Moms Do Business Different - Online Marketing, Sales Strategy and Mindset Tips for Christian Mom Entrepreneurs!

326 - Unlocking the Secrets to Consistent Sales: 3 Key Strategies for Q4

Broadcast on:
02 Oct 2024
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Lemme break down for you the three areas you can focus on to start attracting the clients you’re meant to serve!

As we prepare to finish the year strong I want to show you exactly how and where you can focus in order to consistently sign clients allll through Q4.

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Welcome back to the Moms Do Business Different Podcast. I'm your host Kay Hillman, believer, wife, mama, and creator of the Shmani Mama Kay. Myself and my team support mamas who are service providers and coaches in creating strategies that make buyers say take my Shmani and create companies that bring in high cash months during the bare minimum. Join me for conversations on money, business growth, sales, productivity, and the mindset of being a mom who does business different. Mama, are you ready for the vibe? Listen up and let's get this Shmani. Hey boo, hey, happy Wednesday or whatever day you're listening to this on. Okay, listen. I know that selling and having consistent clients and boosting your sales is definitely something that you want right now, especially with us rolling into Q4 and you know, Q4, Q1, I always say that is Shmani season. I feel like all the seasons are Shmani season to be 100% honest, but especially the end of year and the beginning of the year because people are trying to finish the year strong and they are ready to go into the new year renewed and all things, right? So they're looking to hire service providers, they're looking for coaching and things to invest in to further them to help them grow all the different things, right? So this is a great money season. I love, love, love this season. And so I want to share three key things that I know for a fact after working with hundreds of clients, I've sold thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of coaching and services like all the things. And I'm going to tell you these three key steps to allow you to attract consistent clients and boost your sales, especially in this upcoming season, right? And so I want you to think about this from both angles of like, if you don't do these things, or if you aren't currently doing these things, this is also probably why you're not making consistent sales, right? So you can think of it either way, right? These are three keys that you're like, okay, I need to check, check through these things. Or if you're listening to me, you're like, yo, I'm not doing this, then this is exactly why you're not making consistent sales, why you're not signing clients, why you don't have clients right now. And it's time for us to change that booth saying, okay? So thing number one that I want to talk about is confidently selling your offer. Now I'm starting with this one because I like to come out the gate strong and you know me bare minimum, the bare minimum is to sell, right? The bare minimum thing you can do in your business is to sell. But the number one thing that I see a lot of my mama CEOs do is that you are not confidently and consistently selling your offer. And when that happens, when you are not actively selling your offer, people don't know what you have available, right? And if they don't know what you have available, they can't buy, right? They can't buy. One thing that I really want to like think about is people aren't just waiting around on their phones or on their laptops thinking to themselves, hmm, how can I give K money today, right? I mean, they think that now because I sell a lot, but when I was first in the online space, nobody was checking for K. Nobody was curious about what I had to offer and if it was something they wanted, no one was thinking to themselves, oh, I need a photographer, let me find this random girl Instagram and hire her, right? Like nobody thought that I had to actively sell. I had to actively promote my photography services. I had to actively promote my coaching. And now maybe people do wake up and think to themselves, dang, this case, have something for me to buy. But even if they don't, it does not matter because I confidently show up and I consistently show up and sell my offer. And so that's thing number one. And I really want to like drop this point home. I feel like I am blue in the face talking about the fact that we need to consistently sell our offers. But that honestly is key, right? If you want clients, you have to sell your offer. So often we spend all this time tinkering and doing all these back in things. I know I'm working on my systems and my onboarding and my funnel and my website and my sales page, blah, blah, girl, no, ma'am, like you don't need to do all that. You just need to have it offer, slap it on a piece of paper or, you know, make it. I mean, listen, I've seen people sell off of a Google Doc, right? I have clients who we have put together a Google Doc. They have sent a email and they have made sales from it, right? With no sales page, with no sales calls, with no drama, they just have an offer and they sell it. So I really want to encourage you. Like, if you're just thinking to yourself, yo, I really need some sales like yesterday, or if you're just like in a season of you want to attract consistent clients, right? You're ready to do what is required to sign this as the clients. That thing is selling, right? Is to show up every single day and confidently sell your offers, consistently sell your offers. And I want you to like erase the thought because I know the next time your head is probably like, oh, I don't want to be pushy or I don't want to be salesy girl. No ma'am. Okay. You're not being pushy. You're not being salesy. Selling your offer, talking about your offer is literally just an invitation for people to come and work with you. That's all it is. Okay. That's all it is. And the truth of the matter is, especially if you serve moms or even if you just serve women in business in general, like if you just serve women, they are all busy. Okay. Moms are busy. Women are busy. I mean, literally everybody is busy. Okay. And with everyone going into quarter four, whether they are a nine to five or a business person or a mom or whatever, like this quarter is busy. There's holiday stuff happening. There's shopping. There's all kinds of things happening. Trust and believe a lot of the girls are not even seeing your content. They're not even seeing what you have to offer. So you selling every single day, it really is not salesy and it really isn't pushy because otherwise they would not know that you have something available for them to buy. And so the thing that I really want to just like drive home is that people aren't just going to wake up and think to themselves, oh, I want to give this person money, right? They're not, they're not thinking about it like that. They're not thinking about, oh, I know a business owner. How can I spend money with her a day? They're literally not thinking that. And this is why it's important for us to talk about our offers because if you don't, there's literally zero opportunity for someone to work with you. And baby, we try to get the coins. Okay. We try to get the money. So we need to sell and talk about our offers. One thing that I want you to also do is I just want you to be really mindful of making selling a habit, right? Like making it a habit that every single day you're going to do something to sell your offer, whether it is posting a piece of content, whether it is sharing something on social media, talking in your stories, having a DM conversation with someone, right? A DM sales conversation. But I want you to get into the habit of every single day thinking to yourself, how can I have a conversation with someone to invite them into my offer, whether it is you posting content and it being an open conversation to a lot of people, or whether it's just one on one or hopping on a sales call, or even, you know, I don't really care too much for coffee chats. But I have several clients that baby, the girls be cashing out on coffee chats. So I'm not going to show you the coffee chat, even though it's not for me. But I just want you to get in the habit of doing something consistently every single day. That is a sales activity that is you actually talking about your offer. If you are not booked out, if you are not sold out, if you're, if you still have spots available in your program, if you still have availability and capacity to take on another service client, you need to be selling your offer. And even when you are fully booked, right? Even if you have a full roster of clients, like in my photography business, I have a full roster of clients. Guess what? I am booking out into, I think I'm booking out into maybe December, I think. Yeah, I know I'm booking out like towards the end of the year. So saying all this to say, even if you are fully booked out, keep selling. Don't lose that momentum. Okay. So that's thing number one, make sale, or sorry, make selling a habit confidently and consistently sell your offer or offers, right? If you have multiple, sell all of them. Thing number two. Okay. So thing number two is to create a offer that sells. Now this sounds a little bit backwards because it's like, Hey, you just told me to sell my offer, but then now you're telling me to create an offer that sells. I know. The reason why I'm saying this is because a lot of times we get stuck in our heads, right? We get stuck in our heads thinking like, Oh, I need to have the best offer. I need to do this on the third. Listen, what you need to do is focus on telling. You can tweak the offer later. This is what I tell all my clients. Don't worry about if your offer is bad. If it's this, that don't worry about that at first. What I want you to do is I want you to get the habit under your belt of talking about your offer, because as you talk about your offer, you will clarify your offer. As you get new clients, you will clarify your offer and then the offer will be better. I just launched the mastermind. I launched it. When did I launch the mastermind? I think I launched it in like maybe June or July-ish and the messaging that I had at the time for that offer and the messaging that it has today, now that I have women in the group and all that kind of stuff, it's two different offers. And when I relaunch it, it's going to be a complete like a format of the offer is going to be completely different. So I'm saying all this to say, this is step two because I want you to do this like as you go. Okay. So this is one of those things. I know it can be like a heart concept of grasp, but I really want you to think to yourself, certain things are just going to change as you go, as you grow, as you evolve. We can't get so stuck in making things perfect that we miss the point. So I first and foremost want you to just sell something like what you got girl, go out there and sell it. Okay. It don't matter. Just go out there and sell it. Whether people buy or not, right? And I know we can get a little weird like, oh, but if people don't buy or blah, listen, that is feedback. If people say no to your offer, if people aren't ready to buy, if people can't invest right now, that is just feedback on how you can tweak your messaging, tweak your offer, tweak whatever needs to be tweaked to get you to that point. And also let's be all the way for real. A lot of times the offer is not even the issue. Like I feel like a lot of times people tinker with their offer, they change the offer. A lot of times the offer is not the issue unless it's affecting your lifestyle. So if you have an offer that requires a lot of deliverables like with my photography business, I used to have like a certain offer that required me to do so many things. It was a VIP offer. It was $10,000. So it was a, it was a, it was a hefty offer. But when I thought about it, it just required way too much work on my end. So instead I ditched it and I was like, nah, I'm going to redo the format of this. Yes, that means that it's going to cost less because I'm not doing all those things, but I have my piece of mind back, right? So those kind of tweaks. Okay, cool. Like we can make those. But when I'm talking about step two in particular, when I'm saying this whole thing about creating an offer that sells inside of Shmani Mama, I have a whole workshop really that talks about the seven things that the seven key things about your offer that you need to know in order to know that it's going to sell. And there's a specific order that we do this in. But basically we focus in and we zoom in on, and this is like the number one thing you can take away from this. I want you to zoom in on what is the end result, like the tangible thing they get at the end, right? Sometimes I feel like we get so caught up in the hype of like, oh, you know, my program helps you make 10k months or I'm a photographer. I, I give you branded images. And it's like, okay, and everybody does that, right? I want you to think to yourself, like, what is that tangible? Like, I know that only I can deliver this end result. Okay, so like in Shmani Mama, I know that I can deliver the end result of doubling your leads and increasing your conversions, pointling period. If you follow my framework, if you follow my system, I will double your leads. I will help you double your leads. You have to do it though, but I will help you double your leads. And I will help you convert them, right? And I'm actually working on a percentage that you can convert just because I know my numbers. Like I know how like, if you implement the things that I tell you to do, if you do the content and all the things, you will be able to actually convert. And we're actually doing a challenge starting October 1st. And the challenge is going to be 90 days to 10k. And so for 90 days, we're going to be on a sprint to make an additional, like new revenue $10,000 into your business. So this is not your existing clients, your recurring revenue, blah, blah, nah, we're going to get $10,000 in new sales and cash in the bank in the next 90 days. I'm super excited about that. But anyway, step two going back to this irresistible or like not irresistible, but like a high converting offer and offer that sells. Essentially, all I want you to think about here is just continuing to clarify and just even like go as deep as you possibly can on what is the end result. What do they get as a result of this? I can always tell if someone's offer is going to sell out by what they tell me their offer can do, right? What like as a result of someone investing in this offer, if you can't clearly tell me and like just make my my dang toes curl when I hear it, I'm just like, I know this offer's not going to sell. And it's not because the offer itself is bad. It's because you are lacking clarity. So it's important that as step two, like as you are doing step one, which is selling every single day, listen to what your girls are saying. Okay, listen to what the girls are, they are going to tell you if they like the offer or not. They're going to tell you what they actually need. And then you can decide for yourself, do I need to create a new offer? Or do I need to make this offer better? Do I need to change my messaging and say this specific thing, right? Because sometimes, and this goes into step three, well, actually this is sign up, but one thing that happens is that a lot of times your offer is good. The messaging is bad, right? So you just need to, and I don't want to say bad. Let me, let me clean that up a little bit. I don't want to say anybody's messaging is bad. Your messaging is just probably not clear, right? Your messaging is not connecting with your people. And for that reason, they end up not buying, right? And so I really want you to think about that when you're thinking about your offer. Your offer essentially is just your messaging, right? But your messaging is a byproduct of you actually selling because you won't know what's going to perform well for your audience, for your community, for your buyers until you start selling, right? So a lot of people put the, well, I say the cart before the horse, they try to like finalize and have like the perfect messaging. Baby girl, it is never going to be perfect. You're always going to be changing it. Like, literally, I just changed something about messaging the other day and I was like, Lord, I'm tired of changing this. But that's what happens, right? Because things change in the industry and that's okay. Things change with your buyers and that's okay. But that's also why this is step two, because I really want you to focus in on, let's just sell, okay? Just sell your offer, see what happens, right? See how people engage with it and connect with it and what they think about it and what feedback you get about your offer or what their needs are. And then step two, you want to really create that offer that sells, right? And so when we're thinking about creating the offer that sells, we're talking about not just the offer itself, but the messaging on how you're communicating the value of that offer. So that's step two, step three and the last step. And actually, you know what, I'm going to not say that this is like three steps because you really don't have to do these things in order, but I do want you to do step one, like selling daily and consistently, that is the number one. These are the two things, you can do them in any order. But this last one that I want to say is that I want you to be really intentional about your lead generation, okay? One of the biggest things that I see happen and one of the biggest reasons why people are not consistently signing clients or like you're not consistently selling your offers or making sales or whatever you want to say is because you are not, I want to say this, your leads are either cold, you don't have leads or you're not actively nurturing your leads. And this is all a lead generation problem. And so again, inside your money, mama, I have an entire training called leads for days. Now baby, leads for days is a entire vibe. When I tell you I can double your leads, it's because of that training. I have mamas that come in there and literally, after they implement the training, they have 50 leads taught to. I have other mamas that like over time when they realize how it works, they're able to just create a system that just makes sense and they're like, oh my gosh, I'm able to run through my leads. And I know who I'm connecting with, how I'm connecting with them. And I'm able to move them along the customer journey. So when I tell you leads for days is a vibe, it's a vibe, honey. But when we're thinking about lead generation, right? And when we're thinking about like how you're attracting and like consistently selling your offers, consistently signing clients, lead generation is so key. But I want to make something very, very clear. Lead generation, like having leads is not having new followers or new email subscribers. One thing that I see happen a lot is that people are like, oh, I got new leads because people join my email list. Absolutely not. Right. Everybody that joins your email list is not a lead. There's a different well, and actually they can be a lead, but they're not a qualified lead. And I did a pockets episode previously about like lead generation. So I'm not going to go too far deep into this. But what I will say, and I'll try to find that episode and link it. But what I will say is that every person that is in your community, that's in your audience, that's on your email list, they are not a lead. And when I say they're not a lead, I mean, they're not a qualified lead. They might not be ready to buy. They might not be your specific buyer, right? Remember the MVP, most valuable payer. Who is the person that's going to pay you, right? Every single person on your email list. In theory, we would love for them to be a MVP. But some of them are not, maybe a good percentage of them are not going to actually turn into a buyer. But that's okay. We don't need all of them to buy from us. We just need a certain percentage, right? We just need a healthy group out of those people to buy from us. But one thing that happens a lot is that we get these followers or email subscribers or whatever, and we don't nurture them, right? Or you just don't like, if you're not nurturing them, sometimes I say people not add new leads, right? So you're not being visible. You're not getting in front of more people. You're not growing your email list. You're not growing your following. You're not increasing your podcast downloads, whatever it is, right? You're not doing these things so that you can get new leads. And because of that, you're essentially selling to the same people over and over and over and over again. And guess what? At some point, they're going to get fatigued, right? At some point, I've talked about this before about people getting fatigued, like your list getting fatigued and stuff. People will get tired, and they're not going to buy your offer, right? Because they already know, and they've already decided that they're not going to invest in the offer. So why are you wasting time still trying to sell to them? No, you need to get new people. I think I did an episode recently also about the law of replacement. And this is like exactly what I'm saying. Lead generation is essentially the law of replacement on steroids, right? So what you're trying to do with generating leads is you're trying to get new people into your audience, into your community, qualify them, right? Figure out if they are an MVP. Are they someone that is anybody? I am so sad because I was recording this episode. And I don't know how, but it wasn't recording anymore. And I finished the entire episode without knowing that it was not recording. So I don't know. My heart is so sad. But anyway, what I was, I think what I was just saying is about lead generation and the law replacement. It is all the same. And essentially what you're just trying to figure out is who is your MVP, right? Figuring out how to attract your MVP and your MVP is going to be the person that is in a position to buy a person that is, so a position to buy meaning that they actually have the money to invest. And then also that they have a problem that you're offering to solve, right? That is the intersection that you're trying to meet. And so when it comes to lead generation, I really encourage you to just like focus in on that intimacy, having conversations with people like how many people can you talk to, right? I've talked to a lot of people like, I know that it can feel like a lot of work. I know it can feel like, you know, oh, is it really, you know, do I really need to do all this? But listen, the buying cycles have gotten longer, okay? It takes longer. Just realistically speaking, it takes longer in this new, you know, economy, I guess, if you want to say, but it just takes longer in this season of business and entrepreneurship, whatever. It takes longer for people to buy, right? The buying cycle is just extended, right? So where maybe before you could convert someone with a few Instagram posts, now it's looking like it's going to take a couple of months, maybe even six, okay? It just depends, right, on your offer and all the things. So this is why intentional lead generation is so, so vital to consistently signing clients and just bringing in those sales, boosting your sales, and knowing that you can confidently and consistently predict that you're going to actually make money in your business, right? And so lead generation is one of my favorite things. You can literally do it so many different ways inside of Shmani Mama, which I don't know if I already said this, but inside Shmani Mama is the least for days training and baby girl. When I say it's good, it is good, okay? It is so like, when I think about leads for days, I'm just like blown away with how good that training is because literally, like I was saying before with my messaging with Shmani Mama, like I am able to confidently guarantee doubling your leads, increasing your conversions simply because of the leads for days training, right? The leads for days training, I have mamas going there and leave with like 50 leads, right? Or they go in there and they have a system where they're like, okay, I know exactly how to track my leads and maintain them and know when I'm moving them along the customer journey, know when it's time for me to pitch them all the things, right? Like they are so confident in being able to move that conversation along. And it's just honestly, girl, as chef's gifts, like if you have not seen it, what are you waiting for? Like literally, what are you waiting for? I'm saying this in like the nicest way. But within that, I also want to say about lead generation in particular is that it is so, so crucial to just be like, give this some time. Like I know, I know, I know that it can feel like you don't have a ton of time, you're busy, you're all the things, right? We're moms, we're wives, we're sisters, we're all these things, right? And then on top of that, we're business owners. Like I get it, I get that there, there isn't a lot of time, but I promise you lead generation, intentional lead generation, one-to-one conversations, it honestly saves you time in the long run, right? And what I mean by this is sometimes this type of lead generation, like that I do, especially when I am focused on my DM selling, which I teach that whole strategy inside of Shmani Wama. But with that, the key for me is that I am trying to help you avoid having to get on too many calls, right? Because again, we don't have a ton of time. So figuring out how to give yourself back more time is going to be key. And that's going to happen where you're not getting on as many calls. So by focusing in on intentional lead generation, DM selling all those kind of things, you can actually eliminate needing to do sales calls. And listen, I love sales calls, okay? I love sales. I might have said this already, but listen, when I say I love sales calls, I love, love, love sales calls. I know that if you get on a call with me, you're going to buy. Actually, I've taught my clients my strategy for sales calls and the whole process behind sales calls. And when I tell you the girls have nearly 100% close rate, I know mine is 90%. And I think one of my highest clients, she converts 80 to 90% of her sales calls. So sales calls are great, right? They're a vibe, but only when you have time, okay? If you don't have the time, we need to figure out something that's a little bit more sustainable, something that works for the season of life and business that you're in, right? So intentional selling, I mean, sorry, intentional lead generation is going to be so, so key building those relationships, nurturing the people, getting them through your funnel, right? Keeping up with them and just being really intentional about like, you just have to get more people into your audience, right? I think that that's one thing I also want to drive home with lead generation is like, just because you have an existing audience doesn't mean that's enough to sell out your offers. You still need to add more people into it, but just because you're adding new people that does not mean that every single person is a MVP. It doesn't mean that every single person is a potential lead, right? Or let me say a qualified lead, like somebody that you're going to move to next step. Some people, they're not qualified leads, and that's okay. You can still engage with them. You can still kiki and all the things on top of their content or whatever, but you're not really like, the agenda is not to like sell to them versus there's going to be a whole other pool of people that you can actually intentionally sell to. And like, literally with my mastermind, which I don't know if I said this, I don't know if this actually stayed in the other recording, but in the last launch of the mastermind, I literally didn't get on any sales calls. I think I posted maybe like a couple of posts on my feed, but most of my, like most of the people that actually know every single person that joined joined from lead generation, like a one-to-one conversation, either they were an existing client and we had a one-to-one conversation, or they're a new client of mine, which a couple of them that would like kind of blew my mind, but it just showed me that lead generation actually works because they have been people that have been on my list to be like, okay, like I know that I can serve this person really well, but I hadn't seen an opportunity yet to serve them. And then when the mastermind came up a couple Instagram stories, now they're asking me questions, and now I have an opportunity to serve them deeper, right? And the other thing I want to say about lead generation because a lot of people, like they feel so weird, like, oh, they're not leads, they're your community, blah, blah, blah, listen, girl, like let's be all the way for real. At some point, we have to be honest about the fact that like business is business, right? And we have to just be really honest about the fact that like, hey, businesses make money, like you make money by selling something, and you're selling something that people actually need. So as long as you're having integrity in that process right there, all the other semantics of the language is that like, come on, like let's be for real. So when I'm saying leads and like, you know, talking to be like, I mean, this is the nicest way possible. If you need to stay community because it feels better to you, totally do that, right? But also, it's a business term, right? It's a business principle. And we need to like, you know, we need to be okay with that. We need to be okay with the fact that like, business and business. But one day that I really love about the people that I have intentional, and I think this is why I probably say intentional lead generation to kind of make me feel a little better about saying leads. But being intentional is just that, right? Like building an actual relationship. Like when I tell you, me and the girls are friends, like me and my mom are real life friends. I meet them in real life. I've had friends like, I have one client who has come out, she's come to my home, we've gone to the pool, like she's met my children. I have gone out to where she lives. Like when I tell you, I'm friends with my clients, I'm friends with my clients, because guess what? I believe in paying my friends. I pay my friends, like my real life friends outside of, you know, this entrepreneurship bubble. I pay them. I paid them for the services. I paid them to new my hair and do this. Well, not my hair, because I do my own hair, but I've paid them to do other things for me if it's their business and their craft. And I expect the same thing in return. So when sometimes I think that we get caught up in like the terms of things that we miss the point, the point is that this is a business, right? What you do as a business and it's okay to be like, you know what? I'm intentionally building these relationships, stack and serve them in some capacity, or so they can connect me to somebody that I can serve, right? Because sometimes I build a relationship with someone, not because I want them to hire me, but because I want them to connect me if they see an opportunity and I connect them when I see an opportunity for them, right? It could be, there are so many reasons to do lead generation and we could talk about that in a whole other episode, but just be intentional. I promise you, it's worth the time. I know you might have a little bit of time and I said to focus on selling, which I still stand by, but outside of that, give this some time too, okay? Give this some time. So that is it for this one. I feel so sad because I feel like I said so many things in the last one and I really just don't remember what all I said anymore and I'm just kicking myself in the butt. I need to figure out a way to double record so that this never happens again, but the three things really quick to consistently attract clients, to boost your sales, sell your offers, all the things, especially in quarter four, is number one, sell consistently, confidently, every single day, right? That is number one. That is the bare minimum. If you do nothing else, do that one, okay? Number two, create an offer or have an offer, fine-tune, tweak, whatever, and offer that sells. I already told you the number one thing you want to focus on here is the end result, that tangible sticky thing that people can be like, wait a second, that's good, right? And I needed to be deep, okay? And you will know if it's deep enough by how people respond to your offer, right? You'll know, right? You'll know when you hit because people will buy, right? People will either buy immediately or the way they will go like crazy talking about your offer, like, you will know, like, you will, like, I promise you, like, my clients, it makes me crack up because a lot of my clients, like, have a full-body reaction to their offers now. Like, they genuinely love their offer and it's because, one, it connects deeply with their clients, but, two, it's something they know they can deliver on, right? So, that's, like, super super key. That's number two. And then, three, oh, sorry, day number three is intentional lead generation, right? Having those conversations, getting in those DMs, making sure that you're actually getting new leads, right? Getting new people, new MVPs, really prioritizing that as an activity inside your business. Okay. I just want to end this off by saying, like, I really feel the way that God is moving in the industry right now. Like, I know people have a lot of different things and thoughts to say, but amongst the schmunny mamas amongst the mama CEOs in this community and the mom's due business difference beer, God is moving so powerfully. And I'm so excited. I'm just, and I'm grateful, like, I'm just, I'm grateful to be in this place. I'm grateful to steward this space. I'm grateful to be able to see things, to be a part of things, to be imparted to things. And then also to create opportunities for other people. And I just want to say, like, girl, don't give up. Like, stay the course. You are exactly where you need to be. You have a gift. You have something of value. God wants you to stand up in your authority, right? And this is just like, this is just me thinking about the scripture. God is always going to plant something in your heart, tell you to do something because he's given you the authority. So at this point, you just need to trust that that authority has been given to you, and it's time for you to go around with that. All right. I don't know who needed that today. It was probably me because I listened to the replays of, I mean, I listened to the episodes, and every time I'm just like, 10K, you did that, girl. So I mean, it's so funny. I think I record these episodes more so for me than anybody else, but I mean, hey, if it serves somebody, I'm so grateful for that. But yeah, if that hit you say, send me a message because I would love to know if this might hit for you. If not, I know it's going to hit for me because sometimes I just need that reminder of like, God gave us these gifts. He put us in these positions. He has called us to serve a specific group of people for a reason. It's now time for you to step into your authority. It's now time for you to really stand up and be like, no, this is what I do. This is how I can come in and serve people and be unapologetic about that, unapologetic about that. All right, girl, that's it for this one. So next time I will talk to you later, Ellen. Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode. I know you loved it, so go ahead and leave a five-star review. Make sure to share this episode and tag me @momsdobusinessdifferent and @mrskhillman so a young thud knows it's real. May you walk in your purpose and call it every single day. Just steward the life and business that God has called you to. Until next time, let's get this money. (upbeat music)