The Todd Herman Show

What FEMA Is Busy Doing for Illegal Immigrants Instead of Hurricane Victim; Institutional Capture Ep-1865

There's a lot to get to the hurricanes and the aftermath came up with the debate last night a little bit. It’s important to talk about because FEMA has been transplanted and their mission has been changed. To a large degree, they're now a relocation service for illegal immigrants. Do you think that makes it hard for them to respond properly to something like a hurricane in the aftermath? This ongoing institutional capture has now reached The American Psychological Association as they tell kids to trust the authorities. Always trust the authorities because they're never wrong and they have your best interests at heart, as we all know.

What does God’s Word say? 
Proverbs 1:7 ESV The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 1:1-33 ESV The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity; to give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth— Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance, ...
Proverbs 2:6 ESV For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;
2 Peter 1:5 ESV For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge,
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02 Oct 2024
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There's a lot to get to the hurricanes, and the aftermath came up with a debate last night, a little bit, maybe should have been there more, because FEMA has really been transplanted. Their mission has been changed. To a large degree, they're now a relocation service for illegal immigrants. You think that makes it hard for them to respond properly to something like a hurricane and the aftermath, because there's a lot of citizens who are saying some pretty bizarre things about FEMA. A letter saying she's getting text messages for them saying, "Don't donate to your neighbors," said money, "But don't donate things." A guy flying a helicopter, trying to rescue people, was told, "Hey, you can't fly your helicopter," despite being a combat trained helicopter pilot. There's a lot. There's also this ongoing institutional capture, and FEMA is part of that. The American Psychological Association is telling kids to trust the authorities, because that's good, good, psychology. Always trust the authorities, because they're never wrong, and they have your best interests at heart, as we all know. In the debate last night, and we'll get to some of these moments, it played right into this institutional capture. It lines right up. We'll get started with the help of Renew.Healthcare and, of course, Scott Almighty. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. Today is the day the Lord has made, and these are the times in which God has decided we should live, institutional capture of so-called journalism on display last night. This is the same network CBS that had earlier asked Kamala Harris before she sees power. She was asked on 60 minutes, "Why is it that Democrat donors don't want you to be the pick for president if people figure out that Joe Biden is cognitively gone?" They didn't use those words, but if Joe Biden decided not to run, and they actually passed back on her answer, they actually doubled down. This is the same CBS News last night who did the same exact bit that ABC did. They're going to fact-check JD Vance, but they didn't have any interest in fact-checking Tim Walts who lied throughout the evening. The tone JD Vance took was utterly brilliant. A friend of mine pointed this out this morning during our discipleship group meeting that JD Vance succeeded in telling truth wrapped in grace. He was polite to Walts. He was even kind. He was conversational. He was speaking with people, not at them, even when he had to go out to moderators who are not moderators, they're political activists, fact-checking him and not Walts. He did that kindly, so kindly, that they cut his mic off because he was being persuasive and personable and warm and conversational and polite even as he went through all the lies of Walts and dismantled them, dismantled the man. When you're closing arguments as a Democrat to be VP is that Dick Cheney and Taylor Swift like you? You don't have much of a closing argument, and that was a good portion of the closing arguments for Tim Walts. The hurricanes came up. They should have come up because what we've seen in this is, of course, human tragedy. Yeah, I'm not a person who believes that the federal government can rescue everybody. I'm not a person who believes that presidents can go magically fix something by flying down to a storm-ravage region. Maybe that's because I don't find any comfort in presidents. They're employees, they take care of our common business. I'm not comforted by them appearing somewhere. Now, it's nice, I guess, and I'm different. There's our people who are comforted by that. But listen to this. This is out of one of the North Carolina newspapers. For hours, he clung to a tree and cried for help, but no one came. Residents in Marshall, North Carolina said they had never seen the French Broad River rise so quickly or so high, pardon me, the New York Times, the Cold Crane New York Times. Bruce Tipton, 75, was in his trailer home when it washed away by a tropical storm, Helene's floodwaters. As his agonized families watched, he slipped into the raging river. Now, oh gosh, that would be horrific. And the after-effects that emotionally, maybe even spiritually, would be just horrific. It doesn't help things then to know that FEMA has been distracted. They've been distracted because they've been pushed through mission creep because they're a captured institution, just like CBS is a captured institution. FEMA's job these days is to resettle and help illegal immigrants, or that's a good portion of their job. I remember something about wisdom. There are Bible verses after Bible verses after Bible verses about wisdom, Proverbs chapter 1 verse 7, "For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, fools despise wisdom and instruction." We can continue on and on and on, we can go to the Proverbs of Solomon and King David, the Proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel, to know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction and wise dealing in righteousness, justice, and equity, actual equity, to give prudence to the simple knowledge and discretion to the youth, let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands, attains guidance, captured institutions cannot, of course, receive the word of God. They can't receive wisdom. They're utterly captured, but let us remember this as well. There's a far worse way to be captured than institutional and that is to be spiritually captured, so this makes this triple worse. They're also spiritually captured. Give you this moment during the debate where the storms came up and JD Vance and Tim Walts discussed this and JD Vance talking about the unspeakable human tragedy. We'll do that in a second. I use something to avoid, I guess, physical tragedy. I use baptomizers, massimes. This is not something that's going to keep you from heart attacks, et cetera, exercise, eating well does that, but here's what massimes does do is it reduces the chances of you losing muscle as you age. It actually supports muscle growth. That's what amino acids do. They are the building block of muscle. They also, though, massimes provide you with digestive comfort, and the digestive comfort is important because it puts less tax on your kidneys and your liver, and you want that. They will not put the baptomizers breakthrough name on anything that's not fully tested, and they took 243 experiments with massimes to get to where they would release it to us. I've been using it for two years. I only now get to talk with you about it. You did a study, a test at Birch International University in Bosnia. Dig this, the people who ate food and didn't have massimes, that's one group, group B ate food and had massimes. The massimes group saw a 1,200 percent increase in the presence of amino acids in their bodies. If you are looking to drop weight or have been through any form of inject or any form of restrictive weight loss, massimes is your friend. If you want to maintain muscle, it's your friend, so take action. Go to, get 10 percent off massimes in all their products. It's Don't let poor digestion hold you back from keeping your full potential This is JD Vance. Let's start with the hurricane because it's an unbelievable, unspeakable human tragedy. I just saw today actually a photograph of two grandparents on a roof with a six-year-old child, and it was the last photograph ever taken to them because the roof collapsed, and those innocent people lost their lives. I'm sure Governor Walsh joins me in saying our hearts go out to those innocent people, our prayers go out to them, and we want as robust and aggressive as a federal response as we can get to save as many lives as possible, and then, of course, afterwards to help the people in those communities rebuild. I mean, these are communities that I love. Some of them I know very personally in Appalachia all across the southeast, they need their government to do their job, and I commit that when Donald Trump is present again, the government will put the citizens of this country first when they suffer from a disaster. The citizens of this country first. Interesting Mark Robinson running to be governor of North Carolina. He's right now Lieutenant Governor. He posted this on Twitter dash X. Joe Biden told the people of North Carolina they had no more supplies for us. I called Franklin County Sheriff Kevin White, and he said that's BS. Franklin County has been running around the clock convoys on behalf of my office and Saturday night. Their deputies have had not slept. Their leadership has helped deliver more for the state than I could ever have imagined. They will continue to serve our central state supply center until Western North Carolina is completely self-sustainable. When Joe Biden and the federal government failed to act, Sheriff White and his team took to bowl by the horns. Mark Robinson also did deals with private jet owners, and they have been flying around the clock. States and state citizens pay into FEMA. The federal emergency management association, we pay into it, just like you pay into Social Security. If you're going to have a program, maybe the program should actually do what it claims to do, but it doesn't. It doesn't because of institutional capture. The institutional capture in the case of FEMA looks like this, and this comes from America First Legal. Over the last four years, the Biden administration has steadily transformed FEMA. The agency responsible for responding to natural disasters like Hurricane Helene into an illegal alien resettlement agency that emphasizes DEI over public safety, and indeed, he comes with the actual screenshots from FEMA's websites, Emergency Food and Shelter program. The program may also receive funding to award to the National Board for distribution to local social service organizations that provide humanitarian relief to families and individuals encountered by the Department of Homeland Security. That means illegal immigrants. Now, it's one thing to state that you're going to do this through DHS, which is supposed to be the Department of what? Homeland Security. Not the Department of welcoming illegal immigrants, but now FEMA is doing this. They continue. The Shelter and Services Program is designed to exclusively provide shelter and services to illegal immigrants. Over $1 billion in taxpayer dollars have been allocated between fiscal year 2023 and 2024, and indeed, there's the program right in front of you. The Shelter and Services Program is administered by FEMA in partnership with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Pause. Border Protection. To protect the border by welcoming people in to the states in order to destroy the Electoral College count, in order to give more power to blue cities, blue states, blue counties, and at the same time serving big business, which has become one with big government. That's called fascism. They get reduced rate labor because everybody gets the assistance. In fact, they go through and show some of these so-called receipts, New York Office of Management and Budget. $36 million, Pima County, $21 million, Catholic Charities, Diocese of San Diego, $19 million, and on and on. America First Legal continues. Moreover, the emergency food and shelter program has been reshaped to provide funding to families and individuals encountered by the Department of Homeland Security, also known as illegal immigrants. This is a separate program. 685 million has been allocated to fund illegal aliens. And there's this. FEMA ISI identified people of color, women, and the LGBT so-called TQ community as disproportionately impacted by disaster, according to the Biden-Harris regime, natural disasters don't have the same impact on straight white men. That's fascinating because it seems to me, if I were to look at the urban centers in the country, seems that the so-called BIPOCs, that's really, really disparaging term the left likes to use for human beings, based upon the color of their skin, and gay communities, same-sex attracted communities, seem to me to congregate. In urban areas, maybe that's just me. Urban areas, much less likely to be really hit by floods like this, just become virtue of the infrastructure and where they're located. FEMA has been institutionally captured. Just like the Department of Homeland Security has been institutionally captured, just like CBS News has been institutionally captured by political activists like we saw with the so-called moderators last night, JD Vance actually went back at them, actually pushed back. You need to see this because he did it well, he did it calmly, and he did it kindly. That's a very, very difficult line to walk, particularly when so much is at stake. I think JD Vance availed himself well last night. In fact, I honestly think he's a better debater than President Trump. JD Vance is calm, he finished his thoughts, and this effort he made to be kind to walls paid off. Something about human nature is just so indicative of how God designed us. The fruits of the spirit, patience, love, charity, temperate self-control, that's attractive to people. And seeing JD Vance display that, even as he pushed back against the political agitators, exposing his moderators, was the thing of beauty, and there is so much at stake, not just for him, obviously for a country, but JD Vance could well be the next president. If President Trump makes it through the attempts to steal and rig the election, and serves that as four years, we could be looking at a President JD Vance, and with that communication style, that could be very, very big, and we need that in a country where every institution has become captured. Think of the way our financial system has been utterly captured. It used to be that the profit and loss statements of companies mattered. It actually contributed to their stock price. It used to be that it was illegal for the Treasury to take conjured money from the Federal Reserve, turn it into money, and give it to big companies. In fact, funny thing, it's still illegal, but they did that to the tune of $720 billion during the COVID lockdowns. Totally illegal. It used to be that the Federal Emergency Management Association was concentrated on just that, holding their resources, investing them wisely until such time as they were called in to manage a national disaster any longer, nope, it's illegal immigrant resettlement programs. That's distracting them from delivering aid. Your retirement account was not constructed for times such as these, unburdened by the past as it were. That means you might need a change. So how do you know? Do this. No obligation, absolutely no expectations other than information. Have a sit down with Zach Abraham. You can do that in person if you happen to be in the saddle area. He's a chief investment officer, bulwark capital management. You can do it on a video call. You can do it on a phone call. 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Any references to performance of securities are thought to be materially accurate and actual performance may differ investments involved risk and are not guaranteed past performance doesn't guarantee future results trek 24, 3, 0, and here is JD Vance who has been fact checked by the political agitators at CBS News not a news organization and watch the kind way the smart way, the wise way, the fruit of the spirit manner in which JD Vance calmly and conversationally pushes back. But thank you, Senator. We have so much to get to. I think it's important because the rule. It's out of the economy, thank you. The rules were that you guys weren't going to fact check and since you're fact checking me, I think it's important to say what's actually going on. So there's an application called the CBP1 app where you can go on as an illegal migrant, apply for asylum or apply for parole and be granted legal status at the wave of a Kamala Harris open border wand. That is not a person coming in applying for a green card and waiting for 10 years. Thank you, Senator. It's an application of a legal immigration, Margaret, by our own leader, describing the legal process. We have so much to get to, Senator, even as she is being absolutely, kindly corrected. She has to throw in. Thank you for describing the legal process. Legal. How? How did it become legal? Did the United States Congress debate a bill in the United States Congress starting in the House because it would start with spending to give the CPB app to illegal immigrants so that they can skip the line, go over the border, not even be counted in a border encounter. And then it was debated in the Senate. And then they came together as two committees, some people from the House, some people from the Senate, and then they had a combined committee, House and Senate committee. Then they finished the legislation, edited it, and put it up to the desk of figurehead Biden who then carefully reviewed it with his staff and ultimately signed it with a pen. Nope. The customer border patrol bosses said, let's do this. And because Congress has been institutionally captured because they passed on the duties that belong to them, to the regulatory agencies, once a regulatory agency invents a dick-tat out of thin whatever, pulls it from from from wherever, it takes the force of law unless the Congress of the United States, the elected officials, push back on it within, I think it's 90 days. It's utterly upside down. Our entire government system is institutionally captured by people who don't exist. Well, because the deep state doesn't exist. That's a right-wing fever swamp nightmare that doesn't exist. We're a democracy. We make decisions by democracy, isn't that how it works? Institutional capture is complete at that level, and that's simply a process level. Remember, people are process. People are policy. The policy was let the illegal immigrants skip over the border, which allows people like the political activists who were posing as moderators in this debate to say things like, "But the border and counters are down." They've been going down for months, right, because people are flying over the border. Institutional capture is working across our cross-roms. It's in business, it's in psychology, and I think it's in psychology where it most bothers me, because institutional capture in psychology is being combined with spiritual capture to close down the minds of kids. I'll show you that. I'll also show you a guy who, and God forgive me, I don't know this guy, but sure seems to me to be a thuggish dude. Have you seen the guy who runs the long Sherman's Union and heard him just drive what he intends to rain down upon America? This is big business, just like big business is, union is big business. I'll tell you about this guy's money that he takes off the working men backs and the number of yachts he owns. Elon Musk says it's more than he owns. See, that's a huge problem with big business. Small business doesn't get to do that. It doesn't get to cozy up to government, and that's a good, stinking thing. I'm afraid no man runs a business. And years ago, came to him and said, look, we love your brand. Your brand is brilliant. We love this, but you're spending too much money making the product. Let us take over. You'll keep the brand. We'll have the product made in China, and we'll handle all the logistics, and you can turn your business into something that earns five, six, seven times as much money. My friend pushed back and said, no, no, no. This isn't about money. This is about mission. The product matters to me because my son's name is on the product. It also matters to me because I'm a moral human being, and they said this, oh, oh, oh, this is about your boy? Oh, cool. Make it a foundation. We'll make it a foundation, and we'll give proceeds to this. Now it's tax-free, baby. You got your Zuckerberg Foundation. So what company was that? Amazon, Amazon came to Amazon and said, let us do that for you. Have the soap made by slave labor in China? Increase your margins by 90%. We'll promote it across our sites. We'll make it a featured product. You're going to be rich. When rich didn't work, it was, hey, you're not going to pay taxes. It's a foundation. So what's the real reason John didn't do that? Well, where would Alan work? It's about the dignity of labor. Even in the Garden of Eden, we were told that we would work in the Garden, in the New Heaven and the New Earth. We will have roles. We will be expected to work. Why would Alan be different? Just because he's riddled by autism, to the degree that he's largely nonverbal, has been through 18 surgeries. That was when it was only Alan working there. Now Ian works there and a young lady works there. All those young people, the party would have tossed out. You're going to buy soap for the rest of your life. The next time you pick up a bar of soap, remember who built it, who created it, and what their motive is, and know that you can make a difference. You can change right now. Go to You get 10% off all their products there, and every time you wash your body or your hands, you are proving that to you, all lives matter. There's been an institutional capture of big businesses. We've talked about labor unions are big business. Here's the business model. Have as many people employed as possible without regard to their individual output, and pitch this as collectivism. Oh, wait, not collectivism, equity, fairness. It is collectivism. Labor unions have a strong tie to communism. They have a strong tie in these groups like the longshoremen. There's a historical tie to the mob. I am not calling longshoremen mobsters. I think, generally speaking, people who perform these tasks and caret these duties are feeding their families in good paying jobs that we need as a country. We don't function as a country without longshoremen, and they should be paid, and they should be protected because it's a stink and dangerous lot of work. So how is it that they end up with a guy like this who siphons off of their paychecks, bucks money out of their pockets to the tune of 900,000 bucks a year? Elon Musk to look at this guy's yachts and came back and said, "Dude owns more yachts than I do," including a 76-foot yacht. Watch and listen to this man describing what he intends to do to the American economy and tell me, do you hear truth wrapped in grace? Do you hear reluctance in this? These people today don't know where the strike is. When my men hit the streets from main to Texas, every single port will lock down. You know what's going to happen? I'll tell you. First week, be all over the news every night, boom, boom. Second week, guys who sell cars can't sell cars because the cars ain't coming in off the ships. They get laid off. Third week, malls start closing down. They can't get the goods from China. They can't sell clothes. They can't do this. Everything in the United States comes on a ship. They go out of business. Construction workers get laid off because the materials aren't coming in. The steel's not coming in. The lumber's not coming in. They lose their job. Everybody's hating the longshoreman now because now they realize how important our jobs are. Now I have the president screaming at me, "I'm putting a TAF Harley on you." Go ahead. TAF Harley means I have to go back to work for 90 days after cooling them off period. Do you think when I go back for 90 days, those men are going to go to work on up here? It's going to cost them money, the company's money to pay their salaries. Well, they went from 30 moves a now and maybe they ate. They're going to be like this. Who's going to win here in the long run? Get better off sitting down and let's get a contract and let's move on with this world. In today's world, I'll cripple you. I will cripple you and you have no idea what that means. Nobody does. Where they eat and you live, but proudly, I will cripple you. When he talks about 30 moves an hour down to eight, of course, what he means is a work slowdown. In other words, stealing. When we work, we're to work as if we're working for the Lord Jesus himself. When you think about that guy, I'm sure he has tons of knowledge about the longshoreman's business, about how to make it safe. I've got to believe he's got that. I also know his job is not being a longshoreman, but he says our jobs, his job is taking a rake straight off the paychecks of working men. In the Bible, we read about the difference sometimes between knowledge and virtue and how they can lean into each other. This is, in fact, part of my life verse that I use. Second Peter, verse one through five, this is verse one, for this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue and virtue with knowledge. And that continues, and I should have grabbed the whole thing I didn't. That's fine. We'll just read it. And knowledge was self-control and self-control was steadfastness, steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness and godliness with brotherly affection and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who relaxed these qualities so near sight of these blind, having forgotten he was cleansed from his former sins. Now, I don't know if that union guy knows the Lord. I have no idea if Harry Jagged knows the Lord. I would look at his statement and say, "I don't think he cares about the Lord. I'm going to cripple you." That sounds a lot like, "Hey, that's a nice dry cleaning business you got there. Be ashamed if someone burned it down." We can make sure that doesn't happen. Tim Walts talking about this said, "Well, I'm a union man. Oh, you're not. You pander to the unions. You're not a union man. You're not a working man. Never have been a working man." Oh, high school football. That's right. High school teacher. Fair enough. Tim Walts said something else, and it has to do with abortion in his state and that'll lead us into the institutional capture of health care and the American Psychological Association. This one gets to me because reprogramming the mind is a precursor, let's call it, to reprogramming the soul, and those things are wedded together. Our speech, how we express ourselves, is a bridge way to God. It's an expression of our conscience, and I consider our conscience to be our bridge to God, which is why I do everything I can to guard my mind. I talk often about caffeine as something that helps me with antidepressants. It's an antidepressants for me, and I take it in high doses, but there's something else magic about caffeine in God's design. Look, it's a cognitive helper. Admit that to yourself. If you need this, there are worse things than taking a cup of coffee for cognitive help or assistance or keeping at a depression, but which coffee? If you've not tried bone frog coffee yet, can I just say, just pause. Why on earth would you not want to try a coffee made by a retired Navy SEAL who did three deployments on our behalf or combined behalf since he put so much effort into the coffee he didn't just private label some junk coffee and put a cool seal branding on it. I mean, it's cool branding. Check out his merch. His merch is incredible. No, he went and put effort into finding a mentor. A guy who started the coffee business in Seattle in whole with Seattle's best coffee. Dave Stewart mentors the bone frog team on how to make the roast. He even roasts some of the coffee in his own. If you want to go all in, go straight in and get the goat locker blend. It's an amazing blend of coffee. If you are just in the sampling mode, get the sample packs, six samples of bone frog coffee. Here's the twin way to do this. If you're new, go to, get 10% off your first purchase. If you've been purchasing, stop paying more for coffee. Get a 15% lifetime discount when you subscribe for coffee delivery. It's in either case. This is Tim Waltz lying about abortion. Senator. Hey, may I respond to that? First of all, Governor, I agree with you. Amber Thurmond should still be alive and there are a lot of people who should still be alive and I certainly wish that she was. And maybe you're free to disagree with me on this and explain this to me. But as I read the Minnesota law that you signed into law, the statute that you signed into law, it says that a doctor who presides over an abortion where the baby survives, the doctor is under no obligation to provide life-saving care to a baby who survives a botched late-term abortion. That is, I think, whether you're pro-choice or pro-abortion, that is fundamentally barbaric. And that's why I use that word, Nora, is because some of what we've seen, do you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions against their will? Because Kamala Harris is supported suing Catholic nuns to violate their freedom of conscience. We can be a big and diverse country where we respect people's freedom of conscience and make the country more pro-baby and pro-family. But please. Yes, Governor, please respond. Look, this is one where there's always something there. This is a very simple proposition. These are women's decisions to make about their health care decisions and the physicians who know best when they need to do this, trying to distort the way a law is written to try and make a point. That's not it at all. What was I wrong about, Governor? Please tell me. What was that wrong about? That is not the way the law is written. Look, I've given this advice on a lot of things, that getting involved, getting engaged. That's been misread and it was fact-checked at the last debate. But the point on this is, is there's a continuation of these guys to try and tell women or to get involved. I use this line on this, just mind your own business on this. Things work best when Roe v. Wade was in place. When we do a restoration of Roe, that works best. That doesn't preclude us from increasing funding for children. It doesn't increase us from making sure that once that child's born, like in Minnesota, they get meals. They get early childhood education. They get health care. So the hiding behind, we're going to do all these other things when you're not proposing them in your budget. Kamal Harris is proposing them. She's proposing all those things to make life easier for families. I asked a specific question, Governor. You gave me a slogan as a response. It's not the case. It's not true. That's not what the law says. So they fact-checked it with President Trump. They fact-checked it! They fact-checked it! They fact-checked it! Eight babies survived abortions since that law was signed by Tim Walts. Well, they survived for a little while. And then they were given no care, or minimal care, and they died. That's a woman's body. That little baby left on a metal table, freezing to death, that's a woman's body. Where was the fact-checked? Of course, it's not going to come from political activists. That is spiritual capture. We all sin. I sin you sin. I've got to force the logs in my head, in my eyes. I can see the specs and others you can, too. But really, I want you to picture at the moment that Tim Walts faces the Lord Jesus on Judgment Day because every knee will bow. Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. That will happen. And I want you to imagine the Lord Jesus saying, "Why did you sign a law that allowed doctors to deny care to a little tiny baby so that little baby had to sit there and die from malnutrition or cold?" Do you know that was me in the formula that little baby, for as you treat the least of these so you treat me, did you not know that? And Tim Walts can try his fancy life. That's not the way the law was written. I was in Tim and square. The Lord Jesus already knows if Tim Walts is going to seek repentance if he's capable of it. Repentance involves sorrow. This is all part of an institutional capture, and in this case, it's the American Psychological Association. The American Psychological Association is telling kids effectively to stay away from asking pesky questions, trust the authorities, choose authoritative media channels for your source of truth, authoritative media channels that say things like, "Well, President Trump, that's been fact-checked, Kamala Harris is never the borders are," things like that. This is part of an article that's discussing this. Our brains are big and super efficient, but glitchy. The book's text state. This is straight from the American First Report. Scientists estimate that 90% of what we see here smell or sense never really sinks in. Instead, we pick up on the big things, general impressions or important stuff, and end up leaving our brains to fill in the missing info. On top of that, people sometimes twist information on purpose. False beliefs can be shared from person to person or go viral in a flash, often by people who think the info is true. According to the American Psychological Association, two-time failed presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election, not because she's a creep that nobody likes, but because of disinformation. Trump, in other words, did not legitimately win the election according to the APA. First, the authorities, like the American Psychological Association, who are telling you that President Trump didn't win the election, incidentally, I looked up some signs of intelligence. One of the chief signs of intelligence is curiosity. We often associate intelligence with knowledge, but being intelligent isn't just about knowing a lot of things. It's about wanting to know more. Psychologists suggest that a strong sense of curiosity is a clear sign of high intelligence. It shows an eagerness to learn and openness to new experiences and ability to think outside the box. People with high levels of curiosity are always asking questions, seeking answers, digging deeper. They never settle for surface level explanations, but are driven to understand the why and how behind things. If you find yourself constantly curious, always eager to learn something new or explore an unfamiliar area, congratulations. According to psychology, your curiosity could be a sign of genuine intelligence. But when we're institutionally captured, intelligence and curiosity are dangerous things. For instance, how was that wrong? Governor Waltz, I'm curious, how was that wrong? If your programs are working, why aren't they working? If Kamala Harris is tough on the border, why is she not tough on the border? When you ask questions like this, you go back to what I think is the two most dangerous forms of institutional capture outside of the psychological one, because it bridges over to our soul, the media. This is from the Atlantic. Why is it so hard to talk about race? How one woman is reshaping the conversation between black and white people in a town still haunted by racism? Also from the Atlantic. How to get Americans to talk about race? Start with a simple question and establish a baseline of trust. Then this from the Atlantic. The Trump campaign wants everyone to talk about race. The former president of his visor strategy is to make white voters afraid. That's a form of capture, intellectual and spiritual. Then there's this, that of the elites. Stanley McChrystal, former general. What Kamala Harris has won me over, and this comes from the New York Times. It is opinion piece on it via Chris Bray. Chris goes through the editorial written by the former general. New York Times alleged to the nation's newspaper of record, the retired US Army General Stanley McChrystal said that Kamala Harris has the character to serve as president of the United States, and Donald Trump doesn't have the character to serve as president of the United States. This is very important to see, says Chris Bray, because of very senior military officers writing up in a very important newspaper about a consequential national choice, draw near America, as the wisdom of the elders lights our path. So then, what examples did he give to reveal his view of either person's character? What story did he tell? What evidence did he use? Let's unpack a couple of paragraphs. This is Stanley McChrystal. As a citizen veteran and voter, I was not comfortable with many of the policy recommendations that Democrats offered at their convention in Chicago, or those Republicans articulated Milwaukee. My view is 10 more towards the center of the political spectrum, and although I have opinions on how high-profile issues like abortion, gun safety, and immigration, that's not why I made my decision. Political narratives and policies matter, but they do not govern my choice. I find it easy to be attracted to or repelled by proposals on taxes, education, and countless other issues, but I believe the events in geopolitical economic forces will, like strong tides, move policy makers where they ultimately must go. In practice, few administrations travel the course they campaigned on. Interimstances change, our president, therefore, must be more than a policy maker or a malleable reflection of the public's passion. She or he must lead and take that character. Nope, that's it. That's effectively it. The institutional capture of our military puts us at severe national security risk. That is emotional, spiritual, intellectual capture. That's what we're looking at, and that takes us right back to where we began, doesn't it with FEMA, being retasked to resettle illegal immigrants. And an opportunity to remember that the beginning of wisdom, the beginning of knowledge, comes from fearing the Lord. Father God, thank you for reminding us of this. Thank you for always pursuing us. Thank you for never giving up, going after the one, even as you leave the 99. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. of the world. [music] [BLANK_AUDIO]