How to Make It Through the Election!

Broadcast on:
02 Oct 2024
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This week, a snapshot of a country in distress…and what it means to you and your family. These are the most dangerous times we’ve ever lived in, and here are some strategies to get you and your family through!

MichaelBane.TV - On the Radio episode # 240. Scroll down for reference links on topics discussed in this episode.

Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed here are our own and may not represent those of the companies we represent or any entities affiliated to it.

Host: Michael Bane Producer: Flying Dragon Ltd.

More information and reference links:

DTI/John Farnam Quips

DTI/John Farnam, “Takeovers”

MB FaceBook Post: Random Acts of Violence

It’s the End of the World as We Know It…and We’re Not Fine/Michael Bane, The Outdoor Wire

The Very Real Danger of Politically Sanctioned Violence/Michael Bane, MB Blog

Surviving Flash Mobs: An Interview with Michael Bane/Gila Hayes, ACLDN Journal

The Covered Low Ready/Darryl Bolke, American Cop

Hip Grips, Clipdraw, and NPE Carry/Dr. Sherman House, Civilian Defender Blog

The Music of Hasil Adkins

The Music of ACE

(upbeat music) (man laughing) ♪ Well, I'm gonna put your head on my wall ♪ ♪ Just like I told you baby ♪ ♪ You can't talk no more ♪ ♪ You can't eat no more ♪ ♪ You can't eat no more hot hot dogs ♪ ♪ I'm gonna put your head ♪ ♪ I'll put it on my wall ♪ ♪ Now, baby, don't you be ♪ ♪ I'm being afraid ♪ ♪ Cause you don't wanna eat ♪ ♪ You ain't done to death ♪ ♪ Go to put your head on my wall ♪ ♪ And then you can't eat no more hot dog ♪ And now, from the secret hidden bunker in the Rocky Mountains, it's time for MBTV on the radio and your house, Mike O'Brien. (man laughing) ♪ Come on baby, don't you be late ♪ ♪ I want your head, I want it tonight ♪ ♪ Got your head on behind my face ♪ ♪ I haven't known my wall better ♪ ♪ I'm past 10, yeah ♪ ♪ Come on, walk baby ♪ ♪ I want their head ♪ ♪ Come on, walk baby ♪ ♪ Walked their head ♪ ♪ I want your head to hang on my wall tonight ♪ ♪ Now, honey ♪ ♪ Don't you be afraid ♪ - That's a little bit of Haskell Adkins. Born in the Depression, grew up in a tar paper shack in West Virginia, coal miner's son. Didn't have shoes until he was of his own, until he was four or five years old. And basically pioneered what we would think of today as psychobilly, which is kind of rockabilly, falling off the edge of the world. This particular song is probably Adkins' best known song, "No More Hot Dogs." So I'll let you go ahead and figure out how to sort that out. But he looked to be 66 years old and he's in his front yard, West Virginia, once again, down coal mining country. And he was run over by a kid in an ATV and died a few days later. What are you gonna do? I'm Michael Bain. This is MBTV on the radio. Brought to you, as always, by Hunter's HD Gold. Shooting glasses and MTM case guard. One of my favorite companies 'cause I use so many of their products. Okay. You know, we've talked a lot about how we're counted down to the election and how we have the potential of everything being very scary as we get closer on the other side of the election, the election depending on how it goes. So I wanted to do a quick snapshot of where we are now, okay? Just a quick snapshot where one month plus short of the presidential election, Trump has had two assassination attempts according to credible sources. There are three assassination teams hunting Trump, maybe with surface-to-air missiles that were smuggled across the country. The other candidate stands and says whatever you wanna hear. I like guns. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've said I was gonna ban on. I'm gonna come into your home and do all this. But that's okay, that's cool. Yeah, I said I want to open border, but now I won't close it. That's cool. Okay, think about that. Think about that. Three assassination teams including possibly teams with surface-to-air missiles to take out Trump's plane. That's a brave man. Okay, snapshot. The Southeast is hit by a major disaster, a major disaster. Oh my God, we have relatives in North Carolina. And they're safe, but there's some issues. There's some damage. There's some. We're hoping that everybody focuses and gets through it. These are people we really love. I swear, if it was anything we could do to help we'd go, but with everybody saying stay out, stay out. But I mean, this is an unprecedented, I call it a biblical level, biblical destruction level. I saw the videos from Chimney Rock, North Carolina, as a place I used to love to go to. I'd drive up to Chimney Rock. I was living in Charlotte and take a long drive up, go to Chimney Rock and eat country ham biscuits. Country ham biscuits and grits with sausage gravy. And I thought it was one of the most wonderful places in the world and now it's gone. It's washed away. Asheville, beautiful town, same thing. Just disasters, levels. What's in the government of course is zooming in to help, except well, it's mostly Trump's of borders. Honestly, the government doesn't give a shit. Never did. Luckily, there are other people helping and sooner or later, the dead man who is acting as president of the United States will try to get some help to him, right? Jeez. So a disaster, a biblical proportion, it's gonna cost a fortune, many, many fortunes. And a lot of these people are never gonna get their lives back. They're never gonna get their homes back, right? You live at 2100 feet, you don't have flood insurance. Your house washes away. You know what you collect from your insurance company? Zip. Zip, zip, zip. Oh, and there's gonna be a port strike, dock worker strike, very possibly, that's going to make everything so much worse for the people in the storm hit areas that maybe everything is gonna be horrible with the stress on the supply lines in the United States. Perfect timing, guys. Oh, snapshot, we've got a couple of hot wars, right? In the Ukraine, in the Ukraine, we have the clown fools Linsky walking around, stumping for Kamala Harris for the Democrats, asking for more and bigger missiles that he can launch them into Russia, which Russia says if he does that, they will consider it a NATO attack on Russia, respond accordingly. Gosh. Why don't we let that little thug in his OD green t-shirt just launch missiles into Russia? What the hell? What's a little nuclear war between friends, right? And Israel getting ready to go into Lebanon, the Middle East wars expanding, the United States is doing everything wrong, right? Everything wrong. It's breathtaking, breathtaking. Released from ICE last week to continue our snapshot, 600 some odd, 600 plus thousand criminals released into the United States with court dates of five years out. Yeah, sure, they'll show, no problem, including 13,000 convicted murderers. Babylon B suggested that Kamala Harris has created the Mexican border a fast line, fast line for murderers, so they can get into the United States faster. More than 600,000 criminals let in, okay. And finally, let's just think about it, there are hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists in the United States, literally hundreds of thousands of potential terrorists, military age young men, some of them, I've seen pictures coming in in full kit, in full kit, think about that. And they're here, and what are they gonna do? I don't know, but somebody does, somebody sure as hell knows. That's a snapshot, kids, of where we are right now in America, and it's scary as hell. It's scary as hell, should you be scared? Yeah, are you gonna vote? Yeah, are you gonna vote for Trump? Yeah, yeah, you are, because your choice is communism. Your choice is the end of the Supreme Court, or the packing of the Supreme Court, the end of the filibuster, didn't the current progressive party in power, the current ruling junta can do what it wants, which is what they've always sought. And believe me, once they take away the gun, you're not going to like what they're going to do. Scary, yeah, scary as hell. I want to touch on some specifics here. Stuff I posted on Facebook, Dave Spalding, my good friend Dave Spalding, of course, one of the great trainers in the United States, posted one of John Farnham, another legend. I mean, I see John Farnham in kind of the Colonel Cooper role is the kind of the grand old man, not the grand old man of training, but not an intellectual erudite, well-read philosopher on personal protection. And of course, so along with Spalding, a very good friend of mine. Anyway, so John did a piece on his quips, every week, every couple of weeks, John on his site for the Defense Tactics International, does his quips, where he just kind of talks a brief essays, and they're all so good. He just went on, this was called takeovers. And it talked about violent attacks of innocent people, robberies, vandalism, home invasions, offensive use of fire, some fireworks, mass thievery, large groups, invading neighborhoods, damaging business, swarming, swarming stores, things we've talked about here. Groups form up quickly, dispersed just as quickly. Precarious chaos is always the goal. And then John mentions that we've now let, we know we've got 600,000 criminals, plus in the country, 13,000 convicted murderers, John Farnham says, and this is the truth, bad people don't magically alter their intrinsic criminal behavior with a change of environment. Illegal aliens who are violent criminals in their country of origin continue to be violent criminals when they come here. I, for one, don't find that particularly surprising. During the election season, the weeks and months following the election, there's little doubt that the foregoing described activity will increase in intensity, violent, violence, and sophistication. These dangerous organized riots take place with the blessing, indeed encouragement of woke Democrats. Operators are thus well advised to stay far away from the metro area where they're most likely to occur. If you're caught in the middle of one, understand you're on your own, help is not on the way. Okay, I've got that link, of course. We have always have the links for you here. So, you know, when anything I talk about here, you wanna read it yourself, or hear it yourself, or watch it yourself, go to, we have links there. And so, you can read that, but that's kind of the gist of it. What I wanted to come back to is the fact that, you know, we addressed a lot of these issues very much on the best defense, which was the best show ever made on self-defense, on television. My team, my team, Michael Janich, Mike Seaclander, Rob Pinkis, Marty Hayes, Andrew Bronka, everyone, what, Dr. William April, we're the best in the world, we're the best in the world at helping people avoid these crimes. And so, I want now, now, you know, the reason best defense is gone is a long story, not really, but, you know. Anyway, I wanted to touch on some of these events. And I talk about why John Farnham says, you gotta keep the hell away from that. You gotta, if you're in a blue city, you're in deep dukey, right? And the reason these events that represent such a threat, and this is stuff we covered on the best defense, and I wanted to cover it again here because it's stuff you need to think about. Once again, I put this up on Facebook, I've got a link for you if you want to read it, you want to print it out. These events are so crazy dangerous because, number one, they are random, and random is a bitch to defend against because it's random. It's like a stroke of lightning, I think this is the analogy we used on the best defense, that drops out of the bright summer sky. You don't see it coming, but it's still lightning, and it still potentially will incinerate you. Now, you know, we could talk about situational awareness, and we do, we could talk about how critical it is for you to be aware of what's going on in your neighbor, in your home, in your neighborhood, in your community, in your city, in your state. It's important for you to keep up with all that stuff, but you know what? There's really not all that much you could do about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You know, why? 'Cause it's random. It happens. A second reason why these type of events, and this random escalating series of violence in the United States is so very, very dangerous, is that mobs limit your defense options in our best defense models. Neither armed, nor unarmed, self-defense strategies work because lots of people can overrule off, you can be Bruce Lee, and 50 people with heavy boots, with sticks, with clubs, with their fist, with bricks, will bring you to the ground. So, well, I've got a gun. How's that work? How's that work? How many shots you got? What's gonna happen to you? You know, initially I said, wow, wow, I bet if you shoot one person, you know, you shoot somebody, the mob will vanish. Oh, can I just say one word to you? Actually, too. Kyle Rittenhouse? Yeah, they are. Did the mob vanish? Did they leave him alone? Did they not try to run him to ground? Yeah, think about that. Think about that. Well, if I shoot the leader, boy, everybody will leave. No, they won't. They won't leave until you are dead. So your primary available response is escape. And I've told you this a zillion times, but it's important that I tell you that I know what I'm talking about here. I've been in riots. I've been in large urban riots. I've been in large mobs. I've been in demonstrations that changed into riots. That was my specialty as a journalist, being stupid. And it is not nearly as easy to escape as you think. In your head, you go like, "Well, I'll just move through the crowd." Have you ever moved through a crowd? The crowd is like moving through molasses. It's like moving through coal molasses. And sometimes the crowd has other ideas about where they want you to go. So just to say, "Well, it's easy. I'm just going to walk out." Really? Really? I don't think that's necessarily possible unless you've got some advanced planning involved. Ready to revolutionize the world of sports shooting? Introducing the RIA 5.0 sporting pistol, made right here on American soil at RIA USA. The 5.0 features a patented RVS recoil system that maximizes barrel mass and linear movement to give you a super soft recoil. Combined with a smooth trigger pull with no stacking, you'll be more accurate on target, faster. The RIA 5.0, all new, all American. See more at As we talked about it some length on the best defense. You know, whenever I may be in a situation like that, what I learned in riots is I want to be on the outside. I don't want to be in the center. I want to be on the outside. I want to ideally be up against a building. Or maybe there's alleys there where I can dash out. Maybe there's buildings I can run into, into, which I've, you know, again, a story I've told before. It's nonetheless absolutely true. The weatherman, last above ground action, the attack on the South Vietnamese Embassy in Washington, D.C. It got so hot, cars on fire, police being beaten crazy times. You know, I finally went down the line of townhomes and knocked on the door and said, I'm a journalist. I'm trapped outside. Can I come in? And finally, two gracious people, having a dinner party. And I said, I'm a journalist. I'm trapped out here. And they're like, holy crap, dude, come in here. You know, they said, join us in dinner and say, no, I'll stay in the foyer. I'm dirty. I've been gassed. I got a gas mask around my face, you know. But the reason I did that is because I thought, crap, I can't get clear. Police are moving in, guardsmen are moving in, rioters are everywhere. I got to get clear. And the only way I could think of to get clear was to beg to come into a place. And I did. I've also been in, again, in major urban riots, work along the buildings. You know, why? Because sometimes the businesses don't close. Many times they close and lock the door. But if you look like a panicked, stricken person caught in the middle of a riot, maybe they'll open it. Maybe you can just duck into a niche and let the crowd flow by you. The more people go past you, the fewer people are pushing you in the direction they want you to go. Any mob is a danger. But a mob made up of say, gosh, illegal migrants, illegal aliens have come into the country illegally who are criminals. Upset danger by a hundred percent, thousand percent. They don't care. What can they do to them? Throw them out of the country? We're not going to do that. They've already been released into the country knowing who they are. When you see like flash mobs hit a jewelry store with sledgehammers, with pipes, with all those things, hit any kind of store, it's because they know they're not going to pay the freight. We talked about that years ago when we talked about the changing landscape for self-defense. Number one was politically acceptable violence. Violence that the current ruling administration thought was a-ok. And since, in the two or three years since I started talking about that, look at what's happened. Grandmothers are in jail for quote unquote the insurrection in January 6, where we now understand that it was all the doings of the Democrats, all the doings of the Democrats. And yet the current presidential candidate running on the Democratic Communist Party ticket says, "All those people were killed. Please were killed. They all know they weren't." Ashley Babbitt, say your name. Ashley Babbitt, say your name. If you are somehow think you are caught in a mob, move to the fringes as quickly as you can, as quickly as you can, get rid of anything that makes you look like you're, you know, your guy caught in the middle of a mob. Don't look stupid. Don't look if you have to chant. I've chanted. I'm like, "Hell yeah, I'm with you. I'm 100% with you." Until I can get my ass out of here. It's not the place to make your last stand, because that's exactly what it would come down to, is your last stand. And the third point that I brought up, and boy, if you were a fan or if you watched the best defense, you know that we dealt with this from season one all the way through everything we ever did. And best defense, best defense survival. Faster response on your part is always better. But, but, yes, it's better. Yes, it's essential. But it runs against two powerful pulls of confirmation bias, and the very human tendency not to look like a fool in front of other people. So you know you got to think fast. You got to move fast, especially good heavens. If you have a family member with you, you have your spousal unit with you, people in your care, people, your children. You know you got to move quickly, but, you know, there's confirmation bias, right? And then your head's going, "This can't be happening to me." I mean, I can't believe these people running toward and all this stuff is going on. And there's also the, I don't want to look like an idiot, especially. Do I want to look like an idiot in front of my sweetie? No. Do I want to look like an idiot in front of a lot of other people? Although a lot of what you say, based on my 25-year television career, I spend a lot of time looking like an idiot in front of a lot of people. Maybe I'm not the best example, but you don't want to. And, you know, I come back to just an informal study that, myself in the late Dave Arnold law enforcement officer, Vietnam veteran at a level that was amazing stories. But Dave and I, you know, here's my best friend, and one of my best friends, I spent a lot of time with him, founder of the International Range Officer Institute to help start the National Range Officer Institute. I was involved there in all those things. But, you know, Dave and I just did an informal survey of law enforcement people. We were doing a lot of training with law enforcement people, SWAT teams and such. And the question was, for male and female officers, under what condition would you unconditionally, unconditionally, do what a spousal unit told you to do? And they're like, give us an example. See, get down, hit the ground, now. Face in the ground, now. And people looked at us like we'd gone insane. They're like, well, you're not going to tell us why? And Dave and I were honest with you. What if the timeframe, based on the person doing the shouting is short? The person doing the shouting has determined that the timeframe is dangerously short. And, you know, get down, now. Huh? The answer was for 80% of the women and 90% of the men, the answer was never, never, never. And the main reason for the high negative was is I don't want to look like some ass clown. Okay. Those are real things that we deal with emotionally and internally. And confirmation bias, this can't be happening to me. Oh, come on. Listen, you know, I'm not caught in a flash mob today. They're not going to rob the store. I'm in. They're not picking up bricks and running. Yeah, maybe they're going to build a small wall. I don't know. They're not all illegal aliens. Huh? Maybe? That kind of thing where you look around and say, oh, I get it. I get it. It's a street fair. It's like, you know, we talk about gunshots, right? When people say, I heard a gunshot, I thought it was a car back firing. Well, it was the last time you heard a car backfire. When was the last time your car backfired if it was made after 1975? I thought it was fireworks. Why would you think that bright, sunny day? You know, it's not a holiday. It's not Chinese New Year. It's not New Year's Eve. Why on earth would you think it was fireworks? Well, I thought somebody dropped something really heavy, like a safe they were carrying. If you think it's gunshots, it's gunshots. Respond accordingly and respond quickly. So what is the secret to you being able to respond quickly as quickly as possible? You have to have that talk. You have to have that talk. And boy, I think we modeled this on the best offense a couple of times. The talk that you have to have with your spousal unit, with your friends. With your children, if they're old enough. Your youngsters, if they're old enough. And that conversation is there may come a time when I ask you to do something really stupid. Like jump down on the ground and you look down and it's all cigarette butts and gravel. Spit. Chewed gum. I don't want to dump down that. There might come a time when I would say to you, I need you to get down now. Grab the kids. Pull them down. Get down now. Jump over to the right behind that big concrete thing. Yes, I know it's Winoflith behind it. Do that. Do that. And I'm going to need you to do it without questioning me because at that very point in time, I think all our lives are in danger and my priority is saving you. And I swear to you. I swear to you. I will never do anything to humiliate you. The idea of, what if you're pranking me? Trust me. I've never pranked anybody in my life. It's a filthy thing and there's absolutely no reason to do it. But you have to spell that out. You have to say, I will never humiliate you. I will never prank you. I will never tell you to do something stupid unless it's a matter of life and death. And then I may tell you that. I may say, hey, get down, get behind that plan or do this. It's not a good time to argue about it. And here's the other thing. Here's the other thing. I will respond to you in exactly the same way. If you say, get down, I get down because it means that you've seen a threat or you've perceived a threat that I don't see. Now, you know, there are hard discussions to have. And one of the things I said on Facebook, but it's true, it's true. The big question is, what if you're wrong? And the answer to that question is, what if I'm right? What if I'm right? I may be wrong, in which case I'll buy you a lovely dinner and apologize profusely. But know that I aired in good faith on that. And you have to have those discussions. You have to have them in advance. You cannot have them when you're standing at the jewelry store in downtown, I don't know, pick a city that's gone to hell, Denver. And say, you know, wow, just like 40 people jumping out of cars and getting off motor bikes and they're all running right toward us as if they're coming to a giant sale here. Well, they are. Unfortunately, you're in the room. What do you say? Run, back entrance says no admittance. Don't argue. No admittance is great. I've gone out, no admittance doors. So there, these are important survival skills, this level of communications to you. The level of communications that you need to have and you need to have dialed in. That's scary. I mean, you know, when you see how I say to your spouse, I may tell you to jump into the dirt because I don't want some illegal alien to blow your brains out within a legal gun, a gun that they stole or a gun that was provided to them by some gracious people once they got in the United States. I don't want you to meet Mr. Sledgehammer. Communication, communication. It's like, oh, you see all those military things. Well, you should be moving or communicating. True. But so much communication has to be done in advance. Groundwork has to be laid in advance. And you have to have your head damn clear on that. Damn clear. The time for pranking, for playing practical jokes, for this and that, for horsing around like you're, you know, a sorority girl, a fraternity boy, and you know, if I care in the world, all that's over with now, right? That world ended in 2019. So if you didn't do animal house before 2019, sorry as hell, you missed it. The new world is a harder, scarier place. Another topic I want to talk about a little bit, just a real jumping around a little, but I'm trying to, I'm trying to dial in some skills here. I'm trying to say, you know, it's not enough for me to tell you this is the scariest time of our entire lives. Oh my God. You got to have, you know, that's what's wrong with a lot of the other crap that talks about this stuff and their self-defense programs. Well, you know, if you could just draw faster, you betcha. You betcha. If you could just learn to grapple. Okay. Both of those things may well be useful at some point, but right now you have to understand how balanced this country is on the knife edge. You heard me running down just a quick snapshot of where we are now. Did you hear anything promising in there? Did you hear anything that said, wow, that's pretty cool. Everything's going along sparklingly. You didn't, did you? You didn't hear a damn thing. Instead, you heard stuff that would, that would, what is it? It would take the heart out of any man if I could steal from Lord of the Rings. But the problem is you've got to have day-to-day skills, day-to-day skills. And you got to figure out when to, when to use some of those day-to-day skills. This was kind of brought home to me is, you know, we walk, my sweetie and I walk the noobster every day. The noobster is presently snoring on the couch in my office. So if you hear any funny loud noises, that's noob. She's resting comfortably because it's her nap time. Now is the time I sleep on the couch in my dad's office, right? Anyway, we walk our every day and we try different trails and, you know, the Fort Collins, Loveland, Northern Colorado area. Lots of trails, they're really beautiful, really spectacular trails. And a lot of paved pathways that, you know, we try to walk off busy time. So along Big Thompson River, along Poudre River, I mean, just really great. Except they're infested with the homeless. They're infested with illegal aliens. So that's great. They take our tax money and they build beautiful paths. And then they let garbage take it over. But anyway, so we were careful about where we walk and we're also careful about when we walk. And we're walking and, you know, we walk past, you know, your usual wino shouting match, doper shouting match. You're a bitch. No, you're a bitch. You can't talk. You get away from me. Yeah, yeah. Drunk, high, whatever. We move away rapidly from that. You know, you kind of walk along the river and you see all this garbage scattered alongside the river. Bars are soaked because, hey, any of those rivers are basically homeless wash stations, right? So still, you try to adjust your life accordingly where you can take advantage of some of those things. And at the same time, probably not die while you're doing it. Make sense? Does to us. You can't do a quickie plug for my pals at MTM case guard. What I have on order that's coming, by the way, is boxes to carry a 22, 1022 magazines. Because those little square magazines, cubic magazines, really don't carry well in anything. And you load them up and they bounce around and rounds drop out. You expect 10 shots when you're, you know, maybe shooting a stage. A rimfire challenge stage, you take seven shots and you discover that you have six shots and four rounds lying in the bottom of your gun bag. Anyway, MTM understands that and cause. MTM believes a great day at the range you're out hunting starts with having the right equipment. 1968 family on MTM case guard dedicated itself to fulfilling those needs. From shooting tables to ammo storage to magazine storage for odd shaped magazines, MTM has you covered. Okay, so we're walking the newtster and, you know, it's bright sunny, it's morning, it's cool. And, you know, a couple of things that I thought about is I kind of walk past these like, you know, why no washing areas and why no feeding areas and places that were meant for families to picnic but are now basically occupied zones. And I thought of the incredible utility of ghetto ready. That's a course from DB. Darryl Bokey and Y, Brian Estrich, Brian with Y, Estrich, a number of other trainers. Hey, what's ghetto ready? Ghetto ready is your hands in the pocket on a pocket pistol. Bingo. And, you know, what looks more boring than anything else in the entire world? Somebody with their hands in their pockets. I mean, walk through a park, you know, walk downtown. A lot of times see how many people are just standing with their hands in their pockets. So when we, we didn't really realize this trail had as many of the, whatever, whatever you want to say. I mean, I have nothing good to say about either the homeless or illegal aliens. Nothing. I have really good friends that work with them. And they're going like, no, everybody has a story. I said, yeah, I know. As a newspaper journalist, I ended up interviewing a lot of cons who just got out of prison or whatever. And every one of them found Jesus in prison. Wasn't that amazing? Stories are stories. But anyway, you know, when I would walk past kind of a scary, not scary, but what could conceivably be threatening, I went to get already. I had my hand on a gun. In this case, I had my hand on a SIG 356. And I looked like some of the dweeb with my hands in my pockets with cargo shorts, whole package, expensive sunglasses, hunters, HD gold, active blue. I looked like every other dweeb in the park and I had hands in the pocket, no big deal. But I wanted to be a notch ahead if the proverbial Schumer hit the proverbial fan. And you know what? I think that people, you know, in kind of the criminal underclass really understand when they see some guy with his hands in his pockets, who's just whistling along, have to ask themselves, is that guy just a doofus or is that ghetto ready? Second point, the second gun, the second gun. I had to go down to Denver recently. Remember we talked about a couple of weeks ago about, you know, we're weatherizing the house for winter, which is something you have to do up here in the high country. So we had to get screened replacement. So we had to drive to a screen manufacturing facility in South Denver, 365 on my belt. And a snub in my left pocket. Why snub? Why snub? Simple. Zero, you know, less confusing manual of arms. What if I have to take that snub out and hand it to my sweetie? What do you need to know about a snub? What everybody already knows about a revolver, poetry, and it goes bang. It was a Smith & Wesson Ultimate Carry Revolver in 32 H&R. 32 H&R are wide cutters. Not hard to shoot. If it's a 357 shooting 125 green screamers, huh? But no, it's pretty easy gun to shoot. It has no hammer. It has no weird manual of arms. It has no safety. You learn this the first time you watch television. Pull the trigger. It goes bang. Second gun is there because I'm probably not going to be reloading. I'm hoping the situation can be resolved by the number of rounds in the SIG 365 XL. I believe it can. Sometimes I do carry. If I had to walk through downtown Denver, I could be picked up on metal detectors on Mars. So, true, right? True. True. You need to think about carrying a second gun and you need one of the main aspects of that. People say, "Well, you want to have similar controls as your primary gun." Not really. You shoot your primary gun a lot, right? You do shoot your primary gun a lot. You should. But one of the primary factors in looking at the secondary gun, it's not true for police officers. So, wipe this out of your head if you're in law enforcement. But one of the primary factors in that second gun is the idea that, "Hey, if I hand this gun to somebody, if I hand this gun to a spouse, if I hand this gun to a friend of mine who's standing there going, "Can I help? Can I help? Oh my God, I'm scared." You know, but I know that he's a shooter. I know that he's had training. She's had training, please. Whatever. But I want to be able to hand him a gun and they look at it and go like, "I get this. You pull a trigger." Bang. So, that factoring goes into it. When I carry a second gun, if I think I'm going to be, again, a spousal unit with friends or anything like that, a main thought process of mine is that, "Can it be easily used?" And can, for example, if my friend who I've handed the gun to has to shoot, I don't want to hand him a titanium frame, 125 grain, 357 snub, that when he pulls the trigger, it launches back over his head. I don't want to do that. I want something that said friend, said spousal unit, "Mike can use effectively," and that's an effect that you have to have. Now, sometimes if I buy myself, and this is something I've worked on a little, the concept of the "Get Off Me" gun, you know, we all carry folding knives and we're all like, "Oh, I have to get off me." Do you practice with them? No, call Michael Janich. Like, send an email to Michael Janich and say, "If I'm carrying a folding knife, a folder should I practice and train with it?" See what Janich says. You know, one of the great American knife masters, the founder of Marshall Blade Concepts, brilliant knife designer, Ask What Mike says. So, you know, I've talked a little bit about "Get Off Me" guns, the 32 ACP semi-autos, and also, people think this is weird, I mean, going down a notch, but even the NAA, you know, the little tiny revolvers. You know, I have one in 22 magnets. I just came back to the factory because I asked them to put in a heavier mainspring because I was primarily shooting 22 magnets out of it. It's really unpleasant. You shoot 22 magnets out of it, I swear to God, it'll bust your thumb. But it exists as an alternative. For me, it exists as an alternative to trying to fumble out a folding knife. The purpose of it is to be pushed against the aggressor, cocked, pull the trigger, and say, "Get Off Me." Totally different. We'll talk more about that a little bit later. I do want to mention this. I'm really excited about it. Okay. Okay, as a whole ranting podcast, right? So, I'm either sorry or I'm very proud of it. I don't know. By the way, I wanted to tell you that our trip on mine and Marshall Holloway's trip to Cedar City at the Rock Island Armory, or as they call themselves, the United States, Rio USA, Rio USA, where the 50 series of pistols is made, where the VRF, is that right? VFR. I can't remember. The VFR, 14-inch, not a shotgun firearm is made. They're getting ready to take over, as I mentioned to you last week, the Tac Ultra Line, which is the top-end Rock Island 1911 line to be made in the United States instead of in the Philippines. We had such a great time. We filmed. Marshall did the editing on it. He cut it together pretty quickly, and our regular editor did the finishing touches on the editing this morning. And we decided, as you know, we do three original shows a month on Triggered, and then usually we add a couple of specials or something like that. And since our last original show was a week and a half ago, the one that's up right now has been up for a week and a half and we decided, what the heck? So, we like the Cedar City Rock Island factory tour so much that it's up now on Go to Triggered and interview with Lynn Gomez, who is the plant manager there, as well as one of the coolest people in the entire world. And, you know, take a look at how a really small factory should operate. That was fun, fun to do. And we'll be filming again this week. And lots of stuff going on. I mean, this is a very hectic time of the year in the firearms industry and for all of us here. So, anyway, I'm going to keep coming back over the next few weeks in the podcast. You know, we're going to be keeping up with current events. We're going to be keeping up with how those events trickle down into your everyday life, because they do. They do. And it changes. And that's why it breaks my heart that best offense is not here. You know, because it's, you know, no TV show is a fast response vehicle, right? It's really hard. The Internet is. I mean, take a look at the triggered piece on the Rock Island factory in Cedar City. We turned it around in, I don't know, six days. We can do that. If we had the sponsorship, believe me, we would be doing best events right now. And we do it exactly the way we did that. We know how to be quick. We know how to be Internet-oriented. We know how to use tools like the iPhone. We know how to use tools like streaming switchers. We understand how to do these things now. We know how to do them. What we need is a sponsor who steps up and says, you know what? Best defense was one of the most important shows I've ever seen. And by God, I'll back you. Because I'll do it. Absolutely. And two heartbeats. Okay. In any case, as you know, I'm Michael Bain. This is MBTV on the radio. Oh, now in our 20th year. Brought to you this week by Hunter's HD Gold. And MTM case guard. Anything we talk about here, you can find our links page on Michael Bain.TV. That's where you'll find this week's triggered. And you'll join me in Cedar City, Utah. Great place. Good food. I thought we'd go out with something equally dumb that we came in on. This is Aced Artist Classics, A/ Artist Classics. And it's a bizarre reinterpretation of Jekalski. And I think it's from a four song set called Skullbreaker album. And this is a psychotic version of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies. Again, all lightness aside. Scariest times of our lives. Keep that in mind. Keep that in mind. And until next week, you guys stay safe out there. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]