, oops. It isn't in the Bible. How long are you going to be drunk? First day, I'm going to be one in 14. First day, I'm going to be one in 14. All right. That's probably Eli. That's probably talking to Eli, I would imagine. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I knew things were going well when my date said, give me two months to roam the hills and weep with my friends, because I will never marry. [laughter] Judge 1137. I like that one a lot. Okay. I do deserve it. Because it makes this sarcastic. It makes that sarcastic. Yeah. I deserve the whole laughing. I, I realize it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Your laugh is great. No, it's good. It's kind of cool. Similar, similar vein of comedy here. I knew things were going well when my date said, I have bad news for you. [laughter] First Kings 14 and six. That one's really good. I have bad news for you. I'm going to leave these face up. Oh, man. Yeah. This is, these are some strong picks. I can't pick the drunk one I don't think, but all the others are good. [laughter] I'm like, you're going to be drunk is good though. I knew things were going well when my date said, answer me quickly for I am in deep trouble. Oh, man. Psalm 6917. Nice. All right. And last, but not least, I knew things were going well when my date said, you son of a perversion rebellious woman. [laughter] Man, that one's good too. First Kings 20, 30. Oh, my goodness. Are they, how many first San Diego? Two, two first San Diego. Oh, man. These are, these are great. There's no winner. I mean, it's you want to pick me. I mean, yeah, I don't want to pick away. I like this one a lot. Which one is it? Give me two months to roam the hills and we fucking because I will never marry. That's so over the top. And I imagine you're saying that to you. I have bad news for you. I have bad news for you. It has the same feeling as this, but more abrupt and concise. Wow. This game is kind of fun. It's like the same joke, but it's like one of them is like so much longer. And this one just takes a little bit of time. It's like, yeah, that's great. Right. Imagine you're dancing. I'm going to roam the hills for two months. I'm never going to marry. And you're like, well, that's, well, okay. One, two, three, four, five, six, I need one more. Sorry. I'm going to get my prompt card here. Yes, sir. Hmm. I don't know how to go. I'm really glad I picked that one. That's good. I knew it was going to be a long Uber ride when the driver said blank. Okay. Here we go. Oh, bring out your Juber. That was a strange thing to say. Absolutely. Mm. Two back to back. Very strong cards. Oh my goodness. Oh, this is okay. I'll tell you what the bias is real. Yeah. The bias is so real here. I've like you like you're like my own. Yeah. I got I got I feel like my cards are just like perfect. Like I don't I don't know. Same. But your cards are perfect. You know, is that you got you done? Yeah. All right. Let's see. Let me put these in. These are so good. Oh, man, we're going to have a good round. Let's see what we got here. All right. I knew it was going to be a long ride when my when I knew it was going to be a long Uber ride when the driver said I lie awake think I lie awake thinking of you meditating on you through the night. Psalms 63 and six. By the way, you were right there. I feel like it makes sense the other way. I knew it was going to be a long ride when my Uber driver said I think it works better like that. I know. I don't know why they wrote that word. They wrote it. They have like 100 prompts. Okay. Here we go. That one's fine. I knew it was going to be a long ride when my Uber driver said everyone is a liar opening the door to a long conversation. My goodness. Yeah. I knew it was going to be a long ride when my Uber driver said I know where you live. Um, that one I would assume that he would know that's funny because it's true. Yeah. Funny because it's like, or, but you know what? Hey, let's say this. He got your, he got your dress. Oh, then I ain't put the, did I put the red? Oh, um, actually, uh, everyone is a liar is Psalm 116 11. I know where you live is Revelation two and 13. So, so what I'm thinking here is it could be that he, he got the address and then you realize it was going to be a long drive on the speed he was going and you live a long way away. Right. That's right. All right. I knew it was going to be a long ride when the Uber driver said, let me tell you what the Lord said to me last night. Oh my goodness. That's so funny. That is so funny because I had to take a 10 hour car ride with Granny and they were, you know, you know, those conversations can get real deep, especially when you're just driving, you know, not able to see out of your right eye and you're just like kind of like, I don't know your circumstances situation, but I know when people, when people feel like they have something from the Lord to give to you, that conversation can go on for hours at a time. Yeah, it's amazing, but yeah, it'll be a long drive for sure. Especially if it's not for you. It's just for them. Right. Well, you know, I know I knew it was going to be a long ride when the Uber driver said what the true proverb says has happened. The dog returns to its own vomit. Second Peter 2 and 22. I knew it was going to be a long Uber ride when the driver said there is much more we would like to say about this, but it is difficult to explain, especially since you don't seem to listen. Now in that sense, it could be a long ride. Oh, it Hebrews 511. That could be a long ride because it's probably a quiet ride because you don't want to, he's saying you don't want to listen. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. Um, man, that was a really good one. That's a good round. You know, it's funny as I had this is the first card I saw. It was literally the card I had just picked up. I lie awake, thinking of you meditating on you through the night. I moved that card and immediately saw I know where you live. And I thought that's the best. That's the description. Yeah, sorry. That's good. Yeah, that's a good thing back. Good round. All right. All right. Here we go. Another another discard. Oh, yeah, we just fixed that pile a little bit. Starting to move its way towards the discord part. All right. Here we go. New prompts just dropped. All right. Here we go. Something a dad would say something a dad would say. Something a dad would say. I'm a dad here. I'm a dad. I am a dad. I'm not. I'm not. I don't know how I would say any of these things. I don't know. I like I like my options. I had another one that I liked too, but it's fine. Oh, there's only one that I really, really like. Yeah, I feel that. Okay. Here we go. Okay. Do we get my cards back? It's only one that I really like and I know it's gonna. You probably might like it too, but who knows the bias is real. Yeah, sometimes it hits different with other people. Here we go. Something a dad would say. You should mind your own business. I'm really sorry about the timing there. I'm really sorry about the timing there. You're good, brother. Oh my goodness. It was special. We almost had a special guest. Oh, he's welcome. He's going to come in. Who wasn't? I don't know. Nobody came in. Let me go fuck this door real quick. No, no, no. Is it not? Man, I've really timed that poorly with you. Interesting way to, an interesting way to close the door. This is breaking the podcast is sponsored by Dunkin' Donuts. I said, interesting way to shut a door. That was, that was Granny. I'm gonna go shut this door. That was, that was Granny. She wanted to come over here and see how everything along with the condition of the fells of heart. It is better. So that's nice. So yeah, anyhow, something a dad would say you should mind your own business. First, that's Alainian's 411. I don't know why that made me powerful. I almost spit my coffee out. He did. It was a perfect timing. I think the timing was more than anything. And the voice helped. Something a dad would say. Yes, I know. Be quiet. The funniest thing is that you're a card. That's the way you said it. A real dad energy on that one. Singing kings two and three. And then they, oh my goodness. Sorry, I'm trying to figure out what the scripture's from. It says HCSB. I think it's a college or something. I don't know. Oh, that's, I don't know what that is. Yeah. Highlands County School Board. Oh, wow. Yeah, that actually fits with the card. Yes, I know. Be quiet. All right. Here we go. Something a dad would say, I am very old. Well, that didn't. Joshua, 23 and two. I feel offended. Okay. Well, that's fair. Something a dad would say. He had the strength of a unicorn. I'm sorry. I don't know. Number is 23, 22. Yeah. I mean, maybe someone would say it about a dad, but I don't even pick that because I didn't have much power. Yes. Something a dad would say, don't greet anyone you meet. And if anyone greets you, do not answer. That sounds like what? That sounds like a don't answer the door. Yeah, right. You get the witnesses. Don't talk to nobody when you're walking up there. You ever had a witness come to your front door and knock on your door and anybody hides. Jovus or a different witness? I mean, I don't know many witnesses that knock on doors. Yeah, that'd be funny. Hey, I saw a murder once. Want to talk? Yes, to the hold of it. This is okay. Have you been robbed? I saw somebody get robbed. I don't know who somebody who walked by your car. Yeah, sure. Yeah, we, these, these Jovus witnesses, there was something that came by our house and they only came at the worst times too. It's always been something bad was happening. Like, you know, oh, when you're really, really busy outside. Oh, yeah. Trying to get work done. Oh, my God. You want to talk about, you know, I'm about to meet him. All right. Something a dad would say, he looked like an angel of God, very awesome. That was, that was my. Yeah, there's something. My favorite one that I had was, yes, I know, be quiet. Yeah, that one, that's my favorite. That's my favorite. So far. You should mind your own business was good. Just because it was unexpected. It was the way you said it. Yeah. Both of those were the way you said it. Yeah, these are just like, there's a term in, in cards against humanity where it's like, it's a discard. You know, you just, you're just getting rid of cards and getting new cards, essentially. Yeah. All right. Nice. Very good. I am the, uh, I am the, uh, theologian. Here we go. All right. Oh, we, I need to get one. Okay. Here we go. I got two here. I can make it funny or make it, make it funnier. Um, really good choices on that. There's no bad options. Let's see. I knew I was in trouble when my doctor said, dot, dot, dot. All right. Let's see. Let's see what we got here. Oh man. Yes. Oh. Okay. Okay. I've been saving that card for a rainy day. My goodness, it's perfect. You saved that specific card. No, but I just, there was nowhere else to play it. And I finally, I was like, there's no way there's any situation that would work for this and now there is. Oh, yeah. Okay. I think these are good. I don't know. All right. I have two good ones, everyone like, yeah, it's all right. Let's see. Let me get my three cards here. One, uh, a two and a three. All right. Here's my theologian cards. I will be reading these and I do not have a delivery like Bill. Doesn't matter. All right. Here we go. We're so good. Oh, Raddy Dan. My voice is, uh, very, uh, funny right now, I guess. Okay. So I knew I was in trouble when my doctor said, look, you can see this man is crazy. First Samuel 2114. Just talking to the nurse. Well, you can see this man is crazy. Wow. I knew I was in trouble when my doctor said, I do not keep my mouth closed, as you know. Yeah, talk. Let's keep on talking about everything. Talk down on your grocery store about everybody's problems, but you know that. Oh, did I say Psalm 40 and nine. Um, I knew I was in trouble when my doctor said, we will die. We are lost. We are all lost. Number 17, 12. Then we go through the first card, except for the doctors who want us crazy. I knew I was in trouble when my doctor said, what is wrong with everyone here? Why are they weeping? First Samuel 11, five. I imagine that followed the, you have leukemia and then, and then like two minutes later, he just goes, why is everyone crying here? I knew I was in trouble when my doctor said, listen to my complaints. About what my health goes with the, this goes back to back. Oh, so I'm sitting with the next card, Psalm 64 and one. Yeah, this one goes back to back. No pun intended with the next card for shit. Listen to my complaint. My back is filled. Oh, sorry. I know. I knew I was in trouble when my doctor said, my back is filled with searing pain. There is no health in my body. Psalm 38 and seven. You never want your doctor to be, you know, my back is filled with searing pain. All right. Yeah, it hurts. Your back hurts. Look at mine. I read this one so funny. It became funny. I don't know. Yeah, that was true. Which one we did, everyone? Why are they weeping? Yeah, that's good. Yeah, those are all good cards, but yeah, that was good. I liked that. I enjoyed that one. Oh, right. Here we go. Next one. What do we have? 34 minutes. Nice. Yeah. Crush. I really love you as a brother and sister in Christ. Me. So this is your response. Oh, to your saying, I love you as a brother and sister in Christ. I really love you as a brother slash sister in Christ. The brother in Christ. Okay, conversation. Yeah. I really love you as a brother in Christ. Okay. Man, that would hurt. Man, I'd be so mad. Well, I guess, let's. The fast ones are funny when you just see them go. That's the one. I don't know if these make any sense. Mind you, I don't know. If you don't have three, don't worry about it, but mine have always makes sense in my head. I don't know. I got blessed by the cards on this one. Yeah, I had good cards for that. Can I just like completely swap mine out? You can if you want to. I feel like the same other ones, the same for a bit in my card, my hands like. Yeah, it's hard to find. Yeah. All right, here we go. I don't know if these are fully mixed. We'll find out. Here we go. I usually get them in order like mine. Yeah, I think I really crush. I really love you as a brother in Christ. Me. I am forgotten. Psalm 31 12. That was a good one. I'm gonna have the reverb a little on this one. Oh, unless you're gonna have. No, I'm not going to do it for them. It's just fun for us. Oh, you guys don't get to hear the reverb. Yeah, no reverb. It's crystal clear. All right, here we go. Crash. I really love you as a brother in Christ. Me. Isn't her younger sister more attractive, judges 15 and two? Man. That's a switch up. You just move on. You're like next. That's like a. Oh my word. Yeah, go ahead. That's funny. We go. Crash. I really love you. As a brother in Christ. Me. I lie awake. I'm like a lonely sparrow on the housetop. Psalms run at 2.7. Tell me a radio station. It did. Turn in the Psalms. One of 2.7. On the hour, we've got the news coming at you. I lie awake. I'm like a lonely sparrow on the housetop. And if your housetops need repair. All right. I really love you as a brother in Christ. Me. Your meetings do more harm than good. Sometimes it's better to never tell your crush. It's just better to just hope. You don't get that kind of nonsense. Crash. I really love you as a brother in Christ. You got to read it. I'm sorry. I couldn't. I couldn't. I really love you as a brother in Christ. I am on the verge of complete ruin before the entire community. Did I pick that one? You did pick that one. So you picked the winner. Oh my goodness. That's great. I don't know why. I thought I wanted to pick one good one. No, that one's great. That one's good too. Okay. Here we go. I really love you as a brother in Christ. Me. Do not associate with him in order that they may feel ashamed. That one's still good. There's no mediocre one. Yeah. Sam, do my card length. Mine aren't. Yeah, mine aren't even that good. No, you're so good. I am on the verge of complete ruin before the entire community. Wow. I didn't think it would make sense. Now it does. It totally does. Because like that's such a funny internal thought to have. Did you read the scripture? No, I didn't read it for half of them. Hold on. Do not associate with it may feel ashamed. Second Thessalonians 3 14. I am on the verge of complete ruin before the entire community. Proverbs 5 14. I think I read all the others. Okay. Cool. All right. Let's go ahead. We don't get to them. Oops. You're good. I did say we would try our best. So that gives us an out. Okay. Here we go. Here we go. My theologian card here. Yes, sir. This is these are not very like funny. Well, if you have to get another card that somebody do. I hope you don't mind me saying dot dot dot. The other one was like my VBS my VBS theme this year will be dot dot dot. Yeah, right. I hope you don't mind me saying. I don't I don't have any good cards for this. This one's meta. This is a discard. I don't I don't. Any opportunity where I can I can play this card is not going to be the opportunity I want to. So I'm just going to get rid of it now. All right. This one works. I don't know. I'm not confident on this one. Me either. I thought the prompt was funny, but the cards don't. Yeah, the prompt is funnier than the cards. Right. That happens. That happens sometimes. Yeah. You know that the what do you mean game? Yeah. Yeah. It happens that way too. It does. Yeah. What do you mean? All right. You get the really funny picture and all the cards and make no sense with the picture. All right. So I hope you don't mind me saying that's fine. First Kings 1824. I like that. I thought that was I just said that's the one I said was meta because it's like that's the response. Yeah. Even though wait, I hope you don't mind me saying even though you detain me, I will not eat any of your food. Judges 1316. You can lock me in your house and I won't eat your dinner. Wow. I hope you don't mind me saying who told you that you were naked? Genesis 3 11. That's a discard discard. But it doesn't work. Yeah. Not really. I hope you don't mind me saying do not cast me away when I am old. Okay. Okay. I know I picked that one. I still I don't. I hope you don't mind me saying I can't carry all these people one by myself. Number is 1114. That's the only one I was like, oh, it's good. All right. I'm dead. I hope you don't mind me saying I love them, but they try to destroy me. So I'm 1094. Hmm. Dinner one is the best. Yeah. Even though you detain me, I will not eat any of your food. That's my favorite. Yeah. That just happened to be the best one. Oh, no. Oh, no. Even though you detain me, I will not hit the floor. All right. All right. Here we go. All right. You are the theologian. Let me get my four. Let me get my three cards here. Are we running on a card? We finish this pile off. We done. Yeah. I'd say after this, if once we run out of cards and we just play out our, you know, see if we have anything and play it out. Yeah. Yeah. We're at 42. That's good. Yeah. All right. Here we go. All right. It's unfair. Something you might hear in a cabin at church camp. I've never been to one of these. I actually have. What am I talking about? Yeah. All I do this summer is technically that, right? There has to be context to what I'm told these cards. I'm advising, which is the best out of these two. Okay. I got three. Is this yours? It's mine. It's yours. Okay. I got three cards here. I think that's the last three. Yeah. Perfect. Wow. That's perfect. That's my goodness. The perfect round. I can't believe that because we chose to pick play three and sometimes didn't. Great. Great. Great things. Okay. Here we go. Ready. Ready. I'm just short. These are a little bit of a mix. All right. Here we go. Mm-hmm. Man. I need to talk to my mic. Something you might hear. Another reason why we need headphones. Yeah. Right. It's true. Something you might, anybody want to sponsor? Audio Technica, you want to sponsor us? Give us some good headphones. My goodness. We need some good, better headphones. These things break all the time. What are these, these tests? Okay. We're going all the time. Hey, go to the 44 second point, a 44 minute point in this podcast and listen to this. Right. We need headphones. All right. Here we go. Something you might hear in a cabin at church camp. Oh no. Please. So why have you now come to fight me? Judges 12 and 3? Oh, there's, is that yours? Yeah. Oh my goodness. That one's fine. Okay. Yeah. Go ahead. You're going to find one then that's funny too. Okay. Something you might hear in a cabin at church camp. Why is this happening to me? Uh-huh. It's just delivery. I don't think it's funny. Yeah, I know that delivery. Something you might hear in a cabin at church camp. Busy bodies who talk nonsense. What? You might hear those at a church camp. Busy bodies. Uh, so that's Genesis 25, 22. I said that one and then first Timothy 5 and 13. Okay. Yeah. Something you might hear in a cabinet at church camp. Stand up. What are you doing down in your face? Okay. Context. All right. That's a church camp. Uh-huh. You got to think people are praying down their face. Yeah, that's right. And most times people say, if you want the Holy Ghost, you got to get up and you got to start shouting on that face. That's funny. That's why I picked that one. That's funny. Yeah. It helps with the context. Yeah. Something you would hear you might hear, not would, something you might hear in a cabin at church camp. If anyone else thinks he has grounds for confidence, I have more. Philippians three and four. That didn't work. Something you might hear in a cabin at church camp. Send me a man so we can fight each other for Sam and 17 10. That's good. So, so, that context, we were, uh, we were in, uh, my, I don't know if I'm telling on myself, but we were at church camp and we were in, we were in dorms and there were some, but there were people there that wanted to wrestle. Oh, yeah. It was like, I need someone to wrestle. I need someone's like, okay. Okay. That's, and that's the context there. Yeah. For sure. That's great. Yeah. I thought this one would be good. It wasn't busy, but it's a talk nonsense. Yeah. I mean, that's very meta. It just is a different, you know, you're expecting as a thing to hear and then you have a people. Yeah. It is here. So, that doesn't make sense. Well, you would still hear it. Never mind. I'm going to stop thinking about this card because I'll, I'll start doing it. Overthink. Yes. Um, that was a, I hate to defend. Yeah, I don't want to be defending my own. Is it funny or not? Am I the, am I the legend this time? What? What? Uh, just, all right. Oh. All right. Something my therapist wants me to say. Oh, I'm sorry. Not wants me to say. Something my therapist wants to say to me. Oh, that's big difference there. It is. Changes the cards. Okay. Something my therapist wants to say to me. That one. Yeah. Mm. Listen, I can't do this. Please don't read. Please. I'm, this is this card. I had to sell the whole game. You can do that. Well, that was real. I had this the whole game, and I don't. Okay. I'm just going to discard it. I don't know. That's the only one I can do, right? Yeah, I like that. Wait. Something my therapist wants to say to me. Yeah. Okay. Uh, real questions here. Real answers here. I mean. Yes, sir. Let me make sure I got my phone in there. That's pretty good. Oh, yeah. Right. Right. I'm sorry. There you go. Okay. I'm gonna mix these in one. Okay. That's right. This is the last round. So if you enjoyed this game and want to see more, leave a comment because we really enjoyed it. And honestly, this is probably something that we might do in our free time anyway. You might do it with John when he comes back. Yeah. Every once in a while, we pull this out for a segment. Even if it's not like we, let's say we play through, we say three rounds or something like that, and we just have that as a continued like, oh, pull it out. Let's do it. You know? Yeah. Okay. So here we go. Something my therapist wants to say to me, you have done things to me that should never be done. Genesis 29. Very good. That's very good. You're better. That's, you're better than the therapist. You're more, you're more hurt than the therapist. Just help. Something my therapist wants to say to me, my sighing is not hidden from you. Psalm 38 and 9. I didn't have amazing cards for that. That was kind of like something my therapist wants to say to me, where's your big talk now? Judges 9.38. I'm not going to put that over here. So, so, so my image, my mental image there, is, is you walking in and you're like a confident person and then they go through it and you're talking about it. He's just, you're just crying in the chair and then he just goes, where's your big talk now? It's so good. Something my therapist wants to say to me, please tell me what makes you so strong and what it would take to tie up, tie you up securely. Judges 16. That first, that's Samson in this. Yeah. It is, Addison the first half with the, it actually sounds like only a therapist would say, tell me what makes you so strong and how I could tie you up securely. That's a Delilah Spirit right there. Something my therapist wants to say to me, why do you do such, why do you do such things? First Samuel 2 23. That's a, that's a good card. That's a real answer. Yeah. Real question. Why do you do these things? And that was first Samuel 2 23. I'm not sure if I said that. I don't know. I said it again. Something my therapist wants to say to me, he departed with no one's regret. Second Chronicles 21.20. Okay. So what's the context with the part? So, so like leave, like, or like, like ex nay on the life. No, that's funny. That's funny too. I didn't think of that. I was just thinking, surely there's some people that therapists wouldn't want to give therapy to. Like there's, there's like, yeah, I don't want this guy. Yeah, because you know, he just makes out all that him or whatever. So I'm like, he wants the therapist wants to say to that person about that person. Let's say that they departed and stopped coming or something. Yeah, I don't know. I, I, oh wait, hold up. Hold up. Read that again. Read that last one again. He departed with no one's regret. Second Chronicles 21.20. It would have been better if it said no regret. And then it's like, that's the perfect thing. No one else's regret. Yeah. Yes. If it was no regret, I misquoted in my head and I was got excited. I thought, I said perfectly. Wait a second. So, so these are the leftover cards in my hand. Okay. Let's pull. Let's pull. Let's pull. I don't know if I'm going to use the leftovers. Okay. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Telemarketer. Hello. We've been trying to reach you about your cards extended warranty. Me. How many cards do you have left for? Let's just put it off. Let's read out all. Okay. Cause this is an okay prompt to just say anything to. Okay. Go ahead. Here we go. Telemarketer. Hello. We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty. Me. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. Songs 139 23. I'm going to go speed around on this one. Telemarketer. Hello. We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty. Me. A man who has lost his hair and his bald is clean. That's fun. All of these are upside down. Keep flipping them over. Like, maybe it'll get better. Right. Telemarketer. Hello. We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty. Me. If this is how you're going to treat me, please go ahead and kill me. I felt like all the time. This is a good follow up. Hello. We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty. Me. Darkness is my closest friend. That's a Batman quote. That's not a bad word. I'm vengeance. Sure. You think the darkness is your ally? Darkness is my closest friend. Psalm 88 18. Yeah. Or Dark Knight Rose's. Telemarketer. Hello. We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty. Me. Give me children or I'll die. That's uh uh... Genesis 31. Telemarketer. Hello. We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty. It's not Hannah, right? Hmm? That wasn't Hannah, right? No. No. That was, I think it was Rachel. Rachel. All Rachel. Maybe. Okay, go ahead. Yeah, Rachel and Lee, I was thinking we're back up for some numbers. If I were, excuse me, hello. We've been trying to reach you about cars extended warranty. If I were hungry, I would not tell you. Psalms 50 12. That was nah. Telemarketer. Hello. We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty. Me. I am more stupid than any other person. Yeah. Psalms 30 and 2. Telemarketer. Hello. We've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty. Me. I looked for sympathy, but there was none. Psalm 69 and 20. How many conversations can you have with the Telemarketer about that? Because you just talked all day about that. Yeah. I'm sad. Can you help feel for me? Yeah. Be my therapist. Yeah. Yeah, that's great. That's a fun game. Let's look for other games like that. That's fun, man. We had a good time. If you guys enjoyed that, please, please hit the like button. Please hit the follow button. Please leave a comment below. Go to the Give us feedback. You like this episode. Give us five stars. We like hearing from you guys. And, you know, actually, if you made it to the episode at the end of this episode, put it in the comment section. I love this game. I want to read it in the comments. I love this game. If you made it this far, put it in the comments. And I'll know that you made it this far. And if you didn't really love this game, then just put JK at the end. Yeah, just JK, yeah. Somewhere in there. But just remember, guys, this is something to remember in your day-to-day life. The Bible is funny, just like the game. I don't know where you'd find this game. We find it at Books a Million, so by the way, that was a funny story. We were at Books a Million with, you know, your kids and everybody and Granny was there. We were all having a good time and hanging out right before a Category 4 hurricane hit us. Oh my goodness. Like half of the places were like sandbagged. I take that back. One place was sandbagged. And you'll never get out of all these business establishments. It was fish city grill. And as we passed by it, I just said, isn't that funny? You'd think that'd be the one place they'd want to have extra waters in the fish city grill. More fish. Yeah, right. They don't want their fish to escape. That's what it is. That's true. That's true. They get out. That's all their business. They're done. Right. They'd really closed down. So yeah, we went to Books a Million and we were looking through. We found a lot of fun things. And then on the way, I happened to see this game. I don't even think it was in the right section it was supposed to be in. It just kind of opened out. It wasn't a kid section. Yeah, it just kind of popped out of me. And I was like, what's this? And then I read it. And I was like, oh, this is perfect. That's what we podcast material. Yeah. And I was like, this is going to be so good. And it turned out to work really well for an episode. At least, I think, you know, we'll never know until somebody tells us in the comments. If we see a light, just like button. Yeah. Hey, if we seem to be a little arrogant on how good our podcast is, because we're not getting enough feedback. So we don't really know. So we assume it's fast. That's the truth. You know, all our we've been report has a perfect perfect podcast. Never had a bad review so far. So realistically, I mean, you know, we're still the perfect podcast. So if no one bad reviews, we're terrific. Yeah, for sure. I understand we have little quarks and flaws that we have. I talk too much. Jose talks too much. No, he doesn't. I don't know that you have a flaw. I generally don't know if you have a flaw. I have a lot of, but you know, we have you say, I don't know a flaw. That's like, well, in the podcast, maybe, I don't know. I don't know. You're a really good host. You're really good. I'm not a host. You you host things well. I can I probably can, but I'm not going to be arrogant about it. Can I just be good at being humble? Yeah, there you are. I'm a zumble man that's ever lived. If you did, Trump actually said that, by the way, you can't be humble and say you're humble. Yeah, he said he said, I'm so humble. And he was at a rally and I'm not even joking. The whole crowd laughed. I know you that's funny. I've heard people say that to me. I said, you know, you got to be a humble person. I am a humble person. I'm so I'm really humble. I'm one of the most humble presidents. We've seen it. I've been so humble. Man, I love that saying you're humble. Being being arrogant about being humble is not humble. It's not humility. You're being prideful of your humble humility. That's obviously moron. Jumbo shrimp. Yeah, it's a catch 45. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. 47. Yeah, maybe. Maybe no. First female president coming up. Don't call it. I don't know. They're going to look back. He was a psychic. I'll be like the Simpsons. That's just what he called. He predicted. All those Simpson predictions are all fake. No, I don't think they are fake. I don't think they are. So the COVID one wasn't fake. But it wasn't COVID that they predicted. It was just you just want to see an episode where we you know, dude, great idea here. If you guys want to see an episode where we break down all of the Simpson predictions, like the big ones and go through and say whether we really believe they were like a prediction or not, that would be fun. Some of them are just people are making them. Yeah, they have to fit it. Well, not necessarily. They're re-creating the cartoon to make it look like it's really nice. That's embarrassing. Yeah. And that's what I'm saying. Like a lot of people say, Oh, the Simpsons are true again. Simpsons are true again. You know, AI is real. Yeah. You can you can literally prompt an AI and say make a Simpson episode about this happening. If we record, we'll look up a confirmed list of like real Simpson predictions on anything. Anyone's created. Like that like that. Like you just happened to be like, you know, there's like, there's just coming down the escalator was a real thing. Yeah, that was that was a Oh, is it up or down? I don't know where down. I think it's coming down. Yeah. But it's still, it was a it was a real prediction, but it wasn't like a like a, you know, sure, happens, you know, whatever. I guess it's just something that happened and it's like, yeah, oh, wow, that's crazy. Remember the I don't know if you remember the one with the dome, the EPA dome, where they were all stuck in their own home or your own town, and they had a big glass dome around them. Yeah, they couldn't get out. It's like, and then the baby slipped out of the dome, went outside, slipped back inside the dome and everybody outside was trying to keep them inside. Oh, wow. That was a prediction of the COVID the COVID situation. It was like, they made a big sickness and covered it all up. It's funny because it's like, some of that is just it just happens to fit because it's just a plot line. And so that's where that's part of the discussion we'd have. It's like, is it just happens to happen because they needed a plot or is it just it just so fits. Yeah, right. And even, you know, they didn't name it like like, like, what's her name, the girl, Bart's sister, Lisa, Lisa, she was president in one of the episodes. Right. They literally said they literally said that was, uh, that was, um, huh, comma? No, before comma, they said that was, uh, Hillary, Hillary. Is it it was Hillary Clinton? Because she was a female and she was president. Oh, they predicted her being president. Didn't happen. Then they collected, comma, the parents being president. Comma fits way better. Comma fits way better. Yeah, the blue jacket too. But so did, so did, she had a blue, she had a pantsuit. The whole thing. It's still vague. It's so vague that they can just fit it. We're making this episode about this. Oh, the last 10 minutes, literally just about about what we're just breaking stuff down. But that would be a fun episode idea. And then we, and then we compare it to scriptural. Oh my goodness. Oh, they named this guy 5000 years ago. Stay tuned for a conspiracy theory episode where it's history. Oh, yeah. That's going to happen sometimes on a win, but it will happen to be interesting. And stay tuned for episode about if angels has wings. Just never stop listening. Yeah, just never stop listening. We'll have the bait. Oh, bait the bait with us moderating. Oh my word. I'll put my suit on. Let's get scriptures down and everything about it. Let's do it. Let's get suits on and the whole thing and we'll debate it. That'll be great. All right. We got a lot in store maybe. Hopefully. Hopefully we'll be good. We'll see some more people on podcasts. Yeah, that's for sure. But thank you guys for listening. Thank you guys for watching. Please make sure you share this podcast to all your friends. Give it a like. Give it a follow. Give it a comment. Let us know how you think we're doing. And like I said, go to Give us a review of five stars or if you think it's four stars or if you think it's three stars or one, whatever you guys think it is, give us feedback. We want to know how to improve ourselves and make ourselves, make our podcast better. Until then, until next time, we will see you next week. Thank you everybody. I appreciate it.