The Todd Herman Show

So, Caitlin Clarke’s FANS are now the problem? How do non-citizens get to police citizens? Ep-1866

Caitlin Clark's fans are now the problem because they're all racist. Well, or at least a bunch of them are racist. And obviously, there's no other racism in the WNBA; it's not like it's a sin problem for mankind. Did you know that non-citizens get to police citizens? How does that work? Exactly. I just wonder. Plus, the FCC has decided to obviate some rules about who gets to own media properties for a man who loves America so much he wants to see it toppled. 
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Broadcast on:
02 Oct 2024
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Welcome to the three stories version of the Todd Herman shows a friend of mine noted yes we do use different theme music for this created by Tofur Paul love it and here's what's coming up in three stories so Caitlin Clark's fans are now the problem because they're all racist well or a bunch of them are racist is that what to understand because there's no other racism in the WNBA it's not like it's a sin problem for mankind it is how to non-citizens gets police citizens how does that work exactly I just wonder plus the FCC has decided to obviate some rules about who gets to own media properties what with this 25% foreign ownership headed up by a dude who loves America so much he wants to see it toppled George Soros we'll talk about this all with the help of our YouTube channel slash after Todd Herman show and god almighty. The Todd Herman show is 100% disciplined by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere no from the high mountains of free America here's the Emerald City side Todd Herman Today is the day the Lord has made and these are the times to which God has decided we shall live and I continue to be fascinated by the aspect of the WNBA that surrounds Caitlin Clark a record setting rookie year she just did an interview with 60 minutes and talked about her game and how it came to be and I'm also fascinated by the number of people who respond to this on YouTube simply me posting comments about the WNBA I don't watch the WNBA I watch clips of the game I've watched enough of Caitlin Clark to see why she's a phenomenal player and I made a mistake and I want to own that mistake I said last week talking about someone stabbing Caitlin Clark and I said I think that's angel race I looked at it I said to say I think it wasn't it wasn't angel race I want to apologize to miss Reese it was Demustered Carrington who laughed about it's a laughed about stabbing Caitlin Clark in the eye friend of mine named Matt really falls to the WNBA he's a basketball guy loves basketball and he says that Caitlin Clark gives out as good as she gets she can be as physical as anybody that's interesting because I haven't seen any highlight reels of Caitlin Clark running people down from behind and tackling them or stabbing them in the face with fingernails but the Caitlin Clark saga is something that is all undertone right now the WNBA is a grievance league it was founded as a political organization it was founded as a grievance league the first night they played in Seattle it was an abortion fundraiser you were to wear pink for Planned Parenthood it wasn't then about basketball and it's not really about basketball now it should be because there's some incredibly talented players in this what's fascinating to me now is having watched Caitlin Clark play when I see a WNBA highlight reel come up even if it's not Caitlin I'm pretty drawn to looking at it brings me back to the days when my daughter was a competitive athlete and I got to like female pro soccer female tennis which I think is actually better tennis than male tennis there's a woman named Brittany Griner and there's a lot of people who and I'll just say it because it's common knowledge they question that phrase that woman named Brittany Griner that's a question in some people's minds I don't know Brittany Griner was of course imprisoned and got out of prison she broke the rules in Russia and ended up being in prison there for drug use or for drug possession and she's talking about fans of the WNBA and I think by inference maybe she's talking about Caitlin Clark fans how do you feel about what has happened over the past year with the W since you first came in to where it is now and obviously the game has grown and people have there's new fans but how do you do you appreciate the new fans without all the noise it's common to appreciate the new fans that sit there and yell at Rachel's words myself my teammates and the people that I play against because ghetto might be opponents for both of the friends too you know they don't deserve that so I don't appreciate the new fans I think it's okay to do that but I do appreciate the new fans that respect the game that are here to grow early you know bringing people that have made another ever watch the W you know to a WNBA game so we can grow more fans like to appreciate them my appreciative players that came in you know and coming in with the spark that they that they have planned at the level that they're playing at you know we need more players coming in we do need more players coming in and people like Caitlin Clark who can light up the league now if there are people who are coming into an arena to yell racial slurs at black players that's a tremendously disturbing sin problem to hate your neighbor because of this the hue of their skin that's that's anti-Christ you know legitimately it's anti-Christ in the Christian body there's neither Greek nor German no servant or master remember that when God made mankind it was good he created everybody he loves his creation he wants us all to join his family my question is this honestly where's the footage where is the cell phone footage of people doing this we live at a time and maybe it's a good thing where if you say that in the arena you're using an n-word for somebody that you're going to be tossed from the arena and you're going to be in video doing it and you're going to be confronted now again I don't go to the games that person plays in the games and that person is experiencing ways that I can't claim to be but I have media experience the media salivates for opportunities to point out racism I would think that some of the political activists who sometimes talk about sports at ESPN would want to take footage of this and blow it up particularly if they could connect it to Caitlin Clark because ESPN pretended that there was a close contest between Angel Reese and Caitlin Clark for rookie of the year and it was only a pretense and out of like 12 or 15 stats they track Angel Reese beat Caitlin Clark in one of them if this is going on it should be stopped if it's going on it should be on camera or it reminds me of something political and Andrew Breitbart had offered at one point a quarter million and then half a million and then ultimately a million dollars for anybody who could produce footage of people during the original tea party when they were protesting the Obamacare bill yelling racial slurs Nancy Pelosi made a decision to not use the secret entrance it's not secret but the private entrance from the house offices into the ceremonial building where they do their business there's a train and only members get to go on the train they could have done that she didn't she decided to walk across the capital on knowing that there were people out there outraged about Obamacare and then she and some people who pretended to be concerned about racism went forward and said oh they were yelling racial slurs at the black members my wife was there she took footage she could have reached out and touched Nancy Pelosi and that cadre of people there were no N words a million dollar reward maybe we need someone like an Andrew Breitbart to offer a million dollars for this and if we identify the people great shame them oh there's good news in the world of sports and then we'll go back to the WNBA there is good news in the world of sports Boise State their female volleyball team decided to not play against San Jose State because in San Jose State they have men playing in the league this has now been doubled down on by the University of Wyoming girls volleyball team who's refusing to play against San Jose State for the same exact reason they have a man on their team it's a return to sanity and it's a way to stand up and by the way San Jose State wins they get a W because it's a forfeit maybe San Jose State makes it into the finals so be it they've had their reward they've had their reward this is a woman named aja wilson speaking in this video and she's the daughter of a professional basketball player she apparently went to private school throughout her childhood and she's talking here about other people's privilege women age reminds me a lot of you like you say you're not really about me she knows how her privilege has gotten her from that point and also like she couldn't act a lot but like she understands her performance and she's over the top and it reminds me a lot of you and I think her privilege pushed her over the top there's a thing called trained victimhood and it's to view everything through the lens of I am a victim I do bad things because other people did things or or putting aside that you were raised by a professional basketball player putting aside private school putting aside the fact that you're sitting courtside at a game with undoubtedly expensive seats you've determined someone else's privilege to rise above based upon a measure that is the thinnest possible measure of who we are it's trained victimhood it's learned victimhood and it gets down to the most ridiculous level something that isn't even race it's not it's a color our bodies are utterly miraculous things they should be respected more than that our bodies are capable of doing phenomenal healing sometimes they need help but sometimes you can use your own body to heal itself sometimes you need outside help my friends at renew health care renew dot health care they deliver a form of healing that is utterly miraculous you want to hear about it it's called stem cells these things beam with building energy and in the case of renew they never do anything related to abortion to get the stem cells it's only placentas and umbilical cords period that's it when these enter your body they fight inflammation I've done I've done this twice I've been the recipient of it twice one was about eight days after shoulder surgery when they gave me the stem cells that morning I woke up and forgot which arm had been cut open eight days earlier because it fought the inflammation then it goes about building things in your body see these stem cells they're building cells they're teaming with this energy they just don't know what to build because they've not been assigned a role so when they're injected in your body in the right way in the right place they'll build what needs to be built in my case tendon muscle shoulder tissue it works with cartilage I've seen people who went into renew in wheelchairs through a neurological injury in this case a horse riding accident walk out a couple weeks later if you're being told it's pills or surgery for the rest of your life please don't buy that please go to renew dot health care that's r-e-n-u-e dot health care tell them you are a member of the podcast show family or the radio show family or the YouTube family the Todd Herman show the ways our bodies heal ourselves is another thing we can do to reflect upon the work of God to heal our souls if there really are people going to these games and they really are saying these things to their players one of the things they should remember is that on that basketball floor a lot of those ladies are daughters of God if you were an idiot a phenomenal fool and you were willing to walk up to a dad who is with his kids his little beautiful babies and you were willing to walk up and let the disgusting n-word pour forth from your mouth towards his kids would you be surprised when you took the world's greatest physical beatdown you would have invited it you'd be wearing a sign that says please beat my face in well God's not going to beat your face in but when you speak words like that to his daughters I can't imagine God's not counting that as a sin against you is standing against you and furthermore a way to separate yourself from God you may not mean it that way but that's what happens sin separates us from God and eventually you've been separate long enough that you're going to get the shock of your eternal existence well I'm a Christian man and I go to church and I go one point at times a month and I read the Bible sure I use the n-word because they're n-words you'll sit down in front of God kneel on judgment day and the Lord's going to say well wait I don't know you well hold on I went to church I prayed in your name I baptized my kids yeah but but you were so far away from me you didn't want a relationship with me I don't know you get away from me evildoer and in that point the decision has been made whether this is happening or not is important if it's not happening then Brittany Griner is lying if it is happening then we need footage of it and we also need to offer repentance rather than just punishments or ousting from society a reflection upon why we don't do these things story number two in the United States we are a country governed at the consents of the governed so this is what this means it's really a hard thing if you think about it let me give this example about two years ago I placed myself under the authority of other men that was a really difficult thing for me to do I did this in a church environment and it took me yeah probably two years before I would sign the agreement to be a member of the church I attend and this despite the fact that I've grown to be good friends with the senior pastor and many of the pastors there I've got a ton of male friends there iron sharpens iron good Christian men but I could not sign the membership document because it was taking a pledge to follow the elders of the church I looked at this and said but wait a minute what if the elders of the church do something ungodly what their process for that the process is you go to them one on one if that doesn't resolve things then you bring the pastors to bear you have a conversation and there's a process for that and look you can leave the church nothing in that document says you can't leave it says while you're here you will respect and follow the elders and it's still bugged because I was thinking about all the things that can have us do ultimately it was humility a practice in it because God had told me your prayer words need to be for this year humility patience love the two come before the third so I did it I am now under the authority of those elders and this pastor and the pastoral team and sometimes they tell me things I don't like to hear for instance you can't really go on your podcast and call these people fools and idiots you can't go out and you have to have respect at least that's hard and I slip in our nation our founders made a decision we would be governed at the consent of the governed all of us operating under the Constitution of the United States all of us as citizens with a common pledge and a common ownership so how does that work when there is an effort a pronounced effort to have people who have not joined as citizens policing those who have I mean it is going on let's think through this in a second if you think through the minute tiny little details in your body right you exist to some degree at your own consent I mean god forbid you got harm yourself you also exist and your body exists based upon your consent into how you treat it you might be someone who abuses your body if so I hope you'll stop my dad did it his whole life he refused to care for himself he died at a young age and he died very very very sick unable to move for about a year that's an extreme case there are things you can do to care for your body that may seem odd but after a while they just become habit for instance this morning I was at my discipleship group and I was drinking my I was drinking a 50 ounce bottle of water and the guy said to me how many of those do you drink I said four before before idiom what I might drink one of those in a day right it's a habit you have to build up to it here's a habit you can build up to very very quickly if you've been through any form of restrictive weight loss losing fat or you're in that process of doing that or you have a great deal of digestive discomfort on a kissing basis let me hip you to mass times mass times comes from my friend Matt and Wade by optimizers world-class maker of supplements like this it is a product that took them 243 experiments to be able to release do we willing to release and here's the side-by-side test that makes it super easy super quick if you eat food and don't take mass times okay your body digests things at a test at Berkshire University they found that people who eat food and take mass times produce 1,200 percent more amino acids in their body than the people who didn't that preserves muscle it can help grow muscle and it does increase digestive comfort so go to and you'll get 10% off mass times in all their products so stop letting poor digestion rob you of your potential plus get more nutrition for your money the happy dancers in the news world I love how they present this with a happy face because who could possibly be against this phenomena in Minneapolis the Minneapolis Police Department swore in new officers and that includes its first ever female Somali officer then Henry was there and shares with okay it's not that she's female it's not that she's Somali it's something else she and other recruits hope to accomplish lots of hope there tonight then there is the department now has its first ever Somali woman officer and permanent resident which is a non-citizen who's lived in the community since she was a child Lindsay you said at one word that was used a lot tonight hope Mayor Jacob Fry says he sees and feels the department building back up not just in numbers but in culture. In what? We are a nation governs at the consent of the governs we are a group of citizens who have then the right to vote and the responsibility to be good citizens we also have the responsibility to understand something a country is very very similar to a life raft you can jump off and maybe there's a better life raft maybe there's a good seagull investor you can jump on to maybe it's called Canada or Mexico or Somalia well probably not Somalia you'd probably want another country because what Somalia has become spiritually fallen and they're a false faith in my judgment well a real faith but a false god but the culture if we're in a life raft and we're in the ocean and we're floating together there's some things we should agree on let's not stab holes in the life raft that's bad let's not push people out of the right life raft because they could in fact run and let's not have fist fights in fact let's work together that doesn't mean that in a life raft everybody has to have the same background we don't all have to come from this country or that country we don't have to agree on works of fiction some people like to read some people don't some people like classical music some people like country music some people were raised in a household where the man is indelibly in charge of everything other people raised in the household where they're egalitarian where the sexes are equal where they share leadership duties some people raised in a culture where the elders make all the decisions in its autocratic others are raised in a culture where it's democratic sometimes it's a republic some people raised in a faith where it's okay to bash babies heads against rocks if their parents won't convert other people are raised in face where that's not okay it is though in the life raft that you had better agree on something we're headed in that direction which one that's the island we need to get off this boat no no I prefer this because this is a prettier island when we no longer seek to have people become citizens of our country to have a reason to come here beyond simply being rescued in other words to join in being governed at the consent of the governed that's not building culture and maybe there's just this maybe it would flat bug me to get a speeding ticket from a non-citizen without regard to how much melon and they have in their skin or whatever faith their practice that might flat bug me would have bugged you the hope wouldn't the hope also contain some truth if we're going to build countries within countries or countries within our country you're going to have the same sorts of struggles between cultures that you have elsewhere particularly if there's no effort to say a line at least on the constitution at least on what the country means but in minnesota they're obsessed with creating tiny little simolias because it's pandering and its division and they're led of course by a guy who is a flat liar can you imagine tim waltz sitting around saying you know i was in tenement square i was there and i watched it all go down and i watched the tanks and i watched the brave chinese people stand up and then coming back and saying i miss spoke wait no wait tenements no i met nebraska i'm sorry i get tannemann's square and nebraska all all mixed up but then again when you live in a state where you're willing to lie to say it's a sign of hope that you're building country a country within our country where you're encouraging division where you're encouraging separate cultures where you're encouraging no ability to come together as americans where you're celebrating non-citizens having legal control over citizens well why wouldn't you lie about tenement square story number three the fcc is of course the federal communications commission it has still some pretty tremendous power now in an era of podcasting and youtube which is a gigantic media organism it seems that people will look at radio and go yeah but who cares well i tell you something talk radio in particular live talk radio still reaches an enormous number of people in fact there are people who choose radio over podcasting because it is live particularly if it's also live and local because it's difficult to get conversation about your local happenings so you have some very dominant stations to this day that have live local hosts three to five times a day and always some anchor national host the Sean Hannity or someone like that or mark levin um day in bongino they play these anchor roles and something interesting about live radio it's a medium that allows people to accidentally get information now see i have a couple of national radio shows god's blood's new with i have a weekend program on radio america and i've got a weekday program on american family radio all combined it's about 260 radio stations praise god thank you and it's a huge privilege to have that radio is different because of tune-in so in the case of aFR for instance people driving through this is a 180 FM stations pretty dominant in the south and the east people pop into a rental car they turn on the radio and here's some dude talking about news okay interesting he's talking about news and all of a sudden they hear the word of god like wow wow this guy's connecting the bible to news we've had those moments you also have this moment where you get in the car with a grandpa or a mom or a sister or brother and you're exposed to what they're thinking radio does that in ways that podcasting cannot because podcasting is so suck selective you have to decide the podcast download it and then go listen to it and or watch it in the case of youtube there's a good jillion clips to choose from so you could go and watch one of my clips and the next thing you know you're watching something about a dude building a house with his hands and a shovel those are cool videos don't look past those in fact i can sometimes get lost in those so radio continues to be important particularly on news and talk so the fcc's made a decision they're supposed to have a due process when someone brings to the table and offer to buy a huge network particularly when there's 25 ownership of people who don't live in our country for an ownership so who is this guy and why is it important well it's important because it's going to change the nature of the business some businesses need to have their nature changed they do you know if you think about the things that you use every day in your life it's probably just become habit if someone came to me and said what soap do you buy i mean right now i know but years ago i would say oh the white one with the thing and the d and i buy that and it was dove i know i know i know they're marketed to women i liked the way it smelled that's before i understood where it was made in the company behind it so now if you came to me and said what soap do you say say allen soaps why well it's because of the following reasons number one it's made in america love that number two all the ingredients are all natural love that number three it has a mission beyond soap my friend john founded the company for his son allen to have a place to work allen is very high in the autism spectrum and the the people who don't want him to succeed they've said the john look dude put him in an institution i store the kid in the box go out in your boat she made a bunch of money and john and his wife won't do that so allen works there every single day he helps invent the fragrances of soap and now there are two other young people who work there with very similar challenges but then there's this as well john said no to a gargantuan amount of money from amazon who is willing to buy out his soap company license it so they could make the soap over in china and just just make allen a mascot he won't do that so make a decision on a product you're going to use for history life a big company that probably doesn't care about your values probably uses a bunch of chemicals maybe even slave labor to make the soap or allen soaps easy to transact business go to get 10% off all their products there and even more when you subscribe so who is this guy that is buying odyssey which is 200 u.s radio stations his name is george sorrows indicated there's a transaction where a sorrows back group would take ownership of over 200 radio stations across 40 different markets after the sc originally indicating that that transaction could be reviewed and approved at the bureau level without a commission vote it's now become clear that that is a decision before the full commission and it's one that i would assume now or in the near future the commission would approve i think what's interesting about it is that the fc here is not following its normal process reviewing the transaction we have says established over a number of years one way in which you can get approval from the fcc when you have in excess of 25 percent foreign ownership which this transaction does and it seems to me that the fcc is poised to create for the first time an entirely new shortcut yeah thank you as you as you pointed out here in previously these proceedings for transfer of ownership have been expedited um what exactly makes this case so deserving of an expedited proceeding so far from what you could tell there is nothing about this transaction um that is out of the ordinary it's a type of thing that we see all the time and the fc has a process for this um the full commission itself has never signed off on a shortcut like this what we usually do is we require people to file a petition with us we bring in Nash security agencies they can review the foreign ownership it's probably no big deal here but we review that foreign ownership and then we vote here they're trying to do something that's never been done before at the commission level George Soros has said that america needs to be taken down a few notches George Soros used his considerable financial bulk to destroy national currencies he's considered a criminal for that in other countries George Soros has backed government funded heroin dens in america and then canada providing needles in heroin to people so they can become further intoxicated George Soros backs doing away with police being able to arrest people for things like misdemeanors and burglaries sometimes assaults and vandalism he backs no youth incarceration at no time should any young man or woman ever be put behind bars even if they're a danger to others George Soros backs the racial division of this country by agitating racial differences which aren't really racial at all it's just color-based it's the hugest lie in the world when race can be so interesting George Soros wants the country to be taken down a few notches George Soros backs no voter ID which no sane person can argue is a sane policy not when you want to have any electoral security George Soros has backed every significant measure that is now destroying american cities it's not just the cops it's the da's he created a mission to fund da's and attorneys general who will not enforce law yes the 25 percent foreign ownership can be disconcerting and worrisome but George Soros has expressed his desire to crush the country freedom of speech is one thing and i'm a free speech absolutist George Soros should be able to speak his mind on any topic at all freedom of association he should be able to associate with whomever he likes but if the FCC has a review process for a reason and national security is part of it a guy who has backed and funded things that are visibly demonstrably in arguably destroying this country he should have no handle on any us media properties but he sure gets a lot of democrats elected lord thank you for reminding us that there would be people like this and times like this and thank you for reminding us that we can trust all day long in chariots and horses in other words in government but what we should be trusting is in you and your love for us and the fact that you use everything even the bad stuff for good at this is the Todd Herman show please go be well be strong be kind and please make every effort to walk in the light of christ