
336.932.1881 RoCo LIVE 10.02.24

This podcast streams 11 am-12 pm every Wednesday. Listener calls welcome on any topic. Sponsored by Sandy Cross General Merchandise, Boyd Road, Reidsville. Brandon Nuckles, God's Pit Crew. Chef Jarrett Nykamp, The Ridge Buffet & Salad Bar. Miranda Easley, Shaw Christian Church.

Broadcast on:
02 Oct 2024
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Mike Moore Media. It's Wednesday morning, 11 o'clock. Oh, must be time for ROCO Live. And indeed it is. Hi, I'm Mike Moore. Welcome to the program. We're going to start off today in checking in with our friends at God's Pit Crew and Brandon Knuckle's chief operating officer is on the line. If you know their work, God's Pit Crew and the good work they do and based in Danville. But I don't think they spend a lot of time there because they're always responding to disasters and emergencies and crisis situations delivering supplies and help and hope to so many people. Brandon, sure is good to have you on the program here. How you doing? We're doing OK. We're just wide open right now doing our best to respond to so many impacted areas. I know. And I was looking at your latest video on your Facebook page here this morning. But we're kind of focusing here on Western North Carolina, kind of immediate concern to us. But you're traveling to multiple states right now and sending crews out. So bring us up to date on what God's Pit Crew is doing, where are you going, what you're doing? Absolutely. Well, right now we are just kind of in the midst of trying to respond to all the hurt in all the different areas. We're seeing devastation from Florida all the way to East Tennessee, where people's lives have just been devastated by this storm. So currently, I have our immediate responders, which are tree cutters, people who are putting tarps on roofs, people who are mucking out flooded homes. I have some of those right now in Galax, Virginia that are helping our region right now. We've partnered with another ministry, Matthew 516 project to make an impact there. I have a massive crew in Valdosta, Georgia this morning. Roughly a hundred people in that area that are trained, saw yours, people with heavy machinery. We're getting reports of houses that have been split into everywhere. People without power, people that are in need. So we're doing massive tree work to deal with the wind damage there. And currently, this moment, I have a team of boots on the ground in Asheville, trying to secure a location where we can bring volunteers in to make a difference in the city that's just been absolutely devastated by flash flooding. Outside of that, we have sent 20 loads of semis just filled with relief supplies from East Tennessee all the way down to Florida and everywhere in between, with a fourth load this morning, going directly outside of Asheville and Old Fort, North Carolina. These loads are filled with water, cleaning supplies, our blessing buckets, which are an incredible tool when people are displaced from their home due to natural disaster. Yeah, yeah, I was looking at one of your videos there on not only these blessing buckets. And we can help with that in a small way if we can't help in a big way, can't we? Absolutely. Everybody can be a part of our response. You don't have to know how to operate heavy machinery or cut a tree. If you can sponsor a $35 blessing bucket, you're impacting the family. You have been to so many bad situations. What's the most distant place God's pit crew has gone to help? We actually have had international outreach in the past. We've rebuilt schools and Haiti and other places. But in the US, we're located in Danville, Virginia. Last year, we remodeled four flooded homes in California for farmers who are affected by flash flooding there. So we are completely national. And obviously, we are going out internationally as well. So nothing really prevents us from getting out there making an impact. Yeah, well, thank you for that. And we're following the situation closely. Getting back to Asheville, you mentioned a moment ago, but still difficult to-- still about 400 roads that are closed. And the ones that people can use are not open to the public, but it's still difficult to get into that area, understand. Yes, we actually have our president and founder, Randy Johnson, and our co-founder, Terry, his wife. His son is out there looking at the devastation and doing everything that we can to get an in road into this area. And it's not just Asheville surrounding cities. They have been absolutely decimated. We have people who have worked for us in the past calling us saying, there's no way out. Every bridge leading to my town has been washed away, and we're stranded for the moment. And it impacts us so hard when it's hitting so close to home. So we're doing everything that we can to continue to pour the resources that we have into these areas, trying to make an impact for those who just really-- it was a surprise to all of us. Yeah, yeah. You can prepare to a point, and they had prepared, but never expected this, did they? No, I don't think anyone expected. We saw forecasts for high rainfall and flash flooding. We've worked in that many times throughout the years, but nothing to this extent that I've seen outside of Katrina and Hurricane Harvey, which absolutely changed our country when both of those storms hit. This feels very similar to both of those. Yeah, I was reading a quote from an editor, one of the papers up in that area in Western North Carolina. And he had been in Ukraine a couple of years back, and he was comparing it to that, just the devastation, minus the artillery and the shells and all the bombs. When you see the pictures on TV, and you've been there, your people have been in these situations, and it's just hard to believe that there's been so much destruction there so quickly, so widespread, isn't it? Yeah, I mean, it didn't just hit the coastline. You know, when people think Hurricane, they think Florida, they think the southern states that border the Gulf are going to get impacted, but this went inland and really called devastation in such a widespread area. I mean, we're seeing it around our home here in Virginia. We're getting calls in Tennessee. The need is great. And right now, we're doing all we can, and we can't do it without people who just step up and step out, who donate and volunteer and go out and make an impact. How can we help? What do we need to do? Right now, God's pit crew needs monetary donations because we're purchasing water by the semi-load. We're purchasing generators by the semi-load, and those donations go so far because we can purchase, you know, in such bulk, we're getting a great price point, and we're able to get a mass amount of these goods, the life-sustaining resources in the areas that need it. So if people want to help, please sponsor a blessing bucket. Please consider a donation to where we can keep our trucks moving. We can keep our volunteers fed, our chainsaw sharp. Please consider volunteering as the opportunities open up. If you want to visit our website,, hit that volunteer button, and you're going to start getting communications from our teams on the ground, how you can help. That's great. Brandon, it's good to connect. Thank you again for you and your teams that are out there right now in so many different locations. Anything else we need to mention? I think that's it. Continue to pray for us. We have a lot of people out in areas that are just dangerous right now. Just pray protection over our volunteers and pray for strength and guidance for our organizations, not just us, but there are so many like organizations that are out there making a great work. So pray for us all, and let's just hope that we can get this wrapped up. Brandon, I know you're extremely busy. Thank you for this time and talking with us with the update. Thanks a lot. Well, thank you for reaching out. We appreciate it. OK, we'll talk again. All right, bye. Bye. All right, wanted to check in first on the program today with God's Pit Crew. And that's Brandon Knuckles. If you follow them on Facebook, you see Brandon's videos there all the time. So it's good to have him on ROCO Live today. And you can get more information, as he just mentioned, and how we can help, how you can help, at And God's Pit Crew, just stay on their Facebook page and keep updated with what the good work they're doing. OK. All right, well, we do have a couple of guests on our program today. I'm going to slip in a little bluegrass. And then I'm going to call our friends at the Ridge, because the Ridge in Wentworth, Reed Swill, Ridge Buffet and Salad Bar. It's been going well there for some time. Now, getting ready to open their newest location, the Ridge Buffet and Salad Bar Eden on Kings Highway. Maybe you saw my post yesterday, as they were taking down the Chaney sign and putting up the Ridge sign. That's right there on Kings Highway in Eden. And they'll be opening up for breakfast on Saturday. So I'm going to give Chef Brandon Nykamp a call here in just a couple of minutes. And the latest from him, also, I'll be talking to Miranda easily at Shaw Christian Church on the Boulevard in Eden. Let's see, about 35 minutes or so is what we have that segment planned for, because she has a big women's conference that's just about to get started. And I want her to tell us all about that. And some other things going on at Shaw Christian Church. And about halfway into today's program, I'll be speaking to Amy Tilly at Sandy Cross General merchandise, bearded barbecue, coming up on Friday. Oh my goodness, that's so good. But right now, we're taking your phone calls. And here's a number, 336-932-1881. 932-1881. You'll be just a moment here to call in before I play this little bluegrass tune here. And before I check in with Chef Jarrett. But, yeah, 369-32-1881. And I'm looking at-- I think I must have had a post that went up last night about October 3rd through 31st and November birthdays. I think I had that schedule for late last night. And I'll tell you, the phone calls, not the phone calls, but the text, I'd like to get some phone calls on the program. Yes. But the text, for birthdays, that's all I've been getting this morning. I mean, they're just about every five, 10 minutes, it looks like. So I've taken probably 35, 40 birthdays this morning here, just in the last couple of hours. People are wanting to get in on the birthday club that is part of our Rockingham County Today newscast every morning, that's Monday through Friday. And if you'd like to get in on that and our weekly giveaway, well, it's very easy to do that. You just text birthdays 2, 3, 3, 6, 9, 3, 2, 1, 8, 8, 1. And we'll put you right on the birthday club. Your name will get mentioned. And the person that you tell us about, oh, it could be you. Maybe our winner of the week. OK, I'm going to play a little bluegrass here. This is from Daniel Grindstaff. This is from his new album, Heroes and Friends. I'm kind of looking at some of the material that came with this. He's got some really talented people on this CD. So a quick song. And during that, I'll make that call to the Ridge. The Ridge, buffet, and salad bar coming soon, just days away in Eden. [MUSIC PLAYING] It's been many years since we were childless. We hope this is the days that I never can't forget. You know that I love you, little darling. Though the years bring me only regret. Oh, I love you, but don't know how I love you. If I talk, will you try to understand? It's no matter how you treat me, I love you. And I still write your name in the sand. For the long, long years, I have loved you. And I've waited, but only in vain. Now I know that I've lost you, my darling. But I still sing the same old and free. Oh, I love you, my darling, how I love you. If I talk, will you try to understand? It's no matter how you treat me, I love you. And I still write your name in the sand. Now I know that you're hard for another. And it creates me more than I can understand. Though I've lost the only one that I care for. I will still write your name in the sand. Oh, I love you, but don't know how I love you. If I talk, will you try to understand? It's no matter how you treat me, I love you. And I still write your name in the sand. That's from the new CD. It just come out, Daniel Grindstaff. And, hang on, we don't hear that song in a moment. And look, I'm looking at this. Let's see, we've got pretty big names on this. Darren Vincent, is that? Rhonda Vincent was on that as well. OK, now I promise I'd make a phone call to Chef Jarrett Nykamp. I've done that, and he's on the line. Hey, Chef, how you doing? Good morning. Good morning, Michael. How are you today? I'm doing good. And I tell you, we're all excited. People can't wait. The Ridge, Buffet, and Salad Bar Eden opening Saturday. So give us an update. That's about to happen. Oh, we can't wait. That is going to happen whether we all like it or not. We're going to open it Saturday morning at 5.30. And we'll be open seven days a week starting Saturday at 5.30, Mike. I'm eager to get the doors open and fill the place up. Sure. Yeah. OK, so we open up Saturday morning for breakfast. Oh, when breakfast is served, not just for breakfast, we can come in for lunch. 12 o'clock, 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, and enjoy breakfast right there at the Ridge in Eden. Now, what will we find when we come in for that buffet on Saturday? What all will you have? So, you know, like you said, we will do a May to order breakfast seven days a week. 5.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. every single day. And then Saturday, we're actually going to kick off the lunch buffet with all you can eat wings. So we'll have all you can eat wings. And I'll be honest, we don't have the menu in front of me, but we'll revisit that. Of course, we'll have a third fresh 30 items out of our every single day. And, you know, and like I said, we'll probably look it open for dinner, but it may be after the first of the year. OK. But for now, we'll be open 5.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Yeah, well, we'll take that 5.30 to 3. Anytime, 7 days a week, yeah, yeah, just to get you back there. And Cheney's been there, I don't know, 30 some years, or whatever. And the sign, the old Cheney sign came down yesterday and your new one went up. So, you know, that was exciting. In fact, one of your neighbors, one of the merchants, one of the businesses sent me a couple of pictures. And I'd already been there and taken some pictures, but, and I saw you posted some too. So, yeah, when the sign goes up, that's pretty official. Our footprint has been made. That's the way we felt yesterday. And that was, it was kind of like the topping on the cake for us, Mike. You know, when the sign goes up, it was, it was really business time. Yeah. Yeah. And now I've got that lunch buffet for opening day. Lunch buffet. We're going to have all you can eat bone in or boneless. That's wean, we will have our famous ridge, eastern style barbecue. Your sides are going to be cheesy scalloped potatoes, fresh onion rings, southern style green beans, cowboy baked beans, and, of course, the 30 item salad bar every day. Oh, my goodness. Oh, that sounds so good. Oh, gosh. Okay. All right. And I want to go back to you to what you said a moment ago, breakfast to order. You know, what, if I want to come in and want my eggs fixed a special way, you can do it. That served. We've got fried eggs, scrambled eggs, we got, uh, post eggs. And that's actually one thing we're very excited to be adding to the menu. It's a whole Benedict section. Mm. Okay. That sounds good. So one of our famous Benedicts is going to be there is we'll have a Ruben Benedict. Oh, wow. Okay. So you, you know, you'll have the post eggs with sauerkraut and corned beef. It's going to be delicious. Mm. Mm. Oh, I know it will. Well, you know we had to put our own stand on a breakfast menu, right? Sure. Oh, of course. Yeah. Yeah. Well, uh, we've all been to, uh, hopefully everybody who know who's been to the Ridge knows what, uh, you know, we know what good food you do and the preparation and what goes into that and the quality and quantity and everything else. That makes it so good, uh, at the Ridge, uh, there in, uh, Wentworth, uh, Ridgewell area. And, uh, and now to have you, uh, in Eden, uh, we're just, uh, we just can't wait until you get open. Uh, now, I know you've got the, uh, the ribbon cutting with the Eden Chamber of Commerce is uh, Monday morning. So, uh, let's, let's, uh, hit that just a moment. What time is that? We will be doing the ribbon cutting at 10.45 a.m. Okay. Very good. Oh, Monday. And that's a chamber of commerce, uh, Eden Chamber of Commerce event, as I said, but that's open to the public. So, anyone who doesn't get there. It is open to the public. Yeah. It don't get there over the weekend. Uh, you know, I want to come in, uh, for that 10.45 Monday morning for the, uh, for the ribbon cutting. Yeah. And that, uh, make, that's another step. We got to sign. We got the food. We got the buffet. You're open. But, uh, when you do the ribbon cutting, it just, just one more piece to the whole thing there to make it, uh, uh, just official for sure. Okay. Is there anything else we need to mention? Well, we feel like it's official. Well, we feel like it's official. Welcome into the community. Yeah. Yeah. We've worked a lot in Eden and we're just ready to plan our feet here in Eden with a new restaurant. And, um, you know, it's just meant so much to us while we've been here working. I would estimate 20 to 30 people stop a day to see if we're open. Of course, we're not. But, you know, they tell us how excited, how many memories they have and how they're excited to come back in. Um, we're also super excited. We were able to, uh, reassemble at least 70 to 80% of the original team that was here. So we were able to give back into jobs. Um, we've been able to accomplish a lot in that situation and put them to work. We've, you know, uh, you know, you've talked to our other employees from other places and tell you the family environment in which we, uh, intend to create within the kitchen. And that's, uh, what we're doing here. So it's been a good opportunity to work with them here in the build up and get the buy-in and get them on board as far as, you know, they're excited. They're ready to go there. They love the changes. Speaking of changes, Mike, I can't give away too much, but I cannot wait for the public to see what the inside of this place. Yeah. Yeah. And I've been in, I haven't, haven't been in the last couple of weeks, but I was there. I did see Bob day before yesterday, I've been in and saw Michelle and, uh, but you still had some work to do when I was there. Uh, so have you been in, you know, last, uh, couple of weeks at least, as I said, but, so, uh, yeah. So you can't, we just have to come see. You can't tease us too much on that. We got it. We got to come see. But there is a theme. And then something else with that. Yo, it's definitely a theme. Yes. We are here celebrating eating and celebrating the river system. Yeah. That gives you a clue. Mm hmm. Um, and then just one additional thing that we feel was important to do is we were able to actually received a applied and received a grant, uh, that was brought to us through the Small Business Center at Rockingham Community College. So every one of our employees will have surf safe, um, which is a food quality management education program given to them at no expense over the next six months. Wow. Oh, that's good. So we just feel like it, you know, and, and those, while we would like to hold on to our employees as long as possible, it gives them skills and certifications where they can go other places that they ever need to. So it's a transferable certification. So that's just another way we can give back to the community and education as well. Mm hmm. Sure. Well, as you said, uh, just a moment ago, I know you got your, your lunch buffet going there in, in reads right now, but, uh, just another minute, but, um, you know, just bringing back some of the old team members that, uh, uh, people, uh, love their, uh, when it was Chinese, uh, they're, they're gone and, uh, the ridge buffet and salad bar Eden is, uh, is about to open. So, uh, yeah, good, good to have, uh, familiar faces back and, you know, and that, that's important when people come into a restaurant, you know, they say, oh, well, they already know what I want to order, you know, what, what, what I want to drink, you know, whatever. So, uh, that's, that's always good too. Yeah. Okay. Well, anything else? I think we're good. Other than we'll see everybody at five thirty Saturday morning. I don't know if I'll make it quite that early, but I'll be there. See you then. All right. My friend. Thank you guys for calling in. All right. Thank you, Jared. All right. Bye. Chef, Jared, Nye Camp and Heidi Nye Camp, uh, yep, uh, about to open their newest location and that is on King's Highway in Eden. The Ridge, um, salad, uh, the buffet and salad bar and all of that that we, uh, uh, love so much. It's so good there in, um, at the Ridge in Wentworth Reedsville area. And they also have the, um, the Delhi, um, at Rockingham Community College, the, um, the Ridge, uh, Delhi at RCC. So yeah, doing all kinds of good things. And as, uh, as Jared said, uh, in that conversation, he's, uh, certainly established himself with all the catering that he's done and, uh, the different work that, um, he does all around the county that people know of the quality and the, what he stands for in, uh, in, uh, his business. And so that's bringing it, transferring right there to Eden. So good to have, uh, him, uh, in that location there on King's Highway. Breakfast is served starting at 5.30 Saturday morning. All right. Now I'm going to talk to our friends at Sandy Cross General merchandise, our sponsors of ROCO Live coming up in, uh, about three minutes, actually, well, four minutes. I'm looking at the time on this song, nope, I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to skip over that one. I'm going to, I'm going to make it about three minutes. And so I can get to Amy Tilly sooner, but we're listening to, uh, some tracks today from Daniel Grindstaff, his new heroes and friends album. And I'm going to go ahead and get to the end of the show. I'm going to get to the end of the show, and I'm going to go ahead and get to the end of the show, and I'm going to get to the end of the show. But the pathway I climb through the woods and the pines, to be with my calling along. I'm going to get to the end of the show, and I'm going to get to the end of the show. And I'm going to get to the end of the show, and I'm going to get to the end of the show. And I'm going to get to the end of the show, and I'm going to get to the end of the show. I'm going to get to the end of the show, and I'm going to get to the end of the show. Now that's one of my favorite songs. We'll have a couple more cuts from this album before we finish up. But right now, as promised, Amy Tilly is on the line at Sandy Cross General Merchandise in Reads Will. Amy, how you doing? Good morning. Doing well. Good. Well, I've already mentioned Bearded Barbecue Friday. Oh, my gosh. It's so good. That is great. We got a whole lot of activities coming up over the next few weeks, and Bearded Barbecue is one of them. Yes. We will not be having hot dog Thursday in October, just wanted to make sure everybody knew that because they will be at Harvard's Ridge in Ruffin all month. So we'll see Robert back in November, but for now, no hot dog Thursday, but we're working on some other activities for Thursday to get people out and about towards the store. Okay. Well, we'll miss Robert, but we'll try to muddle through somehow. But you had Taco Tuesday yesterday, and that went well. We did. We had West Coast laundry yesterday, and it was very, very good. And she is going to be coming back on October 15th, and I'll know more about the times in a few days. But she is a lady to come back. If you miss getting to try her food, it's really, really good. You definitely come give it a try, highly recommend the crispy chicken taco. Oh, that does sound good. Okay. Yeah. All right. And it was, so we said lunchtime with Bearded Barbecue, and that will be tomorrow tomorrow. Tomorrow, tomorrow you have a new food truck coming for supper. Oh, okay. We have soulful plates there from Greensboro. They serve soul food and country food, so fish and shrimp, and pork chops and ribs, and then all kinds of sides like collard greens and macaroni and cheese, fried over things like that. So if you need a dinner option, she'll be with us from 5 to 8.30 tomorrow night. Okay. We are super excited. It'll be her first time coming, so come out and support so she will hopefully come back soon. Yeah. And then Friday, we will have our Bearded Barbecue from 11 to 2, and Tuesday, we will have Boardwalk Baker, and I will, we'll be posting those times on Facebook, because that was still being worked on, but last time she was there late afternoon, so definitely anyway, I'm from work, you'll be able to get a piece of tea cake, which is outstanding. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And don't say no, it's got rained out because of the hurricane last week, so they're going to come back on October 20th, from 1 to 6. Donuts on the 20th, 1 to 6. I'm taking notes on, but all of this on my food calendar. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's also so good that you're doing all of that. Yeah. For us to enjoy. Let's come out tomorrow night, five to 8.30 to welcome soulful plates to Rockingham County, right there to Sandy Cross General merchandise. That's great. Absolutely. Okay. So you're there. Get some, get some gas because we have Sparkville company pure gas, and that's local, and we've got Andre Diesel, Alfred Diesel, 87. And then we have non ethanol 87 and piercing heating and premium 93 non ethanol, which is hard to find, but we have that. It's about buying, get some gas, grab your glass bottle drink and come trash and food to mine. And then we've got a whole lot of other new stuff that's come in the store just since we last bite. Okay. Can you give us an idea of some of that or, yeah, yeah. Yeah, okay. And we now have chocolate, chocolate brownie bites. Oh my goodness. Oh, wow. Yeah. We've also got all our floods re-field and hot chocolate beans. It's on a spoon and you just put it in hot water, and we've got hot water for you seems right right there. Oh my. Gonna get out of here. What do you call it? You get a hot chocolate spoon? It's a hot chocolate spoon, it's a spoon, a hot chocolate on it. You just stir it in the hot water, and we've got a regular flavor with some marshmallows, and then we've got cinnamon flavor. Hot chocolate, so we're excited to try the agents, and I've had one that's really good. Yeah. Just watch it dissolve as you're stirring the spoon in the hot water. That's whoever put that together designed that, they're genius and absolute genius, right there. Okay. It should have been you or me or Ira. Yeah. It should have been, but make it so I did it. Yeah, good. Yeah. And I'm running low on her stuff, so I got to come in and restock there. It's also good. Yes, you do need to come restock. We've got all the niches stocked, and chocolate covered peanuts, and raisins, and even got chocolate covered coffee beans of all things. Oh, yeah. Oh, I like those. Yeah, those are good. Mm-mm. Okay. So, breakfast bakery is back from vacation, so we'll be getting a first shipment of sour dough bread later today, and they'll be refilling all of their freeze-dried candy, and if you haven't tried some of those, they are really, really good and different, quite popular. Yeah. Yeah. We've also got a first shipment of live bait, because I know everybody's out fishing while it's cooler. So, we've got mayonnaise, rib worms, and nitrolers ready to go out the door with you on your fishing trip. We've got some feeder fire starters, which are really neat, and you can use that with our fire bundles to start your fire pits as we start to enjoy these cooler evenings. Mm-hmm. And biscuits every morning in Carolina Cafe, so if you're in a hurry, stop by, and we pick these up every morning, six days a week, and we've got penderloin sausage and ham biscuits that are really yummy, so you definitely want to come check those, and we're getting some things from Jennifer's creations today. She makes our chocolate peanut butter balls, and our ripsed peanut butter crackers covered in storage. Mm-hmm. And she's supposed to be bringing some pumpkin butter later this week. Pumpkin butter. Yeah. It's similar to apple butter. It's just the same consistency that you just made with pumpkin. Mm-hmm. Really, really good. Okay. You want to definitely check that out, and pick up some elderberry syrup, because I'm already hearing about people getting some cold, and that helped ward off all those germs. So, you want to pick up a pint or a quarter of that with us, and we still do have some apple butter that's made locally. So, if pumpkin butter is not your thing, we fill out the apple butter, and we've got some maple honey still that will be good on some biscuits, or whatever else you can think of to put on. Yeah. Local. Yeah. Local, local, local. Lots of local there at Sandy Crostian, or Merchandise, yeah. Yeah. So, we've got a new shipment of chicken salad, raw potato salad, and Brunswick stew from Hopkins, Poulton. Mm-hmm. If you haven't tried any of those, they are very good. They come by, and pick up some, and that's a great, easy dinner today, if you're looking for something quick to feed the family on the way home from work, but pick some of that up. Okay. And we are getting new stuff in every day. I've got a lot of stuff coming for Christmas. We're getting some new colors of the dishclaws and dish towels from country cotton, which is an Austrian line of base company. Mm-hmm. So, we're excited. We'll probably have those off Friday, and got some new Damascus knives that have come in. So, you definitely want to come check those out, because everyone is unique, and we never know what we're going to get. Mm-hmm. Yeah. We're deciding to be getting that stuff, and since it's getting cooler, we've got split shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, hats, tobogans, with the store logo on it, and we still have some rockin' hands, candy, finger, high school hats left as well. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. There's always a lot going on there at Sandy Cross General Merchandise. Oh! Yeah. Yeah. It's a neighborhood country store. It's called Cabin Store, and it's right there at the intersection of Irving Farm Road, Sandy Cross Road, Boyd Road, it all comes together right there, where you are. That's right. We're right in the center of the county, where the Nesus country's off the headquarters. So, come by and get some of that, and fill up on some pure gas, and sit on the porch, and have a glass bottle drink, and visit for a sale. We'd be happy to see ya, and make friends, and meet friends there, and it's just a great place to be. Yeah. Okay. Amy, this has been great. Thanks for telling us about all the good stuff going on there, and again, so-for-plates tomorrow evening, five till eight-thirty. Yeah. All right. Sounds good. Sounds good. Yeah. Sounds good. I know it's a senior there. Yeah. Why is it, whenever we talk, my stomach seems to start growling. My tummy, my tummy is saying, "Feed me, I'm so hungry now." Oh, gosh. Well, they still don't like to eat around there. Oh, my goodness. Amy, thanks a lot. We appreciate everything. Thank you. All right. All right. Have a good week. You too. All right. See you soon. All right. Bye-bye. All right. There you have it. Live on location right there from Sandy Cross, General Merchandise. And yes, they're open seven days a week. All the good things that Amy was telling us about. And Amy and Ira Tilly, they're for you and her fine staff. So please get by when you can. And let's see. Checking the clock here. I do need to make a phone call out. We did have a phone call that was coming in. So that person is listening. I'm going to give you just another moment here if you'd like to call back. And that line is open now. And you can be on the program 932-1881, if you'd like to be on Rocco Live. Okay. I did have a nice conversation last night with Melissa Joyce, Rockingham County Fire Marshall. And we had kind of a late day, early evening podcast about Rockingham County's collaborative efforts with the supplies that are being collected for the western part of North Carolina. And if you missed that podcast, you can find it right there at Very easy to find. Our own iHeartRadio just kind of scroll down and you see that very easily, very easy to find the way it's labeled and everything too about Rockingham County donations and county-wide drive. That just started yesterday. It goes through next Thursday, a week from tomorrow, the 10th. And then they have already requested that with the state to make those deliveries by then hopefully be a little easier access to get into some of those roads in western North Carolina. So they're hoping to make those deliveries from here on the 11th, around the 11th, right? The end of next week, early in the weekend, perhaps. But listen to that podcast, if you can, or I made that the lead story, the only story, actually, we're following that closely on my morning newscast, Rockingham County, today. But you can take those items right there to the warehouse there, the county warehouse maintenance building on Cherokee Camp Road, right there beside the ridge, as a matter of fact. So I just go right down the same road, turn there at the vet's office in Wentworth and leave those items. The newscast this morning has the times and locations, the libraries and fire stations. Also you can leave those supplies, those donations at all of the municipal buildings around the county as well. So hopefully you can, just said last night, we've got to take some things. We've got to step up and do this and we all should to help these poor people. Oh, it's such a devastating situation in Western Rockingham County. Another song here from this new CD by Daniel Grindstaff, and then I'm going to be talking to Miranda Easley at Shaw Christian Church on the boulevard in Eden. Well when I was just a little bitty kid I remember one time I was said that he sent you all of his love for school day. Well I didn't understand until I was grown while my daddy didn't spend a little time at home said they're running around this country that way. Well I'm looking at the world through and shield and I see everything in a little bit different light. I've got a sweet little thing I want to see in Nashville and I'm down around Dallas and rule it on south tonight. Long fits the rubber that you see were burned off of this rig by the locks of me and they got a lot on the highways in this land. I'm going to sign my name in Diesel Smoke and let the ones to come along behind me choke and try to beat this pace I'm sitting many times they care. Well I'm looking at the world through and shield and I'm watching it fly by me on the right. I've got a sweet little thing I want to see in Nashville and I'm down around Dallas and rule it on south tonight. I've pushed this rig through sweet and rain and I've driven through the rough terrain of the Rockies and the Darks of Ole L.A. All down that old Pacific shore swing north and run for about more somewhere about 2,000 miles away. Well I'm looking at the world through and shield and I'm watching it fly by me on the right. I've got a sweet little thing I want to see in Nashville and I'm down around Dallas and rule it on south tonight. Yeah I'm down around Dallas and rule it on south tonight. Okay I do have Miranda easily on the line I was saying during that song I was going to call her and she's right here at Sean Christian Center on the boulevard in Eden. Hey Miranda how you doing today I hope you're doing okay. I'm doing okay Mike. Good good. Well first off I want to find out about this God's extraordinary women's conference that's getting ready to launch right there. Tell us about that. Oh yes Taylor Meg Ministry will be presenting this conference on the boulevard. Shaw Christian Church will be hosting that and we have a special speaker Pastor Mackenzie Smith from Compassion Church will be the speaker. It will start on a Friday evening at 6 30 PM with registration of $25 which includes your meal and the worship service will start at 7 PM and then on Saturday morning we will have a prayer breakfast which will be from 10 AM and to 7 PM on Saturday. So we're looking for an exciting time I am excited because I believe this would be the first conference ever on the boulevard so we're breaking history. Yeah well yeah you're always making things happen there at Shaw Christian Church and so congratulations on that to have that conference so that's going to be Friday and Saturday and I have posted that flyer that you sent me so I've had that up a couple of times on our Facebook page and I'll get that up again here this afternoon or in the morning so but can we still get in still got room if somebody is listening and wants to attend that? Yes registration is $25 so you can register on site and we'll prepare for a number of women to come and also they can cash app if they would like to do that today dollar sign capital T A I L O R M M 2 0 1 4 and I will repeat that again dollar sign without a cap T as in Tom A is an apple eyes and e glue Ellis and Larry O is in ours and Roberts M M Mary Mary 2000 2 2 0 1 4 and so we're looking forward to all that will come have a fantastic resistant death will warm your heart and so we're just looking forward to what the Lord is going to be doing and I will play Mm-hmm yeah there's someone calling now they want to get in on it and this is at Shaw Christian Church it's 2 0 8 the boulevard in Eden 2 8 the boulevard in Eden so yeah when you see that flyer on our Facebook page then that has all the information and the cash app you're just telling us about that and any other information and a special rate at Hampton in Eden 2 for those that are attending okay now we haven't talked in a while about some of your outreach ministries particularly the thing that you do on a regular basis with with the water and the giveaways tell us about that Miranda Shaw Christian Church has been in ministry for 20 years over on 2 0 8 the boulevard here in Eden and we started a ministry of water of life ministry and now I think we are probably in our 9th year of doing this Mike Wow and to let you know during the period of COVID we never stop blessing the community particularly with the items that we give every third Saturday of the month which includes toilet paper paper towels this detergent and any other non-terishable items that we may have and also different types of water main form of water is Gatorade and Porpeo and every now and then we will get soft drinks but it has been an exciting ministry for us on the boulevard to serve the community we partner with our God pit crew and that's where we get our supplies from just God pit crew and you know they serve all over the world yeah I started this program today Miranda with Brandon Knuckles and an update from him and from God pit crew and gosh they're just wide open right now for sure but yeah but that's that your partner in this in this water of life ministry that's been going on now that's nine years now that's hard to believe and 20 years for the church how about that 20 years for the church yeah right there on the boulevard on the boulevard where the first conference for women will be happening this Friday in Sanity so that's wonderful yes yes yes okay and to let the community know that also we at Shaw Christian Church we have our worship services on Saturday evening at 6.30 pm and we do our biblical learning on Thursday at 6.30 pm so we are we started this 20 years ago as the Lord had made me to do and not using utilizing the traditional normal times that you know most worship and biblical learning are and so but we have seen since we started that time frame as other ministries have you know have diversified them themselves also oh that's right sure yeah leading leading the way there in others pick up on that yeah now when you have that giveaway on the third Saturday what's the time on that Miranda it's 6.30 pm okay also on the third Saturday of the month okay very good all right yes is there anything else we need to mention before we finish up then I want you to finish with something special here at the end but anything else about the church any activities coming up other than the conference and things like that I know you're you'll be getting into the holiday season and you'll have special events on your calendar for that I'm sure oh yes well we'll be participating in the the boulevard that will be held this come in October and I think that is on the delay that Saturday the next Saturday of this month 26 yeah okay yeah that will be there so we'll be participating in that we're in the in the process of planning our of Christmas holiday celebration we kind of partnered with two other churches so we'll be meeting and setting that that date for for those times so we can get that out to the public also to to come and celebrate with us and worship with us and so I just like to encourage at this time of all of those who have not then going in-house to their sanctuaries the ministries that they are connected with to please please sir please ma'am to start participating in in-house worship because we need the giftings that are out here and to help the ministries to continue to strive and it doesn't matter about the size of the church whether it's the largest small we all have felt the effect of people staying home and worshiping with Facebook you know media different platforms and that's good but we still need the human resources in our ministries to be affected that's exactly right yeah okay well thank you for mentioning that that's so important well as we finish up we've been talking about in the last couple of days about western north carolina and but an awful awful situation that is and we're 160 people have died in in six states 50 all right around 60 I think almost in Buncombe County here in our state and then you know the world itself these are turbulent times Miranda so I'm not telling you anything but it's it's a time to to get close to to your ministry and and and what's going on in our strengthening our faith will you close with a prayer on today's program please Miranda yes I will we come to you right now lord and we come to you with a heart of humbleness we also come with a heart knowing that you hear our cry lord you know the things that have happened in this world close to us and far off but you're always in the midst of you said in your word that we can call on you and right now we're calling on you lord to help us to be able to I should just to be able to process everything that has happened but lord in the process of us just taking this all the information in the catastrophes and the devastations that have happened we're asking you to give us a heart of love give us a heart of giving that we will be happy to and have the desire to do whatever that we can do to help the families that has been hit with this terrible terrible situation that we're going through right now but you are loving god and you still in the midst you said in your word that you will provide everything that we need so god I'm acting that you provide everything everything that is needed with each family each person in every part of this world so we're going to give you the highest praise because we know that you can call on you because you're faithful in your promises you said that you will give us peace that surpasses all understanding and lord we need it right now lord you say that we can look to the hills with comments I help and we know that I help come from you so god give us that presence of you with your loving arms around us and comforting us through all that we are experiencing right now and we give you the praise we give you the glory we give you the honor in Jesus name we pray amen amen amen all right thank you marenda always good to talk to you thanks for everything talk you again soon all right all right bye thank you all right our friend marenda easily she is the pastor there at shawakrishnan church on the boulevard in eden again that conference women's conference starting friday friday and saturday so i'll um i'll invite you to check our facebook page might more media and you'll find that flyer and get more information be able to uh still sign up for that all right we'll finish out one one more song here from uh daniel grindstaff thank you for listening to our program remember roco live is available every wednesday morning in the 11 o'clock hour so all you need to do is tune in and call in if you'd like to be a part of the program your comments are welcome on any topic once i was born in the ranks of my sins wretched and poor lost in lonely within but with wondrous condition the king of all kings in pity and love took me under his wings oh yes oh yes i'm a child of the king in his royal blood now flows in my veins and i who was wretched and poor now can see phrase gone phrase gone i'm a child of the king now i'm a child with a heavenly home in my holy form well he makes me years old and i washed his blood and i'm cold in his love and someday i'll sleep with the angels above oh yes oh yes i'm a child of the king and his royal blood now flows in my veins and i who was wretched and poor now can see phrase gone phrase gone i'm a child of the king and i who was wretched and poor now can see phrase gone phrase gone i'm a child of the king [MUSIC PLAYING]